The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 27, 1902, Image 4

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    . Sheriff's Sale.
; By virtue of a warrant issued out of the
Cpunty Court o the State ot Oregon for
the County of Benton, to the Sheriff of
said County, directed, commanding the
said Sheriff to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpayers named
oh the delinquent tax roll for said county
for the year 1S97. thereto attached, end if
none oe louna, men upon me real prop
erty, as set forth and described iu the said
delinquent tax roll, or so much thereof as
shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged
therein, together with the costs and ex
penses, I have duly levied, having been
unable to find any goods or chat loin be
longing to tne respective delinquent here
inafter named, upon the following-described
pieces or parcels of hind. us set
forth in said tax list, lying und belnir In
said Benton County, State of Oregon de-
seriDea ana assessed as toiiows:
George S. Coe. Trustee.
Depot Grounds
Beginning at SW. corner of block S3,
Avery's Addition. Corvallis, said block be
ing between Sixth street, Adams street
extension of seventn street, and Washing
ton street; thence !.'. Tu deg. SO min. W
on a line parallel with N. boundary line
if Jefferson street S30 feet; thence at right
iivgles S. 19 deg. SO mill. V. 510 feet; thence
S. TO deg. 30 min. K. S30 feet: thence N.
IS deg. 20 min; thence K. 510 feet to be
ginning, section 2. T. 12, K. 5.
College Hill Property
Beginning at JsY. corner of D. L. C. ot
J. C. Avery and wife, run S. 42 rods along
W. line of said D. L.. C: thence N. 824
deg. z.b! rods; thence i, 40 rode:
thence N. SSs deg. E. 68 rods; thence N. 2
rods to N. line of said D, U C; thence S.
SSVfc deg. W. 140.SS .rods to beginning, 19.92
acres. T. 11 and 12, ti. a. 20 acres.
Lot 5, 10 acres, section. 25, T. 12, R. 5.
Lot 1. 10 acres, section 35. T. 12. R. 5.
. W. of NE. E. Yz of NW. Vi of NW. Yi,
120 acres, section 3, T. 11, R. 6. SE. Yi,
XE. Yi of SW. Yi. 200 acres, section 3, T.
11, R. 6. Lots 3 and 1. 27.S4 acres, sec
tion 5, T. 11, R. 6; lots 1 and 2, N. Yz of
SW. Yi. 119.87 acres, section 7, T. 11, R. 6.
Lot 4, 28.76 acres, section 9, T. 11. R. 6.
N. Yz of NE. 14, NW. Yi. E. of SE. Yi.
S20 acres, section 11, T. 11, R. 6. E. of
NE. Yi, 80 acres, section 13. T. 11, R. 6. Lot
5, SE. of NW. Yi, 47.72 acres, section
15. T. 11, R. 6. N. Yz of SE. , NE. Yi of
SW. Yi, lots 3 and 4, and N. Yz, 500 acres,
section 19, T. 11, R. 6. Lot 1, 6.9 acres,
section 21, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4 and
5, 60 acres, section 27, T. 11. R. 6. Lots
1. 2. 3. 4. 6, 8. 9, NW. Yi of SE. . NE. Vi
of SW. Vi. 110 acres, section 19, T. 10, R.
6. W. fractional Y. 300 acres, section 19,
T. 10. R. 6. Lot 2, SB. Vi of NE. Vi, SE. Vi.
239.58 acres, section 27, T. 10, R. 6. Lot
3. SW. Vi of SE. V't, and W. fractional Yz,
334 acres, section 31, T. 10, R. 6. Frac
tional S. Yz, fractional W. of NW. Vi,
W. Yz of E. Y of NW. Ji, 450.70 acres, sec
tion 3. T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5, frac- j
tional NW. Vi of NE. Yi, fractional N. Yz
of NW. Yi, 10 acres, section 5, T. 11, R. 6.
. SW. 14 of NW. Yi. W. Yz of SW. Yi, 306.10
acres, section 5, 1. 12, R. 6. Fractional
section, 636.38 acres, section 7, T. 12, R. 6.
Lots 1 and 2, SW. 233.78 acres, section
9, T. 12. R. 6. Lot 1, NE. Yi 01 SE. Vi, S.
Yz of SE. Yi, 130 acres, section 15, T. 12,
R. 6. Lot 4. 32.14 acres, section 27, T. 12,
R. 6. SW. Yi of NW. Yi, NW. Yi of SW.
Vi, section 29, T. 12, R 6. Fractional NW.
Vi, W. Yz of NE. Vi, 255 acres, section 31. T.
12, R. 6. SW. Yi of NW. Yi, E. Yz of SW.
V4, W. Vi of S3. Yi, 209 acres, section 33,
T. 12, R. 6. Lots 1 and 2, 70 acres, section
35, T. 12, R. 6. Lot 7, 17.80 acres, section- 3.
T. 13, R. 6. E. Yz fractional NW. Yi. N.
of SW. Yi- 555.36 acres, section 5, T. 13, R.
R. S. Y2 of SE. Yt of SW. Yi, 160 acres, sec
tion 3, T. 10, R. 7. S. Yz of NE. Yi, S. Yz
of NW. Yi. S. Yz, 480 acres, section 5, TV 10,
R. 7. Fractional section, 679.16 acres, sec
tion 7. T. 10, R. 7. All of 640 acres, sec
tion 15. T. 10. R. 7. SW. Y 160 acres, sec
tion 17. T. 10, R. 7. Fractional section,
673.58 acres, section 19, T. 10, R. 7. All of
640 acres, section 23, T. 10, R. 7, N. , SE.
: Yi, N. of SW. Yi, 560 acres, section 27,
T. 10. R. 7. NW. Vi of NE. , E. of
NE. Yi, SE. Yi of SW. Yi. NE. Yi of NW.
Yi. 200 acres, section 29,. T. 10, R. 7. W. Y
at NW. Yi, W. Yz of SW. Yi, NE. Vi of SE.
Yi, 400 acres, section 29, T. 10, B. 7. NW.
