The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 13, 1902, Image 4

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Several Bidders. Were on
t, , l . xiarid and
- .ta Property Activity
and Bustle at Blodgett
Willamette Grange -
The sale of property for delin
quent taxes occurred at the csnrt
house Thursday forenoon.- Several
bidders were on hand and the coun
ty was epared the n? csssity of buy
iag all the property. On sccount of
the smallnfss of the delinquent list,
but a short time was required in
bringing proceedings to a close.
Contrary to the usual custom in
auch sales! it wa3 not the highest
bidder, but the one that bid the
lowest rate of interest that the prop
erty was knocked down to. -In
each instance the purchaser bid the
amount of the taxes, and accom
panied the - bid- with' the interest
rate he would demand in cage the
owner chose to redeem the proper
ty. As a result of the bidding in
thia particular, some of the proper
ty 'went with no "interest John
Smith having purchased a pitcs en
that basis. Aside from this bid,
the interest rates ran from , six to
lo per cent. All that the county
bid in is at lo per cent., so that lo
jer cent, interest will be required
in case owners elect to redeem such
property as it bid in. Ten per cent,
is the 'highest rate allowed under
the law, by the new .arrangement.
The sale was phenomenal in one
particular, in that it is the smallest
list ever sold in any county in the
state at a delinquent sale. It is al
so the first sale of the sort in the
iate this year. . .
- Editor Times: The 4th day of
December is the anniversary of the
birth of the Grange, and Willamette
grange celebrated the event last
v7(pk. . Extensk'e nrenarationshad
r been made, but on account of the
iigh water, use of the hall for the
purpose had to. be abandoned,
members of the order were met at
the hall by W F Whitby, and taken
to the farm home of Mr and --Mrs
.Whitby, where the day was proper?
ly observed," Features of the day
were music in the parlor by - the
"young folks, a fine spread in the
dining room, temporarily set aside
as a banquet hall for the occasion;
and a programme of great excels
puce rendered after dinner. In the
rendition of the programme, Mrs
whitbs' was master of ceremonies.
'A number of those who had places
in be exercises, were unable to at
tend on account of the freshet. The
to gibbers rendered were, recitation,
exfifcllantly rendered, Harris Wbitn
pvan excellent recitation, Horace
'When was. the Grange
irgimaed, .and where, and by
wham paper by Mis3 Maereie
Whitalrier, "A bit of History of the
opgs in Grange Work of William
Saj&erstQoe of the Founders of the
0rigigraW First"", Master of., the
tfaaal Grange," an 'address by
Jofi SEBkakfer; "What bas ' the
ffirigoMe,i' : George Den man;
rhujdc choir; "The History of Wii
lknSF6'tte Granee " Mrs W F Whit-
1 inSjpfctte Grange,!'
was? very ;.:much
Blodgett Items.
now-a-days centers in
mp here at the station on
e-finishing touches are
bffrgt. The hands are collect
iiind expect lo begin 7the
vjoj Jfcof cutting piles this week
&E&di2tii: -. Mr
Malt3the contraetpr is looking
weltclihriimfoTO 'Sis men a
cUaii'?mkSi2di&shiom and
algood-fgpok. Mr Van Alstyne
hjay4a"kjna contract of supplying
tifecattip with freslL milk.- .The
aiealcoa tftfct Q& yeSP femd
diqsj aTe;sutropenr iiiveiy uouy ts
talkmsfiof bier vesel
bcx (1 year. Eightto roi
cimp will ! ifcei jnefee.diogah sq ?
-7- :-ilJ.,K Vl o-Js
accident fa'sr?1 feufWy 'Oevfebai
i4 the 4kthpASt tWMl&f
smalt bobein! his 1 betn ethe
ahlde arid knee. lou ",s,f
t W'A Gellatlv is prebi
if'n-tabci'at S(V"1ieaa. of
spriug-iitfket2 ji
J Charley Cad walader has return
ea totWs vicinity aftjfjgpgbjjj
of ien-mbnths. V
SLt . :. ... .
