V5 THE COMMENTS THAT NEWSPAPERS MAKE ABOUT GAMES AND . . OUTLOOK. Editors Play More Strenuous Ball Than do tbe'Sturdy Men Who r Figure in the Game. Eugeue dispatch in Portland Telegram: The result of Satur day's game does not show the strength of either OAC or U of 0 elevens, as on such a field two teams might play a tie when there , is great difference in their strength However, the U of O has no excuse and has the best of feeling for OAC. "They treated us . like friends,." said a member of the University team, "and the gap which heretofore separated the two institutions has been bridged and we hoD' to reDew our athletic re lations with the Oregon Agricul tural College." Albany dispatch in Portland ..Telegram: The three teams yet eligible for th9 collegiate cham pionship of the state for this season are the University of Oregon, Ore gon Agricultural College and Al bany College. Both Albany and OAC have played a scoreless game with U of O. From this fact it may seem that if the U of O wins Saturday's game, Albany will be eliminated 'from the championship race, while Corvallis will still re main a factor in the contest, but on the oth r hand, if Albany wins the game next Saturday it will give the local institution the collegiate championship of Oregon for the season of ij;2. The Corvallis team has refused to play both the Lin a county Collegians or to play a r eturn game with the U of O, so that next Satarday's game will probably settle the . championship of the state unless a draw should result. Eugene Register: The tie game played last Saturday in Corvallis between the OAC and U ofO served to. complicate 'the foot ball situation in Oregon," and as the Corvallis team has absolutely refused to play Albany or Eugene, again, the superiority of the differ ent teams cannot be settled. It is very probable though that Herbold and his team will butt in at the close, of the season and claim the championship. At Monroe. It is rainiDg to beat the band, but some bands are very hard to beat, especially the Monroe band. - Berry-Jngram is on the sick list, again so bad that he baa watchers at night. , Mr3 Susan Slarr came up Satur day on a visit to her children and friends. Monroe, is improving slightly with a fnew school house, store house and ware house this fall. Mr Carpenter has anew dwelling duilt, and is now building a new warehouse. Mark Howard has a new house and barn almost finished. Rumor has it that Lutz Lee is married. We have not heard any wedding bells. NO SESSION GOYENOR AMJfOUNCES THAT HE WILL NOT CONVENE THE LDGILLATURE. Miss Edna Chase of here on a visit for the Portland is winter. School at Monroe the past. is a thing of X, - Albany Herald: The foolball team of the Oregon Agricultural Oollege has flatly refused to meet tne Aioany tjouege eleven at any date, and all negotiations with that team are ended. Manager Thom son made the Farmers several pro positions but . they finally flatly refused to consider any proposition. Tee state collegiate championship ss between Albany College, OAC and IT of O. Eugene has played both the other teams draw games. Coach Edwards of Albany College", while not of a boastful nature, says that he believes Albany csn easily defeat the OAC on any kind of a ground, and he is not afraid of U of O defeating ths home eleven, The championship is in quite a muddle, caused by the apparent lear ot the OAC to play Albany. Albany Heraid: Manager Thom son, of the Albany College team, late last evening arranged a game with the. University of Oregon team to be played in this city on Saturday afrernoon, November 15 This gams will decide the cham pionship of Oregon and - will prob ably be the best exhibition of foot ball ever witnessed In this city. The Albany team is in the very "beat condition and will practice every evening this week. The University eleven will have fully recovered from their game with OAC, and will go in determined to win. The Outcome will be a problem until the game is ended as foot ball experts are of the opinion that both teams are very evenly matched. Blodgett Items. A protracted meeting is now in progress conducted by Rev Arnold of Kings Valle3 J W Brownhas paid two visits to this vicinity in the last ten days and each time has taken out a small bunch of beef cattle. Joe is square in his dealings and" gives a good living price for what he buys and people like to see him come. Mr Van Horn, who recently the.H McCulloch property has built a house and barn. i Ray James received a letter from his brother who' resides ini Port land, a tew days ago and was in formed that the price of beef had gone up. -ie has to give 12 1-2 cents a pound for steak or go with out. F. H. F. Saos the Purposes for Which, a Special Session was Required . Should be Well Served by -Regular Session-Other .' -, . ,' News. Salem, Or Nov 11 Governor Geer today announced his decision not to call a special session of the