V4. SE. Yi, E. Yz of SW. Yi, 550 acres, sec
tion 33, T. 10, R. 7. Fractional N. Yz, SE.
Yi, E. of SW. Yi, 555.84 acres, section 1,
T. 11, R. 7. W. Yz of NW. Yi, 80 acres,
section 5, T. 11, R. 7. Fractional NW. Vi
of W. Yz of NE. Vi, fractional W. Yz of SW.
14. 224 acres, section 7, T. 11, R. 7. SE.
Yt of SW. Yi. S. of SE. , 428.40 acres,
section 7, T. 11, R. 7. W. Vz and SE. Vi, 480
acres, section 9, T. 11, R. 7. Lots 1 and
5. NW. Yi of NW. Yi. 72.48 acres, section
13, T. 11. R. 7. SW. Yi. 160 acres, section
15. T. 11, R. 7. E. of NW. Yi, N. Yz of
SE. Yi, 160 acres, section 19, T. 11, R. 7.
SW. Vi of NW. Yi, 40 acres, section 21, T.
11. R. 7. E. , E. of NW. Vi. NW. Yi
of NW. Yl, 440 acres, section 21. T. 11, R.
T. Lots 6 and 7, NW. Yt of NW. Yi, 51.71
acres, section 23. T. 11. R. 7. fJ. U, cf SH!
Yi. 480 acres, section 27, T. 11, R. 7. Frac
tional seciion, md acres, section 31, T.
11, R. 7. W. of NW. Yi. E. Yz of NE.
. S. Yz, 480 acres, section 23, T. 11, R. 7.
Lots 1 and 2, SB. Vi of NE. SE. 14, 235.48
acres, section 35, T. 11, R. 7. Fractional
section. 648 acres, section 1, T. 12, R. 7.
Fractional section, 665.41 acres, section 3,
T. 12, R. 7. Fractional section, 6S6.6 acres,
section 5. T. 12, R. 7. All 640 acres, section
9,' T. 12, R. 7. NE. . N. Yz of SE. Vi, E.
of NW. Vi, NE. Yi of SW. 465.11 acres,
section 7, T. 12. R. 7. All 640 acres, section
13, T. 12, R. 7. E. Yz. N. Yz of NW. Vi, SE.
of NW. , E. Yz of SW. . 520 acres, sec
tion 23, T. 12, R. 7. All 640 acres, section
2. T. 12, R. 7. NW. of NW. Yi. 40
acres, section 28, T. 12, R. 7. NE. Vi of NE.
. 40 acres, section 29, T. 12, R. 7. Lots
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in block No. 15, In O. T.
Corvallis. Total tax, $778 74.
And on Monday, the 29th day of Septem
ber, 1902, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock A. M.
of said day, at the front door of the
Courthouse in said county and state, I will
sell the above-described real estate at pub
lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, subject to redemption, to satisfy
said warrant, costs and accruing costs.
Sheriff of Benton County, Or.
Dated 30th day of August, 1902.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Benton, to the Sheriff of
said , county, directed, commandig the
said Sheriff to levy on the goods and
chattels of the delinquent taxpayers
named on the delinquent tax roll for said
-county for the year 1898, thereto at
tached, and if none be found, then upon
the real property, as set forth and de
scribed in the said delinquent tax roll, or
so "much thereof as shall satisfy the
amount of taxes charged therein, togeth
er with the costs and expenses, I have
duly levied, having been unable to find
any goods or chattels belonging to the re
, spective delinquents hereinafter named,
upon the following-described pieces or
parcels of land, as set forth in said tax
list, lying and being in said Benton Coun
ty, State of Oregon, described and as
sessed as follows:
Arthur S. Masten, Receiver.
Depot Grounds
Beginning at SW. corner of block 33,
'Avery's Addition to Corvallis, said block
being between Sixth street, Adams street
extension of Seventh street, and Washing
ton street: thence N. 70 deg. 30 min. W. on
a line parallel with north boundary line of
Jefferson street 830 feet: thence at rislit
angles S. 19 deg. 30 min. W. 510 feet: thence
S. 70 deg. 30 min. E. 8,10 feet: thence N. 19
deg. 30 mm.: thence E. 510 feet to begin
ning, section 2, T. 12, R. 5.
College Hill Property
Beginning at NW. corner of "D. L.
C. of J C Avery and wife, run S. 42 rods
along W. line of said D. L. C; thence N.
8214 deg. E. 72.68 rods; thence N. 40 rods:
thence N. 8 deg. E. 68 rods; thence N.
2 rods to N. line of said D. L. C: thence
S. 8814 deg. W. 140.68 rods to beginning.
19.92 acres. T. 11 and 12. R. 5.
Lot 6, 10 acres, section 25, T. 12, R. 5
Lot 1, 10 acres, section 35. T. 12, R 5
"W. of NE. , E. of NW. Yi of NW,
Yi, 120 acres, section 3. T. 11, R. 6. SE
iJl. NE. of SW. 14, 200 acres, section 3,
T. 11 R. 6. Lots 3 and 4, 27.84 acres, sec
tion 6. T. 11. R. 6. Lots 1 and 2, N. 14 of
SW. Yi. 119-87 acres,, section 7, T. 11, R. 6.
Lot 4, 28.78 acres, section 9, T. 11, R 6. N
14 of NE. 14, NW. 14; E. of SE. ,
320 acres, section 11, T. 1L R. 6. E. 14 of
NE. . 80 acres, section 13, T. 11. R. 6.
Lot 5, SE. Vt of NW. 14, 47.72 acres, section
15, T. 11, R. 6. N. of SE. , NE. of
SW. Yi, lots 3 and 4, and N. 14, 500 acres,
section 19, T. 11, R. 6. Lot 1, 6.90 acres,
section 21, T. 11, R. 6. Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4 and
B, 60 acres, section 27. T. 11, R. 6. Lots
t, 2.- S. 4, 6, 8, 9, NW. of SE. . NE.
14 of SW. . 140 acres, section 19, T, 10,
R. W. W. fractional 14. 300 acres,
section 19. T. 10. R. 6. Lot 2, SE. 14 of
NE. , SE. Yt. 239.58 acres, section 27, T.
