Vol. XV. No. 50. COKVAL.LIS, OREGON , JANUARY 31; 1903. B. P. IRVINE Editor and Froprltor. m E90 2 During above year our sales, ex ceeded: the sales of any previous year. To make Our banner year we propose to start the first month by an increase in trade by malting A;SweepSeg.:;RedMctIoiis Im- 'Oiiir Eiiti re "Stock; -0 : BIG LINE OF GOODS TO SE LECT FROM. MAKE THIS - YOUR. MONTH TO BUY STA PLES, ETC. 4 " ; FAIR MILLIONS. GENEROSITY OF BILL SMITH CONFESSED THE KILLING OF GOBFLE, 1 Roosevelt Suspicious of Germanys ; Protestations of Friendship y "' Dog that Occupied a .1" Place at Family Din-" - Table Other ; News. ner 1 as E YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargain in stock, grain, fruit and poultry Ranches, write for my special list,- or come and" see me. I shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country : ; ,. .- ' ' HENRY AMBLER, T -1: R-eal Estate, libanand Insurance, W ' ' . . Philomath, Oregon. ' . " F.38S. Watches, docks and Jewelry j I have watches from one dollar up; COld. Crold filled Ritver. silvering-anrl oh Ann nnM fnr trip, hnva Pinn-c . rvf 11 Jdnds Wedding nogs set ( rings, bsnd If vou are hnvinw trnnhl-nMv mi v-von iii yiiAKcfl anil I hvp r.rion n I T no an called travelling ooticians witTinnt-' ces3, come and see me, get a fit that's guaranteed and by one who wilL-always uwun nana 10 mane good nis guarantee -li'otice-Afte Feb -let the store wiH cioee at o;30 p, m. except Saturdays. Pratt, The Jeweler and Optician Don't Cry Ttr T . , . ..... , .. "caicauic neummaicn it it yonr cmna gets broken, and it won't cost you much either. We have so many pat terns and designs to select from that if your china or glassware porcelain; or crockery gets demoliehed you can buy a new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at prices you couldn't begin to match a year ago. - - Times OffiGe for Job Printing. New Market, N. J. .Jan. ; 21. When William Smith of Nw Mar ket, fell heir to $150,000 of the Fair millions bis first investment was in fast horses.. . Of these he had three when he became disgnated with this manner of - spending his money. The horses were not last enough so he gave them away. ; O - : Smith next purchased the only grocery store in the town, and for a time he did an enormous trade, for be sold goods at remarkably low prices. ..He said be did this to show peoplehe was a philantbropiet. In his em ploy was Charles Thorn ton, a brother-in-law - A few days ago Smith in one of bis generous moods pressnted the store, fixtures stock and busmees to Thornton. A World reporter visited the store yesterday; ' Mr Thornton, the new proprietor, said bis benefactor bad driven i to V Plain view to" arrrnge money mattera preparatory to tak ing a trip to Califgrniav-A - whiti whiskered old iarmer drew " the re porter into conversation. ; ?v - "Did -you ever see RU; Smith?' said he.- - -'-1 "No I never had that - pleasure," said woe reporter, - -. Well, rill bet" my last bard earned dollar that when ne meets yon the first gosh-dinged thing he will say will be 'will you have arioJtr tie said mat to every re porter that has come near him in the last few months. ' He is a free hearted, neighbor i Bill Smith, and it makes all us fellows feel mighty blue-when we think he is going to leavers and go to San Francisco andTaris. Some say he is going after more cash, but I don t see how that can be for he's got more than any other man in th;s here town, Leastwise that is -what Bill Bays and what Bill ays goes.,r Just then , smith entered the store and the , xeporter asked . him the reason of his generosity to Thornton. bxiv.:. v" H "Pardon me. - do you . drink?'? asked Smith. JNo? Well, will tell you how it was. Thornton has been a; good:! riend .-to;; me always, and now I have a chance I want to repay sbim 4 for v many kindnesses shown ma when I was without dollar in tbe-.wbrld.