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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1902)
I Willamette Valley Banking Company GORVAIXIS OHEGOS. Responsibility $100,000. A General Banking Business. Eschar ge issued payable at all finan cial centers in United States, Canada ind Europe. Principal Correspondents Portland. Seattle. San Francisco' and New York Canadian Bank ol Commerce . Chicago First National Bank .Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce Union Bank of Canada. - Corvallis Times. BY B. F. IRVINE. Official Paper Benton County, CORVALLIS, OREGON SEPT. 24, 1903. THEIR SESSION Conference Ended and Delegates Gone Some of the Things Done. After a session 1 hat began Thurs Iay afternoon, Columbia Confer -ence of the M MS church, South, came to an end with the announce ment of the appointments after the church service Sunday evening, Among the distinguished visitors in attendance were, Bishop Duncan, f- j 1 "A i 1 t oi partenDurg, - oouin Carolina, presiding officer of the conference Dr W T L,ambreth, general mis sionary secretary, Nashville, Ten nessee; Dr J Hammond, secretary of education, Nashville, Tennessee; DrWE Vaughn, editor of the Pacific Christian advocate, San Trancisco; and others. . At the roll call nearly all the preachers in the district and many lay delegates answered to "their names. The reports from the various pastorates showed a large increase in membership, and an unusually good showing in finan ces. The sessions included dis cussions of educational topics con nected with the church, and a gen eral discussion of the affairs of the denomination in the region cover ed by Columbia Conference. All . of the business matters of the con ference were closed up on Satur day, and the remainder of the time was devoted to devotional serv ices. On Snnday, Bishop Duncan "oc--cupied the pulpit in the local -church of the denomination, and Dr I,ambreth spoke in the same place in the evening. Other city pulpits were filled by the confer-, ence preachers Sunday evening, including Dr Hammond at the Presbyterian. - - At the morning service Sunday, Hev Hyatt and Rev Spiess were ordained elders. Just before the close of the Sun day evening service, appointments were announced as follows: Wil ; lamette district, E 1 Fitch, pre siding elder, reappointed; Rfedford, NG Darby; Albany, J C Cook; Myrtle Point, J A Starmer: Klam ath Falls, to be supplied; Ashland -and Sams Vallev, H N Bosser; -Grants Pass, William W Golden; Myrtle Creek, T C Cotton; Dillards E. A Reagan; Roseburg, A C Hyatt Xebanon, D C McFarland; Junc tion, W B Smith; Harrisburg, Henry Spiess; Tangent, W A Oden Oregon City, John W Craig; Dal las and Dixie, to be supplied; In dependence and Iewisville, T P Haines; Corvallis and" Barclay, John Reaves; Superannuated list, P A Moses, W I, M alloy and R A Kirk; transferred to East Colum bia Conference, Revs Cross, Han sen, Snyder and Shangle; to the Pacific Conference, L G Smith. Fresh Hodes. Saratoga - chi.s in bulk at A Real Estate, Loan and Insurance. I beg to announce to the public that I have opened an office for the transaction of a general real estate, loan, insurance and rental business. I am prepared to look particularly after the interests of non-residents, and to exercise a genera care of their property. Personal exam ination will be marie of assessment rolls to see that property of my clients is not incorrectly assessed, and if necessary ap pearance will be made before the county board of equalization for the purpose of having errors corrected in assessments when tho latter are to high or assessed to wrong owners, etc. I feel fully assured that I will be able to render valuable and satisfactory service. For insurance, fof loans, or for purchase or sale of property call and secure terms- All matters en trusted to my care will receive prompt and careful attention. '. Office, second floor, Zierolf building, Corvallis, Ore gon. . - W. A. WELI.S. To Sell or Let. On' shares 300 goOd clean sheep. J. H. Edwards. .- Dusty, HIS SPEECH SETTLED IT He Didn't Want no Shandyleer for the Church, and Explained Why. The congregation was debating the question of whether or not to purchase a chandelier for the new church. Some argued in favor of it, and some opposed. - Reasons, pro and con were advanced on both sides. . ; Throughout the "discussion, one old brother sat silent, apparently biding his time. By and by, he arose and cleared his throat. His solemn air indicated that he believed he had something import ant to impart. "Brethren," he said, "You are a-talking here about buyin' this here shandyleer. It would cost a whole lot of money, and after ye bought it, what would ye do with it? Who have ye got, who have ye got, I say, that could play on it? Ez fer me, I dont want no chandlyeer unless ' we got a sister among us ez kin play the thing to a standstill. I'm fur pro gress, fust, last and all the time, but I dont want no instruments a standin' around idle." The point settled the question and the purchase of the four - lamp chandelier" was indefinitely post poned. The incident is an actual occurrence, with the scene less than a dozen leagues from Corvallis. It sounds like it might have occurred in I,ane. THE WORK BEGUN Building a Grand Stand on College Drill Grounds