Ronhty Eilerk's fiM Vol. XV. No. 52. CORVAIifclS, OREGON, FEBRUARY, 11, 1903. . B. F. IRVINE Editor and Proprietor. We m BARGAINS: For Febrmaryt QREAT-REDUeTIONi 0 a ; .IX H. &&RRI! F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, Ranches, write for my special list, or come and ffl see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all R the reliable information you wish, also showing W you over the country.- -- HENRY AMBLER, ; Real Estate, Lban, and Insurance, J j J Philomath, Oregon. ; ;' - ' Times OffiGe for Job PrintinAJ flaoy - .x grain, fruit and poultry- Watches, docks ; and - Jewelry I. have watches from one dollar up; gold, gold filled, silver, silverine and .-cheap ones for the boys., . BiogB of all Kinas weaaing rings, set rings, bend rings. r- . ; .. ., 4-;.- n ; J If you are having trouble with your eyes or glasses and have tried all the bo called travelling opticians without suc cess, come ana see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who will always De on Hand to make good nis guarantee. C Notice-After ''-Feb isttthe star will close at 6;30 p, tn.' except Saturdays. " Prattj, -vi The Jeweler and Optician, Don't Cry! We ar sure we can match it if your ..china gets broken, and it won't coat yon much either.' We have bo many " pat terns and designs to select . frdm that if your china or glassware porcelain, 1 or crockery gets demolished yon can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at , prices you couldn't begin to match a year ago. P. M. ZIEROLF. A THOUSAND DEAD. IMMENSE TIDAL WAVES SWEPT OVER SOUTH SEA. ISLAND. Carried Into Sea Persons who had ; Taken . Refuge in Tall Tree ; Tops-Whole Island Cov- : ered With mad Wat ers Other News. ' - San Francisco, Feb, 8. News of a fearful loss of life in a destructive sand storm that swept over : South Sea. Islands last month; reached here today .on the steamer Mariposa direct from Tahiti. .Toe loas of life is estimated at. iooo souls. . ; On January 13 last a huge tidal wave accompanied by:a terrific hur ricane attacked the Society ; Islands and the Taumotu group with fear ful force causing death and . devas tation never before equalled in a land of dreaded storms. The storm reighed several days 1 reaching . its maximum strength : between Jan uary 14 andl6, From the meager advices received at Tahiti' up to the time of the Bailing of the Maripo3a it is estimated that at least iooo of the island inhabitants.. lost their lives: It is feared that later advi ces will add to the long list. ; -. . On Hikuera Island, where iooo inhabitants were engaged in pearl diving, nearly one half were drow-' ned.' On an adjacent: island 100 more were washed out to-sea. Make kau and Hao are depopulated. Conservative estimates at Tahiti place the number of istands visited by the tidal wave and hurricane as 80. . All of them are under control of the French Governor at Tahiti. The surviving inhabitants are left destitute of food, shelter and cloth ing, all having been swept away by the storm. ' ..,'.. . - ! As far as was known eight white people were among the. drowned, .j. "As thefTahda "wire i harely 20 feet above sea level and not surrounded by coral reefs, it was necessary for all the inhabitants to take to the cocoanut trees when the tidal wave began to cover the land. These trees grow to an,'... immense height, many reaching an altitude of 100 feeti' All the lower trees were, cov ered by the raging sea3 which swept with pitiless force about and over them , The natives in the taller trees' were safe until the, cocoanut roots gave way and then they-too, were swept onward,, far out into the sea... v: . ' ;' .. . ': . The;400 survivors' brought by the Excelsior to Papeete gained - the ship's side by swimming three to four miles from the tops of ; cocoa nut trees. -,r, The Eimeo, though bad ly; disabled : by the storm ; also brought off as many persons as could swim to her sides, r-she, r like the-Excelsior, being .unable , to run close tq the shores, because of, the fearful violence )f the ocean swells, which continued to, run abnormally high for a week after the ., tidal., dis turbance, 1V -, . : ; , . , , ... .. :f. Another schooner p-; the . Gauloise, from .the Marquesas , Island,-. 