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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1902)
IN GORVALLIS INTER-COLLEGIATE FOOTBALL GAME ON OA U FIELD THIS AFTERNOON. The Delinquent Tax List Is Only $500 Smallest in the State Fiacher Dam Completed Telephone Improvements. Good Roads. The dam across Mary's river for supplying water to the Corvallia Flouring mills, was completed Thursday. Its construction has been in progress nearly four months. It is, without doubt, one of the most complete structures of the kind in the country. In its con struction, nothing in thewayof ex pense, labor or material that would contribute to its durability has been spared or left undone. Its foundation and a part of the super structure are of solid concrete, in providing which, several car loads of cement were used. The foundation timbers, bolted aad girdled together in varied fash-J ion, are embedded in cement. The lower portion is perforated with a- ootit a dozen twelve inch pipes through which, by means of a gate, a large amount of water may be al Eowed to pass, whenever that course is aecessary to relieve pressure or prevent overflow. The dam has cost many thousands of dollars. In ats construction from half a dozen to a dozen men have been almost constantly employed. The work, from the beginning, has been di rected by August Fischer. Only $500 in taxe3 is delinquent a the jBenton couuty tax roll. Et is believed that the Benton coun ty sherifif has the smallest delin quent list in the state. The amount was figured out and the delinquent list tarned over to the county clerk for extension and preparation for final collection. For this purpose, about co days will be required, and , &ea the list, accompanied by a warrant will be put in the hands of ohenff Burnett lor final collection. Of the $000 delinquent, a large a mount is taxes on property which' the county has bid in at former tax ales. As a tax collector and as taxpayers, Sheriff Burnett and Ben ton county people are hummers. The totals of the sheriff's books ow that $55,000 in taxes was paid over the sheriffs counter between Feb. 17th and March 15th, that the total amount of rebate wasabout $i, 636; that the total amount of pen alties was about $ 150. County Judge Waiters returned Thursday from several days attend ance on the good Good Roads Con vention held this week in Portland trader tha auspices of tbe Good Roads commission sent out by the general government. The commis sion in its. visits to the various states of the Union, usually takes along ten carloads of machinery sand appliances for use in making to the conventions demonstrations of Sfee ' methods making best roads out of material at hand. This outfit was not brought to Portland on account of She season of the year, but was left In Utah, where it was last used. 2t is to come to Portland next year -when another Good Roads conveu tion will be held. Nearly every county in Oregon was represented in the late conven xtton, usually by the county judge, hut in some instances by the whole court. As a result a permanent organization, was affected, and much enthusiasm aroused. In a practical way, the commis sion set forth the fact of how to - build best roads. The first princi pel laid down was that drainage must be established. Next that where earth is thrown up it must he thoroughly packed with roller. SText that crushed rock is necessa ry for a perfect road. In adding crushed rock to a suitably prepar ed foundation there must be a layer of large rock, firmly packed by roll ing. Then a la57er of smaller rock, likewise packed by rolling. Then sx layer of rock siftings or saDd, sprinkled with water, and rolled. 'Gravel may bs used in road build imsr, but the commission declares crashed rock to be far better. The first inter -collegiate game of football on O A C field takes ailace at 2:o this afternoon. .It will attract a large crowd, because the local team has now been in training for nearly a month, and Corvallisites will want to see what iVind is to make. The game is between Willamette and O V,. and will unauestionably be an interesting struggle. Next Thursdav the local team leaves for Seattle to play the Uni versitv of Washington, lhe men will reach Seattle Friday forenoon, and have a dy'a rest.,, before ". the game, which takes place Saturday afternoon. Washington has a strong team, aud the local raenkre wonderina . what the game will have in store. COLLEGE NOTES In the department of music there are registered so far this year thirty students. Owing to the ex istence of the department during the previous year, they are more advanced than at that time. At present the conservatory of music is temporarily located at Cauthorn Hall. Director Goodnough receiv ed two new pianos last week for use of his classes. In all there are now ten pianos in constant use by the department of music and the college societies. Miss Minnie G Smith of Latour- elle Falls on the Columbia, re-en tered college last Monday. Miss Smith is the only lady member of the senior class who looks to farm ing as a life occupation, in fact she is the only lady member of the agricultural department in college hence her work has brought forth considerable favorable comment es pecially from visitors at the college, who seem to think that .the redemp tion of the overworked farm mav yet lie in the directing care of woman. ITS RAPID GROWTH The gang of telephone linemen, who have been making improve ments in the local system for two weeks, left Thursday, .some for Eugene and others for Portland. Much change in the local telephone