Bounty Clerk Osier "WEE Vol: XV. No. 50. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JANUARY 28. 1903. B. F. IRVINE Editor and Proprietor. 3KLT r. E90 cr During above year our sales ex ceeded the sales of any, previous year. To make Our banner year we propose to start the first month by an . increase ; in -trade byjaiakingr L fa Mir Entire-Stock. BIG LINE OF GOODS TO SE LECT FROM. MAKE THIS YOUR MONTH TO BUY STA PLES, ETC. . IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SOME REAL good bargains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry; Ranches, write for my special list, or come and tk see me.f I shall take pleasure in giving you alf the reliable information you wish, ? also showing you over the country. . '-. V - "',; I " henry Ambler, 1 I " Real Estate,' Loan, and Insuraneef 1, Philomath, Oregon. ': 7 1 Times Off icie for Uob Printing J2 lo 0 c $8 l H S ir it rr. T : r WJAYINOJtejQrayJswalUiesijtjlie city 1 I I for Fifst-f!lnsa V.nvravina Stnrliti an 0 o 1 desired, all Christmas goods sold by us will be engraved absolutely Free of 3- ZQ S'dBiiATx; The Jeweler and Optician- 2 J 4 ru f Don't Cry! We are sure we can match it if yonr china gets broken, and it won't cost yoti much either. - We have bo many1" pat 4 terns and designs to" select from that if - your china or glassware porcelain, or crockery gets demolished yon can buy a : f new supply from our fine sets, and from our open stock, at . prices you touldn't begin to match a year ago. V. GONZALES ATTACK. WHIT HIS LNEWSPAPER SAID THAT BROUGHT ON TILLMANS - TERRIBLE RETENQE. Boy Sent by Freezing Mother " to Pick up Coal Shot in Back by Railroad Watchman Panama Canal . -. r .:. Treaty Signed , , , Other News. Colombia, S. lbJan. 25. The fatal shooting of editor Gonzales by Lieutenant Governor Tillman, re call3jthe terrible newspaper ..- attack recently made on the latter by the Columbia State, owned and edited by Gonzales." '. ,"'. On Aug. 25, 1902, the day before the ; primary; Section,"; the ; State said: "It was necessary, that,-Jim Tillman, who two years ago: succee ded in. 3. getting himself elected Lieutenant-Governor . because the majority of voters did not know his character, should this year have bis character Jcnown, when ii "-'r ; 'siJL - 1-T ilia uauututtuy : jr.-AwyBrjo.i aeed South Carolina with -supreme injury, and disgrace. y- . r : "The interest of the public hav ing been concentrated , in 3900 on the tight for the Governorship, hej literally lied his way into the sec ondary office, and it was some body's duty "to stand : forth and show hia falsity and depravity. The State Senate has missed its op portunity and resigned its right to do this, and on the hustings a new rule of . curtesy : had been adopted, whereby the worst and most . inde fensible man who ever saught the Democratic nomination in South Carolina was exempt, from a cus tom of criticism which had;-not spared the best of .Gubernatorial candid ates since., the primary- sys-i tern was adopted. . : , ; . -.. "Therefore it was obvious if the press were not to undertake the duty it would not -, be -performed ; that the name and jnethods which had won at the last might win again and Carolina be cursed -with black guardism; debauchre - and dishon esty in her highest and mast re sponsible office. "r "It happened that the Stale "pos sessed larger proofs of the cfimnal ity of James H. Tillman than any other newspaper, and although it would have, preferred ' for -tacticol reaeons, and knowing ' the verbal unpleasantness of an issue with : a blackguard, to second the efforts of another journal rather that take the initiatiye.1 Its knowledge of --the; case prompted it after ' months of reticence and the actual opening of the campaign to bring out the facts it held in store."1 - '' ' Chicago,- Jan.1'1 24. Martin ;i! J'.' Ward was 'a little hasty in hia act, which in all probability J will cost William Stehmear Wb life. The victim, who is only 12 ,. years, old, lies in the Alexian Brothers' .Has pifal with a big bullet in him - that the Burgeons have been unable to find. : He was shot in the, back.,, The, man who shot him,, was em ployed, as a watchman by the Chi cago & Northwestern Railway. He is in jail - aU the Sheffield-avenue station and is glad to be in jail. . - It would be perilous for Ward to appear in the neighborhood cf 518 Wolfram street, where the boy liv- ed.! The people