600 miles from. Tahiti, encountered the hurricane, while en route to the lat ter place and only .the timely action of the captain in having the - cargo, consisting of 30 head of t cattle, 35 head of pigs and 3o tons of cotton. jettisoned,- saved ;vt;he . little -rcraft from destruction., ?Even with.vthis precaution the life of one man was by waves sweeping the decks ;v One of the many acts of heroism reported is that of a woman; who climbed one of . the tall cocoanut trees and lashed her little babe to the branches,' hanging L on to the body of the tree beneath the .little one as best she could, , 'There they remained for ten - hours, "- suffering great .tortue until finally ..reecued.- Thousahds of tons of copra and over 100 tons of mother-of pearl shells are known to be lost.' The pearl shells are. valued at $1800 per ton and many valuable pearls, may be lost to the world forever, as these were considered some of the best pearl islands in the; world. : .., . : Indianapolis, . Ihd. 'Feb!. ; 6. There was . a promise that '.' there would be no lack ' of sensations in testipony in the trial, of Dr.. J. . C. Alexander to-day in the grave-robbing paee.: ' A parcel in the pos session 6f; the detectives was intro duced as evidence. The .parcel contained two shrouds found by the detectives in the ! basement of the Central College during one of the visits made to the place with search warrants. - One of the shrouds was identiefid by a woman who did the needle work ts the one made for Mrs Catherine Doehring, . whose body .was stolen.from the German Catholic Cemetery. . -"r- ; . Samuel Martin, colored, who was prominently identified . with; Can trell in the grave-robbing business, was . .the first witnees today. He first met Dr. Alexander at the lat ters office last June, he 6aid. The doctor toid nim he wanted from I7 to 18 subjects for- dissection, and would pay $30 each. Martin said at this meeting Dr Alexander told Rufus Cantrel that he would watch the death returns at the board of health and -would notify Cantrell. The fiist trip, he said, was in July, when, with Cantrell and the others he went to the Anderson Cemetery and secured the body of Glendora Gates and handed it over, to the Central College. . The next day Dr. Alexander paid him $lo. . , -His next trip was to Ebneezer grave-yard,; when the body of SVal lace Johnson was secured, Dr Al exaoider told him the subject , was uot a good one because it was man gled 'with the cars, and Martin re ceived but 90. At the same grave yard,' he assisted in getting the body of Johanna Siltz, . for which -Dr. Alexander paid him $8. -In addi tion ;to the3e bodies, . Martin, said he gpt a body at the insane hospi tal gravdyard which Dr Alexander said; was a good subject. " The "wit ness; assisted in raising the body of Roe Neidlinger, at the cemetery neas Trader's Point, early in .' Au gust The next ; day he Baw' Dr. Alexander injecting fluid into the body. ' For this " body Dr. Alex ander paid him $10. Washington, Feb. 3. In accord ance of the terms of the new militia law recently enacted by congrees, the entire citizen soldiery of the country is to be supplied with the regular army service ride. . The state militia organizations aggre- nearly double the number - in the regular army establishment. They will be furnished their new arms as rapidly as they "can be manufactur ed by the National Armory at Springfield, Mass. In addition to this, the war ' de partment is installing a plant at the Rock Island Arsenal for the manufacture of the service rifle, though it will be some time before it will be ready for work. The de partment has on hand a large . re serve" supply of rifles, sufficient to almost equip the militia, but will rely mainly On the production of the armories as the omcials prefer not to draw on the reserve too heav ily. : . . '. . ", : ' ' ; Berlin, - Feb. 3. The German government has decided to readmit the Jesuits who, since July, . 1872; have been excluded from Germany. Chancellor - von Bulow, in the Reichstag to day, said he would use his influence to instruct . the Prus sian members of the Bundesrath to support the repeal of the, anti-Jesuit law so far aa to . permit., individual German and foreign Jesuits, to 1 re? side in Germany, but not to , allow the founding of Jesuit chapters, which, the chap cellor believed ' the confederated governments would not accept.. . . ; . .