The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 26, 1902, Image 2

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    ' - -
The Oregon Pacific Colonization
Co a corporation vs M P Burnett
and Benton county, Oregon, suit
injunction- Demurrer overruled.
Defendant given 30 days to answer
and plaintm 30 aava m y.., .
About Five CarloadSin the Vicinity
Corvallis Marketed.
There has been activity among
prune growers in the vicinity of
Corvallis for a week past. Several
buyers have been on the scene, and
the result of the negotiations is that
nearly all of the crop of the neigh
borhood has passed out of the hands
of the growers. The sale compri
ses about five carloads, which on
account of the very light crop is
practically the total output in the
immediate vicinity for the season.
All the sales are not to the same
buyer. Nearly all the prunes in
the vicinity of Philomath .and . the
Blakeslee holdings in , Corvallis,
together with a few other small
lots were purchased the latter part
of the week by the Willamette Var
ley Prune Association of 7 Salem.
The latter company is the same
that bought a considerable quantity
of prunes in this vicinity last year.
Ithas a process works at Salem,
and the prunes bought here are to
be shipped there for -treatment,
after which the Association boxes
and places them on the market.
Another sale of nearly three car
loads was consummated Monday. It
comprises the two carloads held by
the big Prune Company, the crop
of D C Rose and a few other lots in
and about Corvallis. The sale is
for the New York market, and
shipment is to be made at once. At
the big prune companys plant, the
grading and sacking is to begin at
once. In the latter sale the figures
have not been made public, but
they are understood to be somewhat
in advance of the sale of the Salem
Lawyers Argue it Corporation set up
Technical Objections to Assess
.' . merits.
mere was a nearjag in tne cir
cuit court Monday afternoon of the
case in which the Oregon-Pacific
Colonization Company seeks to
evade payment of taxes on its lands
in Benton County. The lands are
known as the Coe lands, and the
amount of taxes delinquent on them
is for five or six years and aggre
gate above $3,000. Benton
County advertised the lands for
sale for taxes and the corporation
restrained tire sale by injunction in
the court.
Monday the case was called, and
the attorneys for the county filed a
demurrer to the corporation s com
plaint. In the argument on the de
murrer, counsellor the corporation
urged that the entire assessment
of the lands was at fault,' because
the lands were assessed in a lump
and not seperated into parcels. Con-
sel claimed that the failure to segre
gate was equivalent to making as
sessment at all, and many decisions
in support of the view were cited.
Judge Hamilton overruled the
demurre, and the county was given
thirty days in which to make an
swer to the corporations complaint,
after which Jthe latter has a similar
period in which to file a reply with
the court. It is probable that three
months or more will elapse before
the case will reach a solution.
Gloak and Suit Sale.
Commencing Saturday, November 15th, we -will offer our
entire stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Jack
ets, Capes, Raglans and 1 ailor-Made Suits at u Sweeping
Reductions, all this season's garments. limited, stock, call
early. 'A AAA:'. " : ' -'v'
Thousands at Chicago Want to
v Something That Benton Has
Wallis Nash .has written another
letter to a Corvallis- man asking
for something in the way of an ex
hibit for Benton county to be plac
ed in the Immigration oflice of
the Harriman lines at Chicago.
He says that Eenton suffers for
lack of some product to stand as a
representative of what the county
is capable of, and urges that some-
f thing, even if it only be a box of
apples be forwarded. Fruits,
either fresh or in jars-can be used
in the Immigration office with tel
ling effect. . '
The inquiries about Oregon, Mr
Nash continues,- are simply un
limited in number. The reputa
tion ofthe state seems suddenly to
have leaped into favor in the pub
lic eye, and thousands are seeking
information about its climate, char
acter and resources, with a view fcf
leaving for the Webfoot state . in
the spring. The rush then . Mr
Nash says, will be far greater than
the most enthusiastic Oregoniao
can possibly anticipate. The letter
concludes with the suggestion that
any products, properly packed for
shipment, may be left at the South?
ern Pacific station in Corvallis,'
and the railroad company will take
it through to its destination with
out charge..
Of Corvallis Residence Property-A ve
ry Residence Sold
Dr N B Avery has sold his resi
dence property a the - corner of
Jefferson and Ninth streets. The
buyer is Mrs Mary Tedrow, and.
the price paid was $1,700. The
deeds have already been signed and
delivered, and possession is to -be
given in about two weeks Mr and
Mrs Tedrow reside in Polk county
where Mr Tedrow is engaged in
farming. They have a son in the
Agricultural College. '
The St Germain residence prop
erty changed hands Monday.
