The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, November 05, 1902, Image 4

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It Occurs on O. A. C. " Field A
-- Big Attendance is Expected
-, Former Games Between
the Two Teams.
Out at the- college, preparations
are on for" the game of jotball to be
played next Saturday aiternoon oe
tween the .OAC and State Univer
eitv elevens. As the day approach
es losal interest increases, and it is
already certain that the attendance
will b3 the largest seen on OAC
field in many a day. The new
' rand stand, where those who do
not desire to stand on the side lines
mav find a comfortable eeat, with
a complete view of every play and
every part of the field, will attract
spectators wno omerwise uugur.
net attend, especially in case the
dav should be rainy.-
In forecasts of what the size of
the crowd may be various figures
re given. None estimate the
number at leas than, while
some euess that 2,000 persons will
watch the Ecrimmage. At the
Willamette game, the crowd numb
red 600. of whom practically all
were OAC students and Corvallis
people. At the coming game
special train connections with Al
bany are expected to bring many
people irom that town and Eugene
A. dispatch to the Oregonian lsst
SSanday from Eugene, states that
the University men will come in a
special coach on Friday, and bring
along a carload of rooters. - To this
contingent is to be added a large
number of Benton count3r farmers,
especially of the younger genera
tion, who have expressed a- pnr
jKSse to see tbe game. With -6oo per
soas at the Willamette game, aod
vith interest in the coming straggle
at a far higher tension, it is to be.
.seen that figures- suggested above
as the possible attendance are not
beyond tbe bounds of the probable.
This week, the collegians are
practicing in secret. . Whether
they are working out new forma
tions or are anxious to prevent a
-discovery of their signals, is a mat
ter of conjecture. , .
Of a few changes in the positions of
. players there are hints, but as to what
- will be the final lineup of the men,
uobody on the outside knows.
Pilkington, a very excellent player
" who on account of anr Injury sus
tained at signal practice, was un
able to be In the Seattle game, - is
fully recovered. He wa3 in pract
ice Monday night, and - will be in
the game Saturday. His presence
era the field will be a source of
gratification to the players. He is
to be full back, and wiil certainly
ho able to hold his own against the
powerful player that the Univer
sity has in that position.
Another chaege of position is
t nat of John Gault, who goes from
tackle to right guard, and Abra
ham, who, goes from guard to
tackle. Each can be counted on to
io as good work as will be done
by the players against whom they
are to go.
In other changes, it is under
stood that Rose, who has" been
playing substitute, goes to end, and
JJundy to tackle. Both are old
anen at their places, and both, very
excellent. .-- - - : -,
In former contests between the
two institutions the score of games
won stands, four for the University
tnen and two for the Collegian?.
The record is as follows:
- 1894 U of O. o; OAC, 17.
8q5 U bf O, 44; OAC, o.
:i896 U of 0, 8; OAC, 4.
1897 U of O, 8;-0AC, 26.
109a u 01 u. 3; UAU. o.
1899 U of O, 38; OAC,. o.
- - lo 1893 the Collegians, under
"Will Bloss, won the inter collegiate
-championship of the state.Eugene
'bad a weak team in the field that
3rear, and did not play the college
men, or unquestionably another
victory would be in the record for
In 1898 and 1899 OAC's team
was bcoken by the going of Art
Stimpson, Pap Hayeeed, Gyp
Thurston, Will Scott, Harding and
many other of the best men to the
'Pliillippines, and in those .years,
'occurred the disastrous scores of 38
no 0 in favor of the University.
Albany .Herald: John Gault,
captain of the OAC football team,
and most of the players were in
Albany to witness the game be
tween Albany and Portland Aca
demy. The Corvallis boys before
tbe game seemed to - think the
farmers could devour the Albany
team, in short order if they r ever
could get" a crack at them, but
I before the game was over they re
vised their views and were jeady to
ehow due .respect to the Albanyites.
- Albany Democrat: The Demo
crat would like to see the. Albany
football team given an opportunity
to" show the Seattle team 5 whether
they are seriously- considered in the
Northwest, college championship.
