LOCAL LORE. (Advertisements in this column charged for At the tate of 15 cents per line. Mr and Mrs Bruok have been In Portland for several days. They are to return today.- : H Hirsctaberg' of Independence, waa la town to attena tne meeting ol -. The First Spiritual Union of Cor vallls will hold services at Barrett .Lyceum on Sunday at 3 pm. All friends invited, - - ; Mr and Mrs ' Allingham of Har risburg were Corvallia visitors Mon day. Mra Allingham is state treas urer of the Kebekahe. . Mrs Walter Wiles has returned from the bedside of her father, who was seriously ill at nls Dome near Plainvlew, but who U somewhat improved.-" ' The University of Oregon foot ball team has three coaches, now. Besides Coach Dolpb, Zfigler and Jak way, former members of the Univer. elty team, are : instructing the eleven. Miss Pauline Kline and Mrs Anna Beach are to leave next week for New Toik for a two months absence They are to be guests of honor at a -reception this . afternoon at the Jacob home , Do you know that you have an oculist and optician in your own town? Give Dr W T Rowley an ; opportunity to correot the error of your sight. ""Lenses ground to order. . Work guar anteed. , . United Evangelical Church Dr C 0 Poling will preach tomorrow evening. The pastor will preach . at . the morning service. ' Communion service in the evening. . Quarterly conference Friday evening, wThomas Fletfc, who has been ser iously ill with pneumonia for two or three weeks, and whose recovery for a time was a - matter of some doubt has taken a turn for the better, and a convalescence is now hoped for. Mrs Ella M Humbert will preach at the Christian church 'tomorrow. Subject at 11 a m, "Mortgage the Future," at; 7:30 p m, "Joseph a Character Sketcfcu" Sunday School at 11 a m, aud G E at 6;3o. You are cordially invited to attend. . Arthur Rich, - who has been in college from Clatsop county, since the beginning of last year, left Thursday for Astoria, where he and Frank Carn aban, one of las C y eat 'a O AC Btudeuts. are to conduct a stock farm a mile and a half from town. " James Zurcher left Thursday for his home at Enterprise, to . remain. He received from . there Wednesday, a telegram summoning him to come at once and assume charge of his electric light plant.. Mr Zuroher was a popular student, and his departure from college on the eve of his gradua tion Is regretted. ., . The first steamboat of the season reached Corvallia Tuesday night. It was the Oregon Transportation Com pany's steamer Pomona. She left down Wednesday morning with a cargo of flour from: the Corvallia mills. She arrived up agaia Thurs day evening, and wlti hereafter make three trips per weew, arriving Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays, The story of how Benton Tracy was murdered, how his '- murderer made off with the booty of his crime and how he told down in; California that he had had "a fight up ia Oregon in which Bstsy served - him : well," is toH on thf. firs'; page of this Issue. It will be read with interest by the. many. Corvalus aod.Benton; county friends of the victim fit the midnight tragedy. '. " ; .. James Fegiey who arrived with his family in Oorvallls last January and endeavored to buy a home in the vicinity, and . who subsequently pur chased a $11,000 farm two miles east Oj Halsey, ia dead. He died at hU Linn county home last Monday mbrnr Ing and Was buried at Browns viile" Tuesday: He was' a' member of the Corvallls lodge of Modern Wood men, .and held a $2,000 insurance policy ia the order.- Ha. was about 60 years Tf as, and came to Corval lia frosn 'Alowsi.. Hi3 - ailment-was Btoauich '; ''triubltv- The .;: surviving members ettbe family are.a wife and five .children.' v Mr Fegiey, was highly esteemed ia Corvallls by all who met him. O H Blacfeledge, Peter Bilyeu J E Winegar, W H Dilly and other members of, the -Woodmen o ibia.citv. Ettendeditha funeral. . - - Rev 1 M Irwin, well known in " Corvalils by reason of hia former con nection with the OAC board of regents of which he was an ex-offieio member, is on trial in Juneau for malfeasance in office. A Seattle dispatch in Tues day's Oregonian says: ', United -States Commissioner Irwin, of Juneau, for merly Superintendent ? of Publio In struction in the state of -Oregon, . is now on trial at Juneau; charged with malfeasance in office. . The case is causing a great sensation in the Lynn Canal district, and", will cause - much speculation throughout". .Washington and Oregon, where the man was an important figure. The charges against Irwin were made by two attorneys Pf Pouglas Cit? which js located ju?. 