The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 15, 1902, Image 2

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    Eorvall is Times.
Official Paper Benton County,
The Evidence That Sent
Prison for Life -
Him to
(concluded from first page)
The revolver had a square hole
in the wood work of the handle and
a broken place in the handle i and
TfiV-r i Vm i
gun cauea oynearou -xeisy-, anu
"Old Betsyr : The jury alter two
hours deliberation found - Heaton
pnittv-nf mtirfer-in the second
degree and the following morning
the court sentenced rum for life
Heaton did not go on the . witness
stand in the trial and introduced no
Beaton. Tracy was 53 years of age
at the time of his death. Clinton
his twin brother is a farmer residing
in Marion ; county. The deceased
also has a sister m the same county,
Ben Tracy learned the blacksmith
trade in Albany. About the age of
21 he came- to; Corvallis , and - for
several years engaged , in black
smithing in conuinction with J A
Speidell. While in Corvallis he mar
lied the daughter of E A Abbey,
who died about one year after: her
marriages Shortly after the death
of his wife he removed to Newport
V,a rociMo -cmr1 virc
At , . . r-n:
liV.lL. - .. A WlUVU ... WU . J WM...
jiuuui icu ycais smuc. ai. vAiivaius
br married Miss , Hattie Hargrave
who is' , now. engaged in teaching
in Lincoln county. Mr Tracy lived
in Harnsburg and in several places
111 lue v auey uuxing mc past ten
years. ; For two or three years
Monogram saloon in Junction City.
.Ben 1 racy was an honorable man
ana universally respected. Had a
wide circle of acquaintances and his
accommodating disposition, qualti
ties of heart and "mind . jnade him
lasting friends.- That his miserable
murderei should escape the rope is
most deeply, regretted.
Withers of Lane county is
- entitled to the credit of the arrest
and conviction of Heaton. Lane
county offered $500 reward for - the
capture of Heaton, but their own
efficent sherfff traced this murderer
from point to point until he captu
red him in a barber shop at Wells
Nevada J uly , igth,r last,
gathering tne . . tacts and circum
stances which ensured the . convic
tion of the murderer.. - t - ,;-
Citizens do it and get Soms Adver
tising Ben'oa io-tbe East "
A committee from the citizen's
League has been canvassing among
Corvallisites for funds to be used in
preparing literature descriptive of
Benton county for circulation
in the east bv the immigration bu
reau of the Harriman railroad lines
The latter declares the
pamphlet to be tooneavy tor its pur-
pose requiring six vcents for getting
a copy through the-mails, and ask
for a smaller affair. The . League
proposes to issue, such a ' pamplet
as is desired, i provided sufficient
iunds can be secured. -.
i.o print 50,000 copies it is esti-
mated that 400 will be required,
"At last accountabout I150 had been
contributed, leaving a very large
balance to be raised. . The Har
riman lines offer to carry the pam
phlets east free and distribute them
letter written by Wallis -Nash on
tne subject 01 senton c-ounty in. tne
East is printed in another column,
A : 1 1 - j. A. 1 a -4.
auu will, imciest any wiiu. icau; lu
The members ot the League can
vassing committee have placed the
matter 01 seeKmgaaaitionai contri
butions in tlie hands of W A Wells
who will continue in the field,
. Get Them Now
. Eig Green Olives in bulk, Fresh inince
meat in packages and Iloiuz sweet pick
les, at Zieroll's.
Wood for Sale
I have 5OO acies'of limber laud to clear.
"Will sell wood in sUinip or give wood for
clearing ground, have fir, oak cedar and
ash. 5 miles west of Corvallis.
P A Kline.
Unlimited number., to haul lumber;
Tifty cents and $1 per thousand over for
mer prices,
Benton County Lumber Company.
For Sale -
.Two caTvosj, and one horse. . The borse
can be bought for f 45" ..' :
- s- A. F. Hershner.