The Albany team . should confine
their.playing to -college teams : and
for the championship. It is the
Democrat's opinion that the lot al
team is the. best college team in the
Northwest. -)-- " - 1
Dalla?, Or., Oct. 31. The con
tract for building the roundhouse
of the Dallas-Falls City Railroad
has been awarded to A E Campbell
of Dallas, who is now purchasing
tbe material for its construction
Work will commence as soon as
possible. ..'
The company's grading crew are
rapidlv completing their part of
the work on the line. The crew in
charge of Mr McPherson is now one
mile east of Foils City, and the
other crew under, tha supervision of
J:E Talbot, is now-aimost witnin
the corporate limits of DallaB
Five of the seven miles of line
are now completed. Ties for. the
road are beine hauled .from the
sawmills, and the- piling" and tim
bers for trestles and tin all bridges
are alrdady on the ground.
Albany, Ore, Nov 1 On account
of the large . number- or timber
claims taken up by Albany people
the recent order of the government
in reference to: claims has - created
intense interest here.. Local claim
ants Ireely charge that it is - in in
terest of the 6crip-bolders and that
in case of the vacation of - the
would be filed on at - once.
general sentiment, though, is .
considerable land has been - taken
in interest of Eastern syndicates.
Oae well founded report is that
115 claims were recently taken up
in Crook county: for which the
claimants each received $25o from
a Michigan syndicate. Another
is that 52 menf who recently com
pleted their filings at Roseburg, re
ceived $15o each for their trouble
in perfecting the title. - Albany
claimant?, though, have acted upon
their own account and have no
fears of their titles being disturbed.
A Typical South African Store.
R. Larson, of Bay Villa, Sundays
itiverr, uape uoiony, couaucts a
store typical of South " Africa, at
which can be purchased anything
rom tbe proverbial "needle to an
anchor." This store is situated in
a valley nine mires from the near
est railway station and about twenty-five
miles from the nearest town.
Mr. Larson says: "I am favored
with the custom of farmers within
a radius of thirty miles, to many of
whom I have supplied Chamber
lain's remedies. All testify to their
value in a household where a doc
tor's advice is almost out of tbe
question. Within one mile of my
store the population is perhaps six
ty. Of these, within the past T2
month?, no less than fourteen have
been absolutely cured by Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. This must
surely be a record." For sale by
Graham & Wells.
America's Famous Beauties.
Look with horror on Skin Erup
tions, Blotches, - Sores, Pimples.
They don't have them, nor will any
one, who uses Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It glorifies the face. Ecze
ma or Salt Rheum 'vanish before it,
It cures sore lips, chapped hands,
chilblains. Infallible for Pile3i
25c at Graham & Wortham's drug
When you wake up-with a bad
bad taste in your mouth, go at once
to Graham & Wells' drug store and
get a free sample of Chamberlain's
Stomach and'Liver Tablets. One
or two doses will make you , well.
They also cure biliousness, . sick
headache and constipation.
Ont of Death's Jaws.
"When death setmed veary near
from a severe stomach and liver,
trouble, that I had suffered with
for years," writes P. Muse, Durham,
N. C, "Dr. King's New Life Pills
saved my life and gave perfect
health . T- Best pills on earth and
only 25o at Graham & Wortham's
Goes Like Hot Caks. "
""The fastest selling article I have
in my store," writes Druggist C. T,
Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's
New Discovery for , Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, because it al
ways :ures. ; In my eix years of
sales it has never failed- I have
known it to have saved sufferers
from Throat and. Lung Disease, who
could get no help from doctors or
any other remedy." Mothers rely
on it, best physicians prescribe it,
and Graham & Wortham guarantee
satisfaction or refund price. Trial
bottjes free.- Reg. sizes, 50c arid-$l."
Dr. Price's Cream Baking1 PowdeS
Awardei viold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco, .
