The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 10, 1902, Image 3

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. ' -
S . T- .'5'
bi me rate oj xo cents per line. ., . , , ,. ,
: . 'jtivmiit
-Whei ,;.;,.igtj?.-.
- Miss ElbelBermatf-left Saturday
for a visit In Portland:'- -.iwr
Harry Shea, 1 J6f ' Albany,1 'was; a;
business :Vfeit'6r tti town yieVtefday".fj
N Mlsa Ethel Liaville entertained a
; numbfT$$ft&at :bgjat
't uraay eveniog-
' IflnmWHiMjm Tr or ATnnrnfl
o h SmSfmadl
davand Tueedav -T : f
Extenelve- mepariHlona we.bfc
for the reoeptiijS3i&4N3
Coffee Club New Year's day.
Eoy Brock, eiit i&ifcT. anliMrs?PaKddaiwItbtiii vfeeva from
Bearif w!3reTflal
NcfVWaibt-r 21St?- Boib ware WSIP
ghomae Humphreys, ex-sheriff of
Waltowa county, has been .a GorvalU3
visitor for several daj'sif.A. fared
purcfiaaed by him nzJaanntyzsStaDniYaWirtaQmpaJij the fahray
year; j go has been sold, and be Is look
ing wjp a new-iocauon,-.--. .r, ....
Down at Augugt . Webbers iarnj
the other day, a baTrnt' of goats wa4
feed rag about a straw, stack, aqd while.
.theytwere so engaged a BUdden caye
of. tha, straw killed four or-' flve of
tbem. .,rj ,r
There Is ample ground for belief
- that there will be a double wedding In,
CorvCllis on or about Christmas day.
Somfj say there is no doubt of it.
Guesng is In order. r-
Tjjai last ofb)cirMf 3M ttfaag.
orchard Saturday night. The entire
shipment goes direct to New York.
The prunes were graded and sacked.
In the. grading, twetbtrds of tUe pro
duct 'of the big orchard turned out to
be SlfeO'e; the balaiieeF 40-50'e. 'v
flarsh Simpson, he--Celebrated
fishenan of Elk City who can oom
. pel trput to bite whether they want to
or no arrived yesterday, and is shak
ing bands with old frlendsMj Sim.?
son fftst settled in Polk 'vib&yi&eafr
the Banton line, where hislnother at
nn fldvanndii ncrek - at HI. '
iajiyuthrtallpi1 tripnt in
an appearance on her regular trlfMip
the river Fjcidy f mpr.njn.jji .Q sac
count fgtfatefiSeyis;- urtafele to
get thrjogh; SoeiOifldlty.
The P4nM wbidb 6aio fUttot Port
land the day foitdibg was" more for-
here this. Wednesdav mornbic.
'V, ' liCCiTfiJ-i
Dr. Pernot Is confined at home
with a brokenanklejf fEhelnfliry was
sustained ii6Mf ti&ttf-:'. Th'edoetor
was ,en:routef rom his iouse 1 to: . his
ba'rn,r and he .lost . bis footing on a
slippery walk,' In the fall that result-
ed.-a-emall outer -bong i n-tbe ankle
fine Dr.JBef notiYafei" Some 'tor abut
three weefesf -. ' :'Z'
The iate high water carried away
about 30 feet of. the . decking?, at the
lower end 1 of " the" 6 B & w dock in
CorvtASABCffJL&bW at the? lower ''endTrf
thwarehou8e -was also carried off by
the flood. rfrelgti?wgfrdisjhrbed,
as Agent BurnsTiadfaken the precau
tion 10 remoKett, the ililghr por
tion of the warehouse, out of reach pf
the aghag3;WHiaaaettfl;.uThe xiverldufc-
ing the late freshet reacnej, a. EXggg-ofc
Aty-i leei aoove low water, at noon
yeessnla it was 18 inches hl14er?ffiari
the prcoidlug oveniag, but was mill
ftU ffc.hftloar h hih. jsurt of ioB
After six BioiittftKread work
nearswbur2,,.WiJ,UJiaif jgobjlep, arwvdci,?ed lQ l!ghtlthaaflalsra Bellciioto.
ed Mouday.jiad-fe tcvreuiiaia la tUer.
vaiiu dx.ig iVf .aNvi-icei
has, jvittLa sar .fifo, bf ea
newlDg tbe ties, and JurjgCflfig .hgJ.