10. R. 6. Lot 3, SW. of SE. . and W.
fractional 14. 394 acres, section 31, T. 10,
R. 6. Fractional S. . fractional W. 14
of NW. 14, W. 14 of E. V, of NW. . 450.70
acres, section 3, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, fractional NW. of NE. , frac
tional N. H of NW. Vi. 150 acres, section
5, T. 1L K?6. SW. of NW. Vi. W. V4
of SW. . 306.10 acres, section 5, T. 12, R.
6. Fractional section, 636.3S acres, section
7. T. 12. R. 6- Lota 1 and 2, SW. Vi, 233.7S
acres, section 9. T. 12, R. 6. Lot 1. NE:
H of SIC. U. S. Vi of SE. Vi. 130.62 acres,
section 15, T. 12, R. 6. Lot 4, 32.14 acres,
seoltan 27. T. 12, R. 6. SW, Vi of NW.' 14.
NW. V of SW.Vi, section 29, T. 12 R. 6.
Fractional NW. 14. W. Is of NR. 14. 255
acres, section SI. T. 12. R. 6. SW. 14 of
NW. V K. la of SW. 14, W. of SE. 14,
200 acres, section S3, T, 12, R. 6. Lots 1 and
3 70 acres, section 35, T. 12, R. 6. Lot 7,
17.80 acres, section 3, T. 13, R. 6. E. Yi
fractional NW, 14, N. H of SW. 14. 655.36
aerets, section 5, T. 13. R. 6. S. 14 of SE.
4, S. 1B of SW. 14, 160 acres, section 3, T.
10. K. 7. S. 14 of NE. 14, S. of NW. 14,
S. 1i. 4S0 acres, section 5, T. 10, R. 7.
Fractional section, 679.16 acres, section 7,
T. 10, R. 7. All of 640 acres, section 15,
T. 10, R. 7, SW. 1, 160 acres, section 17,
T. 10. R. 7. Fractional section. 673.58 acres,
section 19. T, 10, R. 7. All of 640 acres,
section 23, T. 10, R. 7. N. 14- SE. 14. N. Yz
of SW. 14, 360 acres, section 27, T. 10, R.
7. NW, 14 ot NE. 14, E. 14 of NE. 14. SE.
14 of SV. 14, NE. 14 of NW. 14, 200 acres,
section 29. T. 10, R. 7. W. Yz of NW. ,
W. t of SW. 14, NE. 14 of SE. 14, 400 acres,
section 29. T. 10, R. 7. NW. 14. SE. 14, E.
14 ot SW. 14, 660 acres, section 33, T.
10. R. 7. Fractional N. 14, SE. 14, E. 14
of SW. 14, 555.84 acres, section 1, T. 11, R.
7. W. '4 of NW. 14, 80 acres, section 5,
T. 11. R. 7. Fractional NW. 14. W. 14
of NE. 14. fractional W. 14 of SW. 14. 224
acres, section 7, T. 11. R. 7. SE. of SW.
14. S- of SE. 14, 428.40 acres, section 7,
T ll, R. 7. W. 14 and SE. 14. 480 acres,
section 9. T. 11. R. 7. Lots 1 and 5. N. W.
"i of NW. 14, 72.48 acres, section 13, T. 11
K 7. SW. 14, iw acres, seciion xo, 1. 1,
R. 7. E. 14 of NW. , N. Yz of SE. 14,
160 acres, section 19, T. 11, R. 7. SW. 14
nf NW. v.. 40 acres, section 21. T, 11, R.
7. E. 14. E. of NW. 14, NW. 14 of NW. 14,
440 acres, section 21, T. 11, R. 7. Lots 6 and
7. NW. 14 of NW. 14, 51.71 acres, section 23,
T. 11, R. 7. N. 14 of SE. , 480 acres, sec
tion 27. T. 11. R. 7. Fractional section.
635 acres, section 31, T. 11, R. 7. N. 14
of NW. 14, E. 14 of NE. 14, S. , 480 acres,
section 23, r. 11. t. i. Lots JL.ana z, sni.
14 of NE. 14, SE. 14, 236.48 acres, section
35, T. 11, R. 7. Fractional section, 64S
acres, section 1, T. 12, R. 7. Fractional
section, 665.41 acres, section 3, T. 12, R. 7.
Fractional section, 6S6.88 acres, section 5,
T. 12. R 7. All 640 acres, section 9, T.
R. 7. NE. 14. N. Y of SE. 14. E. V, of
NW. 14, NE. 14 of SW. 14, 465.11 acres, sec
tion 7, T. 12, R. 7. All 640 acres section 13.
T. 12. R. 7. E. 14. N. of NW. 14, SE. 14
of NW. 14, E. 14 of SW. 14, 520 acres, sec
tion 23. T. 12. R. 7. All 640 acres, section
25, T. 12, R. 7. NW. of NW. 14. 40 acres,
section 28, T. 12, R. 7. NE. 14 of NE. 14,
40 acres, section 29, T. 12, R. 7. Lots 1,
3 and 4. in block No. 15, in O. T. Cor
vallis. Total tax. $S58.81.
And on Monday, the ' 29th day of- Sep
tember, 1902, at the hour of 11.20 o'clock
A. M. of said day, at the front door of the
Courthouse, in said county and state, I
will sell the above-described real estate,
at public auction, to the highest bid
der, for cash in hand, subject to redemp
tion, to satisfy said warrant, costs and ac
cruing costs.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated 30th day of August, 1902.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the
County .Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Benton, to the Sheriff of
said County directed, commanding the
said Sheriff to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpayers named on
the delinquent taxroll for saidi county for
the year 1900, thereto attached, and if none
be found, then, upon the real property, as
set forth and described in the said de
linquent taxroll, or so much thereof as
shall satisfy the amount of taxes charged
therein, together with the costs and ex
penses, 1 have duly levied, having been
unable to find any goods or chattels be
longing to the respective delinquents here
inafter named, upon the following de
scribed pieces or parcels of land, as set
forth in said taxlist, lying and being in
said Benton County. State of Oregon, de
scribed and assessed as follows:
Arthur S. Masten, receiver.