The new owner is Prof. White, who
arrived a week ago from Iowa, and
with his family he already occupies,
his new home. The property com
prises a house and half block . The
price was $1,200. -
Get Them Now
Big Green Olives in bulk, Fresh mince
meat in packages and Heinz sweet pick
les, at Zierolf's.
To Trade
A fine farm in Nebraska, also one. in
Texas for farms in Benton or Linn Co
Also nice well improved farm near Hal
eey for Corvallis acreage property. Good
brick store house and residence for farm.
Some great bargains in farms and city
residences. See. PP Morgan.
Wood for Sale
I liave 5OO acres of timber land to clear.
Will sell wood in stump or give wood for
clearing ground, have fir, oak cedar and
asn. 5 miles west 01 (Jorvailis. -
, PA Kline.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the
undersigned has been duly appointed admin
istrator with the will" annexed ef the estate, of
Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, bythe Connty
Court of the State ot Oregon, for Benton County
All persons having claims against said estate,
of said Jane Elizabeth Fisher deceased, are
hereby required to present the same with the
proper vouchers duly verified, as by law re -quired
within six months of the date hereof o
the undersigned at his law office in . Corvallis
Benton county, Oregon.
. v E. E. WILSOK.
Dated this Nov 8, 1102. .
Administrator with the will annexed of the
estate of Jane Elizabeth Fisher, deceased,
Notice to Creditors.
- Osteopathy
. Will core rheumatism. If you have
rheumatism in any of its many forms,
no matter how long standing, call and
and see me kt my office on south Main
street. I will guarantee to cure any case
of rheumatism, in from lo to 60 days.
I have in my office the latest improved
Statie and X-ray machine, and am pre
pared to make any kind of an X-ray ex
amination. Also to give any kind of
electrical treatment. If you are in any
way afflicted, call and see 'me. Consult
ation and examination free.
W.H, Hoir, D. D.
Notice is hereby given -that the under
signed has been duly appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Lina Nue
gass, deceased , by the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Benton county
and that Leters Testamentary therin
have been issued to him. ' All persons
having claims against said estate are no
tified to present the same verified as by
law required to me at the - office of W S
McFadden, 1st Nat'l Bank Building in
City of Corvallis eaid County within six
months-from this date,
M. Jacobs,
Administrator of the estate of Lina
Neiigass, deceased.
Valley Banking
Responsibility $100,000. -
A General Banking Business.
Exchange issued payable at all finan
cial centers in United States, Canada
and Europe., -
' Principal Correspondents
Portland, Seattle, San . Francisco and
r . New York
Canadian Bank of Commerce
' Chicago First National Bank
Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce
UdIc-q Bank, of Canada,
A Hfe'gBgj HartSchafEayr
- Sr,A. rlarTailorcd
WE'RE provided for
sorts of clothes-tastes, men
who f-jvant - the latest ' and
newest styles, and men -who
want the quietest and plain
est clothes they can get, and
men all the way between.
- lhe qualities for all gorts
ofmen are the same ' styles
vary, but Hart, Schafiher &
Marx quality remains always
as good as it eah be. What
ever your clothes-needs, we
inteud that this shall be your
place to supply them, $6 50
to $35.3 We are sole agents.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County .
of Bt nton, to the Sheriff of said County directed
and delivered, commanding the eaid Sheriff to
collect the taxes as shown to be delinquent, on.
the tax roll for the ytar 1901, charged to said de
linquents thereon, and if necessary to sell the
several articles ol personal or parcels of real
property upon which such taxes aie levied, as
set forth In said tax list. Said delinquent tax
payers, the amount of taxes and the penalties
and the several parcels of reel property are dear
crlbed as follows lowit.
Amt tax S cost
Aaron. Amanda C arVT X of 8 W N X of S E"
K of N W see 85, T 10,K 6 W 60 acres S8 98.
Beursdorff, Anne E 14 of S E W section Si
T10B6W 120 acres . 6 6S
Deadman, G K S TV a, 8 A of N W V; ex
cept 8 W H of SW and K Kot SE' M
of NWK section 85. T 10. B 6 W 180 acres 11 35
Newman, M P Lots 5, 6, and 7 and 8 of ...
N E 14 section 18, T 10, B 6 W 160
acres ; 6 6S '
Richardson, S E section 35,-T 18. B6 W
320 acres 11 85
Sabin, B L NW J section 10 X 11 R 7 W
160 acres g 6ft
Prlntz, Gilbert H N Vi of SWjkoI SE V!
