The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 21, 1903, Image 4

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Wherein the Grower
Gets Ciached
by Portland
Other Buyers of
Dried Prunes- Other
' N News.
Editor Times;
I avail myself of the Times
to publish the opinions of fruit men
relative to the care and sale of
fruit, I am heartily in favor of or
ganizing an association of the char
, acter suggested in the Time's, We
can put in a plant at a comoara-'
can be processed, boxed and shipp
ed. My idea is to put up none but
first class fruit, have a - brand so
that when our fruit goes East, con
sumers ther9 will know where it
eame from. We should deal dir
ect with the Eastern market, in
stead fallowing Portland buyers
to handle our fruit, The latter
take a cent a pound, out of. the
growers at every opportnuity,
T 1 - 1 . - x It
.Duyers come cere, ouy our lruu
ungraded, grade. our prunes and
in the procees made half a cent,
n rt fl f l- 01 n ra fir,, rr ria- mm.
, W .Uill
mission. We can grade, box and
process our fruit for what we give
the buyer, then we have a first
class prune to offer for sale.
Following is the experience I
had with a Portlaud firm to whom
: I sold without grading. They beat
me out of $70 in the weltrrrf of th
prunes to begin -with. Then they
took off five per cent commission,
which knocked me out of pocket
$65 more. '1 hen they wanted to
knock off one'fourt'i per , cent for
cracked prunes. Ths result was
that when the balance due me was
figured out, I had but little coming
The thing for growers to do is
to slop these leaks in fruit raising
and there will be fewer growers
anxious to retire from the business
A. perfect remedy is for all - fruit
men to come to the front and as
sist in the organization of an as
sociation, build a processing plant,
care and pack our own prunes, and
then sell when the price is favor
able. ', -.
1 have talked with several Cor
ValHs business men on the subject,
and I find nearly all of them are
willing to taKe stocic in tne pro
posed association. There are
plenty of growers, and with such
assistance as Corvallis business
men may afford, to build and oper
ate a first class processing and
packing establishment in Corvallis.
JXhe main thing necessary seems
o be for fruitmen to- get together
ana taix it up. l would like to
hear from other fruit men through
the columns of the Times.
H. M. Stone,
Corvallis, Jan 18,' 1903.
College Men at Basket Ball OAO Bests
Pacific College in Big Score.
OAC men played their first game
of basket ball for the" wintemt the
Armory Friday night, and began
the season auspiciously by besting
the Pacific College in a score of 25
to five- Of the five points scored
Jby the visitors, all - save (two were
made on fouls a fact that shows
how completely the young men
from down the valley were out
classed. A fact that is also a cred
it to OAC players is that, save for
two weeks In " the latter; part of
December, they have been entire-y
without a coach' and Friday nights
work is practically the result of
their own unaided efforts. A more
difficult game . however, confronts
them next Friday, when they ate
to meet the Willamette Univtr
Eity team, accounted one of the
test teams in ths state. The game
is to be played in the Armory, ar.d
a closely contested struggle is ex
pected. The same evening, at Sa-
Jem,""the Corvallis girls
will the second of four
be played during the seapon with
the girl's team of Willamette
University at Salem. ..- .
A very good crowd attended last
Friday night's game. The playing
was highly exciting', and the work
of some of the OAC players was
brilliant at times. Stokes and Cate
forwards; and Moores. center,, of
the OAC team, did especially fine
work,' Stokes-, goal throwing was
about the best eve - seen at the
iumoxy, --.. . ' -
Rlnehart and Steiwer, guards also
played , excellent - ball, as -- did
Tharp, who relieved Steiwer in the
last half, Bert Pilkington was
referee, and Mark McCallister; "um
pire oHhe game, " -.
New York, Jan. 17. Coal from
the independent operators, which
has been selling at not" l ss' than
$10 a ton Eince .the suspension ' of
agreement with the coal roads, sold
in individual irslances at $9.75
and $9.50 a ton yesterday, although
most-sales were $10. A further
break is looked foe to Jay or Mon
day, and with the increased amount
of $5 coal expected to arrive ; next
week, there should be still 1 jwer
prices for the independent product.
