LOCAL LORE. (Advertisements in this column charged for at we rate 01 10 cents per line. Wheat 70. The Ladies Coffee ... Club met Monday afternoon. Mr. add Mrs. Cecil Cathey arriv ed Monday, ' Mrs. Steiwer ardved Monday, and is the guest of friends. . Roy Heater has been retained aa coach of the Pacific University track team. Mrs Rose Selling is to entertain the Ladies Whist Club this after noon. Mrs, Anna Beach arrived Sunday from a visit of several months In the East. Mrs Virgil Watfcers went to New berg yesterday, where she was called by the illness of her mother, Miss Mabel Wlthycombe arrived Saturday from a week's visit with Portland friends. Mrs Rldder who was reported dying at her home on Soap Creek, Saturday, was improved Monday. Miss Lennie : Williams returns to- day to her home in Po.rt'a.nd after a visit with relatives and friends. , Mrs Philip Phlle returned yes terday from Albany, - where she at tended the funeral of her neice, Mrs. George E. Fish, Perry Eddy of Kings Valley has been In town since Saturday, to look after his two sons who are ill with measles. Both are etudent3 at the college. John Castle, of Dallas, bought stall fed beet cattle in Kings Valley last week, securing several head ."The price paid was four cents per pound on foot, . Governor Chamberlain has given oat that be will call a ' special con gressional election about the first of J une to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late Thomas Tongue. " i Miss Pau4Ine Kline is expected home next week. She has written friends in tnia city that she will leave Joplln, Missouri, on the . homeward trip March 1st. la Tacoma, Julia Roubinall has applied for a divorce, alleging tbat her parents forced her to marry at the age of 12, a man over thirty. She left him nine months ago. Mrs Ruth Clark returned Mon day from a trip to Newport in the in terest of the Degree of Honor lodge. She al-30 visited lodges of the order at Yaquina and Toledo. While at the beach Mrs. Clark found tweDty eight water agates. w ... Mrs Chester Avery arrived yes terday from Lake county where the family went last autumn to reside. ! She has oeen in bad health for eev-1 eral months past, and has returned to Benton in the hope that the change may prove beneficial. , The address on the Times tells the story of how tfoe subscribers ac count stands. The date shows the time to which the subscription is paid up.. What is the date on youre? What is it on your neighbors? It turns out that the Oregon Paci fic Colonization Company, managers of which gave out that they had acquir ed the Rock Creek . farm : of Wallis Nash, never completed the purchase. They signed contracts, but when the time arrived failed to put up the mon ey. Thefarm is still owned by Mr. Nash. Darwin Nash left Monday for Lincoln county after a visit elDce Friday with" his brother - Rodney, at Cauthorh Hall. He baa been for four years with the American Steel & Wire Company of Satf Frahciaeo, -feut has resigned his position, ? Another place. In San Francisco is epento" him and he may accept it about April 1st. The interim -will be spent ou the" Rock Creek. farm, ' . " j - Sam. Smith; formerly of Benton, is now sheriff of Crook county- He resided tor several years in the south I end of Benton, and left in 1890, set tling In the vicinity of Prlneville. He has prospered there in a remark able way, baying accumulated through purchase and bale of land a hand some competence. He was at ; Salem during a portion of the recent legis lative session, having left for his home Sunday.- .. Those who pay In - taxes at the sheriffs office on or before March 15th get the three per C6nt rebate, Those who pay half on or before the first Monday In April, get no rebate, but are allowed until the first. Monday in Oetober to complete payment. " Taxes become delinquent on the first Mon day in April, and on all such ten per -cent penalty and 12 per cent interest has to be paid. It cash Is not avail able, It pays handsomely to borrow In order to get the rebate. - A. Barden and son, whose arrival Is mentioned elsewhere, say that a vat immigration is coming from the Middle West to, the Coast in the near future. "If one-twentieth of those who come, remain here, there will be more people than Oregon can accommo date.'' said the elder Mr. Barden. The train on which they came West was run in three sectlens of twelve , cars each, and every coach was crowded. The reduced rates of $25 from Omaha to Portland went into effect on the 15 Inst. - Born. Monday, to the wife of Charles Abbott; a