'opposite Juneau. " They allege that he illegally appropriated to hits own use a large amount made up of sums $1 to $10, on criminal cases which came before him for - trial. In order to do this successfully, the complaint states, the accused . falsified certain records and mutilated others., . Up to the present time the accused has borne an excellent reputation. Wheat 58. ' S L Kline left Thursday- for San Francisco. - Circuit court convenes a week from next Monday, The enrollment at the college yes terdav was &&& or 12 : more than at the Christmas holidays last year, , , Excursion to Albany this af:er noon, Excursionists : go by- regular train, and return after the football game. Fare 50 cents. -t-;: 'W A Wells ha9 sold the George Wallace residence property near the Southern Pacific depot to . Mrs Eliza beth S Buxton.. The pilce waa , $t5o. The new owneraiready occupies ; the property. '. : They tell Rood things about some of the football men. Among others. Tackle Bundy, who - entered jschool late and has since kept up his end at football, passed a perfect examination lrrpmrrmacy classes me oiuor uay, The way Albany newspapers abuse the OAO foot ball- team, saying the men are afraid to meet the Albany eleven, and such, would -seem to Indi cate that said papera djpn't want Cor vallls people-to come' to Albany to- trade any more. There's a new enterprise on Mala street, out of which the proprietor hopes to turn an honest penny. . It is a huge tent, sixty feet,- long, situated between the brick livery stable and Hotel Corvalls, , Inside, Is a shooting gallery,- The owner of tha. establish ment is'Harvy Sargent-.- ' ; A movement is on foot to induce the nest legislature to re-submit to the voters a proposition for a con etltuticml amendment extending suffrage to women. Petitions for the Durnose are In circulation, in this city. '.The proposition was voted on at the recent election, and was de feated;. .' v (: ;;" The golf cape advertised has been restored to Its owner. - In this issue are advertisements of things found, among them a ladles j purse,' things to sell, and an old established commission house back ' East wants correspondents. Read all ::the ad vertisements for they are fresh and interesting. . , The big balm logs cut across the Willamette at " Corvallis last ; spring have been taken away, With other' logs of the sort lying along the river between Corvallls and Albany, they are b ing gathered into : rafts which later, are to be towed down tne river. They go to the Dornbecker: basket factory at .Portland.. . . . : -Thomas Jones," trustee "-"of the. Barnhart bankrupt estate, has sold the stock of paints, oils and wail pa paperso M M Davis, The .consider--: ation was $200. It ia not known what disposition Dr Davis will make of the stock, The' highest 'offer made by other bidders for the stock was $175. The debta of the estate are about $1,500, . Blodgett correspondent. Mr Mahon of Salem ; has been ' in this . valley, - making contracts ; for pile timber. : The account ia that he will start a camp in this -vicinity with nearly eighty men, about the 1st of December. The move will be of great benefit to the people of : the .valley, and help clear land that is at present of little, value to owners. ; It is said i that Mr Mahon has had good success In securing desirable timber, Also that he has made similar contracts at Summit. . , .:. .. . . . , ; An explosion entirely out of . the usual electrified people in the south western portion of Benton lasF week. It happened in the. forenoon and con sisted cf two reports. . The , first of. 'which was very loud, and seemed to be to the westward. Then all was still for half a minute when a much longer report was heard It was not thunder. One man was on the Ajsea mountain at the time, and his account is that It made the. bills shake.; It was heard at Wi!3"oh Seotts place and in various other parts Many in the locality are wondering if it was the explosion of a midday meteor.. . ; . FARMERS .VON Defeated ' McMinnville v College in a - Score of Thirty Three to Naught : The OAC football team . defeated McMinnville College .eleven -on OAC field yesterday afternoon, in score of 33 to nothing.- The- con test was on a" slippery field, and in thelast minutes of 'the-.play with darkness fast settling down. Two touchdows were made in theJ-first, and four in the se:ohd Ealf, In the first half, McMinnville was able to make ' yardage ;, but . thr e times being unable to - make any impres sion on the OAC line,. In the last half OAC made a touchdeiwn in the first minute of . play, Williams skirting end twice in c. succession for a 15 and a 25 yard run res pectively,; landing the pigskin over McMinnville' s-goal line. ' ; Nash wh6 began playing at end. but was finally placed at half, made the longest run of the game, taking the ball from.ai-player 5.whOiJ had. tried the line and failed for - a 35 yard gain'.