thereabout show an ugly temper. ' The Stohmeyers fare poor. r- L lo keep bis mother and the chil dren trom further sunenng trom the cold the boy went o , the rail way tracks to pick up- coal. He was busy at it when he saw the of ficer and ran. Ward fired one shot. At the crack of ; the revolver the j child pitched upon his - face, and was still. . ' Ward - went to him and was stooping over him when angry cit izens, who -had seen the tragedy, rushed at him. ; Then Ward ran. ; Washington, Jan! 26. The text of the Panama Canal treaty - was made public by the senate yester day. " Colombia grants the United States a zone six miles wide, with the ports of Colon and Panama and guarantees titleagainst - all other concessions. . .All material, machinery and men are to be admitted free of duty and port dues. , - The. United States is given power to preserve order in the canal zone and to protect the canal, and for that purpose is to create tribunals. The canal is to be neutral in per petuity. - Colombia has the right to trans port vessels, troops and munitions of wart free of charge; also its gov ernment employesiand police. 1 be sovereignty of Colombia over the canal zona is reserved. Colombia agrees not to cede or lease to any foreign power any isl ands or ports adjacent to the ca nal terminals, and the United States agrees to give material sup port to prevent their occupation by foreijra powers. Colombia agrees to furnish forces to protect the canal when necessary, but il it cannot do so, the United States shall, when called on by Co lombia.- Iu case of imminent dang er, the. United States may act with out first obtaining Colombia's con sent. iKTSyU'i ::-y -V; -n ; Work must begin -within two years "and be completed in 12 years more? but the time may be extend ed for another 12 years. - ; j The United States is to pav $10,. 000,000 in gold on ratification", and $ 250jO00 a ?year," begionmg nine years later. ' - : :-.--; , ..: h :. '.A joint commission Is - to .eBtab lishregalations to govern the canal Eone. - "esr.Yorkj'Jan-- 23; An action is to be brought into the courts here to have the 18-story structure- oc cupying the i '.V" formed by the croseiDg of Broadway and Fifth av enue, at ;Twenty-third street, and .known as the 'Flat-iron building, declared a public and private nui sance. The complainant is the oc cupies of a store on Broadway, op posite; they high buildiDg, whose plate-glass windows . have been broken twice by the wind during the past three months. In his com plaint her holds : the . building re sponsible for the antics of the. wind, the etirreritstriking thestrueture and bei nAciiected to the 'streets and against his windowB. Among wit- netsfs will be experts on air cur rents, architects and people who, in passing have been roughly hand led by the wind, some being thrown to the sidewalk.-- Mr, Vincent also asks damages tor IpEsas on stock, and for loss , of business, alleging that people avoid the vicinity s'nce the building was- erected and - the wind commenced ita, pranks. - - Philadelphia,;; Jan. 23. Dr. Leonard Pierson, dean of the veter inary departmeht'of the University of Pennsylvania, today announced that experiments covering a period of more than two years had proved conclusively' -that -'cattle- may be rendered immune from tuberculo sis by vaccination.- The "experi ments, vr. rearson-stated,1 were conducted by Dr. S. H . Gilliland and himself, j The vaccination con sisted of injecting into the - vein of the animal a small a quantity of a preparation V)f tubercle ? baocillij nonvirulent for cattle. ' This pro cedure was repeated several i times with gTadaallyrr ascending ; quanti ties." Thelmmediate effect '-'was to produce a passing fever- following each injection, which' did not 1 seri ously annoy the animal. ' ' - 7 ' To prove the efficacy of this treat ment, four healthy animals .were seized, and two - were . vaccinated. The four were inoculated with vir ulent Tubercle baccilli. At the ex piration of nearly a year the inocu lated cattle were killed. . The two animals that had . been vaccinated were perfectly sound, while the un vaccinated animals were extensive ly tubercular. -; Dr. Pearson stated that he intends devoting his ener giee to perfecting the method used in the vaccination. -. Charlestown, S. C, Jan. 23. An earthquake shock was felt here at 11 o'clock tonight. -There was one distinct shock, which was not suffi cient to cause any damage to prop erty nor to occasion serious alarm. Reports from all points ' near the city indicate that the shock was felt through Lower South Carolina. Columbus, S. C, Jan. 23. A de cidedearthquake Phock was felt in mis cuy and suDuros at 0:00 o' clock tonight. -Augusta, Ga, Jan. 23. A Blight earthquake shock was felt here to night at 8:13 o'clock. No damage resulted, ' - ' TELLER ELECTED N WOEUOTT CONCEDES THAT CER TIFICATE SHOULD BE ISSUED TO HIM. The Colorado Senatorial Muddle Teller Admits That There May . be a Contest Wolcott As sails Both Parties 1 . Other News , . Denver, Jan. 24.