The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, October 25, 1902, Image 4

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Delegates Visited the College Yes
terdayOld Mau Fell Twelve
Feet and is Injured Foot
Ball Comment.
Thursday and yesterday, the
district convention of the Degree
of Honor was in session in, Cor
vallis. A number of delegates ar
rived on the noon trains, and were
met at the stations by local mem
bers of the order. Early in the
afternoon the convention was called
to order by Mrs Sarah ." Moore,
of Corvallis, president. The after
noon session was occupied, with
discussion of means of prompting
tne wentare or tne oraer, ana was
very interesting to the member
Thursday night there was a recep
tion by the local members of the
order to the visiting delegates.
The hill was decorated for the oc
casion with autumn leaves and
vines and about 200 persons were
present. Features of the evening
were an address of welcome, by
Mrs. Moore, instrumental solo,
G!ad's Moore, vocal solo, Mrs.
Ireland, sister of Mrs. Berchtold;
recitation by Guy Moore, remarks,
Mrs. Harriet Looney, of Jefferson;
eocg, vocal duet, Adelaide and
BernetfaSheasgreen; remarks, Mrs.
KJ. J. liogue 01 Albany; violin so
lo, Miss Winifred Gates, Corvallis;
Indian Club drill, Gertrude Nolan,
Leop Fieri, " Adelaide Sheasgreen
and Vivian Wellsher, and quartette,
R. L Cate, Ethyl Pierce, C. C. Cate
and Gladys Moore. After the ren
dition of the programme, lunch
was served in the banquet room,
waica was decorated lor tne occa-J
siouXt was midnightwhen thecom
paaydispers d.
Yesterday morning, local mem
bers escorted visiting delegates to
the college, where the forenoon
was spent in looking through the
departments, attending chapel ex
exercises ancLin other ways. A
nrong the visiting delegates are,
Albany, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Conrad
Meyer, Mrs. Marks, Mrs. Marv
Kelly, Mrs. C C Hogue, Mrs Mey
er, Mis. Hare, and Ed Hogue;.
Jefferson, Mrs. Harriet Looney;
Eugene, Mrs. M A Starr; Fossil,
Miss Helen Pierce; Yaquina, M A
Beverly; Harrisburg, Miss Ethyl
Weight of Eugene Team Newspaper
Comment on Recent Games.
Following are the positions and
weights of the University of Ore?
gon foot ball team: Left end, Jor
dan, 135; left tackle, Captain Watts
167: left guard, Frizzell, 187; center
McKinney, 184: right guard, Ker
ren, 172; right tackle, Thayer,
167; right end, Chandler, 140;
quarter, Murphy, 149; left half,
Goodrich, 158; right half, Payne,
146; full back, Templeton. Aver
age weight, 158. - -
Albany Democrat; The Albany
football team has the material for
being the champion college team
of the .state this year, and it is be
lieved is the superior of the U of
O. The Multnomahs with Mc
Millan in the line is stronger than
ever before, and the Democrat does
cot believe Albany is quite exper
ienced enough to win against them.
The indications are now that the
OAC are as strong if not stronger
than the U of O, a fact that will
take a game to demonstrate. With
Albany's spendid team in the field
the business men ot the city should
give it a support which will make
it the superior of any of these
Eugene . Register: Football
cranks say that the Albany team
has not been given due credit. Ev
ery man on the team has had fronij
three to five years v experience
while several Oregon men. in the
game Saturday were vpractically
new at the business. Then, too,
Coach Edwards is a man of no
little ability and is ranked as one of
the best posted coaches in the
state. The work of Oregon was
certainly very listless and the in
terference ragged, but theu the
strength of the Albany team should
not be disregarded.
' . -
Eugene Guard. Horace Mc
Bride, a member of -the 1901 foot
ball team at the University of Ore
gon, has been engaged , to coach
the McMinnville College eleven
for this season. McBride played
end on the Oregon Agricultural
College team for several years and
last year was a half back on the
Eugene team. He is an aggres
sive player and will no doubt make
a nrst class coach tor the McMinn
ville eleven.
