IN GORVALLIS OUXG GIRL IS BELIEVED TJ BE TIUTIM OF; FEMALE SWINDLER. Invested Savings in Scheme Two Weeks Ago and-Now Waits Developments First Foot Ball Game Other Local News A female swindler who makes it her business to bunco women and r young girls has attracted much at tention in Willamette Valley towns of Tate. She has apparently been in Corvallis. Miss Ida Van iioosen, who resides in the same block and im mediately west of the F. L. Mil ler residence invested $15 in the scheme of a strange woman who called two weeks ago, and up to the present has received nothing of the many good things promised in re turn. The stranger introduced her ae7F as "Mr?. Yelton. She claimed to be general manager of a book concern and said she was out to. ap point district managers who were in turn to establish agencies. She told a Tine story and Miss Van Hoosen decided. to invest. The stronger required $15 to be advanc ed sit u guirantee of good faith, and Miss Vau Hoosen complied. The sum was the total of the lat'er's savings in the hop held. It was paid out and a contract signed, j&iss Van Hoosen has tince been "watching the mails for supplies and instructions with which to b?gin work, but friends are now convinc ed that the things expected will never arrive. The same woman endeavored to pnrsuade Miss Lettie Wicks to in vest in -the scheme. She called tbere'and related an elaborate story- She told the family that she. was earning $2,500 per year, and if reports current are true, her statement is probably correct. Some women who operated in the same way was at Brownsville and other Willamette towns. The scheme worked is identical with that reported from other places. The mystery is that with the news papers telling of her operations peo ple continue to become victims. It is a fact, however, that th re are those who teach that newspapers ought not to be read. Monday's Or goeian tells th9 following etory tbat is pertineqt to the above facts: "The police received a circular yesterday from F.' V. Myers, com missioner of the state bureau of la- bor statistics, San Francisco, Cat. , .giving a warniog concerning the probable visit to Oregon of a Mrs. Nelson, whose business methods in getting $7.50 from young girls, has drawn upon her tne criticism of the Saa Francisco police. . It is stated that Mrs. Nelson advertises herself ' as the agent of an Eastern publish ing house, and states that ehe wants yottng girls-as solicitors to take or ders for her firm's publications, and after 30 days' preparatory work to take positions on the" road as "field managers." One important part of the agreement la that the applicant for the position deposits with Mrs. Nelson $7.50 as a guarantee of good faith. Mr. Myers, states that 'ihe applicant 13 asked to sign a contract embodying these conditions, and that there is no'possible chance that the applicant can ever fulfill the work called for. Mr. Myers thinks that the contracts in question are so ingeniously worded as to avoid legal entanglement, and he had one interview with Mrs. Nelson in which she promised to -refund one , sum of $7.50 f about which a com plaint had been filed. About that time, however, she left San Fracisco without giving, her future address. It is thought that she may have j come to Oregon. . " Sporting Incidents - In the. past week a uumber of sporting incidents out of the ordi dary have occurred in' this vicinity. Elsewhere will be noted the ac count of Charley Belyeu's capture of a China pheasant on the main street of Corvallis. Telt Burnett also tells - about having " slipped up on .and catching atwo-thirds grown pheas that imagined itself securely- hid- 'den, but when he und ertook , to place the bird in bis hunting coat with the view of . taking it home alive, it gave a-tremendous flop and escaped Telt's clutches. The bird sailed out of range before the hun ter could bring his gun to bear. Chief : Alexander has a somewhat similar story to tell. He states (and it i verified) that he walked up to withirt. three feet of a bird which he saw ir hiding, v '. He was sure he could pounce v upon it and secare it alive, but he deemed it a sportsmanlike act to flush the bird and shoot. -; Accordingly with his foot he hustled the pheasant into ' flight. Both barrels of Alexander's gun were discharged at the rapidly trying vjmnai dut. it neiu us conrse withont interrupt on. Of course the hunter's excuse is that the bird was in too close range when the shots were fired. While T. W. Dilly and Chester Simmons were. fishiDg on Mary's river a . few days ago, a China