The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 25, 1903, Image 2

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    CorvalHs Times.
Official Paper of Benton County,
OR TALUS, OREGON, FEB. 85, 1903.
When a joint assembly of a
publican legislature in Oregon,
jects Harvey W. Scott for the sen
atorship, the spectacle is akin to
amazing. It is no disparagement
of Mr. Fulton to say that Mr, Scott
has done more for the republican
party in Oregon than has any score
of men in it. For forty years his
great ability has been spent in the
promotion of republicanism, and
in converting disciples to its faith.
He has not only given the best
years of his life to the party, but
he has, in addition laid at its feet
a great newspaper with which its
battles have been fought and its
victories won. It is a fact so pat
ent as to be beyond cavil, that to
the work of Mr. Scott and his Ore
conian is due the fact that within
twenty five years, Oregon has been
transformed from a democratic into
a cure rermblican state. The char
acter that ,he has stamped on
that newspaper has been such that
it "hue P-yprfpd a commanding in-
flnpfv that has been effective in
drawing recruits to the republican
party.- It is unquestionably true
that if, through all these years, Mr,
Smtt had elected to conduct his
newspaper in the interest of dem
ocracy, the republicans in the state
would be in the minority, and that
in the places of many of those re
publican members who repudiated
lim for senator, there would have
been democrats. It is wholly and
practically probable that but for the
implements of war that Mr. Scott
has constantly kept in the hands
of the republicans ot Oregon, the
senator elected by the late joint as
sembly would have been, not a re
publican, but a democrat. ,
Indeed, whatever of prestige the
republican party has in the state,
. whatever of preferment its partis
ans enjoy, Mr. Scott and his paper
gave them. Whatever loaves they
have divided, his toil and talents
supplied. If ever there was a con
dition in which a party organiza
tion from sheer gratitude was in
debted to an individual, it is mani
festly, signally and unquestionably .
true in the case of Mr. Scott. His
brain, his canital. the 'influence of
his paper, his life-work until he
has. reached that period in his
career where reward is already long
overdue all these have been un
complainingly and constantlyllaid at
the feet of republicanism in Ore:
gon. A , reasonable regard for the
service he has rendered his party
in the state,, should, when his name
was presented as a candidate at
Salem, have .dictated his election by
an ; enthusiastic and unanimous
vote. ,-! ' i
Of other considerations that ren
dered the rejection of Mr. Scojt
surorisine. there are many. A
senatorship is not merely for the
securing of bounty from govern
ment for communities, but for com
batting and solution,, of intricate
and -weighty problems,, national and
international. It is : not for the
bestowal of .patronage upon favor
ite supporters, but for nice ad
justment of the relations ,of .so
ciety so far as legislation, cpn order
them, so that the greatest good
may come to the greatest number.
It is not for yielding obeisances and
support to measures because the
party boss orders it for partisan ad
vantage, but for shaping and mould
ing nationaljpolicies for the nation's
highest good and the welfare and
glory pf all the people. It is com
mon knowledge that in all these re
quirements the veteran Oregon
journalist would have been, in the
completest sense, a senator, the
peer of the best, and an honor to
Oregon might have made a far
worse selection than Charles W.
Fulton for senator. The fact that
he is a resident of Astoria in no
sense unfits him for the place.
There was never any merit in the
contention of the Multnomah dele
gation that the fact that he resided
out of Portland made him objection
able. That was only the sharp ruse
of politicians who desired his defeat
for the reason that they wanted
some other person elected. -
The fact that Portland already
has one senator, eliminates any
claim she may have for another.
Indeed, there is much of Oregon
outside of Multnomah county and
it is not out of reason that, both
senators might with perfect justice
be chosen from other parts of the
In his speech of acceptance, Mr
Fulton promised that he would
prove to the Multnomah delegation
that he would do Portland full jus
tice. That pledge, he will keep.
It will be his desire and his purpose
to keep it. It will be his business
to keep it for not to do so, is to in
vite political annihilation. , .
. ' Besides he is the sort of a man
to perform his pledges. He has
good ability, he is declared to be
scrupulously honest, and ; will un-.
doubtedly render the state that has
honored him so highly, the very
best service that lies within his
With Rev. Moses Before Jumping in
River Now in the Asylum.
What They Did Parent Meeting Sat
urday at Fairmount.
