The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 07, 1903, Image 2

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    Gorvallis Times.
Official Paper of Benton County
Important , work is apparently
to be done for Benton county roads
this year.' The county court has
levied a five mill tax in the gener
al fund and a two mill tax under
the special road law. ' It has made
v the road poll in each district pay
able in cash, and has instructed su
pervisors to proceed at once to
collect. Its' part of the - work, ; for
betterment of" the highways, the
county administration has thorough
ly done, in the provision of funds
for the purpose.
On the supervisors now depends
the rest. It is up to them to ex
pend the -funds intelligently A and
economically. They have been
provided even with-literature on
the subject of road building by the
court, and with every facility thus
.afforded, ought to be able T to ac
complish much. ;
The supervisors themselves are
reported to be . enthusiastic with
the prospect. They have means and
see hope ahead. They 'will vie with
each other in seeing which, can
' make the best showing with "money
----- at hand. . " - . :'-
On a cash basis,' they ; can ac-
complish vastly more than under
the old system. They have the
support of all the people,-" for . ev
- erybody realizes that best roads
will do more for . Benton county
. that almost any other influence.
All in all, such an atmosphere" of
promise, and of business ;.' methods,
never before surrounded the prob
lem of rOadmaking in Benton, and
. the end of the-season ought to see
most favorable results.
X&j for Taxpayers in Each District
to Get Amount of Their Taxes.
Sheriff Burnett, by extra trouble
to himself, and ever anxious to
serve the public well, has made "ar
rangements so that taxpayers in
outside precincts may ascertain the
amount of their taxes without
making a trip to the sheriff's office
He has prepared a list of the per
sons who pay taxes in all save the
four Corvallis precincts; "together
with the amount of taxes each citi
zen has to pay, and has placed these
lists in a convenient place in each
of the precincts - of the county.
"These lists are to he found at the
.a following places: .
, Summit, the store of Titus Ran-
' ney. : - -J
Blodgett,' the store of J.- A,
Wood. .
Wren, the store of T. Huff.
-Kings Valley, thestore of Miller
& Alcorn and Frantz- Bros store at
- Hoskins, " '.'; -
Soap Creek, the store of J. - A.
.- Carter. ' -- ;-- -" r
Fairmount, residences of T. B.
' Williamson, Chester Skeels ;.' and
Monroe, the store of A. Wilhelm
and Sons. - . -" - ' .- X - V
Willamette, the store of . Nor
. wood Company and the postofEce
. at Inavale. - . : ; :
Bellfountain,.the store of Nat
ham Clem, store of D. Perrin &
Son, and postofEce at Glenbrook.
Alsea, the store of WadeMalone.
. Philomath, store of Hill & Son,
store. of Judson Weed,, store of
Moses Brothers and store of F. P.
,. Clark. ' : r ; " .'?V
These lists as prepared by. the
sheriff, show - the - number of tax-
payers in each of the precincts out
side of Corvallis. ; They are as fol-
lows: In ." Summit precinct, 41;
Blodgett, 58; Wren, 42; Kings
Valley, 118; Soap Creek, 91 ; . Fair
mount, 128: .Monroe, 122; Wil-
- lamette, 108: Bellefountain, . 1 56;
Alsea, 130; Philomath, 182. .
Killinar of Scotia.
'The increased value of sealskins in
1900 induced the lessees of the Pribilof
islands, the breeding, grounds of the
seal herds, to kill 13,000 two-year-old
seals, whereas the. rule has been not
to kill any seal which has not reached
the age.of at least three years. If the
killing of two-year-olds is allowed1 to
continue ; it is -certain that the seal
hard will soon be exterminated. -
..- Flattened Oysters. - .
Half -developed oysters and bivalves
vhich are in poor flesh, as a stockman
Hvonld say,; are now kept in regular
pens and fattened for the market, as
if they were pigs or other"livestock.
Engagement Closes Tonight Matinee
. This Afterooon Big Crowds. S
The theater-goers -'of Corvallis
have never had a more pleasurable
week than that which - ends -with
the close of the engagement this,'
Saturday evening of the Jessie Sbir
rey Company. In former engage
ments, Miss Shirley and her sup
port have always . ; established a
kindly relation between themselves
and the public, but during the pres
ent visit their-efforts to please have
been more thoroughly appreciated
than -ever -before. -
Of Miss Shirley herself - the won
der is expressed by many that she
confines her efforts so much to coun
try circuits wien her talentsv seem
to indicate that she should have a
place among the favorites on the
metropolitan stage. In all the roles
she attempts,' she is a constant
source of delight and surprise, al
ways acquitting herself in a way so
pleasing that she brings the same
people back into her audience night
after night. . ...'.
