The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 26, 1902, Image 1

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    Yq1.XV.--No. 41.
Greatest .Lime le the
City.; - Every P
Kruppendo rf, Dittmans & Co
Make of Ladies Shoes the
Best Wearers and Fitters
of any Shoes on Earth,
Mens',-Boys? and Childrens'
Shoes in all Weights ancfc
Styles. Buy Shoes where
They are Guaranteed.
Strictly Up to Date!
J. D. Mann & Co are receiving
sr Load Lots
For fall trade, and are now -able to -show
a fine line ot
"urniture, Carpets anfl Stpyes
Largest assortment and best bar
gains ever offered.
" r : , ... .
Notary Public,
OSlceia.Zlerloif's building. :
Safe. R'"Ss Rings !
CHRISTMAS will soon be
here and your thoughts will
be troubled by viaions of pres
ents that you must get for your
many friends and relations.'
What could be a more desira-
'ble present than one of Pratt's
Solid Gold Plain Band, Chased or Set
Rings ? Rings of all sizes, " styles and
kinds gents', ladies' and children's.
Call and see them . . ;
The Jeweler and Optician.
ol Furniture
Thanksgiving ; '
Good Things
that you can't do without. Tur
key may ,be King, but we hare
other luxuries that press His , Ma
jesty very closely. We " have the
best mince meat, raisins, currants,
fruits, and everything needed for a
delightful Thanksgiving feast. 1
B. A. cathey; m. d.
Physician $ Surgeon.
Office: Room 14, Bank Building.
Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m.
X 2 to 4 p. m. -.
Was Found Dead in a Russian Sin
ger's Apartments in Paris With
Bu.Het Hole in her Fore-
head Elephant Went , .
Crazy Other
Paris. Nov. 21. The track death
of the vouner American artistl Mrs
Ellen Gore, who was found fatallviand others, forwarded
shot in the apartments of a Bus-'
Bian musician named DeRydzewski
Wednesday, continues to occupy
the attention of the police and the
staff of the American Consulate.
(Mrs Gore was killed by a revol
ver shot Wednesday, in the Apart
ment occupied by Jean de Rydzew
ski, a singer of the Imperial . Thea
ter, of St Petersburg. De Rydtewski
at first said that Mrs Gore commit
ted suicide, but subsequently he
declared the revolyeiiyent off. acci-
dently. When' found,-, the victim
was uncoDfefipua, apd bad a bullet
WQiind over her right, eye. Two
doctor imje eupim'eped Ja. attend
her, but she-died without Regaining
con8ciojisfless:;The police ire dispo
sed to.accept the statement of the
young Bussiaa singer: wiiQ was io
the room at Jtne . i,ime ; Vhaji ' the
shooting was ttie result of 1 an acci
dent during a scuff le " for the pos
session pf the weapon. Tbe.Euseian
Binger i cornea from a ricij and noble
Russian, family. ? j Jie is tbv son" Of
a Russian Generaland
who" hold high, positions ia the gov'4
ernment service. - Mrs ", Gore, lived
in the'A venue de la Grand. Armee,
not far ; from; the- Russian, here
the tragedy occurred, ' ;;'
The developments of the true in
wardness of the mvstery were fol:
fowed with eager interest by: the
public today, and brought forward
many who had ' known Mrs . Gore
here and in America, and from them
her atticedents were fullxQbtained.
It developed also that she had been
a pupil bf ; the famous cpnjpose
Maszkowski, , while" :" De Rydzewski
was a pupil of Jean la,- the
baritone of the Grand 'Opera. The
police branch of tb& mystery seem-,
ingly remains undeveloped, and no
futher light has been thrown-on the
causes that led to the tragedy or
the circumstances attending its en
actment. '
An autopsy was held to day by
Dr Socquet, and resulted in a for
mal report that the. cause of her
death was a bullet wound. Counsel
General Gowdy assigned a member
of his staff to attend , the" autopsy
and take notes of the couditions of
the body;" That official reported
that the bullet entered the forehead
above the left eye and . went clear
through the head. The bullet was
not fouhd. The Prefect of Polite
designated Gas tine Rennette, the
expert armorer, to study the wea
pon, and wound for the purpose of
determining the possibility of sui
cided "V
Although many friends of; Mrs
Goto called on Mr ' Gowdy, none
claimed the body and late in the
day . cabled - Attorney Butler, . of
Mexico City, asking as to its di
sposal. . .
