Vol . XVI. No: 2. CORVALLIS, OREGON, FEBRUARY, 21, 1903. K F. ' IRVUTE -Editor and Propriet T Will be arriving all During February; . ' ... - . - - - - ' We have bought A Big Line of Dress Goods In all the New Weaves. Our Gents Clothing Departm't Will be more than doubled, Will carry a larger line in all Departments than ever, before. Have Added 750 feet Floor Space And will offer inducements for . ' your trade. J. H. HARRIS. i &,&J& M M I F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list, or come and see me. . I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information Co you over the country. HENBY AMBLER, Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance, ' ; Philomath, Oregon., : w F.386. ' . Times Office for Job Printing. 1 you wish,' also showing ' Watches, docks and Jewelry I have watches from one dollar'up: gold, gold filled, silver, silverine and cheap onfiB for the boys. Rings of all kinds Wedding rings, 'set rings, band -rings.. . i If you are having trouble with your eyes or glasses and have tried all the so called travelling opticians without sue cess, come and see me, get. a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always be on hand to make good his guarantee. Noe-After Feb ist the store will oe 630 p, m. except Saturdays. Pratt, The Jeweler and Optician. Don't Cry! ""We are sure we can match it if yonr china gets broken, and it won't cost you much either. We have so many - pat terns and designs to select from that if your china or glassware , porcelain, or crockery gets demolished you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at prices you couldn't begin to match a year ago. - , P. M. ZIEEOLF. STORM-SWEPT EAST OVER HALF THE CONTINENT COVERED WITH SNOW. Stock of all -Kinds Perishing on; the Plains Wires Down,: Trains Abandoned . and . Vessel Snnk Other News, Chicago; Feb- 17,-From the At lantic coast to, the Rocky,.. Moun tains the greatest blizzard knows in years is raging with increasing in tensity. Reports , from thei New England states, from New York, from Pennsylvania and the Middle West, show the ; unprecedented se venty of a storm that is destroying cattle by the thousands, blocking all the railroads, shutting off: all means of communication and paus ing distress to people of every class. In New York state all the tele phone and telegraph wires are down or, working poorly; trains have been almost wholly abandon ed and it is feared that great loss of life will result. . Stock trains are blockaded in Ne braska, and Minn3ota, and the cat tle are freezing to death in the cars. The Ohio Ttver ib Tismg steadily, and Jwill pass the: danger line at Cincinnati this afternoon, while in Pittsburg the flood in ' the Monon- gahela has already - thrown out of employment over zU.UUU men and done thousands of dollars damage to fine steel stored along the bank in ware houses. : In Alabama and 'Florida heavy frosts and continued cold weather have spoiled the orange crop and done' incalculable harm to all fruits. Washington has been shut off from - all communication with the outside world for hours, and throughout Maryland and Virginia there is great eoffe'ring; Pittsburg, Pa Feb. 17. This morning the Monongahela reached a mark which flooded the , Dewees Wood Mill of the American Sheet Steel Company,' and as a conse quence 20,000 men are thrown out of employment. The damage to fine steel ready for shipment and to raw stuffs used in its manufacture has not been fully estimated, but will amount to many thousands of dollars A- - Both the Ohio and the Mononga hela are still . raising, and other mills must close within a very few hours. '." New York, Feb 17. The storm that has been raging here for .the paet 24 hoursls increasing In in tensity. According to reports re p.pivftdbv the. weather bureau, it is TTow centralized" pver JSTew England, by telegraph is almost entirely., at a 'standstill.; Tble : train' eeryice both north And potith is almost Btonned. and many trains have been indefi- DllOiy U!tUU UUCUi 1UUOO VUBt BIO scheduled are; all late. This aherboon snow is eill fall ing, and the poor are suffering ter ribly from the bitter cold. Chicago, Feb.' 17. The thermom ftfir this afternoon registers ten de- grees below zero, . ana no . nope oi eany renei is neiu ouu uy iuo wai,u er bureau. Wires are down in all directions, and the few now work ing give very poor service. v ; ' ' , ., Reports from the Northwest say that stock trains have " been caught out on the road between drifts and that the cattle are freezing to death in the cars. Sheep in transit are dying in great numbers. There are reported to be two trains snowed in near" Hutchinson, Kan., . on the Rock Island. r Mobile, Ala., Feb. 17. The cold wave that has extended to the far South seems to mean almost certain destruction to the orange crop and serious injury to all early fruits. , Columbus, O., , Feb. 17, The Btorm has increased in severity and the thermometer now registers two degrees below zero.' ' All over Ohio trains have been abandoned and but few wires are working. It is by far the worst storm of the winter. - ' Cincinnati, Feb. 17. The Ohio River will pass the danger line within a few hours. ll merchants who have warehouses and . stores within. reach of the coming , -flood are busy removing their goods to higher ground. ..Today the weatber is clear and. cold. . Maysville, Ky., :, Feb, 17: There are 12 inches of snow i herd. -The Obia river rose five feet during' the night and is now raising at a rate of nearly four inebes an hour. St Louis; Feb. 17. The present storm is the worst, in years. The temperature - today is .six below freezing., Norfolk, Va., Feb., 17. A torna do struck the passenger steamer Ol ive, which plies between Franklin, Va , and Edenton, N. C, at 9:30 last night and sent her to the - bot tom, of the Chowan, river, off Wood ley's Pier, between Mount Pleasant and Olive's wharf. , Seventeen per sons are known to have been drown ed, and others who were rescued are in a serious condition. The storm, when it struck the Olive, caused her to go over on her beam ends, and when v she righted it was only to. sink on account of the water she had taken.- -A: ma jority of the passengers .and crew were below at the time, and had no opportnpi-ty to reach the pilot house, of tik "veaBel. This point Was the only 'porEion left above water, and in it, standing waist deep from the time of the. accident until 6 o'clock in . the . morning, Captain George Withey ana five others, were res cued.;, ' . ' According to the statement of Captain Witney to the Associated Press correspondent here . tonight, there are 17 known to have been lost on the sinking steamer, and a lifeboat loaded with Engineer C: L. Con roy, Assistant Engineer J. P. Murphy,. Purser J. N. Bell,, one white and two colored passengers and two colored deck-hands, which laftrthe steamer in-hope, of reaching a vessel whose lights could be seen in the distance, is not yet heard from. If these have been drowned the list will reach 25. Captain Withey reached Norfolk this afternoon in ' company with Martha Barrett, colored stewardess of the steamer. . At 6 o'clock this morning the river steamer Pettit hove in sight and rescued the almost frozen sur vivors.. ' - , The Olive was a small screw steamer, owned byJT. A- Pretow, of franklin, y a., ana nad t been . ply ing between North Carolina and Virginia for several years. . Sbe.left Pranklin, . last evening - , Jor Edenton, and had almost reach ed her destination when the torn a do struck her. " '; Salem Feb. 17. Senator Daly i". a member of the joint committee sent from the Oregon legislature to in terview itsWashingtoncontemporav body regarding fishing and fish laws has opinions of his own.. His views may not exactly coincide with those of others, but. be expresses them emphatically and in a way that makes ihem carry weight; ; "The committee on fisheries ac complished .nothing at Olympia. We met with a similar committee from the Washington legislature and conferred, and that ' was the end of it, as has ever been and ever will be the end of such action. 'No good can come from it.. That leg islation for the protection and ' reg ulation of the fishing industries is desirable we all know, but that is not the way to go at it. ' I will tell you what I know from experience to be the correct plan. "Take the matter entirely out of the bands of the fish men and ' 1 t those who have ho active interest in fish and fisheries attend to it. In that way may be obtained un biased legislation.. As long as fishermen, canners, etc, are placed on committees governing fisheries legislation there will be private in terests involved. Each man who is engaged " in that : business has some pet scheme.' He may honest ly labor for what he considers to be the best interests of the state, but he will be influenced. He can not help it: That influence is ex erted without his knowledge o con sent, but it is an influence.- . ; "The way to change all thisis to take it out of the hands of the fiah packers altogether. -Then it will stand on its merits and receive un biased consideration- That is my view. I saw the same conditions prevail in regard to education, and I saw them eliminated by the plan I have suggested. AT SALEM. GOVERNOR- CHAMBERLAIN VE TOES X PROPOSER BICYCLE LAW. No Money For Indian Fighters Reduction , Studies Asked in -Common Schools Money For Widows Other Legisalation. Salem Feb. 17. Because he does not believe a bicycle is entitled to be placed in the. same class with horse, mule, cow or other domestic animal, Governor Chamberlain has sent back with a message of veto Senate Bill No. 14, which pas sed both houses.;' Senator Mays of Multnomah in troduced the bill early in the ses sion. Its intention was to reduce the number of bicycle thefts, and Mays took the stand that a man's bicycle was likely to be as eesential to his welfare as . his horse. The bill made the crime of, stealing a bicycle the equivalent of horse stealing, and fixed the penalty the same, making it a penitentiary of fense. In his message of veto the Governor states reasons as follows : Section 1798 of the Code provi des sufificent penalty for thelarceny of a bicycle in case the value there of exceeds $35, and ' I can see no reason for any change in the law in that respect. My experience as a public prosecutor for more than two years last past has . proven to me that in 90 per cent of the cases of thefts of bicycles the. guilty per sons are usually boys ranging from ro to 16 years . of age.. In many cases there is no criminal intent, and in a few cases . there is an intent to appropriate the property The" theif is usually a subject more fit for the Reform School than for the penitentiary, and it seems to me that the penalty provided by the proposed amendment is se verer than it ought to be and that bicycles should be placed on the same category as other personal property mentioned in Seetion 1789 of the Code." ' - While the Indian War Veteran will get nothing from the present session of the Oregon Legislature, he is privldige . to . extract