The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 10, 1902, Image 2

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    At '
- -
' Corvallis Times.
nLpaperJoI Benton tVrantr,
CO RV AlilS, OKfctiON Ilve.
iii -Viewers kutEO' it 33
Troposed Clatoff 'Rdatr-' for StWteSiag
IieaiQOoeia Cor v alfi 0 3'-1
: . ei-ci ,:i ;.bso. i.-.JJt il .io
The proposed read? 'fopv shorten
Ingthe distsnceifcetween1 iCorvafllis
and iPbilomafchO'by' mr- (cutoffi frota
theeastiiboundalyi bf tuiEhHojiiatk
through taTtootuas oooerplaee.
is act to b&-otienediS-It-wasrktflaci5'
ed in the head by the report e of
viewers appointed to examine and
report Ao: the court .upon . the'Jifeas
i!Che law-aaithe subject ( is'- ranch
that the court, ra ease ofiaitadwerse
xeportfbyiTie-reerSfqcaiinotii evennjfi
so destredi!iproceedi?;tO)fiopen.ratiie
xoad. - l-ssesKrs --ai
jA petition for opening the road
was presentedn at the t iNovember
tertoof 4he : conumssioneixrcourti
and wasr liberallyasignedfKiAtft-the
time, John:Rickard.i J-otIirEdwaKis
and S'lfSheddnsveiiei?. appoimted
Viewers. vTbey went over the line
of -the proposedcaitoffj aud iato last
week's term of :the:courtoosubmitbed
a 'report? inTwhiclihthejrnnnanun
ously recommended .haiuitheaaroad
be notxopened their -report tbej
. -viewers sayjf- :. .'Voy-'"?'-., '?,.'.; -fThe
uronosed roadf : establish
ed iOTOuldnotjustifyihe;- expense
of opemng and: maintaining-., said
I a part of.the route is over
bad groundand would be expen
sive to make and keeD - in crood
conditi6'h''i rYhelviewets' alscT' rfe
portted'as' a ftfft'Her Reason tor 'not1
.- opefififg it' :lhat "ther. atfe3 atria'd'y"
two roaas in me, vicinity max tne
lie .jiui LViiy '..'iii tv j vt. r- uif
1LCW XUciU WUU1U yaiaild, lliai mcy
were-'iKeadv 'es'tablishe'ff a;Hd mkinl'
taiue'd,1'- ami' 'tMW1 the ( ladition' 'of
a new road fdr the same" tra'ffic
Twotiidbe iitnustifiablei1"422011 1
TBS cou'rt accepted tile w report, di
The expense of tn'e Vi'evefs;'S
a-'t'k' 'iliii 3t jjiLirfV '4,JJ
WW C13SC39CU IU XllbCll a 11 LI
his surety; jl A PirT,ti:'x", ' fll';f
MM 1 -tl
Snndav"EvehingJ-rBlai:e! Califed 1 Thein''
-6ii .A: F'ifiWd 'iWSoot-"" 3'
The fire department -.had :-:a call
Sunday jnightl The . occasion) avraa.
soot burning in a flue imtuthe
dwelling house-of Ben - Woldt. -The
flue is lpca,tedJn the center-jpfjVthe
house-where .fQurjiWalls. floiijedt,an4d
was so completely enclosed thaiUwas-J
. a:c.. t. t : j r :j. !
a piLa.of sQQt that.was yery Drfit
Record in Benton.
There is much newspaper talk
m .4,
Bars and Bolts Wont HoldCtoene1gg
Building a Siding at Biodgett
Bento4fcdnty,?Hi unflguiil?stWnt of
walkirisBfrito the sHefiff Office
and turning himself over to tfie
custody of Deputy-Sheriff Hender
anu laenirc iot .vuryaiiis,, ryvuat: us
the astonished sheriff, ,aa asked tq
le Vstdnished'sh
be'focke'd up..'
The new occasion fprChenQ-.
weth' s publicity;, 5s lha.he. is'again'
at lafget "hou-gti5 Ranted 3yJ ".thje
avithofitie'at the' 'insane : 4-sylti'm'!
wnere ne; is. noooav Knows. . .11
fia;s been his'wbnt, generally' ' to e:
that;5 ."tfoW 'fnay takeme," yoW'majr
putxnetsenma pons ana oars, our
whenever rWni freeddmrwiltgeJT
it? - God'w'ill tielp''ao it5';.1 Qtf.