Depot Grounds
"Beginning at SW. corner of block 33,
Avery's Addition, Corvallis, said block
being between Sixth street. Adams street
extension of Seventh street and Washing
ton street; thence north 70 deg. 30 min.
west, on a line parallel with north boun
dary line of Jefferson street, 830 feet;
thence at right angles south 19 deg. 30
rain, west 510 feet; thence south 70 deg.
30 min. east 830 feet; thence north 19 deg.
30 min. east 510 feet, to beginning, section
2, T. 12, R. 6, 3 acres.
Colleee liill Prooertv
Beginning at NW. corner of D. L. C. of
J. C. Avery and wife, running south 42
rods along west line of said D. L. C. ;
thence north 82 deg., east 72.68 rods;
thence north 40 rods; thence north 8214
deg., east 6S rods; thence north 2 rods, to
north line of said D. L. C; thence south
88 deg., west 140.68 rods, to beginning,
19.92 acres, T. 11 and 12, R. 7.
Lot 5, 10 acres, section 25, T. 12, R. 5.
Lot 1, 10 acres, section 35, T. 12, R. 5.
W. 14 of NE. 14, E. 14 of NW. 14 of NW. 14.
120 acres, section 3. T. 11, R. 6. SE. 14, NE
14 of SW. 14, 200 acres, section 3, T. 11, R.
6. Lot 4. 13.92 acres, section, 5, T. 11, K. 6.
Lots 1 and 2, N. 14 of SW. 14, 119.87 acres,
section 7, T. 11, R. 6. N. 14 of NE. Yi,
NW. 14, E. 14 of SE. , 320 acres,
section 11, T. 11, R. 6. E. 14 of NE. 14.. 80
acres, section 13, T. 11, R. 6. Lot 5. SE. 14
of NW. 14, 47.72 acres, section 15. T. 11,
R. 6. N. 14 of SE. 14, NE. 14 of SW. 14,
lots 3 and 4 and N. Yz. 50 acres, section 19,
T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 60 acres,
section 27, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,
9, NW. 14 of SE. 14, NE. 14 of SW. 14, 140
acres, section 19, T. 10, R. 6. W. fraction
14 300 acres, section 19, T. 10, R. 6. Lot 2,
SE. 14 of NE. 14, SE. 14, 239.5S
acres, section 27, T. 10, R. 6. Lot 3, SW.
14 of SE. 14 and west fractional 14, 394
acres, section 31, T. 10, R. 6. Fraction S.
fractional W. 14 of NW. 14, W. 14 of E.
14 of NW. 14. 460.70 acres, section 3. T.
11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, fraction NW. 14
of NE. 14,r fraction N. 14 of NW. 14, 150
acres, section 5. T. 11. R. 6. SW. 14 of NW.
14, W. 14 of SW. 14, 306.10 acres, section 5,
T. 12. R. 6. Fractional section, 636.38 acres,
section 7. T. 12, R. 6. Lots 1 and 2, SW.
14, 233.78 acres, section 9, T. 12, R. 6.
Lot 1, NE. 14 of SE. 14, S. 14 of
SE. 14, ISO acres, section 15, X. 12, K. 6.
Lot 4, 32.14 acres, section 27, T. 12. R. 6.
SW. Yi of NW. Yl. SW. Ya. of NW. 14.
section 29, T. 12, R. 6. Fraction NW. 14, "Vv I
14 of NE. 14, 255 acres, section 31, T. 12, j
XV. 6. OW. 14 Of JNW 14, U. Yz Of SW. It,
W. 14 of SE. , 200 acres, section 33. T. 12,
R.. 6. Lots 1 and 2, 70 acres, section 35,
T. 12, R. 6. Lot 7, 17.80 acres, section 3,
T. 13. R. 6. E. 14. fraction NW. 14, N. .
of SW. 14, 555.36 acres, section 5, T. 13,
R. 6. S. 14 of SE. 14, S. 14 of SW. 14, 160
acres, section 3, T. 10. R. 7. S. 14 of NE.
14, S. Yz of NW. 14, S. 14, 480 acres, section
5. T. 10, R. 7. Fractional section, 679.16
acres, section 7 T. 10, R. 7. All of 6-10
acres, section 15, T. 10, R. 7. SW. 14, 160
acres, seciion 17, T. 10, R. 7. Fraction
section, 673.58 acres, section 19, T. 10, R.
7. All of 640 acres, section 23, T. 10, R.
7. N.', SE. 14. N. 14 of SW. 14. 360 acres,
section 27, T. 10, R. 7. NW. 14 of NE. 14,
E. of NE 14. SB. 14 of SW. 14.. NE. Yi
of NW. , 200 acres, section 29, T. 10, R.
7. W. of NW. 14, W. Yz of SW. 14, NE.
14 of SE. 14, 400 acres, section 29, T. 10, R. 7.
NW. 14. SE. , E. 14 of SW. Yi, 560 acres,
section 23, T. 10, R. 7. Fraction N. Yz SE.
14, E. 1,4 of SW. Yi. 555.89 acres, section 1,
T. 11, R. 7. W. 14 of NW. 14, 80 acres,
section 5, T. 11, R. 7. Fraction NW. ,
vv . fz or Mi. traction w . or nw.
14. 224 acres, section 1. T. 11. R. 7. SE. H
of SW. 14, S. 14 of SE. 14, 428.40 acres, sec
tion 7, T. 11, R. 7. W. 14 and SE. 14. 480
acres, section 9, T. II, R. 7. Lots 1 and 5,
NW. 14 of NW. 14, 72.48 acres, section 13,
T. 11, R. 7. SW. 14 160 acres, section 15,
T. 11, R. 7. E. 14 of NW. 14, N. 14 of SE.
14, 160 acres, section 19, T. 11, R. 7. SW.
14 of NW. 14. 40 acres, section 21, T. 11, R.
7. E. 14, E. Yz of NW. 14, NW. 14 of NW.
A, w acres, section zi, 1 . 11, xt.
