The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 14, 1903, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton Countr,
The state is to have
one less
normal school.
Draih is to be
The institution at
abandoned. , The
' appropriation . on
the normal
school account
is reduced from
iiTn.nootwo vears ago to about
Sn mn hv this session. The re-
v '
comrrtendation of Governor Cham
"berlain was that still another of the
Normals be .'abandoned, reducing
the whole number to two. Though
the legislature will do well in the
elimination of one, it would have
been wise and proper to follow the
recommendation to the letter.
The Normal school idea has been
ttnrwnrked in Oreeon. , Much of
the monev scent on them should
go into the common school fund,
and in the latter much of the in
struction in the so-called Normal
courses should be given. In theoVy
the Normal institutions are forpre
paration of teachers; in practice
they are high schools or minor
colleges, The chief reason for the
existence of so inanv is the desire
of different localities for a graft and
the popular notion that the state
should provide'it. Two thorough
ly maintained and well appointed
Normals are enough for Oregon,
and for their 'purposes are infinitely
better than four poorly provided
for, ' - V )' '
If, as predicted, the legislature
abandons the Drain Normal now
and later on eliminates still another,
the state will have been well served
. ' .
It is given but from Washington
that the only anti-trust legislation
k be expected from this congress is
the passage of the Elkin's bill. Elk
ins in the role of reeulator of ' the
.trusts is a mammoth joke, His cura
tive for trust evils is about as effec
tive as catnip tea in a yellow fever
epidemic. His measure provides, for
nothing not already covered in the
interstate commerce act. . It . does
not in fact provide such severe pen
alties for the giving of rebates by
railroads as does, the present ,- la w.
It entirely abolishes imprisonment
for such offenses and makes fines
the only punishment. V
Who is verdant enough to be
lieve that,a rebate system of which
it may be truly said that ' 'there
' are millions in it" could be broken
.up by an occasional prosecution
and a fine of ''not more than $20,
000 even 11 a conviction were
ever obtained and sustained by the
highest court, a thing that has
never yet happened?
' Jacob Felger Funeral Today Parents
Meeting Other News.
The county court has asked for
bids for -bringing the present owner
books up to March 1st next.
professor J. B. Horner and W.
E. Yates talked before a Toledo
audience last night on , "'Oregon
literature" and "Value of Correct
English." .
. Jacob Felger died Thursday
2ght at his home in Philomath,
ter an ailment of years standing.
1 He was aged about 75 years. The
survivors are,' the widow, Thomas,
Benjamin, Oliver Felger and Mrs
Rice, a daughter, in Portland. Thn
deceased was a resident of Bentoa
county lor more than thirty . years.
The funeral occurs today at
Philomath, and! the interment is to
be in Newton cemetery. .'." :
Next Saturday there is UT be a
parentsVmeeting, for discussion of
school, matters, in the hall of Fair-
mount Grange. The grange will
also have a hand in the meeting. A
- programme eimilar to those at oth
er parents' meetibgs that have been
held, has been preparecLancLwill be
disposed of by teachers and parents
of the vicinity. It will appear in
next Wednesday's Times. ,
: Freeh Cooked Crabs.
One half dozen for 30 cents. ;- Neatly
packed in light boxes and delivered at
1 express office hv Newport. Four . boxes
or less shipped to one address will cost
bat 35 cents for expressage. Address
borders to ' '
. TV. G. Emery, Newport, Ore, .