TC6fdeg6o5. hut IS 'general 'Ms1 claiW
Ui U.1 V 111C .13313 UillL-C 43 uui j
ironi Corvallis " Chenoweth - wa's"
taken' by; Sheriff Burnett ; and; . - the
Union county sheritt to tne asylum.
That hanrieneff Tieetnbef ird. last
year1:'' After staying'' theeHia' fe':
WCCK3 WU1U UclUlC lllctt ... 115. vl
asrliii1 aHarVet' h'dvirie Jmade ! his ' es
cape. : sAftielt thatf Was J ef-taken'
and' SgaM cibiimittejafie'ayliini'
. jThe,it; is bhl?iilacay inJ
fWat in the mam the cars of. tuiitior
- t r
eett. The forests there swarm with
MeS anf 'teairisl1 'At 1 last " fecco'i
tfife' wh'ole am&ti bferlliad fabt
b&rsefctired; and men re" 'bein'e
hired as fasfitl&fap'fcfiectalr the
t&mtfnH aifiorrkfe tie -spiles
few weeks Delble;CllenbweA.had ffiMbeg!4tV''pssa$o
paoar.Prl from trip sW fiT of Union mLJSlXi" JtM?2&J---8?
-i r L orya.ui3 ya grains oyci;.. loe P
ty, by leaping from a train while it
rWaranning i5Jof 2o1illeiavH hour
Subseoietbi hehad ocean.; rounded
up by various ffieersi-but, he al-
wa3 mauagcu w tiuut ixitiix, tttar a new sidinff
mw-ff vi VA5titT'a' tdte the movement of at
vjrS'"" j v4'j- -nJtirriiV' T isioagert station is Deing ount.
fpet" '.t?!-'-1ag8 'iF Blii Gravel, ties aridrails : by the. car-
Kaa-tre going-out there every -pay,.
to'4Je- used1 co&'strueii6fl:t bf-the
sidlh&froTnwhich'fhe itbtfridance
of fflaterlalttireaj SeemS0,tb1te? of
cdflsiderafele length. ;;-4 'J j"-"-'
'.Another feature1 is',5 thaft rBlodgtt
is"torbe'made r tef&rdph -'statfdn1.7
Vmtffllh. went buf Monday32 to11 W-1
stallra set- of-telegtaph" instruriiehts
itfahbxar.Mt is 's'upftbsed'-t'hat
the 'office" rwill be !H-f 0 tempbrafy5
character, to continue only as long
as? the piling 'operations 'are :in pro
eress? Walter Sffeasgreeti Was jae-;
taiied tq t'ake-ehargd oF-'thfe'bffidb,1
many 6cc&ionsh; nade1& Sukide'bf ohhfTurner,genfbT
aram flitted aavl-kti'd-'WtrW
r1 fcUi.' X,ii.;
ed top'f each ; anddcf divine -healiag.
w iicucvcr uc iaiK.5 uu fiia uuuujj
his e"e'sf shMy: ' witli iU0 'light;
his't0ng-uebSgiii4'to workas i? Onbll
ucaiiugs, aiju. ilia wuuic .apical ante
seems to indicate him .forfait
as abDed b'ug."86 h'ak ' inagni
ficent physique, and when he
breaks Joose. "inhis fanaticisra. he
hecbmes-lmare.or Jess imposing-. ,Qn
ocaer ocgasions jajs fsBMW ; enpugiw
ana sane enouffn-tQ -maKe an. om.-
tef.'imbs1i apolpg',fpj: 5.4eJta)nihg
mm, t
Jsaiem, .jSay, ne,:
Isj-e ofiiticwas
It buiBed-osjeadily -nisent.awt "T WfeS3Woa-Bi
Harnfi sparks and srqoke atSrflercelyj
Ipe deaarfcment , miith .alla ap. .- saoooautvfj-xfo
plianc,e&,wekte ottlhgrpdpy fiiiindnif fkxePKFh'UDyX T iJr-
tiut Rfts.unablo .dapyJhiagJo.j r0cW.t5eUtoiiWbtlSeo-aab6 .-to" ,?SiJaaSmro'-I
. -a a .