- bers of the senate and house of the Fourteenth assembly of Colorado, cast their ballots, . 51 in b umber for Henry M. Teller to succeed himself 4as Un td States senator, and he was; declared elected by President W. H. Adams, who pre sided. .The result was reached -, af ter a week of.untiring effort on - the part of the democratic leaders, dur ing which many rumors of treach ery had been circulated, and many delays had occurred by , reason j of the absence of rollcall of different members of the assembly. , .' 7.' . Since Monday morning the dem ocratic; branch of the assembly had been in practically contlnuoua ,sae Bion, and since Wednesday at noon the joint session of the democratic members of both houses has been continuous. . From yesterday morn ing all the democrats were ready to cast their ballots for Mr. Teller ex cept Representative M, J. Madden, of Denver. The absence : of Mad den was unaccounted for. until this afternoon, when it was learned that he was at home ill with grip, and fhad been forbidden to leave his house by his physician. In epWe of his condition, however, he decid ed to attend this, evening, and at the hour named was in his seat and cast his vote for Mr Teller. There werejjiorapablicatt either house present, and the legali ty of the election is net admitted by republican leaders. ; . ; -The session today had been une ventful, and when, at 4:45,J Repre sentative .Madden- came into the senate: chamber, he was greeted with a burst of applause. This was renewed when, on the rollcall for a ballot, be cast his vote for Mr. ler, and when the call was finished and the result announced the cheer ing was prolonged. Senator : Teller was - escorted to the platform and expressed his thanks for the patient zeal of hia friends, which had won for him a victory. He was elected Bix years ago by a practically unanimous vote of the legislature, and he dis claimed the belief that any act of his s'nce then had turned ; the ' sen timent of the people of Colorado against him. ; , n ,: , United States Senator Thomas M. Patterson followed in a speech in which, he declared that the : de mocracy of the state is now more closely united than ever before. He declared that, he did not ..think it likely that .a contest would be made against Senator Teller. .f ; 1 ;These speeches were followed, by congratulatory remarks from f 5x7 Governors Adams and Thomas 0. J.' Hughes, J., and T, J. O'Donnell, all of whom have been talked of, as candidates for the senate, and Dem ocrat'c State ; Chairman ! Milton Smith.. The joint session then adjourned-' ,- j ' r V - .. While ; the election of Senator Teller by the democratic portion of the general, assembly .has : removed one element of uncertainty, .of; the situation, it has not, by any means, cleared the atmosphere. The elec tion is declared illegal by the re publican leaders, and the, dual sen ates are still maintained. . ; The democratic session ' resumed its sessien immediately after the ad journment of the joint session, and it3 : leaders announced that; they would continue to occupy the sen ate chamber until Monday morning at lea'et. ; , . : ' . i ' As a result of a conference : be tween republican senators and rep resentatives of the two . factions, a proposition will be submitted in the House Monday to recognize the re publican senate as regular.- The Wolcott med hope that .a sufficient number of anti-Wolcott republicans will join them in support of this proposition to secure its adoption. In that event n is proposed to hold a joint session cf republicans next week to, vote .upon a .United ;. States senator. . Should, they succeed . io agreeing upon a. candidate, he will contest the seat with Mr. Teller. 