A parents' meeting was held at
Fairmount last Saturday. The
Grange met early in the morning
so as to finish the regular business
before the time set for the parents'
meeting. A large attendance of
grangers and school patrons was
present at the opening hour. More
parents were present than at any
other meeting hitherto held at Fair-
mount. The. grangers show their
willingness to further this educa
tional work by putting forth extra
efforts to en'ertain all visitors. The
patrons and teachers left nothing
undone tbt would add to the suc
cess of the undeitaktcg. v
1 he day was spent and all pro
nounced the object of the meeting
attained. So well pleased were
those present with the results that
Supt. Denman was asked to hoid
another such meeting as soon as
p.issible.The following sdbjects were
discussed; "What can the teacher
d to insure a good school?" T J
Risley; "What should the director
and the clerk do to - insure a good
school?" J F Mayberry, T B Wil
liamson and H J Reese; "What
should the teacher do to leisure a
good school?" Miss Maggie Dunlap;
"What should the parents do to in
Fine a good school?" . Mrs Frank
Tharp, Mrs W B Shannon, Mr Vir
gil Carter and M V Leeperr ?'Oar
educational outlook,?' Supt. G (W
Denman; How can we-i improve
our school grounds;" Profc Oeorgfr
Coote. ; The following recitations
were rendered: : i.M.A little - school
girl,1' Pearl Williamson; "She was
kissed by Washington,? '-Mary-May
bury Lecture,?' Hayden -. Risley,
and selections by Wave Risley and
Myrtle Peacock. -- '-v.
The sumptuous dinner prepared
by the grangers and parents was
enjoyed by all.- In the ; evening?
basket social was held for the bene
fit of the grange. 'The : next par
ents meeting will be held in Philo
math sometime next month.
Shoe Shop Moved.
I wish to give notice that my e hoe
shop ia now located next door south of
Harris' store where I am prepared to do
all repairing in the best manner. I hope
that all my old patrons and - the public
generally will remember the new lo
cation. ' J. E. Fowella.
- , The Poetry of the Orange
It appeals to you, when the fruit hangs
ripe and sweet on the trees in February
or early in March. Then the blossoms
break put and the trees, are yellow with
golden globes, and;, white with orange
flowers. -. It may be that a flurry of snow
has whitened the mountain ' tops, and
then you have an artistic back ground
for a tropical forest. " The air is full of
sup shine, and heavy with fragraace a
the night comes tin, and then if the
moon be shining, you may bear at mid
night through open windows the song
of the mocking bird in - the scented
grove, and it never seemed so melodious
before. - ,i .-
An experience like this ie possible ev
ery winter, and it is worth a journey
of a thousand miles, while you can have
have it, by taking the scenic Shasta
route through the grand and picturesque
Siskiyou and . Shasta mountains to
Southern California. Complete inform
ation about ; the trip, and descriptive
matter telling about California may be
had from anySouthern Pacific agent or
'.. . ' - W. E. Coman,; .
Gen. Pass.Agt S. P. Co- Lines inOregon
Portland, Ore.
David Howard, known to many
Sbout town as a wood sawyer, is in
the insane asylum. He is the man
who was burned out. of house and
home last summer, and whom con
tributions of citizens and insurance
money enabled to rebuild.
He was taken to the asylum
Saturday. He has been in poor
health for two or three months past,
so much so, that most of the time
he has been unable to work. Thurs
day, suspicion was directed to his
case, when Howard called at Dil
ley's and wanted to buy a revolver.
It so happened that . two years
ago Howard talked to Dilley about
killing himself. Dilley remember
ed the incident, and when he asked
forV it Thursday, the weapon was
refused Howard. The question of
suicide came up at the time and
Howard, after explaining that, the
pistol was wanted for killing a dog,
said he himself might as well be
dead, that his family - would be
better off by reason of the $2000
they would get from the Modern
Woodmen, of which he is a mem
ber. He was lectured earnestly on
the subject of his supposed inten
tions by Mr Dilley and Joseph
Yates, during the half hour that he
remained in the establishment.
