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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1902)
LOCAL LORE. rtivKf 'Thtitffday?' She-Is a ;guesliat "nr>iiiu eetingof. the i-iiiailias uorree UUrt'; Mpaoay lItertfoj'.JJcjt 27 At 2.30 ?clf)ck';';u:-..V-;;';iT ';.Ji'r.-;-ii. " -Mrs Iioirie iBelfHs ot'-Rofburg W,rlv; Wodaeaday,1 ap.3;.is the, -guest or Mrs John Rlckard:' - .wa. -y-f-B -fBev John Reaves,' t be new? pastor wMl?iHpy';thep veBtog, jaC'ttoef M E ebuteh tomplToyf. wi-4.Mr8--Mafyellf ''otw:Abaiiy''i baa ,iiti mxX -UAJtHwUk H,rViir- -tiifttJ.! glrrce" Wednesday;" i rrAltetft visit otseyeraLSayftiiwIth . ; Bentoa wan.ty.'lf6lttye 'a,nd ;,f tfefeia, ; eu:juaiipway jeis -ye.atrqa.y,! .torture - home1 tearLBi'onvHlei"t'ij; t?.; - . The bond ofJJ CPSM1 iHtratorvof the estate diiilria "ftuu jass KM ibeeji Wda ';TW( pigsSre SoLKtogj AJ3 Alexanderm and ii-W Qeltatfj.r p-'i . a' check for" $200,. fronr the- - Supreme fijye.i.LadW'o first -Install meat Jotrtirt'pewqBa si'-RUsfl.' Iiettle Wicks leaveB. Monday forjrAbgeieei. Cattt otnia; btfiso visit ftieisEerthere,: and '.'nta'feter ''iooj go further sewtfa forth.a reet . pr.;;the xi.M99 Pauline-' Klines Mies: Eda JaoQsMcs Brunk Attd .Mra' jSpaogler attsBde! banquet and4odge meetly of the ' Rebe'kahs "at ,Inaepehdbn4 Tuesday evening;- v" j. -- Mrs Dan Cameron, after a three weekr -Visit iwlttK-her sister, Mrs Thrasher, left Wednesday for her home at Arlington-Mrs Thrnsber aecompaoi&d her lor a month's visit. .ft-i&B O -Humbert will occupy - the pufclt; at the. (rUt&n"l';Cb.u'rcb next Lords dayi Theme at 11 -a m, We ; Most have Chrlste Spirit": Af7-30 T m "The Value of the Soiil" Christian-. endeftyqiiate Sp m,Suna.ay.c!baQl. at J0ia m. n Uome. ana orlog a friend - DuTlng the;past wefek' tnapy'new m6p,.baiVe,ebow1u;p'Tiat praotice.cbii the' football aeld. 'i'!W ednesday-'! ajfttft a ::-tat, theeamff time-, BUd-'enougbaddHipaal . ineu were in suiia ava uiaue- up. a fourtti,!of tbeTiew men there are ser era! tht.ex'pjajrfV-ga CQiii Mve tnad tbe-flrst team tbla year.' -t-n -7 ; ?A-1iItejjoi"'f.air!;pMcia9y-t his readers ior ibe -lack : vof-vBaws 'as follpwsrf'We;' expected to jhayB' &!jrflari rlage andi.a -.deatb' " notice f tbls-rWek but ft '-.vipJeBt;1; storm .; preven'tbd'lbf weagipg ana- mo ;Uock)e oeing sick himself the patient recovered and ve ure auuoruiug out. - 01 noia items", tf ''New deeds filed lor record rei .:J 1 Hilt'to. W J Smith,. 38 acres near Albany, flpr ; Jjautea ; l,; Hodesi ',and husband to-W. t Miner, tot bIx in blpck elxpiiobs addition, $125; .B'rS Hastings ana wire to tsertba Ji iJuotia, 320 acres - 'Bear- Corvallls" " $4,800 Louis F Wilkinson to S S Henkle, 256 acres efgnf mlle south of Corvallia $1,300. A party of Ight members of the Woodmen Circle at Philomath paid a surprise visit to the Gorvaiils odge of tne oraer Tuesday 'nignr. The -members, ef the latter , were found, btisy . en gaged at quilting for the benefit ol a member who recently ebffered - I6s3r by fire:-- The visitors whose names it was ppBslble to learn." wei;e,':' :Mrj? aftij Mrs Oray,:Mrs Scotti.MrsMQse-i and Mr8.p&i:tle?e.:i , i;i , . w-mls8 . Alixa-lfueller, .for-o love of iaw, BBoi nimseu .tne oiner .aay.