List of Warrants Ordered Drawn at
Last Week's Meeting of
. ,. . Court. . . : j
lhe following bills- were allowed by
the County Court at its regular March
term towit; - . '
T H Cooper sal supr rd dist no 4 9 5 00
G L Stoneback . . '; " 1 : ll 00
Lewis Wentz " ... ' 5 2450
John S Miller " " 7 ' 71 40
E A ttlake b I6 qo
W M Clark " . ; ." J . - 5 00
ACadwalader " - ; ," 9 X23 00
W h Read " ' 10 48 00
J R Fehler " " 11 11 00
Monroe Unuders" ; 12 27 00
Q C Peek : ' ' - " 13 38 00
EN Starr , " . 14 13 00
JohnR Crow ' " 15 18 00
Albert Zierolf '.' " . 16 2 00
C E Banton " " 18 25 00
J R Fehler rd work 2 50
(i Li Stoneback 2 00
V A Carter reg voters June 1902 5 20
Kdna Finley work tax roll ' , II 50
M V Leeper juror circuit cf ' , 4 40
Geo Mercer Jr " " 4 50
K Holgate J F fees State vs Flett
et ai
(3 V Young const fees 7
1 45
3l 25
1 80
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 do
2 00
40 20
1 30
2 50
1 00
2 95
2 00
2 20
48 95
24 00
3 7o
0 75
8 00
1 63
W L Price jury list J P
W B Price asst jury list
John Price ', -" "
j N Hoeue J P fees jary list
r r T 1 . " . . j
j v recK atjtjury list ,
M PTatten
W G Lane janitor
J D Mann & Co supplies c h
PST&T Co telephones , s
Albert Strong bridge work i'
Lafayette Blakeslee " I
Miller & Alcorn road supplies .
Joh a Miller road work ..
W I Price damage by road work
J E Michael run ferry .
" two boats -'
J R Smith & Co rd supplies . '
A j Fen ton ra work
Wm Burgett bridge work I
R M Wade & Co road supplies
Franklin Iron Works road & ferry
4 35
H Hart bridge work X
1 fiO
1 50
4 25
3 00
10 00
82 50
2 40
5 25
Cbas Beckwith bridge work 1
J H Simpson road supplies
u uarns bridge work
RR Gilbert "
R M Gilbert "
G Hodes powder. road4.
C I tarr rd wk dist no 14
S Starr " ' 14
1st Nat Bank assgd vouchers dist
no 14 . i
Chas Armstrong rd wk dist no 17
EL Davis, " : I7
1 50
.. 6 00
6 00
3 00
37 50
2 50
, 2 5o
2 5o
139 30
2 75
13 7o
3 o5
E B Horning gro co poor
R C Kiger sal Stock Inspector
J M Porter expenses bridge com.
A W Hawley v
E R Bryson " ,
Mrs D Hoggins care co floor
A Wilhelm & Sons mdse co poor
Corvallis Times printing
W A Jolly expenses to Albany'
' 'i - Clerk,
Another Fine Home on College Hill is
' Ready for Occupancy.
Prof. A. L- Knisely has formally
received his new residence near the
college, from the contractor, A. F,
reterson. ine prolessor is very
proud of his new home, and justly
so. . Its location is very desirable.
being in a good community, , and
commanding a grand view of the
near-by hills as well as the distant
snow peaks and lower ranges of
the Cascades toward the east and
northeast. This is a two story
house containing ten rooms be
sides a spacious reception hall,, at
tic, etc. It is hard finished throughout-
There is 122 feet oi ver
anda, The reception hall, recep
tion parlor, dining room and sit
ting room are connected by sliding
doors. - ; . .
Between the reception hail and
parlor in a grand archway support
ed by ash pillars resting on pan
neled bases ingeniously constructed
into book cases and seats. In the
octagonal windows, extending two
stories, are handsomely designed
seats. The main stairway: is fin
ished in natural fir with charming
combinations of its varied grains.
Mr. Peterson seems to be . quite
partial to ; the Oregon finishing
materials and has apparently an
unusual faculty of working then)
into fine effects. The work through
out is finished in fir, hand-wrought
Although there are two fireplaces
in the building it is ' completely
tted for being heated with air and
is wired for electric lighting. -Altogether
it is one of the "handsom
est, most convenient and besf con
structed residences in the 'city. '
Mr. Peterson is the designer and
builder, and it can be said to the
credit ot both the owner and con
tractor that the business relations
of the parties in the fulfillment of
the construction contract are t en
tirely satisfactory. ' :
. .. For Sale.