To Trade
A fine farm in Nebraska, also . one iii
Texas for farms in Benton or Linn Co
Also nice -well improved farm near Hal
sey for Corvallis acreage property.- Good
trick store bouae and residence for farm.
Some great bargains in farms and city
leeidences. See. T? P Morgan. -
List of Warrants Ordered Drawn at
- November Term of County Court. r
'-The following bills were allowed by
the County Court at the regular-November
term towit:
W L Read fill K V road $
G L Stoneback sal supr dist No i
20 00
1 00
11 00
14 00
24 00
- 2 00
8 00
12 00
22 00
10 00
12 00
39 00
2 00
.' 2 00
.20 25
: 2 55
24 26
S 50
3 00
12 50
30 00
4 5o
1 00
lo 50
2 so
Lewis Wentz
E A Blake
13 14
J S Miller
W M UJarb
A Cadwalader
W L Read
JR. Fehler
liC I'eek
E N Starr
John R Crow
Doke Gray .-
C E Banton.
j I John R Crow donation road w
j L Henkle lumber
Green Bros
James Dunn hauling gravel
I N McFadden gravel
Frank Scott bridge work
J S Miller road workjDist No 6
j S Miller assgd vouchers ' ; '
S Li Kline i. .
Robt Lamberson hauling gravel "
G H Waggoner road work " '
G T Boyd rep road tools
Chas Lillard work ferry road .. '
C A Wood rep'bridge
First National Bank assgd vouch -ers
No 7 -
2 25
1 50
3 00
3 o
5 00
First National Bank assgd vouch
ers No 6 - . . - ; -
First National Bank assgd , vouch
ers ;
i7 50
S L Kline assgd vouchers -B
M Wade & Co road tools
J H Simpson hardware roads -
5 00
1 20
27 25
1 5
2 50
E A Mack rep shoes county poor
Wm Garlinghouse work co poor
F L Miller mdse "
18 30
6 50
PM Zierolf gro " -
Mrs Huggins -v care
h H Gibson work tax roll
I29 05
57 00
Victor P Moses work tax roll
46 50
Lane lanitOr
40 00
I iiuiattio j ices ouiie vcious
I TT 1 I . T 0.1
. Fierstein
3 20
1 M P Burnett constable fees
1 50
C W Dennick juror March term
- 3 40
"i""?"1?. Pn"s
20 75
AUen & woodward stationery
3 20
2 so
rsie: x uo telephones
6 20
m Ciiibert bridge work
29 40
1 00
h im .
7 50
b 00
j t Phillips rep road tools
7 SO
Benton County Lumber Co lumber 12 44
V E Gilbert bridge work
12 87
40 32
- : V
I 50
46 5o
69 74
171 78
Hoskins L Co lumber " :
Henry N Robinson work ferry
road ; , - .
Corvallis Times printing ".'-'."..
J E Michael ranning ferry '
.. 1.1 t - l 1 . -v - '
ir auuic Dtus luiuucr
Onennif!ot.van; .- Mm rirt Imnlwr . .
Glass & Prudhomme. station8ry:
end books . - 47 S
Corvallis Gazette printing . 420
T T Barnhart work sign board -' - 1 50
G V- bseiton ' ; Albany " , bridge -
plans ;J. . , -r . 22 00
G V Skelton map Corvallis ' ' 60 00
G V Skelton . inspection Alsea
bridge . ' - - - 6 so
r s Irwin . ' 28
C J Trenchard good road . associa
tion - . ' e 00
E M Gilbert Hughson bridge . 764 00
AlliSSX: -
County CleJk. ..