"IK K lslodge-ttsnippea-. f s a cits
Woodmen tfill To Have "a' Midwinter
Picnic in Town What the Plan Is.
Things W'll be a doing among
the Woodmen of the world in Cor
vallis December 3otb. The day has
been set apart as one of supreme
hilaiity, arjd Coryallisites wui nave
OPi3o,iuoi.j -em- r "mai;j
interesting exercises. The program
is to begin at lo:3o o'clock in. the
morning, and it will not end until
somewhere in the wee emalt hours
of the following night. All of the
lodges of the order in the county
are to participate. They are four
in number, Corvallis, Bellfouo
tain, Philomath and Monroe, and
the membership is about 45o. It
ia. supposed that -every member in
the county, will be on hand to see
the fun. - -
The program is to comprise chop
ping, sa wing, box-making . and pil
low fight' on tests, three-legged racs
and tug of war, egg racs tor boya
from 12 to 17. all of which are ; to
take place in the morning. In the
afternoon there is to be a parade in
uniform, a football game between
Philomath and Bell Fountain elev
ens, a, band concert and other exer
cises. The day's doings are to
wind up with a grand initiation in
the evening,' in which from fifty to
75 candidates are expected to ride
the goat. A very large attendance
is anticipated. - : -
Carcap, - Dec. 9. At 4 o'clock
this afternoon the combined GerH
man and British fleet seized and
towed outside the harbor of La
Guayra all the vessels which were
then" there. These were the" wsr
ships General Crespo, Tolunio, Oe
sum and Margariti. The ships
were manned by 390 men. ;
The Dews of the caoture of the
warshipB ia rot yet generally
known" in the capital. Great ex
citement will, undoubtedly prevail
when it is announced.
La Guayra, Venezuela,Dec. lo.
Ten German and four British cut
ters captured the' Venezuela fleet
yesterday. : They went alongside
the Venezuelan vessels ordered them
to surrender and without a shot
being fired the British and German
forces seized the vessels in the name
of the German Emperor and the
KiDg of England. Two of the five
vessels whichjwere undergoing- re
pairs were broken up. The Ger
man cruiser Panther steamed into
the harbor during these proceedings
with her deck cleared for action.
The Venezuelan steamers were
taken outside the harbor and, at
2 o'clock this morning the ' Genera
Crespo Tutmo and -Margarita were
eunki The Ossun was the only vesJ
ejjpared,.in view of vthe protest
xnada by ifae biench charirp
d'Affairs, who notified the Com
.modore of the allied fleet: that n9
Uesun is the property of French
maju- " . '.
;At 10:30 last night 13o German
by Venezuelan policemen, but
when a party of 32o sailors was
landed this afternoon and -marched
to the relief the policemen made no
resis tance and the . in mates . were
conducted to the Retribution with
out trouble. The British and
German warships, however, in the
meantime had cleared for action.
No one here can explain the
action of the allied powers in
taking action without giving Ven
ezuela time to reply to their note,
The "British torpedo-boat de
sroyer Quail arrived here this after
noon, The German cruiser Panther
left heie this morning in the direc
tion of Carupano, and the German
cruiser Falke has sailed for Puerto
Caibel in search for the' remainder
'of tha Venezuelan fleet. -
Great- excitement prevails, the
population i fe&uZZ tljajjowo - ma
be shelled or other action taken" by
the AoglG-Germari vessel tonight,
sailors were landed and -proceeded
to Cardonel.a suburb of La Gnayra,
in -which is situated the - residence
pf Gc-ruaan Consul Lents, who with
his -family .was escorted to La
Guayra aBd placed on board the
warship - Vineta. On their way
back to this port the German
sailors met a party of. Venezuelan
soldiers, . but no collision "took
At 5 o'clock this morning a land
irjs nartv of British seamen went
Hto-the British Consulate and con-
ratalacted "the -British Consul, R
b8ehpck, and his family, on board
etnouiiou, . . : -
e .uerman anu xtriimu . reBi-
Guayra have all been
with the ; exception of
IMeTSsr.i fEieldwich, Prince . and
LepfrSbeBgUsh directory tne
harbor corporation, who barricaded
)reparTng?tot:Mhemeelves "Pn their ' houseB, and
f jtUtje Jpr Mflef later were T-JicUed by the forces of
v i h U h VI km alli1 rtAwpTn iind iflten on
rat-- -RTjtjwr." --- c.-. - ,
board the retiioution, ine an
elishtaen's houseavere surrounded
If vou -want a suit of clothes at a price .ple foU&'a and . boy'
Philadelphia, " Dec. ' 9 The
Board of Education of this city to-
day ordered the temporary closing
of four sohoolhouses on account of
the coal supply . becoming exhaus
ted. " ...
