LOCAL LORE. (Advertisements in this column charged for fti toe rate 01 1 cenia per una. Wheat 63. Miss Carrie Danneman arrived . Sunday for the Holidays. Mr and Mrs Kauplsch leave today for a visit with Portland., relatives.. J B Horner aDd "" family went to Newport Saturday, lor the holidays. tomorrow. Masses at 6, 8 and 10 - tO, ""''v- ; " . ': - MraAmalla Schubert left yes terday for Oregon City to visit rela- tiveB. . Miss Edna Groves, who la teach ing district school, is home for - the holidays, - - - Robert Wlthycombe an Ived Sat urday from the experiment station at Union, Oregon. . Prof Shaw leaves . today for Port land,: where he is . to , spend the holi days with relatives. Miss Emma ; - Baber la expected Saturday to be the guest of Miss Martha Fischer for a few days. Mr and Mrs Joseph Garrowof McCloud, California, arrived Saturday to visit relatives during the Holidays. Mies. Mary Nolan, who is a stud ent at St Mary's Academy & College, Portland, arrived yesjerday for a Holiday visit at borne. ' Mrs P P Woodford, stenographer at the O P headquarters during the , Hadley regime, arrives today for a Christmas visit with friends. Claud Gatch and family are to spend Christmas with relatives in this city. Later 'they accompany President Gatch to Newport, Philomath is to have a wedding Christmas day. The coupje Is Clar ence Aibln and Mae - Burnap. The license was issued. Saturday. , Miss AHIe Beader and ' Tom Beader of Dusty, passed through town Monday, enrouta to Portland for a week's visit with relatives, Prof Gibbs left Saturday for. San Francisco, where he Is to spend the holidays. He is to"be joined In a few days by Prof Kent. Mrs Gibbs is to spend the holidays in Portland. Two marriage licenses- were is sued at the clerk's-office. One was for James J Johnston and Sarah J Bailey of Fairmount, and the other to W O Bees and Anna A Howard of . Tltiartr ."" - 'V- ... : . ' .Qui Vive encampment, I O O F elected officers Friday nlghc as fol lower T J CreighfcoD, OP; - EL Strange, S W ; E Allen, high priest; J F Irwin, scribe; G W Garrett, J W; William Boguef treasurer, Miss Ethel Dixon lies very ill at the home , of her father, William Dixon near Philomath. She has been twice operated on - for tumor, and it is understood that the present aliment is - a recurrence of the old trv uble. ' Captain O E Dentler is now with a garrison at Leyte, Philippine , Island. Under the two years rule for service in the Island he will be permitted to return to the United States next May, and is expected at that time. Mrs Dentler is now at her mothers's in Benton County, -'i , : . The services at the -Episcopal church tomorrow are, at 8 a m there will be a celebration of the Holy Com munien; at 7:30 p m will be . evening prayer and ..a tall .illustrated-J)y.a powerlul lime light stereoptlcon on the early life of our Lord.. He is a member of a local church A friend approached him confidential ly and asked him to ' become surety on a liquor dealer's license bond. "What;" he said, "Me go on" a saloon keeper's bond; and me- a member of the church; why,; d it, man; It Invitations are out for a-double wedding to occur December 31st, The couples-are,- Wilbert-W Garrow1 and Miss Alma King, of McCloud, - Calif ornia; and Albert J Metzger and Miss Edna Garrow; Tbe ban were an nounced at the: Catholic church Sun day, The wedding is - to occur the morning of December 31st. - - W . O Heckart left Saturday night for Franklin, California, lor an extended winter's visit. He expects to return to Corvallis in time for the spring campaign in building. Frank lin is 15 miles from Sacramento, and Mr Heckart's business there- is to be with a" family- of old schoolmates . His business In Corvallis 1$ left" tem porarily in other bands as will be seen by" a notice pnbllshed elsewhere., The first shipment of piling from the Blodgett district came out on the Corvallis & Eastern-Saturday. It comprised - three cars. When tbe camp is in full blast, Contractor Mahon expects to load about 12 cars or 200 piles per day. - The pIleB range in length from 35 to 80 feet. Some piles are so long that two andsome times even three cars are required to accommodate them. M A Mills has concluded a contract by which - he ex pects to furnish 10G0 piles during the next three months -x to' Contractor Mabyn. He will deliver, at -Wren. He hauls the piles