polisbodosfaoesaand Sundfe5!ji44QMiBS
jif rtiifti.'-j
clearuMfjcrcaBtfrrliay;!-. oalsfcedaik and. Vlb&awmQe ES&iWVtrWK. HJPPipany is mat
is an incurable, and that tjjes , asy
;liini is.hej iQper,..pJUcejl -pgnj,'
'because it. is,far, safer ,for, np"f and
Wlthr,watej-,vH.o;es!.-wera,,la.irt and x !t.3M i -ai . . ;;o;.- .tiih-l. r.oc
kept in readiness in caseatbik. flftaiesJi4riMy Sieinrepeffly ifateeiw
communicated to the woodwork. 1 nenfeaxenotyearkirpcejtmiq jf
Afterisaifie.tiiaeftwo- shots.ofcsBabe at -Wtttt.;edfa;C4o:4
cockochemJ(3ilSiwejrei applied iswith .fjfursday mornings hfz .k&ti&Ml
The excitdment aili koofc asteeb IrlK 9fittWtjlunjiQwPf j.SMi' v8ue
whiteihe oroner-sWax; ia-a-Boftlanch-vI aJhiAhergiare ,39Blfei32 Biece
i thfe-Corvallls & Kastern'at Albany
the plan was temporarily changed
and . Mr Sheasgreen left hurriedly
Monday afternoon to take charge
of the Albany - office. 1 -
r?"n'ot be Usea, antf&datiald1 $pi?ZZ-
i "-TheT Gorvallis' Terry sisiii4empbr
arily 6xHs6f v:,bffine.itritii
htfve betf1 mae aefbs's -the "river
LforSeveral days. -Kfgli'!-watfet , fsi
las !Tbr thfe; grease? !pa?t .of;:-ia- week?
thewatet-has been - aobve' boatihg
sfe&el- ' ''a: ;1!' -" i''Si.f-OIO i ) t
V; The late break fnhe fetry'caDis?
however, is the matn-eause of the
boa t' s jfijate-jof , inQcuous desuetude.
, sAfStrand -thecable parted last-
yeefey 9&iledhe-jchpai waSj i making!;;
a trip,, and.. both the,:ferrymaft and
ihe county court deem it,: s ioadKis-ri;
ablej if J3.o unsafe to lusehef sold
cable longer, . ,Ac.cprdinglyj-a new
cable has been orde.reijiffrom - San.
Franciseo,;,tiaje vwill '.be
requiffld for iti to j rech :CocvaUis.
andbe put in pijipnsforrusejjjlit
wasriorerea - by telegrapn Mnday,;
but -is tp.come rbyd freight, v .which
will require several: days.r Ai? pjs r 3
s i Tie, jiew3pablis.JPj.',b,e-J750j - feet
long, andj-its ostjis-; aiii ent.s per
foQt,j dvejeai s9(mUiaAix9
; ;'-..vj;
I"rin 'II " J IHt 1 1 fJBIi I M f t 'lllllif fjjirffc'li
"j -3?
'd?f0Gf M&as ; iWlsentsior Men WoteSM "Cnd f"
Children are useful , substantial and ornamental,all
Excbarge fceud rereUe 33 Cce
gdtfVcetiUj la TJclt4 Jitatee, Ge4
worth. One Hundred C enon-j; Dollar-te day jj
after unristmas. . 1X)0. mrougn our extensive .
rnrna nr. ,"
. Wishing.all our patrons niny happy
tha .cgrxuBgifetlj;
Saw .. JiaO,?'.15-? 91311 V'O't'iO.f.
f -
"lttlandgeaTMeBiTraBcteco and
New York ' T?
eaidian BanlT'otCommerea
Chicago First National Bank V
fcGBda!i-Cp.tifidIan Bank of Cpmmerce-
Unl6aBank of Canada.
1 -Jli -
- - c
il iiKfllil J'Oj r.fiW '-0; vESa i ; ' . ,
: 5 ' ' '
: if
79 J-S.
edc; .-.tut - e ati j . jj4s 'osJ
Qof paro,n3lcwIi( Jnd
j -sajof ua?.rf ES3.sii f-c;
audattjacuye. ,iflC!, ;
1 .-.133" . t-
10': t.-KC ..' ' ii-
oo-d uitoFthe; Bcrfl, Wt5 up
Our Men's Suits andOver-
cats cannot h equajvat
the prices quoted.
r-uS6 3
cV(t 1
.0:! .
i-fV. i-lUGl '.J '00.!J:'C:
N-eckwear: , e6llrs..antd"Chfis . . Shoes. 'rassware.
