Vol. XV. No 36. COBVAXIilS, OREGON, NOVEMBER 1, 1902; B. F. IRVINK Editor ahd Pnmm Headquarter for Dry Goo ds, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' and Men's-- Furnishings, Etc. ' New Goods AH tlie Time. Corvallis, - - - Oregon. Twenty rive hacks to be sold in the next month The most durable hack on the coast for the money. Made out of the best material from the east. : ' ; . We do not turn out any cheapo work; all first class with guarantee. -' - - We are preparing to furnish covers for all hacks. : Patronize your home factory. . Remember our organs, we reasonable prices, for futher particulars call on or address. Cramers Organ & Corvallis, "" . Summons- r In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benti n county, E A Holcomb, plaintiff versus L W Holcomb, defepdant. To L W Holcomb the defendant, above named In the name of the State of Oregon- Yoa are hereby summoned and required to appear In -the above entitled court at the court room thereof In the City of Corvallls,Benton County State of Oregon on or before Monday the 24th day of November 19oa, It being the irst day of the next regulnr term of said Court and to ans wer to plaintiff's complaint: now on file in this suit in said court and if you fall 'so to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief prayed lor In the complaint, towlt, for a decree annulling the marriage contract now existing between the said plaintiff and defendant and ior the costs and disbursements! n said suit. - . - - - This summons is published bv order of the Hon Vlrgtl E Watters-juJgeof the County Court of the State of Oregon f or-Benton COnnty made on the 2nd d,y of Oct, 1902,andtobepublished for six consecutive weeks and in seven issuesof the Corvallis Times and the date of the first publica tion thereof to be October 4, 1902 . - - . . -.. W, SMcFadden Attorney foi Plaintiff. JZ. 1 O 2K. X . - ' Boars the ''' The Kind You Have ftjways Bsugaf Signature f J!" , "jr" Prompt Delivery is ordered swift service you'll get if you favor us with, your orders but you will get more than quick service if you deal; You will get good goods, whether you order teas coffees, spices, canned goods, or the latest advertised breakfast foods. We have them ali as -a call will prove. P. M. ZIEROLF. are ready to" furnish them at Carriage Factory OregonV : ; Out of Death's Jaws. - - "When death seemed veary near from' a severe" stomach and -liver trouble,' that I had suffered with for years," writes P. Muse, Durham, N. U.i "Dr. King's. New Lite Pills saved" my life and gave perfect health." Best pills on earta and only 25c at Graham & Wort ham's drugstore. ; ; ' -". Dr. Price's Cream Baking-Powdei Awarded Oold Medal Midwinter Fjir. Son Francisco, : For Sale. -'- 7 -' r - " ' i English rye grass seed, large cheat seed, and vetch seed, t A few cords - of oak wood,; I ant booking "Orders ". for vetch seed, speak in time. , ' Also pure bred Aberdoed Angus cattle Poland China . hogs, -. and Shropshire backs from recorded stock. " - , v , . L. X,. Brooks. TIMBER FRAUDS GOVERNMENT. HS ORDERED A SUSPENSION OF ENTRIES Violators of Iaw to be Brought . to Justice-!-Mennonite8 in Oregon Pierpont Morgan Cant ; ' Corner Britan Other . - ri:-. News '' Washington, Oct. 29. Upon fur ther investigation into the timber land frauds lecently unearthed .in Oregon, the Secretary of the Inter ior finds that in the quarter endin g September 30 there .were in all Oregon . land districts 625 "more timber entries, covering loo.ooq more acres, than were reported in the quarter ending June 3i, while the cash receipts fer the lastquar ter exceed those of the preceding quarter by $244,469 5o, If this pace had not been checked the pub lic timber lands in : Oregon would goon have become a thing of , the past. The Secretary has figured out that if there was the proportion ate activity in timber entries "in each of the states as suddenly de veloped in Oregon, there would not be an acre of vacant timber land in a year's time. ! . c s; Not- only .'are ' these extensive frauds injuring the general Govern ment, but their successful perpetra tion would throw ' into'- the hands of private owners the best remain ing public lands in Oregon and the state would be deprived of; valuable tracts under its grants. - To a cer tain extent it is expected that the state will 8S3ist the department in bringing to justice the violators of the timber land law. -. The Oregon frauds are not dissimilar to those discovered in Idaho and' Montana two, years ago, which resulted in art large nurhber of prosecutions. - -The discovery of these wholesale violations of the present law- will a3t as an inducement to the Secre tary to urge upon Congress at this coming session tne necessity 101 the repeal of the timber and stone