1 - "The secretary of state - today re cognized the democratic ssnate as reg ular by sending it a bill for printing. ' Republican senators and a commit tee of five each from the Wolcott and anti-Wolcott factions in the House met in secret conft rence this afternoon in the supreme; court chamber ; - ' : The republican senators demanded- recognition of their organization, . by the House. The members of the House committee said they had no power to bind the House in thia matter,' but agreed to -bring the question before the House at its ses sion Monday morning. ' The con-- At 5!oclockKeTrenie a$ourned QntiL 4 I Several democratic members of the legislature declared today : tbatUj, overtures on the part of the anti-Wolcott- republicans for? a. change' in the" situation which "would 5de- prive the democrats of the majority' they now hold in the - joint ' assem- ' bly by unseating one more demo- crat h&jfe been jejected;-' -. - t ' "We have a bare majority and . we propose to keep it," .said, Presi dent pro tern. Adams, of the senate. "We started out with a" majority of r 10, and when the " House threw out some of our members we secured a bare majority by . unseating mem- bers here. 7 - i,,,!-, ;i , , . ' 'Denver, Janv 25. The 'climax In ' :-' the 'senatorial fight in 1 Colorado came tonight, when ex-Senator :E.' W Wolcott, the candidate of - the so-called ''stalwart" wing of the re- publican party, announced his prac- ; tical withdrawal from ' any ; further contest and urged the people of CoU orado to accept the situation as it stands by the election yesterday of Senator Harry M. Teller to succeed ; himself by the joint session of the ; democratic senators and re present a- ' tives. The - announcement "was ' made in a signed' statement in which Mr. Wolcott charges certain " -republican leaders associated with the anti-Wolcott forces in the re- " pttblicap laoks :;jwitktrea1cherT'.de libefate and continuous, although -ha disposes of others of the ' anti- r Wolcott crowd by characterizing : them as "dupes?' of the main con spirators. He refers to the refusal of the anti-Wolcott members of the ' House to unseat : the democratic- members of Arapahoe county and calls it "a crime against the repub- Tel-pican party and justice." Mr. Wolcott declares that Lieu -: tenant Governor Haggott, when he withdrew from the senate chamber and with less than a dozen senators,. ' whose seats were undisputed, organ ized another senate, was assured of support . by his " associates : in . the -. state government, which support . "fell away from him," however. ,, , , -Continuing, Mr. Wolcott says:.. '.'There were thres joint sessions of the general assembly., . .At the . , last one 51 democrats voted for Teller. No other joint session bad t been heldvand no republicans had voted in a joint , session.' , The elec- -'- . tion of Mr. :-Teller was; tinctured . . with' fraud; first, in the trickery, of ; ; adjournment by :the democrats 1 of "; ' t rthe House: second, in the arbitrary" ; ' auu irauuuieuii expulsion ui iiwn le gally elected senators. u There' '' isj ' however, now no other legally coil-3 :':f stituted sepate,' as might have been t but for this , conspiracy (jreierring 'f' to the alleged combination between ;Ti ' democrats and anti-Wolcott repub-, f licans), arid it is now too "late to- - undo the wrong,-and by unseating- ' the fraudulently elected' members'' ' from" Arapahoe f county insure - the valid election of ; a republican ? senator. . 7; ' ' ) . ' . ' "Wicked and unforgivable as) isj the wrong done the republican par- L ty, yet from the point of viewof the' highest citizenship there is but one " thing to be done arid that is for the " people to accept the deplorable sit--"" uation and the Governor of the state 1 to issue a certificate of election to- -Mr. Teller." . v ; ; - ' ' Speaking of Mr.. Teller, - the ex- 1 senator says that in no sense was he a party to the frauds above re ferred to, although he was the ben- ' eficiary. He" pays the following tribbute to the senator-elect: ' "He has served Colorado nearly, a generation at .; Washington and whatever may be our regret that he no longer marches in the 1 ranks of the party which has so highly hon ored him-, every citizen of the state wishes him health " and ' strength and balieves that he is single-minded in his devotion to the material interests of the state." ' ' ' ' " V Mr. Teller left the city last night for his country place at Grand Concluded on Fourth Page. : 1