San Francisco, Nov. 1. The bat
tler hip Oregon put to sea today and
headed for Honolulu. ; The big
war vessel is on the way to Manila
where she will join-- the 1 American
fleet in Asiatic waters; and- become
the flagship of Admiral Evans, who
is in command of the squadnon.
; . His Life in Peril. f"
"I iust eeemod to have' gona all
to pieces," writes Alfred Bee, of
Welfare, Tex., "biliousness and a
lame back had made life a burden.
I couldn't eat or sleep and felt al
most too vorn out to work when I
began to use Eiectric Bittei s, " but
they worked wonders. Now I sleep
like a top, can eat anything, have
gained in strength and enjoy hard
work.'- They give vigorous health
and new life to weak, sickly,' run
down people. Try them. Oolv 50c
at Graham &"Wertham's drug store.
Halifax, N. S., Nov., 2 A dis
patch from Sidney, C. B. says that
preparationsfor the final test of
the Marconi wireless system have
already commenced, and that the
inventor anticipates ' the complete
success of the system. Mr Marconi
said today, alluding to his experi
ments: -
"For 200 miles from Poldhu I
transmitted messages on my" last
trip; I received messages at a dist
ance 01 500 miles I rom roiaou.
Asoon as the machinery is all in
stalled in the Tablehead station I
will commence to experiment. L
will first place the Carlo Alberto a
hort distance from shore and ex
periment between her 5 and 'Table-
head, and when I am satisfied that
everything going properlly I will
send a message across 'To Poldhu.
t will probably be a week before I
have a statement to mak9 regard
ing my communication between
Podhu and Tablehead.
' S tritken With Paralysis.
Henderson Grimett, of this place,
was stricken with partial paralysis
and completely lost' the use- of one
arm and side. -After being treated by
an eminent physician for quite a
while without relief, my wife re
commended Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and after using two bottles of
it he is almost entirely cured.
Geo. R. McDonald, Man, Logan
jQounty, W. Va. Several other very
remarkable cures of partial paraly
sis have been effected by the use of
this liniment. It 13 most widely
known j- however, as a cure for
rheumatism, sprains-and bruises.
Sold by Graham & Wells. x
Bears tho . A Kind You Hsv9 Always Bougf
Administratrix Sale.
Notice la hereby given, that by virtue of an
order and decree of the County Court ol the
County of Polk aid state of Oregon, made and
entered cf record in the matter of the admlnls
trntlon of the estate of James L Gwln. deceased,
I will on and after the 9th day of December.
19C2 ofl'er for sale at Drlvate sale to the htehest
bHder the following described premises - in
Benton. Countv. Oreeon towit:
The north half of the north west quarter of
secllon sixteen, in townshiD fourteen south of
range eight west of the Willamette meridan,
Terms of sale, cash in hand. Bids' therefore
will be received by me at Monmouth. Polk
County, Oregon.,
Mary E. Owis,
- Administratrix.
in the C ircnlt Court of the State of Oregon for
BenU n county, ' -
E A Holcomb, plaintiff versus L W Holcomb,
defendant. -To
L W Holcomb the defendant, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon- You
are hereby summoned and required to appear In
tbe above entitled court at the court room
thereof in the City of Corvallis, Benton County
State of Oregon on or before Monday the 24th
day of November 1902, it being the first day of
the next regular term of said Court and to ans
wer to plaintiff's complaint now on file in this
suit in said court and if you fail so-to appear
and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply to the said court for the relief prayed for
in the complaint, towit. for a decree 'annulling
the marriage contract now existing between the
said plaintiff and defendant and lor the costs
and disbursements! n said suit.
This summons is published by order of the
Hon Virgil E Watters- judge of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Benton COhnty -made
on the 2nd day of Oct, 1902,andtobephblisbjed for
six consecutive weeks and in seven issuesof the
Corvallis Times and the date of the first publica
tion thereof to be October i, 1992 .
w,racraaaen .
r. " Attorney foi Plaintiff.