- .. :j ! El Pasw, Tex.i -Feb. 7. Carrie Nation visited El Paso today ;n her ay to L03 Angeles. ' She tried to break up the Rio Grande saloon, in Juaraz, in typical style, but'was bluffed off by the saloonkeeper. On the way aeross the river Sher grab bed cigars from the mouths of two Roman Catholic priests and lectur ed them on smoking. - On the train before arriving in this city she was asked to join in a game of cards. She was asked what game she play ed; and answered "pitch,"at the eame time garTrfgup"the" cards and pitched tbemout of the window. -: i Most ratal, Gift Would be the power of foreseeing events. j.;This; would destroy hope A knowledge of. the future: would unmake happiness. , . There are , of course, some things about the ' fu ture we do know.' If, for . instance, a lack of energy, ambition and loss of appetite shows itself we know it will be followed, by . serious, com plaints if not checked. Often liver and kidnay trouble follow: - quickly. In any event Electric bitters will re store you4o health. It - strength ens builds up and invigorates run down systems. Only 50c. ' Satis faction guaranteed by Graham and Wortham, Druggists. ; ' ; WITHERS EXPIRES. BRAVE SHERLffF PASSED ' AWAY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK SATUE- ;-. . day;:..: Story of the Shooting Women Pinoned Sheriff's Arms and Ly- "ons Fired Pursuit of As- ' r ' " sassin by Posses. , ' ' "Eugene, Or., Feb. 7. Sheriff Withers died at Hale todav at 11:22 A. M. The body was brought to Eugene, arriving at 9 o'clock this evening. An autopsy will be held ' tomorrow to locate the bullet. El liot Lyons the horse thief who shot Withers, is still at large. Xyons' wife was brought in today, arraign ed and placed in jail. Sheriff Withers lost conscious ness about 5 o'clock last evening, and without rallying grew gradual ly weaker until the end ' came this morning. Mrs; Withers arrived 15 mica tea before her dying husband became unconscious. - Strong stim ulants had been used ; to 'keep the sheriff alive until her arrival.: The poor womarr is prostrate with grief. Before Sheriff Withers lost con sciousness he rr ade a deposition re garding the affair before Justice u. K. Hall, which will be used as evi dence against Lyons' father, mother and wife. , The penalty for their crime is life imprisonment. The pos3e arrested the family of Lyons yesterday and brought his wife to town, where she will be held for complicity in the crime. " The aged father and mother were arrested, but left at home. The old lady is 72 years old, and is completely prostrated. The officers fear ' she will die, and for that reason did not care to take her into custody. A number of deputy sheriffs are out looking.farJj.yons)Sbut no ,Jew.s has been heard as to , his wherea bouts. If the posse has secured any valuable information, they are wise ly keeping it to themselves. Two conflicting reports have been receiv ed. of Lyons being seen-yesterday morning. One is that he was seen passing Goldson, and the other that the Crow stagedriver saw him on the road toward Loraine. These places are in opposite directions from the starting point, and the re ports cannot both be true. . This evening the posse returned from Hale, having no trace of - the murderer, vlhey came in to form ulate a definite plan of action, and will at once resume their work. There is a reward of $1,000 offer ed for the body of Elliot Lyons, dead or alive. The Lane county court offered $500, and J. E. P. Withers $5oo more. ' Fred Fiske, the deputy sheriff, has been sworn in as sheriff. Besides' ! the posse there are a number of manhunters out on their individual account, and officers in all directions are notined to keep a lookout.1'-Last night several3 men from this city were ' out watching every place where1 it Was considered proDaDie inas ine -ouuaw mignt want to go. 'x s '"''"' " Lyons has few friends, but it is said that over in the forks of the river near the-' MoKenzfe1 lives a Widow with whom Lyons has" been to some extent intimate,' who would harbor -him.' In; fact, it is believed that for three weeks he has been staying at this place"' while the offi cers were loosing after - him. He also has sisters and brothers in va rious parts of the country, and a number of his wife's relatives. Dep uty Fiske is sparing no effort to lo cate the criminal, and is directing the work from his office, here. Sheriff Withers was the most popular' county . official in Lane county, although a- democrat, hav ing been elected sheriff three times by big majorities in a county over whelmly republican. --'-Lyons has been wanted for sev eral months for stealing ' horses in Josephine county last fall.' He was arrested in that county, but escap ed from the officers . and has been at liberty for several months. It haB been reported that Lyons had made his boasts that he would never be taken alive. "Lyons had relatives in this coun ty. His mother and , two brothers lived on the Wildcat road just over the summit of the mountains be tween Hales and Walton, 30 miles west of HiUgene. ' 1 here are also several sisters married, and the family - has always ' borne a ', good reputation!' with the exception of " Elliot, who has' been koown as bad character.. ,5- ; Sheriff Withers has been keeping - a lnnfrnnt. fm T.wnna cinna n H tion of . his crimes , in Jqsephine county, and has been of the belief that he would some time show up at ' the family home, where his wife has been staying. x , ri : j a m i ,. 