And Their Poetry If They Would Only
Write of Love, Ugh ! f
When W A Wells came down
town yesterday morning he found
a crowd around his bulletin board.
jvir wens is a wiaeawate real es
tate man.'and the crowd apparently
reading 01 the bargains he had to
offer made him see things. Vision
of . half a. dozen big-deals at' "once
flashed upon him, and he quickened
his pace. ' Once-there ' Mr Wells
found that the bystanders - were not
bargain hunters. - They were pract
ical jokers, and this is what they
bad on the real estate dealer:
The day before he had adorned
his bulletin board with a rhyme
that ran - -' . ' :.-
If you want ,0 sell or buy, "-C-.
- See Wells who will try' - -To
put you on a string
That will dandy money bring
. And make you happy as a king.
"' Underneath this, Mr Wells- found
the. following poem: . . . - '
, If you would investment seek
; This man Wells is awful sleek
He'll make you think a house
and lot . " , .
. . Can, for a song be bought
But after buying you will find
The whole song is only wind
And after parting with your wad
You'll feel like killing Wells, be
- gad. .
Mr Wells is himself a -practical
joker, and ne took nis medicine in
this instance, like a thoroughbred
The ability to do one thing "and do it
well is more to be commended and is of
far more benefit to humanity than to do
many things and . none of them
equal to the best. Dr"Love limits his
practice' on the eye fitting glasses and
puta the cream of sixteen yearsexperien
ce into them, . . .
Back again at the same old business,
you will find me ready to tack on half
soles and patch your shoes with the best
materials at reasonable prices. Give . me
a call two doors north of Farmer's Hotel
Main ere el. - - --...-M Gleason.-. ?
, Just Arrived " --Hj-acinth,
crocus and tulip bulbs, all
imported'stock, and to be sold at .catar
logue prices at Hormng's. . . .
Hove to Collect Executors Debt to
son Estates From Bondsmen.
Two Benton county men stand
face to face with the prospect of
having to pay a surefy debt. They
are J W Ingle of Corvallis and J J
Rodgers of Kings Valley, and . the
amount, about $1,400. Lawsuits
were brought into the circuitt court
Thursday, to enforce collection of
the amount, and both men have
been served with the leeal racers
Named with themTas a defendant
in the case is J L Akin, executor
of the Peter W and Hannah B Ma
son estates. , '. .
The cases are the L outgrowth of
the late decision of the supreme
court, mention of which was made
in the Times. . T L Akin several
years ago became executor of the
Mason estates. At the time of
his appointment, Akin was indebt
ed to Peter Mason ; on account of
a promissory note delivered to the
latter during the . latter's : lifetime,
Akin was then insolvent,- and ac
cording to various court affirma
tions, has since remained . so. . In
his final account, Akin .did , not
charge himself with the amount of
note 'and" certain creditors of the
estate asked that the amount of
the note be charged against him
as though it were so much money.
In the county court the creditors
were overruled, . but they . , carried
their contention . lo the . circuit
court and there met with , a favor
able decision. , " Akin carried ' the
matter to the supreme court, and
thelatter like the circuit court held
i"" 1- -ii- uwh whwu iuu . iait
should be charged against him, as
executor, just as though it . were
so much money in his hands, The
creditors referred to were" Margery
B Davisson and. The - Church of
the United Brethren of Eugene,
When Akin was appointed ex.
ecutor of the Peter W and Hannah
B Mason estates, J W Ingle,, then
of Philomath " but now of Corvallis
and TJ Rodgers of Kings Valley,
became sureties for Jrim. , The de-.
cision of the supreme " court, hold
ing that the Akin debt to the es
tate is in effect so much . money in
Akin's hands as executor, seems to
open the way for holding Akin's
sureties liable for the. amount.
This at least, is the . purpose of the
suits brought Thursday, in which
Ingle and Rodgers are named as co
defendants, with Akin.