half a mile; kHs employs 10 men and' expects to de liver 25 piles per day. He can make more money out . of: his v timber, by selling it as piliDg than by making it Into firewood. The piling operations make things lively la the country west of Corvallis. - . Guy Moore . went, to Hillaboro Friday to spend the Holidays. Mrs. Callahan . entertained f the Social whist club yesterday afternoon Mrs. Compton, of Boseburg, Is- on a visit to her son, J. J. Flett and fam. iiy. Mark McAllister of Salem, -left yesterday, after, a visit with Corvallis friends. -r Miss Lulu. Spangler arrived Fri day or tiouaay visit witn relatives ana tnenas. ; Mrs. Brunk save an afternoon a number of lady friends Saturday, About a dozen were present. There was Christmas weather on the foothills Monday. They were white from a light fall ef snow. A bag of candy,' free,:: at Kline's for each- child that comes with its parents tobuy Christmas goods. Miag Rosalia Greffoz - arrived Frir'&v anl is- the euesc of Corvallis frier ds until after the Holidays. John A Gellatly Is deputy audi tor of the county - of Wenatchee Washington., He also has a set of abstracts, and is doing well. German .. Lutheran Christmas services will be held at tbe Congre gational church tomorrow beginning at 10-30 by Ed Doering, pastor. All Germans are. cordially invited to at tend this meeting. Fred Day. of Douglas county, and Viilard Andrews, who attended college here for some time, nave de cided to take a course in dairying- at Ajues, Iowa, and expect to start east about the 15th of January. The Christmas edition of the Portland Evening Telegram has ap peared, and Is a handsome and val uable number; It contains much In formation concerning Oregon, and abounds in arustia illustrations. The. Sam Lung wash-house has been moved, from Second and Jeffer son streets .to - the . Sorbin establish ment of a similar character. It looks as though the Chinese were forced to pool their Interests to compete with the new white laundry. Jacob Frank and family, who left Corvallis for Astoria a few days ago, reached Portland with their household effects; but before they were shipped tor Astoria, Mr. Frank concluded to locate in Oregon City. Tbe family Is now keeping house la the latter . city. - A telegram in Sunday's Oregonlan announces that Prof.- H. C. French, formerly ct Corvallis, has been made director of the experiment station at Pullman Washington. It is supposed that Prof. H. T. French is the person meant, and as he Is at the Moscow I daho experiment station, his friends in tbis city are wondering what the dispatch means'. , - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. A? ery arrived Monday, and are guests at the Punderson Avery home. JEt has only been Mr and Mrs. Avery Bince Sun day. The wedding occurred at Walla Walla at 5 o'clock, and Mr. and Mrs. Avery took the train at once for Cor vallis. The bride was Miss Ida Irvine of Walla Walla. - - John G, Halrsch and family leave Corvallis for San Francisco next Mon day. Mr. H. was in the butchering business With Jv Taylor and with the latter sold out to Wicks & Lilly. He has arranged to open a - shop In San Francisco the first of the year. It Is located on Guerrero street be tween 22nd: and 23d A residence has been secured in the same locality. Who Is L."Thcmpson? - There is a letter for him at the county clerk's office. It came In care of the clerk, and Is held there fori the - person to whom it is addreesed to make his ap pearance. The registration books have been searched in vain, and all other means made use of to discover who or where he is, but all have fail ed. ' The letter bears the postmark of a Wisconsin town. - For a" considerable time Willis VIdlto has been seriously- ill at his homeJn Alsea, He is affected with pleurisy. .f Hir Illness dates from a trip he made with the Alsea-Pbilomath mafl.two weeks ago. At that time be became thoroughly soaked from the rainand chilled through the night at Philomath.