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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1902)
LOCAL LORE. Bide a Rambler. Karl Steiwer arrived Monday to resume his studies at OAC, Claud Shelton returned to his home In Sclo, yesterday after a few days' visit with Corvallia friends. Fred Hills of Jaspar. left for Corvallis to rpsume his studies at the AgriculturarkCi,Hege. Register. ' rex untie, auer lour mouiuu and la shortly to leavo for Waldport and Toledo. . Theodore Garrow arrived- Satur day from McCloud, where he spent the summer, He resumes his studies at OAO. A fancy goat; aDd the best sheep . he could buy, were among the pur chases made by Oscar Tom at the State Fair. He left Corvallia for home Sunday. Baptist church: Usual services every Sunday. The annual church meeting will be held Thursday even ing. All members particularly- invit ed to be present at 7-30 p m, Mahala J Kisor has brought suit at Portland against her husband, Amos E Kisor for divorce. They were married in Benton county Aug 1, 1867, and have ten children. The clover huller owned by Gus Harding and Richard Klger has been in operation several days. Among .nrn tKraahofl OTPT-n RO Ranks) for Richard Kiger and 150 for H F Fischer. Mat R Ish, for 47 years a resid ent of Jacksonville, was among the lay delegates at the Columbia Con ference. He Is a member of the well known Ish family, who were among the earliest settiers of Jackson county, Mies Dolly Baker, a sister of William Baker, and formerly a resi dent of Corvallis, was married in Portland recently to C E Ray, a : brakeman on the eastside division of the Southern Pacific. Rev Shangle, formerly of Cor vallls, is to go to Milion, Eastern Ore gon to reside, A recent conference of his church sent him there as a pre siding elder. Hi3 district comprises Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washing ton, and portions of Idaho and Wy oming. Subscription papers have been in circulation for funds to aid in the re building of the home of David How ward and family, and contributions have been liberal. The Howards are HOW uviug lu a touo ucar tuo eueuo of their late home, destroyed by fire on Tuesday of last week. Most anything can be proven nowadays. A Swiss surgeon says there Is no such thing as immunity from a contagious disease. His rec ord shows 528 persons who had small pox twice, nine who had it three times and one who had it seven times. Other diseases show practically ana . logous facts. - The largest known tree in North America has been discovered in the Sierras, east of Fresno, Cai. John Muir, the naturalist, visited, the tree and reports that it measures 109 feet at the base, and four feet above the ground Is 97 feet In circumference. It is a larger tree, therefore than either General Sherman or General Grant. A correspondent writes that a man supposed to be identified with i c ti nnAlfln i, I making a trip throug,a the' country west of Kings Valley, and there is wonder among the people if the com pany is figuring on an extension of the railroad from Airlie so as to tap the timber belt mute. along the Luckia- An unsnown miomam corres pondent complains because the last issue of the Times gave the - name of the boy who was in jail and . did not disclose the identity of the boy that was fined for shooting China pheas ants. The point is well taken. The name of the" lad who was fined for violating the game law is Strong, and he resides in Corvallis. - Corvallis was a busy town Sat urday afternoon and evening. A large number of pickers returning from the hop fields were In town, and so were many students. All of them had money, and most were shopping. Dealers and their clerks were kept on the jump to satisfy the demand for wares. Main street, after supper echoed to the tramp of many hurry ing feet, and the town wore an air of busy life not unlike a bigger and bus ier city. Flouring mllla at Corvallis are becoming famed as makers of fancy flour. The taking of diplomas, medi ate and awards by one or by the other of them is a story that la fre quently related. The latest is the taking of the blue ribbon, or first pre mium by the Benton County Mills at state fair for best flour. Theaward was lncompetition with nearly all of tbebig mills of the state. Corvallis ought to, and doubtless has, a fair fame abroad for its mills and millers. Few people realize1, perhaps, the immense traffla that daily crosses the Corvallis ferry. A memorandum Is regularly kept by the ferryman of the day's business and the facts are re ported to the county court. The number of ferriages during August was 5,350. , At the . present time a small day's business is 175 ferriages. On occasions a days work has been 221. The capacity of the boat is eight teams at a time. Occasionally, but not often, the boat has only one ve hicle on a trip. - Mrs Frank Ward is visiting her sister at Albany. " Regular meeting of the Ladies Coffee Club next Monday afternoon at 2:30. J Fred Tates left yesterday for Bohemia mines, He expects to be at sent a week, Because he couldn'J; find vacant house to live In, G W Thomp son left with his family yesterday for Roseburg to reside. Bert PiekiDgton, of Oakland, was in Albany yesterday, enroute to Oor vallis where he will enter OAC. Al bany Herald. Mr and Mrs Richardson, who have been