Albany Herald: Only members
of the football squad will be ad
mitted to the field hereafter during
practice. :lThis 2 rule' - is" necessary
ontin acfeouut. of $he, pfesenceibf
people irom otuer towns wno ae-sire-to:
learn thecsignals" and plays
of the team.
The first junior rhetorical of the
present school year took place yes
terday afternoon at the college
chapel. Tbe exercises were inter
spersed with an instrumental duet
by Miss Kathleen Canfield and Miss
Una Stewart, and a vocal solo by
Miss Mabel Cronise.
.- Claud Buchanan, under the sub
ject "Modern Chivalry," said that
modern chivalry now consists in
successful athletics. This was
shown at the Buffalo exposition
when greater attention was shown
athletics than any other feature of
the great American Exposition.
Miss Maud Cauthorn . said that
colonization and expansion as prac
ticed by the Anglo Saxon races is
the whi'e man s burden. Expan
sion and progress are ' the watch
words of, the Anglo-Saxon races,
until these people have assumed re
sponsibilities on the five grand di
visions of this earth.
Bush Wilson said that as New
York City is the leading American
seaside city on tne Atlantic, so
Portland or Seattle will bathe lead
ing seaside city on the" American
Pacific. Which of the two cities
should it be.
Tbe effect of the Norman Conquest
Upon the World, wa3 the subject
of Miss Isabel Whitby's oration.
Without the Norman conquest, the
English nation would not be Great
Britain of today. Had there been
no conquest the condition of the
whole world would now be different.
Mr. John W. Buster says that a
political education requires the ed
ucation of the masses. There
should be a healthy, vigorous sen
timent for general education.
Of the power of habit MissaEtta
Fuller said, habit is the deepest law
of human nature. : Man is a bundle
of habits. A habit is the best or
the worst enemy. A man is only
half a man when he begins to sur
render to bad habits.
(President Hall of Clark University
says: - "Boys and girls need 6lang. It's
good fot them. Let them use it. Slacg
aids the boy or-girl from 14 to-19
of age to acquire fluency.")'
Awl cheese the cultured layout;
Cut out the brainy talk.
This wise guy has it coppered,
And he wins in a walk,
Get onto education
You'll nab it in a buoch, .
If you're like old Columbus
And follow ud your hunch.
Who was the duck that figured
This lot of gram mar dope?
Oh, pass him up. He's nutty,
What us kids need is rope.
We're next to all tbe gabbis
But when we're due to b&lk
Is when the teacher orders
A first class string of talk.
That gazabo That Euclid
He rubs against my nerves
With all his razzle-dazzle ' "
On getting onto curves.
And history? Say fellows,
It jolts me up a lot
To read how some old has been
Was johnny on the spot. -
Say, this slang education
Will cop out all the trade,
We'll pass around our language
Ala Professor Ade,
The coming School commencement
Will be extremely fly
With hot stuff umpalazzas
About the "Goo Geo Eyes.'!
Estray Sheep
About 25 or 3O head are at my farm
south of Corvallis. Came there a month
ago. . Marked with upper half slope in
right ear. Owner call and pay charges
and take them away.
Robert L Buchanan.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
George H Burtch. Napoleon Hodge and Sarah
Hodge, his wife, Wilburn Hodge aud Cornelia
Hodge, his wife, Jane Ball and Am03 Ball, her
hubband. Price Mallory and ' Mallory,
his wife, Richard Mallory Calvin Mallory and
Malioiy, nis wue, ;Minme maimer ana
Richard Palmer, her husband, Georuia Doran
and James Doran, her husband, Plaintiffs.
Jennie Churchill andSamuet Churchill, her
husband, Mabel Fultz, a minor, and George
Burtch, Jr, Defendants.