arrangements, have resulted from their visit. Within two blocks of the office now, there are but two subscribers on a party line. With in five blocks, but four. A large lot of new phones were put in, swelling the number to near ly 180, a fact that evinces the rapid growtn 01 tne system, wnicn out a few months ago, included only 100 phones. Other improvements made were introduction of a new cable and enlargement ofthe switch board. The fiftieth anniversary of the admission of M Jacobs to the fra ternity was celebrated by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs,of Corvallis at Odd Fellows hall Tuesday night. There was a large attendance and the occasion was very enioyable. Mr Jacobs has been for many years a well known and progressive citi zen of Benton county and Corvallis, Wanted To purchase a first-class milk cow ad- dress, Box 5. Corvallis Oregon. Found, At Agricultural Hall Wednesday. A small key, ladies handkerchief and a small silver knife. Owners may secure same at Times office. , Estray Notice. Notice is hereby given that about the 1st day of August last, a three year old gelding, 16 hands high weighing about 120, being a mouse colored brown with a star in the forehead left the Vineyard pasture about four miles N W from Cor vallis. Reasanable reward will be paid for the return of said colt or information as to its whereabouts. ' Spencer Bicknuj,, Owner, Corvallis, Ore. 1 Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass by hunting or otherwise, on the lands of the undarsigned in Wells, Ben- on county. E. F- Wiles-. W. T. Wiles. John Writsman, Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby notified not to trespass by hunting or otherwise on the farm of the undersigned xn Linn county north of ferry landing. John Beach. Estray Sheep About 25 or 3O head are at my farm south of Corvallis. Came there a month ago. Marked with upper,, half slope in right ear. Owner call and pay charges and take them away. " Robert L Buchanan. CASTOR I A. .. For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bougi - Bears the) Signature of For Sale.' . A choice residence at a greitly re duced -rase if sold within 30 days. En quire of . G A.. Robinson: Corvallis. To Rent. A modern 10-room house, on . 7U1 .'& ackson sts. . . S,N. Wilkins. Notice to Homebuilders and Invest- Prosperity is all around us and money is seeking borrowers. Values of realty are reasonable and favorable opportun ities are'now at hand to make profitable investments. ; i I have realty for sale in all parts . of the city and county on suitable' terms Houses and lots sold on the. installment plan and loans made on farms on reason able terms. Houses and properties handled for residents and nonresidents, rents col lected, taxes paid, repairs made and Etrict attention given to handling pro. perty in all details Papers pertaining'to realty transactions of all descriptions carefully inade out and executed. If you have anything for sale, or want to buy a home on easy terms, call on me at once, and I shall endeavor to give you full satisfaction. Office Zierolf Building second slory W. A. WELLS. Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the countv treasurers office to pay . all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of April 3rd I902 Interest will be stopped on same from this date. Dated Corvallis, Oct nth, loo2. W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon. Buy your red clover seed at ZierolPs, He has an excellent quality. Estray Notice. ' From the undersigned at Corvallis Oregon, one bay mare, 6 years old, branded with Roman cross on left should er; weight about 1000 pounds; rope on when last seen, near Inavale. Eeward for return. A. K. Norwood. To Let onSShares Fifty head of good Cotswold ewep, mostly two years old last spring, Apply to William Crees. To Rent Five miles of Corvallis, large stock ranch, hay in three barns cheap for cash address, C H Hall. Corvrllis. Wood for Sale I have 5OO acres of timber land to clear. Will sell wood in stump or give wood for clearing ground, have fir, oak cedar and ash. , 5 miles west of Corvallis. PA Kline. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W H Brown, of Lees ville; Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant . relief and soon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep, soundly every night.' Like marvelous cures of Consump tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip proves , its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Graham & Wortham's drug store. Goes Like Hot Caks. "The fastest selling article I have in my store," writes Druggist C. T, Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, because it al ways cures. In my eix years of sales it has never failed I have known it to have Baved sufferers from Throat and Lung Dieease, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rely on it, besjt physicians prescribe it, and Graham & Wortham guarantee satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes, 50c and $1. Bears the i IB wnoi oil nave a ways roiigB Signature of gorvallis $ eastern R Cnne Card Ho 20. 2 ForYaquina: Train leaves Albany ...... .12 :45 p. m ' " Corvallis...... i:sop. m " arrives Yaquina.. , 5:3s p. m 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina 7:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany.. i:00 p. m Arrives Detroit 5:4o p. m 4 from Detroit: . Leaves Detroit............. 