The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 14, 1903, Image 4

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--; ' ' vs
The New, Penitentiary Superintend
enWciaim That Fulton is
.Still , a -Possibility One . , .
I,ess Normal School
Other News-
' -,'. " i ". Vx-"" -.--- .
' SaIem, Feb; id. -The. House' io-r
night by unanimous vote passed
the, bill of Senator Smith,"of - Mul
tnomah, for ' a State Board of
Healthy TheWeaure assd the
Senate two weeks" ago. The' House
considered the bill tonight in com
mittee of the whole and, was ad
dressed by'Senator Smith ; -himself,
who. made , an impressive argu men t
ior the measured s: "--
'J. Ar'f
Salem, Feb.- ' to, . (Governor
Chamberlain this morning' signed
House bill No, .,37 by Eddy, to,
amend section 13 of the-code pri)-'
-viding that the .statute of limitation
shall riot run agaicst the state," co-
ointyiHuiiicipal'corpbratida. I CD
" House bill.Np. 80, by Phelps,, to
amend section "4824,"reativ8 to thtr
election of RoaaV SupervisorB.'l .r,
House bilU 16 by Riddle, "to am-.
D(t section 3729 or tne code;. proJ
viding .Jttiat insurance eompanwsy
that ha v complied with' the Jaw
and paid she licejoSV maysstab.lisby
an agency m eacn city, town or vil,
Jage ip' jho state. '
-Hous "bill No. 9 by Phelps rela
ting to. ; the ; construction ot wire
t fences east of the r Cascade - Mqun
Houee bill No. 152; pVpvljdmg f gj
cnarter lor Kabier,r was , liledwitn,
ne secretary 01 state.
House bill No.' 49; by. Banksi re
lating to executions and acknow
ledgements of deed in foreign counU-
Salem, Feb,-10. The ' Committee
onCipi'.ol buildings and grounds
has presented 1 the ; reporfri to the
-House, recommending the expen
fiture of. $17,8o d for alternations
and repairs, as follows: - :
For replacing second floor by
treseeral tiling,. ifcvooo
-"For painting woodwork in dome
and on third floor, $800. :
"For -cutting up old 'libraryf. info
Tooms end' supplying same with
modern conveniences as per esti
mate submitted, $lo,ooo.
'Salem, Feb. . 10. Most.. forcibly
did the House sit down, onallowiog
- of a bounty of. $41 for ; all wagons
4th: 'tires foot inShes cri over, in
-width this kfteroobn by repealing
- the act, insofar as the House could
- do it.'v Webster and Clackamas in
troduced the bill to repeal the law
arj4 incidentally told.of the secrets
o? RYttVie of tbe farmers trade. v
"Ther" are many larmere," de
clared 'We b te r, Mwh orti$trvc$r,
'the Wide tired wagons but have a old, -Rom out ones lying
around and then tbey-ga.:,tc';.tbe!
Clerk's offue and make an affidavit
lhaiHk?y have these, in order to:
get the" rebate. The Uw .was" in-'
"4ende4'to benefit county vrOadsby
" puttingi a premium on wide tires;
but ii har failed t6-w"o'rk',as"tr63e
.1... , 4 r:,3 lirWrar! m m" A Va
Will) yituutw ,fJf uwv if (ijml VfW
f the case. Wery-oftenmeQ whypay
less than $1 in
- rebate. v:
Gallowav al?o favored the repeal
of the law and on the vote but-ffe"
vwere eujEciently opposed to"vtteb'd'.
The d.DlyHOtheiuJbjll.--piisedJy.
the House during the afternoon was
Orton'k'measure to make sample
ballots smaller in sjz;than,.4heof-.