pheasant flew rapidly . by them. Chester struck at it with hU fishing pole and entangled the bird in the line. Both Dilly and Chester made a desperate scramble to capture the bird, but although it seemed to be crippled, it finally made its escape. Now comes J. M. Cameron and son Tommy, wbojdepose and say that while hshing on Woods Creek last week they came upon a freshly wounded deer which had but re cently sought the stream and' was in -the throes of death. - Sunday last while George White- sides and a companion were hunt ing pheasants a short distance a- bove the Corvalli3 Mills dam, they discovered a deer standing in the water. It was so near that a charge of bird shot was sufficient to kill it. It is supposed that the animal had been chased by hounds during the day. - First Football Game . The first foot ball game of the season was played at - OAC field Saturday afternoon. It was be tween the first and second teams, and was in the ; presence of 300 spectators. The game was called promptly at the three o'clock. Major Ed wards acting as referee, and Charles Small, officiating as umpire. , Amid a cloud of dust, - the second team kicked off, and the ball was re turned for 10 yards.- After gain ing their distance on severaL con secutive downs, the first team lost the ball on a fumble. The second team carried the ball down the field for five yards, but failing on the next three plays lost on dowxis. Several times the first team men broke through the line, always to be brought to the ground by Rine hart, the " plucky quarter of. the second team. . " . The-ball exchanged . hands sev eral times with but little gains on either side and was at last-- forced over by the first team for a touch down. The work during the rest of the first half was probably the best of J the game. The first team men had become steady, and had lost the --, . nervousness with which they began the struggle. The play of the second team men was fast and furious, but the weight of the first team was not to be overcome by the " swiftness of their antagonists. - - , . The first half ended by the ball being forced across for , the second touchdown by the first team. The intermission between halves was spent by washing mud from the players' mouths, who had in haled dust from the field to such an extent that their palates, if exten sive enough, would have made ex cellent summer fallow for a crop of wheat or vetch . In the second half the second team kicked off and after small gains tne ball was sur rendered to the first team, and from then on until the end of the game long end runs and brilliant , line plunges came-in rapid succession. The superior weight and endurance of the first team, men continued to count." Several substitutes replac ed men in the second team, but the scoring could not be denied the first team. Time and time again they crossed the goal line for touch downs until the - gong, closed the half, and the game. - V Both teams played good fjall, but were slow at times, and showed lack of that precious experience which can only be gained on the field with other ' colleges, and which OAC feels keenly now on account of inaction on the gridiron in the past two years. As to the individual work of the men it showed conscientious train ing, a will and determination to do the best possible under such handi caps as are present. Men, who three weeks ago had never touched a football, could not be expected to play the game as do experienced players. If the improvement is as great for the rest of the seasson as it has been up to the present OAC will have a nucleus around which to build a championship team for next year. His Birthday , On Sunday, October 12th, a dinner was given at the Henkle home in honor of their son Arthur's 25th birthday. v. Also :in honor of E F Snyder's return to . Corvallis. He came here about ; a year ago. He accompanied his- - mother to Iowa last July: Two short months was sufficient for him. hence 'his return to Corvallis. Ernest Trindal from Des Moines, was present. He is here for an indefinite period. He may locate. ... Grant's PaBS, Oct. 11. A snow white dser, the kind that the fairy books and old hunters -tell about, nearly 2, 000,000, -and its' purpose is was killed in the woods of Cow Creek Canyon and brought to this city 3'esterday by G. YW Donnell. Mr. Donnell killed the deer the ev ening before while waiting forthe train at "West Fork. The deer is like all others. of its kind so far as its general shape and build is con cerned, but the remarkable feature of it is its color. Its hair is a pure . white and its eyes are pink. The animal corresponds in thi3 respect to the Albinos of the African . raoe of mankind. ' .