Of her-support, the McQuarries,
Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Ralston.Mr Loftus,
Miss Adams, Miss Grenville and
the other members are clever- and
painstakings people who sustain
their characters acceptably., and in
many instances artistically. The
scenic effects, as was notably the
case in ''Held by the Enemy,"
Wednesday night, are far superior
to any thing of the kind ever - "pre
sented in Corvallis. A feature of
the performance is that the plays
put on are all free from things that
sometimes make the theatre objec
tionable, and are universally high
in tone character andsequel. "Held
by the Enemy' ' Wednesday even
ing and "Nell Gwynne" Thursday
night gave Miss Shirley 7 roles of
almost pure comedy, and : to those
wont to regard her as an emotional
actress she was an agreeable sur
prise, for in the lighter role she is
undoubtedly a finished artist. : i
This afternoon there is" to be- a
matinee at popular prices, and to
night the engagement closes. " The
bill for the matinee is.J'Among the
Pines," and for the evenings perfor
mance, "The Blue Grass of Old
Kentucky." The latter is said to
be one of the most delightful "plays
that the company presents. ;,It is
quite sure to be ' greeted with a
crowded house, for each night - the
audience has largely increased in
Boys in Jail Let it Waste What
Cost for Two Months With
' ' - Meter." . ' '
Water at the court house for . the
month of December cost 96. cents.
The amount used was 3,221 - gal
lons as shown by the meter re
cently installed, and , its price as
per the Water- Company's agree
ment with the county court is 30
cents per thousand gallons. . - S
For the month; of January the
amount of water ; ' used was 6,039
gallons, and the cost,' ft. 80. The
increased expense during January
was caused by.; the boys in the
county jaiL who for some unknown
reason opened the faucet in the jail
and allowed the water to run twoor
three days before it was discovered.
; Experience shows that the ; cost
under ordinary circumstances r will
be about a dollar per month, ex
cept during a couple 01 montns in
summer when lawn sprinkhng v will
aaa consiaeraDiy
to the expense.
The former cost . of - water - at the
court house was $113 per year, j
Go to W. W. Holerate for rstclass
cabinet work and upholstering cosy corn
ers, box couches, folding beds - made to
order. .Leave orders at the Quivey house
on 31 d st, next door to;- Dr. ---Altaian's
residence. , . .. . -; .
The Poetry of the Orange l'-- J:
It appeals to yon, when the fruit hangs
ripe and sweet on the trees in February
or early in March. Then the blossoms
break out and the trees are yellow with
golden globes, and white r with orange
flowers. It may be that a flurry of snow
has whitened the mountain ' tops, and
then yon have an artistic back: ground
for a tropical forest. .The air is full of
sunshine, and heavy - with fragrance as
the night comes on, and "thea if the
moon be shining, yon may hear at mid
night through open windows the song
of the mocking . bird in the scented
grove, and it never seemed so melodious
An experience like this is possible ev
ery winter; and. it is worth ; a - journey
of a thousand miles, while you can-have
have it, by taking the., scenic "Shasta
route through the grand and picturesque
Siskiyou and Shasta mountains to
Southern California. Complete inform
ation about: the trip, and descriptive
matter telling about California may be
had from anySouthern Pacific agent or
W. FJ. CemanVi-.
Gen. Pags.Agt S. P. Co- Lines mOregon
Sheriff Has Roll Now-Amonnts of
' ; : Special Levies Road Fund.
The tax roll is in the hands of
Sheriff Burnett.' It'., is probably
the first roll in the state to "go into
the hands of the sheriff.. It - was
completed last week by QlerkrMos
es, and when the office hours open
ed Monday morning the big books
were carried into the sheriff's office.
A similar feat was performed by
Clerk Watters last year, when the
roll went to the sheriff on the same
day, the first Monday in February
These are the earliest dates in the
history of the county, and are prob
ably earlier than any other - county
can boast of. . '..'...''-;-
Counting the five ' mill levy, for
road purposes on the general fund
and the special road levy, together
with the special school tax of about
$ 6,000 in district " number nine,
Corvallis, the total of the roll is
over $80,000,: or about $16,000
larger than of the tax col
lected last year. The exact figures
are,'$8i, 862.92. Of the sum special
levies are as follows, in amount:
City of Corvallis, $3,462.35; City of
Philomath, $416.65; school district
number nine, Corvallis, $5,990.87;
Philomath school district, $466.29;
district number one, $1 13.42; num
ber 6, $116.73; number 8, $2055;
number 25, 107.01; number 27,
$228.54; number 32, 524.28. .' :
The roll also . shows . the sums
collected in each road district for
road purposes under the two mill
special levy. It does not apply to
either Corvallis or Philomath. The
levy makes for the road fund in
each district as follows: J Number
one Corvallis, $466.07; number two
Corvallis, $36.61; number three,
Corvallis, $38.83; number four,
Corvallis, $308.82; : number five,
Fairmount, $286.27; number . 6,
Wells, $366.92: number 7, Kings
Valley, $180.64; number 8, Sum
mit, $58596: number 9, Blodgett,
$110.34; number 10, Wren, $129.15;
number n. Philomath, $426.95;
number 12, E. Willarnette, $345 -49:
number 13, Alsea, $161.65;
number 14, Bellfountain, $377,8r;
number 15, Monroe, $264.07; num
ber! 6,' Monroe: $122.70: - number
17, W. Willamette", $197.80; num
ber 18, Alsea, $74.50.