- Next day he was: almost unable to reach home and has since been confined to his bed. Varying re ports -of his condition in tne past few days reached Corvallis, but it is cer tain that be ts a very sick man Apparently the sheriff of Multno mah county fell into ; grievous error in his first notice of sale of property for delinquent taxes, published in the Or egonlan of Monday of last week. . The notice stated in that issue that the sale would be January 6th, that the sheriff had levied cn the property, and that the sale would be to the highest bidder at auction. --Under the new law, the property is not levied on, and it Is not to the -highest : bidder. Ac cording to the original notice but three weeks time was given. In Monday's Oregonlan the notice appears changed to meet -the requirements of the new law. and sets the, date for January 20tb. - '. . ; Nolan & Callahan's holiday presents are all worth one hundred cents on the dollar the day afler Xruas. A, LOGGER'S. WILD SHOT It Put Botsford & Sargent Out of Busi ness for Two Days. . : r b Botsford & Sargent is the name of the firm which conducts a shoot ing gaHery and nigger-baby nurs ery in a long tent on the unimprov ed lot just south of the Hotel Cor vallis. Pretty much all kinds : of people go there to take a crack at the mocking bird or some other of a dozen species of lairds arranged j there for the convenience oi the marksmen. There are also op portunities for the man who can't handle a ctin.. For a small con sideration he has the privilege of pelting the colored juvenile family with baseballs,; The latter amuse ment is attended with less, danger to residents of the vicinity, and to the nigger babies themselves, than is occasionally the target practice This fact was forcibly illustrated a few. evenings ago when a logger whose vision was somewhat . im paired by intoxication took a shot and missed the whole flock of birds. Whed the gun was . discharged, there was no familiar 'spat" against the background; - there was no sound of the center bell, the cuck oo s voice was still, and there was not a twitter from any one of the fnatherecVtribe. The persons present looked at each, other jn. wonder and the nigger babies were -: drunk with astonishment. Where had the bullet gone? The problem was solved when Marshal Miller ap peared on the scene and. announced that a shot had been' fired through one of the rear windows of his residence on the opposite side of the block. Mr Sargent" states that he did; not notice, at nrst, that his . patron was drunk,- and that the gun was accidentally discharged.: However, on complaint of Mr Miller the shooting gallery way closed on the ground that the business as conducted was dangerous. To ov ercome this objection the proprie tors on Friday c ompleted an ex tensive structure at the rear of the- tent similar , to the backstop on a baseball field. It is 14 feet high and 34 feet long,1 and built of two inch lumber. The authorities in spected the structure Saturday morning and pronounced the ar rangement safe, at least as far as Miller's residence is concerned. Ac cordingly, business wasresumed at once. After this Mr Sargent will insist that any of his boozy patrons shall take their " amusement wit,h the babies, - . . - For Sale. Milk cow also several stock'- cows - for One good plow horae to let to good party for feed. . Organ & Carriage Factory, PREPARATIONS ON The Plav Will be" Fast and Furious - Football Teams and Coaches. "Interest in football never - ran higher than it does now in certain sections of Benton county, Dusty and . Philomath Woodmen are pitted against each other for a big game to be played on O AC held the after noon of December 30th. That is the day ior the Woodmen celebra tion, and -all the . members round about as well as other people inter ested in sports will be in, town to see things a-doing. " The occasion will be the climax of days and days of preparation, and.- the biggest thing of all will be the football game. For it, the country is being scoured for Woodmen who can punch the pigskin the hardest or tackle the other side the most:, suc cessfully and out ofit all excitement and fun is a brewing. Both teams are hard at practice, and each has a coach to put the players on to the latest tricks and formations. Bruce Burnett is coaching the Dusty team and David Gellatly is doing a sim ilar stunt-for the Philomath men. With an awful lot of good muscle and big brawn on both sides, there will be razors in the air, figuratively speaking, when the two lines go up against each other. Players from the Philomath team were in town yesterday laying in football supplies, and it is supposed went home with shin guards - nose guaids, arnica and other necessi ties. - Corvallis people