The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 07, 1903, Image 1

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    Goncty Clerk Gw
t -
Vol. XV.--No; 52.
Editor and Proprietor. ;
- 'j. " - '.v ',n .
Will be
. . . . "We have bought ;
A Big Une , of Dress Goods
In' all the New Weaves. ' .
Our Gents ....Clothing, Departm't
Will be flore than doubled, ";.JWill carry
, a larger line: in all Departments than.
. - ;vef before Have - ' . . : i .
Added 750 Feet Floor Space
And will offer inducements for T7 ', : v
. . . your trade.
;8 ...
J.- .
ra ---
G5T .
good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry
Ranches, write for my special list, or come and
see me. rl shall take pleasure in giving you all1
the reliable information
you over the country.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance,
2 Philomath," Oregon. 5
Times Office for Job Printing
arriving all
. "
you wish, also showing
, ' , - '
Watches, Glbcks
- "- u -w." 1, i ft
:-?rha--watcheBi.rMJone;..dollar up;
gold, gold filled, silver, silverine aDd
cheap onus for the boys. Rings of all
kinds Wedding nngs, set fings, band
If you are having trouble with your
eyes or glasses and have tried all the so
called travelling-opticians "without "suc
cess, come and see me, get a fit that's
guaranteed and by one who will 'always
be on hand to make good his guarantee.
' ;Kotice-A.fter' Febtist the store will
close at 5;3o p, In. except Saturdays. .
- . The Jeweler and Optician
v , Don't Cry!
We are sure we can match it If your
china gets broken, and it won't cost yon
much either, i We have so many pat
terns and designs to select from that if
your china or glassware porcelain, or
crockery gets demolished yon can buy a
new supply from our fine sets, and from
our open stock, at prices , you couldn't
begin to match a year ago. -
Gambling in Wissonsin University
-Married her'Uncle and Wants ;
: " ; Divorce Storms in the !
East'-1- Bold Bank
-Robbery Other i
LiverDooi, Feb, Four of the
five survivors of the burned British
bark Veronica have bee j arrested
pn charge of having, mutinied, mur
dered Capt. i?haw and seven of the
crew- and then set tire to the vessel.
The vessel left Ship Island, Miss.
Oct. 6, for Montevideo, Uruguay, .
Three of the prisoners are . Ger
mans aod the other is an Ameri
can,, vvuuarn eauur wno enippeo;
at a Misshsippi port. -V ' ' ' - . "
The Ave survivors were, landed
here to-day by ; the British steamer
Brunswick, Captain Brown, from
Maranbamy Brazil, which'f picked
them up vat Msea s before reaching
Madeira. '- . f
.Tie veronica a f coos ?a rneeio
earned' Mo3es Thomas, had made -a
statement to i Cap. Brown ' which
caused him to cable to j Scotland
Yard. , - ;,- .u
, The Fonr : arrested jeamen eay
the Veronica was abandoned on
Dec 2Q, becaus ? s he, was on fire;
that the chief officer and a seaman,
died on board her; that Capt. Shaw
and some 01 the crew ., lew in ene
boati and that the men brought
here left in another boat and suc
ceeded in reaching Cajuira Island
Deo., 25 in a starving condition after
drifting . for .five days, living on
eleven biscuits and a small barrel
of water, and beiug'picked up by
the Brunswick three days later.
. The-cook, however asserts- that
the men led by the. boatswain, . a
German, mutinied, and murdered
the captain chief officers and others
and threatened to kill him if he
betrayed them.
He says the murders were plan
ned so the victims had no chance
of defending themselves. . Each
was stumud or murdered separately
by the mutineers, who lay in wait
for them in a dark part of . the ship
armed with belaying : pins. The
bodies, , were . then , thrown over
board. , ., , . : - .
. Thomas says he barricaded him
self and begged. hard for mercy or.
he would of suffered the same fate.
Waterloo. Neb..- Jan.-, 27. Five
robbers blew up the vault of . the
Citizens, .bank of this place at .2 a.
m.' " to-day '.while half of the r peo
ple of the - town looked helplessly
on. ' The robbers escaped with- $5,
000, all the .cash on hand, .and a
lot of, . eecuri , ;u ' v- ,
i Bloodhonnds hronirVit bfirn frnm
Lin' nnnn tn-drv 1a? a. .'nnooo
. . --- j r , (fyy
to a barn a mile and a half if
town, wnare a roll of . the stolen bills
was found. under a ' plank." ; The
hounds tnolr urt the trail from that
point again,and the robbers will no
doubt be capured.r ... V
Waterloo was aroused bv the
terrific ' explosion - and r the
loud ringing of. the burglar-alarm
on the outside of Citizens' ..Bank..