7. Lot 6 and 7. NW. 14 of NW. 14. 57.71
acres, section 23, T. 11, R. 7. N. 14 of SE.
14, 480 acres, section 27. T. 11, R. 7. Frac
tion section 635 acres, section 31, T. 11, R.
7. N. 14 of NW. 14, E. of NE. , S.
14, 480 acres,, section 23, T. 11, R. 7. Frac
tion section 648. acres, section 1, T. 12, R.
7. Fraction section 665.41 acres, section 3,
T. 12, R. 7. Fraction section 686.88 acres,
section 5, T. 12, R. 7. ' All 640 acres, section
E. of NW. 14. NE. Yi of SW. Yi.'
, . u,, xi. 1. JNxU. 14, JN. Yz 01 Bis. Yi.
acres, section 7, T. 12, R. 7. All of 640
acres, section is, uv iz, K. 7. G. N.
Yz of NW. Yi, SE. of NW. Yl, E. of
SW. Yi, 520 acres, section 23. T. 12,. R. 7.
All 640 acres, section 25. T. 12. R. 7. NW
Yi of NW. Yi, 40 acres, section 2S, T. 12,' R.
7. NE. of NE. Yi. 40 acres, section 29,
T. 12, R. 7. Total tax, $693 14.
And on Monday the 29th day of Septem
of 'said 'day, at the front door- of the
ber, lswz, at tne nour or it o ciock a. jm.
Courthouse. in said county and state, I
will sell the above described real estate
at public auction to the highest bidder,
for cash In hand, subject to redemption,
to satisfy said warrant, costs and accru
ing costs.
Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon.
Dated 30th day of August, 1902.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Benton, to the Sheriff of
said county, directed, commanding the
said Sheriff to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpayers named on
the delinquent tax roll for said county
for the year 1895, thereto attached, and if
none be found, then upon the' real prop
erty, as set forth and described tn the
said delinquent tax roll, or so much there
of as shall satisfy the amount of taxes
charged therein, together with the costs
and expenses, I have duly levied, having
been unable to find anv aoods or chattels
belonging to the respective delinquents
nereinaiier named, upon tne lollowing
described pieces or parcels of land, as set
forth in said tax list, lying and being in
said Benton County, State of Oregon, de
scribed and assessed as follows: ,
Geo. S. Coe, Trustee.
Depot Grounds
Beginning at SW. corner of block 33,
Avery's Addition to Corvallis, said block
being between Sixth street, Adams street
extension of Seventh! street, and Washing
ton street; thence N. 70 deg. 30 min. on a
line parallel with N. boundary line of
Jefferson street 830 feet; thence at right
angles S. 19 deg. 30 min. W. 510 feet; thence
S. 70 deg. 30 min. E. 830 feet: thence N.
19 deg. 30 min: thence E. 510 feet to begin
ning, eecuon a, x. 12, xt. 0.
Colleee Hill Prooertv
Beginning at NW. corner of D L. C
of J. C. Avery and wife, run S. 42 rods
aiong vv. ime of said L. L. C; thence N
8214 deg. E. 72.6S rods: thence N. 40 rods;
thence N. 8814 deg. E. 68 rods: thence N.
2 rods to N. line of said D. L. C: thence
S. 88 deg. W. 140.68 rods to beginning.
1 0 an rw, 1 1 j to r, - "
J - .'., ci v. . to, j. . l tin,., 1 , xv.
Lot 5. 10 acres, section 25, T. 12, R. 5.
Lot 1. 10 acres, section 35. T. 12. R. 5. W.
14 of NE. 14, E. Yz of NW. 14, N. W. 14 of
jnw. 14. 120 acres, section 3. T. 11, K. 6.
SE. 14, NE. 14 of SW. 14, 200 acres, section
3, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 3 and 4, 27.84 acres,
section 5, T. 11. R. 6. Lots 1 and 2, N. Yz
of SW. 14, 118.87 acres, section 7, T. 11,
R. 6. Lot 4, 28.76 acres, section 9, T. 11,
R. 6. N. 14 of NE. 14, NW. 14. E. 14 of SE.
14, 320 acres, section 11, T. 11, R. 6." E.
14 of NE. 14. 80 acres, section 13. T. 11, R.
6. Lot 5, SE. Yi of NW. 14, 447.72 acres,
section 15, T. 11. R. 6. N. Yz of SE. 14, NE.
14 of SW. , lots 3 and 4, N. 14, 500 acres,
secti-jii 19, T. 11, R. 6. Lot 1, 6.90 acres,
section 21, T. 11, R. 6. Lots. 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5, 60 acres, section 27, T. 11. R. 6. Lots
1, 2, 3, 4. 6, 8, 9. NW. 14 of SE. 14,
NE. 14 of SW. 14. 140 acres, section 19, T.
10, R. 6. W. fractional Y- 300 acres, sec
tion 19. T. 10, R. 6. Lot 2, SE. 14 of NE.
14. SE. 14. 239.58 acres, section 27. T. 10. R.
6. Lot 3, SW. 14 of SE. 14, and W. frac
tional 14, 394 acres, section 31. T.'IO. R. 6.
Fractional S. 14. fractional W. Y- of NW.
14. W. 14 of E. Yz of NW. 14, 450.70 acres,
section 3, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
fractional NW. 14 of NE. 14. fractional
N. Yz of NW. 14. 150 acres, section 5, T. 11,
R. 6. SW. 14 of NW. 14. W. 14 of SW.
14. 306.10 acres, section 5, T. 12, R. 6.
Fractional section, 636.38 acres, section 7.
T. 12, R. 6. Lots 1 and 2, SW. 14, 233.TS
acres, section S. T. 12, R. 6. Lot 1, NE.
14 of SE. . S. 14 of SE. V4. 130.62 acres,
section 15, T. 12, R. 6, Lot 4, 32.14 acres,
section 27, T. 12, R. 6. SW. 14 of NW. 14,
SW. 14 of NW. 14, section 29, T. 12, R. 6.