' ficial, election billlbiH: Av present
the only; difference is,ia.thamar
Baker City, Or. Feb, ii, rChar-
" les Wi Jame, whom Governor
Chamberlain has named for . the
office o Superintendent of the State
Penitentiary, was born near Spriog
field Mb., -52 years ago. He came
to Oregon and settled in this county
- 34 years ago, and Jkas resided.her.e
ever since. Mr James was married
10 vears aeo. and for the Past 20
vears has residednhistcftyt Pref
vious to that time he lived oh a
ranch near town. ' $tt
He was appointed Postmaster o
this " pitv hv President 'Cleveland
during, his first term. H6 served
une term as Countv Recorder,' his
term of ffice; expiring last July
iMr. James deservedly . popular
xrith the people, he is a consistant
" democrat, and has always taken an
active oart in local p6liticev "
His appointment gives general
satisfaetian to all classes of citizens
In this countv and especially the
Democracy. -W ..s S.
ine new supennienucuuio nuyis;
ed that he will not be called upon
- to assume the duties . of i.hianew
position until the 1st of ApriU. ;
Salem, Feb. 1 1 .--Senator Daly's
bill requiring 'school -districts to
hop icboQl four months in the'year
to entitle "them to" their portion of
school fnnds at the disposal 1 of
county '? superintendents failed To
pass. the House tonightHumf and
Cornet, Jed the opposition, insisting
that many districts do not have
enough "money "at their" disposal to
hold schools four months in every
year. ' , . . ... '7.;.
Salem, Feb. ii.-&nother featur
less ballot for senator, was taken by
the Legislature today. The Mul
tnomah members showed a. little
unanimity in choosing a recipient
for their complimentary votes,
giving 15 to M. C George,- The
result on ballot was as follows: Ful
ton, 33; Geer, I5: Wood, 16; . Geo
rge, 15; scattering, absent and
paired, 8 total 96. ;:-r
i Huntley who .was one of Fultons
strong supporters, was paired with
Hayden. Hume of Coos and Cur
ry, who seems to enjoy making a
mystery of his real choice for Sen
ator, continues to cast his solitary
vote for Malarkey of -s Multnomah,
somewhat to 'the discomfiture of
that unwilling candidate. .
,s Bourne is making strong effor ts
to break the Fulton faction, but as
yet there is no evidence of success.
The vital question is still, can' Ful
ton hold his present
next week? The indications.- are
that he. will,, and in that event his
election is extremelypossibleY
'&aJem' , n , e
the formal School at Dm
SalemT Febf;I-i4TEe"";iays of
in ' as a
state institution tH are;;: numbered.
Erom all that can tfe learned from
-thosewha -are rnterestednnthe"l
schools it. seems to be. certain that
the Joint ways and means commit;
tee will "refuse' to " recommend " any
appropriation for jhat lnstitutiori,
and this Iwill rniati an abandonment
of the'!schoolHby: the state. The
action of tbe committee wilt"; be in
accordance with a popular demand
and the recommendation made by
Governor Chamberlain in his mes
sage. The total appropriations for
normal schools will be about $80,
336 against, $jtiQ,ooQ two years
ago,soc a teauctioniottneflny i536,-
Monmouth Normal will be given
$25,000 for .maintenance and $6500
for improvements, this mainten
ance appropriation being the same
as two years ago, but the .improve?
ment allowance isj5ooo greater,
i "Ashland N or mal .-will be" given
$18,856 for maintenance, which is
an increase of 6836. The school
will get $8000 fur improvements
while it had nothiogTor- this pur
pose two years ago. . " ' 1
- Weston - will get $16,ooo for
maintenance which -iSf a reduction
of I4060 i ;asj compared with two
years igo Thfe school will also
get,$6o6o'iot the furnishing of the
new building, construction of walks
and other im proyements The claim
of thev Weston; Normal vwas cut
down 14,000. . .' 1 ' ' ?
Tannery has flew Owners Brass Band
,- . Prgajaized-Other Iews.. j-.-.-. J --.
One of Victor Davis' twin babies
clied laH Saturday.-" "': ' ' V '
"irs Copelftnd oFSiTeTz iiTvlsiting
her mother Mr3 Sarah Kisor.
party win De given
FeKii iths by.xviB of the Jjitrary,
societies f 4iIofaiath KMU ge7
Mo?es- Bros-with -othercompHent
musicians, have organized' a ' brass
band and exoect to make their or-
fezafiization. rm"enl. ft f ff i
Mc. FFslgex haa-.soldrthetaji
nery to Mr Ifils worth. Mr s
wbrth has- associated with himself a-
tanner of large experiencd and they
expect to run-the tannety to its
fullest, capacity..r ,, . 3,? -:' ,
Mr glummer and family - from
Iadiana-' were - visitihg'with' his
cousin , Mrs E. , Wyatt last .. week.