6:30 a. m Arrives Albany 11:05 a Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train.' Train 2 connects with the S P west side train at Corvallis and Albany giving dir ect service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany at l;o0 p. m. after arrival of S. P. south bound train from Portland, reaching De troit at P- m For further information apply to - Edwin Stonb, Manager J. Turner, Agent Albany H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. for Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought lias lorne tne signa ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you ia this. f Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger tbe bealth of Children Experience against Experiment. , The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For TMt CCWraURiCOlWPftNV, T7 CO Ilia ISA JLTV 9 to as high a standawasour desire ould promot us. but see that you make no mistake in the house that keeps the hig est standard of Groeer ies that is the place to BUY Fresb Fruits, fresh everything to be O) run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep wha'b tVIaq CA SAsihjsa n rSJLEfl If you are looking for some vreal good bar ains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches,, write for my special list or come and sea me. shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate loan and Insurance Philomath, Oregon. mm mi m ISS Strictly U J. D. Mann & Co are receiving Car Loafl" Lots ol Furniture For fall trade, and are now able to show a fine line of Filure, Carpets anfl Stoves Largest assortment and best bar- gains ever Signature of Over 30 Years. WUHBUY 8THEET, NEW YORK CITY. fW IMri O) flAV JLIW Frcsb Utgetablts, ) had in the market. We J 5 ) you want and to fSill tTif GOP ..14 - WW ell is Than we charge for repairing you PAY TOO MUCH: ' If you pay Jess you don't get your work done right. . We do our Watch, Clock and. Jewelry repairing j as well as it can be done and our price are right for first class - work. . When was YOUR watch cleaned last? Better have it examined how! You may save your self considerable expense later on. A full line of Watches, Clocks, Jewel ry and Optical Goods. Call and See PRATT The Jeweler and Optician. p to Date! offered. " ' Executor's Sale of Real Property. Notice Is hereby given in . rursuance of the provisions of tne will of Jobn Wiles, deceased, directing the undersigned executors ot said nill to sell at private bale the real estate here inafter described : said will having been execu ted by said John Wiles on the 23id day of April 1S00, and filed and admitted to probate In the County Court of Benton County In the State ol Oregon, on the 9ih day of September, 1902, and recorded on pages 52-53-and 64 of Book D oE recordsof wills of said couuty, we, the said ex-. ecutors, will proceed to sell at private sale from and after Friday, the" ln day of November. 1902, lor cash in hand at time of said .sale, the 1 real property belonging to said estate, des cribed as follows, towit: Notification No 4146 surveyed and designated as lots three, four, five and six, the norta halt of the southwest quarter and the south west guarterotthesoutnwest quarter of Section six in lownshlp ten south of Kange lour west, auft lots one, two. and three and the nor.h east quarter of the south east quarter ol Section one in Township ten south of iiauge five west in the district of lands subject to sale at Oregon City. Oregon, containing a25.73 acres of land in Pout County, Oregon. This land being incorrectly described in the will o said deceased as fol lows to wit: Beginning 29:00 chains S. and 8:23 chains E from the quarter section corner on tha S. side of S 36 tn T 9, S it 6 VV, Willamette Merldan, thence E 8o 00 chains, thence 8 40! 00 chains, thence W SO: 00 chains, thence N. 40:00 chains to the place of beginning containing three hundred and. twenty acres of lnd. Also, all that certain piece Or parcel of land lying in Polls County, State of Oregon, and known and described as follows, towlc: being a part of Section tlx, beginning at the south west corner of claim sixty four thence running east one hundred and three rods, thence nortn one hundred and forty rods, thence west one hundred and three rods, thence south one hun dred and forty tods, tothe place of begluning. lying and beinsr in Section six, Township ten. south Kange four west, Willamette Aleridan, and being a part of Notification No 1762, and containing 90 acres in Polk County, Oregon. Also the following described real estate; Be. ginning at the soutneast corner of G w . Dew eese Donation Land Claim and the 8 W corner of C Culp claim said point of beginning being ia Benton County, Oregon, running thence west nineteen chuins and seventy one links, thence north fltty otie chains, thence east twenty four chains, thence south fifty chains to the place of beginning containing llo-75-loo acres of land situated in Benton and Polk Counties in the State of Oregon said sales to take place at the office of Walter T Wiles said executor in C orvullis, Oregon, and at the farm of Edward F Wiles, executor, in Benton County, Oregon. Said sale of said real property to be made subject to the confirmation Dy said County Court ol Benton County, Oregon. Dated this the 11th dayof October, 19o2. Walter t. wiles, EDWABD F. WILEo, . Executors. Summons. , In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton Couuty, J . C. Taylor'and Paulina Kline, plaintiffs, versus Abigail Elliott, and Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased. If any such tnere be, whosa names are to plaintiffs unknown, defendants. To the Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased, if any such there be whose names are to nlain. tiffs unknown, defendants above