Men, headed by Vice - President
RobinfOQ, of the bank,' hurried to
the bank. huf. warn halfod Vn iha
sidewalk opposite thebank by three
masked men, who covered them
with- revolvers.' The thieves lold
the citizens that thev had. i-nmn, tn
get the money in the vault and jn-
tenaea to do so. - liieir snokes-
man'said that the first man tonrnss
the Btreet would die. .
- The bank was fully lighted, and
the citizens standinc at Vav Tn tha
darkness could see two masked men
working at the vault. As they
watched three: diffprAnt. h
dynamite were exploded and finally
ine vault waB Durst asunder. '
Then the two men wont insidn
and reSDDeared with two annlra infn
which, it wS subsequently learned
they had stuffed all the money and
securities. -The dynamiters joined
the three men in front of the bank,
and all five .started off on a run in
the darkness, sandiner hart fni.
lade of bullets'as they ran. -
Jiiventuallv the citizana mustered
ud sufficent couraea tn rntnrn tha
fire, and soon afterward five pos3es
were out on the trail of the robbers.
The searchers were unable - to rrpt
the slightest trace of the fugitives
t until the arrival of the bloodhounds
which picked up the scent ' with a
wonderful celeriiy.' -
It Is said the robbers stole a bug
gy nfear the city, and eo were able
to get far away before the poeses
had even started. - - . . . . .
Madison, : Wis.f Jan., 27. The
Bord of. Regents .of, the State ,Unir
vereity held a meeting last night to
consider the subject of. gambling
among, professors and students.. It
wasx expected that, a j statement
would be issued to-day, but - before
the board was ready to act the dis
covery, was made that gambling
was 3 prevalent in fraternity hou
ses that any attempt to stop the
I practice by forbidding the patro
1 nizing of down town resorts would
' be of little value. One student
saitfUo the regents:
' "Every fraternity ,houae t in the
cityjs worse than a gambling hell.
ThCyoung men who coma from the
couatry are being deliberately flee-,
ced by their fraternity bretbernT
,Tnis statement was sufficent to
cause a renewal of the investigation
the purpose of -which has. . hitherto
been only to, discover the students
WhOg have "; patronized, :- gambling
houses, v;: .'.. '.. '- "r
Webster ;Citv, la.-. Feb. -4
-fea rful frtorm, .accom paraed r by i a
higb wind which .overspread ; Iowa
last ftigbt .will Cause r great,, lpss;;of
stpc in this ;, section. About, r six
inches of snow fell onra level. , but
drifts from four to ten, feet are piled
up. : Traffic is " almost blockaded
and all . wires are , down. , Trains
have: been from, eight hours
Iatelast jnightf and today. : ,
E Chicago,- Feb. . 4 A ;: blizzard
which was felt ; most severely; dd
the great lakes, i swept last uight
and today over the whole Middle
West. It buried railroads in enow
drifts many feet .deep, tore dowrn
teljgf aptt and jtejphonewirespu.t
a' 3top fo electric light " plants and
thus left business in a state , of pa
ralysis. . ' '- ' ,:'
Snow Was. accompanied by an
extremely high wind which in many
places tore down telegraph poles and
uprooted trees. .. ,
t Chicago was for some time to
day ut off from all communication
with the ? world. Cleveland . was
in the same ' plight. . Railroads
could only. ba operated ' by . signal,
S3 that trains had, to feel their way.
The blizzard reached the Ohio
Valley in tame to check a flood
which. reached the danger-point at
Cincinnatti tonight.