at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs Andrews, for two weeks paet, ;ert Saturday ior their home at Eu gene. - -Coll Van Cleve escorted his daughter Luella and son Archie to Corvallis this morning where they will enter the Agricultural College, Lincoln County Leader. The Rebekahs celt brated the 51st anniversary last Monday evening A literary programme was followed by refreshments and the re mainder of the evening was spent in conversation. Mrs A L Knisely and children left yesterday for a three months' visit at Battle Creek, Michigan. In Portland they will be joined by Mies Brlggs and Miss Munroe, who will ac company them on the trip. . A marriage license was granted Saturday to Ernest B Carey and Zel- ma R Henkle. Miss Henkle is the daughter of Lay ton Henkle, and Mr Carey resides at Falls City, Polk county. Miss Erma Lawrence, former resident.and well known in Corvallis, is to be married tonight at the home of her parents in Portland, to Mr Jones, a druggist of Oregon City, Miss Lawrenee is an alumnus of OAC. Mrs W T Hewitt ' and chlldern. who have been visiting at the home of Mrs Mary Barclay since early in June, are to leave tomorrow for their home near Stockton, California. They are to be accompanied for a winter's visit, by Miss Laura Herron, sister of Mrs Hewitt. An abstract of the votes by coun ties in the late state election has been sent out by the executive department at Salem. In the vote for governor, Chamberlain received 41,857;' Furnish received, 41,581 -Chamberlain's plur ality, 276. . . Its pays to advertise. A student lost a pocket book, and yesterday morning left an advertisement for it in the Times office, Halt an hour afterward and before the paper- ap peared, he returned with the lost DOOK, "John Gault, captain of the foot ball team, arrived Monday evening. He worked through harvest in the vicinity of Heppner, and since has been employed at the well , known Minor stock farm, with fancy stock from which, he was at the State Fair. Robert Keyes, the 14 year old lad arrested on a warrant from Douglas county, and taken to the Benton coun ty jail last week has been sent to the Beys end Girls Home in Portland, as will be seen elsewhere. Friday after noon, he was taken from the jail by County Judge Watters and kept at his home until turned over to Sheriff Burnett to take to Portland, - uorvaiua is doing business now. The advertising columns of the Times tell the story, The movement ' of people on the streets and the sound from morning until night of hammers and saws on new buildings emphas ize It. The crowded homes, the de mand ror more dwellings and many other signs tell of a lively, thriving town, MAKING FINAL COLLECTIONS Of Taxes Sheriff Burnett is Again in the Field for Cash. Elsewhere is a notice that Sheriff Burnett gives to those who have not completed payment of their tax es. About 200 persons in the coun ty paid half their assessment last spring and thereby secured the op tion of paying the remaining half on or before Monday, October 6th. Only a limited time remains for the remainder to be paid. Such as do not pay, will be under necesstiy, as the sheriff says in his notice, of paying not only a io per cent pen alty, but in addition 12 per cent interest on the remaining half from the-first Monday in April to the time of payment. - Of course, those who square up the remaining half .by October 6th, will have neither penalty nor in terest to pay. The aggregate of the unpaid bal ance of taxes affected as above is about $3000. The date for pay ment withont cost expires two weeks from next Monday. ... GOT DRINKS MIXED - His Oath and How He Took it Didn't Have the Hang of Things. He was making final proof on "a homestead in the clerk's office. In the process, it became necessary for him to take an oath. He had nev er done that sort of thing before, and didn't have the hang of things. He held up his right hand when told to, and then stood dazed-like while the clerk rattled perfunctor ily through the oath. Finally the official closed with the well known words, '"So help me God," and then paused for the reply... - But the youth didn't reply. The truth was, he didn't know just what was wanted. With a per turbed countenance, and his fing ers working nervously at his panta loons, he stood,' dumb as an oyster. Suddenly, however, his face brightened. He remembered the words, 'Sohelp me God,'' and feeling sure that he had the right" answer, sung out boldly, Amen." The Jyoung main hailed from Western Benton. . NOW IN SESSION Taxpayers Visit the Court H&use - Board of Equalization. " . .-' The County Board of Equaliza tion has been in session since Mon day morning, in attendance . are the county judge, clerk and asses sor. The sessions are held in the private office of the clerk, but the door opening into the corridor kept open for the convenience of callers. . A number of taxpayers have call ed to look after their assessments, The purpose of many was merely to ascertain the amount- of their valuations, and in most instances, they went away satisfied. John son Porter, however lodged a com piaint witn tne Doard. J. he asses sor's valuation on the Sorbin pro perty is $2, 200. Recently Mr Porter bought the property at $2,375. He claimed that much of the property in the county is as sessed at about half its cash value, and he thought' that there should be a reduction in the valuation on the property in question. The matter was taken under advise ment by the board. r New deeds filed for record are Oregon Agricultural Company Limit ed to the Coast Land & Livestock Company, '23,050 acres in Benton county, $1: Coast Land & Livestock Company to the Oregon Pacific Col onization Company, 54.711 acres. 