, -. Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County. -
- George H Burteh, Napoleon Hodge and Sarah
Hodge, his wife, Wilburn Hodge and Cornelia
Hodge, his wife, Jane Ball and Amos Ball, her
husband. Price Mallory and Mallory,
his wife, Richard Mallory Calvin Mallory and
Malloiy, his wife, iMinnie Palmer and
Richard Palmer, her husband, Georgia Doran
and James Doran, her-husband, Plaintiffs. - "
----- . - vs - .
Jennlo Churchill andSamuel Churchill, her
husband. Mabel Fultz. a minor, and George
Burtcn, Jr, Defendants
To Jennie Chnrchtll and Samuel Churchill,
her husband, Mabel Fultz.'a minor, and George
Bnrteh Jr, the above named , defendants: -
In the name of the State of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby summoned and requlr
edjo appear and answer the complaint of plain
tiffs in the above entitled suit how on file in the
office of the Clerk of said Court on or before the
22nd day of November, 1902, that being the date
fixed tor the expiration cf the period prescribed '
for publication of this summons, towit, once a
week for six consecutive weeks. ' '
- You will take notice that if you fall to appear
and answer a&ld complaint as herein required
plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree as
demanded in the complaint, towit. a decree or
dering a sale o . lots Nob 107 and 114 In Block 25
In Philomath, Benton County, Oregon, and for
that purpose appointing a referee, tor conduct
said sale, and designating tha terms thereof:
that the proceeds derived therefrom be' divided
among the parties hereto according to the r
respective interests, after deducting the costs
and disbursements of this suit, and tor plain
tiffscosts and disbursements herein, and lor
such further and different relief as may be just
and equitable.
This summons is published by order of Hon
VirgU E Watters. Judge of the County Court of
Benton County, Oregon, mad October 10th,
1902, and the date of the first publication is Oct
ober 11th, 1302.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
for Infants and Children.
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought lias !orne tlie signa- v
. tore of Chas. H. Fletcher and lias been made under bis "
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive - you in lliis..: " Counterfeits,1 Imitations - and
: ' Just-as-good" are butf!Experiments, and endanger tbe
health of Children Experience against Experiment. ,
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought
Irv Use ort
Hie Do
9) to as high a standard as our desire would promote
) ua ' hnt Rftfi that vnn mfltfi no misitalrfi in
f.TlA Tinned liof
est standard of Grocer
" . " ies that is the .
place to - "
' BUY - : - ' -':-
7- Fresh Fruits, Fresb Uegefables,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
run 'our delivery .wagon.and our aim is
to keep wha you want and to
please. Call and see
If you are looking for some real good bar
ains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry , ranches,
write for-my special list or come - and sea me.
shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable
information you wish, also showing you Over the
country. - - . - ;U . "v ' :
. ; : Real Estate loan and Insurance
Philomath, Oregon. .
J. D. Mann & Co are receiving
Car Load Lots i FuMii
For fall trade, and are now able to
show a fine line ot J
assortment and best bar
gains ever
X" D,
5 - .JLtl. fa. 11
QvefcQ O e&rs K
llot Efve
ly-rrwa n
- . ;
Than we charge for repairing yonlAY
TOO MUCH. It yoapay less you don't
get your work done right. '.We do our
Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing
well as it can be done and our price
right for first class work. - When was
YOUR watch cleaned last? 'Better have
it examined now! j. You may save your
self considerable expense later on.
A full line of Watches,-Clocks, Jewel
ry and Optical Goods. -.
Call and See
The Jeweler and Optician.
Capets and Stores
, . Executor's Safe of-Real Property.