daughter. Mr. Ek returned Monday from an expended tup through the lower val ley counties. J. H. Harris and family arrived Monday evening from a eoiourn of two weeks in Sao Francisco. R. Holeate, of the Chicago meat market, Portland, was in town Moo day. He bad been out to Blodgett, near which place he owns a tract of land. L .... . ...s. Mr. Fowells has moved hia eboe- chop from Mann & Ci.'s store to the Kline rooms next to Harris' store, and makes additional announcement else where in The Times. f Mr. Dannaman came up to Cor vallis on a visit to his family after ad journment of the legislature. - Mr. Daoneman was a representative from Eastern Oregon. There is to be a regu'ar meeting of Corvallis craoge in Agricultural hall at the college at two o'clock next Saturday afternoon. . The election of delegates to attend the county. grange convention will be among the matters to be disposed of. The t. B. Irvine residence prop erty on Fourth Street, a block north of the court house, has been purchas ed by Mrs. Nancy E Felger, of Philo math, and she has moved In. - The price paid ia 8700. The sale was ne gotiated by W. A. Wells. Mrs. Felger expects to Keep roomers. A very delightful party was given at the-home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett, Saturday evening, in honor of MIssLinnie Williams of Portland, who is visiting In this city. Miss Williams is a former resident of Corvallis and old time associates to the number of twenty assembled "upon invitation of Mrs. Flett and the guests found them selves ' in most congenial company. Refreshments were served at eleven. W. A. Vanator and wife, of War saw, Ind., is on a visit to the western coast, and is stopping a few days in Corvallis. ' Mrs. Vanator is a sister of Mrs. B. M. Thompson, of this ' city, and of Johnny Nye, of Lincoln county. The visitors expect to go : to the bay for a brief stay wich Mr. Nye and family. Mr. Vanator is a builder and handles immense contracts in his line ot business. 1 ' A Rabunis Addition family fright ened a man out of their chicken yard Friday night.'and his identity is pret ty well fixed. It is not the first vi3it ot the culprit to those premises, still he doubtless would be surprised to have a warrant served on him. It isn't too late in the year for him to swear off on such business as that. George Garshwiler on Monday started for Southern and Southeast ern Oregon to look at those sections of the state. His family requires a change of climate for health, and if he finds thmes favorable he will move south. Mr. Carshwiler is a wide a- wake citizen, and we should regret to lose him. " ' HOWTHEY LIKE IT. ; -John Welsh, a horse-dealer of Taeo ma, was in Corvallis Friday and Sat urday, in search of a heavy horse. He purchaeed one from Jesse Porter. It was a fine bay weighing 1,771 pounds; also a four-year-old animal from G, Harding, weighing 1,560 pounds. The animals brought $200 each. Mr. Welsh expects to return in a short time to procure, it possible, a mixed lot of horses, mainly for- driving pur posee..: This -gentleman has left la the aggregate a good sum of money with our farmers in the past few months. . ,. ; - . - ' .: There was a social - function at the1 new home of Mr and Mrs F L Miller Saturday evening. Mr Miller is a member of the school board, and the occasion was a .reception to the teachers of the' public school, all of whom were present: Besides a de licious luncheon, social conversation and other amusements, Prof . Turney's juvenile orchestra ' was - present and rendered a number of selections. The evening was very pleasant. ; - A. Barden and bis-, -son, F. ' K Barden. arrived Saturday from Fay ette Iowa." The elder Mr. Barden is a retired business man, and the son is an electrical engineer, and both are seeking a new J home, provided con ditlons can be found to suit them bet ter than does Iowa, Mr: A.-Barden has a family, but the latter remain in Iowa foe the present. Mr. Barden is an uncle of the young man of the same came employed at R. M. Wade & Go's, The newcomers are old friends of the Colberts and other new CorvalllsIteB who came from Fayette, They are Intelligent and interesting people, and eminently to be desired as citizens. B. W, Johnson, Thomas White horn, Johnson Poiter, Thomas Calla han and Robert Johnson looked on at the closing scenes tn ; the legislative session at Salem. 