.The most circumstantial account
concerning Mrs Gore was furnished
by .Vincent Toledo, director ' of a
leading piano establishment in the
Avenue de l'Opera. He says
she was introduced to him by let
ter's from musical friends in New
York. She appeared to him most
charming and vivacious and devo
ted to music. " She received all her
mail at a private address. She
traveled in the early summer over
Europe and took lessons in Vienna
from a leading master. Returning
last August she asked to be rec
ommended to a master of the high
est rankd Moszkowski was chosen
She studied with great ardor - and
took part in a number of musicals.
Last Tuesday she accepted an in
vitation to the opera 10m M Toledo
for last night, and he was horrified,
on going for her, tp find her ; dead.
M Moszkowski on being intervi
ewed "said: :" .' "
I cannot believe Mrs Gore has
committed 6uicide. She was one
of the -happiest dispositions; I
never saw the least evidence' of
melancholy. - She was deeply inter
ested in her work, and ' had such
promises of a musician I It was her
purpose, after.completing her mu-
eical education, to return to Amer
lea.;; She inquired of me -: recently
it X thought she would make an ex-
eellent professional. She has taken
lessons of me every Teusday s ihce
October 1Q Last Tuesday I recei
ved a note from her saying she was
suffering from indisposition . I did
uot know anything of her private
life" .-
Washington, Nov 2I The Com
munity Christian of the ' Universal
Brotherhood at Crownstand. As-
EinaDoia, uanaaa, : has sought a
home in this country, .but 'h&ve
been officially ' notified that the
community cannot settle on gov
ernment domain. Ihe community
represented by
Ivan Ponomareff
a letter to
hS president, 'asking for
a tefuge
in the United " States The letter
was referred to the department of
the interior." Assistant. Commis
siouer T Bichards of the general
land office has forwarded a reply
announcing that they cannot ' lo
cate upon the public- lands of the"
United States.: Mr Richards says:
; "The public lands of the United
States are disposed of only t citi
zens of the United States or those
who declare their intention to be
come such citizens." '
: In. his Utter the Duokhbor leader
asked that his. followers: should
"not, be forced to obey : human or
dinances or ba asked to become
subjects of any one except the
good God.'.'
- New London, Conn, Nov 2i -John
Leonard of Groton, an em
ploye of a "ship "building company
has been Speared by ' a lo foot stick
of wdod that - flew from a " circular
saw. -?" The'' lifting lilrn miBSil.
hitarihthe throat, passed
entirely through his neck and 18
inches of the' wood projected be
hind -his ear. Companions sawed
off a greater part of the wood, and
Leonard walked to " a building in
the yard. Physicians found that
the stick had paesed between the
muscleB and the important! vessels
of the throat and neck. It is im
possible to withdraw it without
danger of killing Leonard. All
the muscles oh one side of the neck
bad to be cut and the spear was
removed from the side. Leonard
will probably recover.
Savannah, Ga. Gypsy, the big
elephant belonging to a circus and
which injured its keeper in Winter
quarters in Chicago several years
ago went crazy six miles from Val
dpsta today, and killed her keeper
James O'Rouke. . ..The circus train
had been in a wreck early in, the
day when several ; of the animal
cars were wrecked and two or' three
horses tilled. Gypsy was in a high
ly nervous state when the train fin
ally pulled out for Valdosta,..; the
next show ; point. Six miles out
from that town, Gypsy became so
noisy and restless ' that she was
tied and the train stopped to try to
quiet her.5- Immediately , the mad
brute attacked, the man and crushed
bis life out against the side of : the
car. O'Rouke for somev reason did
not close the door of the car after
him, so after " killing, her keeper
Gypsy escaped to the wqods. The
big beast was. ehot: a number of
times before she succumbed Ao
rifle bullets in the brain. ;
Iowa City, lal, Nov. 22. The
worst class scrap in the history "of
the State University raged all night.