are looking forward to the game, and will at tend it in large numbers. - i - ' To Rent. Farm to rent by - : ' - ... - P. P. Morgan. . . For Sale. , - Poland China Hogs, Shropshire backs Polled Angus cattle, and 85 head of goats. Also a' few bushels left of cheat and Speltz seed, ' . L. L. Brooks, : Corvallis. Diamonds Y Diamond Rings. -Diomond Ear Drops'" ... Diamond Brooches. . . Diamond Studs. - - Diamond Stickpins. E. W, Pratt, Jeweler & Optician. Bean the " Kind You Haw Always BungS Signature Tfie Stir Christmas Z3STQ-s7- OUST - me s. -:.,;-. ,-. -You should not fail to be numbered among the lucky. pur- -- chasers this week' Npw is the time and this isthe place- . to buy your Chrisimas Presents. Toys and Holiday Gdods Galore The Collection is Com 1 - . plete, so don't delay , K!l Our Christmas lolls - ; Toilet Cases They are the kind that every little girl wants, and you can secure a whole The , prettiest Jine we have ever, family here, We have tbem in all sizes, from-a- tiny -"baby doll to-a great shown,' in ebony, sterling and..ceUu- big beauty, from 5 cents to 5.00. ' " ' , - : loid, 50c. ..75c. roo, $1.50, 2.00, - - - ' ' . , - - ' J. 3.oo4-oo.., . ' : ' ' GoIIar, Guff & Glove Boxes Christmas Handkerchiefs Neckties, and Mufflers -Always anltabl for a Chriatmas Por ladies, men md children, in . Never before have we shown eo large . present for a lady or gentleman friend, plain, hemstitched, lace, and em- and complets assortments. - The new- cop w to nr. - broidered edges . of all kinds, at 5C1 est ideas in silk designs. Prices,: 25c. 50c, 75c,i.oo, gi-50, ga.oo. ioc, iscraoc.t 250-, P to 75c to 10. - Purses and GhatelaineBags In all the latest novelties , from 25c. to 3.00. Albums 25C 50c,, 75C $i.$o, $2.00 a-5Q. $3 SO-14 50, fo.oo. - Hand Mirrors Articles that are always useful, 25c. 50C, 75c.-, f I.QQ, l.50.. , : Gloves & Suspenders" For quality and style- our .line can not be excelled. - Gloves, 25c. to 1.50. v - Suspenders, ioc, 15c, 25c, 50c. Special Sale of Men's Suits ... Part of onr clothing was late arriving and we have placed them on sale at a 10 per cent, reduction. These are the famous Hart, Schaffner & Marx make, quality guaranteed. A good chance for X-mas present. Pictures and Decorated Ware - Matted carbon mounts and medallions, ware, all at popular prices. A . very pretty line of decorated y Holiday Slippers v For ladies and men; Slippers- are an ideal present. Our line is large and attractive. . Pricea, 50c, 75c. 1.00, $1,25, $1.50, 2.oo '. - Ping Pong - A royal game, or table tennis, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00, Jfz.50, 3.00.' Silverware In broken pieces and sets, from f 1.50 to $7.00. So rvaried are our assortments of pleasing things, and the prices range so wide, that selections to suit every individual's taste can be made at . , S K KI JNvS The White House, aJ IWIi;U::Vi Regulator of Low Prices. I , , 1 . " : . i fn! " - ' ' " - In 'It lit Sin, alKali dust or I rain do not phase H i J - M II t them. 3 ii.i...,-.iig,iJ 1..4,.1 Mim..j.Kt mi. 1 laWMai MWIfaT-ViaWi ii r iiai Not a 5oul Can buy a . sole sounder than the sole sold by us in our Top Round Shoes for men. Always $3:50 never less. - One of the lines we are proudest of is our hosiery hosiery for men , - women, boys and misses. - ' sc - This is the trade-- 111c1.11. vt 1110 rviiiva KJl fh hosiery we sell clad II jvwi icvii I4U11 Clads." " Ml 1 1 Ml 1 I nu Milill nil i T 0J ' sf rv Kuppenheimer Guaranteed GIdthes Are:- Made & Guaranteed by B. Kuppenheimer Ss C America's LeadUUI t . Clothes Maker ... ' . - . ' Chicago . - , i - Copyright, tjoa, by B. KOTPBHHBrMtt C Fauless in fit; the standard of fashion, -tailored perfectly; the long-service-kind; par value; sea sonable in every way; the absolute-satisfaction-or money-back kind. - , See our New Line of Lace Curtains. Hew Railroad in Corvallis - We refer to those in our Toy Department. We'veenough : Tin Horns, Whistles and. Drume to make life miserable. -Thoee who like first pick among tbe pretty and not to be duplicated things will appreciate our early Christmas show ing. We have Dolls of all nationalities, in fact everything in the toy line,- from a Jack-in-the-box to an Automobile. Bring in the children and see all the toys'.. - They're new. Yoo didn't pick over them last year nor year before. F. L. Corvallis, Oregon, Miller. J