legislature, saying in substance that no "extrasrdeDary occasion" exists. In making the announcement the governor issued the following statement: , "When the governor of a state has been asked to call an extra session of the legislature and de cidea to deny the request,' it is but fair that 1 be should inform the public of bis reasons although it is not particularly his duty. I have been Tequested by the . .taxpayers' League and the officials' of the city of Portland, as well as some other citizens to convene the legislature in extraordinary session for reasons some of which are purely 'local to the city of Portland, and for others, whch if valid, would be im portant to the state at large. Four reasons have been urged for calling a special session of the legislature, towit: To provide state assitance for the Lewis &' Clark Fair, to en act a law providing specific salar ies for state offiicers, to formal! j pass the city charter ot Portland, which was adopted by the people of that city last June, and to make initiative and referendum amend ment to the itate constitution." for infants and Children. ,Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his ' personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the , health of Children Experience against Experiment The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of V3 In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTWUW COWAHV. TT MUBMT STREET, N KW YORK CtTV. Seattle, Nov 11 Jame de " Juan, fireman on the steamer Santa Ana jumped into the Sound today and was drowned. The boat left with out him aad he took it very much to heart, committing suicide. Will Investigate A remarkable case comes to light at Elizabeth, W Va, An old mau there by the name- of G W Roberts had long suffered with incurable cancer. Everybody believed his ease hopeless until he used Elec tric Bitters, and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The treatment cur ed him completely. Now, every bodywho knows it is investigating Electric fitters. It exerts a mighty power-to expel biliousness, kidney and liver troubles and is a wonder ful tonic for run down systems. Dont fail to try it. . Only 5o cents. Satisfaction guaranteed by Graham & Wortham. druggists. Cambridge, Mass Nov II Alvan G Mason, the Boston clubman, ac cused of the murder of Clara Morton bf Waverly, was discharged by Judge Charles Almy today. The government lawyer announced that an investigation ha6Tfailed suffi ciently to hold the accused man and ordered the discharge of Ma son. ; . Almost immediately in the same court ueorge u Li rerry, a young negro, who yesterday was held as a witness against Mason, was charged with the murder of Miss Morton. He pleaded not guilty and waa re manded without bail for a hearing November 18. After his release Mason held an informal reception and after a 6hort time was driven Jo his home in Boston. ' When you wake up with a bad bad taste in your mouth, go at once to Graham & Wells' drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make yon well. They also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. - Washington, Nov 11 Oxnard is here already fighting Cuban reci procity. He and other beet sugar advocates recognize thai in a treaty with Cuba sugar is likely to be given 3o per cent, instead of the 2o per cent carried in ' the bill, which failed at the last session. As this treaty does not have to go to the house, it will require simply two-thirds of the senate to put it through. If the friends of Cuban reciprocity insist upon action, they can keep the treaty before the sen ate to the exclusion of all other business, and so pass it the opposition that may ed. The Oxnard interests have be gun their campaign early, as they did before the las session, bnt they are not so arrogant as they were a year ago. - - me Po not Cioe to as high a standard as our desire would promote us. but see that you make no mistake in the house that keeps the hig- ... -est standard of Grocer ies that is the place to " BUY - Fresft Fruits. Frssb Uegsteb.es, fresh everything to be had in tb.9 market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep wha you want and to please. Call and see ' Summons. '- : In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton Countv, J . 0. Taylor and' Paulina Kline, plaintiffs, versus Abigail Elliott, and Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased, If any such there be, whose names are to plaintiffs unknown, defendants. To the Heirs of Hlrain J. Elliott, deceased, If any such there be whose names are to plain tiffs unknown, defendants above named. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the the above entitled suit In the above entitled court cow on file In the office of the clorkof said court on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order tor publication of this sum mons, made by the county judge of Bentan county, state . of Oregon, being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the circuit court of said county and state which said order is herelnaiter referred to, towit, on or betore six weeks from the day of first publica tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said com plaint as herein required, or want thereof ihe plaintiff" will apply to the above entitled -eourt for the relief demanded in the said complaint namely for a decree determining all adverse claims in and.to Block 27 in the County Addi tion to the town of Marysville, formerly,-but now changed to Corvallis, Benton county, Ore gon, forever baring and enjoining defendants f r jrn asserting any claim wnatever in and to said real property and declaring said plaintiff J C Taylor to be the owner in fee simple of lots X, 2 and 3 in said Block 27 and plaintiff, Paulina Eline, to be the owner in fee simple lot lots 4, 5, t. C i.. . 1.1 .1- iV7 ...J . . . . ..1. , i., i o. v 111 nuu aji'-jIV aim iui bu:u lut tuor U111 different relief as lo the court may seem, equit able. - Tbls summons Is published in the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and con secetive weeks, beginning with the Issue of Oct uobr 11, 1902, ani ending with the issue ot Nov ember 22, 1902, under and in pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon Virgil E Walters, County Judge of Benton County, Oregon, being the county - where the above entitled suit is pending in the above en titled circuit court, dated October S, 190.'. Data ot first publication hereof U October 11, 1902. E. HOLGATE, J, H. WILSON, E. E. WILSON, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, in spite of be eogag- His Life in Peril. "I just seemed to have gono all to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't eat or sleep and felt al most too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bittets, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat. anything, have gained in strength and enjoy hard work." ihey give vigorous health and new life to weak, sickly, run- down people. Try them. Oclv 50c at Graham & Wortham's drug store. Savanah, Ga Nov li Ilypnot ism has. been employed in the case of an ex-couviet named Miller, a negro, who confessed to the murder of Gugie Baurgum and his colored servant, to make him reveal the facts. Miller allleged he was hired by a white mau to kill Bourguin. His confession was regarded as a fab rication, and he was put under hypnotic influence in order to prove or disprove his story. Miller, in his trance, said he did fire the shots that killed Bourguin but that he heard them, and knew who fired them. He was put into a bugpv with two officersjand made go thrju. j t:th what he alleges to vith the it on e.? he drove pointed out i re be asserts s done. Miller four men, who tory murdered r is illiterate, bs- o read or write. jjlsiilGal llili Isa iffia lPis sipsl 1 ...... : : - - 11 bllli ii. faaue been tragedy, into the p 1 the exact i. that the shooiii describee i: ; t accordipi' i Bourgu v . M ing able i i ;i;. Mv Sears the Signature Of The Kind you Have Always ftougft A Typical South African Store. 0. R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays Kiverr, Cape Colony, conducts a store typical of South Africa, at which can be purchased anything rom the proverbial "needle to an anchor." This store is situated in a valley nine milea from the near est railway station and about twen ty-five miies lrom the nearest town. Mr.Larson says: "I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles, to many of whom 1- have supplied Chamber lain's remedies. All testify to their value in a household where a doc tor's advice is almost out of the question. Within one mile of my store the population is perhaps six ty. Of these, within the past i2 months, no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. This must surely be a record ." For sale by Graham & Wells. "The , ' in my t .-. . Smith . i i i Km i v I't. h- r!d sales it has never L i.. Hot Caks. "'lling article I have t" res Druggist C. T, t ' , Ky., "is Dr. King's y icr Consumption, because it al- v six years of itiied. j I have Tr, known it to have saved sufferers from Throat and Lung Disease, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy ." Mothers rely on it, best physicians prescribe it, and Graham & Wortham guarantee satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes, 50c and$l. L. G. ALTMAN, M. D Ilomcopalhist ! Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets. . Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Phono Residence 315. 