-vl want to see my money do some good and I will not wait to . jbeetowfit -Aipon my inenas, untij,. j. dieii-j: . .; -.. "New Market is too tame for ma i wankto see some, of- the-: weald, and what there is inland in the course of a few days my wife and will start on- a trip to -California to be gone i ndefinitely, "' When we do retar n it will only be .for a short time before we start for-. Paris. , "Yes, I know people are talking aoout my eccentricities. u Uut. .Bui Smith has got the dough to pay for all of them, and if it all goes to the wind tie.knows where ; be can get some more, ' , . :. proachable decornm.' " ' Jack, was a pociable dog. For the amusement of guests he would turn sbmmersaults, jump through a flami3 hoop : and play - soldier: Apparent appreciation of art was a 6errous side of his character. When ;sho wrt a-- picture he would contemplate it with rapt attention for ai long- time. He said his prayers before the" family' placed around him his coverlet at.nightv,i When Jack was stricken three months ago Dr. Werne Runge and Dr. J. C- Corlies. ' Newark veter icariarvs, were summoned, The dog did not respond to treatment, and Dr Herman Reap, a New York specialist, was called in consulta tion. But Jack died Monday. The funeral to-day will be private. Newark, Jan.' 27. DiedV Jan. 19 lye. Jack, a dog, and a friend 01 sterling .quallities, in his second year, after a lingering iimess. ! ne is mourned; , by his owner, WilliamT. Harris is and; a host of mends, - This notice appeared yesterday 111 tae aeatn .list 01 a JNewarE news paper. 4 A bit of craDe ! flutterod from the doorknob of No 26 Center street. In a "little V coffin in th parlor, fitted with a lace Dillow. lav TmVnf TIT TT. ' ,.. uoi..n. ui nuuu xu.r-jjLurriij saiu . -; .tie was as intelligent ssCBorrtfi people I knOw; and - a eieht ' ninm decent." ; .. '-r ' . - Friends who had called reffriiarl v at tbeHairi8 borne to inquire con cerning Jack, saw the symbol of mourning and turned sadly away. A well-beloved member of the Har ris family was Jack, son of Rex, a lauiousio lernex - and prize, win ner at the Belmont " KennelR." Wo had hi3 place at the familv dinnpr table, and witirnaDkin tuokd nr. ound his neck behaved - with Irrp. Portland Daily Journal:- Capt. Russel. C. . Langdon, - Third United States Infantry, the eon of Colonel Loomis L. Langdon offBrooklvn, is in tbis city on leave of absence. Captain Langdon was recently sta tioned 8t Uolumo.ua barracks, Ohio, a - short distance . - from .... Canton While m duty there he frequently saw Mrs McKinley, and he reports that bet health is improving stead ily.; In fact,:her physicians have been much-ettf prised ,t the vigor and elrengtb displayed by s the late president's widow. . - . : '' Capfai n'L angdon says that ; Mrs. McKinley visits the tomb of .ner husband evej-y day, ,' regularly' ob serving this act of devotion to . the memory of the dead '.. president in the face of the worst kind of weath er. The. remains of the late prtsi dent, have hot been laid .in their permanent resting place, but repose in the. general. receiving vault oi the Canton cemetery. It frequent ly happens that, there are several bodies in the vault at the same time. Consequently the govern ment maintains a constant watch over the place,: and the keys to the vault are in. the possession of an ar my officer. JA detachment of 40 men is quartered near the vault, and some of them are always on guard at the front and back of the tt a n 1 f A licnfananr ia in. a vrt 1 and whenever the vault is to be op ened for any purpose whatever he is required to be present. ' - Every morning at 10:30 o'clock sharp Mrs. McKinley drives to th vault, accompanied by a maid. She brings flowers and places them on the casket of her husband. Not single day has thus far passed with out this.viBit. . ; - - " . LONDON HOLOCAUST FIFTY INSAKE WOMEKT BURNED ; TO DEATHS-KEYS COBLD NOT. -ly BE FOUND.":; '.- Marconi Flahses Compared to Gun Fire Mrs McKinley 'a Devo - tipn -Gold Mine two Miles From Grants Pass Other News. - - percha'button, and has platinura" contact points. ; -The play betweert the Contacts was about an incbi; This of course can be regulated, hnfc" a considerable play is , necessary to prevent sticking.; ... The greater part of the operating room jloor space is occupied by con densers. They are about waist high,;, and form a square in the room. Crossing them from ; corner to coiner are two nieces r of sheet zinc about a foot wide and ten or twelve feet long. At the left end of the room from the entrance are the electrodes,- with three square oil tanks for cooling purposes, and two silver globes about the size, of a, croquet ball. : : - London, Jan.J 27. Half a hun j There is a space of ' about our dred. insane patients were burnedtinches betweea these globes, and it to death by- a fire . at 1 the Colnev is the crossing of the; electricity ov- Hatch Asylum this morning. The ,ef this air bridge from one electrode Loa Angeles, Cal., Jan. 24. Rail road officiala say there will be 22,- 000 carloads, of ; oranges,: valued at $15,UUU,OOU, shipped from Southt em California this year.; The frui is the:, best ever grown here. . v J Grant s. Pass, Ot.