During the day the institution?
were supplied with fuej by the
xMHMiiEg company- and they will
jeopen tomorrow.
' T --k ft m 1
womeuec. o, imrteen anar
chists were arrested near Spezzia
last night alter a desperate struggle.
The police surprised them at a
meeting while they were in the act
of taking an oath with poniards to
assassinate King Victor Emmanuel.
One of the anarchists and one of
the police were severely ; wounded
New York, Dec. 9. New York
and New England have experienc
ed during the past 24 hours the
coldest weather for many" years. In
this city it was the coldest Decem
ber in 26 years,; the thermometer
registering, as it did in that year, 8
above zero. The severity of the
cold was intensified by " the fact
that the people were : not prepared
for it, the cold wave havirig de
scended upon the country sudden
ly and , without warning. Then,
too, the scarcity " of coal - caused
much suffering among the poorer
classes V Every effort is being put
forth .to alleviate the suffering, chai -jtable
organizations : have taken
steps to supply the poor, and the
board of Aldermen; haying devoted
$100,000 to help along, the good
cauee. ' During the day the rivers
were covered with a ' heavy mistj
showing a great differecce r'between
the temperature of the air and the
water.' ' . . '
The ccld in the city was mild
comparedwith -that prevailing in
the northern Bectioue of the state
and New England. , At Albany the
mercury fell to 10 below zero,, and
in some near-by districts it went
down to 20. The river is frozen ov
er at Albany, putting an end to
navigation. Dallston reported 32
below, the lowest registration Bicce
1861, and Saratoga felt the grasp
of weather 30 below. In tne Adi
rondack "region and along the
Champlain Valley the thermometer
regietered between 17 and 26 be
low. ...
Throughout Maine arid Connecti
cut the . thermometer registered
from 8 to 20 below, a fall in some
places of 4Q degrees in 12 , hours.
Norfolk Conn. reported a, temper
ature of 23 degrees below zero, the
coldest in yearB. - ' :
:.. , Christmas Gifts- r,
I will ghre an .opening of water : color
holiday gifts at my home on South
Eighth street thia, Saturday afternoon .
This is an opportunity for you.
& e-r -''' Laura F. Pratt. "
-J, 'i.. Osteopathy, .v;
i Willxure- rheumatism. If -you have
rheumatism ia any of its many forms,
no matter how long standing, call and
and. see me at my office on south Main
street. . I will guarantee to cure any case
of rheumatism,.,, in frqnu lo to- ; 60 ' days.
I have in my office the latest improyed
Statie and X-ray machine, and am pre
pared to make any kind : of an X-ray ex
amination. Also to give "any,'tind o
electrical treatment. If you rare in any
way afflicted, call and see me. Consult
ation and examination free.
" ' -" Respectfully,
W. II. How, D. D.
Cow-for Sale. -
One fawn foloit-d Jisey uulk cow.
Enquire of . -
" D C Rose
Btcka?aijv .thV same old business
you will find me readj- to tack on half
soles and p.itch- your shoes' with the best
materials at reasonable prices. Give- me
a call two doors, north of Farmer's Hotel
Main sreel. - -; - M Gleason. -
Lost . : - -Sunday
near tim home of Mack Por
ter isi the ro'id lfadiiia; south from Cor-
vall'S). a pni-kags of linoleum 12 feet ' in
length.-' Finder will please notify J Faw
cett at Belllbuntain. . .