'They returned Saturday;- Their home-coming was made the occasion of a grand tri umphal demonstration at the rail read station. There Judge ' McFadden, W. E. Yates, Pap Hall and a number of small boys, all bearing fUgs and a grand illustrated banner were in wait ing. When the returning clt'zens aligbtsd brief but touching speeches were made by the members of the; re ception committee. It was almost a time of tears of joy. The procession headed by a small boy beating a drum and lead by the reception com mittee started off down towD, but at an opportune moment the returning citizens quitted the parade and slid The Eaitfcful and the New Senator , Some old Memories. lyOcal republicans generally, so far as they have expressed them selves, seem to be satisfied with the new senator. A certain con tingent of the party 1 of course is jubalent over the result. One thing in the late struggle that has been more or . less marked, is that there seemed less interest in the outcome than in former contests of the long-'! rawn-out kind. During the great fight on Dolph, it is of record that petitions were carried all over Benton county, for signers, and that their prayer asked Brother Cooper to stand firm or to flop another flop or two according to the factional complexion of thev man carrying the paper. Various local statesmen made divers and sundry pilgrimages to the capital and there told Cooper, both "where he Was at," and where he was likely to be at, if he didnt swallow the right dose. In the hold-up legislature, when Mitchell did not get re-elected Salem was full half the time of Bentoa County and Corvallis states man, representing both sides ot the controversy, and the war was car ried into the very heart of Afric. The names of local citizens, great and small, public and private, who were there, could be reeled off by the dozen, but it would be criminal here to stir up old memories, and harrow up souls that are now mel low with peace and bliss. Two years ago, when Mitchell did get elected, interest in the out come was widespread all over the county,, and, there was a lining up of patriots on both sides and war paint -was everywhere to be seen. In the present struggle, it has been different. There has been at least on the surface, neither agony nor wrath, v The brethern have been disposed rather to doze and dream away their time after the manner of Representative Gault, and let ' the legislators themselves fight out the battle, though it .. is said the good biother Hayden did get numerous letters, reminding him of his duty to his country, the state and the grand old party. So, with the rank and file, listless as to the outcome, the result comes to all not as a requiem or funeral dirge on a winter blast, but with the gen tle murmur of brooks and the per fume offfowers on a summer breeze. Its all right, the faithful say. MRS FISH DEAD. BOUGHT A CHURCH. Corvallis , Methodists Eave Purchased Old Evangelical Property. ' The old Evangelical church pro perty at the coiner of Fourth and Monroe, now occupied as a prim ary school building, has b?en sold to the Methodist church peoplel The sale comprises two lots, on which stands the church and" par sonage buildings, and the price is $i 025. The papers have not changed hands, but it 'is understood that the transfer is to be made the first of the month. The sale was ne gotiated by George Robinson. The property is required by the Methodists because they have not sufficient facilities for their ' pur poses on their present holdings. ; The iieed of more room for Sun-1 day School work a s well as-suitable places fort; country -; members to shelter their vehicles and teams when attendfng church are among the requirements for - "which it is desired to make, provision. . The details of the . plan "have not yet been worked out. The local - con gregation of the ehurch is now en- .iucijFm uui. ui. .ucuij . kilt- vouuu. aeainst the church, having been; lifted by subscription at a Men's meeting, two weeks ago. White Wyandottes. Fall -blooded White $1.00 per setting of 13. office. - Wyandotte eega. Enquire at this Clover Leaf Dairy. Buy your Jereey milk Clover Leaf Dairy. All duction. and cream of our own pro- Taylor & Curry. Buggy For Sale. A good vehicle with top. May be seen at Winegar'a feed barn. For further for particulars inquiie of Alva Thompson at Corvallis Laundry, Live Poultry Wanted. Highest market price j.aid for chickens turkeys, geese and ducks. . Hodes' Grocery. For Sale. Shropshire sheep and Poland China hogs. Wanted to buy or take on shares, away to the quietude and eanctity ofa band of goats, their own homes. - L. L. Brooks. W. C. Hawley's LectureIllness of Miss Glass A Smoker. Mrs George