The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 04, 1903, Image 4

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Split His Leg With an Axe and
Couldn't Walk But two Men
Within tufty Miles and ;
Where Were They
Fire Months With
out a Doctor. ,
S r I1M.: 3 Ti '
OnUDUCM I! Will AUI1U lac.
all day, so I proceeded to build
fires, cut wood, eto. I put my leg
in splints. I thought by this time
the bone was broken, and made a
a sling out of my pack straps and
hitchad myself round in a sitting
position holding my injured leg up
with one hand and moving with
my other and other foot. I put a
letter in the dog's collar and tried
to send him home, but he just laid
down under a tree out of my
reach and refused to budge.
This went on for five days. I
had quit trying to drive the dog
away, auu n gumg m am unu
for food; but with my many duties
I was always so full of business
that I couldn't get around to it.
On the fifth day, I thoroughly
made up my mind to kill him
mind you, I was eating under a
pound of food per day, rice and
hard tack. I was so busy cutting
wood and building fires, and do
ing everything from a silting po
ntoon, that. evan left off ' dressing
my wound on ihe fourth day.
,Cold wratuer was coming on, too.
and I had to keep up a fire during
the night.
On the fifth day in the afternoon,
my leg began to get worse. I
fwashed out the wound, and the ap
pearance and smell of it was. nor,
rib!e. The flesh had started to
fall away from the stitches at ' the
hot. torn nf Ihe r.nt. and' God knows.
I felt blue. I hadu'c so far, given
up hope at all, but the looks of
that wound, makes me shndder as
I write this. For the time being
I pot all thought of killing' ths
dog cut of my head.
Heard a Shot.-.
r . Now c:me the marvelous pirt
of my story. I had a fire under a
spruce tree by my side. The fire
.caught in cones, dead leaves, moSs
and other rubbish, and ran up the
huge column of fire and smoke
rose high above. It so happened
that Jim Wood, one of the two
prospectors still left in the country
was on a little knoll on the stream
eight miles below, when- - thiscplr
timri of smoke attracted his- atten
tion. He had cbeen"' oat hunting,,
and aftetillirig two' moose was
about to start down stream , to, hta
cabin 'seven V miles belowf' - He:
thought the smoke had been: tnade
by old Mike, the other prospector
and as there was a letter for Mike
at Wood's cabin, he started foe the
smoke, expecting to find Mike.
It got dark, and he was just ' mak
ing up his mind to camp, for the
night. Thinking he was ' close to 1
Mike's cabin, he fired a . ehot to at
tract the latter's attention ' I heard
it, and yon may be sure I was Mnot
long in answering it. He came up
and was never more -surprised
than when he struck me....
Thought His Time Had Come.
We Sat up all night and ' tlkedV;
as he wanted to make an, hearty
start next morning over to ;i Rogue
river after Mike, eight or ten miles
from my camp. He was gooe two
days on that trip, and f tiled to
find Mike. , I never in my life suf
fered as I did those two days and
two nights. By the sixth day my
3eg had swelled so around the knee
above the bandages that I thought
it would burst.. , It had turned in
color to a dark purple. Jim had
provided plenty of wood before
starting, and all I had to da was
to lie there, raking wood inte the
fire with a long pole. . The pain in
my leg was terrible. I could feel
the .fire on the wound through the
bandages, just as if it were grilling.
I thought my leg was mortifying,
and believed my time had come.
But for the awful pain, I should
not have cared , so much. I spilled
a pot of water, and so help me. T
tnuld not crawl the necessary ten
fe-tf to reach it. During the.(. day a
bull moose appeared : across ".the
deek about 75 yards from-.where I
lay;; Do you suppose I , could sit
tip and shoot him? I tried it, but
it was impossible. ;I ; finally rolled
on to my sido; and shot him from
where I lay. As he fell, be groan
ed an awful groan, just as I had
been doing before he came up.