act. " :. v; : '- ' - V London, Oat. 3d. The tube dis putes promise to involve London in the thorny problem of whether the Countv Council or private specu lators sharr supply London' loca motion needs. Strong . feeling is expressed equally against the Amer ican endeavors to secure control ot the eyftem and againse the County Council involving itself in theprob-1 ably heavy financial burdens by taking up the wOrk of building "tubes and tramways." " ; The London papers this morning express satisfaction with the result of laBt n.ight's debate, and protest against American capitalists being permitted to exploit the rich field of London transit. ' Boston, Oct. 29. The Crown Prince ,of Siam and his suit accom panied by H H D Peircer Third Assistant Secretary ' of, the State, representing the President reached Boston from New York tonight. The members " of the ' party were met by representatives of Governor Crane and Mayor UolliaBand es corted to the Hotel Somerset.' Here they were greeted by the Mayor and later given a banquet by Gov ernor Crane, For their three days stay id Boston an interesting pro gramme has been arranged to be concluded on baturday evening by Mr Peirce. When you wake up with a bad bad taste in your mouth, go at once to Graham & Wells' drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. 1 One or two doses will make you well. They, also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. ; . Washington, Oct 28 The fear ful ravages ofplague and cholera in the old world are set forth in mail advices recently - received by the Manna Hospital service. From Manila Chief Quarantine Officer Perry makes a conservative Lesti mate that the caaes of choiera that have actually occurred in the Phi lippines since March 2oth last ag gregate 75,000 with a mortality of 75 per cent. He says, under date of September J 9, that the disease has practically disappeared; from these provinces first infected but those most recently affected " are suffering severely. The proxince of Ilo Ilo and the adjacent island of negroes, - ahd the " situation is alarming.' Some of the towns in these provinces have : lost ten per cent of their population and ' the edidemic.' continues-' severe. In Japan the latest advices 'show that there have been 4329 - cases and I6501 1 deaths from cholera. - ' Grants Pass, Oct -28 The .two pine needle 'factories' . at Grants Pass are running steadily," turning out about 636 pounds of pine needle fiber each, and consuming about a ton of pine needles a day. ''The two factories liere are the- only ' two of 4" rt nrl in A tviAirta' n nrl VnTtA r ororl ; r, - inot,,, ; r, thai w:n, f-iaMjia -".i- f u a manufacturing of;ths various and .Tiwvrinftfa - Tho fonrf WW - piVWVC. . A UW are owned by . the J Pacific - :JPine Needle Company and the Oregon Pine Needle Fiber Company. " Disastrous Wrecks. . t Carelessnes is responsible for many a railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks of "sufferers from throat , and IJung troubles. But since the advent of Dr King's New Discovery for ' con sumption, coughs and colds, even the worst cases can be cured and hopeless resignation is no" longer necessary. Mrs Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass, is one of many whose life was saved -by Dr 'King's New Discovery. This great reme dy is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases, by Graham & Wort hatn, Druggists. Price 5o, and $1. Trial bottles free. Washington, Oct 28 The sec. retary of the interior has just re ceived positive evidence of "exten sive frauds being perpetrated in Oregon under the timber and stone act, whereby, certain persons are seeking to acquire absolute coutrol of the richest timber lands in the puUic domain of the . state. The most flagrant violations of the law have occurred in the Raseburg, Lakeview, and Dalles - land districts-.. According to the secretarys advices people are being shipped into these districts, by carloads and are immediately entering : the for rested lands under the timber and stone act." In other 5 instances, large tracts are . being denuded of. their timber by parties who are do ing assessment work on what they assert to be mineral developments. There is strong prfloT that a large number of the alleged mineral lo cations are non-mineral . land and have been made purely for the purpose of acquiring the timber. So positive and convincing is the evidence now in the secretary's hands that immediate steps are to be taken to prosecute every one of the fradulent entrymen. As a first step Secretary Hitchcock today or dered that all entries in Oregon ub. der the timber and ' stone act be suspended pending specific inves tigation and directed that each timber entryman be served with a notice to show cause why his entry should not be