To Jennie Churchill and Samuel Churchill.
her husband, Mabel Fultz.Sa minor, and George
Burtch J r, the above named aeienaams:- .
In the name of the State at Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby summoned and requir
ed to appear and answer Uie. complaint of plain
tiff in the above entitled suit now on flle in the
office of toe Clerk of said Court on or before the
22rd day of November, 1902, mat rjemg tne date
fixed for the expirationcf the period prescribed
for publication ot this summons, towlt, once a
week for sis consecutive weeks.
You will take notice that if you fail to appear
and answer said complaiut aB herein required
plaintiff will apply to the Court for a decree as
demanded in the complaint, towit. a decree or
dering a sale o . lots Nos 107 aud 114 In Block -25
in Philomath, Benton Oountvr Oregon, and for
that purpose-appointing a referee to conduct
said-sale; and designating the- terms thereof:
that the proceeds derived thereirom be divided
among the parties hereto according to the r,
respective interests, after deducting the costs
and disbursements ot this suit, and for plain
tiffs costs and disbursements herein, and lor
such further aud different relief as may be just
and equitable.
This summons Is nublished by order of Hon
Virgil E Watters. Judge of the County Court of
Benton county, uregon, maae uciooer mm.
1002, and the date of the first publication is Oct
ober 1Kb, K02.
Two Pan Away,, but Were Wound
ed and Later Captured It Was
Work of Infinite Patience '
and Bravery Other
News. -
Cleveland, Oct. 15. Remarkable was
the courage of aged John Meach in a des
perate battle with a gana; of robbers who
planned to plunder his home last night
on a lonely country road two miles from
the village of Rochester , in Lorain coun
ty. Undaunted by the brutality of the rob
bers, who had bound him . hand and foot
and left him in a barn, Meach, who is
white-haired and ' seventy, unloosened
the thongs, secured a shotgun, shot two
of the bandits dead and wounded two
Meach found his brother Jarvis, aged
sixty-five, beaten into insensibility by the
robbers. Loren, another brother, aged
eighty, aud bedridden, had not been mo
lested. Tbe house where the Meach brothers
live is secluded,, and just such a spot as
would be chosen by desperate characters
to attempt a crime. The brothers are
reckoned wealthy men, and the robbers
probably had no difficulty in learning
this. It was common report that in the
farm house was a safe in which the
Meacbes kept considerable money.
John Meach was in a barn a short dis
tance from the house about 8 o'clock If st
night when three of the robbers sprang
from: places of hiding and overpowered
him. They knocked him down, bound
him with ropes, dragged him into a cor
ner and left him, as they thought, help
less. Meach heard them run toward the
house and immediately set about to free
himself. With infinite patience the old
man tested the ropes that bound him,
and was overjoyed to find that he could
move one .of his bands slightly. He
managed to untie a knot, and the rest of
the work of releasing himself was com
paratively easy. .He crept to the barn
door and saw that one or more of the
robbers had. been left on wf.tfh.
Meach stole a; ojnd to the back of the
the barn, aud by a circuitous route ap
proached the house and noiselessly en
tered through a door that tbe robbers
had left ogeu. He was convinced that
they had silenced his brothers, and the
sound of drilling told him that they were
at work on the safe.
He secured a shotgun from a room near
that in which the robbers w ere working,
slipped two shells in the chambers, plac
ed half a dozen more in his coat- pocket,
where he could reach them easily, and
tip-toed to the door,' through "which he
could see three men at work on the safe
Meach fired both barrels almost at the
same instant. He bad caught the rob
bers "dead to rights." Two were prob
ably instantly killed by the heavy charg
es of buckshot.
The third, although seriously wound
ed ran to . the outside door and fled
through the yard. Meach slipped two
more sheila in his gun, as he gave chase,
and catching Bight of a retreating figure
as he reached the door fired again. It
was fouud later that this third shot
wounded a fourth member of the gang.