At last, it seemed ages, Jim got
back, bringing provisions. Thea
he went down to the cabin of Mike
and brought up a stove, tent and
tnore bedding. That night the
swelling in my leg stat ted . down,
and I slept for the first : time in
sixty hours. I felt better. .
Leaving me thus comfortably
fixed, Jim left the next day for his
cabin to attend to mutters there.
Finding that the bears had eaten
two of the moose he bad killed, he
cached another one, and came back
to m. By this time the swellirg
had gone dosrn in my leg, but the
wound was horrible to look at.
The sides all fell away from the
stitches at the lower end, and left
standing like bars over a hole.
I took them out, and the wound
healed up very . nicely. But by
this time I knew what the matter
was I could feel the pieces of
boue moving amopg the muscles
of my leg. , I did not feel sufficient
Iy expert in surgery to go after them
October- 4th, Mike McMurray
dropped in upon jus. He couldn't
read a note Jim had left at his cab
in, and had gone over to- Lansing
to get it read, but finding no one
there was on his way back home
when he saw our smoke., He and
Jim built a raft, and we went down
the river. 00 it to Jim's cabin,- 15
miles below. Soon . after this, I got
worse agaio. My leg gathered,
and for two nights before it broke,
I was nutty. . It broke, and then
gathered again, and still , the bones
would n t cover. Frank "had come
by this time, and the river was freez
ing up. Frank wentover to Lan-
sing in tne nope 01 geuing Indians
to ail us, but there was none there.
Meantime we were running short of
dog food,: and Jim and Frank went
dowa the river to bunt, leaving me
alone, Mike having left us before.
Frank came back in six days to
see how I was. . One piece of bone
had iust come out through a hole
in the lower end of the woupd4 and
was reeling prettv iucev. ne
went back again, expecting - that I
would be well Boon; but again my
leg turned to and swelled again in
a totally different place on one side,
three and a half inches from the cut.
Jim came up to take me down, but
I "couldn't go, and in five days .more
Fr.iuk eame. By this time, ; there
were more bones coming out every
day or so. Six citne ont, of the old
place, and three worked out tnrougn
the fleshy part of the calf,
It was now two moatba and elev
en days siDce I had been -hurt, or
Nov. 25th. On that day Jim and
Frank went over the hills to- Lan
sing. Two days later tne weatner
was down to fifty or sixty-below
z9ro. inis time 1 was aione mree
weeks, with my leg in about the
same condition, the leg swelling op
and then breaking ont. Only one
more piece of bone came out during
the time. Finally Jim and Frank
came back, and then we decided to
try to get down' stream so I could
see a doctor. Wistarted, Christ-aV'dayo'-'-heM'wa.Jhreefeet
snow pome of the way.' " The boys
had to make" a trail ahead for the
toboggan onjwhich j. I was dragged i
and tnake a tripand a half besides
We were.-" sixteen "days going the
ninety. mites dowa Canyon .River,
to l, the Junction-, of 7- the,;W:sonth
and north forks ;of cpaoyoh iEiver.
We had 350 pounds of dried meat
to start with, frank shot all our
dogs hut fouiy, because . of ...lack- of
food. . When we got to the Stewart
I made th9;boys leave mer in a cab
in, where there wasa good ,-wood-,
pile; We got to this cabin January
9th, ,and Jj, was, alone. there, for j seyr,
enteen" days while Frank' and Jim '
went down to Duncan creek. For
the first four or tive days my J.9g
improved slowly and I thought - for
a while I was going to be. able to
walk, bufXhen it pot woifte". again. J
I had a miserable time here, most
of the lime being without any . food
except roiled oats Of which I 'grew
very tired. I hate the very name of roll-
ed oats.. My nerves got the bept -of me
towards the last of this' lonely stay.