named . in the name of the state of Oregon, you ro hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiS' In the the above entitled suit In the above entitle,! court sow on file In the office of the clerk of said court on or before the last day ol the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this sum mons, made by the couuty judge ot Benton couuty. state of Oregdu, being the county where the above enti led suit Is penditi g In the circuit court of said county and state which said order is hereinafter referred to, towit, on or betore sift weeks from tbe day of first publica tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that If you .fail so to appear and answor the said com plaint as herein required, or want thereof the Plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in the said complaint namely for a decree determining all adverse claims in and to Block 27 in the County Addi tion to the town ot JMarysvuie, iormeriy, but now changed to Corvallis, Benton countv, Ore gon, forever baring and enjoining defendants from asserting any claim wnatever in audto said real property and declariug said plaintiff J C Taylor to be the owner in fee simple of lots 1, 2 and 3 in said Block 27 and plaintiff, Paulina Kline, to be the owner in fee simple ;of lots 4, 5, & 6 iu said Block 27 and for such further and different relief as lo the court may seem equit able. ' '. '': This summons is published in the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and con- secetive weeks, beginning with the issu of oct- uobr 11, 1902, an! ending with the issue of Nov ember 22. 1902. under and in pursuance of the directions contained in an order made by the Hon Vireil E Walters, County Judge of Benton County, Oregon, being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the above en titled circuit court, dated October 8, 1902. Date of first publication hereof is October 11. 1902. , J, H. WILSON, E. E . WILSON, Attorneys for Plalutiils, Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of regon for Benton County, Cora E Baker, plaintiff, versus Jame3 n Baker defendant. . . ; To James H Baker, the above named aeiena- ant- - In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are herebv summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file in tbe offi-je of the clerk of sid court on or before lhe last day of the time pre scribed in the order tor publication of this sum mons made by the County Judge of Benton Couuty, State ot Oregon: being thecounty where the above entitled suit is pending in the Cir cuit Court of said county and state which saifl order is hereinafter referred to, towit, on or before six weeks from the date of first publi cation hereof and yon are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear ana answer tne saia com Dlaint as herein require-', for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for thA relief demanded ill her said complaint namely, for a decree of divorce from the said defendant forever dissolving the marriage con tract existing between the plaintitl and said de fendant, and that, she be decreed the custody and care of Paul Baker, a minor child, the issue of said marriage and for such further and dif ferent relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons Is published in the Corval'tis Times once a week for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the Issue, of October 11, 1U02, and ending with the issue of November 22, 1902. under and in pursuance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon Virgil E Watters, County Judge of Ben ton county, Oregon being the county where the above entitled suit is pending in the above en titled circuitcourt, duted October 8, 19J2. Data of first publication hereof is October 11, 1902. E. E. WILSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benti u county, E A Holeomb, plaintiff versus L W Holcomb, defendant. : ' i To L w Holcomb tne nerenaant, aoove namea In the name of the State of Oregon- You are hereby summoned and required to appear In the above entitled court at tne court room thereof in the City of Corvallis, Benton County State of Oregon on or before Monday the 21th day of November 1902, it being the 'rst day ol the next regular term of said Court and to ansj wer to plaintiff's complaint now on file in this.' suit in said court and if you fall so to , appear and answer for want thereof the plalatifr will apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in the comnlaint. towit, for a decree annulling the marriage contruct now existing between the , said plaintiff and defendant and lor the costs and disbursementsl n said suit. This summons is published by order of the Ttnn virtrll E Watters- judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton COnnty made on the 2nd day of Oct, 1902,andtobepublished for siv consecutive weeks and in seven issuesof the Corvallis Times and the date of the first pubUca- tion thereol to be uctooer , imz . w, a Aicr-aaaen ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Executor's Notice to Creditors have been appointed by the lait will of John Wiles, deceased, as executors of said will and . i v. . t i - . . . t . . .i..i i-.f TJnTitnn estate, auu aibu uj wia v.vj l j o n.. County In the Slate of Oregon. All personshaving claims against said estate, with proper vouch ers duly verified, will, present them to the un dersigned executors at the office of said Walter T Wiles at Corvallis In said county. m TIT . r IKrn t WTI.PB. fnnriir. v n'r r. r a. - J Executors of the last will and estate ol John Wiles, deceased. r- v ;