- J,n the first-half, ; .Root carried the ball ' in J many good gains, and was worked almost con stantly, but he had: . to leave the field early in Jhe ' second half. . McMinnville did ' some good punting and on more than one oc casion Left Half Ungerman caught the ball behind OAC's line for losses, -In the closing minutes of; the last halfr McMinnville on her three yard '' liner held the " farmers for downs, but lost it immediately in the same way, and the farmers went over the line for a final touch down. ; ''".. "''- -". .i' The visitors, with pretty inter ference let one of their backs th- rough between Tacklev and end for a 20 yard run, and by fake play scored a 12 yard gain, the cheif gains they made during the game. The game was clean and - gentle-4 manly. Ihe lineup was: , . 0. A. C, Position McMinnville Cupper -Abraham Gault Burnough Bowers ; ; Bundy Nash --: - Williams Tharp Root - Iaughlin Gellatly ' j Pilkington . R. E.' . Brewster R. T. ' McDaniels R. G. Walker C. Hopfield . L. G. Harlow L. T. Burdette L. E. - . . Bradley It. H. Ungerman R. H. - Patty Q. B. . McCutcheon F. B. . Long THEt1 GIVE IT AWAY Apple Pulp at the: Cider FactoryIt. is , as Good Cow Feed as Corn Silage. At the cider factory, they give away the pulp of apples, and the accounts are that it is' excellent eoweed. Prof T P Fowler, of the Agricul tural College, State University of California, says: '"Apple pumice is very desirable food for milk cows when it is intelligently fed." To cows that have not been used to the pumice as a part . of their ration, but a small amount should at 'first be. fed. .'.This may: be ; increased to abbut 1 5 pounds daily.-; The .pulp is a great addition .: to '. the N cow's ration where she is fed" a rather large portion of dry fbod. - It fur nishes a change and a relish which is always an - important" factor "m feeding." .. J," .,-' -"' .5 ' The Vermont experiment station has made a series of experiments covering several years! in the feed ing of apple pumice, which , exper iment s are. q uite imnortant arid conclusive, - The puip t vyas found to be almost if riot : quite equal in feeding value to corn -silage. - No undesirable results followed its use. Cows fed on it. held no their milk flow rema rkably well. . . . . ,:', . .t . I Thanksgiving Proclamation AT KLINE'S. You will want new Table Linen, Napkins and Table Cutlery. :- We have them in the following prices. Write Him. T WjMcGowan, jr, establirhed .' 1857 commission -merchant, hop, and general merchandise, .36 & 38 Whitehall, street, New Yori. ; Liberal advance" niade on all consignments, '' Highest market prices obtained and" quick returns.; Ref ferences: K G Dunn's . Mercantile Agencyv New .York; Bradstreets Men cantile Agency, New York; Bank of America, New York. . - .:' The Cider Factory ' i ' The cider fnctory will close for the sea son on 7 Wednesday . the 19th". Those wishing cider made must get their ap ples in by,the j8th. . ': : TABLC LINEN! . NAPKSNS. 56 inch Table Linen, . ! 25 16-inch Linen Napkins, $100 58-inch Table Linen, 50 18-inch Linen Napkins, -1 25' 60-inch Table' Litien, r 65 ' : 20-inch Lnen Napkins, u 150. r 64 inch Table Linen,, 75 : Z2-inch Linen Napkins, 2 00: s; 70-iach Table Linen, 1 00' 24-inch Linen Napkins. - 300 - ' -V TABLE CUTLERY fr v At $I.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $2,0O, $2,"0 ...V.; - nd $5.00 per set.: : -: ' - We also have a Thanksgiving for Boys. Up to the 27th inclu-' sive we offer 70 percent allowance; on all Boy's Suits, and a bag of Marbles free with each suit. ! , , . r. . K0SNC6;K' . 1.7 1 T ' - - i; -. ' -;' v.:-" - The White House, Regulator of Low Prices. W. T. ROWLEY M, D. v . 'Homeopathic Phjrsician, -; ' " Surgeon arid oculist Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg. Residence on 3rd : et between Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis," Or. r: , Resident Phone 311 Office hours 10 to 12 a m. .2 to 4 and T to 7:80 p m t . ; - . - -. -' :;'- .. DRW. H. HOLT , Osteopathic Physicians s Office on South Main St. - Consul ; tation ani examination? free. . Office hours: , 8:3q to 11:45 a. m, 1 to 5:45 pm.1 Phone 235. ... - - MANY COMING UtTder date of Portland,' November 12th, Siiney Saiytb, cf the proposed mountain water system far Uorvallls, wcites the city authorities ; My. work ia Edtern Oregon ha been irt eiioh. a shape that it was Impossible tor me to attend to' Corvallls. vvhsn I luJ the meeting with tho committee, it was ciiatinctly understood that the amend ments proposed should ba -annexed to fraricbiae and passed at your next regular Council meeting. 