which made things worse.- Finally r how
ever, after what seemed an eternity to me
Frank came back. - The -coldest weather,
of the winter came with him, 65 degrees
below and a wind. After a day's rest, we
started again on Our journey, and after
much difficulty reached Duncan Creek
landing, 12 miles' below Frazier" Falls.' f" r-
The storekeeper there fitted me out with
a dog team and brought me down to
Dawson in a journey of just a week. Ev
eryone, in fact, I have met on iny wretch
ed journey has been most kind. I got
to Dawson night before last, which was
the 7th day of February. : '
Dr. Norquay was up yesterday to ex
amine my leg, and he is very well satis
fied with its condition. He says that there
is a good deal of something or another,
I don't know what he called it that had
to be assimilated by my system from a
round the old wound, before I could get
all right: Also that from disuse of the
tissues, the muscles adhere to each oth'
er, and cause inflammation when I try
to use'themJ- He said-there was r no
trouble to be looked for trom the bone,
which relieved me greatly, as that was
what I had been fearing most. Of course
I have a big sink in my leg bone where
all the bones came out, but I guess it
won't bother when I get my muscles into
working order. He did not give me en
couragement tlimigh about an early. re
covery, saying it wi a question of ti;
that there was nothing ts d for it fejtf
bathing and getl tVABsagt, ' Jt'S
months, all but a few days since I last
walked. ' '
Nat Butter
Is a very populir substitute for fats
and oil. At Zterolf's.
With h's Kcee in her Back ' and
Fingers on her Throat the
Fiend Pulled Wife's Head
. . Back and Gazed Into :'
. Her Kyes as she " -.,
Hamilton, O , Feb. 26. Albert
Knapp, the modern Bluebeard, who
confessed last night that he killed
one of his four- wives, made a eeo
bnd ; confession this morning, in
which he told of five m orders, three
in Cincinnati, one at Indianapolis
and one at Hamilton: in (Jinein
nati be killed Emma Lippleman in
a lumber yard, Mary Eckert'ih a
house on Walnut " street, and his
second wife, Jennie O'Connor, un
der the Liberty-street bridge, and
threw the body in the canal. - In
Hamilton he killed ' Hanna God
dard, bis third wife. ' In Indianap
olis he killed- Ida Gibbard. ; All
were strangled, lust ; underlying
his motives. "
Emma Lippleman was only ? a
child. Knapp assaulted her and
strangled her when she made an
outcry. " Mary Eckert was also asr
saulted,' and then strangled with
a towel.' The sole reason1 given by
Knapp for' killing Jennie Connor
was. that be was angry. He cannot
tell the manner of Ida Gebbard's
murder. ' 1
In a signed and sworn statement.)
Knapp: saysi ltoftnfc tell wnat
mad ' me-- people,, I
couldn't htlpitj Sow kind of a
desire to kill took hold of me, and
I could not resist the temptation to
kill. I am sorry for my crimes,
but have no hope that they will be
easy with me.". , After, bis confes
sion a formal charge of first degree
murder was filed. . Knapp is afraid
of being lynched.
Hamilton ; O.j Feb. ' 27. Alfred
Knapp has paid no attention to the
repeated orders 6f his attorneys and
of his sister not to a.k - about bis
crimes. In- anticipation of bis
probable trial at Cincinnati, Knapp
was interviewed today regarding
the cases there, and ' especially a-
bout the strangling of Mary Eck
hart." When asked why he killed
her, he coolly replied:.
:v -VI was afraid she would tell some
thing she knew." i ;
"What did she know?" he was
asked, and then he said:
"Well, it was this way: ' I was
married then to . Jennie Connors,
the one 1 threw in the canal. ' .you
khowAind Iiwaacoingt.with --Han
nah' to ia house!oft ,T Walnut ; 8treet,lMerrill and for the purchase of an
in Cincinnati, o? Mary:, Eckhart'a
foom' That night1 Hannah land I
went, there-and Mary Eckhart went
out, and when she came back Han
hah and I were together and Mary
got sore because we were there so
long, and she said: ; :
- .b'I am going to tell your Wife oh
yojUj.'; and. then -she went out. again
to the bakery: '' Hannah was afraid
8be; wpuld tell, and said wev"Ctnjght
to' keep her from it. We made up,
and when Mary came back Ichok
ed her." V:S
"Wh'at ii id Hannah do?" Kn :
"She held Mary's bands. .That's
the reasonshe never, aiid any thing."'