cancelled. : London, Oct. 29. The efforts of the promoters of the Morgan "tube" railway schema to procuie the re establishment of the parliamentary statue of ' their " original franchise bill, as a whole led to an hour's de bate in the house of Commons to night, the only result of which was the withdrawal of the endeavors. The Morgans intended to ask later fortherecommitialof the bill grant ing rights for their proposed "tube," but which was privately bought up by the Yerkers interest. Thomas G Ashton, who moved the recommital ot the Morgan bill, accueed the London United Comp any of a dishonorable 'transaction, and said he doubted whether so "dirty a transaction" had ever been entered into bv oarties coming be fore Parliament. He said also' that the House should resent these -actions by passing the Morgan bill, thus giving the Morgans a' chance. Mr Ash ton's pioposition was gree ted with "No, no." ' : Mr Ashton's motion was opposed by Sir John Dixson-Poyndal, ... who said the Morgan scheme was now a truncated affair, and" that it was not within the province of Parlia ment to intervene in the dissension of rival speculators. James G Low ther agreed that the Morgan promo ters had been badlyused, but he said their enemies were those of tfieir own household. Sir Lewis Mclvor. chairman" of -.the '. house railroad committee, and others also opposed the motion, which was fin ally withdrawn. " ' . . SAVAGE SWINE NEAR PORTLAND',' KILLED AND PARTLY DETOUKED A HUMAN BEING. . HorriblejStory of Brute Ferocity and Human Weakness Train Robbery Suspects Bear . Killed a boy Other ' News.-'.. Portland, Oct,- 28. Unusually tragic were the .circumstances- of fhe death of John;B. Gilbert, killed 'banuay nigbtby a vicious boar. I fXIL "I'll 1 I ... . I a.uu vniiuoiua iiyo uu buo uui till side of the Base Line road.' The family consists' of the wife and three children.", ; Mr Gilbert made a sp& ciaTfy of raising hogs," and peris are within sight 01 the. house, one can see all over ; the pens, excepting inside 01 the shed. The main pen, about 30 by 50 feet, in which are kepi the' vicious boar and a small white one, is in plain view It was here that the death ' struggle took place. " Mr Gilbert "left the house about 6 o'clock to do the chores. He complained that the big boar J had attacked the small white one and nearly cut the latter tp pieces, and said that he was going to separate them: The big boar weighs about 300 pounds and has laige, sharp tusks. " ' ' .7 ' ; - When Mr Gilbert left for the pen Mrs Gilbert laid down to take a nap." Shortly afterward she awa kened in a startled state of mind. She ' looked around outside even going as far as the peris, but it was to dark to see anything. ' The nei ghbors were aroused. The men sear ched the pens with a - lantern, - but discovered nothing. The next morn ing the j.-w'ife telephoned to - her brother, at Troutdale. He arrived at the place at noon.- - Previous to this the pens were serched again in broad daylight, but the body was huddled in a corner of one of the. smaller pens and covered with mud, so that it escaped observation. Mr Edward3.said that he felt within his inner consciousness - that ' the man must be in" the pens some where;' and began a - systematic search. He soon found the body. ' A trail of blood told how the acci dent had happened. When the boar ripped open the leg with his tusks, the blood spurted on the fence. J he man evidently put his hand to "the injured part as anyone would nat urally dc, for the bloody imprint of his hand is seen in several places on the fence. -He walked about 10 feet along the fence, leaving the marks of his hands, and then threw himself over the low fence into an other part of the pen a small in clo sure about 20 by 25 feet. Here he tried to rise to hia feet by grasping the fence, as his hand marks show, but loss of blood evidently caused him to drop", exhausted into a cor ner of the pen. : ".'- :The infuriated : boar " continued to try to get at it3 prey, for the boards seperating it from the body are pierced by several holes from its' tusks. ' A sow and litter of pigs had entrance from the sheds into where the body was found, which accounts for its mutilated condition. While the right leg had been partly devoured, this in itself is evidence that the artery was severed," for it is the nature of hogs to begin in such cases where the blood attracts them. - . .