LOCAL LORE. Bide a Rambler. Miss Bertha Davis ia visiting Miss Clara Irvine at McMinnvllle, 4 E Woodward and family returned lauraday fromttieir Newport cottage. Mra Case and daughter Mrs Buckley ot Newport were in Corvailia 'this week. v Grant, the five-year-old son cf Mr and MraJViaLii Hemphill" la euff ering with typuoiJ lever. Mrs G R Irra. left last week for Palo Alto, California to be at tne bed side of her sister, Mra Cooper who- la very ill, Mrs Flett and Mra Gillespie are on a brief visit to the family of W W . Calkins and other Eugene friends. They left yesterday. M M Davis and family now oc cupy their home in this city. They came over from Newport Tuesday, and are to remain. A pair of fancy sheep was sold Wednesday by John Wyatt to J J Nye . lYaquina Bay. They were a thorough bred buck and ewe, both .Cotawolds. The buck went at 12, Victor Spencer left Wedneaday to take a position in a Portland drug - store. Tuesday evening he was ten dered a farewell party by members of the Degree of Honor lodge. John F Steiwer who i3 buying cattle In Lincoln county for hia Mar ion county farm was in town Thurs day. He left in the afternoon for Toledo. Members of the family request the Times to express to old neighbors and frienda their profound gratitude for the esteemed sympathy and kindly assistance rendered during the Illness, death and burial of the late lamented H F Fischer. United Evangelical Church. The pastor H A Deck will preach in the morning at 11 and in the evening at 7,30- Morning theme "Power", eve- ' i - ti -i T TT J 1i ion to students Saturday Oct 4th at 7,20. Their new cottage on College Hill has been completed, and Mr and Mrs Frank Edwards moved into it Thursday. It is a six room house with three rooms on the first and three on the second floor, besides all the other arrangements that go with a modern house. J R Smith and family are to occupy the R M Thompaon residence property at the corner of Fifth and Jefferson; t Durchased last week bv Mr Smith for cz.uuu. xne removal oecurrs next week. The purchase includes all tbe holdings nf the ThomDsoca in the o 1 block, and consists ot three lots and two dwelling houses. Oreditors'of the bankrupt estate of Eld ridge Hartleys are receiving no tice that a meeting ot those who hold claims is to be held at the law office of E Holgate. October 7th. The pur pose of the meeting Is for creditors to prove thelrclaims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact any other necessary business. It ia John C Applewhite, former resi dent of Corvall' i and a graduate of OAC has been in town for several days, He la now practicing law in San Francisco, with an office in the Chronicle building. After a visit with his brother, Avery Applewhite, who lives at the home of Walter Taylor, he left for Portland yesterday. A letter from his attorneys an nounces that Engineer Smyth, whose offer to bring mountain water into Corvailia is pending in the city coun cil, is detained by business arrange ments at Huntington, and cannot come to Corvailia until after October let. After that time he will meet with the council committee at any date the latter may select. A number of art prizes were taken at the State fair by Miss Maud Kerns, teacher of the first grade in theCorvallis public schools, Five paint inga by Miss Kerns were in competi tion, and four of them were prize wlnnera. They were, portrait palnt ing8 in oil on canvas, taken from life, second ; flower painting in oil, from nature, first; marine, in water colors, first landscape in water colors, second. Among tbe contestant were Mra F A Wiggins, Mrs Geer, Misa Jessie Brey man, Mrs M P Brown, Mrs R P Boiae Miss Humasonand others. A natty new rig with rubber tires has made Its appearance on the etreeta. It ia either a closed cab or an open carriage according to the Bweet will of the operator, and ia owned by Frank Elgin. It connecta with all trains, and for a small fee carries people from one part of town to another, to parties or elaewhere. A ride In it, by those who have done themselves the honor, ia described aa most pleasurable: As it has been in almost constant demand since it made its debut the first of the W9ek, it probably fills a long felt want. Corvailia turned out almost en masse to see a minatrel performance in a tent Thuraday night. The tent waa pitched In the vicinity of the Corvailia and Ea8tern station. The scene In a measure resembled a circus. There was a good brass band, a ticket , wag on Shetland podes and other appointments to attract all the youthful population, as well as the eravbeards. These things, or some thing else brought out a crowd that filled all tbe seats in the tent, and sent the managers away happy. The performance waa by Beach & Bowers minlatresl, and many of those who saw It pronounped it the, best that has been in town la month3 and months. Dr and Mrs Harper are Portland visitors, , Chester Avery and family leave today for Silver Lake to reside. Miss Cecil Erwin left Wednesday for Baker City to reside with an uncle, Rev Frank L Moore ia attending the M E conference now in session at Granta Pat a. Rev T T Vincent will occupy the pulpit of the Evangelical church in Albany tomorrow, it is now expected that the new steam laundry will begin operations the latter part of the coming week. Alonzo Allen of Portland was in the city Wednesday, attending the funeral of his grandmother Mrs Bar ker, - Miss Mary Cauthorn expects to leave next week fcr Chicago, whereshe will pursue her musical studies during the Winter. The members of the T M C A held a reception Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 for the new young lady stu dents at OAC. - Misa Winnifred Cameron retur ned Wednesday after a month's visit with Portland friends, G S O Humbert will occupy the pulpit at the Christian Church next Lords dav. Theme at II a m "The Hebrew Nation"' at 7 3o p m '-If -Christ be not Risen' Sunday School at 10 a m and Christian Endeavor at 6 30 p m. Strangers will be welcome, The statement of Jacob Wrage, who returned Monday from southern Oregon where he went with a party of timber land claimants Is, that 21 per sona from Michigan and other eastern states weie locating claims In the vicinity when he waa there. Mr Wrage took in a party of 14, moatly from Portland and Albany. Small boy's about town are doing business now. Numbers of them have been provided with a aupply of aeaeon football tickets, and they are canvassing the field fcr purcha sers. They get a percentage of the proceeds, that enables them to turn several honest pennies. The tickets are good for such games as have al ready been scheduled numbering about five, instead ot six, aa stated in Wednesday's paper. One lad seen yesterday morning, had disposed of six another of five, and several others had the promise ef even a greater number of buyers. Many will buy to encourage the little chaps. Two farms were sold by Henry Ambler Wedneaday. One waa the Henry J Thorp farm of 135 acres, two and a-half miles south ot Philomath, and the other a portion of the Rufus Skipton farm In the same vicinity. The first brought 84,000 and the pur chaser is Ernest Seecheever of North Dakota, and the other $2,800 was bought by William Mettlestadt. also of North Dakota. Both purchasers are Germans, who are making a change of locltion on account of the cold climate of their present place of residence, One of them has hia family with hlm: having already disposed of his holdings in the East. Tbe other has gone back to dispose of hia farm and return with his family. x acts about tie work of com mittee for securing rates on the rail roads for tbe dedication ot Agricult ural Hall, appear in another column Senator Daly of the Committee, re turned Thursday from Portland. Half fare rates on the railroads have been secured. The visitors over the West- side are to come on the regular train, and a special train will be in waiting to carry them badk in the evening Special trains over the Corvallls & Eastern will eonnect with eastside trains for similar conveniences ot the guesta. The exercl8e8 will occur in the afternoon and are expected to include a banquet and speeches by Governor Geer, Governor-Elect Chamberlain and others. For Sale One hundred goats. Call at my place 2 miles west of Mountain View or ad dress. O Martin. Corvailia, For Sale One counter and three counter show cases. Pratt the Jeweler and Optician. Furrfshed Rooms. To rent. For particulars inquire of Mrs. Ida Fitch, M E South parson age. Millinery Opening. Ladies, 'don't forget the opening at Mrs. J. Mason's. Fall Opening Will have on aisplay a nice line of fall and winter millinery goods on Septem ber 26th and 27th. . ' Mrs. C. A. Gould, Wanted , An experienced girl or woman to do houaework in a family, of three. - A permanent place for the right party. Apply at the Times office, Corvailia. Buy your red clover seed at ZierolPs. He has an excellent quality. Wanted. A ton of vetch hay. Inquire at Times office, . ' - Fresh red clover seed in bulk, at Zier-I olf 'b. FOR EMBEZZLEMENT Former Corvallisite Short Ten Thous and and Has Disappeared. Albert E Lyford, formerly of Cor vallis, where he was identified with the Coast Carriage and Wagon Company, is wante,d for , embezzle ment. A reward of $500 is offered for his arrest and conviction. Cor vallis officers have received requests from officers- at Rock Island. Il linois, to be on the lookout, and to arrest him at first opportunity and wire. They say that Lyford has interests in a hard coal mine near Corvallis, and that it is expecte d that he will appear in the vicinity in the course of time. ' They close with the statement that the missing man is wanted for the embezzle ment of about $10,000 of county funds, and that they have a war rant for his arrest. The letter en closes a photograph, which is a veiy. correct likeness as he appeared, when he resided in Corvallis a num ber of years ago. - Other information on the subject is contained in an Iowa paper that has been, received in Corvallis. It says that Lyford was deputy coun ty treasurer at Rock Island, . and that there is a large shortage in his accounts. Also that he has ab sconded, and that the officers are looking for him. In Corvallis, Lyford was well known and highly respected. He had a most interesting family, who have many friends in this city. All the latter are moved to deep sytnpa- tey over tne news. Wnile ne re sided here, Lyford was secretary and a stockholder along with his father-in-law', Colonel Burgh and others in the carriage company. Af ter the failure of the enterprise, all the family returned to Rock Island, their home before they came to Corvallis. PEACE NOW Also Bread But There was Hunger and Riot Pap Hall's Late Woes. A whipped canine is universally a pathetic picture 01 humility. That is the way Pap Hall has look ed for a whole week. All that saved him .from suicide or the mad house has been his hopeful nature. The kicks and cuffs of irritated patrons nave Deen nis. tie wanted a new oven for' his bakery and started - to build it. Workmen failed to ap pear as agreed, and that made - one delay.' They wanted material that wasn't at hand, and that made an other. By night and otherwise men were sent after it and failed to get back on time, and that made three. From bad to worse and from worse to an awful mixup, things went. - Pap worked hard and lost sleep oyer the delays, and in the mean time, people were without bread. All that Albany Had to spare was brought up every day, but it wasn't enough. Pap was threatened, stormed at and traduced. Hungry men, or women are neither long suffering nor rosy tempered, and the distressed baker constantly stood face to face with riot and revolution. Cuss-words fell and rattled on him like hailstones on a bass drum. The scenic effects about the bake shop were all blue and the odor was sulphur and brimstone. Thursday night however, the new oven was completed, the fires were lighted, and yesterday there was bread and serenity at Hall's house. AFTER SEVENTEEN YEARS Twice as Big a Town and Twice as Many People A Wanderer's Return. Atter an absence ot 17 years, Will Emory arrived Thursday for a two week's visit with Benton coun ty relatives and friends. He has been since last spring at Newport, where he went after being wrecked on the Northern California Coast, an account of which appeared some time ago in the Times'. On his return to the place where his boyhood was spent, and where he was educated, Mr Emory finds changes far more sweeping than he expected. Twice as many people and almost twice its former area, with a college many times its form er proportions, is what he finds Corvallis to be now compar ed with the place as he knew it. The faces on the streets, and in business houses are mostly new and strange, though here and there is an old remembered land mark. . - Mr Emory is a graduate of the college, and one of his first visits that he made after arrival in town, was to the big institution, so differ ent now from what it was when he knew it. Opening! At Miss Johnson's Friday and Satur- dav. September 26th and 27th. Will have a fine display of trimmed hats. LADIES This is one of the prettiest lines of waists ever Drought to the city. We have them in all colors and prices, from 75 cents to $6 s L Tlie TTviIte House (The Right Time to Buy Right Styles is Right Now Never before ;man exclusive, up - "Shape Retaining Coat" is protected by a winter states pat ent of recent date, being a means of preventing coats from losing their shape and sagging or rolling at the lapel, the primary object of which is to provide a construction where by the front portion and lapels of a garment of this nature are caused to keep their position with the use of little or no padding, rendering the garment light and shapely. The wear-resisting and shape-retaining qualities are guaranteed. Our last year's overcoats sold out we have nothing you. No back numbers. A dressy top coat, absolutely waterproof, for $12.50 is one of our specialties. If it don't turn water you can get your money back. F. Capes "We have just' received our final shipment ot Ladies' Misses and Childrens Capes and Jackets Which includes all the Styles and Don'tfail to call and inspect this line he- fore purchasing elsewhere WOOL WAISTS KLINE'S in Corvallis have I to - date line of men and but a new, clean up - to L. Mil i ff ler, Jackets new and up to date Weaves been able to show a boys clothing. Our slick and clean, so - date stock to show Oregon.