Vol. XVi: No. 2. CORVAL.LIS, OREGON, FEBRUARY, 1903. B P. IRVINE Editor and Proprietor. We Have flamy BARGAIN Four Febrmaryo GREAT REDUCTION! 9' S3 JjW, JESS, -tMt!S' jj F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and w w -m. the reliable information you wish, also showing' you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, , Real. Estate, Loan, and Insurance," ?j Philomath, Oregon. f' F.3S6- Times Off ice for Job Printing ' SiS - ar - gt - e - . rggL j H oil ?I?S 4VI U.1. V J.U V Xli. Jf Uii ,t Watches, docks and Jewelry I have watches from one dollar up; gold, gold filled, silver, silverine and cheap on as for the boys. Kings of -all kinds Wedding rings, set rings, band rings. If you are having trouble with your eyes or glasses and have tried all the so called travelling opticians without suc cess, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who wilt always be on hand to make good his guarantee. Npe-After Feb ist the store will , oe 6,30 p, m. except Saturdays. . The Jeweler and Optician. Don't Cry! We are sure we can match it if your china gets brok en, and it won't cost yoa ' much either . We have so ( many pat . terns and desigDS to select from that f your china or glassware porcelain, or crockery gets demolished you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from pur open stock, at prices you couldn't begin to match a year ago. , P. M. ZIEEOLF. AT SALEM. GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN VE TOED NFWPORT SUMMER SCHOOL BILL. Appropriate Five -Thousand a Year Flat Salary Bill Died by one Vote in SenatePlunder ing Assembly Hall After the Session. Salem, Or., Feb. 20. A bill for tbe creation of a summer normal school at Newport was vetoed by the governor this morning, passed through tbe house over the gover nor's veto, but was killed in the senate, where that body refused to pasB it over the veto. "This school looks to me as though it wad intended for a sum mer excursion," said the governor in his veto message, "rather than for any ultimate good to the people of the state."- Jones of Lincoln made a strong speech to republicans to stand be hind him. The appeal was effec tive. The bill passed originally with a majority of only three votes. The negative votes today were: Demo crats Bilyeo, Blakeley, Cantrall Claypool. Kramer, Murphy, OL well, Test 8. Republicans Booth Hines, Kay, LaFollett, Orton, Pur dy, Simmons 7. The only demo crat who voted against tne gover nor was rsurieign. mere was no debate upon the bill in the senate. and the vote was not upon party lines. Governor Chamberlain's veto message was as follows: I return herewith Housebill No, 113 with my disapproval. The ob ject thereof is to establish a state summer normal school at the town of Newport, Lincoln coqnty; In my message to the legislature I suggested-the propriety of reduc ing to two the number of normal schools supported by the state, but instead of following this suggestion, which I ieel assured meets with the approval of a majority ef the taxpayers of the state, the legisla ture nas not only not . seen ht to act upon it, but on the contrary, proposes to aad to the burdens of taxation another normal school to be located at Newport. The pro posed school is for the benefit of the teachers of the state rather than for the children. In the very na ture of things very few teachers would be able to go to Newport to take advantage of this summer normal school if it were thorough ly established. It looks as though it was intended for a summer ex cursion rather than for any . ulti mate good the people of the state would derive therefrom. The burdens of taxation are al ready heavy enough, and the ap propriations made by this legisla ture have increased rather than di minished the same, and under these conditions I return said bill to vou with my veto. Salem, Feb. 21 The Senate VARtArrlav rfofAntari TTAv'n flat. nnl. ary bill by a vote of 15 to 7, an sary to pass the bill.. The consider ation which seemed to be the cause of the defeat of the bill was that salaries in excess of those provided in the constitution are invalid. The bill carried salaries of from $4000 to $5000, while the constitutional salaries are from $1500 to $2500. The bill as it came to the Senate provided that the salary bill shall go into effect on January ist 1905. It was unfavorably reported by the judiciary committee, upon : the ground that it was unconstitutional in that it provided for salaries in excess of those authorized bv the constitution. Senator Pierce, Dam. of Union, asserted that it was not unconstitutional, and submitted a minority report iavoring its pas sage. Fulton moved to amend Jby providing that the flat salaries shall not go into effect until 1907. -Senator Pieoce opposed this, saying that the platform in both political parties in the last campaign pledged the enactment of a flat salary law. While he wanted a law that would go into effect at once he would , rather have one that would go into effect in 19o5 