- usea toiHye,tii,Portlai)d" .. Tnhrifig;;;.(jf lsai.ehe pubHshed -a -.weekly- paparsi which was" laiter-eoosoilidated iWitli;: the Muellers romantic. alliance wltb...tbe faoiPHs?.'! eejpera'dfff .S epek;! -'1 i-r.i :n'i".:ir.i:-v'r vma in-ji-'j' r - 'A.ulti:for;i 'divorce -haa, been brp'ugb't'4)yG;3.prgie 'I Miller, fagalaat bis .wife'. -X!y nt hla Hart -j Miller; The coupjej'w.erf .rairrlsd itf'Cpttf allis abotlt a year ago.t.The wife is a. daughter" of Mta Mflrt; bq tushrid declare?, that be and bls spouce have 1 not lived togetber as roaaVahd, :wife;" ,gldce last Febfuaryjv The proceeding is In the clrcuit court Pi "Polk: County. The preparation of the delinquent tax roll for final collectop.; of taxes, was completed .,1a ..IheTclerk's officf yesterday afternoon, and Is to ba pla ced lb the; banda of beff Burnett, along with a warrant iXor collection this 'riip.rnitig. Asfecent ly stated in the Times the delinquent taxes aggre gate ;bbly about $500 and the list Is the smallest by far. of any county in the' state. ' - v Wednesday's ;Eugene';OuaxdAt the meetiog of the city ' council last evening" the passed! j '.''Kesolved,- that -the- City Coundil of Eugene recommends . 'that all 8cbool cblldren tjtendjog tbje; pub lie schools of .the city who bave: noi been proetlyyaCclnted5 be -vaccina-1 ted without unnecessary : delay, aftu we also' recommend' that ?1all vpars one in the oity of Eugene -wbo have not been successfully vaccinated be vacci nated without delay." The city 1. au thorities are bound to exterminate every vestige of the noxious disease of varlloid Pr smallpox that now iu-7 feats the city.- i Quarantine., regulati-. ons wer6 printed - and . posted - about the city today and these will: be en forced to the latter by the, officers: Jt is to the interest of the -public that parents have their' children vaccina ted Immediately. o Li iuine arrivea xnursaay jWirlss Sabet&JtbVtrlie 02pnari maffjclassas accepted a poslt tfr. tae.Btonl8dr.Hg8tfereMatem.L , Mis j,- . . ss C Wnlef haac eoaplsyoJenJJ farevemth:ini$hSs)fHoe pf jluib arcernoon at cqe . xiome 01 Mies Eda Jacobs, .tbSLUHvWhW Miss Maud Sturgeon.ojL theQlas.s - of 02 Jliai)gT,prf8crIption8 iBirthe, drugstot o jif rtbet at iUppk v 9eTB';retoiie4adhr?': Oregon wtbere be tcok up af "home- TheT'irst 8pirItua'l4JaioB- ol .Card WiHjtejgjffiejpparrett Lyceum on SundMTatf1 .-1 j I Juj 1 1 f J - r v rrienas cordially. te&Vv Mrs J AtEfcench,'auohBsx cmHVi ana Mrs J JidftiStSEbaaJsaet her home at Enterprise Oregon after a couple of monfcheyfetjr" inJJjvafljj J sldemifratttffffsaOT "btrr lavfi yfwo more Portlandersjinadej, logson timber claims feeicleil officw yesterday. -Ihey "were: -delayed members of the Alsea party, and lo cated, on tracts la the , sme . vicinity as ipe otners. - --. i i '! -a -j .M-s.'-. '!