Suspenders v (-Dress Suit Gases, -Hats," -Toilet "Sets,.,
;6liV'es;'-? - Handkerchiefs?3 ;v' hiits'.'.; 'Alb'nnTs.Etc
c :io.t. . ;.:)ii!r) i APpGI A I l 1 3'-;:m-! n-". 5ni ; f:J3 . : -its
eio ii??. - .'!9or lTi-j&- r!fl uf fr.!3xs r " ijb c obs-.': '..i-Bat.
Ten BercelitediictiQn on' Meii's Suits.3 "
Oiwinsoto thaJafee arrival-: of ; part of ur: men's suitsio tu
i. ,. inor: .tneofevptfiMoat!Sie-platjeiithffi--atl;P per-
;i",''centredu'cxiotivi -inn -ji"' . .-wwp
'liiISf Health Sesfo''
' nci9:R8 I ; j ; lococ- i;Bir-sc!7;''" - - ' s ........
TheifiMefidamfige wsiuto.'a 'aaceiyad accordingly .thitgawHi:
afl, mimpsrtait araoieAtinCOni?!): praise tney receive.. jjauies
worniwrithe firemeuL-ss? The i alarms paUSS1 wjtti-agme;tiheSa4i3Wa;i jgN-tJie yueen -ot Hearts, had a gen-
'nas turned in about six oclock:00 i-feavejjtakan piaseitt-eatQ; ojfr?b4 tole that gave scope to her ver
a: r.i --gnuvi on ri irvis t.avinv.u f t at frjch Gfeoj'orsvo jcajwd(?$itvheon?ast; we&a -j the,
SJillfU. 2,4 i i i IMS' . ilOOi
. vyeod forSaie -1 - , :,
pfifeltehfe ffl?abjcilln!
Kef cos t u rrf Ss'.'. ' vv ere et&r oyi f ; anil
" JvllUe. ; f liA:vrtr4Vt' r,f lid KC Kj1. friTi. .rr
cieveriy ..nanqied. so mucB -.. soas fo
Ahe!.ae0jaths.JBd-ife A;aflif.tu$rf tSiV
rfttice,Qfthe,Firstf Meeting
. . . . . .
In tltfe-' biitfict 'Cdurt"of- 'the "Uriitea
States for the District. -of Orescn
cuts : .. ; ."-it uuuuu rua j j
i -ani.u 4be,; Reptibpafl.,0'v'rJ
. -r hiddeF,EiWhfl oferfcejowefer.
In tije: matter -W... M.Honrtjaoyrf-and invest - cate of;5ix pes lj&ce.
l-o tf '4 creditors pfWf 'Tlowf ifoT
llefoYm'tain.'Tn the EWuntiP-bf Ifetou','
and Dfeli-ittt fttertSeaid;: bantsupt. ' 'vtsi
SoUeq is Jiereby.'gnieii tlinjt.-GH the-,35th
day jqvf utfjer, Xbe .-saj . M Hoyvell
was duty adjudicated bankrupt, and'Hiat
the first ineitjn' of fii8 -csfdft6rs wiTl: be
held aBCKtV'sllisKDteom iniiyofficeion
the iSgt layjof Peceinber,; pnefni
o'clock lji-iie aiternopn, ap .wtiijeii time
creaitors'miiy"atlenfi1 prove tli"eir claims,
appoiii a tVnslter. 'ckoDirri'e the'fiHrfipt,
and tr4iActnjuch .totlieni-businefes :as
may properly coipe lere(gaid-jjj()gtiui?.d
. .;j'-r'Pf&ee'1ifT-:JSankruicy." 1
qf interest is the suLscesf:.ppg
cent svlii!e Biiids!rrta-,'De-j6nt
.interest rate, the, oronjecte&i9t knpk-1 9 , I'Wfti'Tsikk di&i'il?