1 Several days ago Withers though V he had located bis man in the yi- r cibity of his former home: ' Yester- ' day morning he left here early, tak ing with him Constable Jack Smith; with the intention of arresting his man.. , They drove out to the place ; timing their trip so as to arrive there after dark; ' ' '' Satisfying himself that Lyons was -in the bouse, Withers sent Smith to . the back door, where he was to pre-: vent the escape of the quarry, while the sheriff himself entered at the front door. ' Immediately upon en- ; teringjjthe house the two women' ' who were there, the mother a.nd the . wife of Lyons, ;saw what was : up and set upon the sheriff, with wc-? .. manly pleas for the son and, husband.- They seized upon Withers as he was going to the next ' T0om;; -and prevented him from using ;his .'.' ai-ms. . While the, sheriff . was in,., this predicament, Lyons stepped in , . with revolver in hand,' shot' With-;' r erS and immediately rushed out at--the door where-the Sheriff , had n-: ' tered and made his escape, while : Smith was waiting for him at the backdoor. ' The bullet took effect in the neck and the nervy sheriff fell to the floor as though dead. . For a time1 , his body was paralyzed and he had no use whatever of his body but after a time, he recovered partial use of his limbs. ' , Seeing what bad been done the the family turned in ' and assisted Constable Smith in caring , for , the, , wounded man and aid everything possible for his comfort. Withers . was perfectly" clear in mind and gave directions to send for the doc- ;. tor ano wanted to start with him toward home.: ' - ' ' Constable A. J. Smith, who was .. with withers when shot, says that Withers had hold of Lyons and was. overpowering him, and that the father, and mother of Lyons set up- . on the sheriff and he was unable . then thoroughly to control his man. In some manner in the scuffle Ly ons got his pistol and shot Withers juet at the collar line of the neck in the left of the windpipe. The bul let lodged against the spinal col- umn. Dallas, Texas, Jan. 29. H. W. Steinbiss of St. Louis, national sec retary and treasurer of the ; Build ins Trades Cnuni'il. ar1drpHsri 2 000 workingmen and others tonight in conjunction with the labor troub les in the building trades at Dallas.'' Mr. Steinbiss in the course of his remarxs criiicieea . cne attituae or most rich men toward .the laboring , felnmnnt. , Ha marln nnn nrthl at- ception in these words:: . r,i There Is. one multi-millionaire man. He has established ne wspa-. pers in three pities . of the . United , States that are always on : the side . of -labor and always champion the cause of the laboring man.- -1 do not care what his politics. are or his -religion; he has my profound; ad-. ..: miration and I firmly . believe - and , hope that man - will be the next . president of the United States rHis name in W.. ft. HearKt.:" .- This declaration by Mr. Steinbiss brought the audience to its feet with an outburst of applause that lasted several minutes. The inci dent was discussed after the meet ing and the opinion expressed that Mr. Steinbiss might be prophesying better than he knew. ..... Paris, Feb. 4. The chamber of deputies today continued . the dis cussion of , the army budget. The sitting was chiefly noticeable ' for the check sustained by the min ister of war, General Andre, and the Budgett committee over , an a mendment providingfor an increase in the credits of $240,000 for the supplying of the troops with wine. This amendment in spite of the op position 01 General Andre and the commission, was adopted ; by. 322 votes to 213. The main argument of the pro poser of the amendment was that the campaign in China proved that soldiers supplied with wine showed more endurancetban those who on'.': ly drank waterJ.wvv " s.