Four flue Shepherd 'pups. Price 3
each. Walter Brown. Corvallis.
Wanted : 2' .
A good girl for general housework.
Apply at Young's etore. MisC W Young-
Por Infante and Children.
Jlie Kind You Have Always Bougi
r Beard tho
A Carload of Immigrants to Leave
Nebraska the Nineteenth. .
A carload bf immigrants is to
leave Nebraska, on the 19th
instlbr Webfoot. " Most of them
come .from the vicinity of Laurel,
Nebraska, and nearly "ali; are old
acquaintances and friends of B.
Evers, who came to Corvallis from
the former place nearly a year ago
Thirty persons are-to be passeng
ers on the car, and ,the destination
is Albany, from . whence , the new
arrivals will : scatter . in all direc
tions. Mr. Evers has already rent
ed a house in Corvallis ; for pne of
the coming families. - f - . 1
- The low rates of last year. $25
from Omaha to Portland,, .will: be
available to the newcomers. : As the
same rate is to be in - vogue for
sometime it is expected that arrivals
of homeseekers will be numerous
during the coming months. -
Bad Luck for Sheep Expedition in Al
sea Boat Went Under.
AnilUfated attempt at boating
sheep was made in Alsea last week.
C. Peek had twenty or thirty
head running in the vicinity , of
the Vidito place, an4 during the
snowy weather determined to move
them to his own farm, a mile and' a.
i . ir j . 1 a 1 . t. 'I
nau uuwn me Aisea river. j.t was
decided to take them down the riv
er in a flat boat. Thomas Slate
was employed as assistant. H
A dozen of the sheep with their
legs tied were put in - the scow and
five more, similarly bound were
laid in a skiff. The boats wef e
shoved off, with. Peek iri the skiff
and Slate on board the scow. A
hundred and fifty yards down the
stream, there was a drift. That is
where the scow headed for. When
it struck, it went bottom side up
and disappeared, carrying "eleven of
the animals down to & watery grave.
Slate escaped by'Ieaping from boat
to drift at the critical moment.
Some Things About it-Jts Last Month's
Meetings and Next. -.
One of the delightful ladies' clubk
of Corvallis, is the" Ladies After
noon Reading Club. ' The club
numbers a dozen members, and
reads each ' Tuesday afternoon.
The meetings occur, at the residence
of one of the members for a period
of a month, and the last one par
takes of the character of an enter
tainment, embodying a programme,
luncheon and the invitation of ,a
few friends, if desired by , the host
ess. - Last Tuesday afternoon one
of the latter events occurred at the
home of Mrs. J. F. Yates, and was
delightful in character .. - The table
decorations , were of violets, mar
guerites and smilax, all from the
conservatory at the home. The
programme comprised, "Current
Events," a J paper by Mrs. J. B
Horner: vocal solo, Mrs Woodcock;
"Origin of the English Language,"
Mrs Berchtold; "The Face at the
Window." reading by Mrs Cathey;
and quotations by all the members
from Thackeray. The club meets
during next month at the home of
Mrs Woodcock. .
To Home Seekers.
-Among many other choice ' bar
gains. I am now offering the fol
lowing: 80 acre-farm,' 55 in creek
bottom under plow, in crop, bal
ance erass, new hve room, well-
finished house, new barn, running
water, all under fence, wood
house, chicken house, fruit cellar;
orchard, 3 miles from R R station,
rural mail, 2 good mares, new ' har
ness, wagon and top buggy, 6 cat
tle, hogs, chickens', - sheep and
goats all for $2400. AUwis
acres, 15 fine valley under plow,
100 pasture, 2 barns, good five
room residence, orchard, running
water, buttery, wood and chicken
houses, 4 horses, 4 cows, 40 sheep,
besides lambs, 28 goats, 2 wagons,
2 buggies, all farm implements,
plows, seeder, hay rack, hay rake,
mower, binder, mower, et c. : good
location one mile to church, school
and R R jggooo. 160 acres, 2
miles of Corvallis, 90 creek bottom,
balance pasture j' and timber, 60
acres cultivated, good orchard, all
under fence, new 1 4-room cottage,
2 barns, fine water, fine span hors
es, new wagon and harness, 3 high
grade cows, fifty hogs, all vfarm
implements,yall for. $4800, easy
terms; also improvements on
homestead claim. :-'"7. 'V
350 acres, .200 in valley under
plow, balance pasture fenced and
cross fenced,-large , barn, orchard,
2 etory six-room nonse, nne spring
water, good location, part on -, time,
must be sold by March 1st, only
$16 per acre. Many other bargains
See F. P. Morgan. . :
And Heard Him Talk Believe That
he WiH-Collapse Withers Funeral.