Kotice is h ereby Rfveh in pursuance of tha
provisions of the will of John Wiles, deceased,
directing the undersigned-, executors of -said
will to sell at private sale the real estate here
inafter described: said will having been execu
ted by said John Wiles on the 23rd day of April -1900,
and filed and admitted to- probate in the
County Court of Benton County la the State of
Oregon, on the 9th diiy of September, 1902, and
recorded on psges 52-53-aud 64 of Book D - ot -records
of wills of said couuty, we, the said ex
ecutors, will proceed to sell at private sale from
and after Friday, the Utn day ot November,
19U2, for cash in hand at time of said sale, the
real property belonging to said .estate, des
cribed as follows, towit:
Kotiflcation No 4146 surveyed and designated:
as lots three, four, five and six, the north half
of-the southwest quarter end the south wesfc
quarter of the soutnwest quarter of Section six
in Township ten south of Kange iour west, and
lots one, two and three and the north east
quarter of the south east quarter of Section one. -in
Township ten south of Banga five west in the
dittrict of lands subject to sale at Oregon Cltv,
Oregon, containing 325.73 acres of land in Polk
County, Oregon. ThU land being incorrectly
described in the will of said deceased as fol
lows towit:
Beginning 29:00 chains S. and 8:23 (jhalas E
from the quarter section .corner on tha S. side of
S 26 in T 9, S ft 5 W, Willamette Meridan, thence
E 8t 00 chains, thence 8 40-.00 chains, thence W
SO.OO chalns, thence N. 40:00 chains to the place
of beginning containing three hundred and
twenty acres of land.
Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land
iyiDg in Polk County. State of Oregon, and
known and described as follows, towit: being
a part of Section six, beginning at the ' touth
west corner of claim sixty four thence running
east one hundred and thretrods, thence norm
one hundred and forty rods," Thence west one
hundred an! three rods, thence south one-hundred
and torty rods, tothe place of beginning,
lyingand being lu Section six, Township ten.
south Range four west, Willamette Meridan,
and being a part of Notification No 1V62, and
containing 90 acres in Polk County, Oregon!
Also the following described real estate; Be:
ginning at the soutneast corner ot G W Dew-,
eese Donation Land Claim and the S W corner
of O Culp claim sutd point of beginning being in
Benton County, Oregon, running thence west
nineteen chains and seventy one links, thence
noith fifty one chains, thence east twenty four
chains, tnence south fifty chains to the place
of beginning containing llo-75-loo apres ot
land situated in Benton and Poik Counties in
the State of Oregon- said sales to take place
at the office of Walter T Wiles said executor in
0 orvalUs, Oregon, and at the farm of Edward P
Wiles, executor, jn Benton County, Oregon.
Said sale of said real property to be made subject
to the confirmation Dy said County Court ot
Benton County, Oregon.
Dated this the 11th day of October, 19o2.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tnr
Benton County,
- i C. Taylorand Paulina Kline, plaintiffs,
versus Abigail Elliott, acd Heirs of Hiram J.
Elliott, dec-easerl, iLauy such tliere be, whose
names are to plaintiffs unknown, defendants.
To tiie Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott. dnasioi
if any such there be whose names are to plain
tiffs unknown, defendants above named .
in the name of the State of Oregon, von nr
hereby summoned and required to appear and -answer
the complaint of the plaintitt' in the
the above entitled suit in the above entitled
court now on tile in the office of the clerkof said
court on or before the last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for publication of this sum
mons, made by the county judge ot Benton
county, state of Oregon, being the county
where the above enti led suit Is nendlue in thn
circuit court of said cpunty and statej which
5iu oraer is nereinatter reierrea to, towit, on or
before six weeks irom the day of first publica
tion hereof, and you are hereby notitied that If
you fail so to appear and answor the said com
plaint as herein required, or want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court
for the relief demanded in the said complaint
nnmelv for a decree determining all adverse
claims iti and to Block 27 in the County Addi
tion to the town of Marysvllle, formerly, but
now changed to Corvallis, Bantoa county. Ore-
gon, forever baring and enjoining defendants
trim asserting any claim wuatever in and to
said rer"propertyand declaring said plaintiff
J C Taylor to be the owner in fee simple of lots
i. 2 and 3 in said Block a and plaintiff. Paulina
Kline, to be the owner in fee simple ;of lots 4, o,
s 6 in said Block 27 and fjr such further and
different relief aa io the court may seem equit
able. This summons is published in the Corvallis
Times once a week for six successive and con-
secetive wseks. beginning with the issue of Oet-
uobr 11, 1902, an i ending with the issue of Nov
ember 22, 1902,-under and in pursuance of the
directions contained in an order made by the
Hon vlrgil E Waiters, Cjunty Judge of Benton
County, Oregon, being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending in theaboveen
titled circuit court, dated OJtjbar 8, 1902. Data
ot first publication hereof li October 11. 1902.