Fractional N. W. 14, W. 14 of NE. 14, 255
acres, section 31, T. 12. R. 6. SW. 14 of
NW. 14, E. 14 of SW. 14, W. 14 of SE. 14,
200 acres, section 33. T. 12, R. 6. Lots 1
and 2. 70 acres, section 35. T. 12, R. 6. Lot
7, 17.80 acres, section 3, T. 13, R. 6. E.
Y, fractional NW. 14. N. 14 of SW. 14. 555.36
acres, section 5, T. 13, R. 6. S. Yz of SE.
14, S. of SW. ' 14. 160 acres, section 3.
T. 10, R. 7. S. 14 of NE. 14, S. 14 of NW.
14, S. 14, 480 acres, section 5, T. 10. R. 7.
Fractional section, 679.16 acres, section 7,
T. 10, R. 7. All of 640 acres, section 15,
T. 10, R. 7. SW. 14, 160 Acres, section
17, T. 10, R. 7. Fractional section, 673.58
acres, section 19, T. 10. R. 7. All of 640
acres, section 23, T. 10. R. 7. N. 14, SE. 14.
N. 14 of SW. -14, 360 acres, section 27.
T. 10. R. 7. NW. 14 of NE. 14. E.V2 of
NE. 14. SE. 14 cf SW. 14, NE. 14 of NW. 14.
200 acres, section 29. T. 10, R. 7. W. 14
of NW. 14. W. 14 of SW. 14, NE. V. of SE.
14, 400 acres, section 29. T. 10, R. 7. NW.
M,. SE. 14, E. of SW. 14. 560 acres, section
23, T. 10, R. 7. Fractional N. 14. SE. 14,
E. of SW. 14. 555.89 acres, section 1, T.
11, R. 7. W. Yz of NW. 14. 80 acres, sec
tion 5, T. 11, R. 7. Fractional NW. 14.
W. J4 of NE. 14, fractional W. 14 of NW.
14. 24 acres, section 7, T. 11. R. 7. SE. 14
of SW. 14, S. Yz of SE. 14. 428.40 acres, sec
tion 7, T. 11, R. 7. W. 14 and SE. 14, 480
acres, section 9, T. 11. R. 7. Lots 1 and 5.
NW. 14 of NW. 14. 72.4S acres, section 13,
T. 11, R. 7. SW. 14, 160 acres, section 15,
T. 11. R. 7. E. 14 of NW. 14- N. 14 of SE.
14, 160 acres, section 19, T. 11, R. 7. SW.
14 of NW. 14, 40 acres, section 21. T. 11,
R. 7. E. 14. E. 14 of NW. 14, NW. 14 of
NW. , 440 acres, section 21, T. 11, R. 7.
Lots 6 and 7. NW. 14 of NW. 14, 57.71 acres,
section 23, T. 11, R. 7. N. 14 of SE. ,
4S0 acres, section 27, T. 11, R. 7. Frac
tional section. 635 acres, section 31. T. 11,
R. 7. N. 14 of NW. 14. E. 14 of NE. Yi, S.
14, 4S0 acres, section 33. T. 11. R. 7. Lots
1 and 2, SE. 14 of NE. 14, SE. Yi, 236.48
acres, section 25, T. 11, R. 7. Fractional
section, 648 acres, section 1. 'T. 12, R. 7.
Fractional section, 65.41 acres, section 3,
T. 12. R. 7. Fractional section. 636.88 acres,
section 5, T. 12, R. 7. All 640 acres, sec
tion 9, T. 12. R. 7. NE. 14, N. Yz of SE.
14, E. 14 of NW. 14, NE. 14 of SW. 14. 465.11
acres, section 7, T. 12. R. 7. Lots, 1, 2, 3,
104 acres, section 7. T. 12. R. 7. All 640
acres, section 13. T. 12, R. 7. E. 14, N.
14 of NW. 14. SE. 14 of NW. 14. E.
14 of SW. 14. 520 acres, section 23,
T. 12. R. 7. All 640 acres. . sec
tion 25. T. 12, R. 7. NW. 14 of NW. 14,
40 acres, section 2S, T. 12, R. 7. NE. 14
of NE. 14. 40 acres, section 29, T. 12, R. 7.
Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4. In block No. 10, in O. T.
Corvallis; total tax. $712.12.
And on Monday, the 29th day of Septem
ber, 1902, -at the hour of 11:40 o'clock A.
M. of said day. 'at the front door of the
Courthouse, in said county and state, I
will sell the above-described real estate,
at public auction, to the highest bidder,
for cash in hand, subject to redemption,
to satisfy said warrant, costs and accru
ing costs. M. P. BURNETT,
Sheriff of Benton Countv. Oregon.
Dated 30th day of August, 1902.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a warrant Issued out of the
County Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Benton, to the Sheriff of
said county, directed, commanding the
said Sheriff to levy on the goods and chat
tels of the delinquent taxpayers named on
the delinquent tax roll for said county for
the year 1899. thereto attached, and if
none be found, then upon the real prop
erty, as set forth and described in the
said delinquent tax roll, or so much there
of as shall satisfy the amount of taxes
charged therein, together with the costs
and expenses. I have duly levied, having
been unable to find any goods or chattels
belonging to the respective delinquents
hereinafter named, upon the following-described
pieces or parcels of land, as set
forth in said tax list, lying and being in
said Benton County, State of Oregon, de
scribed and asssessed as follows:
Arthur S. Masten, Receiver.
Depot Grounds
' Beginning at SW. corner of block 33,
Avery's Addition, CoTvallis, said block
being between Sixth street, Adams street
extension of Seventh street and Washing
ton street: thence N. 70 deg. 30 min. W. on
a line parallel with N. boundary line of
Jefferson street S30 feet: thence at right
angles S. 19 deg. 30 min. W. 510 feet; thence
S. 70 deg. 30 enin. E. 830 feet: thence N. 19
deg. 30 min.; thence E. 510 feet to begin
ning, section 2. T. 12, R. 5.
College Hill Property .