xangement;We SaW Wrm8ffattoK ia,M(mW ts laqn
. I
orpanvfls. Frease bung ordej6.-nearly,i
call aaii aee WQVlebH&mSi v.'ork, ifiv
ine msn rawnqr,Oiiejs J Jiomesit'
AdmiBfetrator's-' Bale of Real; 'Prtpeifty;
sotir e is fcercby gipn that iiiiff.r ftti-i pur
RBt trt'Ah order t-l'snie Bittie liy (ho - dtiftj1
In the niaffer ofthc eSt;:te of T r Wactonpf .
f ourt.f the Mate ot Cjeaim ior Hein.-i.CViint.-.
s 011 the Lth day of K'eeeiDtier, li;02. iu the nbove
entitled matter, the undersigned- as adminis
trator ot the said ebtatirST Waggoner, deceaa
ed, will Jroni and after tne'sth day ot January,
. deseiibea real- property ot:T T t i tm fj
The donation land claim of Jesse Hawley-Bitr
. nated In Section 18 and 30 in Toiyijship u iouth
Range 5 beins claim No frli ndtificatldn ' No
. 2401, containing 321.70 acres in Benion County,
ijtate of Oregon.
bald sale is to be made for the purpose of pay
ing claims against said estate and chargca and
expenses of ad mis tratlon. , . v
Dated this December 6, if 02,
Administrator ot the estate oz t ; p. Waggoner
ae me..rUDera,;;.iiouse. .tamorrowi,,, -i?--
830OD;- -
Thursday, night,, is described., L k. 3 '-.j, f i C.o.wj fr Sale.. r -;.,0 ; i
'"Play Resigned to promotesideishak- j
Tj5ne fawn rolorpd Tptspv mi'1b-OliSi&..:
1. -,s- 1 - . j n T J -
.t Jai i;.-j-9U
pons vpotl
3 I iXOVr
cs." j.-iia-'
! t:: ;. nt'itiid 5 fli.ia-'r .U
c 1 .-.-3 -rt.'l
Ol8 '3H'
j:bi jJn bw t-fOUafcij upa i . v
H'i-d:t:-w tntllf t ett yfliri-tl? 1 144t mber, iVOs?,
Willamette '
Valley BanMng
S heriffs Sale.
L ByivSAi AKSIiii sud) cutoitbe Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the Connty
af B( ntOn-to thfl PhprifT nf uM fount, 1
L a j0elivred, eommandinfr theKl Eheriff fo
poHeo She-taxes ashowH.ol9e--feMnquent3itt
tne tax roll lor the ytar 1901, charged to baid dp
Unguents thereonritid tif necessary to Eell the-
property' Vrpbn which siicfi Mxes-'Bre levied, a
set forth In -said tax list. Said delinquent tax
luiuii j&u. uiets. va iue penaiuesv
Farcej$cy rej property are ae-
. Amttaxi cost.
Aaron. Amanda C s WJJofSWKs N of 8E
KotNW sec 35. T 10. R B W fiO anreR fT9K.
Beursdorff, Anne E of S E W section 34 :
T10B6W 120 acres hg&
Deadman, G E S W a, S A of N W ; ex- -f1:
cent S W of 8W Mand MKcliEK . "1?
i wi i.Jt6ijuoji . i lu.usutu-acres ii as
T SE section K, T io7&' 6W T60 If -
acres . b w
Bichardsoo, S ElsectionffiiTlft, B.&.W
S20MNB.... JU .2.v?.?.i.fc; 11 85.
Sabin, R L-.NW section 10 T 11 R 7 W
160 aoresA'. ; 8 6
s 'yixn s pol 6rSK-i section- V
16, T 12 R 7 w, 30 acres 1 26
ertTR W-
tiiODara, arary j ri ot SE section 26 (
T1UK6 W.iO acres
Johnson, E C S E 4 section 6. T 11 K 5 W
160 acres &.
Marley, P H N E i section 5 T 11 R 5 W '
iou acres , RtF'.'
-ress; wimam w oijnw secuon 2
:orthf.O a
on 16T.l
1 26
( :
T 11 R 5 W9 N of N 14; 8WJ4 -if NE
S E H of NW W sectiou 3, T 11 B 5
Ve-ww vwuit 11 -Sfc. '
p ;wuuiiiriiiflD .y 11 3a.