81 A A Schenck and wife to M George, three lots in Chase's addition. $500 : Sarah A Robinson and husband to William Knotts, 40 acres of theKnotte donation land claim. $800. The name of Taylor in the meat market industry has been identi fied with Corvallis from timelmmem-) orial, The old sign, however, is to hauled down. James Taylor and his partner have sold the well known market to Oliver Wicks and Homer Lilly, and the latter are to take pos session October 1st. After settling up his business, Mr Taylor is to go to Arizona for an indefinite absence, In quest of better health.. He enter ed the meat market business In Corvallis in 1869. ; - A queer incident happened at the ferry some time ago. There were eight teams on the boat, and the landing had just been reached. Two of the wagons were heavily loaded and were on the back end of - ths ferry. The drivers were deeply- ab sorbed in conversation when the landing was reached, All the other teams drove off, save the hinderraost two, and the effect was that the boat tilted considerably and both wagons began to roll back. Fortunately, the chains across the back of the boat were strong and securely fastened, or a different dcoount would have been written. ; : Estray Notice. Notice is hereby given that about the 1st day o! August last, . a three year old gelding, 16 hands high weighing about 1250, being a mouse colored brown with a star in the forehead left the Vineyard pasture about four miles N W from Cor vallis. Reasanable reward will be paid for the return of said colt or information as to its whereabouts. Spencer Bicknw,, Owner, ' " Corvallis, Ore. Fresh red clover seed in bulk, at Zier olf's. - x Estray Notice, From the undet signed at Corvallis, Oregon, one bay mare, 6 years old", branded with Roman cross on left should er; weight about 1000 pounds; rope on when last seen, near Inavale. Reward for return. A." R. Norwood, Buy your red clover seed at ierolf's, He has an excellent quality. - . . Opening! At Miss Johnson's Friday and Satur day, September 26th and 27th. Will have a fine display of trimmed hat9. Millinery Opening. -.- On Friday and Saturday, Sept 26th and 27th. Fine display of new millinery No old goods, all new and stylish dies are cordially invited; 7" Mrs. J.Mason La- ' O Bears the Signature Of .STOIIIA. -tThs Kind You Have Always BoiiK kY Jackets We have just received our final shipment ot Ladies' Misses and Childrens Capes and Jackets Which includes all the new and up to date Styles and Weaves Don't fail to call and inspect this line he fore purchasing elsewhere LADIES WOOL WAISTS This is one of the prettiest lines of waists ever Drought to the- city. We have them in all colors and prices, from 75 cents to $G . L. KLINE'S s LARGE ASSORTMENT New Dress Goods 36-inch Camel-Hair Home-Spun, Granite Cloth, Etc., in Oxford Green, Mode and leading shades, 60c per yard, 54-inch Venetian Cloth Black, Gar net, Mode, Green, National, Wine, Scar let, " - $1.25 per yard. I Novelty Suiting for Children's School 1 jjresses, 15c, 20c, 25c. Fancy Stripe and Chalkline Flannels - 50c per. yard. Regulation Blue Flannel for Gymna sium Suits, 35cr, 45c, 50c, All Wool See our Display of Lace Curtains in South Window The W. B. Erect form Corset Is built as you are. built. Beautiful in de sign, proper in shape, absolutely true in construction."" A size and special model for every wearer in Corvallis. Iron Clad Rose 'Made to Wear." All othefs are imitations come to us first- hand direct from the 'factory. . No middlemen to increase the cost Sizes for everybody and prices to suit your pocket book. ' "District 76" Stands for all that's good in Children's School Shoes. Once worn, always worn. . . ' Ladies' District 76" are becom ing .equally as popular. Price, $2 25. ;. Joe Miller's Shoes, the' old reli able, and the "Top Round" Shoes for Men. No matter what shoe you have been wearing, a "Top - Round" will wear you longer always $3 50. never less. Ladies' Gloaks and Wraps From the World Cloak and Suit Co., New York, have ar rived, comprising the latest models in ladies' and Misses, Coats, Jackets, Capes, Etc., in all shades Castor, Black, Blue, Brown, Eed and Oxford. Our Gloak Department Has received much attention this Season. Whether you wish to buy or not, will be pleased to show you the sea son's style. ' Also Ladies' Firs, Collarettes and Scarfs men's Jlttire For Fall We are showing by far the largest assortment of Men's. Ready-to-wear Clothing ever carried in -Corvallis and of an extreme high grade. Every garment is finished with our im proved breast and shoulder. The wear-resisting and shape retaining qualties of which are absolutely permanent. KINGSBURY HATS Hand made. Are never freak hats. The styles are reliable and safe. . ; w-- ----- - -w F. L. MILLER F. L. MILLER Our Grocery Department ,1s full of the famous "Alsea Honey, from Alsea," and other 1 , k . good things. If It's good to eat, we have it. . . .