They like the Willamette valley
much and-predict-arlarge immigra
tion from tbe East during the com-
?t'ieRm- "m 3B
Thr W. C.-T. U. had one of their
siJTef-HSnedax;dnle9t8 Sa,buijdjty
mghi dt'eezePs Chapel. "The con
testants all: drew applause j on ac
count of ."the excellence 2 of their
work. ' The judges- gave the 'medal
to- Miss Ethel Weed. , f v.
. ;r.-V : ;r . .. . j ' i '. Philomite. :
Physician Surgeon
; Office over postoffice. Residence Cor.
Fifth and lefferson streetsA Hours. 10 to
12 t 4! pi m. .Orders
left at Grabam &. Wortaam's drug store,
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powflei j
MedJMidwint. Sr
' TAGE ROAD; - ' -; -
Primary Bill arid Opinion Thereon
-Board of Health Bill - Pas- r
'; ses Both ... Houses Bills ''.,.;.'
r'':: Signed by "Governor
'-. y; Other. News!,: jv "
Salem, Feb. 12.The Johnson
bill; appropriating $165,000 for the
Dallee-Celilo. portage railroad, , pas
sed Jhe Housa-. yesterday morning,
only eight members voting no.
Gult of; - Washington .- ' made
vigorous opposition to the bill . de
claring the road would; be - of , little
benefiti. .i.iii!s(j''"?, 'r. ; ;.-.
iDayey of Marion was lieartily in
favor of the road and all the Mul
tnomah members - voted . for the
bill.- :;.: ; - -rj,r. -::k":
The measure will come, up in the
Senate today, and . will, probably
pass that body . - j :;.ir
The committee from the chamber
of commerce in Portland was here
in the interest of the railway. -They
were Henry Hahn, L A. Lewis,
E. E. Ly tie, and E. T," Williams. :
Circulars explanatory to the need
of opening the Colombia river were
furnished every naemberi- It states
that it will save. the producers $ 1,5
oo,coo annually ;;;.it .. will ; increase
the population of" the state .-more
than, any oae thing, not excepting
the Lew rs and Clarke fair, ;-. The
county affected by an open river
produces . 40 "milliof v.v, bushels
of grain.' 80,066 head" of cattle and
horsesr52i,33! bead of" sheep and
bogSi 3,600 cars ' fruit,, ' 16,000,000
lbs of wool, s.405,ooo -lbs of hides
367)oorlons of hay, all- valued v at
30 million 1 dollars; la 'the above
county there are rr million acres of
tillable 'land : and .'but ; 3,500,000
acres npw under.-colavation.u;;
- The bill carries with it an appro
priation of $165,000.' for the 'con
struction of the road. Before ad
opting this it was amended to qual
ity to or so much of this amount as
may be necessary, and -th at no ex
penditure shall be made in excess
of this amount, i ;: "..V -f- -.
The road will be less than 10
miles iri length, and estimates
given show that the" reduction of
the freight rate in,. Eastern . Orego
will pay the cost of the construction
of the road in less than two years.
' 'i'-'- r : f :
The bill of which Senator Pierce
so cleverly e cured the pas age last
week, .provided fortne. appointmem
of a deputy state land agent -at-a1
salarjp of $1260 per year has i beei
substituted and passed, again. The
new law allows. the deputy agent a
salary tDf only $90operyear." He
is called the clerk of the state land
agent., . , ' '. . .' .
ita,te-LaBdA.geB Geer has coda
pi-ted and bled with the governor
hl biennial report- for the period
between .Janaary.l lg")! and SepJ
etVi bef 30 IQ02. ,The report shows j
a great increase in tna- Business ot
" tfi4 department ovfer the two pre
diag--;y&-r&j--During the - '2X
month the aggregate of the sales qo-i
lbrat4-hQ-;:l'ind.ofB!o . wasf'
mitting the report, Mr Geer makes
ru.pib! ofjfwrip&fdations ttie."