Htaiefc ErH E Ji-sestion 36, T Jf, R 7 W i
ozu acres li a&-
Burkhart,0 A Lot 12, Block 17, Job's Ad. '
dition to Corvallis... 100
CWb.or:JyAuTOti6ill lots 8, -arid 6,'tfL '?
lis 14 i&
uorvailis, Lot 1 Block 6 O T Cor
vallis, Fractional River Lots 5 and 6
ftlnr-t 2. iTArVfl A H H f , 1. ,ti tf. r-ni.u I
ftfJlK lis 32 61
Huehes, W P-Lots 11 and 12 Block In
Ilkins Addition to Coival
lis 1 sa
Hawver, William Block 4 and Block 24
Job's Addition Corvallis J 21 45
Hendershott, Mary Lot S Block A Avery ,s
Addition to uorvaius. 407 -
KroKswell, L Lot 4 Block 1ft Jobs Ad
dition, Corvallis ...i-.w.:. 1 0f "
Logan, S A South SO-'feet-Lbt 9 Block. 6
OTCorvaliis- i... 24 45
Mulkey, A G Beginning at 6 W . corner
01 Biix-s - wens Aaaitiou . corval-. .
lis, tb.10TOdrB"136 feet, - -Bouth 5 .
, to point -'108 feet - from bfiMu-f -"V-'
nine" West to-beffinnlnir.. ;..v ,.r.- 140
Tower, OhariesIiegiimlu g .. at. - point: V-
noiget irom- b , point. i reft soulo-. ,.-;
from line oi -div line, of ' J a.:.
Avery!sr.p L C-BOtf-raoatll-'-ea-t-i-..
V 100 feet-if 5' feet . E: 1.0 feet - to.' : -k
Avery'S rddindu'Corvas, .vJvS OT
Friendly lTaJegirining;-at-. fti poiift"-.
NEJot section 80?ir 12 '5feBPof
Will Mer th W r- .emiaaS S8
chains: thence E 1 chatii tK S30 chains
th E 5 chains ;to JwWainette river
lltei 1 nilh Us
oT begin
ntng ccnttiiningj87;66irsiriore--or -lets
,..V;.-...,S-G..'.i. 3 60 .
rord.jw i.ors.$ifc-4 Biotfrj.5c;4Ja.(tioii
Tullls. Llizaeth
of S i !4i
Moore IIP saa dejKJp Ji. tfe.V5Sl.5r,il -i'
Oregon QiliittoWQoSiM. S
IF tlT.-.i'!- ,.y... 11 ..-.
t 15 ;
30 ssa.-d.-tl" 30100 rruaii
1 .' s 1
i-? j-v (gi.'Hi M iar,'7yM - 5i;i f
: r. bbiirfsr-' " ; V9 -f .-fee sft o i
bid it ha & vmazite t
1 a. a- a - 1
-054 S.-5!iKS.i ,U-3i;
iioo ; - tii'l
gj Jit; fn rftigir.i
! el" - sw 'ierr -o;
'.Ifjggrl ....... : . ' -
4ay, t thfierJt'ipv.rftern'l;'fS6fn
-.rll -1 It Mrfli,ra 1
ifleserlbed rw.pWfi6rtyt.' "pJMiff yalci. lot-the-
person irho WUJ'raJttre . jufi'auuAj&f faxes..
h! costs cci1Sftrat.jMihV.i6Ete wjCSit-
.licel of real i.iotli$ ..'ai.4S'
bett to ieclcmvJtott, to tattsfy. 's&lM. nvarraht,
co&ts and act-tirfBispsttf'-:.';." "vSi
It itM "i'"-3 fVIJi;?'' Ht;tiiv.,;p'nt3- j?iitiio..j
Jl---rfiricrtrigiitju-fitii bt!cn- ttaiy irppcn!iTd naminf, ,
lstrator with the will; annexed el the estate, oSSz.
JWeiniEabeth'TtiKeJva'eceasad, bythe Countj'if .
OOHtroi the SttfWtot tybfoi. tofWmu Count,-! J
Ailpccsons haitiaz .ttlalBas,agsiusl s,4ld. estahVJ; '.
cT&iift?ane EIIiirtT?eTh" Fisher iloteased, art
hereby required to present the same wtt:t tho.tJ
riron.r vonr-.tiprs nulvverifi ii. ca. Lv lnw 'ret.-i :
kqitJred wtoitoakt nioulSe of jtTiie daje hereof tojA
fthe und-ersigued at hia law office iu Corva!Uat-a
Benton countv.Orcgou. . . itiitj .
v.. ,,..,.,T. .3r.!! .jjv-. B. WHSOSi' . s.