- a -J -rJorvallls nieater goers are again dis8appointed by the JBbangs bfdaiff 6t the)ther Peoples Money'riCpmpany, TheShange was on account' of. Mr Leiyle being confined in a California boatal with erysipelas. . . . , -MarrIed at Mountain Dale Wash ingtop County Oregon Oct 22od at the jfesldence of the brides Bister Mrs x Aowei?,M.r i jr irennoim oiijin-4-iarorest crop. 1: eolnounty AofilSkUiafeiwn maff of Hlllsboro officiating. Twenty flveSrelatlyes and friends were present,. Mrund Mrs Treaholm: Will make their homjjiin LIncola County,,. ..ri , -Alrs Mary Whitby . Is '. rec.oyerjng fromhe effects of a slight wound ' in the Hm with a blackberry thorn .that for freeks gave her much trouble. The wound was in the back of the wrist. By accident fresh paint eotfctoits andte an effect of the resliantodsbM nlngjtbe arm swelled to hugepropor tlonsaB -5ftSvy3)aifjaJ.CIiaS be nursed forfoar WeettsTftdd if Btlrt Eehfaal re o w-in- prcsrc es:f ort uacKTa is Buuiiiy 10 proauce. xne narnf jwbejflut m -est m whb:bas thftlfcinb&SJalJhfl. iilasiJal: jroezmaster Johnson, and as e Is al wayajull of woes like catching trains that dont leave for-20 minutes - and sucb, :t may be expected that be will do thfrpart to per lection. AS the re heatgsls go on the members of the company are' -beginning - to believe that; the play ia as full of fine fun as anybat local -talent' ' has - produced, not excepting My Friend From India,.-.; No date for the . performance hasT&B'en fixed. -sWhile at work In bis steam laun dry's! five o'clock Tfaorsday afternpon CalEbompson bec'ame-JpTbattffte "hnd" wasZiatfcen home Jn - an , unconscious. con3i8bn; After "aTew hours' he" re; Vived'ut was confined most of the dayaiLhome, "The plant had been overwhelmed with laundry work, and earlyifi fefffiawuoiJble: TOdSb worried by the delays SAWorJjI day and nlghr reCaTaenrostraTeds I xne machinery in the plant Is now l pea out is nrsc ciass, ana ins not ex pected Iurtbur.;jtrjpuble. wlll, be Armmii' town- t.hnv -, nnopnlatft much on the question of how the foot-f ball. team will make it. this afternoon, in the game at Seattle. .The question Is much discussed, and' of course, a general axpresslonofhope- that the jOiegon boys may win, is made,- - It- Is a ract, however, that-there is a- gener al Absence of . confldene. .The news that the Washington, eleven -defeated an all Seattle team with a score of 31 to 0 has served to dsmbeifyior fand' shatter confidence. The fact that one of OAC's bestplayers could not go" is another sourbfi6fiddbiHI6en, too, so many of thb ieotregfafrs i&re new and that-tbey are - going against an old and experienced eleven tends to take-the stlgenlng out of tle"T55aT back, so to eoeak. However the Times believes the hfeme pys gfllf wio Its reliance is onltiBi fspllnfce oler bpld as a coacliT'andtne Buperb char acter of the men jn; the. tearn. . .. To Let on Shares ostiy tw5atri, Ajr - William Crees. .i -' -.4 Wood for Sale " ..T - - - r.- -.- t have 00 acres of timber land to" clear. Will sell wood in sturrm or cive wood for 1 . : , i. -.Tr- r 1 j . ' sh. 6?dlM Jvfestjf Coivfellisk? 