E. Fish, formerlv of Corvallis, died at the home of her mother in Albany last Saturday of consumption. A dozen years ago, she and her husband resided in this city, where Mr Fish was engaged in the hardware and tin business. From here they went to Albany, thence to Spokane, and but recentlv returned from California, where they went for the " benefit of Mrs Fish's health. Theintrement wn! in Albany Monday. The Knights of Pvthias srave a Smoker in their hall Monday evening in honor of the 39th an niversary ot the order. There were refreshments and a programme. The latter comprised quartettes, solos, both vocal and instrumental, a recitation by George Paul and an address by J F Yates. , Several invited guests were present, and as usual at functions given by the Knights, joy was unconfined. Senator Daly returned from the late legislative session last Satur day. Mr Hayden arrived Sunday, and left for his home in Alsea, Monday. : The lecture of Willis C. Hawlev of Willamette University, is to oc cur m tne Metnodist church next Friday evenine. It was to have been given last week, but was post poned on account ot the death of a relative. The hour is 7.30. Robert Glass was called to Port land Monday by the illness of his sister Miss Lillian Glass, who was reported by wire as very ill in' a hospital in that city. No details were learned. Miss Glass has been taeching school in Crook county, and her presence in Portland was a surprise to friends. The present favorable weather conditions are a source of pleasure to the several farmers all over Willamette . who are over stocked with sheep, and have suffered more or less loss on account of the unus ual shortness of grass. Farmers in town yesterday say the new grass is already appearing and that with continuance of favorable weather, will be ample for sheep teed in a week or 10 days. Many farmers have escaped loss altogether, though not a few have suffered. The Shapepd Hips, Strapped Seams, Etc. Make them the greatest sellers on the market. So when you buy a Petti- coat, just as well buy a good one. We can't give you a better tip than to suggest a Cbe 6eod$ are Rigbt Cbe Prices are Rigfrt $L25':t6 Sold only Sec KJindow Display At KLINE'S, The White Housei Regulator of Low Prices. Spring Goods Hrriving Daily. . City Stables. Notice is hereby given that we have opened up the City Stables in Corvallis and that we are well preparep to accom modate the livery trade here in a first class manner. Good attention will be given to the rare of transient stock and regular boarders. A share of thepatron aee is solicited, ' ' Winegar & Hodges. Mrs J. W. Hamilton of Lebanon left yesterday, after a visit with her son who is a student at the college. Attention, Taxpayers. If will assist me materially in getting up the best possible assessment, i f each taxpayers will ascertain and be able to give when I call for his assessment, the following: The amount of land he owns in each road and school district, and the section, township and range in which it lies. Also, where there are special school levies, clerks are requested to pro vide me with a list of taxpayers as shown by such levy. Howard L. Bush, Assessor. . .... . - - .- - IlilsiIlialsilllsJis mm Our January Red Tag. Sale was a grand succes. Our cus tomers were well pleased with the bargains procured, and we now have remaining a few Choice Remnants in Wool Dress Goods, Outing Flannels, Fancy Stripe Flrari Sizes in XXnderwear, GprsEitsr Etc. I mm mm mm Bring Eggs and Butter as well as the cash, tv miller Pays Bfgbest Pr We are assured that this spring will be an Alpaca season, and we have bought a complete line of these goods. A few choice ones have already arrived, in colors and black, which we have marked at a very low figure. We have received one shipment of wash goods including A, F. C. Ginghams, Chambray and Mercerized Linens. What One Dollar in Cash will Buy this Week In Our Grocery Department. Twenty Pounds D.; G. Sugar....... $1 00 Nine Pounds Lion Coffee.:.......... 1, 00 Nine Pounds Golden Sun . Coffee.. 1 00 Twenty-Five Pounds Prunes 1 00 ,Fifteen Pounds No. 1 Rice............ 1 00 Two Bushels Potatoes..,..... ..: 1 00 Five 3-Pound Cans Padlock Pchs. 1 00 Six 3-Pound Cans Palo Alto Pchs. $1 00 Nine 3-Lb. Cans Stand. Tomatoes 1 00 Nine 2-Lb. Cans Standard Corn. .. 1 60 Fifteen 3-Lb. Cans Tomatoes........ 1 00 Eleven 3 Lb. Cans Astd Pie Fruit 1 00 Five 2-Lb, Cans Sliced Pineapple 1 00 And Other Big Bargains, Each ... 1 00 mm K miller, orafii$t Oregon, mm pDfsi mm '.,.' . .' .. .-N. .... .1". .,