Meach then went back to the house to
look for his brothers. He found Jarvis
bleeding and unconscious from blows on
the head. Jarvis said later that the rob
bers had come upon him unawares and
struck him down before he could defend
himself. Loien, the invalid, heard what
was going on and was tortured in mind,
but could do nothing.
The neighborhood , was aroused and
the authorities started in search of the
robbers. The robber who had beea work
ing at the safe with Lis two companions
who were killed was found on the prem
ises fatally .wounded. He said his
name was Casey.
A man covered with blood and bearing
many buckshot wounds ' was captured
near Wellington Village early this morn
ing and raken to the Elyria jail. "He said
his name was Davis, but refused to make
any statement The authorities are con
fident he was one of the gang. His
wounds are serious. , It is believed that
Casey was the leader of the gang. He
had a. "Jimmy" and nitio-glycerine in
hiB possession when captured. The gang
is believed by the authorities to have
been organized in Cleveland.
Loren Meach may die as theresult of
shock. Jarvis, although painfully wound
ed, will probably recover. " John Meach
fought off the robbers before they had se
cured any money.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby given that about the
1st day of August last, a three year tri
gelding, 16 hands high -weighing - about
1250, being a mouse colored brown witlt
a star in the forehead left the .". Vineyard
pasture about four , miles N, W from Cor
vallis. Reasanable reward will be paid
for the return of said colt or information
as to its whereabouts.
Spencer Bicknlll, Owner,
Corvallis, Ore,
for Infants
The Kind Tou Have "Always Bought has borne the sigrna
ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his ,
personal supervision for over 30. years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and r
' Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment. "
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears , the
In Use For
CUe Do not Efre
to as high a standard as our desire would promote
us.' but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
place to
Frcsl Fruits,
fresh everything to be
).. run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep wha'b
please. .
B Sornitia
ppj If ycu are looking for some real . good bar- (
If you are looking for
j a ins in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches,
HP write for my special list or come and sea me.
j shall take pleasure in giving yoa all the reliable
f information you wish, also showing you over the
ifs : - .
a country.
IPS PiTilmnnrTi Dt'Aornrt
fricflv -.lit?: t$ Balel
J, D. Mann & Co are receiving
Gar Loafl Lots ol Furniture
For fall trade, and are now able to
show a fine' line ot
title. Carpets mi
Largest assortment and best bar
gains ever offered.
and Children.
Signature of
Over 30 Years.
Fresb Uegetablcs,
had in the market. , We
you want and to
Call and see
some real . good bar-
Pay More
Than we charge for repairing you PAY
TOO MUCH. It you pay lesii you don't
get your work done right. We do -our
Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing as
well as it can be done and our price are
right for first class work. . When was
YOUR watch gleaned last? j? Better have
it examined now! , You may save your
self considerable expense later on.
, A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewel
ry and Optical Goods. '
fJall and $tt
The Jeweler and Optician.'
ExecQtofJq Sale of JRePjOperty.
Notice Is hereby given. In .pursuance of the
provisions ot the willoi Jonn Wiles, - deeeafed,
directing the ;;UDderslgrned executors of said
will to tell at private sale the real estate here
inafter desci lbed : said will having been execu
ted by said John Wiles on' the 23rd day o April
lfOO, and filed and admitted to probate in the
County Court of Benton County In. the State ot
Oregon, on the 9th diiy ol September, J9J2, and!