"Did you-tie a towt-l -around, .her
neckTfl i!.m iV'fc'
"Yes." . ' '
-When ssked to describe Mary
"Eckhart, Knapp said: j : ?
r'She was as tall as me, and had
h i't. u x ' ru t u ,. u ui
Na't h&ir 0h. 1 knew aer when, she
was in Dayton. She advertised in
the personals and I answertdit and
Used to go to see her." : -
"Was Mary jealous of you. and
"Maybe." '
"How was Mary Eckhart dressed
when you killed ber?"
"Just in a nightgown." ;
"How did it happen that just af
ter returning from the bakery she
was dressed only in night clothes?"
"That's, the way she was dreesed
when she came in the room."
"Where was her body found?"
"In front of ' the washetand on
the floor," ' ' -r- : . .;
Asked then to describe the flight
.of himself .and the woman, Knapp
said he left first and met the milk
man, almost knocking him down in
the' doorway, and that he had seen
the milkman as he clambered;, from
his wagon',' and told ' Hannah' to
wait until the man had passed
through the hall, and that, : if ; the
man discovered her; he' would ' fix
hinjf -The woman, he said, foljpw
4 fat t8 J3alkfll ha4 , oja,
$m 4 M ..retnro,4,: pkje,wth
door to Mary Eckhart' a room, and
later threw the key into the canal.
He went into much of the details
about meeting with little Emma
Lippleman on the fctreet at Cincin
nati, and taking her to the lumbar
yard where her body was' found,
and about cht king Jennie Coonors,
wife No. 2, and throwing her body
in the canal at Cincinnati. ..
Knapp not only told how he kill-i
ed his victims, but he acted it, and
when he did this his face took on a
look of fiendishnei-s. His fingers
drew up with-1 tension and looked
like the talons of a bird - of . prey.
His face drew itself into" hard lines,
the eyes dropped toward the .nose
and bis no trils were dilated , and
he breathed hard. -. His whole body
bfcime rigid, and then Knapp was
ready to tell bow b4. killed, .people.
"I always kill from, behind,'? he
sd from between his closed , teeth.
"I get them in front of me. .. Then
I clutch tbem by the, throat, . plac
ing my knee on the back, and beod
them over. -They struggle, but not
long. -'-They look into my face, but
I don't mind that." .. : .. ,; ,
. Salem, Feb. 56. In his veto of
one of the three general, appropria
tion bills, which carried appropria
tions of more than $63r0OO, Coyer?
nor Chamberlain says; : . Z :f -;
. "To . the speaker and house of
representatives Gentlemen: I re
turn herewith House bill No. 363
with my disapproval. "
The title of. the act is as follows:
' A ir O r4 tin atinrr 0 nnrftnMo f inna m
the. payment : of certain specified
claims' against the state of Oregon,
and for the purposes hereinafter
specifically set forth and particu
larly enumerated.
The constitution of the state, sec
tion . 20, article 4, . provides - that
"every act shall embrace but one
subject and matters properly, con
nected therewith, which subjects
shall be expressed in the title.", '
The examination of the act in
question discloses that it appro
priates nearly 63,009 and covers a
multitude of subjects ; about and
concerning which the title gives-no
information whatever. ; it. provides
among other things for- the pur.