St Louie, Feb. 4. A wind storm
which gained a velocity of 50 miles
an hour prevailed during the grea
ter part of last night and-this fore
noon,' causing muoh minor damage
and proetratsng telephone:ahd tele
graph wires iii every 'direction. A
flurry of snow - accompanied the
storm with prospects of a heavier
fall before ighti -The temperature
is falling.t For. "several houraiSt
Louis iyas entirely, out off from, wire
commnnication with Uhicago and
the -East - except r; by round-about
routes.1 J : vf ;': ; r;
- Cbicagd;' Feb. 3; -A ' dispatch to
tut um uutyi ajiuutdt. jtuui,., Bay 0 :
Cole Younger, who was . paroled
from;- .Stillwater i ; penitentiary- two
years ago with his brother,' Jim,
will be given a conditional pardon
tomorrow - by the state board of
pardons, which will admit' Of the
ex-bandit returning to his former
home in Missouri. Warden Wol
fer, of Stillwater prison, has recom
mended full pardon, r -.i - Vr
; The board, , . however, will make
the pardon, conditional. -.Younger
probably will be ; ordered never to
return to Minnesota, and his mover
mentd will be restricted in many
wayB. . His health is not good at
present. . .-- -
Tragedy Averted.
'Just in the nick of time our lit
tle bo V was pavfid" -. lVTro.- W.
Wa Watkins of Pleasant City, Ohio
"Pneumonia bad played sad havoc
with him and a terrible cough bad
set in besides. ' Doctors treated him
but he erew worse everr da v. .- At
length we tried Dr, King's New
aledlcaJ Discoverv fnr Cnnsnmntinn
and our darling was saved. He,s
now sound and well. Everybody
ought to know, it's the only sure
cure for, Coughs, Colds and , all
Lung!dis3as3s. Guaranteed bv Gra-
ham and Wortham - Drusffists.
Price 590. and $1.00 Trial Bottles
free. - '
Supposed to Anticipate Trouble
' With Uncle Sam, - Over '. Ven-ezuela--Big
Contract by
Americans in Russia
- 1 Other News. ' v."
Santiago de Chile, Jan. -31. Pri
vate agents of Germany have pro
posed to the government the imme
diate purchase of the Chilean - bat
tleship Captain fratt and the arm
ored cruiser Esmeralda - and have
offered to take over - the warships
now being built in Europe for Chile.
Washington, Jan.-31. Navy de
partment officials heard with spe-
oial interest today the report that
the German agent were treating for
the -purchase of two Ubileau. battle
ships. .The fact that Germany has
already a large navy led to the bs
lief that, if. the report were true she
was looking .to sime necessity near
at band ; for-a-audden ..increase.. of
Nayy :officiai3 iteoalled. the ?act
that'juBt rbefore th- war with Spain
that, country rushed into ihe mark
et for ehips of war, and. was antici
pated by the- United States both in
Brazil and. E ogiand, where the Al-;
bany was purchased., i. v.' t..:: "-:'-.-..
j After the report was received, here
the. secretary of the . navy , went ,to:
the White Housej was stated,
that the cell was merely .oa a pend-,
ing social jnatter. t - x 'i
t'The Uuited States does not want
any of the Chilean battle ships, nor
is it ti yiog to buy tbem," was . the
comment of the officials of the- na
vy departmen t competent to speak
on the subject. v ...
New York,' Jan. 31. American
interests have obtained three-con
tracts within the last few days for
the construction of - electriu sys
terns in Russia, England and Hol
land which will represent an ex
penditure of $65,000,000.
The most important contract and
the largest of any description ever
obtained by Americans abroad 13
for the building of an extensive up-to-date
system of electric traction
in St.' Petersburg. C ;;; v- ; :
-After more than a year's praoti-
cally . incessant negotiations -with
-the various - Russian authorities,
?Murray A. Veraor," of -Pittsburg,
backed by New York capital,- has
gained the important: concession.
The entire construction : will cost
notlesa than ,$60,000000.- .... ;
The offer of the: American syndi
cate was in the first: instance reject
ed 3hy -the StiPeterBbuTg . municipal
authorities,-taeyi being ; hoatilfc to
foreign tenders in general, and - to
the American, soheme in particular.
: .The deoisiony howeverfi did" aiot
balk-the' Americans, who much to
the chagrin of the Tramwayr.Com
mission of i the. Muscovite capital,,
entered?; into i direct negotiations
with rM; Witte, the . Russian, uninisr
ter of finance,: who haer according
to private advices just to hand, fin
ally approved of the enterprise-;
- The : project .involves , the con
struction of an underground rail
way, the changing of .the network
of existing horse tramways intn1 e
lectrie roads, the tying up of the
Catherine'canal, the . building of 16
iron bridges across the river Neva,
the conversion' of a hospital into a
huge power station j acd the erec
tion of. a new; hospital, which alone
will entail an expenditure of $3,-
000,090." - :- " -71 r Oj ' Jr- V .