One of the suits is .brought by
the United Brethren church of Eu
gene, Its complaint re ites that
the courts, circuit and supreme
have held that Akin has in "his
hands over and above his commis:
sions and expenses of administra
tion, and available for distribution,
the sum of $1,399.07. and the coun
ty court of J3enton county, in ac
cordance, with decree . of ..'the ; cir-
cuit court ordered that the amount
should be distributed "among cred-;
itors, and the plaintiff "should 2 re
ceive $617.20- The - plaintiff the
complaint continues, " demanded
payment, and the defendant. Akin
refused, failed and neglected to pay
the amount, - save $192.04, and
there : is .stilt . due 'a . balance of
$492.26 . - with ' interest for which
judgment is asked, : together withJ
costs of the action. In the body
of the complaint appears the surety
oaths of Ingleand . Rodgers, when
they became bondsmen for Akin.
The other case is . identical with
that of the United. Brethren church
and Margery B Davisson. is ; plainr
tiff. The cases will be watched
with interest, not only by lawyers,
but by laymen. ' K R Bryson is
attorney for plaintiff in both cases.
Many are Going Football Excursion
to Albany This Afternoon. -
A-bigJootball game at Albany"
this afternoon .wilt attract -a- large
crowd of OAC students'- and Cor
vallisites." It is between the- Aioa
ay - College and State Uni.ver.sity
elevens, ana wm nave a large tear
ing in determining the Oregon col
lege championship.' Botluteams are
strong and an excellent game is
expected. . -
Arrangements have been perfec
ted for an excursion from Corvallis
to Albany-for thosewho desire to
see the game. : A round trip rate
of 50 cents has been made. Excur
sionists will leave - on the regular
eastbound Corvallis and Eastern
passenger, leaving Corvallis at 11.
30 a m, and will be. brought home
an a special train, leaving Albany
at 5.40. OAC college students ar
ranged for the train, guaranteeing
the railroad company $50 for their
service. -
Yaquinu Bay Cellery :
Constantly on hand at - Zieroli's.
JWanted - . - ;
S Bicknell, Corval-
New line of art squaies
Nolan & Callahan's. . :
and rugs at
To One Man They are Northwest of
Corvallis New Deeds Filed.
.-New deeds filed for " record' are
4) C Sherman to Elizabeth Al
ien, 100 acres near wren, 75.
W E Hammer and wife to Frank
Bnsh, 160 acres near- Albany.
$4,500. - - - -
J O Smith and wife to C E .Ire
land, 160 acres 12 miles northwest
of Monroe. $1,000.
. W H Franklin arid wife to R B
Franklin, one-half interest in three
lots in Avery's addition to Corval
lis, $1, 500..- . z i.iM:i"
Hans T Simonsoh to J A Tad
lock, 81 acres near Philomath
$2,200. :.; ; : -
; Dixon Heirs to R L Buchanan
residence property in . Dixon's ad
dition to Corvallis, $1.
Robert L Buchanan and wife to
Mrs N A Mallon, , residence pro
perty in Dixon's addit on to Cor
vallis, $1050. ..'
William Wyatt and wife to E C
Wyatt, 596 acres-? near Philomath
$2,400; -; 2: .
Martha Stephens to I M Mills
12 acres near Albany. $500. - : '
. R S and E R Bryson and wives
to isaac -U &mitn, eignt lots in
Chases' addition to Corvallis, $250
EJJulius Kramer and wife to John
E Erickson, 640 acres ; 11 miles
northwest of Corvallis, $2,352." '
E W Godfrey and wife -to John
u iinckson, 640 acres," eight miles
northwest of Corvallis, $1,946:
- Elizabeth Lewis and others to
W P Minor, one lot in Dixon's Corvallis, $325.
M H Kriebel and wife to L E
Harris, one lot in Job's addition,
$200. - . - .. ,
- Maggie Austin and husband to
Philomath College lot 53 - blk n,
$550. ,:X:.:r,
: A Kyle'
Howard one
$250. '
and- wife to J M
lot in Wilkins . add,
Punderson Avery and wf
Mary L Wood. loti block 1 1 1,
NB and P Ayery'sadd, $75". -
Sampson W Jackson to Edgar
Jackson and wife Jackson farm $1.