-t Jan.: 26. One of the richest goldmines ever made in Josephine county has just been made by. iu, , v.-. Dogger, a miner jn this city, on a mountain two. miles from" here. Dugger, while prospect ipg uncovered a ledge nve, feet - la width. The outcrop of the vein car ries gold . in quantity sunioient to make thV yellow, metal i visible in all parts of the quartz; This oar t of the ledge, i will give -returns of hundreds of dollars per ton m free gold.';: i,,:-' , .;:.v v" Mining men Consider this Tone of the most important discoveries that have been made in this sectkn for some time. - A remarkable featnre of it is that the ledge could have gone undiscovered for so long p. time., nearly-en -of r Josenhine county haa been, prospected better than ithe; hula .immediately sur rounding the city, and for this rea son a number of good finds may be expecieaio oe made almost in the limits et the ' city. . Several .years ago a large quartz ; boulder! was round at the foot of the hill beneath tne spot where the recent find has been made.;. The boujder contained a vast atnount of free gold.; At that time, it was supposed that the bohld- er rmust Have broken-; off- from ft edge above and rolled down in whera it was found, and an attempt was ,made to locate the ledeo: but without success,: Several - claims have already been staked adjoining Canton, 0.7 Jan. 26. Judffe T)i7 announced this morning that he had been qgreda supreme court bench appointment by President ttoosevelt, and that he-had mailed a letter of acceptance to the Presi dent. It is understood that Judge Day" "will succeed ; Justice Shi rag, who will retire in February. ' outbreak occurred in the Jewish wing of the in3liuJjori. The flames spread with great rapidity and be fore they;could be got : under con trol five wooden buildings were gut ted. ; ;; J :. ; . All the efforts of the officials were directed to, removing the: insane in mates, but the latter became wild with excitement and so panic-stricken that not only were they , unable to help themselves, but greatly im peded the operations of those trying to save them. ; ; ;. There were nearly 600 Women in the burning' an nex at the time the fire, was discovered and 'most of them were safely transferred to. the main building, which was uninjur ed, : Some, however, . escaped and are still at large, rendering it diffi cult to obtain the "exact number of tbos) burned to death. . . . l tte wots. 01 searcning tne rums continues. The officials admit that about 5o bodies have been recovered, but it is feared that the full extent of the disaster is 'not. yet known All the victims were lunatics. Their charred .remains presented a horri- spectacle. . l ne asylum ..was be seiged by anxious relatives and friends of the patients who . arrived from all quarters. Pitiable ecenes were witnessed as weeping men and women 4ett tne premises alter as certaining that relatives and friends had perished; iu the .names. The nurses had a terrible experi ence : in trying to assist tne insane people who were so panic-Btricken that they, had literally to be driven to a place of safety. .' . . The inflammable premises al most immediately ; became a furn ace. . Nothing" was left, standing. The corrugated iron roofs , of the dormitories and "the bedsteads - of the. patients were melted by the in tense heat. Some of" the lunatics were burned in their beds . and the charred "remains " of Others .'; were found huddled together in corners while groups of partially consumed bodies on the site of the 1 corridors showed that many persons lost their liyes and 'sacrificed those of 'others in their frantic efforts Z to - force a passage 'through the 'flames to the main building. ' : : " 1 - The ; latest ; estiniate1 places the number at: deaths at $2, " ' Air the victims were wom6n.' -: :" - ; " The circumstahces 'accompany ing the destruction- of the - insane asylum at Colhey Hatcli have ex cited much indignation against the authorities.' ': It is alleged -that, in addition; rtd the lack Of sufficient water supply and of adequate fire department, the complex" system of locks, requiring- master keys, which could not be found ' when wSntedJ was " responsible for the terrible scenes enacted. -; r : - U Wellfleet j Mass.,; Jan; 22. Sign6f "ium liiiiBueu -Dib experimental worfc at the wireless telegraph sta tion here early this forenoon and left for NewYork oh the afternoon train. ' Almost the entire " popula tion of South Wellfleet was at ' the station to see the inventor;: : r- rFor the first time today Marconi consented to take the newspaper correspondents: into' the operating room and explain the process by which the Hertzian waves are start ed on their way through ether. The ' room- is about 'thirty .feet square, T Near the door - ia a raised platform upon which the operator stands while sending. The key is on a shelf and on the wall there is a switch wliich turns bn or ehut9 off the power from the dynamo. JUret sendmgs by, the .wireless . 