mj6rityf wfVHrarprovided fse:
n buis-hat are poading before toe;;
aessfotuof;i8lature. , ;
X Salenj, Feb. 10. The Lockwodd
primary measure passed the senate
toyjie teotfiffia primary- eij
ectloas in cities or iooo population
afnoVweiv- it-fymerely au1 ex ten-
sion at tne. Bvstem now --m use an4
Multnomah ' cuuntyT" " r '
-;The.;;Salom Journal says: The
Lockwood Primary system was put;
into operation far the first time last:
spring at Portland. Some claim-;
that it is av very fair-law,- and it"'5s
no doubt an improvement on what;
preceded Hri"'fc"'- L r::- ; : V$
-rrlti8:delegatystena-e--pufr "alL4
parties on one blanket ballot, 1
ocrat8rand "ep uplicalis votet
oti tb same' baIlotr.-t-'It" Will not be
denied that it has some eood fea-
;nresf ni ... . -. w
It will not be denied that both
Republican! factsoaa' at " Portland
freely solicited Democrats, and got
them," and voters . of other parties
voted for Republican -1 delegates at
Portland last spring; ,. --t . '-'.
Only a very small faction of the
Democrats voted for their own sla
tes of delegates. i-d-ir;' (. '-'--:
In Marion -county a-large peroea
tage of the voteB at the .Repii.blicaa
primaries were dragged in from
other parties to vote obe slate or
the other for. the contending " fictions.'-
,":-,...,'-',' - -, ". ;' .'V. ;-pf::
"T7 i." T-V'I- iT .
.- Do the -people want r these .? cor
legalized and carrjediorr .at public
expenses? .
Is that not what the Lockwood
law legalizes, and is not that, what
it is proposed to extend ; over , the
state by extending the Lockwood
law?'i; V!u-VJ-"Ai:f,:2i'"--1
It fs desirable to demoralize -the
political -r parties, ;.to f idisintf grate
them; to emphasize and embitter
factions,? by-extending the 1. Lock
wood law? Li-i- -.'ziav .-1 r.iz?rp.'-Mt
. Has the operation - of then Lock
wood lawt as it worked inrvMultno
mah county last year,:' been -.beriefi-
ciai-to the liepublican or Democrat
ic party, or to the, ipeople" ia.
-t We woulddike ;- tor have .flomermf
the advocates of the Lockwood law
enalyze its - operations,- . and show
the people why it should pe extend
ded over the state. :-v.f. :. '-'- k
Six Inches of Snow .There Ist . Week
Logging . Camp Shut Down.. : . ; ;..
..Mrs Annie Robinson , is." visiting"
her parents. . . . . - ,,. -:sa
" There has1' btetf some' . loss ' of
sheep here since" the snow fell. ;
- Charles - Frantz of '3 Columbus,
Ohio is visiting relatives .-at ,iHos?
kins. . ' ' " " , . ' ''
Howard BushJias purchased the
Hale place. It is reported that the
price paid is.$4,opo, ,J ...y,
There is stall fed; beef in the val
ley, and some of the owners are
looking for a buyer.
. ?'-:c:"'j- : h -"i-.i i:'; u : :
v Art Miller is talking of ,'building
a steamboat tanavigate the -. Luck -iamnte
to Kings Valley store:' v .
.The ground- here was" covered
with ix. inches of snow.- It is said
on the neighboring hills there ::was;
eighteen inches. ; Up at the Spaul:
ding logging camp there was rjtwo
feet,. 'and- work-was shut down for,
favorable weather-.' Vv .-,
President's "Interest " in' the "; Negroes
Does Not Spit Southern . . .