Sheriff Burnett and Judge Mc-Fad
den have returned from attendance
on the funeral of the late Sheriff
Withers at Eugene. : The funeral
was one of the largest (in the history
of Xane County. . During the time
there was suppressed excitement
over the fear that indignant citizens
might undertake the squaring of
accpunts with Lyons wsthont wait
for the court to doso.
The prisoner was seen in x the
county jail by Sheriff xJurnett and
other visiting sheriff, of whom there
were several at the funeral. Lyons
is of medium size and of a low or
der of intelligence. When seen, he
was so much overcome by. fear of
summary vengance that he was
much disturbed, and talked withi
difficulty. When the sheriffs ap
proached his cell, he turned his face
in another direction.
Sheriff Huston of Linn, on whose
farm near Shedd, Lyons had wor
ked several years ago, engaged the
prisoner in conversation. The
whole aspect of Lyons during the
talk -was that of abstraction and
abject fear. Many believe he
collapse before his time comes,
trial will , begin in Eugene
weeks from next Monday.
Damages to Mrs. Riley for Injuries
' Sustained in Bridge Collapse.
' Two thousand dollars - is the
amount that Linn county has paid
Mrs Riley, who with Mr and Mrs
Ed Andrews of Corvallis ..was in
jured in the collapse of a bridge last
year. The Albany Democrat of
Wednesday relates the facts as fol
lows: '
.tTrt . ... a
- ine county court m session
this afternoon ordered a warrant
drawn in favor of Harriet M. Riley
ot t'qrtland, tor J52000, a compro
mise, on account ot damages re
ceived in the bridge accidemt near
Oakville last year. Dr.- Wallace
made a special trip to Portland
several days ago and reported the
srrious conditions of Mrs. : Riley's
injuries, injuries that will last for
life.- Mrs. Andrews,- her "sister is
not as feeriously injured. A claim
of damages with her is being ad
justed. The codrt is loing the
square thing. Mr. Riley is irr the
city today, attending to the mat
ter." In the accident Mr Andrews sus
tained a fracture of the leer and otbi
er injuries, while Mrs Andrews
was badly bruised. The Linn
county court allowed them $575 fn
full settlement. " ' . - j
Bankruptcy in Portland of Miles W
Wilkms, Builder of Hotel Cor'
' vallis.
rinanciai troubles have over
taken. Miles W. Wilkins, who built
Hotel Corvallis. The following
paragraph from Wednesday's Ore-
gonian, sets forth the facts:
M. W. Wilkins and E. E. Wil
kins, solicitors living at Monta
villa and having offices in Portland
filed a petition in bankruptcy in the
United States District Court yes
terday atternoon. Their total
Labilities amount - to i6.68s.oi.
and consist mostly vof small amounts
due to bankers and merchants in
Portland and the, Willamette Valley
The assets of the bankrupts con
sists of household furniture valued
at $210 and exempt under the laws
of Oregon, and 100 shares of the
capital stock of the Corvallis Hotel
Company of the par value of $19,
500, but which is listed-as worth
less." --:.-..- -
' ' City Stables. ;
Notice is hereby given that we have
opened up the City Stables in Corvallis
and that we are well preparep to accom
modate the livery trade here in a first-
class manner. Good attention will be
given to the rare of transient stock and
regular boarders. A share of thepatron-
ace is solicited, , . '
' ' Winegar & Hodges.