Will Tane Orders.
I am prepared-. to -i take "orders for
painting -in oil or water colors on plaques
or canvas. Fiease Dring orders early
for holiday goods . - You are invited to
call and see samples of my work at, my
home. . -
Miss Jenson, -
. For Sale. -
A complete outfit of farming imple
ments, including, Percheron- team of
1,400 -pound horses, wide . tire wagon
nearly new, Piano binder Jones mower,
four section eteeL harrow,; one twelve
and one fourteen-inch-,walking- plows,
sulky hay rake4 disc harrow, two-horse
cultivator, and many .other implements
and appliances. Will be sold at private.;
sale at low rates. Also 10 tons of good
cheat hay." Also iwo year old. thorough
bred Jersey heifer, to be fresh in Jan
uary. Call or address
Harry A. Wicks,
- T W McGowan, Jr eatablirhed i8s7
commission merchant, .. hop, and general
merchandise, 36 & 38 Whitehall street,
New Yort. -Liberal- advance made on
all ; consignments, Highest market
prices obtained and quick returns. Ref
ferences: - - R G Dunn's Mercantile
Agency, - New York; Bradstreets Mer
cantile Agency, New York; Bank of
Ameiica, New York, . ,
Bids for Wood, v
Bids for furnishing the Oregon Agrir
cultural Collegewith wood for "the en
suing school year, wilf be received at the
office of the Purrhasing Agent, up to the
thirty first day of December, .1902.
For specifications andjorm of bid ap
ply at the oflice of the Clerk, or to the
undersigned. . "
Secy. Board of Regents.
Corvallis, Oregon, December 8, 1902.
; , For Sale,
Seventy head of pigs.
H. Moore,
For Sale. '
A twelve room house and ' six acres of
land on College Hill House fitted with
modern improvements, three fire places
water supply from good windmilP-and
tank located on premises- For terms
apply to E E -Wilson, Corvallis Oregon,
or H T French, Moscow, Idaho.
Notice of the First Meeting of -Creditors.
In the District Court of the United
States for the District of Oregon. . -"
In the matter of W. M. Howell in
To the creditors of W M Howell -of
Bellefountain, in the County of Benton,
and District aforesaid, a bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given that on the 25th
day of November, the said W M Howell
was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that
the first meeting of his creditors will be
held at Corvallis, Oregon, in my office on
the 18th day of December, 1902. at one
o'clock in the afternoon, at which time
creditors may attend, prove their claims,
appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt,
and transact ' such other business as
may properly come before said meeting.
Dated Dec 3, 1902. ' - .
- - - E. HOLGATE,
Referee in Bankruptcy. .
Administrator's Sale of Real Property.
' In the matter oX the eatate of T P Waggoner,
deceased, - - -
Hotlne is hereby given that under ; and pur
suant to an order of sale made by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County,
ou the 6th day of December, 1902, Jn the above
entitled matter, the undersiened as adminis
trator ot the said estate of T P Waggoner, deceas
ed, will from and after the 5th day of January,
1903 proceed to seU at private sak-, to the -highest
bidder, for cash in hand, ell of the following
described real property towlt:
The donation land claim of Jesse Hawley sit
uated in Sections 19 nnd 30 In TJwnship H south
Range 5 W, being clHlm No 61. notification No
24SH, containing 321.70 acres ia Benton County,
State of Oregon.
.'Sail sale Is to be made for the purpose o pay
ins claims auainst said estate and chai stm and
expenses of admistration. - . .,. . , ,
uatea this December 6, i! 02, . . .
- - M M. WALTZ,
Administrator of the estate of T -. P. - Waesoner
deceased. .