- ' Many old Southern Oregon hun ters who saw the carcaes of the freak deer claim that they have never seen anything of the kind be fore in the Southern Mountains; however, they d clareCtbat" . such deer have been known at times in various parte of the country, but are very scarce : and but seldom seen. " -. '" , - v Mr. Donnell says that the freak was with tfo ; ordinary deer, and had it not been for this be would not have shot it, as he would not have known it to be a deer. It pre sented a very striking appearance with its snow-white coat. The car cass o'f the deer was sent .to Port land last night to aa expert taxid ermist for mounting,, ; V When you wake up with a bad bad taste in your mouth, go at once to Graham & Wells' drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. One or two doses will make you well. Tbey also cure biliousness, sick headache and constipation. - 'roiessionai. W. T. ROWLEY M. D. Homeopathic Phjrsiciap, . Surgeon and oculist Office Rooms 1 -2 Bank Bldg. Residence on 3rd et between Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or. Resident Phone 311 Offlse nDurs 10 to 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to7:30 p m DR W. H. HOLT Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consul tation and examinations free. Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m 1 to 5:45 p. rn." Phone 235. L. G. ALTMAN, M. D : Ilomcopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Keel dence cor 3rd and Harrison ets Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P.M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Photie residence 315. T H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor. 5th & Jefferson Sts. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m to 4 p.m. Orders may be left at "Gra am St W ortham's Drugstore. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon. Office: Room 14, Bank Building. , Office Hours - - 10 to 12 a. m. - V 2 to 4 p. m. G. R. FARE, Aj PHYSICIAN, STJKGEON & OBSTETICIAN Residence In- front ol court house facing St. Office hours 8 to S a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to S, Srd V COBVALLI3 OREGON J. P. Huffman Architect Office la Zlerolt rom 8 to 5." Building. H:mr Corvallis Orego Abstract of Title Conveyancing 3oscpb E. Onisori A ttorncy-At-La w Practice in all the courts. Notary Public - Office in Burnett Brick. E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE- Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg Notary Public. . E. E. WILSON, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW Office ia Zlerlolf 's building. . K Bryson,. Attorney -M-Law. . POSTOFFICE BUILDING fiflB.r.rt - Itie Kind You Have Always BsugK ;,. of 77.. .-a- : for infants " The Kind Yon Have Always Bought has borne the'signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal, supervision . for. over SO years.' Allow no one ' . r - to - deceive . you in this Counterfeits Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. . The Kind You Haye Always Bought Bears the THt CCNTAUK COMPANY, TT C SI In Use For to. as high a slandawasour desire'ould promot us. but see that you make no mistake in - . ' the house that keeps the hig- : . v est standard of Grocer ies that is the place to BUY Frcsb Fruits Fresb Uegetables, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and -our aim is to keep whav you want and to " . : please. Call and see : Bortifng ) Co o) 1 m 3 VtJ MS If you are looking for some real good .bar ains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches, write" for my special list or come and sea me. shall take pleasure in giving you ail the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. HENRY AMBLER, ' -" - Wl Estate loan and Insurance Philomath, Oregon. m Organs Now Ready For Sale . Ranging from 45 to $125. "Will be sold on easy pay ments. 