- Butte, Mont, Oct. 28. James Conn, a wealthy ranchman on Wil low' Creek, was found shot to death in his home today. His mother lay upon the floor with her skull crushed in and cannot live. The murderer is believed to be the lone ' bandit who held up the North Coast Lim ited Friday morning. ---.A memper of a threshing crew on an adjoining ranch had occasion to visit the Conn ranch. . When he entered the farmhouse a terrible sight presented itself. Ori the floor with ihe brains ' oozing' from his head, lay James Conn dead with a ragged bujlet hole through his tern pie.' Near him lay his mother, her head crushed in with a blunt instru ment presumably the butt of a re volver. . ' . " At the time of the hold-up of the Northern Pacific train bloodhounds were put on the trail of the robber, and the dogs followed it for sever al miles in the direction of the Wil low. Creek "district, but lost "the scent. Those familiar with, the country declare that at the time of robbery that in all probability c iha outlaw would attempt to escape that way as the country ia such as to af ford an excellent opportanity to evade capture being heavily tim bered,. The discovery o the crirn was made at i 4 tjilockthis after noon, and officers are now , on the scene. Near the stablea the thre3hT ing men met a demented ' woman who had lived with the Conn family for some time. - This woman killed her husband, about 20 years ago, and it is suggested : that perhaps she committed the tragedy. h scene of the crime is also about 39 miles from Bearmouth,remot9 from the wires, and details are. meager. Portland, Oct 28 The numbar of Mennonite arriving at the grand central depot during the past few months has occasioned considerable comment. These people travel ia groups and are inclined to settle m communities where they can enjoy their own society.. They are re cognized as quiet, laM abiding citi zens' and it is one of their boasts" that a lawyer wonld starve to death in anexclusive Mennonite commuu ity. U ',";.--'' :'.::: r'-r: T'- Last evening at the depot, Rev David Hilty, a Mennonite evangel ist, rested, awaiting the departure of the train for Nampa, Ida. - His somber black garb and broad-brim9 ned hat gave him a Quaker appear' ance aud his sons were dressed as plainly as he, and his wife wore tke. regulation black' hood, resembling' the old style sunbonnetj and a dark' - shawl thrown over : her shoulders." Mr Hilty said he just returned from Albany, . Oregon, four milea east of which place a colony of Mennonite farmers" flourished. 'Our religion dates back from 1649," he said, ' when Men no Si-1 mon a Roman Catholic priest with.' drew from the mother church and established a sect in Germany. . A colony of Mennonites 'started in Pennsylvania - in William Penn's time, andOUr people are averse to wars, quarreling, capital punish mant. and the use of the oath. .W also eschew fashionable clothing as we consider such to be vain and useless adornment. ' We do not differ materially from other Biptist churche?, though we do not consid er immersion indispensable and content ourselves with sprinkling.' -llf rnil ' haliova in tnrnfncf f.ha left cheek when a man smites you on the right?" he was asked. ' I Yes. One of our young con- . verts got into an altercation near Albany, net leng i go over the terma . of a contract.' The farmer with whom he had been working said, ' "do you mean to call me a liar? I did not call you a liar said the young man, "but , I understood the contract to mean so and so." - "The farmery who was irritated, -' immediately struck the Mennonite ' a blow in the face, and the young man, instead of striking-Jback, im- : mediately turned the other cheek to receive the blow. The . farmer was so taken back that he retired to his barn anrl wept like a '- child He was conquered by the peaceable Mennonite." ,: , I Hot Springs Ark., Oct 29. ' At Happy. Hollow, a pleasure resort near here, containing a zoo, Robert Tatum, about 8 years of age,, while passing close to where a large black bear was chained, was caught be tween the paws of the animal,- who dragged him cloee to his body and plaeing the youth's head Jn- his mouth, started to crush his. skull. The bear's keeper rushed to the ecene, pried open the mouth of the animal and rescued the, boy; who was unconscious. -The boy's skull was fractured and his legs torn. He will die. ' - ; Butte. Mont., Oct," 28. A man giving his name as Michael Muchay is in jail here under suspicion of being the. one who r held ., up the Northern Pacific train at Mulkey Canyon. Sunday. . The police say he exactly answers the description given by the passengers on the ex press and by the train crew, v Ht refused to speak or to give an ac count of himself during the past three days. r He will be I held for examination. ". : Butte, Mont., Oct. 28. A speci al to the Miner from Missoula says -that Vanhazencoct,: who - was ', held on suspicion of being the lone ban-, dit who held up . the North CoasJ. Limited on the Northern Pacific at Rsarmnnth last Friday . moruint: has been released by the authorities... Trainmen who confronted the pris oner today were unable to identify him as the robber. . --7