chase of lauds around, and. about
the-state monument: at Cbarnpoeg
and the improvement of .the, same,
and appoints an agent .to disburse
moneys appropriated for that .pur
pose, it provides lortne" payment
of the expenses of . the general re
pairs, improvements, - etc;,;;, of.:, the
buildings and grounds of the: state
board of agriculture, and: for ,-the
purchase 01; water pipe- and pay
ment of the necessarv expenses of
laying,-: connecting nd. installing
the same to and i throughout-the
grounds and buildings of the. ftite
board of agriculture..,;; It provides
for the payment of claims of vari
ous counties growing . out of the
scalp bounty Jaw, and the claims of
about 39 persons:; growing out of
services alleged to. have been rend
ered in connection with the . escape
of Tracy.and Merrill.- It , provides
money for the puipose of purchas
ing an artificial limb for one Frank
Ingram, who was wounded . at, tie
time of. the "escape of..Tracy and
executive mansion, including the
lighting and heatingof ihe same at
the expense of the state. It giyeig an-
tbority to th.e statetreasarerto credit
eh the. note- of one M. C.;. Starr -: the
sum of $662: accrued interest pend
ing litigation concerning: the. state's
tiJo-tO: mortgaged, -property .secur
ing said not- It -authorizea ;tbe
state land board to.,-vrefpnd tOjone
W. HWaldron $93, lewd, provides
for other things concerning, which
there is. bo intimation .o? eii.gge,stipn
in the title of the aot;:jr -7? ; - s
There are some claims therein in
which there is merit, and with re-' these- they ought '-each to
have-been included in a separate
appropriation - ' bill - - There i are
others in which there is absolutely
no. merit, aud . which - would not
have been considered by the legis
lature for a moment if: they- bad
been contained in separate and epe
cialbills as the constitution requires.
It is unnecessary to; particularise.
It is'eufEcient to say that some at
tention ought to be paid to the con-
stitutiooal mandate requiring , that
every act should embrace but one
subject expressed m the v title. if
obedience had been given thereto,
the subjects embraced within ; the
bill under consideration would have
been included in a half dozen
or more separate and distinct bills,
and there is no question but that
most of them would in such event
have failed of securing the necessa
ry: vote in the legislature to . nave
secured their passage.; . ;-.v
i I hesitate to veto an appropria
tion bill in which there is. much of
merit, but the practice .of includ
ing in such a bill item6 which
ought to be included in special ap
propriation bills is to be. deprecat
ed and condemned, and I know of
no better way to call the -attention
of the people ; to the reprehensible
system in vogue in making. inroads
upon the treasury by; unconstitu-to"wj8Ml,fer'--
M-MSfHfMif-' now .u."
aer consiuerauuu. . iue reopyusion
ity which compels me to take such
a course must rest with the legisla
ture and not with me. .,'
I therefore return said bill with
my veto, and trust that when it
reaches the executive office again it
will be separated into as many bills
as "there are subject! " embraced
therein. . If such course is followed,
there, will be an end to much legis
lative extravagance.
.. , Governor.
Ceeth Rate Decreasing.
The 1900 census shows a de
crease"of 10 per cent in the general
death rate. The decline in con
sumption is more marked than any
other disease. : Many causes are
attributed, but it is safe to say
that Dr. ; Kings New Discovery
for consumption, coughs and colds
is responsible' for the decline to a
large extent. - Many a . life has
been saved bv its use. There is
nothing anywhere just as good for
lung and throat troublee. It's
positively guaranteed by Graham
& Wortham, druggists. Price . 50
cents and - $1.00. : Trial - bottles
' ; Waoted-
Wood choppers. ' From 5 to 20.
quire of P.A.Kline.
For Sale.
Shropshire sheep" and Poland China
hogs. Wfinted to buy or take on shares,
a band of goats.
L. L. Brooks.
Notice of Final Settlement,
In the Mltter of the Estate of James Marvin
Applewhite, deceased.
administrator of said estate of James Marv
notice is nerepy given mat 1. js k Wilson, as
in Applewhite, deceased, nave med my final ae
count as such administrator with the clerk of
tne uoumy (jourt 01 Denton uouuty. Htate of Ore
gon, and the said Court has fixed Saturday the
7 th day of March, 1903, at the hour of ene o'clock
in the afternoon of said day as the time, and
the County 'Conrt room in the Court House In
CoTvailis, Benton County, Oreeon, as the place
for bearing any and aU objections to the said
flrml account and for settlement th er
Bated this February 7, 1903, .