'J l ! it r . .., Buy your red clover seed at ZierolPs. He has an excellent qualityi-' ' - - For Sale. '.- A choice residence at a greatly duced rate if soldjwittMn. 30 days, quire of 5 ' rA re- v U" A. Koniason - Corvallis. 5. - T' " W-" "Ss.k5v THE TTUCEulGH toe.rsSbwtng.totSb, of It-OB of - GentracXfoi; ext efop-iHf VejC -f. " 3,1 .Hf Xe growth, of yetqji: i5f is rattraift miVh att-ti otifr ,grwing. it fpn yeajsaift a$aasing beir aqreage.r.rJieaileniaqd for yM&jfa tbe .f-urpoagtos bad the tyanpevtefUdfiBtT, Most hae been--xhausted andrntill Qiffe iiKdmaiiiiiiorjfeilxort- on the buying, o secure ey nave several e next yeartsrol&at two and a quarter &nts peS pqwadj far as known L 00 coatiacts .have -.been made s price was aDout plz,v Pcr awcl med that vetch makes J65 unijsijr ousnei. JCwo Ijalf faTrri a nTTartPT flTidrtwo and cents per pound at which the isfefcd chajiged. hands earlierii Jjftvjer given place to. ' three,, tents r pbUnd."RiQhardKigef who raised a TOpdf ahout-ybo bushels, rSs Fhk.'reni.jaining stock at J?2 Jter bushel. : He has something over 'i oor Kiishels on hand. Johnjfen Porter, who threshed over (S5p feushels sold all he ' had to spe afid declined to contract his ltext years crop to Portland dealers. The tbCQMty Was It is probable that all the caugg3 of the demand are not knojji. Vetch has been demonstrated toe th"e most prolific and one of tie ti'y best hay irid- - silage cropsSn ;ther. country: -.Farmers wanit fer that purpose and that is e sdurce of tlie- demand. The prices, and the good crops realised :f,.sucQfarmf! as threshed vetjjh IbSs y&S) isasother. As a ttiffd it is said, though the statements o cffii SrifecC' ttafisd$is1i.wanfcel in i'ortiana ior snipmenr iiasr. Basteis-likvr: WmtersraFe tso t hplifvfri to he imnraf Hfahlf. axiTf laod buyej-Sr hjave been grutfdrfor5 ose of ?and have beengfr?r44e 1 f L -s, narniHrs tut i in iif r rtii i n7na Wtiuttf canifot be secured-ffi th Hultscanri'ot be secured ffi the pfb- uucuou ul vcitu sceu. .i.ui uiiiiy- lyitlJuldi,seeia--hat Easfeagi fatmers-will likely, have to biiy; "Seed elsewhere for their vetch. 7- It ishly a inatte J6f time, -of - coujser until they . wiU.learn the great; value or vetcn, ana especially hl the stock groyfing- sections will 5e?. 'quire vast quantities"", of seed. -STy is deemed possible that : somethitig like this may be the basis ior-a-j third cause for the present local isj manA aud the high prices incident &efet6.jR may not be however, for the fact of an Eastern demand ts -so far ' as known mere suppositioji,; There may never be such a .-things, It is a question for " the future flptprtnitv fms-i!; ; iconfeaut. ing' vetch fot seed, remains to be seen. It seemsxeutajfu.that there wm at least QRa !-.. . -f . , w ; . .1 - next year. The o: nd deal- ers to Contrac to augur the crop such a'conditi wall v-eli t nest hay or f silage in the worldjdthe most of it PasseigeVf'raiik.arly -Caugntici . r TI-ii--'-!.-ArTt Ramn JrATrfv.