Several students were injured,
property loss approximating $700
resulted and the local police were
rooted. "
The fight started at the freshman
dance in the Imperial Hotel dining-room
when a sophomore threwa
skunk through the window. Others
bombarded the hotel .with eggs,
broke much plate glass and demol
ished costly bric-a-brac. The
freshmen retaliated and ,a sangui
nary struggle commenced. -Policemen
clubbed J H King " and W M
tKaller,' medical students inflintincr
severe wounds, when other medical
students assaulted aud : routed the
officers. Numerous revolver shots
were fired, but none is believed to
have taken effect. Although sev
eral students were hurt their injuries
consisted simply of ; contusions.
Dean Curran has ordered an inves
tigation. ' , . ' .
Forest Grove Nov. 21. II T
Buxton has sold hie farm of 140
acres, I5 miles north of this place,
to Henry Hannan for $3650. Mr
Hanna's profit, from lo acres of hops
was safficent to bny the farm.
Scran ton, was imuiediaUUy feuum
ed when the anthracite strike com
mission met today. . He said that
the occupation of a miner subjects
a man to pleurisy, gout, neuralgia,
asthma, bronchitis, sciatica and
other diseases. ; He believed that
the day would come - when men
will be suVjscted to examination
oetore tney unaertaKe mining.
Children, he said who have suffered
from any form of disease of the res
piratory passage; ' bronchitis"1 or
pneumonia, snouia never be per
mitted in the mines under loyears,
because they should have a chance
to eliminate the predisposing factor
in the case of so-called Miners'
asthma. -U ' -' : ;
Dr Gibbons then described the
surface indications of miners' asth
ma, his testimony in tbi3 respect
not differing essentially from that
by other expert witnesses; On fur
ther examination Dr Gibbons said
he did not mean to be understood
as saying that miners form, an un
healthy class; but that they are de
bilitated and run down. He spoke
of the necessity for improving am
bulance : service : at : the different
collieries. - s ' : ; ' : - r
The witness waaV cross-examined
by James H Torrey, for the . Dale
ware & Hudeon Company. In re
ply to a question Dr Gibbon& said
he did not believe there was an
ambulance in the entire coal region
which has sterile blankets or were
themselves sterile..; . ;
" "In fact,'! said the doctor "they
are a bunch of infection. Every
ambulance carries death and dis
ease toevery unfortunate miner who
is placed in it."
Dr Gibbons was followed by Dr
Eugene J Butler, a member of the
CentralPoor Board of Luzerne Co
unty, who testified that 70 per cent
01 those in one of the poorhouees of
Liuzerne County were miners, and
that 40 per cent were crippled by
accident in and about the mines.
Many of these.he said, had become
ir sane through worry over their
affliction. A man who works a few
years as a miner, : he declared, is
not fit for anything else, -v T "
' ;A : H McClintock, representing
the Lehigh &: Wilkesbarre Coal
Company, cross-examined the - wit.
ness, and asked if it was' not true
that a large number of professional
men and merchants in Wilkesbarre
were men whose fathers and grand
fathers had been employed in' the
mines.' - -,-v.;';' . -
' ;"lf that is so," the witness replied
"the fathers and grandfathers were
the fellows who got , out in time.
They were not men who worked for
20 or 25 .years in the mines.'?
Dr Butler was excused, and Rev.
Dr Roberts was called to the stand
bis examination being conducted by
Mr Darrow, for the mineowners.
He reiterated his belief expressed in
his books that an intelligent and
persistent comoirsation among mi?
nrej for the maiotenauce of prices
and rates of wages would secure a
just share of the profits of the wor
kers. ' ' ' -
In answer to CommiastonerCiark
Dr Roberts defined the use of the
words "anthracite syndicate" in
m nis dook Dy saying he had rea
ched the conclusion that there was
an understanding among the oper
ators to adjust the prices and reg
ulate the trade. This conclusion
he had reached from personal in
vestigation. - .
After reading extracts from an
article in a magazine snpposed to
have been written by - Dr Roberts,
Mr Darrow asked what - was the
temper of both parties- during the
three months of -strike. The wit
ness replied that it was a condition
of war, and that - both sides t were
intemperate. Dr Roberts in reply to
a question as to what wages a man
should receive to man tain the Am
erican standard of living, said he
would place the poverty line at $575
per annum. Under that amount, he
said, the miner and his family
ventured; to my plantation anoT
tund it buried beneath 10 "feet of
atehes, mud and sand. . Everything
oVl the nlant.afii-in maa ';n
1 ,,u,o m i uiua.
Out of 112 laborers, employed on
the plantation, ; all except , seven