Liaun. uu wuiii was iuiuiciiy tut) wesr-
6ideTrarTogTjaeTain':oaaT: Tbe op
erations . xterrit-in.i f eji miles
north of Newbera a ditanco of 35
miles eofrhW3J& WoHVifeSOTbe
vallis dart'te,fitfer'e'iSbSeiftift-rll
. wiii 60 continue lor the pres&nt;
There was. dlfcQidieau9alaa "at
the council fe4fd3aynis;bi-?of
lu ..auy. teams are Reuiutr
, i.,- ' ; S - - " ' - " " - -r
$Mh &&&&m: Kim
epnoSf. . 131. JEraalay : haa baen ia,,
fhnifc" T;: ' u S rJrW5tB of this firemen to avert, tbeeol-1
thou-something otfghtto be arAyai,sssaw,ir, &,vii w.S
Inquiry dovl pjdVhat it is ifas dnr
Fui, tucui maajoou. ttie
buiH. It s'Seins.'lio waver. lr. ia i
the duty of ttt MtPsmvaiiici-
ors o.nys wnUrtn, notice that latar.
ais are in a bad way beforhe Utter
are "quirejTOWWfjrasgsf, Sefrer-
ri y aUU ws e suggested ior Detleiiog
uidue s, oac no atxaa A3 tfrCSLfe'l
s,JW--V5e. aopnjiT.iricpn-
a -.aiirTiot.aKri ssja. I - t-tsb
Fred Yate.8
narrowly- e3pa-ls-etnrf3Btwed rfcy
the lace curifttevatfVgaSdGwolffiicl
front parlor caugh oft fireJEtbltzsd
up quicK as anase, 50dt the 'anies
with the irbpi jatf ThoiBpi- ina-bat
munioiited to the bliad. tos than(ri4tweSOK8f)ul(inotbbaifeinofi5f tto dead
a nvrrtct. ar,A to 1 ,. . ,. '
hung bh the w.rtea happen-'
ea to D& ui theirin t.ib&.' ttimeand
by extraordinary efforts, managed
to smother the flames before they
got beyond control. The damage
. consists of the total destruction of
window curtains, a rug or two,everal
boles burned in the carpet and sun
dry other burns, Including badly blist
ered hands lor Mr Xates,
S i Halsfrettirned Mb'&S&y fi&m
Uen'ip to San Fran-
Walter Taylor aafojlldsjailry
henf tab't vt ek fl tbo iateljro wfafed by
W Witbycorribe' l'nd;!hdthe'Hur
imased d E E Gibson -
1 Tha.moatlnna. .xvfc .-. h ft . "Raf lot"
cnurcjg. are increasing m jmerest. anu
.(-.will OoutinnSifaV
tvwcj TweekB, .i
invifea to -attend th'
,,-CaptaIn Samuelm
ertuis, the
leSdefcpf the NorthaS
BadfilAasrrived m. towrkand is
"HlHI. ionri, hpateoptI-
con leeturg entitled,. Ten , Nights in a
tTI F, Ptlhflnn
Lleayein, at few-dajs.tprCalUornia,0
who haa been In Boston since Jw
frsd whofhas beetlf ailing for eevgl
WAfiftn Jroiin wiriii-Sfltnrilav to return
on the trip to the Golden State, f
Ct -iCoach Biggers, who." is Ato 'O tratn
botlihe bays -and. the 5lrls -baeityt
ball'teafes at" the college, anipd
Ikfoftdayand lias, entered upon I1I3
duties. He was coach of the All Star
pPortland team tfeat recently defeafd
tne paktand. uaiiiornia aggregaticp,
and is probably the best man in Ms
line In the atate. .. . J
rUXNew deeds filed for record arej-
A M Wright to O W Wade. blockS
in Jobs addition, $71, S J Tunnlcllffe
Jo J D Irvta?fesSenpje-iM;qperty In
Corvallis SOTIV 'Capitafliumber Oln
pany to C P Turner, 338 acres In KIttgs
Valley, 8846. Sol Kng and wife Ao
E 8 King, 60 acres -west- of CopvalUs,
Miff Mil4redLinville left pa
tnis' "morning's boat for Saleo,
.wJbere sheOwill exhibit her lie j5f
burnt wool and leather. She will
at home aftar Monday of n&tt
v. '
A red hot game of football WSfs
fwaon hft Plymnnth nnii t.hft Phlln.