- j, JUUittAXE.,
Attorneys for Plaintiffs,
- . Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of rason for
Benton County,
Cora E Baker, nlaintiff. versus James H Baker
To James H Baker, the above named defend-
In the name of the State of Oreeon. yon ara
hereby summoned and required to amiear and
answer the complaint of the Dlaintlrt' in tbe
aboye entitled suit in th6 above entitled court
now on hie in tbe office of tbe clerk of said
court on or before Ihe last day of the time pre
scribed in the order for publication of this sum
mons made by the Couity Judge of Benton
County, State of Oregon, being thecounty where
the above entitled suit is pending In the Cir
cuit Court of said couuty and state which
said orderls hereinafter referred to. towit. on
or before six weeks from the date of first publi
cation hereof and yon are hereby notified that
li you tan so to appear ana answer tne said com
plaint as herein reauire-. for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court
for the reltef demanded in her said complaint
namely, for a decree of divorce from the said
defendant forever dissolving the marriage con
tract existing between the DlaintiQ and said de
fendant, and that she be decreed the custody
and care of Paul Baker, a minor child, the issue
of said rn-irriage and for such further and dif-
rereni rener as to tne court may seem proper.
This summons Is published in the Corvaliia
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginning with tbe issue of -October
11, 1902, and ending with the issue of
November 22, 1902. under and in pursuance of
the directions contained In an order made by
the Hon Virgil E Watters, County Judge of Ben
ton county, Oregon being the county where the
above entitled suit is pending In the. above en
titled clrcuitcourt, dited October 8, 1902. Data
of first publication hereof Is October li; 1902.
. Attorney for Plaintiff".
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County. -
John S Govier, plaintiff, versus Jesse Brown
Effle Biown, Milton Modie, Llda Mellvll and
James Mellvll, defendants.
To Milton Modle, Llda Mellvll and James
Mellvll, three ot the defendants above named:
In the name of the State of Oregon: You are
hereby summoned and required to appear in
tbe above Court, at the court room thereof in
the City of Corvallis, Benton County, State of
Oregon, on or before Mondiy, the 24th day of
November, 1002, it being the 1st day of the next
regular term of said Court and to answer to the
plaintiffs complaint now on file in said Court
in this suit, and If you fall so to appear - and
answer for want'thereof the plaintiff will take
a decree of said Court for tbe relief prayed for :
In said oomplaint, towl t: That the plaintiff is
the owner in fee simple ot the following des
cribed premises, towit:
Commencing at the north east corner of
claim No 46 Notification 2678 being the donation
land claim ot said Jacob Modle and Kachel
Modle, his wife, from the U 8 goverment, and
situated tn T 10 S R 5 West Willamette Meridan,
and thence running west about 53 rods to the
center of the Channel of Soap Creek, thence m
a - direction east of south to a blazed oak tree'
nn iho vast, boundary line of said claim No 46 .
about 107 rods south from the north east corner
thereof thence nortn on .tne eesi oounaary ui .
said claim to the place ot beginning and con
taining 24.75 acres situated in 'he northeast
corner of said claim, in Benton County, in the
State of Oregon and decreeing that you have no ,
right, title, claim or Interest of, la or to the
same and debarring and enjoining you from
asserting any claim or interest therein.
This summons is published by order of Hon
Virgil E Watters, Judge of the County Court of
the State or Oregon for Benton County made on
the tenth day of October, 1902. To be published
tor six consecutive wesks and thedate of the
first publication thereof to be Ooiobr II, 190i
1 -Attorneys for FlalutliT. -