what comfort he may from a concurrent resolution introduced in the Senate by Senator Kuykendall, which calls for the appointment of a committee of three, holder over Senators to collect data regarding the justice of the Indian fighters' claimB and sub mit the same to the ' next session with . recommendations . The . sum of $1,600 is appropriated to defray the expenses of this committee. ' Too many school books, . too many school studies, too . much work for the pupils, and too much work for the teacher is the cry voi ced by Senate Concurrent Resolu tion No. 24, offered by Miller of Linn, and adopted. This, resolution declares that, .through the great press of studies attempted under the Oregon law, .' proper education of children along lines that would prove most advantageous in active life is prevented. It also recites that many families are kept constantly poor in their efforts to provide the varied t text-books '. prescribed. It calls upon the state Board of Edu cation to reduce the number of studies and devote more .time to those branches of education which will prove of most direct benefit. The bill appropriating $2,060 each for the widows ot the peniten tiary guards killed last summer by Tracy and Merrill was defeated yesterday afternoon, but - a resolu tion was subsequently introduced directing the Ways and Means Committee to report a special ap propriation of $1,000 for each of the three women. Several of the principal opponents of the original bill have- said tbat they would withdraw their opposition if the amount of the appropriation were reduced as indicated. House Joint Resolution No. 6, introduced by Jones of Multnomah, directing the State Printer to print and bind. i,,44P additional copies of! the official records of the. - Oregon . Vbluuteers in the Spanish and Phil-; ' ippine wars," was' adopted by the ' House yesterday afternoon. Thesa copies are to be distributed, among.: the private soldiers who. enJListed in . these wars from Oregon., Jones and Banks advocated the adoption of the resolution and there was no ' opposition. : Not content with a Bimilar reso lution passed several days ago, trie Senate has again placed : itself on record as fa voting the election ; of United States Senators, by direct vote of the people. ' This time Sen ator Hunt is father of the move. ' In Senate Joint Resolutian No;'" 7 he calls upon the American : Cbn ' gress, under Article V. of the Con-? -stitution of the United. States, for , the assembling of a conference for . the purpose of securing, this end. There was no dissenting voice when the vote upon adoption was called -for.- ". ') . "We cannot have too manv of these good resolutions," President Brownell declared, speaking from, the chair. UUICLU, n ou. I. 1U6CU31 10 dus state for the per diem and mileage of the Representatives foots up -nearly $8000, the exact, sum being $78 lI,8o. Each representative with the exception of the Bpeaker who is allowed $'5 a" day, ' receives the same per diem, which amounts to $12o for the seesion. The mileage however, varies according to the . distance travelled. The Marion county representative receives the smallest amount for mileage, 30 cents for two miles traveled. E. H, Test, of Ontario, Malheur county, secures the biggest plumb as he traveled 992, miles, bis mileage . amounting to $148.8o. Some of the representatives, while residing comparatively near the capital, have been away on joint committee trips and thus receive more than would otherwise be the case. Tp Alec'M, La Follett falls the honor of receiving the smallest sum for bis services, it amounting to $123. . Senate Bill 204, by Pierce, allow ing the State Land Agent a deputy at a salary, of $900. yearly, passed by the Senate this morning despite the efforts of McGinn to' obstruct. Many senators spoke in favor of the, measure. McGinn charged that it was an attempt to personally favor State , Land Agent Morrow, who he alleged would live in Port land while his deputy did all tha work. Shelly 's House bill to license warehousemen passed the Senate this morning. The Senate passed the bill creat ing the office of State Examiner of offices at a salary of $2,400 an nually, a clerk at a salary of$r'5oo and $1,200 for expenses, to be ap pointed by the governor. He must keep check on business of all state and county officers. ' ' - Salem, Feb.. 17. The work of a delegation of labor leaders sent from Portland in behalf of legisla tion for their cause . has been suc cessful, and despite the fact that they were once unfavorably repor ted and indefinitely v postponed, ' House-Bills No. 147 and 148 .are now before the Governor anditres-t -with him whether they .become lawss The Senate ' passed them without opposition and labor has won at ' least a portion of that which is la bor's due. They carry the right to belong to unions and prohibit the use of deception in the employment of men. Bill No. 147 at first con tained an anti-Pinkerton provision, but this was striken out before the measure passed. Yesterday was "labor day', in the Senate and in addition to the two bills named above House bill No. 38, regulating the employment of females, and House bill No. . i46, preventing the blacklisting of wor kers, were also put through. The Senate committee on judiciary had not seen fit to make recommenda tion on the latter measure, .but it passed without opposition in spite of this fact. Senator Mays . spoke 1 in itB favor. Our store will close at 7 v n. m. during January, Februarv and March, Saturday evenings excepted ' J. M. Harris.