- The next heard of . Howard's
suicidal predilections was the: fol
lowing day, when Rev. Moses ap
peared before the county judge and
entered a complaint that the man
was insane. It seems that early
Friday morning Howard had ap
peared on the river bank near the
ferry, where he had pulled off his
coat and for a time seemed -, to be
about to jump in. Apparently
changing his mind he put on his
coat and left, but about 10 o'clock
returned. Again he pulled, off his
coat and seemed about to jump in,
when a second time he determined
on another course. This time he
went straight to Rev. Moses- and
told him that he was going to com
mit suicide; that he had already
been down on the bank of the river
for the purpose of jumping in, but
while there he had determined to
go and shake hands with his rev
erend friend, before taking the
leap. The entry ef-fhe complaint,
an examination as to sanity, and
the comittment to ' the asylum re: ,
suited. Save in the particulars setrl
lortn aoove, nowara appears sane
Howard has been for a long time
a hard-working laborer about town.'
mostly sawing wood and piling it
in sheds for a living. There is
pathos in his case.
Basket Social.
The brotherhood of St Paul is the
name of 'a new organization whose
membership comprises the men of
the Methodoist church in this city.
It is a fraternity with kindred
brotherhoods in all states in the
union and in Canada,
The basket social held at the
Richland School last Friday eve
ning for the benefit of the school
was a grand success. An excellent
program had been prepared with
much care by the ; teacher,- Miss
Corlie Starr. The patrons showed
their enterprise arid public spirit by
attending.. The children aud others
assisting deserve much credit for
their efforts. ; At the close of the
program the baskets were sold and
the sum of $50.20 was raised. ;This
is to be used for the ' purchase of
an organ.
An Editor Did And What Came of the
Experiment Tried it no More.
Nat Buttery .. . .'
"Is a very popular substitute for fat3
and oils. At Zterolf's.
Teams WaDted.
To haul lumber, Apply at the Ben
ton County Lumber Yard, Corvallis.
Our store will close at 7 p. m
during January,' February and
March, Saturday evenings excepted
J. H. Harris.
End Supplies
Agent for" the famous "Chicago" Type
writer. Easy terms and machine guar
anteed. zr
Typewriter Ribbon.
Webster's Star, ...... 70c each, 7.50 doz.
O.K. .'65c " 6.50 "
Imperial....- :50c " 5.00 "
Carbon. .
Webster llulti-Itopy 45c doz., 3.50 box.
" O. K. 40c " 3.00 "
."' Gauze' 40c " 2.75 "
Typewriter Paper.
All kinds and all prices. Aek to see
Jit eerbard,
An editor, who promised to tell
the truth in just one issue, of his
oaoer wrote uo a wedding as fol
lows: MarriedMiss Sylva Smith
and James Cranahan last Saturday
at the Baptist parsonage. The
bride is a very ordinary girl about
town who doesn't known any more
than a rabbit" about cooking, and
never helped her poor mother three
days in her life, and is not a beauty
bv a lone shot, and has a gait like
a duck. The groom is known as
an up-to-date loafer, and has been
living off his mother all his life,
and don t amount to , anything no
how. They will have " a' tough
time of it, and , we withhold con
gratulations for we don't believe
any good can come from such
An hour after the paper came
out the editor met the bride's broth
er on the street. He got both eyes
blacked and lost half an ear in that
encounter. On the next corner he
met her father, but "heine out of
condition, sued for peace. But
there was no peace. . The father's
voice was for war, and the editor
retired from that scrap with seven
teeth and the end of his nose mis
Then a feeling stole over him
that there was no place like home
and with the best haste that he
could summon under the circum
stances he hurried to seek shelter
under his own vine and fig tree.
It was the bride, backed up by
her mother, the groom's mother
and thirteen female sympathizers
that met him at the next corner.
They were armed with brooms,
scissors, pokers, kettles of hot
water, which they brandished and
flourished as they approached.
"Oh! you blackmailer; you liar;
you villian; you horse thief," he
heard them say. But the spectacle
was too much for him. He knew
it was useless to hoist the white
flag and sue for peace in the pre
sence of that kind of foe, and with
a glance Heavenward ana a prayer
on his -lips for forgiveness for hav
ing once told the truth in his paper,
he sank to earth in a dead swoon.
When the ladies had finished,
all that was left of the wayward
editor was hauled home in a wheel
The p :per did not come out the
next week. A note on the door re
lated that the editor was confined
at home with a very severe cold,,
but that it would be out as usual
next week. - .