Also Fence. W. O. Heckart and his men be gan yesterday the erection of a grand stand on the drill and ath letic grounds at the college- The structure is to be ioo feet long by 1 8 deep, and will accommodate 400 people. There will be six rows of comfortable Seats, to which ad mission is gained by an aisle up the center. The structure will face the east and is located on the slope near the foot of the hill on which the Hogg house stands. The north and south ends and the west side will be enclosed," and the roof will be finished off with cornice and other adornments. The cost is to be $361," without paint. The - work of" enclosing the grounds is also in progress. - The fence is to be eight feet high, and will enclose a tract of six acres. The posts have all been set, and the work of putting on the boards has begun. The fence is being ouiit by the students, and so far as the work is concerned, is in nature of a free will offering. If finances will permit, the fence will be white washed with the government pre paration. NOW IN ASHES The Old Pryor Scott Dwelling House Burned Last Saturday. The Pryor Scott residence, oc cupied by James Gray and family, and owned by James Hayes was burned to the ground last Satur day morning. The fire was dis covered just as the family was sitting down to breakfast. The origin was in the upper story' and the flames had such headway that only kitchen furniture and a few articles from the lower floor were saved. The -house and con tents were valued at $2,000 or more. The Grays now occupy the Clyde Hayes house, which is on a 30 acre tract that formerly was a part of the" Horning donation claim. The building was insured for $1000 in the Home, of which Mor gan & Eglin are local agents. Though the fire occurred on Sat urday, a check for $1000, the full amount of the policy, was placed in the hands of Mr Hayes Monday. The burned building was built by John Huffman for the late Pryor Scott in 187&, Its original . cost was about $1700. For Sale. English rye grass seed,. large cheat seed, and vetch seed, A few cords . of oak wood, I am booking orders for vetch seed, speak in time. " - Also pure bred Aberdeed Angus cattle Poland China hogs, and Shropshire bucks from recorded stock. . ' . . L. L. Brooks. BluePrint Maps. " Blue print maps of any township in Roseburg Oregon and District, showing all vacant lands for 50 cents each. If you want any information -from the TJ S Land Office address : ' Title Guarantee & Loan Co - . Koseburg, Ore. " To Let. Fifty good Ewes. L N Edwards,' Dusty Ore, Wanted. Young men of fine character, willing to work and anxious. to please, wants to do chores for board while he at tends college. Inquire at Times office. SCORED HUSBANDS Also Christian ScientistST-Plain Speech by a Distinguished ' Pulpiteer. ! "' ' Husbands who attended services at the M E church South, "Sunday morning heard themselves scored. So did Christian Scientists. - The man who - did the scoring was Bishop Duncan, of South Car olina. For hearers, he had all the people who could crowd into the church. Every available niche and nook was occupied, and sev eral who desired adimrtance went away for lack of accommodations. The speaker is a free lance. He expresses his opinions freely, but does it so gracefully . and so el egantly that the victim is not of fended. - " ' The subiect was a discussion of what is necessary to salvation, whether as one ,biblical authority says, works.or as another declares faith. The speaker held that both works and faith were . essential. The rich man can not, he said ap proach throne of grace and," laying down his fabulous wealth, say, all this I will give to be saved. He could not say, here are my cattle on a thousand hills, and here are my ships laden with jewels, and with these buy his way into heav en. He cannot endow, a universityor give thousands for work in the vine yard and then, without faith be saved. Neither can he, with large and enduring faith, without works, find an open door to the kingdom. ''There are husbands who Tiave lived with their wives for forty years, and still are not husbands," Bishop Duncan said. "They are only husbands by law, just as some men are seeming Christians be cause they belong to church. These husbands think they care for their wives but they don't. When a wife asks one of them for five dol lars, he says, "What do you want with it? You don't need $5." "Husbands of this kind," Bishop Duncan said, "love their money more than they love their wives." "They reminded him" he declared, 'of the Irishman who said right after his' wedding, "Well we are one now, and its msilf that's the one.' ' Christian Scientists, the bishop declare to be the most inappropriate combination of words in the Eng lish language. There is, hedeclarer1, neither Christianity nor science in the sect. A woman in Atlanta built a magnificent temple dedi cated to Christian Science. It was builf of t hardwood, and magni ficently finished, but after com pletion, she regretted to the archi tect that it was not built of Georgia marble. "But, madam, rejoined the architect, "follow the theory of your creed, and just think it is Georgia marble, and Georgia marble it will be." - , Bishop 11 Duncan-, was sarcastic with reference to many things worldly, and among other char