,. Newspapers. .- - . ... -
,:r -a-
In various ways the press of the
Soath resents President Roosevelt's
predilections for; negroes. His ap
pointment of a negro to the Charles
ton i- collectorship. and ; his course
with 5 reference to the Mississippi
postmistress have started a ' fresh
outburst. The following- lines dis
close the eharacterof the sentiment
They are from a Missouri paper:.-.
Thing3 at'the White House : ; --Looking
mighty curious, .
Nigger running everything, '
White people furious.
Niggers on the front porch, . -
Niggers on the gable,
Niggers in the dining room,
. Niggers at the table.
Niggers in the tilting "room,
Making all theltalk;
Niggers in the ball room '
Doing cake walk. x-; : r
Niggers in the east room ,
Make a- mighty throng,;;
Niggers in. the. musie room .,:
. . Singing .a-co.oa ..y'ing. -:;rj, i-;
Nigge-rs'in the: hallway. -1"1
- Takiii off tbelr'wrapv:":
Niggers -is tbe billiard room -j
Sosotio'g game of -c'rapeV--'
NGt a l,oot3a.;inWJiits Housed :r
.. Wiihoutjniggera many; i : , '.
Baby id. tii? ntijsryi x'rzrsr svr-
AJfligget pickaainnyxi - "S i:ia.
NiggerV pnthe 'stafrwaj 1 if "
;:Wtth;4efyJJmticff" 'satiety;;-.',: !
Niggers ixiXps blae 'roam'l' -,iJ " J,;';
Assernbied for society "
Niggerr in the froot yard, ;i,r ;,i -r
Niggers in the back;-:- --'...;-::
Niggers popae in orbnibus, V.ij o (:s
f And niggers comft iqiback. :
On tbey go4o-WasbiHgton
.' With a mighty rush;
Forty thousand niggers-S
Getting in the push.
There' .trouble in the Whita House
More.than you.caa tell, ; -. .
Yelling like iid'ment'' "
, . Niggers iaisin", jielK,'',-'
I see-a way to,8ettle.itji ir;:t.T t.-it
Just as clear asywaterwi:.-?;!:
Let Mr.. Booker Washington ii.
Oriftbisiaos not orf36Hr i'i ''
Teddy's cup of foy, : '; -;-:';, : ''
Then let !Miss -' Dinah - Washington
. ; Marry Teddy's boy.' ' ' ; '
"But everything is settled; r...,. ..'....?
Roosevelt is dead. . ;.. , ;;;'.
Niggers in the White House .
Cut off Teddy's bead.
' i NOTARY PUBLIC. " " '
Office in Zierolf Building, CorvilUs. Or.
Nigger? id tbe store rdom , ...
Nisgersin Hie bed'rbow..... , ' T
ywilltnK Hage for Preotoia ItosM
( - fore Seem in This Conalrf. x "
. ' The world has 'never seen, and Inno
other part of the world is there now
to ' be: ' seen, any-thing like 'America's
jewel madness as shown by the condi
tions, of to-day when more than 00
New y brk establishments are engaged
lolelj- .in the importation of precious
Btones'j when agents of Am'
ers "are searching" Europe for the white
gem and hopelessly;-endeavoring to
Bupply-American appeals for. rubies
apd; emeralds,, and When 6,000 men in
South Afriea. are toiling to obtain dia
monds, morejthan'.half f iWhich. are
to add' to the beauty and happiness of
the Americans womn.,: It is . she that
has .caused, the 3Jnited.,State,to be
come the greatest diamond market in
the world, says , Ainslee's" .Magazine.
Tot" her we have: imported- in a single
year; $20,000s000-!l worth 'of '-preciousj
tones ;" for ' hfe'r-,' -at 'one - period, -We?
smuggled them in at the rate- of $7,
000,000) a year-i for: her we' annually
buy something; like $12,000,000 Wortb'
Of diamonds; and thus, for her sake,'
heartlessly : leave ' of ' the . world's out
put of diamonds only some $8,000,000
Worth' td: satisfy the "vanity- 6f all the
rest of the -women on earth. ' For her.
adornment?, we annually cause ' to be
brought 'to -this country - diamonds
weighingj ini the: 7 aggregate, i-1,200-poundsi
3, weight three 'times that of
the -tota? output: of . the famous Kimi
berley field,, and practically -the equal
of that of the whole of South Africa,
this-world's greatest diamond-mine.