Toledo, O., Jan. 17. A mob, in
eluding over 200 men, womeD, boys
ani girls, today seized five . cars of
soft coal which bad iost arrived in
the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad
yards, consigned to the National
Mallsable Company and local oil
men. There was ho attempt to stop
the wholesale theft, neither the po
lice nor the officials of the railroad
or casting company taking a hand
in the affair. . The fuel was carried
off in wagons, sleighs, soap boxes,
buckets and baskets, and nothing
but the slack was left.
Dallas, OrTi Jan. 16. Work on
the grade of the Dallaslfc Falls City
Railroad, which was suspended
during the heavy rain3 in Decem
ber, was resumed yesterday morn
ing. A large iorce or men ana
teams is employed, and dirt is be
ing removed at a lively rate. The
first engine of the road is expected
daily, and upnn its arrival, the
laying of track will begin. ; Seven
mir-s of the grade is completed,
leaving lsfs than two mile3 to be
finished between cow and the Bum-
Switches connecting
mer season.
with the fc6utbern
pu t in.
track have been
For Sale.
Poland China Hogs, Shropshire bucks
Polled Angus cattle, and 85 head at
goat 9. Also a few bushels left of cheat
and Speltz seed. . v
L. L. Brooks,
Wood for Sale
I have 5OO acres of timber land to clear.
Will sell wood in stump or give wood for
clearing ground, have fir, oak cedar and
asli.- 5 miles west ot uorvauis.
PA Kline.
Feed Chopped
, Screenings, wheat, oat, vetch or other
kinds of grain ground at five cents per
sack at chopping mill on my farm, '
L. L Brooks.
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior, -United
States Land Office.
Oregon City Oregon,
j--- - Nov. 7, 1902.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
ii) this office by G. W. Bigham, contestant,
gainst homestead entry No 12774, made May 11
1900, for SJof SW i and S H SE X, Section 10
Township 12 S, Range 7 W, by George H Jackson
Contestee, in which it is alleged that Contest
ant "knows the present condition of same;
also that sold entrymen has never resided
upon or cultivated or improved said claim since
making entry or at all and that said alleged ab
sence from the said land was not due to his em
nlftvmpnt. In thfl "Vw. Armv. nr HfRrtnn r.ns
of the United States as a private soldier, officer,
seaman, oi marine during the war with Spain
or during any other war in which the United
States may be engaged," said parties are here
by notified lo appear, respond and otter evi
dence touching said allegation at 10 a m on
February 24th, 190:), before the Register and
Receiver at the United States Land Office in
Oregon City, Oregon. - .
-The said contestant having," In a proper affl.
davit, tiled on Nov 7, 1902, set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal-- service
of this notice can not be made, it Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be given
by due and proper publication,
- Ragister.
Summons- -' '
In the Circuit Court of the- State of Oregon for
BenU n county, v.
A E " Laws, plaintiff yersus Saiah . Stewart
defendant. -- - - i
To Sarah Stewart the -atove named defendant,
In the name of the State of Oregon- .. You
are hereby required to appear and answer . the
complaint of the above named plaintiff in the
above entitled t;urt, now on Ale with the -clerk
of said court within six weeks from the 17th 'of
January, 1903, the date of the first publication
of this summons, and you are hereby notified
that If you fail to appear and answer said com
plaint as hereby required, the plaintiff .will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed foi In said
complaint towlt: The foreclosure of a certain
mortgage made and executed by Mary Maud
Hoffman through her duly authorized attorney
In tact, to plaintiff on the 13th day of April. 1815
to secure the payment of a certain promissory
note of Mary Maud Hoffman, for $:)1,46 payable
year after date, with interest thereon at the rate
of ten per cent per annum, from . date and
which said mortgage conveyed unto plaintiff
the following described real property situated
in Benton County, Oregon:- Lot number 4 In
Block 23, original town of Corvallis, ;Qjegon.
And a fuither decree barring and foreclosing
yon, said Sarah Stewart of and from all right
titte or interest In or to said real property and
every part there si,
This summons Is published by order of the
Hon. Virgil E. Watters, Judge of the i County
Court of the State of Oregon, made at Chambers
in Corvallis. Oregon, January 14th, 1903. -The
date ol the first publication of this summons is
January 17, 1903, and the last publication there
of. February 28, 1903. -
.- ..- - -7 YATE8& YATES.