recorded on pages 52-53-and 54 of Book D of
records of wills of said county, we, tbe sal 1 ex
ecutors, will proceed to sell at private sale from
and after Friday, the ltn day of November
190.2, for cash in hand at time of said sale, the
real property belonging to' said estate, des
cribed as follows, towit:
Notification No 4U6 surveyed and designated
as lots three, four, Ave and six, the nortu halt
of the southwest quarter and the south west
quarter of the southwest quarter of Section six
in Township ten south of Kanga lour west, and
lotj one, two and three and the north east
quarter of the south east quarter of Section one
In Township teu south of Kiiuga rive west ill the
district of lands subject to sale at Oregon City,
Oregon, containing 2i.V3 acres ot land in Polk
County, Oregon. Xhij land being Incorrectly
described in the will of said deceased as fol
lows towlt:
Beginning 29:00 chains S. and 8:23 chains E
from the quarter section .corner on tbe S. side ot
S 30 In T 9. S S 6 W, Willamette Martian, thence
E 8 00 chains, thence B 40:00 chains, thence W
SO: 00 chains, thence N. 40:00 chains to the place
of beginning containing three hundred and
twenty acres of lmd.
Also, all that pertain piece or parcel of land
lying in Folk County, State of Oregon, and
known and described as follows, towlt: being
a part of Section tixt beginning at the toutn
west corner of claim sixty four thence running
east one hundred and three rods, thence nortu
one hundred and forty rods, thence west one
hundred and three rods, thence south one hun
dred and forty rods, tothe place of beginning,
lying and being In Section tlx, Township ten,
south Range four west, Willamette Merldan,
and being a part of Notification No 1762, ana
containing 9U acres In Folk County, Oregon.
Also the following described real estate ; Be .
ginning at the southeast come" of G W Dew
eese Donation Land Claim and the S W corner
of C Culp claim said point of beginning being in
Benton County, Oregon, running thence west
nineteen chains and seventy one link, thence
north fifty oue chains, theucex east twenty four
chains, thence south filty chains to tbe place
of beginning containing llo-75-loo acres of
iand situated In Benton and Folk Counties in
the State of Otegon said sales to take place
at the office of Walter T Wiles said executor in
C orvallis, Oregon, and at the farm of Edward P
Wiles, executor, in Benton County, Oregon.
Said sale of said real property to be made subject
to the confirmation Dy said County Court ot
BeDtbn County, Or9.jon.
Dated tlifs the 11th day of October, 19o2.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County,
J . C. Taylor"and Paulina Kline, plaintiffs,
versus Abigail Elliott, acd Heirs of Hiram J.
Elliott, deceased. If any such there be, wliosa
names are to plaintiffs unknown, defendants. -
1o the Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased,
if any such there be whose names are to plain
tiffs unknown, defendants above named.
In the name of tbe State of Oreeon. von tv
hereby summoned and rf quired to appear and
nnswer the complaint of the plaintiff In the
the above entitled suit In the above entitled
court aow on hie in the office of the clerk of sail
court on or before the last day ot the time pre
scribed in the order for publication of this sum
mons, made by the county judge ot Benton
county, state of Oregon, ' being the county
where the above enti led suit is pending in the
circuit court of said county and state which
said order 13 hereinaiter referred to, towit, on or
betoreffk weeks Irom the day of first publica
tion hereof, and you are hereby notihed that If
you fail so to appear and answer the said com
plaint as herein reauit-ed. or want thereof the
plalnUtl' wiil apply to the above entitled -court
for the relief demanded in the said complaint
namely for a decree determining all adverse
clHlms"in and to Block 27 in the County Addi
tion to the town of Marysville, formerly, but
now changed to Corvallis, Benton county, O.'e
son. forever bsrius and enijlnlng defendant
fr3m asserting any claim whatever in and to
said real property and declaring said plaintirt
J C Taylor to be the owner in fee simple ol lots
l, 2 and a m said iiiocK zi ana piiiintm, rauiina
Kline, to be the owner in fee simple Lot lots , 5,
& 6 in said Block 27 and for sunh further and
different relief as fo the court m iy seem equit
Tnls summons is published in the Corvaliw
Times once a week for six successive and con-
secetive weeks beginning with the issus of Oct-
uobr 11, 1902, an 1 ending with the issue of Nov
ember 22, 19D2, under aud in puruince of the
directions contained in an order male by the .