't:y.i,'r. f?' 1 '" - ' ' r
' ,t t How, 0wt Uc "1 X!
,.J4, westeri) .cattleman saystbat.aU
cows ,n . qown pn.tneir ,leit side -and
never .on right unless the leftja
injured. ., .,- ... ; ,.,,... ; ....
' -i!- 1 Summons." " ' "'.;;, . .
Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Ben ton Countv. , ., .
Seth B Chllds. Plaintiff, "vs1 BE tongfbdttom,
D.D Longbottom, J J. Lonsbottom' A. Roy, Sadie
Kbyj' Amanda M LoniBrOottom, .Joan XongQtr
tona Hn-tlie IiOngfbottoiri; Defendants. -:
WEE Lonebottom jf J Longbottom, : M. 'Eoy
Sadie : Eoy, Amanda. M. , Lmgbottom, John
LongljSttomvHaUie- r,dngbottom, Six of thtj ,da
fendants abovetaamedr.vj- 1 T'.i.'at: -
In tne name of the. State of Oregon, . you are
herb Summoned and required: to appsar ln the
above Court at the Court room thereof,, in : the ,
City ot Oorvallls, Benton Oountv, State ot Ore
gon on or before We4nesday the 25th. day of
March, 1903 to airewer to thePlalntlff s Complaint
now on file in said Court in. this sntt and If yon
fall to appear and answer for want thereof
the Plaintiff wlll ta'ke a-decree of said Court for
tb relief prayed for In said Complaint -to wit;
That he Plaintiff Is the owner jn, fee simple .of
the folloWlng described premises towtt: " - "
Beginning at the.S E Corner of the N E. Quar-:
ter of Section 2 being the S W Corner of .-. Kobt ,
Grlers homestead Olnim : and running thence
W 80 rodss thence J( 87 and rods:, thence E
80 rods . thence S 87 and a rods to the place of
beginning ; also a narrow strip land being a part
of Lot No 3 in said Sections and bounded as
follows: On the E by the S E Quarter of the N E
Quarter of said Section 2 and ou- the 8 by the
land of "William A Slate and on the . W by the
land of said Slate and on the north by the land
of O C Chandler and being a - part of said JU t 3,
heretofore sold to C O Chandler by , P M Beits
save and except one-half acre of tne above des
cribed, given for a cemetery and described as
follows: - . - ' -
finmmencine at the S E Corner, of the N . E
'Quarter of said Section 2. running thence 2i
tods; tnence vv itrousaiiu id nu&a. mencc o
22 rods! thencelE 3 rods and 16 Ilnksjto the place
of beginning containing half an acre, also ex
cept the loilowlng; '. ; . ;
Beginning at a point where the E ' line of the
James Ed wards Don L .01 Not No ,7S70 CI No 47
running thence Eat 61 degrees South I chain
and 64 links thence S 55 degrees W 2 chains to
Alsea River,: thence following said river to
where it Intersects said E line ot said -.tames
Edwards land -claims thenceNto the place of be
ginning containing one-fourth aoie more or less
all being In Section 2X14 !BW Will Mer in
Benton County, Stat.of Ojegon,.and decreeing
that you have 110 ilht, claim title or interest of,
in orto the sameaiidoebarringlandjenjoiniiiir you
from asserting any claim or interest therein.
This summons is published .by the ;-ord"r of
Hon Virgil E Watters, Judge of the t.ouniy
Court of the State of Oregon fop -Benlon County
made on the 10th d.iy lit February, 1903, lobe
puWiehed for Bix eohsecntive ' weeks- and the
date ot the tirst publication thereof ;to.: be-' lreh-
ruary..ri9.3j5. r V . .. ... . -.-.i .
',- - J' " W.'S. ahd J. K'. McFADDKJi.T. ...
5'ujf;..:i t.V'. i Attorneys for Plaintiff.'
I Su
mrnans- -;-y- '
'. In fee C'trciiit Oourtof the State qf Oregon for.