Beginning at NW. corner of D. I C. of
J. C. Avery and wife, run S. 42 rods along
W. line of said D. L. C; thence N. 82
deg. E. 72.68 rods: thence N. 50 rods;
thence N. 88 deg. E. 68 rods: thence N. 2
rods to N. line of ' said D. L. C: thence
S. 88 deg. W. 140.68 rods to beginning,
19.92 acres. T. 11 and 12, R. 5, 20 acres.
iat 5. 10 acres, section 25, T. 12. R. 5.
Lot 1, 10 acres, section 35. T. 12, R. 5. W,
of KB. . E. of NW. Vi, of SW.
120 acres, section 3. T. 11, R. 6. SE. ,
of SW. , ZOO acres, section a, x.
11, R. 6. Lots S and 4, 27.84 acres section
S T 11 r R Tta 1 and 2. N. Of SW.
119.87 acres, section 7. T. 11. R. 6. Lot
4. 28.76 acres, section 9, T. 11, R. 6. N.
of NE. Yi. NW. , E5. of SE. Vi. 320
acres, section 11. T. 11. R. 6. E. Yz of NE.
Vi. 80 acres, section 13, T. 11, R. 6. Lot 5,
SE. of NW. H, 47.72 acres, section 15,
T. 11. R. 6. N. of SE. NE. of
SW. Vj.. lots 3 and 4. and N. 500 acres,
section 19, T. 11. R. 6. Lot 1..-6.9 acres.
section 21, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and. 5,
69 acres, section 27, T. 11, R. 6. Lots 1,
2. 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, NW. 14 of SE. , NE. 14 of
SW. 14, 140 acres, section 19, T. 10, R. 6.
Fractional 14 300 acres, section 19, T. 10, R.
6. Lot 2, SE. 14 of NE. 14, SB. 14, 239.58
acres, section 27, T. 10, R. 6. Lot 3, SW.
14 of SE. 14, and W. fractional 14 394 acres,
section 31. T. 10, R. 6. Fractional S. 14,
fractional W. 14 of NW. 14, W. 14 of E.
14 of NW. 14, 450.70 acres, section 3, T. 11,
R. 6. ,Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, fractional NW. 14
of NE. 14, fractional N. 14 of NW. 14, 150
acres, section 5, T. 11, R. 6. SW. 14 of
NW. 14 W. 14 of SW. ' 14, 306.10
acres, section 5, T. 12, R. 6. Fractional
section. 636.38 acres, section 7, T. 12, R. 6.
Lots 1 and 2, SW. 14, 233.78 acres, section 9,
T. 12. R. 6. Lot 1. NE. 14 of SE. 14, S. 14
of SE. 14; 130.62 acres, section 15, T. 12,
R. 6. Lot 4, 32.14 acres, section 27, T. 12,
R. 6. SW. Yi of NW. 14. NW. 14 of SW.
14, section 29, T. 12, R. 6. Fractional NW.
14, W. 14 of NE. 14, 255 acres, section 31,
T. 12, R. 6. SW. 14 of NW. 14, E. Yz of
SW. 14. W. 14 of SE. 14, 200 acres, section
33, T. 12, R. 6. - Lots 1 and 2, 70 acres, sec
tion 35, T. 12, R. 6. Lot 7, 17.80 acres, sec
tion 3, T. 13, R. 6. E. 14 fractional NW.
14, N. 14 of SW. V4, 555.36 acres, section 5,
T. 13, R. 6. S. 14 of SE. 14, S. 14 of SW. 14.
160 acres, section 3, T. 10, R. 7. S. 14
of NE. 14, S. 14 of NW. 14, S. 14, 480 acres,
section 5. T. 10, R. 7. Fractional section.
679.16 acres, section 7, T. 10, R. 7. All of
640 acres, section 15. T. 10, R. 7. SW. 14,
160 acres, section 17, T. 10, R. 7. Frac
tional section, 673.58 acres, section 19, T. 10,
R. 7. All of 640 acres, section 23, T. -10.
R. 7. N. 14. SE. 14, N. Yz of SW. 14, 360
acres, section 27, T. 10, R. 7. NW. 14 of
NE. 14. E. 14 of NE. 14, SE. 14 of SW. 14,
NE. 14 of NW. 14, 200 acres, section 29. T.
10, R. 7. W. 14 of NW. 14. W. 14 of SW.
, NE. 14 of SE. 14, 400 acres, section 29,
T. 10, R. 7. NW. 14, SE. V4. E. 13 of SW.
14. 560 acres, section 23. T. 10, R. 7. Frac
tional N. 14 of SE. 14. E. 14 of SW. 14.
555.84 acres, section 1, T. 11, R. 7. W. 14
of NW. Yi. 80 acres, section 5. T. 11. R. 7.
Fractional NW. 14 of W. 14 of NE. 14,
fractional W. 14 of SW. 14. 224 acres, sec
tion 7, T. 11. R. 7. SE. 14 of SW. 14, S. 14
of SE. 14, 428.40 acres, section 7, T. 11, R.
7. W. ,14 of SE; 14, 480 acres, section 9,
T. 11, R. 7. Lots 1 and 5, NW. 14 of NW.
14, 72.48 acres, section 13. T. 11. R. 7. SW.
14, 160 acres, section 15. T. 11, R. 7. E.
14 of NW. Y N. 14 of NE. 14, 160 acres,
section 19. T. XL, R. 7. S. W. 14 of NW.
14, 40 acres, section 21. T7 11, R. 7. E.
14. E. . of NW. 14, NW. 14 of NW. 14,
440 acres, section 21. T. 11. R. 7. Lots 6
and 7, NW. 14 of NW. 14, 57.71 acres, sec
tion 23, T. 11. R. 7. N. 14 of SE. 14, 480
acres, section 27. T: 11, R. 7. Fractional
section, 635 acres, section 31, T. 11, R. 7.
N. 14 of NW. 14, E. 14 of NE. 14, S. Yz,
480 acres, section 33. T. 11. R. 7. Fraction
al section. 648 acres, section 1, T. 12, R. 7.