As is well understood there - is
a rebate of three per cent on such
taxes as may be paid on or before
March 1 5th. 'The experience bf
last year shows that the vast ma-i
jority of taxpayers will take out re
.ceipts in time to get, the- rebate
- Enlarging Business. - .
Notice is hereby r given that I have
purchased the dairy business of J. H.
Hakill, and added the same to the "Cor-,
vallis Dairy" business.' ,1 shall continue
to enlarge" my, operations" in this - line as
business warrants, and will continue itt
the future, as I have in the past, to sup;
ply my customers with the very:- best of
dairy prodacts. I Lave had much ex
perience in the business and I feel war
ranted in assuring the people that I will
give the very best satisfaction. .f-;
ut, : -,.r O. H, Vehrs,
: r.: . : . -.Prop. Corvallis Dairy.
vf;-:::Jt- For Sale.:.;)
Choice clover seed, in any quan
tity at 12 cents per pound. .
Corvallis Flouring Mills.
--'---' - -Notice.
To my "many friends and patrons:
desire to take this means of thanking
you lor past favors ana , the liberal ; pa-
the past, and wish to inform the public
that I have with me as a partner,- Mr,
W. H. Curry who is an experienced man
in the handling of dairy stock. Hav
ing purchased the entire herd of - - regis-,
tered Jersey cows of M. -S .- - Woodcock,
we can furnish the best quality of milk
and-cream, direct from our farm - which
is located, in the suburbs of this city. "We
guarinte entire satistaction and solicit a
Share of the patronage, '
-Phone 263."' -
Z "i- Cmvbr Lbaf Dairy, .
Walter K. Taylor & W.-H. Carry,
: . Props. - -
, Lost, Strayed or Stolen. ,
From the E. E. Wilson place three
miles west of Corvallis, about Dec' ,15th
one red two year old Short ..Horn ' bull'
dehorned. A reward will be paid -, for
his return or information: leading to his
recovery by the owner - ?
J. B. Kirk, Coirvalhs, V C
T W McGowan, Jr, established 1867
commission merchant, hops, and general
merchandise,' 36 & 38 Whitehall street,
New. York.-:" Liberal advance made: on
all -consignments, 1 Highest - market
prices obtained and quick returns.- , Ref
ferences: E G " Dunn's Mercantile
Agency, - New - York; Bradstreets Mer
cantile Agency, New York; Bank of
America, New York, " '
Por Infente and Children. -
Be Kind Yoa Have Always Bo&gj
:c Bears the
fignatore of 1
Desperate " Criminal-; Resisted When
Lane Sheriff Attempted Arrest. .
: Sheriff Withers of Lane county
was shot Thursday by a criminal
supposed to be Elliott Lyons of Jo
sephine county." The : latter is a
horse thief and was in hiding from
the officers. He was located by
Sheriff Withers at a house in Xane
ccunty, 30 miles west of Eugene,
and-the officer went . out Thursday
to make the arrest."- The account
of the shooting as given by tele
phone yesterday morning to Sheriff
Burnett, isjaat as soon as - they
learned his bnsineSS, several women
in the house siezed the sheriff and
held him, while Lyons fired. - The
shot took effect in Sheriff Withers'
neck, and is reported to be a
dangerous, if not mortal wound.
A special dispatch to the Times
from, Eugene at three o clock yes
terday afternoon, v describes the
condition of Sheriff Withers as fol-
Llows: "A report received at noon
from messenger is to the effect that
Withers was moved " ta George
Hale's at Elk Prairie at eleven
o'clock last night by Charles Lyons
brother of the fugitive and others
Messenger says that wound is not
necessarily fatal, and that Withers
is in possession of all his faculties
1 The wounded man expresses hope
of his own recovery." "
; Lyons, the man who did the
shooting is wanted in" Josephine
county. He is five feet, nine inch
es in height, weighs 175, and is
well built. -He has light complex
iorr and' his lips are thick and prom
inent. He blacks his hair and eye
brows and colors his face.