And so it was. And the leading
article said that on account of great
haste in eoing to press in a former
I issue, and by reason of certain ty
pographical errors, grave blunders
had been made with reference to the
wedding of Miss Sylva Smith and
Mr James Cranahan: "'This love-!
ly and fortunate couple," the paper
continued, ' 'are a son and daughter
in two of our most distinguished
and wealthy families, the bride be
ing a most estimable and popular
young lady and a leader and fav
orite in social circles. ;The groom
is one of our tnost talented young
business men and there is general
rejoicing over the union - of this
most fortunate young couple."
$5-od shoes for $1.90. We have on
hand about 5o pans of men's fine shoes,
of which the shapes are a little bit out
date as compared with the present
styles- . Tne workmanship is superb,
leather all that one could ' wish for, but
if .you lean more on quality, than you do
on being exactly up to -.the minute on
shoe style, here's a 'chance, to buy $0.00
shoes for $1.90. We will give, .you the
same service as though you were pay
ing the full price. ' , 7 , .:
Nolan & Callahan.
Vetch seed, etc, can
Grass Seeds.
be obtained at
Wood choppers. From 5 to 20. ' En
quire of 1 P. A. Kline.
r flllllllill
7 m
3 Days
Remnant and Rummage Sale,
Come and get some of the bargains still remaining.
Prices are so low that they are sure to inspire heavy
buying. It will pay you to visit our Ladies Suit
jepartmeni ana see our new urices. 5e sure t,r
look at our Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, Table Linens;
and Outing Flannels. Don'c neglect our Knit Underwear
joaigaixis. -Lrtjam uur new prices on uioaKs, uvercoats and"
Rain Garments that are being sacrificed before our New
Spring Stock arrives.
Our Jermesse Miller $3.50 Shoes for $2 50
Diamond "W" Brand
The Best Grade of Canned
Goods onjthe Market Today.
ook at Our Windows and see the Varieties.
' to
Something New.
CSiocec Ones.
Call in arid get a Trial Package
Rodes Grocery
lUe Do llot Eiue
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the hcuse.that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
place to
fo Fresi) Fruits, Frcsb Uegetabks,
fresh everything to be ,had. in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep wha you want and to
please. Call and see-
E. fiorntng
Administrator's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, tbat the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
of Kinman Vanderpool. deceased, and all per
sons having claims against said estate are here
by required to present the same duly verified
as bv law required to me at Wells, Oregon, or
a t the office ot Yates & Tfates, Corvallis, Orego n
within six months from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 7th day of
February, A D, 1903, ,
ViBGIi. A. Cabteb.
Administrator of the estate of Kinman Van.
diTj-coi, deceased
Absolutely: Pure
Referee's Sale of Real Property.
On the 7th day of March. 1903, at the hour of
one o'clock P Hit the front door of the Court
house in Corvallis. Oregon, I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol
lowing described real estate towit: Lots nos.
107 and 1H in block no. 25 in the Cityof Philo
math, Benton County, Oregon.Sald sale is made
under and in pursuance of an orderand decree
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Benton County, in the suit of George H Burtch,
etlPlaintiii's vs Jennie Churchill et al. De
fendants, a proceeding for the partition and
sale ot real property.. ,
Keferee appointed by the said court to sell
said real estate,
Bears t!l9 x .-Tlie Kind ou Have Always
Notice of Final Settlement,
In the Matter ot the Estate 4of James Marvin
Applewhite, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that 1. EE Wilson, as
administrator ot said estate of James Marv
in Applewhite, deceased, have filed my final ac
count as such administrator with the clerk of
the County Court of Benton Couuty. State of Ore
gon, and the said Court has fixed Saturday the
7th day of March, 1903, at the hour of ne o'clock
in the afternoon of said day as the time, and
the Connty Court room in the Court House In
Corvallis, Benton County, Oreeon, as the place-
for hearing any and all objections to the salt
final account and tor-settlement ther
Sated this February 7, 1903, . 1
Administrator of the Estate of James Marvin,
Applewhite, deceased. .
. Fresh Cooked Crabs.
One half dozen for 30 cents. Neatly
packed in light boxes and delivered at
express office in Newport.. Four-boxe
or less shipped to one address will cost -but
35 cents for expressage. Address
orders to . .
; W. G. Emery, Newport, Ore,