-1--. parentiy;; laeartage. " westsidf traiflr wMSwiftiy '-passing sojuth onIxti'tt3loftet thHs one was;M&nfo0e;-wTiere thje Oregonian,giaa3F3r thrown otf. The lad and -iaidozen others started to cross the track ahead e the train. He was ahead, "and as he reached Jfe$k track theJocomo they faulted at safe distance. But ttie leader pushed on. Bystanders near held their breath. The,, en gipeei; whs sfrtled? a the? j?u3den ajpfeiaiiice ofkhe bpf, anistl in realktthe wiatcher. &i Seiz ed the cord and blew a warning whistle. -O. he littler fellow;! how ever," 'managed to "safely pass, though persons ;wh6 saw the sight say that barely Haifa dozen feet of room wa-vfor the momant between itint a I frigtg;fiaf V&&Qfi f Tbe Iad Seep It up thCHextr "item' oil the subject may tell of a grave and tears.: , . z - . . - During footban'parade Friday even ingWaUham wach, silver case, open facyrf Suitable S e ward jtvllf be pid - for tsjrejurii. Hader plasljlavej atfl.rMEs office. ttfdEIFIl&enW is cerrS-? it n .hum. - 1- MA '01'-:' t ra,i-o-raT"--.-?si'iV"t LADIES WOOL r This i& one .waists ever btofttiti?t&V'.lQliy .rWe-hs iliein iii all Goibi'k anCpi'iM" fifi Tom 51 '-Jee to Spcial Sale Mens -Walking Skirls. ;;c.' -i' d. '.:. oA 5.- dozen lat : ? of rain Smvdd; Satarpay; T&ejy tftere bought at a; bargain and will be :sold at a bar . one dozen of a kind, but oz to.jph.poseC from.aici F ranging in )nc;fr6m$I.5'0;to $8 Many. oi tneso-.are exceptional values m-grad xiated'flouncesgeyeng Mstitching--on -thef'sealns,'' wifh infer ted plaiiln the naFe around bottom-i-Don t-believe this-; but "come i and -see 'for" yourself - TOP-EOUNSff OES -a .3sFj&as.ieprft,paic;sabMit them; Every";pair"old.;means ne"jfjlreh"( old-ones are.'prlQT.otli 77,' i -,--,7a4ft2Mde&CurintedlMS- t- - -- - s "5:; ji " -" ' ' S B. Knppenbelmer & Co. "' ... T.-".l A .J. -1C l .S p. 'America's Leading 10. ' C . 3 ;v -K2S. Clothe. Makert . . A -. ... . - '":" ' ' - fpjpt f : - -'.V-' : - 2'-.; tmmmmmmmmmammmmimaKmmmm' . sw 3cif33i7S t-li3 cadw . a-. 2orS ::icsmesana,weii ! -iijls-w ' st sis has so ; j "Dontifail to call and inspect t liia line l)e the prettifet liriS of i .'.'.i (lay sMrts" :r, --. r In - the - mind you, 5 no two alike r.fits .i iW"e y ou whd are with welt TJ r stoutf for -seven goreS; back, JbeltrJ -us r siioi bL?impder-JJIt. ' 'your'frgure for men 'aIwavs"i-5, never . Single-and double ibiir, button. -:-,Sr:': -flaeks.bluesr&o"w lutes, uytciuca.. r .; . . ,. - : Fashioned accordingtto tne ideas -of the lead- .... ... ing metropolitian; dress .- ii; ... Some-More : 1- 7 Kuppenheiiner's sistinff' Will ilfflerJ 'IiIJAVHU'l' i'it . . a '.r-.. frr-j ,E-- -o.isra'r-o ?--acon;9jl fashions bt today4he? absb.j , i luie-UuiTEuiueiss oi tne turset ls oi-vixai; lrnggrtange .Itk.Efl.e'.s either :make. or ;n&rihybeauty' of the smariljdesigned i gowns The W B Erect" Form fJorset carryr-'a fepeeial model- for1" slenderf for you " who" are youwhaarei '6T. -.xouget ,tn:e,;.one:par- i- . less?- Aplrwfeii .il:-rti zix ct i breasted wo,-Wre6Za:nd 5;; . ti plaids stnpe"srr-ink:- ,.. ... .. - critics.' ; !;7 7 'V $25.00 Some Less shaprefftintng;? weaVfreV; ,. - miner