: Card. Lace. Novelty, Drop, Parch-
inent, and Celluloid Valentines, ft om
1 cent to J3.00. ;. ,
Comic Uakntines
Big onesand lots of tliem
Gross in all, at 1 cent each. ,
Second Shipment
' ; Just received. from the factory. Come
early and get your choice while the
assortment is large. Positively the
finest assortment ever brought to
this city. 7 Come and see them. K
14 Days Terminates
Remnant and RummaAe Sale.
Come and get some of
Prices are so low that
jo' vy yvu w viHib our Jjaaies' Suit
i Department and see our new prices. Be sure to
look at our. Remnants of Dress Goods, Silks, ' Table Linens;
and Outing Flannels. Don't neglect our Knit Underwear
Bargains. Learn our new prices on Cloaks; Overcoats and
Rain Garments that are being sacrificed before our New
Spring Stock arrives. V . ' - . .
Our Jennesse Miller
Diamond " W" Brand
The Best Grade of Canned
Goods on the Market Today;
Look at Our Windows and see the Varieties.
150 0
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us, but sel) that you make no mistake iri '
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
; ies that is the
- v v place to '
:.' " ' . BUY ; '
L Frcsb Fruits
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep whab you want and to
please. Call and see ! ,
Administrator 's Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is berebr eiven. that the undersigned
hag been appointed administrator of the estate
of Klnman Vanderpool. deceased, and all per
sons having claims against said estate are here
by required to present the same duly verified
aa by law reouired to me at Wellfl. Orpflrnn. or
it the office of Yates & Yates, Corvallis, Oregon
wjthln six months from this date.
Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, this 7th day of
February, A D, 1903,
Ad'nfnistratorof the estate of Klnman Van
derpool, deceased. , ,
; Referee's Sale of Real Property.
On the 7th day of March. 1903. at the hour of
one o'clock P M at the front door of the Court
house in Corvallis. Oreeon, I will sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol
lowing aescriDed real estate town: ixts nos.
1(,7 and 114 in block no. 25 In the City of Philo
math, Benton County, Oregon. Said ale is made
under and In pursuance of an orderand decree
ol the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Benton County in the suit of George H Burtch,
et al Plaintiffs vs Jennie Churchill et al, De
fendants, a proceeding for the partition and
sale of real property, ,
'.' 31. f BUKMJSXT,
Referee appointed by the said court to sell
said real estate, y
Bean the A W TOILHaVB AltaVS
S7X Vt!
the bargains still remaining.
they are sure to inspire heavy
$3.50 Shoes for $2.50
Something New.
Call in and get a Trial Package
Bodes grocery J
Fin O)
Frcsb Uedetabics
Notice of F'rial Settlement,
. '
In the Matter of the Estate .of James MirviO
Applewhite, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that 1. E E Wilson, a
administrator of said estate of James Marv
in Applewhite, deceased, have filed my final ac
count as such administrator with the clerk ol '
the County Court of Benton Couuty. State of Ore
gon, and the said Court has fixed Saturday the
7th day of March, 1903, at the hour of ene o'clock
in the afternoon of said day as the time, and
the County Court room in the Court House, In
Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as the'placo
for hearing any and all objections to the Bald,
final account and for settlement ther
. Dated this February 7, 1903, . '
. Administrator of the Estate ot James Marvin,
Applewhite, deceased. , . .. .
T W McGowan, Jr, established 1867
commission merchant,, hops, and. general
merchandise, 36 & 3& Whitehall street,
New York. Liberal advance made on
all : consignments, Highest market
prices obtained and quick returns. , Ref- -ferences:
' G .Dunn's Mercantile,
Agency, New York; Bradstreets Mer
cantile Agency, - New York ; Bank of
Americai New York, ' ,