matn teams. The letter won in a
score of five to nafigbt. The Philo
math team will play "areturn game
wlthJJiaDuaty eleveu. at Duaty spoaj
hft1afav flnn ? r' a rVhrtih Iraflpixzlntfl
J"fc iiVV.
gamwitn-rmromatn nra-scoTe 01 nve
ht. .,,
! ?e; - .
.t An advertisement ajklngforjblds
for a large'amountbwoodTS?'' use
next year at the Agricultural College,
appears In this Issue. Ic is published
three montfeVearller-. than - usual, Id
order to . give proposed contrytors,rwood
f. iATrffr msTSwSi k hAh
all Retails yan be figured out; "better
tnaa wieesntimeTor-aetrwry' is given.
Tbyereis to;6i!tfat Iklll.gftn
In the! Armory Friday night.: It will
be the'iflrlErilmnploB?p!'gahi and
willbe'between the glrls'teams-of OAC
and Mcmlnnville teacnsJt ia probable
that alarge crowKwiUttend. After
tbegame bothteams will be entertained
by th EjpnUn literaryjiSocietyThs
local team isa unay Stewart, '. captain
an Anardf Sllss Yee! gUardf'Ethel
V The new home of Mrs- Hemphill
.1 ' " . -- - -
j;"'T:?c'53T -TwlYW.Wisay:-Hiatiuaara, Ji-ea:.iMld;
obsejye4 I'SempWU!th:match;
Q lirttO.. AP r.h..xiinn.a ' - 1TI7 U r M F.V.A
opened 'the kitchen dftfy1,- aJtfiiubfiJW?
Thfe-efravia-7a'fand'basket were LuheJ
a quantity of wood wfs on frroancT
the flaa-aec&fBSlracitfbgtOHhrf
wallKS'-cUllfed 'frhflp1 Jand tfltS
thei aeeistaKce of pasaers-byi CSlto-
giuehea the fire before serious dam-
h 6i!'.-mn Mr Tf, hf rH
ktSTi? 3
txti v A.-iJt' mwawui
the hose cart paseedW l-
TT taiH,.hl4t..Hnnrl rHb rfft 1
: :iu:. .. i t
si J-
Q K'dklry3Efi?c&4?lvnfobtJaoMa
ia aiseweroa Jefferson stre t yrf1 list-
ThutStlWtl'riaavTflvjhlPli t"'
same alresfca karffetetirirSiV ?afif1
got rnired in another e-owEfconl apaa
rhsCrr,:- V , -ra"H,-5f."j
Ba,ibej'sJti.y gAiJrtst.gRuat the,
one of the sewers some dark
b? om&ame&ied &fe-f n
fnd rmeelOaf!!-) ?l1he.TTnfi.'nTi t ha "in! O
ffiS?. - br?Wf HW
Is, that tTidwhin?ra,tirals mn-it1 Hrt
Ihe'm hidden hyoseatoiyifprafiaise to
continue all winter to be a " fruitful
theme for the newspaper man.
If you want a suit of clothes at a price
to please for the wearmen's and- boy'
Wchave them for you. J. H. Harris,
. K4s sfeTipbsfetf th&VTPrist'PlaiJ
: oonaiaTfetf:tb&? If ;&s wtau fit, mm
' andail, Oak tcr'fidcB'irktery xtave'In
itocWARRANT&SVED - v. i
.. nr ;:U;; ?r .i- -. .dJg '"SrH :iii-i-t$
Assessmta Must be Paid Many -Still
oi in Arrears oa Lateral Sewers' ?-1'
U.TflftSP iPoarreawv on .-cpastrwctioQi
pfisewero laterals jaustsettle tpnow?