1 All organs guaranteed 10 years. uall on or ad dress R. M. CRAMER at organ lis, Oreg on 5tieB e m BiiBijB Wm 11 11 in J i-3-, I . I have a nice lot Of buggies completed ready for sale. The finest of the- season and in mountain hacks ready for sale. save money by buying goods standi the- hardships of the , Oregon Co. ; ; Cheap goods are dear at any price, Our method isto putout good goods at a reasonable price. Call on .or address , r: and Children Signature of Over 30 Years. MUHHW STHECT. NEW YORK C:TV. T n ) o) o) ) m 3 vims isisia andpamage factory Corval , : ;' ' . ' about 2 . weeks I -will have Any one wishing either will that are 'guaranteed and ;, will R. M. Cramer Corvallis, Oreson; Executor's Sale of Real Property. , Notice Is hereby given in ' pursuance of the provisions ot the will ol John WUesr deceased, directing the undersigned executors oj said, will to sell at private sale the real estate here lnutter described : said will rTavlng been execu ted by said John Wiles on the 23rd day of April 1900, and filed and admitted to probate la- the County Court of Benton Caunty In the State or recorded on pages 52-53-aud SlofBjokO of records of wills of said county, we,, the said ex ecutors, will proceed to sell at private sale from riTr. t v . r "lu UJ ovemDsr, 1902, for cash in hand at time of asld sale, the reul property bolongiug to said estate, des cnbed as follows, towit:- 5ifi.?.ation,No 4116 saoyed and designated as Jots three, four, five and six,' the north half Af tria finnlhiv.c. . Bvuvunco. iiuuLwr BUU in SOUtn WOSt quarter of the soutnwest quarter of Section six in Township ten south of Kange four west, and lots one, twj.and throb and (be north east quarter of the south east quarter of Section one j v suiuu oi uDge nve west lu the district of lauds subject to sale at Oregon Cltv. County, Oregon. Thl land being incorrectly described in the will of said deceased as fol lows towit: . ,-.. Beginning 29:C0 chains S. and 8:23 chains E from the quarter sectloncorner on the S. side of S 36 in T 9, S K 5 W, Willamette Meridau, thence E SS 00 chains, thence S 40:00 chains, thence W S0:00 chains, thence N. 40:00 chains to the place of beginning containing three hundred and twenty acres of lmd. Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land lying in Polk: County, State of Oregon, and known and described as follows, towit: being a part of SecUon tlx, beginning at the soutn w est corner of claim sixty four thence running east one hundred and three ods, thence norttt one hundred and forty rods, theuce wjst one hundred and tnree rods, thence south one hun dred and forty :ods, tothe place of beglu'ulnir. lying and beiujf in Section six. Township tea. noma Range tour west, Willamette Meridau and being a part of Notification No 1762, anil containing 90 acres In Polk County, Oregon. Also the following described reul estate; Be. ginning at the southeast come of G W Dew eese Donation Land Claim and the S W corner of C Culp claim said point of beginning being in Benton County, Oregon, running thence west nineteen chains and seventy one llnki, thence north fifty one chains, theuce east twenty four chllinft. thpniv fifillth rlftv hain. .a .. i - j w mc uiauo Af npcr!nnini7 (Vintoinina lln TX - e land situated in Benton and Polk Counties in ic omit; ua vreguu saia sales to take mace at th.Atri.. nt rn TUTIIa 4 . . v.v v. .1 a uoi eoiix executor in Corvallis, Oregon, and at the farm of Edward P Wiles, executor, in Benton County, Oregon. Said sale of said real property to be made"subject to the confirmation Dy said County Court ot Dated this the 11th day of October, 19o2. 1 ' i WALTER T. WILES, EDWAKD F. WiLKS, . ' . Executors. ' Summons. ' In the Circuit Court of the Stats of Orno-An Ta- Bentou County, 0 C. Taylor'and Paulina ' Kline, plaintiffs versus Abigail Elliott, and Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased, if any such there be, whose names are to plaintiffs unknown, defendants. To the Heirs of Hiram J. Elliott, deceased, " if any such there be whoso names are to plain tiffs unknown, defendants above named . In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and rtquired to appear and " answer the complaint of the plaintirl' in the' the above entitled suit In .the above entitle court now on file In the office of the clerk of said court on or before the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of this sum mons, made by the county judge of Benton county, state of Oregon, being the countv waere the above enti led suit is neurlini? in th. circuit court of said county and state which biu orcer is nereinatter reterrea to, towit, on or before six weeks from the dav of first r,nhn. tion hereof, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answor the Raid com plaint as herein required, or want thereof ihe plaintlrt' will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in the said complaint namely for a decree determining all adverse claims in and to Block 27 in the County . Addi tion to the town of Marysville, formerly, but now chnnaed to Corvallis. Benton countv. Ore. gon, forever baring and enjjininsr defendants frim asserting any claim wnataver iu und to said real-property and declaring said plaintiff J C Taylor to be the owner in fee simple oi lots 1, 2 and 3 in said Block 27 and pi ilntiff, Paulina Kline, to be the owner in fee simple otlots 4, 5, '. & 6 in said Block 27 and for such further and different relief as lo the court mny seem eqult- ' able. Tins summons Is published in the Corvallis Times once a week for six successive and con- secetive week, beginning with trie issus of Oct- uobr 11. 