,' Attorneys tor Plaintiffs.
Notice tor Publication
Timber Land. Act June-. 1878.
games tOTu'ted States Land Offlce,-Oregon City, Oregon,
.... I Jsny 12th, 1903.
N otice Is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
Fublic.Land states by act of August 4, 1892, .
. Adelbert D. Perkins,
of Toledo, county of Benton, state' of ' Oregon,
has this day-filed In this office his sworn state
ment No 6009 for the purchase of the N? of
NEi of Section No 28 in Township No 12 S
Range No 7 West, and wlU offer 'proof to show
that ihe land sought Is more valuable - for- - its
timber or stone than tor "agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim to said land before
Victor P- Moses, Olerk .of Benton County, '.-Oregon,
Corvallis, Oregonr on :-Wednesday,-thecatlr
day of April, 1903 ; ' - .
-He nuies-a witnesses:- - , jf
John W Hyde of Philomath, Oregon. V
Frank M Bpencer " '
William Brazelton of Toledo. Oregon,
unaries ureger
Any and all ipersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested - to file
their claims in this office on or before said 8th
day of April, 1903. v
- . ... -. . Register, .
Diatinauished Citizens "From all
Parts of the State Were There
One of the Legislative ,
Bills It provides for :
State Board of f v .
" Health.
Hil'sboro, Jan 18. Thomas H
Tongne went "to his grave today
with all the honor. Jhat his! state
could give him. Nearly all Oregon
attended.his funeral at ,. Hillsboro,
and at the last impressive services,
the preacher said most fittingly;, ."It
is Oregon tnat 1a mourning today,
for it is Oregon that -has lest
son." A committee from' Congress
made up of men who represented
every part 01 the JNation, was pres
ent, but the funeral ceremony was
Oregon's" own tribute to the dead.
Hillsboro was not big enough to
hold in comfort all who wanted to
attend Mr Tonsue's obseauies A
special train from Poriiand carried
down a multitude, and hundreds
poured into the town from all parts-J
of tne state, pearly all the state
officials were present, and so was
a majority of the Legislature. And
from others who could riot attend,
ame a wealth of floral offerings
that,,were piled mountain mgn.over
the 'altar of the' little' Hills'boro
Methodist Church. The coffin was
fairly buried in flowers, and; they
too came from all parts f Oregon.
.A touching trifefit , tro the dead
man, not thought of by bis friends
who had chatire of the faneral .at-
raneements, was the presence of
hundreds of his neighbors, who
were silent spectators as the body
was taken out of the special car,
which, had brought it from Wash
ington. " '
At the Court House, - which had
been; ; draped , in mourning , from
tower to basement, the coffin was
placed in the main corridor, and . all
yf sterday morning a line of people
with uncovered heads passed by it.
Thig, too,was wholly informal, . and
had nothing to do with the funeral
arrangements, for it was not inten
ded that the body should lie in
state until the funeral party from
Poitland arrived. But Mr Tongue's
old neighbors wanted to take one.
last look at. him, and . their , will
overrode that of the committee "on
arrangements, without interfering,
however, with the days programme, j
The special train from Portland
reached Hillsboro at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon. It brought the
committee of Congressmen appoin
ted by SpeakerHenderson to attend
the funeral and this included Mai
col m A. Moody i of Oregon ; J H.
Davidson and James K Coleson, of
Wieconsin: - J. E. : Ramsdell, of
Louisiana; R; P, Bishop, of. Mich
igan; J. D. Ballamy, of North Caro
lina : J. C. Needham, of Caljfqrnia ,
and James E Howard, of Georgia.
Six cars were neBderJ to contain the
others who oaine from Portland on
theame misBion.i CI ci?S.S.