AsOTam&fc has been oissuedi to - the.
cMef ojlpolice fat eollfectf 6n J6f 'Ml
assessments tfiaf'BSaitfr unpaid.
rtJsafal',abrSrWat a' meet:
haveiiiot been sraeeessfubh? 'iKetrring
a: settlement? '- When riftirywas'
sfadet thee6tini- bT5ffe??.brtfifc
tbfife was so.nfalk' -.m(;ivor.J1pf
mgaejlteccalecttQn, aida&er:,S9Hie
4ifisifin. tbe actioHseidereing iasut
aneofiaiiflastrtto fthe ebiefoffof
poliiectoproceedasjtekeii. ''j--r
The steps to be taken ty ?he
cTaSef irisexattly tte! laffifM vtlie
erjytt.9jyne5i, the. Lalternative;sof
giving his note at sixeperjcent;
payable: init-dc"yeaTS,-fHecuFed 'hy
first mortgage-on the - property tii
qtiestion, ;! fii ". -settlerfleint 'J of " ; 'th
assessment, provided '$;h&s z'noi
vailalecasli. fpr.thje' amount. . '",'0'.(
-oof.; '.itta
AntfWe ShippSr waiFjned.,FiflyJ
-lu Justice Holge'scoUft Mbr
day,? Mr '"-Norwood of the -"Norwood
Trading Company, Of Bjruce; paid;
a &nerhf:$'$dfoi .ajte'mptpd,'. ship
mfjat" p u nlabeled game qut ofthe
sta t3rJ5e game s orrsisted of China
pheasant,varid-ducks.ouTliey : were
discoveredonboard the'--traia ' by"
Game Warden Ouimby. 'The shro-
ment -Was hy -express,5 'v?as m'arkedl
dressed' oultryr 'and1 w5sn rqute
to'Sfeattle." :;..The requirement:'? thei
lay 5s:thyt: wfii'iii.hp(ed.Ti?!
shall besjo- lapeAed.taatc-.ri'US true
chajaistes Jsi disclosed byI'.the;markej
ing. This Mr Norwood had ''failed
to-dosand the proceeding - in' the
pleaded jguilty'tq'th'e; complain
thi, fine, of .$.$0, s - ImpospdJ.. .The -explaining
'.witness ,.was ,vC. H;
Hqwefa train, man, and he. received
one-half the amount ofithene for
his; partiitt-iitheo proceeding.-" The
shipment ofiiHrds 'was returned to'
Corvallis fnr use mMie-rrnsecMtiott t
of the case. J'7 b' ' L 1 I
i Th' lowest fine prescribed c for
game is5ioojbut in this case the
charge .was made attempted",
shipment, for. which the . lq.wer.. -fine,
is allqvved -, t -r- r
various Herds sunerea" Losses oy
' Week's High Water , . 1
Accounts- aref reaching Corvallrs'"
of losse- Ofr-l?efock by3 -farmeVs"
along the ' W larketT ' botom.r jrj I
wxw-v-wi ! i4f,v mvwuv
bead of she
i by flutise inrjM'uddjy . Greek. Reptwts
are ia50,Jeurret; ana are-Hfrpar-
anny correcr, mat iuonroe v;niiners
lqstr45 llad btbeep, Hbgh Haffoti
sfx fiSrirr-hf rffttlntfH Jif'Vlparl - nf f
l oS,z IsleL o5fsieefi
anu.j.rf .- . neaa, -ofci
sheqp.. 3tbefi- .reri oldtuners:
caught napping, fTte "unepefcted
and ttilv sil,daeuJ(Jcharac''tei rlf the
rise )k rep5fiLibfe fbrtcotonj
WilLj-caeiAe uring- tbe s fredh: o&;
the lattec : part oflast we?k,-iwasl
24.-feet 'isve low water, or" riot
many feet teAtf ' tbe Tiigbst 'Stages
of whicrf'rfthre afe records.
It rjrole, tba my ofhe?1
, t -r-VWI w 71 r, "
iosses, mesfina occurs,
i ,
ISi : -iimnn tai.T.