Beutl h county, .iViu-iH- 1 ' '-'-' . '
A..,'E iaws. platotiff veisns Ssiahi 1 -.Stenafti
defendrtiji.; . . .. .' .-
To Harnh Ktwart' thO'-fibrtveTiJiTrrer! defeTirTAht,'
, IiLtlie name of.tbn-Swte ' 9f Oregoa-'i.-Vou;
are hereby" reo.hlred to tHJtar.iind aWi-iwerr. ..the.
comnlaiut-ot ta'e'aAove-nr-iniv-.iijlainfiir-'iu ''the'
abov-e eutjtled.Vfiiirt, nn fite -wlTJ thelerK
of 8-iid'court witlou six ;eiis tirojn.ihe lTthv.o
.'Janiltffvi.ih;i.-tiie:d'te;'Of-tfie Ark '-'tniMicKAih'
l,of thtr stimmoasj anei.u arrj.iheSSbyi iihtiflfidi
1-that if you fait-to appear and answer
LplalntJas hereby retjaireotue'plamtirr will al
pij'rwipvtinit fir int. prnvi in aaiu .
. om"pJai :i1 towit; Xhe foreclosure pf . a, csrlaiiv
mortaee" made and- executed by iihry 'Majid
Hoffman through her duly iiuthor;z4jdiaft(Jiney
-in fact, to plaintiff on the' 13th day of April. 18K5
to seeure the payment of u cert tin 'promissory
: note of ;Mar.: M wtj Hortnian.fl or 331 Ji. ' py ble
year a'tfr date, with lmeras thereanatfhe rate
of ten per eerit pef-ahmim, ' from - date' hnd
-which saidimortgaga'conTeyed 'ujto-Jl)lalSfift
t.the followiug described rail ,pr,oei,ty.,elt4W.ted.
Y- in $tAntr.rt -tvirfTn -L T'.rtt. YiitTTihiiP A in'
'And ; further decrea barring and, , foreclosing.
yoaV!sald-Barah:Stewart bf and frbnt all liht
title or-intereBt In orto-sad real property and
every part there .f, ..-....f.'jv . ' - r- , '
Hop.-rVtreikSju Watters Jodge.; of 'the" County
Court of the Ptute of Oregon, made at Chambers
In Oorvallls1.' Oregon , January 14th, 1903. The
dated tbe first publication of this sumtnona ds
This iuimnons-is puDtisnea- dv oraer-or tne
January 17, 1903. and the last publication there. If
of FtMiaiy28, l()3. - ' . ' "-' ;' I .
; S.U t.i.-'-i! -Attorneys tor Pffcintitls..
n 1 ,- , , r it j -if ;i;,ni-
T)mhBr.T.m-mrii:Silte:3; 187S.I- lifHXC IWSMHua
United State-. Land Office, Oreaon Cityt Oregon,
Janyl2th, 1903. " ' " "
-N otlce is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress pf June 8,
1K7S. HTitttled "An'act for the sale of timber lands
in the states' of Oaliforuiai Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory;, as exienaea to- an tno
Public Land States by act of August , 1892,
' ' ,r AdeJbert.D. Perkins, 5-
of Toledoycountyf Benton;: state t rOregon;
has this day Sled In this office his sworn state.
ment-iNb eooa for the purchase of the - Ns ot
NE of Section; No 28 ' fn Township' ; -No 13 8
Bange No 7 West, and will offer proof to. show
that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its
timber or etone than tor -agrloaltural purposes
and to .establish his .claim to said . land before
Victor P-Moses, Olerlc of Benton County, Ore
gon, Corvallis. OtegMly on : Wednesday, the 8th.
day of April, 1903 1 rr....i-i - - . '
" Hennmes as witnesses: " ' - " '
. John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon, l i t
- FrankM Spencer " ' , r
i William Brazel ion of Toledo. Oregon, , , " ' "
. Charles Kreger . . : ; ' " .- '
' Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or betore said 8th
day of April, 1903. . . , .