., jThe gue,Bts were .received by 5a
members of the' Knights-of Vy tbias
in . full .uniform, .'.commanded by
Mayor D. W. Hoi,, , 'The Khiht8
foraed-a line; with .drawni-swords,
through which the visitors.' passed
fron the . street i utof the . Court
House, and acted t s ushers" during
the ceremonies' there. 1 They were
in charge of Mr .Tongue's body
while it lay in. state, and they
mounted a s '.rict " military guard
which. contributed .much to the i re
pressiveness of the day's services.
, They surrendered the body to the
Odd Fellows, who took it to Hille
boro's little Methodist Church,
where Mr Tongue and his. family
have worshipped for years, - -The
acting pallbeanHs," all Odd Fellows
and all friends and neighbors of the
deceased were; D. M. - C . Gault,
Charles F. Taggart, James H. Sew
all, J. C. Lamkio, G. N. - Hale and
N . P. r Ackarman, The honorary
pallbearers included:' State Senator
It, A. Booth and - C. W,. ' Fulton,
Judges Charles E, ; Wolverton and
R. S. Baan, Representative-elect J,
N, Williamson, ,Harveyv,W. Scolt,
General Summers, Chief Justice F.
A. Moore,. of the Supreme, Court,
Judge W. DrFenton. ex-Governor
Geer, Governor Chamberlain, ! F I.
Dunbar, Secretary of State and
State Treasurer Moore.
The funeral service was held in
the Methodist church. The ope
ning feature was an impressive
prayer delivered by a former pastor
of the church who had long been
the; pastor ofLihe dead coQgteesman.
The ianeral ratiaa was liver ed
byrPcesidiqg; Elder.-Rock-well, atf
lemooaiea a nign irioute to me
rrmrarftftr nf f.rin A nnckand '. ' A hpanti.
ful feature of the exercises was
singing by a - quartette " from Port
land in which Mrs - Walter Reed
was one of the singers. The inter-
ment was in charge of the Odd Fel
lews, and the body was laid to rest
in the Hi.'lboro cemetery.
Salem,f Jan. 16. The bilWor the
creationof a State Board of Health,
introduced by Dr. A. U. omith, sen
ator from Multnomah county, pro
vide8 for the appointment of a board
composed of seven physicians, six
of whom are to be appoin ted by the
governor, with the consent of the
senate, and the seventh, secretary,
to be elected by the other six . The
term of office of the six members is
four years, three . of ; the members
going out each two years. Vacan
cies may be filled by the governor.
"The State Board of Health shall
have general supervision of.,the in
terests of the health and life of the
citizens of the state. It Bhall keep
the "vital statistics of this state, and
make sanitary investigations, and
inquiries respecting the causes and
prevention'of diseases,' especially of
epidemics, including those of do
mestic animals. It shall study the
causes of mortality, and the effects
of localities, employments, - condi
tions, food, beverages,, habits and
circumstances of the health of the
people. It shall make.and is here
by empowered to enforce such quar
antine regulations as seem beet for
the preservation of the public health,
and it shall be the duty of all co-
lice officers, sheriff, constables and ,
all county officers and employes of
the sta te to enforce Bucb regulations,
subject to . the - authority of. the
health officer." r
The bill provides that the secre
tary shall hold his office as l ng as
he shall faithtully discharge the
duties thereof, but may be removed
for cause upon a majority vote . of
the board. , He shall receive a sala
ry to be fixed by the board, and his
traveling expenses and necessary
expenses for. clerical service. , The
members receive nd compensation,
An appropriation of $5,000 per year
is provided, lor the expenses of the
board. . ,' . .
In each county the county judge
and county physician, shall consti
tute a county board of health, and
the county physician shall be health
officer. If in any' connty it is in
expedient to have a county physi
cian the judge shall be health offi
cer. Ihe countv health officers
must keep records of births, deaths,
contagious and infectious diseases,
and report monthly to the State
Board of health. .
,It is made the duty of Dhysicians.
mid wives and the heads of fa'mile-
to report all births and " deaths to
the county health officer, and of all
persons under whose charge any
infectious and epidemic disease oc
curs, to report the same. Burials
cannot be bad until a death certifis
cate has been procured and. the
ransportation ot the remains of per
sons wnp died from an. infectious
disease, except as the State Board
of Health may direct, is prohibited.