Fractional section, 665.41 acres, section 3,
T 12. R 7 Fractional section. 686.88 acres,
section 5, T. 12. R. 7. All 640 acres, sec
tion 9, T. 12, R. 7. NE. 14. N. 14 of SE.
14, E. 14 of NW. , NE. 14 of SW. 14,
465.11 acres, section 7. T. 12, R. 7. All 640
acres, section 13. T. 12, R. 7. E. 14, N. 14
of NW. 14, SE. 14 of NW. 14, E. 14 of SW.
14. 520 acres, section 23, T. 12, R. 7. All
640 acres, section 25, T. 12, R. 7. NW. 14
of NW. 14, 40 acres, section 28, T. 12,
R. 7. NE. 14 of NE. 14. 40 acres, section
29. T. 12. R. 7. Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. in block
1;., in O. T. Corvallis: total tax, si4.n.
Ana on luonaay, tne ztn aay 01 Sep
tember. 1902. at the hour of 11:10 o'clock
A. M. of said dav. at the front door of the
Courthouse in said county and state. I
will sell the above-described real estate
at public auction to the highest Didder,
for cash in hand, subject to redemption
to satisfy said warrant, costs and accru
ing costs. M. P. BURNETT,
snerirt ot xienton county.
Dated 30th day of August i902.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby eriven that the undersisned
executors of the estate of Thomas Eglin, deceas
ed have tiled their final account in said estate
with the County C erk of Benton county, Oie
gon, and the county Court of Beuton county
Oregon, has appointed and fixed Saturday, the
1 lth day of October, 1902, at one o'clock p mat
the Court room of said court at Corvailis, Ore
gon, for hearing objeetious if any there be to
said final account and settlement of said es
Executors of the estate 3f Thomas Eglin, de
ceased .
Dated September 3rd, 1902,
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix of the estaf of William E Bo-
hanon, deceased has nled her tinal account In
said estate, with the County Clerk of Benton
County, Oregon, and the County Court ot Benton
County, Oregon, has appointed and fixed Friday
tne tn aay 01 octoDer iwj, at one o ciock p m,
at the Court room of said Court at Corvallis.
Oregon, for hearing objections, t if any there be
to said final account and.ihe'fo settloajentoi the
said estate,
Executrix of the estate of William E. Bohanon
Dated Sept 2nd. 1902.
Notice to Tax Payers.
The 1901 session law provHes that all taxes be
come delinquent the first Monday in Octobert
and besides the penalty of ten per cent, interest
at the rate of 12 per cent per annum addiiional
from the first Monday in April piecediug shall
be collected. The law further provides that the
sheriff shall Immediately after the first Monday
In October turn the tax roll over to the clerk,
the clerk extends the delinquent taxes, turns the
roll over to the sheriff with a warrant thereto
attached commanding said sheriff to proceed to
advertise and sell all property on which the
taxes are not oaid in full. The law also provides
that the sheriff shall on receipt of the roll from
the clerk advertise and sell the property with
out further notice or levy. The above has refer
ence to all unpaid taxes including half pay
ments and partial payments.
jh x xsLHMSii, aiierui.
Notice of the First Meeting of Cred
In the District Court of the united States for
the District of Oregon,
In the matter of C A Barnuart in DanKrupioy.
To the. creditors of C A Barnhart, o Corvallis
in the County of Benton, and-District atroresaid
a bankrupt!
Notice is herabv given that on tha 12th day of
Ssptember, 1902, the said C A Barnhart was duly
adjudicated a bankrupt and that tUe first meet
Insr of h creditors will be held at CorvBllis,
Jregon, at my office ou the 30th day of Septemr
ber, 1902, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at
which tine the said creditors may attend, prove
their claims, appoint- a trustee, examine the
bapkrupt and transact such other business as
may properiy come before said meeting,
Referee In Bankruptcy.
Dated September 17, l'j02r
Executor's Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have been appointed by the last will of John
Wiles, deceasech-as executors of said will and
estate, and also by the County Judge of Benton
County in the State of Oregon.All personshaving
claims against said estate, with proper vouch
ers duly verified, will present them to the un
dersigned executors at the office of said Walter
T Wiles at Corvallis in said county.
Walter T. Wilbs,
Edward F.
Executors of the last will and estate of John
Wiles, deceased: - J
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
county court of Benton county, Oregon,
as the administratrix of the estate of Jer
emiah H. Mason, deceased. All persons
having claims against the said estate are
hereby required to present the
same, duly verified as by law
required within six months from
the date of this notice, the same to
be presented to the nndersismed or to W.
S. McFadden at Ciirvallis, Oregon;
Administratrix of the estate of Jere:niah
H. Mason, deceased.
Dated Sept. 2, 1902. ' , '
Boars the s7 The YoD HavaAlways Bougtf
. of
Organs Now Ready For Sale
Ranging from $45 to $125., Will be sold on easy pay
ments. All. organs guaranteed 10 years. Call on or ad
dress R. M. CRAMER at organ and carriage factory Corval
lis, Oregon.
I have a nice lot of buggies completed ready for sale.
The finest of the season and in about 2 weeks I will have
mountain hacks ready for sale. Any one wishing either will
save money by buying goods that are guaranteed and will
stand the hardships of the Oregon Co. Cheap goods are
dear at any price, Our method is to put out good goods at a
reasonable price. Call on or address
R. M. Cramer
Corvallis, Oregon.
CUc Do Hot Cioc
to as high a standawasour desire'ould promot
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the house that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
place to
Frcsb bruits, Fresfo Uegetables,
fresh -everything to be had in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep wha'b you want and to
please. Cali and see
6 B Renting
If you are looking for some real good bar
gain s in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches,
write for my special list or come and sea me.
shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable
information you wish, also showing you over the
Philomath, Oregon.
no On
Estate loan and Insurance
. Prompt Delivery
is ordered 3wift eervice you'll get
if you favor us wittt yaur .orders
but you will get more ,than quick
service if you deal. You will get
good goods, whether you order teas
coffees-, spices, canned goods, or the
latest advertised breakfast foods.
We have them all as a call will
prove. T. M. ZIEROLF.