- . . - - Register,
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Koom 14, First .'National Bank
Bmlding,-" Corvalhs, Or. Office Hours,
10 to-1 2 a,-m.;"2 to 4 p. m"' -
Pianos! Pianosf
"' f o'ill'iti X-r.r.i a.'r"-.'-iiy .ttilM
"Parties wishing to buy pianos,
call or addresSjRp M Cramer of
Cramer 6rg attj :
You can save from $25 to $50 by
fiuyfng hrough Hiir and tbusaYe
the. middleman's profit, and be has
all designs, and will order -' direct
for you and is permanently located'
here:1'""1 :-bn:- ,n"4'V
..t.'i.i : .- U"-j;: ;rii TlT'"f -.v-j"; .-:;13i-r
As 1 am, acquainted, with .most
of the mannfacturers, ,f can fljrmsli
nearly every make you . wish . , r : ,i"
' Beware of ' che'ap inducements,
as there are many inferior grades
out now. ' -;..i;i-v.;5ij.'; ..-': . W
'- . . -' ' -y . " ' -I---" f - -. r
JPjaiio; Cessons
:.:1 !t f'f - S , .' i- - .1.. ;
Late of New England -Cpnserva,-tpry
of Music, Bpstpn.,Termailea
sonable,. ' Residence, coruer, of Tay ,
lor, .andiSixth, streets,. Corvallis, Or.
NeAvly Fui-iiishedi
Located in Hemphill Building, Cor
; vallie, Oregon. f;?.'';; '""V";
.'i-. 4- ' ,...!, --
Willamette ValleV : '
... GOKVAXLIS OREGON". . .. ..
Hcspdnsibi1ity $100,000'
A General Banking Businsss-r
Exchange issued payable at all Haan
Clal centere in United States, Canada
and Europe.' ; : ;: '.'"'.",.;
Principal Corrccpondenfs,
FORItANDLondon & San FranciHcoUarilc
Limited; Canadian Bank of Commerce.."
SAN FKAJfCISCO London & San Francis-
I co Bank Limiteilu . . , ..
SEW YORK Messrs. J. F. Morgan Co. -CHICAGO
First National Bank.,, !;'!. 1
LONDON,' ENG. London Si San Francisco
BanW Limited. ' k " "'
t Francisco Bank. Limited.::;.-. . .-
'!-H6nfeopa,tM8t' "
.Office cor 3rd and Moorpsi ets. , iBeel.p
dence cor 3rd and Hafrisba. sts.
. Hdtir-1'0 to' 12 A. "'Hi 2' to i -aha 7
. to Sundays 9 Co 10'' A. Mi'"
Ii!;; i:;.iivf-f . . fi.' -if' '
is - t-fiR!. - MAUD, .HOLT. :nh.
x-r it-if.jil'i:
:i- I
v: -MVS.)-.
l. Hi!
b&te:6ii' South 'Maih'St'Corisulf
r: tation and examinations' freer
-Offica hours!'.ii8:3o to 11:45 &?m
; 1 toSi45 ft." ttf. nPhoae"235.
'tfeSidenirifroktof court Koue facing Sri"'"
Bt. Office hours to a. m. 1 to 3 and 7 to 8; ' ";-
coEVAitia '
ii, l-.-' '' .-
r DB.n Ci Ht NEWTH, k.
- - !.jrvu:. ..f!i- r j:.rf'u;.-.. -.d:.:
Physician & Surgeon ;
Philomath, Oregon
-;:v. ii:IHlil
E: ;0Eplgat6
Stenograplty and typewriting done'' I
Office in- Burnett brick Corvallis.-Oreg11'
i i; ,r',- ;r - i f " ; -f ti't '
i ('.' . ,..., .
i Homeopathic Physician, ' -'
' ' ' Surgeon and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg.
; Residence on ' 3rd .. at between 1 :
Jackson & Monroer Gorvallis, Or
. 'i.:,!.'-.6'' Resident Phon Sltt
Office tiaurB 10tol2m,itol and 1 to T-.SO p
E. R. Bryson,
. 1 c Attorney-Ab-Law. ,'