Administrator of 'the Estate of James Marvin,
Applewhite, deceased. , .
. Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
'Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
of Kinman Vanderpool, deceased, and all per
sons naving claims against said estate are here
by required to present the same duly verified
as by law required to me at Wells, Oregon, or
at the office of Yates & Yates, Corvallis, Oregon
within six months from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 7th : day of
February, A D, 1903, ;
, Viboil A. Cabteb.
Administrator of the estate of Kinman Van.
derpool, deceased -
' Referee's Sale of Real Property.
On the 7th da v of March. 190", at the hour of
one o'clock P M at the front door of the Court
house in Corvallis Oregon, I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol
lowing described real estate towit: Lots nos.
107 and 114 in block no. 23 in the Oityof Philo
math, Benton County, Oreeon.Safd sale Is made
under and in pursuance of an orderand decree
of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for
Benton County In the suit of George H Burtch,
et al Plaintiffs vb Jennie Churchill et al, De
fendants, a proceeding for the partition and
sale oi real property.
, . .' . v.- .! M. P BURNETT,
. Beferee appointed by the said com t to sell
said real estate,
Notice for Publication.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878.
United State, Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
j any latn, ivus.
V otlce is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of cengress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extruded to all the
Public Land states by act otAugus:t 4 1892,
I ; Adelbert pl Perkins, : :
of Toledo, county of Benton, state -of Oregon, J
has this day tiled in this omce nis sworn state
ment Ho 6009 for- the 'purchsae of the N? of
NEii of Section No 28 in Township - Mo 13 8
Bangs No 1 West and will otter" proof to show
that the land sought Is -more valuable for Its
timber or ttohe (ban for agricultural purposes
and to' establish his claim to said land before
Victor P- Moses, Olerit of-Benton County," ' ore
gon, OoryaUls. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 8th
day-of April, 1903'. '
He numes as witnesses : .' 1-' -
John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon.
: Frank if dpeneer .; ...) , r
.. William, Brazellon of Toledo. Oregon, )
,Cnartes Kreger ' ' ' '
"'Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office ori-or- before said Tith
.oay 01 apru, iwu.i.
- ., CHAS. B. MOORE3,
..T".- . .. Begister.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor
Benton County
Seth H Chllds, Plaintiff, vs E E I.ongbottom,
D D Longbottom, J J Ixntr bottom ' A Boy. Sadie
Roy,' Amanda M Longbottom, John Longbot
tom, Halite Lougboitom, Delendanto.
To K E liOngboitom, J J Longbottom, A Roy,
Sadie Roy,. Amanda M Longbottom, John
Longbottom, Hallie Ingbottom, Six of the de
fendants above named: ,
In trie name of the State' of Oregon, " you are
hereby oummoned and required to appear in the
above Court at the Court room thereof, in the
City.of Corvallis, Benton County, State of Ore
Bimon or before Wednesday the Soth dav of
March, 1903 to answer to thePlahiUCTs Complaint
now on file In said Court in this suit and if you
rail so to appear and answer. lor want thereof
the Plaintiff will take a decree of said Court for
the relief prayed for in said Complaint towit;
That the Plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of
the following described premises towit:
Beginning at the S E Corner of the E Quar
ter of Section 2 being the S W Corner of tiobt
Orlers homestead Claim ; and running thence
W 80 rods; thence N S? and rods: tnence
SO rods . thence S 87 and rods to the place of
beginning ; also a narrow strip land being a part
of Lot No 3 In said Sections and bounded as
follows: 'On the E by the S EQuarter of the N E
Quarter of said Section 2 and en the S by the
land of William 'A Slate and on the W by the
land of said Slate and on the north by the land
of C C Chandler and being a part of said Lo t :S,
heretofore sold to J O Chandler by F M aeits
save and except one-hulf acre of tne above des
cribed, given for a cemetery and. ..described as
follows: . '
. Commencing at the S E Corner, of the N E
Quarter of said Section 2. running thence N 22
rods; thence W 3 rods and 16 links, thence 8
22 rods: thenceE 3 rods and 16 llnksco the place
of beginning containing, half an acre, , also ex
cept the, tallowing. - '
' Beginning at a point where the E line of the
James Edwards Don L CI Not So 7870 CI No 47
running thence East 61 degrees South I chain
and 64 links thence S 55 degrees W 2 chains to
Alseav River,:.: thence- following said - river to
wueie it intersects said E line of said James
Edwards laud claims thence Nto the place of be
ginning containing one-fonrth acre more or less
ail being In Section 2 T 14 8 B 8 W Will Mer in
Benton County, State1 of Oiegoh, and decreeing
that you have no risht, claim title or interest of.