1 made the trip especially for that purpose. In as oiuch'as; it was ; not attended taat thag. time, through eome misuader- etanaing, I have been unable so far to spare the time to come up -there." I hope within two weeks to be .able to visit Corvallls and straighten out our matters. It will be impossible for me to come before that time. If yon want a suit of clothes at a price to please for the wear men's and boy' We have them for you. J.- H. Harris, - Get Hyacinth, tulip aud freshly injr's. crocus imported and cheap at bulbs, Horn, Immigrants Will Troop in to Oregon Next Spring and Summer. The appended letter, written by Wallis Nash, now on a visit to Chicago, .is self explanatory It relates that' next year, beginning in the spring and continuing through the summer, many people from the Middle West are coming to Oregon to locate, and makes . suggestions for Benton county to provide litera ture and an exhibit to the end that she may be as well represented as other Valley counties. Mr Nash says: .'. -r-.-y , Chicago, 111, Nov. 5, 1902 - Editor" Times: - -v -. - " - This is the " third week that I have spent in" Chicago, and most of that time in this, - the Immigra--tion office of the Harriman ": rail roads. '? There is a constant ; stream of inquiries ' about Oregon, its re sources and; opportunities. ' These people vary from the well-to-do and experienced farmer" or stock ""raiser from these r Middle states ; to ;the Chicago clerk, salesman and ar tisan, who are struck with the Ore gon fever. ; ' ' ;: !'1 7 'J.f :!, ' The drawing card for all tbese people is the display" of fresh fruits', vegetables "and bottled and pre served fruits," contributed by1 Hood River, Grants Pass, Baker, Linn, .Washington and Lincoln f counties, Benton is riot " represented." It ought to be. .'- : ' ;i -; ; . r The S. P. R. R. and allied roads transport here, free of -charge, fruit of the like sent in from Oregon and addressed to Mr. G, V ..McKmney, denerai Immigration- Agent, at this office'. ' If not only apples, but pears,' and also specimen - of - veg etables, can be sent" it would disr tinguish Benton from other coun ties', exhibits. ' 1 - - ';::;'' ' . - Now -as to literature, Benton J county's first hand book is too large and costly ner leatlet.- too trifling, I mail you specimens of what other counties have done, and strongly advise my friends in- Benton, to go and do likewise." - VNow" is ' the seeding time; 'next spring arid-summer will see the harvest. : ' - J' ' ri "; Wai,lis Nash. 7 - "g: Reduction 7 SaleJ " : 7T 7' ' All Ladies Jackets and Cloaks sold at a reduction. That means this years latest styles,- "VVe sold entirely out of 1 some lines which enables us to give you some bargains in what tre have left. ' . ' ' " ' Come and see for-yourself . , We have a complete line of Faci nators, i Circular Shawls, Newport Squa;res and Wool Hoods, and plenty of 'em for all. ' -'- ; - ; " . .' - Get your wool mittens, you will need them soon. . ... . : ; ' Skiilfai Fitting of Corsets - In the fashions of today the abso :lute correctness of the corset is of vital importance Its lines either make or mar the beauty of the smartly designed gowns The W B Erect Form Corset fits We carry a special model for -you who are slender, for you who are stout, for you who are tall and for you whq-are short , You get the one par ticular model thatj; was made just for your figure . ' , , ." ' WEflfliifer TOP, BOUND SHOES for men only made on the foot-form last. It's shape will hold won't "squash out, or sag ln the shank, or get shabby-looking in a little r vwwu. YYticn ui a. .now jjair. xl yuuget a pair tnac woa t, id s tae iaccory 1 loss not ours, nor yours. Always, $3,50, never less.'. . : .. . r ; If Dr Lowe the optician did not under stand how to fit glasses, he could not continue to come to Corvallia, as he has for the past twelve years. Formerly it was once each year, then twice each year now it is four times and if : his , business continues to increase he will have to come every two months. - - : - A number of sheep branded It on each hip,' no ear mark. Lambs, ' point - crop ped off one ear. .Finder : please . address " : -: ' L. Lange, ' 'J I :. -1 .V Summit, Ore, .." Lest you forget the days'and dates Dr Lowe the optician is to be in "Corvallis next week, note down as follows; Mon day, Tuesday and'up 16 noon of Wednes day November the 17-18-19. 4, - B. Kuppenheimer & Co.l Americas Leading 1 i K Clothes Makers . L ':iSltf:L; :;i h'l: w,M ?::;r'Gothing:;.-:;;-; ' : : X The'vClpthing that's Different''? ; : The new '"'form :fittiirg coat with the fciiape retaining 'qualities--The latest' cut in -Ticusei-s and - tne. "Satisfaction or-Money-baek" feature. - Suits lO.OO to $25.CO : Copyright, 190s, by B. Kuppenheimer & Co. I ., . Qua! ity, Style , Service, .Value and COm ' fort we. can crowd into a' single itcniwe couldn't Timprove it if we tried'-we have tried. ' ? ; Itslhat Oyercoaiat Corvallis, Oregon,