Violation of ihe provisions of this
bill is punishable by 1 fine of from
$10 to $100. .
: Shamokio, Pa., Jan. 17. Owing
to loaded" trains being robbed of fuel
and to guard such trains being held
P, by " people rendered desperate
because of the local famine existing
in near-by places in the! agricultur
al belt", policemen were ordered bjr
the -Beading and Pennsyl vania Rail
road companies today to guard load
ed trains while in transit to market
through districts where the famine
is the worst.
New .York, . Jab. 16. Former
members of the ; Cuban army are
becoming restless, a Havana dis
patch to, the Tribune asserts;' in
fact,; they are beginning to threaten
the government that if not paid ; by
March they will act. The general
ot the -arxv has banded to the
correspondent a printed manifesto,
which is most incendiary in tone.
It is addressed to the country and
to the powers.' Among other things,
it says:; - - ',- , ".- ., ,;
"The obligation of the govern
ment to pay the army is a sacred.
one. The liberating troops " have
waited . patiently, but everything
has a limit. The liberating army
will npt wait later than March for
the completion of th work of the
soldiers. We will not "be further
put off by the pretext that the re
vision of army lists necessitates de
lay, nor will we accept any other
delay; ' The liberating army isJ dis
posed to call'the attention of ' Eu
rope, pacifically but energetically,
to the fact that we do not c are to
create interior disturbances if no
longer time is asksd to pay us than
March; otherwise the army will re
unite and occupy every town from
Maizi to Cape San Antonio, pacific
ally."' :. ,-
-; This circular is regarded as a di
rect threat to revolt, although offi
cials express doubtsjjof auch a prob
abi;Kiy.f It, is?krrwn .ihowever that
several sprotnieeiakgenstrals-' are be
hind the movement. : Such ; meas
ures will hardly be v necessary,
though, as the government will pay
the army immediately on negotia
tion of the loan - of $35,000,000,
which' will be made in April. s
Newly Furnished,
First Class,
Meals at all Hours,
Oysters in Season.
Located in Hemphill Building, Cor-
vallis, Oregon,
Valley Banking
; Company
Responsloility $100,000.
A General Banking Business.
Exchange Issued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents
Portland, Seattle. San Francisco and
; New York
Canadian Bank of Commerce
ChicagoFirst National Bank
Canada Canadian Bank ot Commerce
Union Bank of Canada. .
Office iaZierolf Building, Corvallis. Or.
Piano Ccssons i
.. Late of New England Conserva
tory of Music, Boston. Terms Rea
sonable. ' Residence corner of Tay
lor and Sixth .streets, Corvallis, Or.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. . Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
left at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
B. A. CATHEY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon, .
Office, Koom 14, First National Bank
Bailding, Corvallis, Or. Office Hours,
10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m.
Executor's Notice
In the County Court of the. State of Oregon for
Benton County .
-In the matter of tho last Will and Testament
of Q. C. Vanderpool, deceased.
Netlee is herebyt given that David Yander
pool is the duly apboin ted and acting executor
ol the Last Will ana testament of C. C Vander
pool, deceased, and all persons having claims
against said estate are required to present tne
same with proper vouchers to me at Wells Sta
tion, Benton County, Oregon, or at the office of
Yates & Yates, Attorneys, Corvallis, Oregon,
within iz montns from tnis aaie- ..
Dated this Januajy 13,1903.
David vandekpool,
. : Executor.
Executor's Sale of RealJPropertv
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of
the provisions of the will of John Wiles, de
ceased, directing the undersigned executors ot
said will to sell at private sale the real estate
hereinafter described-said will having been
executed by said John Wiles on the 23rd day of
April lvuu, ana niea ana aaxnittea to prorate
in the County Court ot Benton County In the
State of Oregon, on ths 9th day of September,
vmi, ana recoraea on pages ia-oa ana ot oi
Rnnk D of records of will of said countv. we
the said executors will proceed to sell at private
sale from ana atter
- - i A V.lWK. v . . . .
for cash in hand at time of said sale the real prop
erty belonging to saia estate, aescriDea as loi
lows, towlt: Notification No 4H0 surveyed and
designated as Lots three, four, five and six, the
north half of the south west quarter and the
south west quarter of the southwest quarter
of section six In township ten south, of range
four west and lots one, two and three and the
north east quarter ot the southeast quarter of
section one, in township ten south of range five
west in the district ot lands -subject to Bale at.