In or(o the same anddebarrlngandjen jolntug you
lrbm asserting any claim or interest therein.
This summons Is published by the , order of
Hon Virgil E Watters, Judge of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County
made on the 10th day or February, 1903, To be
published for six consecutive weeks and the
date of the tirst publicntion thereof to be Feb
ruary 11 , 191)3. , - -
W.S. and J. N. McFadden, '
x Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Willainette Valle)
Responsibility, $100,000
A General Banking Business.
Exchange Issued payable at all' finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe. r r,
Principal Corrccpondcnfs.
PORTLAJf Otondon & Sau FrancwcoBank
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.
SAN FRAXCrSCO Demdon & San Fraacte-
. co Bauk Umited.
NEW YORK Messrs. J. p. Morgan & Co .
CHICAGO First National Bank.
tONDON, ENG.-London & San Francisco
5: t Bank Limited.. . , . .
Francisco Bank Limited. .
Time Card Number 1 21.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany. :...
" CorvaUis....
" arrives Yaquina
1 Returning: '
Leaves Yaquina. .........
' ' Leaves Corvallis
" Arrives Albany. :
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit. ,
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit
Arrives Albany ,
.12:45 p
. 2:00 p.
. 6:25 P.
. 6:45 a.
.11:30 a.
.12:15 p.
7:00 a. m
12:05 p. in
.12:45 p.
5:35 P-
Train "No. I arrives in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train. ' i. . ' .
'' Train So -a connects with the S P trains
at Corvallis and Albany givipg direct ser
vice to 1 Newport and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbusb and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, giv
ing ample time to reach the Springe the
same dav.
For further information apply to
" Edwin Stoxb,
; 1 Manager.
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
Thos. Cockrell, Agent Albany.
J. P. Huffm an ,
ArcMtect .
"Office In Zterolf Bulldiug. Houra
from 8 to 5. Crvallfe, Oregon.
1. G, ALTMAN, M. D
"' ' Roirieopathisi'
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets.
Hours 10 td 12 AM. 2 to 4-and 7
to 8 P. M.! Sundays 9 to 10 A, M.
Phone residence 315. ' ,
. DR. W. H- HOLT.
, Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation' afii texaminations free.
Office hours: r 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
J to 5:45 pnjl'1 PhoneS.'
Besldence In front of court house facing 3rd
1 f
t. Office hours 8 to a. m. 1 to a and 1 toil
physician. & Suygeon
- ' ;-W Philomath, Oregon. 5
a E; Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done. '
Office ia Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
W. T. Rowley, M. D.
Physician, Surgeon, Occulist
Corvallis, Oregon.
Oeficb Rooms i and 2, Bank Building.
Residence On Third street, between
Monroe and Jackson. Res. telephone
number 611, offioe 481. .1
Office Hours 10 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 P m.
E. R. Bryson,
Physician; & Surgeon
OflBce over postofflce. Besidence Cor.
jfiftb and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 t0.4p. nu . Orders may be
left at Grahanl & Wortharn's drug stoTflr; f
' Physician and Surgeon,
' Office, Room 14, " First National Bank
Bnilding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p, m.