than in 19o7. Fulton of Clatsop declared that the bill is plainly in yiolation of the constitution, for it is directly at variances with the constitution which provides for salaries. "Would it be any less unconsti tutional in 19o7 than '' in 19o5?" demanded Smith of Umatilla. ' "Not a bit" said the senator from Clatsop. "I do not approve of the bill at all, but if it is to pass I want it to take effect only alter tbe expira tion of the terms of the present in cumbents of state offices." ' Senator Mulkey took asimilar view and said that when any change is made, in the compensation of state officers it shoutd be done by amend ing the constitution. Senator Smith, of Multnomah, held that the Republican party had bound itself to pass a flat salary law and he wanted this one passed now,' r . ' . . . Senator Rand said that he and all other Senators had taken an oath to support the constitution of the state, and that the constitution fixes tbe compensation of the state officers. To vote for a bill which gave, a higher compensation he would consider a violation of his oath of office. "The Republican pariy never pledged itselt t3 pass an unconstitutional measure for flat salaries," declared Senator Rand. ' Senator Miller, of Linn, advo t cated the passage of a flat salary law and said be would vote against any bill that did not go into effect at once. The amendment carried providing that the law should go into effect in 1907, and then the bill was put upon its nnal passage and defeated Salem, Feb. 21. The two leais lative chambers in the State Capitol may be aptly described today as scenes of wreck and ruin. The rooms are in the most disorderly condition imaginable. Laet night and this morning tbe members and clerks packed up tbeir belongings as hurriedly as possible, throwing papers, pamphlets, etc., in every di rection. During the late hours of theuight, while waiting for the re- suit of the senatorial contest, the people ate oranges and apples and threw the peelings on the floors and carpets without any thought of damage that might result. In the corridors, cigar stumps by the thousand covered the floor. Early this morning the Secretary 01 btate had a force of janitors at work in the corridors and got the floors cleared. In the legislative nails some ot the members were - in . 1 1 . suu ai worn pacKing up, and no attempt was made at getting desks and other furniture in order. By Monday night, however, the Secre. tary ot btate will have the rooms looking as neat as usual unless there are members or clerks around to prevent the cleaning up process. riunuer is not a baa word to use in describing the scenes in the Leg lslative halls last night after ad journment, .Men and boys and even women walked around among the desks . looking for something that had any appearance of having been abandoned and that might he worth picking' up and carrying away, int bottles, mucilage bottles blotting pads, baskets, paper clips, pens, pencils, and even cuspidors were considered legitimate prey for any who could get away with them. When janitors questioned a clerk or a stranger regarding a waste basket or other articles he was car rying away tbe answer would come that "It is mine" or that "Senator Blank gave it to me." The rush and excitement and confusion of the occasion were tbe opportunity for an exchange of hats to the advantage of the mai'who had first cboica. As the evening was clear, no one had an opportu nity to secure a new umbrella. One young lady wno happened to be standing near Senator Fulton when he was lifted to the shoulders of a crowd of admirers, in the midst of a surging mass of men, all anxious to grasp the hand of victory, suffer ed a loss of her gold watch. Some one bad snatched it from the clasp that held it to her dress., ' Members of the Legislature as a rule took away with them the codes session laws and Legislative iour- nalu which they had voted them selves early in (the session. Most of them believe ' that the state should furnish these to the members ot tne legislature, especially since the compensation is less thian en ough to pay his actualizing expen ses while he is in Salem. Two or three members refused to take away their codes, but returned them to the Secretary of State, so they might be handed out two years hence to some other legislator. GIRL SHOT NEGRO: HE DEMANDED MONEY AND SHE GAVE HIM CONTENTS OF HER REVOLVER. Ball Took Effect in Abdomen and Negro may die Ladrones Again Engaged in Hosti lities near Manila Other News. Omaha, Feb. 22. Late Wednes day night Miss Lillian Wilson was held up by Geo Williams, a colored footpad, who demanded her money. She drew a revolver and shot him, inflicting a wound that crippled him and a few hours later he was located and arrested. Miss Wilson had been out to a family gathering, Williams met her as she was going home and told her to halt. He demanded mat sue deliver ner money, saying that if she did not he would cut her throat displaying a large knife. Miss Wilson replied : " 'Certainly, but wait a minute." As she said this, she opened a chat elaine bag she was carrying and, taking out a revolver aimed it at Williams and fired. Miss Wilson then telephoned to the police station that she had shot a man afterwards explaining the circumstances. When found Williams was hiding in the loft of a barn. The bullet had entered the abdomen and is likely to prove fatal. Miss Wilson is 18 years of age, and the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in the city. Manila, Feb. 22 A force of La- drones under General San Miguel reappeared in Rizal province yes terday. They avoided an engage- ment'witb the- main force in - the south, but captured three small de tachments of constabulary. The enemy surrounded the towns of Oainta and Taytay, n miles east of Manila, Saturday, and captured 40 scouts ana ten men 01 - tne con stabulary, , whom they afterward set free. : - Today Inspector Mcllwayue, at the bead of the constabulary, was surprised and captured near Mon talban, 16 milea north of Manila. The Ladrones promised to release them if the constabulary would sur render their arms. While they were conferring on this point Mc Ilwaine made a dash for liberty, and he and all tbe constabulary ef fected their escape. When the news of the reappear ance of General San Miguel's for ces reacned manna reiatorcements of scouts and constabulary were hurried into the Rizal province. General Allen and Colonel - Scott went to Antipolo and assumed com mand of the- forces there. : They met with small detachments of the enemy, and a lew skirmisnes toot place. They were, however, una ble to locate the main body of La- drones. General Allen and Colonel Scott are continuing the pursuit, and hope to overtake the released prisoners. Seattle, Wash.,, Feb. 21. The facts of how local newspapers se cured so many positive and practi cally verbatim stories of the delib THE OLD RELIABLE Jill Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE. erations of the King county grand jury have j'ust come to light. It was through the venturesome acts of two well-known newspaper r.e- porters, Kari M. Anderson and C. B. Yandall. The boys were caught dead to rights. It was this way: In the court house over the grand jury room is an old attic never used. In some manner Anderson and Yand all secured a key that led to the at tio stairs. They removed two planks from the flooring. A hole was dug through the plastering and a two inch pipe was placed so it would bo directly over the desk of the secre tary of the grand jury, the witness stand being directly at its side. There they ceuld hear and see eve rything that was going on in the grand jury room. Early each morning before the jury convened the reporters went into the attio and took their places at the hole. While one reporter watched the other slipped farther up into the and wrote his "copy." When they ' were sure there was no one in the court house lobby to see them coma down, the reporters slipped out and left the building. For nearly a week ' the two daring newsgatherers kept up their work and each day printed the actions of the grand jury in de tail. The jury was dumbfounded wberi the newspapers came out each day with full stories of their actions. Charges were made by jurymen a gainst each other as being guilty of ' giving away jury secrets. "Two whole days were spent in trying to- , rnn down the guilty parties. Then an unfortunate fall of one of the re porters in getting out of the attic attracted tbe attention of one of tbe grand jurymen. He looked up at the ceiling and there saw the end of the pipe barely visible. Ddputy Sheriffs Nelsbn and Bowes were sent up stairs lo investigate. The torn up planks and the pipe was found. Both reporters were taken into cus tody, and led to the office of Sheriff Cudihee, where the eheriff - good naturedly demanded an explana tion. Anderson and Yandall did not propose to convict themselves and refused to talk. They were re- .... leased, but yesterday were ordered before the grand jury. The jury- men commanded tbe reporters to tell how they had gotten into the room and what they had seen and heard. They refused to answer questions.. The law was read to them, providing for six months' im--prifonmeut for giving away grand -jury secrets and they were threat ened with punishment. Foreman ; Piggott finally came to the rescue with the statement that he did sot believe the offense would be repeat ed if the bovs were released. Pros ecuting Attorney Scott, against whom such a fight ' was made " be cause of his alleged whitewashing methods before the jury, yesterday . appointed Herman W. Craven aa a deputy. Craven will be partly used in directing the grand iury, al though Scott declares that he will personally see what is being done. -New York, Feb, 2o. In the re port of the Health Department published today, it is estimated that the present population of Grea ter New York is 3,732,902, an in crease since the United States cen sus of I900 of 295,701