Dafed this XovS, 3502. ' ' t,yU
?. Acmjytf tralpr with the will annexed .of. thi'-v i
estate ofeJune Elfeft bixa Fisher,- -Heceased, i?;t
-n Indication,. o--,its - prigiinal-.aad
Ifdeals with, a new suDiectaaJ
OrBackjegajM atSw- salflae' old ihuSmese
. . - . . -. , --- ... ....... ..... ivuj taL&Yvuu'iiaMi
ttf that Ija.rge jans intelii.g,ent$:laS5ff
tneaire., goers w,no.? pretergjefu, sbed
tears .pi. lja-ugnterroven xxsmical (- ac7 -
tionsg saying, and -J3t?,RS8 gather J.
tnan .weep-oveirsonibreand .natli-.
1Bt!i 1 tneqdlamatic.-representatibiis
or misiprtunes .in xea;r Jile. .Anis
farce is a bracer a genuine com
ical elixir. -
Yaquinu Bay Celery
Constantly en baaS at Zierolf's(
.1-sviqqaf f f, v:)s-r4W
Materials a;t'soiaTSlpribeB.'iye ta-'f i! write osi MsaariptjveiGjlalQgueireeii
aall-twb' doors n6rVh ot' Farmer's Het
Mftiii tteci. "5 ;-'id fGleason.
A fine farin"ih Nebraska) 'afso"6be - iri
exas for farms in Benton or' Linn Co
Also niiJe well improved farm near Hal
sey for Corvallis acreage property. Good
brick store bouse and residence for farm
Some great bargains in farms and city
residences, See, - J?P Morgan,
ta 1 :
,t3 t ys
i,dministratrix Sa
-OTaer aswr.aecree 01 tne i:onntv - i:nurt nrtth
tCcntySiSfJ'olk and state of Oregon, made "and
eiiierea.-cL-recorct in tne matter ot tne admlnls-
intallon at She estate of James L Gwin. deceased.
L 1 will onand alter the 9th dav of Dacemhor.
. pf vv : -. Ttrnwitys ; wonrawetK : :jnaiissi ; jot
Benton, OojintaTj Oregnti ( iMtti f t,-iiv;A: rutUiu
.iBrewiJree-'Gatalog9eijviattouE. iAsfci
Sbr N(M -4W ST. '03-"-AW:f t-WaL-l OSiSty, Oregon
GetThem Now
. . . i . "
Big Green Olives in bulk, Fresh mince
meat in packages and Heinz sweet pic -lea
at Zieroifs.
ffbe nofthTiairoTfhe north west quarter vc 1
MRtMftn mtggn, In Hiwnltp f,n.on g-jnth cf I
range eigntwest of the Willamette meridan,
t !
r- - - TW i ntr V fl'tv
Br.'jKJ.V. -J:.'!.-!",,J ; mu.t-
Physician and Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor,
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hoars io to 12 a. m
eft at Graham
. . Notice to Creditors. - - ';
T7bticfc if nereLy givenloi a Ute-uncfor ;
signed has been duly appointed, ad.'
tninistrator of the estate of lintf','Nue"?;;':'
aislr4eceasd i by the County Court ofSl
tneiSlateaif Hrecon. for Kenton cnmitir! '
and that Leters Testamentary therin"
Fe TiesnSssued to him. All p'ersou9
naving claims against said estate are not: us ,
tified to preseni ,the tsame. .verified as by';; ;
law iequired to md at tlfe offic'e'6f V
McFadden, 1st Nat'l Bank Building ia-fe ' ;
"T "": ' " "Sr 'Iacobs; '" '
-Adrnrnistraror-tjf ; the estate of Lina
--Xmsole, ih liwHwiaa' t flMat "oberefora . eugass, aeceasea. - - .'U'.'f-VTii
wflt be receiviJ?y .me. brt MonitiXth, .Botlolt.;, .- ' "
i ...
- A ttorney-A t-La w ;.':-.;
Practice ia all the courts.' Notary Publio
Office in Burnett Brick,
; ' ! '.
; f.