The syndicate is to deposit the
capital sum for -the whole of. the
construction .with the minister: of
finance,: without, interest The . e
quipment .will he. built by the Weet
mghouee Company, which is to con
struct a large manufacturing plant
in Russia. . i - ;', ;;:-: -:r-J.;..
Lohdon, Feb. ; 3. Amelia Sach
and Annie Walters, "baby farm
ers," were hanged at Hallaway jail
tod ay. The womf n were recom
mended to mercy 'On account of
their sex, but the Home Secretary
was unable to grant " the reprieve
usually - recorded. The women
walked to the scaffold unaided, and
d isplayed remarkable nerve.. No
woman had previously been banged
in Eogland-since March 1900.
Paris, Jan. 25'. Tolstoi believes
we overeducate our children!
The great Ruasian in a letter to
a fritnd recently spoke at length on
the folly . of dramming -a child's
mind. He favored the suppression -of
the greaterpart of the lessons of
the -curriculum. In- their places,
as occupation for young minds, ha
suggests that children should . learn
to. serve themselves as much as pos-
Bible. -' - ' -
4- The first condition of a -good
education,", ha iay s, "is : to make
the. child feel - that the things - he
uses do not fall from . heaven. Vail
made, but are the work of others."
He thinks it is more important
that children should learn ti make
their own beds, ; brush their .own
clothes and clean; their own shoes
than to know French or .history.
Mis ideal in this matter .is to
banish the lie from the education
of the child. - "VHow can we expect
a child to be sincere," 'he asks,
'when the world is full of lies un
der the benevolent name of social
Vienna, Jan. 3o. There was a
stormy scene in - the Reichsrath to
day over the sugar question, neces
sitating the suspension - of the .sit
ting. A number of : sugar.. jrenoers
met in one of . the committee
rooms without authorization, with'
the object of - 'placing their - views
before the. legislators,,-land the ma-
jor.ity. of the members of the Reichs
rath mdignan'ly. denounced this, as
an attempt to establish, a sub-par
liament within parliament.- The
house -was soon in a slat&of pande
mojoium filled with the shouts , of ?
denunciation on the part of-mem
bers, who wildly gesticulated and
hurled threats at tho3e who had
permitted the "desecration of ther
parliamentary pre.cincts.'' : i "
l.he itting was finally, suspend-
ed in order to allow of the intruders.
being turned ou.t. Pt.thejiouse.- A
number of members of the people's
party and socialists - invaded the
committee room -occupied by the
sugar refiners, shouting, "Out with
the riff rafll" Most of the occu
pants left the room. Those who re- -fused
to go were ejected by force.
On the resumption of the sitting
the Reichsrath ratified the Brussels
sugar convention and then passed
the third reading of the sugar tax
ation bill.
St Louis, Feb. 3. By interpo3i- 1
tion of Providence, Harry Tobin,- a
molorman ' on -the .Lee- avenue,
Transit line, believes the life oi
John; Doff, 5-year-old son of C. : W.
Duff, 4,932-Lee avenue, was saved.
Oth.ers.ascribe the child's escape to
other reaeocs. . v. ;
I The car wasnearing Red Bluff
and Lee avenues when Motorman
Tobia saw the little 1oy on the car
tracks. There was no chance to
avoid striking the child.
i Tobin set iis' brake hard, -reversed
bis power, dropped - his fender
and knelt in prayer. His prayer :
was heard.; .v.. ? .
; When the car was "stopped, the .
child was found, laying on the low
er partof the life saving device.. He
was unhurt save for a slight bruise .
and a cut'on'the hand..sii .S- - . 1
The accident was witnessed by
the. mother of the little fellow ' and
she was shocked into, insensibility.
Eugene, - Or., Feb. "3. Charles
Gates was. ebot through , the "left
arm last V Sunday., by,, his -.cousin,
Earl Gates. : :The young men were
hunting "cougars near pro v Postof-
fice, and were in pursuit of . a large
one; when Earl mistook his cousin
for a : cougar .. through , the under-
brush and fired at him. . To - his
horror he learned that the. bullet
had taken effect in the muscles of
bis cousin's left arm. 'The wounded
man was taken to his Jiome . and
treated, and the wound is not eeri- -
ous. :,.:v" : i ;
AbsdrutelyiPure -THERE