Oregon City, Oregon, containing 325,78 acres of
land In Polk County. Oregon, said land being
Incorrectly described in the will of said deceas
ed as follows MN?lt:!Begiunlng 29.00 chains 8. and
8.23 chains E. from the quarter section corner
on the S. side of 8. 361nT. 9 8. B6 W, Willam
ette Meridian, thence E, 60-00 chains, thence 8,
40 .00 chains, thence W. 80,00 thence N, 40.00
chains to the place of beginning containing,
three hundred and twenty acres of land ; said
executors will also proceed to sell as aforesaid
at private sale the following real estate des
cribed In said will as follows towlt: That cer
tain tractof land which is situated on the east
side of the county road leading from Corvallis,
to Monmouth, iu a northerly direction through
the George W Deweese land claim, and west of
the land now owned by Tolbert Norton and
R E Gibson, and south of Soap Creek lying In
Benton and POlk Counties In the State of Ore
gon, said lands being more particularly and ac
curately described as follows towlt; Beginning
at the South weet corner of claim sixty four
thence running East one hundred and three
rods, thence North one hundred and forty rods;
thence west one hundred and three rods; thence
South one hundred and forty rods to tne place
of beginning lying and' eing in Section six
Township ten South Range four West Willam
ette Meridian, and being a part ot Notification
No 1762 and containing 90 acres in Polk County
State ot Oreson; also the following descrlb,
ed real estate, beginning at the south east
corner of the G - W , Deweese Donation
land claim and the S, W. Corner ot O,
Culp claim said point of beginning being
In ' Benton County, Oregon, running thence
West nineteen chains-and seventy one links,
thence 'north flftyone chains, thence East
twenty four chains, thence south fifty chains
to the place of beginning containing 110- -75-100
acres of land situated In Benton and Polk
Counties in the State of- Oregon, said . sales of
said lands to take place at the office of Walter
X, Wiles, said executor, In Corvallis, Oregon,
and at the farm of Edward F. Wiles,-' executor.
f-in Benton County, Oregon, and will be made
SUDject to tne connrmation meroui vy nuu
County Court of Benton County Oregon; Dated
this the twenty-seventh day of December A D
1902. ' .., -; '
. 'v -. ... Executor.
- Executor,
City He
HE Cramers Organ Factory
offers a discount of 10 percent
on all Organs sold for cashbet ween
now and January ist, .1903".
. A fine lot of piano case and cot
tage organs on hand. .
A guarantee for 10 years with
each organ.
Organs also sold on easy terms.
Send direct to your manufactory
and save the
Middle Man's Profit.
Our organs are cheaper and bet
ter made to stand this climate than :
any eastern organ.
Have had 14 years' experience in
the business, and can guarantee you
enough better organ, than you can
buy elsewhere, for the money, and
pay freight and expenses of all
middle men.
Now you have a manufactory
within your reach, why not patron
ize home industry ?
The manufacturing business is
the life ot your state.
We have made these organs on
the coast for three years, and they
meet the approval of the best musi- .
cians and are all giving the best of
Our business is increasing rapid
ly. .Call on or address us for an
oagan for a Christmas present.
Cramers Organ Factory
Corvallis, Oregon.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts..
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315. "
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on Sooth Main St. - Consul
tation and examinations free.
Office hours: ' 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Residence In front of court house facing 8rd
St. Office hours 8 to a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8;
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath,' Oregon. ' '
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
i .. . -
Homeopathic Physician, -Surgeon
and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg.
Residence on 3rd Bt between
Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis Or.
. .7 Resident Phone 311
Office hours 10 to 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to7:80 p m "
B. R. Bryson, .
Attorney-At-Law. ,
, vAbstrsct of -TitlegQreyancJng .
3oscpb UHlson
"Attorney-A t-La w ...
Practice In all the courts. . Notary Public
OtBce in Burnett Brick.