4 H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor, 5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours io to 12 a. m to 4 -p. m. Orders may be left at Gra- am & Wortham's Dreg Store, If you are looking for some real good ains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches, write for my special list or come and sea me. shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. . " mm HENEY AMBLER, Real Estate loan and Insurance Philomath, Oregon. mm Professional . G. 11. FAKRA, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON St OBSTETICIAN Residence in front of court bouse facing 8rd St. Office hours 8to8a.rn.lto2 ana 7 to 8, COBVA.LU3 OREGON J. P. Huffman Architect OaiJe. la Zierolf rom 8 to 5. Buiidiag. Hour C irvallia Orego Abstract of Title Conveyancing 3ospIi f. lUilson A ttorney-A t-La w Practice in all the courts. Notary Public Office in Burnett Brick. B. R. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. -POSTOFFICE BUILDING Summons- In the C lrcult Court of the State of Oregon for uenu n county, E A Kolcomb, plaintiff versus L W Holeomb, defendant. To L W Holeomb the defendant, above named In the name of the State of Oregon- You are hereby su mmoned .and required to appear In tne aDove enti uea court at tne court room thereof In the City of Corvallis, Benton County State of Oregon on or before Monday the 21th day of November 1902, It being the '' rst day of the next reeumr term ot said Court and to ans wer to platntin's complaint now on file In this suit in said court and if you fall so to Appear and answer for want thereof the plal.itiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, towit, for a decree annulling tne marriage contract now existing oetwean tne said plaintiff and defendant and ior the costs and disbursements! n said suit. This summons is published bv order of the Hon Virgil E Watters- judge of the County Court 01 tne state or Oregon lor Benton cunnty made on the 2nd day of Oct, 1902,andtobepublished for six consecutive weexs ana in seven issnesor tne Corvallis Times and the date of the first publica tion tnereoi to ne uctoDer , iswn . W, S MeFadden Attorney for Plaintiff Administratrix Sale. Notice is hereby given, that bv virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of the County of Polk and state of Oregon, made and entered of record in the matter of the adminis tration of the estate ot James L Gwin, deceased. I will on and after the 9th day of December. 1902 oner for sale at private sale to the highest bidder the following described ' premises In Benton, County, Oregon towit: The north half of the north west quarter of section sixteen, in township fourteen south of range eight west of the Willamette meridan. Terms of sale, cash in hand. Bids therefore will be received by me at Monmouth, Polk County, Oregon. -: MARY K.IS, , Administratrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of regon for Benton County, Cora E Baker, plaintiff, versus James H Baker defendant. To James H Baker, the above named defendant- -w In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned aud reo ulred to aotiear and answerthe complaint of the plaintiff' in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file In the office of the clcik of said court on or before (he last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of thla sum mons made by the County Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, being thecounty where the above entitled suit Is pending la the Cir cuit Court of said counly and state which said orderta hereinafter referred to, towivon or before six weeks from the date of first public, cation hereof and yon are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the Slid com plaint as herein require'', for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled co:irt tor the relief demanded in her snld complaint namely, for a decree of divorce from the said defendant forever dissolving the marriage con tract existing between the plaintifl and said de fendant, and that she be decreed -the custody and care of Paul Baker, a minor child, the issue of said marriage and for such further and dif ferent relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is published in the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue of October 11, 1902, and ending with the Issue ot November 22, 1902, under and in pursutuce of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon Virgil E Watters, County Judge of Ben ton county, Oregon being the county where the above entitled suitis pending In the abova en titled circuitcourt, dtted October 8, 1902. Ddta of first publication hereof Is October 11, 1902. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. John S Govier, plaintiff, versus Jesse Brown Effle Blown. Milton Modie. Llda Mellvll i and James Mellvll. defendants. To Milton Modle, Llda Mellvil and James Mellvll, three of the defendants above named: Intne name of the State oi Oregon: You are I hereby summoned and required to appear In the above Court, at the court room thereof in the City of Corvallis. Benton County. State of I Oregon, on or before Mondiy, the 24th -day of regular term of-aid Court and to answer to the plalntitts complaint now on me in said court in this suit, and If you fail so to appear and answer for want'thereof the plaintiff will take a decree of said Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, towi t: That the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple o . the following des cribed premises, towit: . commencing at tne norm east coru3r or. I claim No 46 Notification JG78 being the donation I land claim of said Jacob Modle and Rachel Modle. his wife, from the U B goverment. ana situated in T 10 8 R 5 West Willamette Meidan, and thence running west about 63 rods to tne center of the Channel of Soap Creek, thence in la direction east of south to a blazed oak tree on the east boundary line of said claim- No 46 about 107 rods south from tne northeast corner thereof thence north on the eest beuudary ot said claim to the place of beginning and con taining 24.73 acres situated in be northeast. corner of said claim, in iBenton County, in the State of Oregon and decreeing that you have no right, title, claim or Interest of. In or to the same and debarring and enjoining you from asserting any claim or interest therein. This summons Is published by order of Hon Virgil E Watters, Judge ot the County Court of the Stite-o? Oregon for Beflton County made on the tenth day of October, 1902. To be published for six consecutive weaks Snd thefdate of the first publication thereof to be October II. 1902. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of ZOregon for Benton County, (ieiwe H Bnrtch. Nanoleon Hodge and Sarah Hodge, his wife, Wilburn Hoige and Cornelia Hodge, ms wife, -Jaue Ban ana Amos cui, ner husband. Price Mallory and Mallory. his wife, Richard Mallory Calvin Mallory and MalloTV. hla wife. Minnie Palmer and Richard Palmer, ber husband, Georgia Doran and James Dorao, her husband. Plaintiffs. vs Jennie Churchill andSamuel Churchill, her husband. Mabel Fultz, a minor, and. George Burtch, Jr.Defendants. To Jennie Churchill and Samuel Chtwchlll, her husband, Mabel Fultz.a minor, and OhJorge Burtch Jr, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby summoned arid requir ed to appear and answer the. complaint ot plain tiffs in the above entitled suit now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court on or before the 22nd day of November, 1902, that being the date nxeo zor tne expiration ci tne penuu prescriueu for publication of this summon?, towit, once a week for six consecutive weeks. You will take notice that if you I ail to appear and answer said complaint as herein required plalntlfi will apply to the Court for a decree as demanded in the complaint, towit. a oecree or daring a sale o . lots Nos 107 and 114 In Block 25 In Philomath, Benton Countv, Oregon, and for that Durnose aoDOlntms a roieree to conduct said sale, and designating the terms thereof: . that the nroceeds derived there! rom be divided - among the parties hereto according to the r respective interests, aiter ucuucliuk toe uosui and disbursements ot this suit, and for plain tffta costs and disbursements herelu. and for such further and ciilerent relief as may be just and equitable. ' This summons 1? published by order of Hon Virgil E Watters. Judge of the County Court of , octooer imu, hirv, tr. Aia ar.A o finr, rirlinrr f. 1 ; f0 1902, and the date oi the lirst publication is uct- E. BENNETT. Physician & Surgeon, At Hotel Monroe every Saturday afternoon from i to 7 p. m. BBLLEFOUNTAIN OREGON Bears the "M I You Have Always BOUgtt flignatttro of - Tha Kind You Have Always A Boy's Wild Rida for life. With family around ex pectlDg Benton County, Oregon, made ober 11th. 1M2. 18 miles, to get lit. K.ing'8 JNe.w Discovery for Consumption, Cougbs and Colds, W H .Brown, of Lees ville, Iod., endured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cored him. He -writes: "I nnw BlAPtVnn'innlv Avfirr niaht I Jftne KUzabeHi Fisher , deceased, bythe County now sieepp'-soanaiy every nigni. n.irt. nruL suite oforeson. for Benton county Like marVelOUS CUreS Of COneumD- A11 Person having claims against said estate, - I . I T .. LMi.ah.rh I.' i ul. rlwutfltwil fiMF tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, hereby required to present the same with the proper voucuers uuiy venuu, tta inn in quired within six months of Jthe date hereof to the unnersignea at nis law oiuue in uorvaiiia 1 Benton county, Oregon. I E. E. WILSON, Dated tnia wov 8, loon. E. B. BRYSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. . Notice to Creditors n Notice Is hereby given to all persons that the undersigned has been duly appointed admin istrator with the wiji; annexed ef the estate, of Coughs, Colds and Grip prove3 its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung tronblee.-. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at -, , r iTr .1 ) 3 . i Aaministraior wim tne win annexea oi Uraham & Wortham S drug etore. estate of Jaue Elizabeth Fisher, deceased, th(J