8 & of 8 M of NW 14 of SE H section ' " '
16, T 12 B 7 w, 30 acres i 2S
Poindexter, B W The North 30 acres of
NW of 8E section 16, T 12, R 7 W 1 2ft
Hibbard, Mary E N of NE section 26
T 10 R 6 W. 80 acres 4 25
Johnson, E O 8 E i section 6. T 11 B 5 W
160 acres 5 e
Marley, P H N E i section STUBS W
160 acres g 6(y,
Press, William N W Kol NW K section 2
T 11 B 5 W, Sy ofse, J4; S W f NE
. H- S E of NW H seotfon 3, T 11 B 5
-V 11 tt(J
Nichols, M E NW JofNEW;SofNW
seoUon 11 T 15 K 6 1135,
Eridley A Beginning at point 81 rods N of
SE corner ot CI 60 in T il' 8 B 6 W th W
80 rods, th N 28 rods to center of Coun
ty road, th eaat along center of said
road to a point 10 rods N of beginning
in sections 13 and 17, TUB 6 W 9K4
acres 2 1
Mater, E H E H section 36, T 12, R 7 W
320 acres u g
Bust. H A Beginning at N W corner of
SW l of N E of section 22, T 12 t
R 6 W th 8 22 rods, E 120 rods, N 22 rods
W 120 rods 3 40
Burkhart, O A Lot 12, Block 17, Job's Ad . '
dition to Corvallis 1 00
Cauthorn, J A Fractional lots 5 and 6, in
fractional Block 3, O T Corval
lis 14 25
Hull, Albert Lot 3 in Block 9, Job's ad
dition to Corvallis 1 oo
Hoag, William Lots 6 and 6 Block SOT
Corvallis, Lot 1 Block 6 O T Cor
vallis, Fractional Rivr Lots 6 and 6
Block 2, Avery's Addition to Corval
lis 32 61
Hughes, WP-Lots 11 and 12 Block In
Wilkins Addition to Coival
lis.... 18ft
Hawver, William Block 4 and Block 2V
Job's Addition Corvallis 24 45.
Hendershott, Mary Lot 5 Block A Aveiy s
-Addition to Corvallis 4 nr
Krogewell, L Lot 4 Block 15 Jobs Ad
dition, Corvallis ,
Logan, 8 A South 30 feet Lot 9 Block ' 6
o T Corvellis 24 4!
Mulkey.AG Beginning at 8 W corner"
of Block 6 Wells Addition Corval
lis, thN 10 rods E 156 feet, South
to point 108 feet from begin
ning West to beginning 1 40
Tower, Charles Beginning at point
118 feet from appoint 223 feet south
from N line on div line of J C
Avery's D L C run South 60 feet
W 100 feet N 50 feet E 100 feet to
beginning all lines parallel to streets
of Corvallis o 03:
Waggoner, George Lot 3 Block 9N B&'p
Avery's Addition to Corvallis Lot 6
Block 11. Lots 4 6 Block 12 N B & P
Avery's Addition Corvallis 4 0?
Friendly Max Beginning at a point
34,08 chains E of the N W corner of
N E i of section 30, T 12 BB 4 W of
WillMerthW 7 60 chains; th S8
Chains: thence E 1 chain th 8 30 chains
thE 5 chains, 'to Willamette river
thence down said river wiUi its
meanderlngs to ,place ot begin
-' nlng containing 7.66 acres more or
a x iuocK is, jodb Addition
1 30
4 8 0-
3 60
1 2
Tullls, Elizabeth of SW Xi '&' 'w ' hi
of SIJi section SO, Til, B 7 W 168
moore 1 41 & vanderpcol M E W of
c 74 ecuuuu 00, X IU A 7 V,
Oregon & California Railroad Co N W '1
of 8 E X section 17 T 14 B 8
ino on Tiiureaay the 11th day of
ccmber, 1902, at the hour of 10 a m of
uay, at tne bheriirs cffirA. in thn nm,. nn.&
In said County and State, I will stll the hbove
described real property, at public sale to the
person who will Tid the amount of taxes .
and costs accrued against each piece or par
cel of real property and fcke a certificate
at the lowest rate of interest, for cash sub
ject to redemption, to satisfy said warrant,
costs and accruing costs,
t . Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated November 11, 1902
new Canned
Tresl) Extracts
and Spices
. - It Js now easy to buy your Thanks-'
giving Groceries at our store. We
. have received all our New Goods (fe
f - for the Holiday trade. . ; . . Vi
(Thanksgiving Groceries
Raisins, Currants, Lemon and "Orange f5T
3'' Peel, Dates, Figs, Cranberries, Almonds, '' S- '
' Walnuts, Honey, Olives, Mince Meat, t
Plum Pudding, Fresh Fruit and
'Vegetables.' Leave orders for S ' '"
Celery fresh twice a week. . .
v - Abstract of Title Conveyancing -
3osepb ft KH1$on
Practice in all the courts. Notary Public
Office in Burnett Brick.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
. H. S. Pernot
Physician, and Surgeon
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor.
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours 10 to 12 a. m