I0St M s jij
ys SurWAy iiear'-Jthel,home of 'Maclt JPpr
in the roadeatTiug bouth romir
UiaTa package oFillBoIeurri ifeetjjaj
. i, Tf , 'it i . i : -xt. 1
length. Finder will please notify J. Faw
"VWtt at Belltojuntaifiw s
j i j " 1
ri c.-.i ...
... . ... tor-- jvi lUaiEii . -t
-i.Milk-cow1 also several sto:k cows fqr i
sale. Jdiie good pow jljorse toJ.J.0 good:
party for feed. --, . j
-r- ' i ' - i r PI
i f jt Fop Sale-
:.A complete ou:fft of farming imple-.
ments,.-mcludirjg, .jPercberon - team oi
ji 1,400 ?pound.iorses, i.wiae: Hue j wagon:
nearly new, Planotbmder, Jones mower,-
four section --steeiJ -barrow, ene -tft-elve4
and one-'fourleeMnch' walling n plows',
itulky nay -rake,disc tiarrpw, t"wo-iiorse
cultivator, and. many oth er.. implement ,
and appliances. soM nt. private
sale at low rates. Also 10 tons of good
cheat hay. Also two year old thorough
bred Jersey heifer, to be fresh ia Jan
uary. Call or address - ' -
-"Harry A Wicks,
5 ic&.t '"5Si:i "."!
'i. .j3CT': ,v -iff p-as-rftuu ...a -at
ooaqaiiiYoibfshioaldndt fail to be numbered abJhe-hicky--piir-ir-!'S3&;:i;'
"i" si 4 . t r o 1) d 4
to fbtycyolir .
'tToysM and Holixiay t Goods Galore ;The Collection is Cqbi?.'
a.v(sj--vaidi-je8-'so.- so don ti QelayTf ' r
Our hri$tmas Dolls
f '"r aa'3 asa
.e?. hfgr aw ths kis4k that everytlittfe
b ifamily jhefeiWe have? them in alt:T6izesi f .from
ri bi:;beaatyy from 'SceDt &f 5.60 - 1 :-1: '
e G6llar,"i Guf fc & .GSoveJSoxes
. pres eni for a.'lady or geijUeman Meed,
. .-50C-..75P-. $1.00, J.5Q,.i2.0Q. .yS: ;;
.1 ti ;,i Tr, : :i.J'i -.
' Purses and Chatelaine Bags
hsr: la all ih& latest :oxeltie8i.frorjai25c.
nv-U-' ' ' ''ju '"violYi:. ' H .. .vr ijg
.'-:!-Albitiii'sr'; '"':' 3
"s:i VSQ 5Qid 750iF i-OOj: 5x.50v$,QO
-4' $3.46,' j 5- l4-50 5.oo. .a .i'afiS.Hi'i':;
- r-' T- i.-.1. '. .. :. .'.- 'iii--'.. ' ' .
jj a Articles that: are always useful, 25c.
Gloves & Suspenders
us v. j?or qnaiTitjPan'a' style our Tine can,
'ot-rje-'eseelle'dV-1 : ; " 0 '-'" '',il t.
e - (Suspendersroc? 150; 25,1 50c-
a'C?lV of plaing things an
kLiJ-l t'j.i-tsai.ira." v Siai-ri"'-
n ,,! ' ' - . . vwiKg(.i u ji &
U( oun, alKali dusi or -(ggQneof theiineswe fe-
S'iih, alKali d"ust
;::;i;;a a o;?
citf -- .wax
n i
Qau buy
3 1
7soia DV us lnotu
f-tf HSU f 1. .1" -r
h"')r 'a
ij,3 i- i r i)..
.. -fli
Mm,. - 3WS
- 'l
ill!; a -
-4 t 1 1
CHI 1,1 1
Copyright. 190a. by B. KuFPENKEIMHR
o.'i - if' ( SiO-
Cllrietmas Prcsenfs. " ivzt
girl wants, and you Can secure a M$ple
a tiny baby doll lo: a great.
For ladies, me; nd children,, iu
0plain, :heinstitcned, lace, and, jem-
, Droiaerea eagp Ph aii . Kinas; at5e.,.'