A Survivor of it Relates ' Incidents
? : : How Garner Lost His Life.
" Editor Times: '
With youf permission I wish
to correct a few slight errors in the
article a published in the Times
concerning the rescue of the fam
ily of mith Stewart, during the
freshet of 1861. - - ;t; : : '-. -i
. I remember every incident ) per
fectly and the events of that flood
are indelibly impressed on my
mind- The river came up first on
Sundajrnight December 1, 1861,
reached its height Monday, then
receded and a week . later, rose
again ihe second rise - was as
high as the first, but could not . do
the damage that the first rise did for
there was little property left to ruin.
Father Stewart lived on what is
now known as the Eglin farm.
When the water came up so high
in the house, my brother, Will,
went up stairs, '.- and began ' firing
his gun, to call for aid, but he load
ed it so heavily that' the" barrel
bursted. A rescuing party com
posed of Arthur Coffin, Mr. - Ken
dall, Mr Garner, ;TUncle James
Stewart and brother, Al, started to
the rescue, but directly in front of
our house, the boat was over turned
Brother Al Stewart and Mr Garner
both caught hold of the same limb,
Al let go in ' order to give Garner
a chance for his life, was held 'un
der a drift. He finally emerged
half stunned but able to grasp a
switch and eventually-. drew' him
self into a tree, as three of the par
ty had already doner Garner ;.nev
er was seen alive again. - The boat
drifted away and was lost. .'.Mean
time a rescuing party had " "taken
our neighbor's family named Pow
ers to a place of safety. They ' re
turned accompanied by Mr Powers
and took fathers family out. ' As
mother left the house she saw three
of the men clinging" to the ' trees,
Brother Will and Mr Powers then
went back and got Mr Coffin, Un
cle Tim Stewart and brother Al. Mr
Kendall was rescued later, as des
cribed in the I Times. r ' : i '
Mr Powers and Will then made
another trip to rescue a man named
Collins, whose cries for help they
had heard. .They found him about
a mile below our home. He wis
strapped to a tree and was - uncon
scious when they found him. He
had started to swim out with his
race horses but he became entangled
in the hazel bushes and was obliged
to leave them drown and seek
refuge in a tree. ; r . : .'
Both my brothers who came so
near losing their lives will corrobor
ate my statements concerning both
the time of this flood and the in
cidents mentioned.'
; ' Emily . Stewart-Blake.
Wells, Feb. '5, 1903.
t -' ,- - - City Stables.
Notice is hereby given that we have
opened up the City Stables in Corvallis
and that we are well preparep to accom
modate the livery trade here in a first
class manner.:. Good attention will be
given to the rare of transient stock and
regular boarders, A share of the patron
ace is solicited, .. .
" Winegar & Hodgos.
e? js 1 c it i -A--Sean
tha The Kind You Have Always MgJ
... . Rummage Sale
Inventory over, clearance sale over, i now' for our
Remnant and Rummage Sale
To clean house and prepare for spring. There are
Remnants of Silks, .Velvets,' Satins, Black and Col
ored "Wool Dress Goods, White Goods, Ginghams,
Percales, Outing Flannels, Sheetings Muslins
Flannelettes. Table Lfnens, Towelings, Ribbons,
Laces, Embroideries, Cretones, Silkaleens, Etc, all
At Very
Odd lots and broken lines of shoes, hosiery, wrappers, cor
sets, skirts, petticoats, jackets, men's and boys' suits, odd
pants, underwear, etc, . -
All at Rummage Prices.
A lot.of men's hats at a Dollar Each, some worth
3 00. A lot of men's frock suits, 33 to 37, at $5
a suit, some worth $12 50. A lot of boy's suits, 4
- to 8 years, worth up to 6, going at $2 50 as long
as they last. ' . '- - -:' -- . '-; ' " ;
Our Ladies' Fine Shoes have arrived. . White Goods, Em.
- - broideries and Silks in transit. ;
Cbc 0x6all Soap for
- -" ----- - '- - - I- - . -..-ir:
Toilet, .
. And
. Laundry.
Cudoma never - shrinks Woolen nor
" Flannel.
me Do
as high ajstandard as our desire would promote
us, but see that you make no mistake in :
1 the house that keeps the hig-
v-- est standard of Grocer-
- - ies that is the
- - place to
Frcsb Fruits,
jft fresh evervthins to be had
run our deliverv wagon and our aim is
lO - " nlnnfn foll
V. .... . - Ul&CkDVl - .
Ml -
oS t: n nomine p
W ww W ww
and 1Uh
Low Prices.
not Eive
Fresb Utgttablts, 4
in the market we ; (o
ITT on f and tl J
anA OfiP - -'.
vv-. , . -.
- W
'Portland, Ore,. ' -