1 . - 1 - . memoa were done by means or a wooden lever which operated pump- handle fashion. The new key de vised by Marconi, while several times larger than the regulation telegraph kev. is like it in manv re- pects. It is about VI irrchfs in length, made of brass, has 4 gutta- to the other that gives the "spark" and the loud reports, when the op erator is Dusy witn tne Key. . . : One of the electrodes he said was nei4-A C I. 1 T 7 " . , uuiiucicu iYiiu bus acnai wires una. the other with the ground. Whea the electricity, was switched into the condensers it gathered .forcey passed to the outer wires and down to an electrode. r The opening and closinff -of thn !key caused the wires to charge and fdischarge and the: j umping of the current across the air space J from :. one electrode to the other gave the pulsations which the other took up and carried to the other Bide of the Atlantic : ' ' AssistantKemp turned the cur- ' rent on at word from Marconi, and The quick opening and closing of the key was responded to : by ' spark between the electrodes al" 1. 1 . 1 .... must, uunaicg in vividness. The reports were like the crackle heard when lightning strikes at no great' distance;- The letter "P" or the numeral "6" in Amer can Mcr a on crcrpatfiri rr)QrritnArMH Am t es were a kind of "zip," a ; running together Of dOtS, . Before taking' hold of the key Marconi stuffed his ears with cotton to deaden the sound, and told the visitors that eventually the operators- would have" a sound-proof booth to work in. ' .The receiving instruments are in the same room. The other waves wherr tbey arrive from Glace- Bay or . Fold hu are rather feeble, but Marconi's magnetic detector reju- ' venates the tired : vibrations and gives them through a telephone re- ceiver on a recording tana in clean-r cut dots and dashes. ; : -: - Marconi satt he' would likn a - word short and' easily pronounced ' to distinguish messages'- sent with- out the aid of wires." He objects to' calling them "Marconigrams." Washington, Jan. 22.-The Unit ed States government is awaiting , the proper time to tell Germany in plain, sharp terms' that her onnres- eion of Yenezuela must stbp, v. - " y The adniinistration is aware that ' such notice nieans a obssibilitv of' war, and if war comes the president wants the united sentiment, of . the country at his back. He also wants the sympathy of Europe, and h& wants to fight only one power. ' He believes the bombarding of a few more forts will silence the last ' protestor of German friendship for the United States and-that" public ' sentiment will"- be solidly behind" him in commanding the Kaiser to ' 8 top. . -.-;--:;- - '-.:!"..-.';;--::, It is believed, too, that continue a nee of Germany's present course will alienate England' and Tflv trom the alliance and lustifv this country in the eyes of . Europe in . calling on Germany to halt." : . The administration cannot recon cile Germany's "conduct , with her continued professions of friendshin : and honest motives, That Venezu elan forts should be attacked after--Minister Bovwn's arrival in Wash- 1. .. - . M l 11. - - .- ington witn mil power from Presi dent Castro '"to negotiate terms nf peace and arrange for the . payment . of claims iiaid to be the cause of all the trouble ia regarded ae most Big--niflcantrof some hidden purpose. : ' -1 he administration has beensus- picious of Germany " from the dav - t he Venezuelan warships were sunk, Every German" gun fired since then has increased the suspicion. Wood for Sale - j -liave .sOO acres of timber lanT tn - Will sell wood' in stumn or aim wnn clearinsr around, have fir. oak oeW an ash. . 5 in:les west of Corvallis, y y-yj, - -''L - --y P A Kline. - Feed Chopped ; Screenings, wheat, oat,: vetch or other kinds of grain ground at five cents nor sack at chopping mill on my farm, " - .. " - L. L Brooks. -