I U Special Sale of . Men's . Suits rv7 - l
0 "Part of our clothing was'late driving' and we have placed them im eale at a
'"io.per cent. redtectWn'v15 These are the famous jHart.i Schaifner' A Maixmakej
equality guaranteed5.''- i; good -chanct for X-mas preseut, --r -r. . - f
Zi ' Picture s 'anbl Decorated" Warel4 V:
Jatted carbptj.tapvmtftarjdi.medallions, A verk pretty line of' decorated
ftre, all at popularprices.: 1 i"' - - , ' ; " ' " 1 " , ; .
O. -
.Holiday: Slippers
For! ladies 'and men.
:rs are
ran ideal ' present f. Our. line. is.;Jarge 1
and attractive " ! ' "i!i:?v . r '.i.-;..
Prices, 50c. 75c. ppx.iS, ,$r-5?,; :
i$2.po, t.i, .(;:: I ' . '
f . ' V:ijiTJE l-ea!'5V .'i '"'' .'"-
1 . 'si.
hot p K'ey
II t
- - . - . .
r ohT-.-.- ; ) .v- ,:-C'.".fT, ,r..' : ; ,.' - , i, ; i .
j D :n!I:.'Jir;tfcTiil
Si .'..UI1UU9:-'
UB .otnr t.
e, sounoertn
an'tfieisoiLB.vour feet with
tn jo T irr
o pj nd ishoc s lor 3
FAn iTw m""t iwiii
mi? i i j"
- :.
i S
. i
i .C1G0
l!fiO" 111:
IC 1 Ji " "',1 C, i ' 1
dothes Are:
iSOBa.blaj lDjivs-iyji way t-
-Se QVHfiiffcW.-Liue
t rrsr
vu.'i aH!i:i t :
(. ms:1
r. i -Li
! Tin Horr??f;; WMWS'rif-Diurirs; to rcake life irfSer
ThoSe wfio iike first pick among ihe pretiy and
n ml ?V.u f c T.innra will o rtT.rpm Q
, . x :o- ; .- r l ''-. ic
ire' ' "Vr ae Dd'btall ratODal,lie, "inf ctitvUj-ie
J- iJn Ihe 'tcv'W, Jfrcm' 'a ' Jack
TSrinsop tfce.cbiLireQ and,eee.rfUl tt&.toys i Tbc-jie. fce.
.YiftO dcjut't j)ick,!Qsetiiibfii last
hrtr. iM;,iri,ivi
& CO.
'tuisi, :-
: :;;T6ilet. Cases ' -
- ytiej prettiest - Aine; :. we.- have evert
Joidii rSoCj j -7SS... i'oo J 1 .50, 2.60,
' NeQkties i jaiid Mufferss
Never .before liave we shown bo large ?
and complete assorlments - The new
est ideas in silfedeeigns,". Prices, 25c.
to $1.56.-- ' ' .- " ;'-'.:"" r "',...
A royal game,;pr table tennis, 1.25,;-.:
$i.50,'$2.oo, z.5o,3.po.; . ,. .-.
; v 7 '"c T Silverware -
In broketf ' pieces and sets, from'
$ 1.50 to $70. ! -n; v' ! :'''y-y' ir
iliejprices - ra,rige so wide thai?
';' ''''"'-''" " i' ' ' - ;-
Wiiite Hou&e.3
aior ql Low. HriGes.-zi
are-proudest of
0 -phTsiery--hQ3iei7 for p
7s; ia
. J
Brv, -w
-.7::.j s-
rinark Qiiithe kiyi of
Hi i
J i. J'- x-x
' fcllSllfi
1 23
1 1 i
T 1 Jt3 j i
je t93
5 id
1 1 1
i i u 1
of Laco
u: tains.
to. .7r.
f T
a jrtnl ot-S-'fV V? ti 5: frVv fi a Kr.r.ur. C.'
in-the-bcx to an Ar'oa ?bile tr . v'
-year ecr 'j'efcr-bef 3re. - -
..4J02KM- lll WC -,taoaliv.iv:--
13. 2"
3 Kwl-it