- S W Jackson to Mary Neat
hamer lot 4 block 26 county add,
S W Jackson to Nancy Bates one
lot in block 10, $1. " " -
: F G Clark et al to Guy A Seeley
two lots in block 38 in Moore . and
Newhouse add, $200. . : : - ;
United States to Martin Butler,
I60 acres northeast of Dusty:
Victim of the Farmers Hotel Accident
Laid to Rest Near Suver. ..'
James Wheeler,, of . Suver, - who
fell from the. Farmers Hotel in Cor
vallis two weeks ago, died from
injuries sustained, Tuesday.; : :
"He was an old pioneer, and was
born in Tennessee, September 9-th,
1849, - and . settled on a homestead
in Oregon,. near Suver, in ;i852,
where he has since made his home.
- His remains were laid away- - in
the Chamberlain .cemetery near his
old home place Wednesday.": The
funeral services at the . grave were
conducted by S M Wood ; of Cor
vallis.. . '- -
-" Get a Knife Free.
At Homings, grocer store, where
hatcher knives are " given away with
sonp. i Both knives and soap are stand
ard, and the opportunity offered, un
usual ; - '. ' .
Wanted "
loo cords of wood, part to be delivered
at once. .; Apply a6 Times oliice. ,
Valley Banking
Company; :
Responsibility ?ioo,ooo.T7'
i General Bankmg Business.
Exchange issued payable at all flnan
elal centers la United States, " Canada
and Europe. : -Principal
PortlaDd, Seattle. San Francisco and
., ...... .: V New York ' : - '-
Canadian. Bahkof Commarce
"Chicago First National BaDk
Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce
Union Back of Canada. -
Gloak and Suit Sale.
... . . ... .... -. j f
Commencing Saturday, November ; 15th, we will offer our
entire stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Jack
ets Capes, Raglans and Tailor-Made Suits at Sweeping
Reductions, all this seasons garments; f 'Limited stock, call
early. -. ' :' :." - " -j
& Mirx-
Hand Tailored
prtI&iir?r''l Ware " . M.M SL'iK-.Vf :.& . 1
Call up Ilode's Grocery for up' to-date . goods, A
its the' place you get the best edibles., -Teas, cof- X
,fee extracts, confectionery fruits,, vegetables, can-, A
nod and bottled goods,; '. A
Syrups, meats, lard,
week we -are getting in
ers and cookies.: ; . :
Use the Snow Ball and
Buy the Wpodlark vanilla and lemon extract, best W
and cheapest. : ;We carry , a . big ? line of .atone -and ij rJ
willow; ware. : H U '" i h . V. 1
Tubs buckets,. baskets, brooms, brushes dusters s
washboards, mops, lamps,' lanterns, oil cans. .. . : '
Parlor matches 1500 all for 10 cents. ( ? '
' r -y ' - i. .
r ; Students Headquarters
Grass Seeds.
'. If you want Seed of ANY kind
write us. Descriptive Cotalogue xee.
New Tree Catalogne-just out. Ask
for Book No. 40. ? ' - ' i '. J ; . '
Portland Seed Go.
WE'RE provided for all J
sorts of clothes-tastes,' men?
who ; rwant the latest j and )
newest styles, and men who
want the quietest and plain- I
est clothes they can get, . and
men all' the way between. ;
The qualities for all sort (
of men are the same; styles ;
vary' but- Hart, Schafmer &
Marx quality remains always
as good as it caii be. . What
ever your clothes-needs, we
inteud that this shall be your
place to supply them, $6 50
to $35. We are sole agents.
flour, cereals, mush. Every ijjk
fresh - fruits, candy, crack-
- ! ? ? ' k -'
k I- .
- -16,
Waldo brands- of flour
y ih
DR. 0, H. NEWTH, .
PHysiciaii & Surgeon.
Philomath, Oregon. '
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.. r
Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg -