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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1902)
Sewer Notice Notice is hereby given that the under : signed have been appointed viewers by the common council of the City of Corval tis, to estimate the proportionate share of the cost of the sewer to be constructed bv - r: c n j 3 t ... vivjr ui vrvama uuuer uau uy virLue of Ordinance No. 108, beginning at the manhole of the present sewer on Jeffer son street, which manhole is immediate ly south of the middle of the south side of block 19, county addition to Corvallis, Oregon, thence in a straight line norther ly across Jefferson street,, and through the middle of the alley of said block 19, thence across Madison street, thence through the middle pf the alley of block la, county addition to a point 530 feet - north of the said manhole in Jefferson street, and in the middle of the said alley of block 18, terminating at said point. To be assessed-to the several owners of the property benefitted thereby, said prop erty ana the owners thereof, being as fol lows: Block i9, county addition, lot i, owner, Adam and M. Kadir. Block I9, county addition, lot 2, owner Adam and M. Radir. Block 19, county addition, lot 3, own er, Kicliard Uranam, trustee. j Block 19, county addition, lot 4, own er, Thomas A. Tones. Block i9, county addition lots, owner Xnomas A. Jones. J310--K ly, county addition, Jot 6, own- , xuuiuaa a. Junes. Block 19; county addition, lot 7. own er, Thomas A. Tones. Block 19, county addition, lot 8, owner, Tbomas A. Jones. ' Block i9, county addition, lot 9, owner . E. Graham. Block i9, county addition, lot iO, own er, R. Graham. Block 19, county addition, lot 11, own er, Amna Farra. Block 19, county addition, lot 12, own er, Anna Farra. Uiock jo, county addition, lot 1, own er, school district No. 9. " jjiock 13, county addition, Jot 2. owner school district No. 9. Block 18, county addition, lot 11, own er, school district No. 9, Benton county, Oregon. Block 18, county addition, lot 12, own er, school district jno. 9, Benton county, Oregon. Also to estimate the proportionate cost of the sewer to be constructed by the said City under Ordinance No. 121, through clock iO, county addition, beginning at tne manhole ot the present sewer on Jef ferson street, immediately north of block 34, Old town of Corvallis, thence 38O feet across Jefferson street, northerly, and through the middle of the alley of bloek it), county addition to Corvallts to a point aoout 10 ieet norta ot tne middle of said block iO, to be assessed to the property benefitted, to-wit: Block 10, county addition, lot 1, owner Mrs. m. ai. Miller, &10CK w, county addition, is. yi. lot 2, owner, Mrs. M. M. Miller. Block 10, county addition, N.-lot2, owner, S. W. Jackson. Block iO, county addition, S. 1-2 lot 3, owner, S. W. Jackson. . Block 10, county addition, N. 1-2 lot 3, uwuer, vviuiam ra. .ritzpaincK. Block 10, ounty addition, lot 4, own er, wiuiam n. ritzpatriCK. Block 10 county addition, lot 5, owner Christian church.- ' Block iO, county addition, lot 6, owner (Jtmstian church. Block iO, county addition, lot 7, owner Amna Farra. Block 10, county addition, lot 8, owner AmnaJFarra. - " '. Block iO, county tddi:ion, lot 9, owner Amna farra. Block iO, county addition, lot 10, own er, josepn Yates. Block iO, county addition, lot Ii, own er, Joseph Yates. Block 10, county addition, lot 12, own er, Joseph Yates. And to estimate the proportfonate cost of a sewer to be constructed by said city under Ordinance No. I22 through blocks 6 and 7. beginning at the manhole of the present sewer on Van Buren street, im mediately south of block 5, county addi tion, thence sontherly 750 feet across Van Buren street through the middle of the alley of block 6, across Jackson street - through the middle of the alley of block 7, county addition to Corvallis, to a point about 17.2 feet south of the middle of the south line of block 7, at manhole. To be assessed to the property benefitted, to wit: - ' Block 6, county addition, lot I, owner, J. H. Simpson. Block 6, county addition, lot 2, owner, J. H. Simpson. Block 6, county addition, lot 3, owner, Ida B. Callahan. Block 6, county addition, lot 4, owner, Xda B. Callahan. 3iocR t, county addition, lot 5, owner, Ida B. Callahan. Block 6, county addition, lot 6, owner, Ida B. Callahan. Block 6, county addition, lot 7, owner, William Groves. Block 6, county addition, lot 8, owner, William Groves. , Block 6, county addition, lot 9, owner, Ids B. Callahan. Block 6, county addition, lot iO, own er, Ida B. Callahan. Elock 6. county addition, lot 11, own er, J. H. Simpson. Block 6, county addition, lot 12, own er, J. H. Simpson. Block 7, county addition, lot 1, owner, iuarcaa Burnett. Block 7, county addition, lot 2, owner, Martha Burnett. Block 7, county addition, lot 3, owner, m.. a. vvoodcocK Block 7, county addition, lot 4. owner. M. S. Woodcock. Block 7, county addition, lot 5, owner, M. S. Woodcock Block 7. county addition, lot 6, owner, M. S. Woodcock. . - Block 7, county addition, lot 7, owner, M. S. Woodcock. ' Block 7. county addition, lot 8, owner, M. S. Woodcock. Block 7, county addition, lot 9, owner. M. S. Woodcock. Block 7, county addition, lot icy own er, M. S. Woodcock. ' . . Block 7, county addition, lot 11, own er, Martha Burnett. ttiock 7. county addition, lot I2, own er. Martha Burnett. Uotice is hereby given that the undersigned bare been appointed viewers by the common council ot the city of Corvallis, to estimate- the proportionate share of the cost of the sewr to be constructed by the city of Corvallis, under and by virtue of Ordinance No. 110 through block S3, 'county addition, beginning at the manboie of the present sewer on VanBureu street, located on the south side ot block 24, oounty addition to Corvallis, Oregon, thence southerly in a straight line across VanBuren street tbrough the middle of the alley of block 28. terminating at a paint ten feet south oi the middle of the alley of block 23, at manhole. To 3e assessed to the property benefitted, to-wlt: Muck 23, county addition, lot 1, owner, M. J,. Wells: Block 23, county addition, lot 2, owner, SI. J. Wells. Block 23, county addition, lot 3, owner, Walter T Wiles, Bloek 23, county addition, lot 4, owner, Walter T. Wiles. ' ' Block 23, county addition, lot 5, owner, M. J. Wells. Block 23, county addition, lot 6, owner, M, J. Wells. Bloek 23, county addition, lot 7, owner, M. J. Wells. - Block 23, county addition, lot 8, Owner, M. I. Wells. Block 23, county addition, lot 9, owner, Walter T. Wiles. Block 23, county addition, lot 10, owner, Wal ter T. Wiles. Blocck 23, county addition, lot 11, owner, Mar garet C, Snell. Block 23, county addition, lot 12, owner, Mar garet O. Bnell. " ' Also to estimate the proportionate cost of the sewer under ordinance No. 111. through block 3i, Corvallis. Oregon, beginning at the manhole at the present sewer on Jefferson street, north of the middle of block 34, original town of Ma rysville, now Corvallis, thence southerly in a straight line through the middle of the alley of black 34, aforesaid, terminating at a point which is ten feet south of the middle of said alley of said block 34, at manhole. To be assessed to Block 34, Averys addition, lot 1, owner, Eliza beth C Bell. Block 34, Averys addition, lot 2, owner, George e r,ui. t Block 34, Averys addition, lot 3, owner, Geoige r. i.uiy . Block 34, Averys addition, lot 4, owner, Mary E Avery. Block 34, Averys addition, lot 5, owner, Mary A uaroer. Block 34, Averys addition, lot 6, owner, Mary A sarDer. - Block 34, Averys addition, lot 7, owuer, Prot estant Episcopal church. Block 34, Averys addition, lot 8, owner, Prot- antint. Hnisconal church. Block 34, Averys addition, lot 9, owner,-Prot estant episcopal cnuicn. . Block 34, Averys addition, lofVlO, owner, Prot estant Episcopal church. Bloek 34, Averys addition, lot 11, owner, John Block 31, Averys addition, lot 12, owner, John v iiayes. And that said viewers will meet at the ofHco ol the police Judge of the city of Corvallis on the 2ot dav of September, 1902, at the hour oi 7 o - clock P. M., and If the said work of the assess smeut of the respective share of the cost of said sewers is not completed on that day, the meeting will be adjourned fiom dy to day, till the snme is finished, and all persons interested may appear before said viewers to be heard in the matter of making said estimate or estimates. 8 L HENDEBSO-N, . .. SLSHEDD, WILLIAM BOGUE. Corvallis, Oregon, Sept 6, 1902. Sewer Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under signed having been appointed viewers by the Common Council of the city of (Jorvallis to estimate the proportionate share of the cost of the sewer to be con structed by the city of Corvallis under and by virtue ot Ordinance No 109, be ginning at the manhole on Jefferson street immediately south of the middle of the alley of block 2o, county addition to Corvallis, thence northerly in a straieh line across Jefferson street through the middle ot the alley of said block 20 across Madison street, through the mid dle of the alley of block 2l, county addi tion to Corvallis, across Monroe street through the middle of the alley of block 22 county addition to Corvallis, termin ating at a point 10 feet north of the north line ot said block 22, at manhole: lo be assessed to the several owners of the property benefitted thereby, said property and the owners thereof being as follows- Block 20, county addition, lot 1, owner. J M Cameron. Block 2o, county addition, lot 2, owner T M Cameron. -'. Block 20, county addition, lot 3, owner, J M Cameron. ' . Block 20, county addition, lot 4, owner Laura A Whitney. - Block 20, county addition, lot 5, Laura A Whitney. Block 20, county addition, lot 6, Laura A Whitney. Block 20, county addition, lot 7, owner Laura A Whitney, Block 20, county addition, lot 8, owner Laura A- Whitney. Block 20, county addition, lot 9, owner William Boene. Block 20, county addition, lot 10, owner William Bogue. Block 20, county addition, lot ir, owner J M Cameron. Block 2o, county addition, lot 12, owner J M Cameron. Block 21, county addition, lot 1, owner Florence Porter. Block 21, county addition, lot ..2, Florence Porter. .- Block 2l, county addition, lot 3, owner Pauline Kline. Block 21, county addition, lot 4, Pauline Kline. Block 2l, county addition, lot 5, owner owner J N McFadden. - Block 2l, county addition, lot, 6, owner N McFadden, Block 21, county addition, lot 7, owner J N McFadden. Ulock 21, county addition, lot or owner J N McFadden. Block 2l, county addition, lot 9, owner Pauline Kline.. Block 2I. county addition', lot Jo, owner Pauline Kline. Block 21, county addition, lot 11, owner Louisa 1 Gardner. Block 21, county addition, lot 12, owner State Agricultural College. clock 22, county addition, lot 1, owuer M J. Wells. Block 22, county addition, lot 2, owner M J Wells. Block 22, county addition, lot 3, M J Wells. " Block 22, county addition, lot 4, . owner owner Karl Liachele. Block 22. county addition, lot 5, owner Karl Lachele. Block 22, county addition, lot 6, owner Karl Lachele. Block 22, county addition, E lot 7. owner, j a Morner. Block.22, county addition, E yi lot 8, owner, j-is uorner. -Block 22, county addition, E 1-2 lot 9, owner J B Horner. Block 22, connty addition, W yz lot 7, owner, Marion F Wood. Block 22, county addition, W lot 8, owner Marion F Wood. Block 22, connty addition, W yi lot 9, owner, Marion F Wood, Block 22, county addition, lot 10, owner Heirs of Carrie Howe, Block 22, county addition, lot li, owner heirs Carrie Howe. Block 22, county addition, lot 12, owner Heirs of Carrie Howe. And that said viewers will meet at the office of the Police Judge - of said city of Corvallis, on the 25th day of September, l9o2, at the hour ot 7 o.clock p m, arid if the said work of the assessment of the raspective share of the cest of the said sewers is not completed on that day, the meeting will be adjourned from day to day, till the same 'is finished, and all pet sons interested may appear before said viewers to be heard in the matter of making said estimate or estimates, - - S. L. Henderson. S. L. Shedd, R. E. Gibson. Corvallis, Oregon, September 6, 1902 Also to estimate the proportionate cost of the sewer under ordinance No 120, through block 5, County Addition, and block 19, JOixon's Second addition, and a part of block 18, Dixon's Second ad dition, beginning at the manhole in Van BHT street sewer situated 107 feetWestr el fnd 26.8feet Southerly fromthe South elwwCorner of block 5, County addition to Corvallis. Oreeon, and running thence Northerly throush the center of block 5, County addition, Corvallis, through the center of the alley of block 19, Dixon's Second addition to Corvallis, crossing Harrison street to a point on the North side of block 19, which is 719 feet dis' tant from said manhole, thence in s Northwesterly direction 152 leet across Taylor street, Corvallis, to the Northeast corner of the Creamery building, situated on lot 7, block 18, Dixon's second addi tion to Corvallis,. To be assessed to the property benefited thereby. Block 5, county addition, lot I, owner, Jane and Clara Hutchtns. . Block 5, county addttion, lot 2, owners Jane and Clara Hutchms. Block 5, county addition, lot 3, owner, U U Harness. Block 5, county addition, S 16 feet 4. owner, C C Hartless, lot Block 5, county addition, 16 feet front by 100 feet through the middle of lot 4, owner Cora M Davisson. Block 5, county addition, Ni6? feet lot 4, owner, E J Moore. '. ' , Bock 5' county addition, 33 feet lot 5 owner, E J Moore. Block 5, county addition, Ni6?i feetlots, owner, Isabel le Gellatty. Block 5 county addition, lot 6, owner, Isabelle Gellatly. Block s, county additiou, lot 7, owner Isabelle Gellatly.' Block 5, county addition, N x6 lot. 8, owner isabelle Gellatly. Block 5, county addition, S 33 1-3 -feet, lot owner. E 3 Moore . Block 5, county addition, N.16 feet lot 9, owner, E J Moore. Block 5, county addition, 16 feet front by 100 ieet through tne miuuie 01 101 , owner, cora M Davisson. Block 5, county addition south 165i feet, lot 9, owner, u o Harness. Block 5, county addition, lot 10,' owner C Hartless. Block 5, county addition, lot 11, owner, E Paddoek. Block 5, county addition, lot 12, owner, E Paddock. ' Block 19, DIxons second addition, lot 1, owner, J 11 Albright. I Block 10, Dixons second addition," SJ i lot 2, owner, J H Albright. . Block J9, Dixons secoii3 addition, N J lot 2, owner, Jacob White ker. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 3, owner, Jacob Whltaker. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 4, owner, j vv bimpson. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 5, owner, 4 w Simpson. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 6, owner, JW Simpson. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 7, owner, Jacob Whltaker. Bloek 19, Dixons second sdditioa, S J lot 8, owner, Jacob Whltaker. Block 19. Dixons secend addition, N K lot 8, owner, aiartna bimpson. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 9, owner, Maltha Simpson. - Block 19, Dixons second addition, let lOnwn er. Julia Cllne. Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot II, owner, Julia Cline Bloek 19, Dixous second addition, lot 12, own er. Julia Cline. " - Block 18, Dixons second addition, lot 7, George xayior And that said viewers will meet at the office of Police Judge of the City of Corvallis, on the 25 th day of September, at the hour of 7 o'clock P M, and if said work of the assessment of the respective share of the cost ot said sewer is not completed on that day, the meeting will be ad journed from day to day until the same is fin ished and all persons interested, may appear before said viewers to be heard in the matter of making sail estimate or estimates. WILLIAM BOGUE, . Z H DAVIS, S L SHEDD. Corvallis, Oregon, Sept ti, 1902. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the estaf of William E Bo hanon, deceased has filed her final accouut In said estate, with the County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, and the County Court of Benton County. Oregon, lias appointed and fixed Friday the 9th day of October 1902, at one o'clock p m, at the Courtroom of said Court at Corvallis, Oregon, for hearing objections, lf any there be to said final account aud.thejfo settlementof the said estate, MAHALA K, BOHA2TOX, Executrix of the estate of William E. Bohanon dsceased, ' Ujtea sept ana. 1902. . Notice to. Tax Payers. The 1901 session law provides that all taxes be come delinquent the first Monday in October, and besides the penalty of ten per cent, interest at the rate ot 12 per cent per annum additional from the first Monday in April preceding - shall be collected. The law further provides that the sheriff shall immediately after the first Monday in October turn the tax roll over to the clerk, the clerk extends the delinquent taxes, turns the roll over to the sheriff with a warrant- thereto attached commauding said sheriff to proceed to advertise and sell all property on which the taxes are not paid in full. The law also provides that the sheriff shall on receipt of the roll from the clerk advertise and sell the.pjoperty with out further notice or levy. The above has refer ence to all unpaid taxes including half pay ments and partial payments. , . .Mf Burnett, Sheriff. Notice of the First Meeting' of Cred itor. In the District Court of the united States for the District of Oregon. In tbft iriAttAr nf C A Harnharl in hnnlcmntmr To the creditors of C A Barnhart, of Corvallis . in tne county oi Benton, aua msinet airoresaia ; a bankrupt: Notice is herabv given that on tha 12th day of Saptember, 1902, the said C A Barnhart was duly adjudicated a bankrupt and that the first meet ing of his creditors will be held " at Corvallis, Oregon, at my office on the 30th day of Septem ber, 1902, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which tine the said creditors:may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bapkrupt and transact such other business as mey properly come before said meeting, E. HOLGATE, Eeferee In Bankruptcy, Dated September 17, lU02r Executor's Notice to-Creditors . Notice ts hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed by the last will of John Wiles, deceased, as executors of said will and estate, and also by the County Judge TJt Benton f county in tne state oi uregon.Aii personsnaving claims against said estate, with proper vouch ers duly verified, will present them to the un dersigned executors at the office of said Walter T Wiles at Corvallis in said county. Walter T. Wilbs, ' EdwaKd F. Wiles. Executors ot the last will and estate ot John Wiles, deceased. ; . ? Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the county court of Benton county, Oregon, as the administratrix of the estate of Jer emiah H. Mason, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby " required to- present be' same, duly .verified -as :by law required within six months, from be f-oeented to the undersigned or to W. S. ten at Corvallis, Oregon. ELIZABETH C. MASON, Administratrix of the estate of Jere:niah H. Mason, deceased. Dated Sept. 2, 19O2. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdel Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. Son Franciscoi . THE HOP INDUSTRY NEW YORK BUYER SAYS PACIFIC COAST IS TO BE THE HOP "' ' . -. ' CENTER. " Growers in New York Going Out of Business Picking of This Year's crop on the Coast Will End Next Week. Other News. . Portland Evening Nearly all the Oregon Telegram, he pa are picked and a good many samples in the bales have been- received in Portland, The rain Friday night will prove rather beneficial than harmful, as it will wash - the bars clear of dust before they go into the driers. No amount of rain could do very much damage, for picking will be week. Al ready large numbers of the pickers have returned home. , F. A. Wattenberg, a New York buyer, who is in the city, estimate that out of 85,ooD bales; 60,000 are in the hands of the growers, which would leave 25,ooo bales in the hands of contracting parties. The samples received show a good quality. No prices however, have been established. German hop are selling at 30 cents in New Yoik with the duty paid, which low fig ure is likely to weightdown the pri ces and keep them from soaring higher than 20 to 23. cents, the present contracting prtces. The German crop, as stated before, is heavy, but the New York and Eng lish crops are light and poor in quality. Moet of the California crop is picked, and the Washington crop is well in hand. . Eastern buy ers are upan the ground, but do not seem very active in makiDg offers. Until the samples in the bales are received, it is not likely mach will be done in the buying line. ' Mr. Nvattenberg makes an im portant statement as serving to show that the Pacific Coast can raise hops much cheaper than any of the Eastern states. Until recent vears New York has been the hop raising center of America. Low prices, poor quality caused by the soil be ing worn threadbare and the in creased cost of production have caused some of the larger growers to plough under fields and turn to other kinds of farming. The one item of poles alone cost the New York grower from 10 to 12 cents per pole, or about $75 an acre. In Oregon and Washington ; the poles cost the grower practically nothing. While the New York soil is worn out, the soil in the Coast states is still strong and fresh, although successive crops ; are be ginning to tell upon its productive powers, and unless growers fertilize freely from this time on they will pick a poor quality ot hops hereat- ter. It is likely many of the other larga New York growers will go out of the business this year, and the acreage in Washington and Oregon will be increased that much more. Tharthe industry is assuming larga proportions in Oregon is Bhown by the fact that Horst Bros, have 325 acres; Jvrebbe isroe., zoo acres; Rose. .165 acresLilienthaLBros., 115 acres; Hirshberg, : llo acres. Those are the largest growers. ; At K!ng3 Valley. Kings Valley will have a large attendance at O. A. C. this winter. Tom Allen, John Graham, Fred Writner, Walter Winfred, James Chambers. Ernest Eddy and Fred RrnnVinnor will nnntinilfi their fit. lid . j 1 Yir t nA T rt 1 les mere, auu riau& vv luucu, xjci jjij, Clarence and Ira Vincent and Sam Eddy will attend, making eleven from here. Corvallis $ eastern R R Cinu Card Ho 20, 2 For Yaqnina: Train leaves Albany. ......12:45 P- m " Corvallis...... 1:50 p. in " arrives Yaqnina. ....... 5:35 p. m 1 Returning: Leaves Yaqnina 7:00 a. m Leaves Corvallis. 11:30 a. m ' Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m 3 For Detroit: ' ' - Leaves Albany, i:00 p. m Arrives Detroit 5:45 p. m 4 from Detroit; Leaves Detroit.. 6:30 a. m Arrives Albany.. .11:05 a. m Trainsri and 4 arrive in Albany in time to connect with S P south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before departure of S P north bound train. ' . . ' Train 2 connects with the S P west side train at Corvallis and Albany giving dir ect service to Newport and .adjacent beaches. -- Twin 1 for Detroit. Breitenbusb. and other mountain resorts leaves mwuv . .. . , A ,1 i.Afii m. after arrival ot S. tr.- soma bound train from Portland, reaching De troit at ;:4i P. ni. , For further information apply to Edwin Stonb, Manager T. Turner, Agent Albany . , H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis. for Infants The Kind You Have Always Bought nas borne the signa-: ture of Clias. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his -personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one - to . deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " 'are but Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the jn Use; For THC CENTAUR COMPANY. TT (e illo tt M . ) toas high a standawasour desire"ould promot ) 1 ns- hnt. sp.ft that vnn mfllrA tin rmstntA in Co est standard of Grocer- ies that is the place to . . BUY Frcsb Fruits. Frcsb Uegetables, fresh everything to be had in the market. We run our delivery wagon and our aim is to keep wha'b you want and to please. Call and see If you are looking for some real good bar gains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches, write for my special list or come and. sea me. shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable information you wish, also showing you over the country. " HENRY AMBLER, Real Estate loan and Insurance Philomath, Oregon. si Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executors ot the estate of Thomas Eglin, deceas ed have filed their final account la said estate with the County Clerk of Benton county, Ore gon, and the county Court ot Benton county Oregon, has appointed and fixed Saturday, the 11th day ot October, 1902, at one o'clock p mat the Court room ot said court at Corvallis, Ore" gon, for hearing objections it any there be to said final account and settlement of said es- tate- WM. CEEE3, GEO. F. EGLIN. Executors of the estate ot Thomas Eglin, de ceased. Dated September 3rd, 1902, . CASTOR I A ' For Infants and Children. Iks Kind YorHave Always Bougf Bears the Signature of 3 arid Children. Signature of Oyer 30 Years. MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. riM Pino Co SHE Prompt Delivery is ordered swift service you'll get if you favor us with your orders but you will get more than quick service if you deal. You will get good goods, whether you order teas coffees, spices, canned goods, or the latest advertised breakfast foods. We have them all as a call will prove. P. M. ZIEROLF. Contest Notice , Department of the Interior, United States Land 'Office, Oregon City, Oregon, September 15th, 1902, . A sufficient contest affidavit having been fll- . ed in this office by Celia M Loomis contestant, ,i gainst homestead entry No 13837, made August 19th, 1901, for lots 2. 3, and 4. Secttou IS, Town ship 13 S, Range 6 W, by Napoleon Valin. con testee, In which it is. alleged that contestant ''knows the present condition of the same! also that said Napoleon Valln, has wholly abandoned said described tract of land from and after mik Ing said entry; that said entryman never at any ' period nettled upon, or established actual resid ence thereon, or made any Improvements what ever, and that saldtract is In its original wild state at the present time, and that said alleged ab sence from said land Is not due to his em ployment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps, of the United States, or as a private soldier, offi cer, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain or during any other war which the United -States may be engaged," said parties ara here- -by notified to appear, respond and offer evid5- , ence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a m, on October 30th 1902, before the Register and Re ceiver at the United States Land Office In Ore gon City, Oregon, The said contestant having, la a proper affll-; davit, filed September 15, 1902, set forth lacts which show that after due diligence personal service ot this notice can not be made, it is here by ordered and directed that such notice be giv en by due and proper pW,cat.on, M00REg- ... , .. . .- . - ' Register,