Hon Vlrsril E Watters. CjuntyJudgs of Benton
County, Oregon, being the county where -the
above entitled suit is pending in tne aoove en
titled circuit court, dated O-Jtjbjr 8, WO.!. Date,
of first publication hereof li Ojtob'sr 11. 1902.
"Attorneys for PlilnUUts,
Summons. .
Iu the Circuit Court of the State of regoa for
Benton Conr.ty,
Cora E naaer, piaintin, versus James a. ujser
To James H Baker, the above named defend
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon -are
hereby summoned and required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the
above entitled suit in the above entitled court
now on flle In tbe office of tbe clerk ot Slid
court oa or before ihe last dy of the time pre
scribed In the order tor publication of this sum
mons made by the County Judge of Benton
County, State ot Oregon, baing thecounty where
the above entitled suit is pending ' in the Cir
cuit Court of said county and state which
said order Is hereinafter referred to. towit, on
or before six weeks from the date of first publi
cation hereof and yon are hereby notified that
If you fail so to appear and answer the said com
plaint as herein require-1, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court
for tbe relief demanded in her said complaint
namely, for a decree of divorce from the said
defendant forever dissolving the marriage con
tract existing between the pl-iintifl and said de
fendant, and that she be decreed the custody
and care of Paul Baker, a minor child, the issue
of said marriage and for sueh further and dif
ferent relief as to the court may seem proper.
This summons is published in the Corvalils
Times once a week for six successive and con
secutive weeks, beginniag with the issue -of
October 11, 1002, and ending with the issue of
November 22. 1902. under and in pursuiuce of
the directions contained In an order, made by
the Hon Virgil E Watters, County Judge of Ben
ton, county, oreeon. Demg tne county wnere tne
above entitled suit is pending In the above en
titled clrcuitcourt. dated October 8. 1902. Date
of .first publication hereof U October 11, 1902.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
John S Govler, plaintiff, versus Jesse Brown
Eflio Brown. Milton Hodie. Lida Mellvll and
James Mellvll. defendants.
To Milton Modle, Llda Mellvil and James
Mellvil, three ot the defendants above named:
In the name of tbe State of Oregon: You are
hereby summoned aud required to appear lu
the above Cour t, at the court room thereof iu
the City of Corvallis, Benton County, State of
Oregofr, on or before Monday, tbe 24th day of
November, 1002, it being the 1st day of the next '
regular term of said Court and to answer to the
plaintiffs complaint now on flle In said Court
in this suit, and if vou fail so to aiioear and
answer for want tnereof the plaintiff will take
a decree of said Court for the relief prayed for
in said complaint, towl t: That tbe . plaintiff is
the owner iu fee simple of the following des
cribed premises, towit: . .
Commencing at the north east corner ot
claim No 46 Notification 2678 being the donation:
land claim of said Jacob Modle und Kachel
Modie, his wife, from the U - B goverment, and
situated lu T 10 S R 6 West Willamette Meridan,
and thence running west about 53 rods to the
center of the Channel of Soap Creek, tuence in
a rtirentinn east of south to a blazed oak tree
on the east boundary-line of said claim No 4t
about 107 rods south from tne norm east curner
thereof thence north on the eest boundary of
said claim to the plaee ot beginning and con
taining 24.7o acres situated in - 'he northeast
corner of said claim, in Beaton County, in the
State of Oregon aud decreeing that you have no
right, title, claim or interest of. In or to the
sumo and debarrine aud enjoining you from
asserting any claim or interest therein.
This summons is puoiisiieu . "
Virgil E Watters, Judged the County Court ot
t he State of Oregon for Benton County inane ou
I the tenth day ot October, 1902. To be published
I for six consecutive weeks and of the
first publication thereof to be October II. 1902.. .
1 . - W. a&J.N. MCFADDKN,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
- . tt. iMt 1 SU.X,
Attorney for Plaintiff.