1902, an i ending with the issue of Nov ember 22, 1902, under and in pnrsuinco of toe directions contained in an order made by the lou Virgil E Wa'.tars, Cjunty Judge of Benton County, Oregon, being the county where the above entitled suit is pending iu the above en titled circuit court, dated ODbjr 8, ViOl. Date of first publication hereof li Ootobsr 11. 1902. is. nuuiATt, . J, H. WILSOK, E.E.WILSON, Attorneys for Plolntlils, Summons. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of regoa for Benton County, Cora E Baker, plaintiff, versus James H Baker defendant.- To James H Baker, the above named defend- . ant- lu the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby summoned and reqnired to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the ; above entitled suit in the above entitled court now on file in the offi;eof the clerk ot S lid court on or before the last diy of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of thta sum mons made by the County Judge of Benton County, State of Oregon, balng thecouuty where the above entitled suit is pending in the Cir cuit Court of said county and state which said order is hereinafter referred to, towit, on or before six weeks from the date of first publl- ., cation hereof and yon are hereby notified that " if you tan so to appear ana answer me saia com plaint as herein require- , for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief demanded in her said complaint namely, tor a decree of divorce from the said defendant forever dissolving the marriage con tract existing between the plaintia and said de fendant, and that she be decreed the custody and care of Paul Baker, a minor child, the issue of said marriage and for 8U3h further, and dit- ferent relief as to the court may seem proper. This summons is pubusnea in tie uorvauis fines once a week for six successive and con secutive weeks, beginning with the issue of October 11, 1902, and ending with the issue ot NbVe nber 22, 1902. under and in pursuance of the directions contained In an order made by the Hon Virgil E Watters, County Judge of Ben-" ton county, Oregon being the county where the above entitled suit Is pending In the abovj en titled circuit court, dited Ostober 8. 1902. Date of .first publication hereof U October 11, 1902. . Attorney tor Plaintiff. Summons- In I t.h r frenft Onurt of the State of Oregon for Benti n county, ' - - K A Holcomb. Dlaintlff versus L W Holcomb, defendant. To L W Holcomb the defendant, aoove nameu. In the name of the State of Oregon- You hereby summoned and required to appear in tne aoove enuuen court l me wmi. n... thereof in the City of Corvallis, Benton County State of Oregon on or before Monday the 24th . . . i tnn 4. V.r.inf. 1 ha -'ict- AAV AT day tne next regular term of f aid Court and to ans-. to plalntiii's complaint now on file ia this;f trnu fil of) tl) fln03Rr wer suit ana answer lor wau iiiotovA wo . apply to the said court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, towit, for a decree ; annulling the marriage contract now existing between the said plaintiff and defendant andior the costs and disbursementsl n said suit. This summons is published bvordr of tho Hon Virgil E Watters- ju Jge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Benton COnnty made on the 2nd dy of Oct, I902,andtobepublished for six consecutive weeks and in seven issuesof the Corvallis Times and the date of the first publica tion thereof to be October t, 19 g MrFft(Won -Attorney foi Plaintiff. Executor's Notice to Creditors lt...: t KawnKv nrimo that' t.ilA nrfdOTSigaed have twem appointed by the lint will of Joto; Wiles, aecensed, as executors of said will an, estate, and also by the County Judge of Benton . Countv In the State of Oregon.All personshaylng claims against said estate, with proper vouch V . . ... . i .in thointn the lin ers amy YeriUL'U, TtlLl tiiwuuv - , ,T. , - - . dersigned executors at the office of said Waller uorv " "l-oa'Vrr"ir. W.r.n. - - Edward F. Wiles. "Exocutorsottholast will and estate ot John Wiles, deceased. - - .