- Proposals for Wood
Notice is - hereby gixen that the
clerk of school district No " 9," Beuton
county, Oregon, will receive sealed bids
for furnishing the said district with wood
for the coming year, towit, 25 cords of
oak grub wood, and 70' cords split fir
wood, old growth or 7o cords of fir wood,
second growth,- all wood to be of - good
qua lityjjiot less than four feet in length,
and not less than four inches nor more
than eight inches in thickness or diam
eter; to be delivered at the school build
ing, in said district on or before August
15th, 1903. The Board reserves the
right to reject any - or all bids, and no
bid will be received after - six - o'clock ,
January 16, 1903. -
: - -- - MILES STARR,
. ..r- - - - Clerk.
Valley Banking
Responsibility ?ioo,boo.
k General Banking Business.
Exchange i6eued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, CaDada
and Europe. . ' , -
-- principal Correspondents
Portland, Seattle. San Francisco and
New York
Canadian Bank of Commerce
i Chicago First National Bank :c .
Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce
r Union Bank of Canada.
Grass Seeds, r
' If you want Seed of ANY kind
write us. Descriptive Cotalogue free.
New Tree Catalogue just out. " Ask
for Book No. 40. ,: ' v -
Pariland Seed Go.
t. Yaquina Bay Celery
Constantly on hand at Zierolf's.
- for infants and Children,
Tbe Kind Toa Hare Always Bought lias borne the'signa
i, taiQ of Cnas. H." Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. . Allow no one --
to deceive you ia this. . Counterfeits, Imitations and .
' Just-as-erood". are but Xbrperiments, and endanger the
; health of .Children Experience against Experiment. ;
The Kind You Have - Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Kle Do
to as high a standard as
J . US. hnt Kfift triat. vnn
ihe house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer- . -"
" ies that is the . "
place to '
6) -
(p Fresb Fruits,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and bur aim is
to keep whaVyou want and to
. ' please. Call and see
HE Cramers Organ Factory
offers a discount of 10 percent
on all Organs sold. for cash jjetween
now and January ist,
A fine lot of pianof
tage organs on hand!"-H
A guarantee for 10 yfeatgvpith
each organ. - :
Organs also sold on easy terms.
Send direct to your manufactory
and save the . - ! . - -
Middle Man's Profit.
; Our organs " are cheaper and bet
ter made to stand this climate than
any eastern organ.
Have had 14 years experience m
the business, and can guarantee you
enough better organ, than you can
buy elsewhere, tor the money, ana
1 -r ii
pay treignt ana expenses 01 an
middle men. -
Now you have a manufactory
within your reach, why not patron
ize home industry ?
The manufacturing business is
the life of your state. ' . , .
We have made these organs on
the coast for three yearsand they
meet the approval of the best musi
cians and areall giving the bet of
satisfaction.".. '
Our business is increasing rapid
ly Call on or address us for an
oagan for a Christmas present. -'
Cramers Organ Factory
r r " - : Corvallis, Oregon.
X ' Get Them Now v ,
Big Green Olives in- bulk, Fresh mince
meat in packages and Heinz sweet pic -les
at Zierolf's. .... . - ;
A child's purse, containing a very
small sum of "money, Call at Times
office, "
Signature of '
Hot Cipe
our desire would promote
TnnTrA nn miafaL-o in
Fresb Ueaefabks,
' J. P. Ilufljiian
Offlje In Zlerolt Balldlag. Hour
;)ai;5. " C)r7vlli3 Orego
E. R. Bryson,
t ; Physician & Surgeon.
At Hotel Monroe every Saturday
afternoon from 1 to 7 p. m. ,
; . . . Homeopathist ; "
Office cor 3rd and Monroe sts. Resi
dence cor - 8rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315. ,. , ,
Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation and examinations free.
Office hoursr- 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
D..M.M I. fwnt At KMirt TmilflA fAPlllflr 3nl
St., Office boars 8to9a.rn.lto2 and 7 to 8,
Physician & Surgeon
Philomath, Oregon.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg ;
Homeopathic Physician, r.
Surgeon and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg. - .
Residence on . 3rd Et between
Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or.
" . ' Resident Phone 311 .
Office tours 10 to 12 a m; 2 to 4 ant7 to7:30 p m