acters, the stingy man fell under his criticism. "Conceive if you can, a miser in heaven, "sitting by the side of Jesus Christ. It is sight that none of uswill ever see," he declared with emphasis born of conviction. - iiishop Duncan s sermon was a beautiful example of finished dic tion. His sentences were of the graceful model characteristic of distinguished Southern orators and his delivery polished and fer vent. He apologized for speak ing .plainly by saying that he was now an old man, that the present might be his last visit to Corvallis, ana tnat ne had neither time nor inclination for the popular philo sophical discussions that mysti fied hearers, did no good, and dis graced the pulpit. Wanted. ; - A ton of vetch hay. Inquire at Times office. - For Sale. . beventy wether lambs at $2 - per head. 80 four year olds at - 2.50 - per head. : . S. II. Moore, - Box 45. Bridge Wanted. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will r-e received by me up to 1 o'clock p m Wednesday, Oct 1, 1902, for the con struction of a bridge across the slough near the residence of PH Hughson on tne uorvaiiis-AiDany river road, in ac cordance with the plans, specifications, train diagrams andnstruction to bidders on lue in my onice. ' said budge to e a 60-foot span, covered Howe truss upon stone or concrete piers at the option of court. "Each bidder shall be required to de posit with his bid 5 - per cent of th e amount of such bid, as by law r required The court reservingthe right to reject any or all bids. THOMAS A. JONES, Co. Surveyor. Call and See! My book cases and writing deeks com bined, from $5 to $15 per piece. Also a lot of .other furniture, all new. - Must close out within three weeks. All kinds of woodwork made and repaired. Shop and-storeroom opposite Farmers -Hotel; August Weitman. TO BOYS AND GIRLS HOME Family of Five Children Sent There Taken Away by Sheriff Yesterday. - - At the westside station yester day afternoon, a 'family of five children bade goodbye to their mother, and left on. the train to enter the Boys and Girls Home at Portland. The children were in charge of Sheriff Burnett, and they were sent to the 'Portland Home by order of the probate judge of Ben ton county. The mother is Mrs Sarah E Keyes, and the children are, Cordelia, aged 15; Robert, 14; Sarah, in Ruth, 9. and Henrietta, seven. Of the latter, Cordelia, the eldest daughter, bitterly opposed the plan of going away, but the others expressed their willingness to be taken. The mother, at first, fought the plan. The children, were to have been taken away Monday, but she appeared in court and asked, for a continuance of the case so that she might bring witnesses to prove that she ought to be allowed to retain the little ones, and the case was continued until 10 o'clock yester day morning for full presentation of her side of the matter. At the ap? pointed hour, however, Mrs Keyes appeared herself, but was without witnesses! She talked for a. while in opposition, but finally expressed herself content to have the chil dren go. The little ones are gentle and in nocent in appearance and apparent ly as bright as the average children In the sheriffs office, while wait ing Monday, the decision of the court, they chatted among them selves, and seemed a happy family. They answered questions modestly, but gracefully, and made friends with all who paid attention to them Though perhaps without concep tion of what the change meant, they all, save the eldest sister, ex pressed entire willingness to go to the new home in Portlend. Mon day afternoon and evening and up to train time yesterday, they were kept at the home of Sheriff Burnett. In them, there is apparently all that is needed, with good care and kindly treatment in the future, to make useful men and women. The sending of the children to the Portland Home was the subject of inquiry in the probate court Mon day. The petition set forth that the mother was not fitted to take care of the children, and asked that they be sent to the Boy's and Girls Home. It was signed by Henry Dunn. Testimony was heard on the petition, and the wit nesses were, Henry Dunn, A J Wil liams of Philomath, guardian of the children, and . John Broomfield, brother of their mother. Mrs Keyes also appeared in her own behalf, and testified in opposition to the petition. The examination was conducted by Deputy District At torney Bryson." The testimony of the first three witnesses was of such character as to induce the court to order the children sent away. The little ones will be kept at the Portland home until desirable homes can be found for them in respectable families. After de livery to such families, the society keeps a constant surveillance over them, and if . the treatment and education received is not all that it should be, the children are taken back to the Home and given to other families where better treat ment is assured. Of the wisdom of I the move, described above, there is no doubt. DIPHTHERIA THERE A New Case Appeared Yesterday Is at the Sechler Home. A green flag, conspicuously dis played at the Sechler home, notifies the passer-by that there is diphthe ria inside. , The victim is a little girl, playmate of the little one that suffered with the disease at - the same home recently. The case was brought to the attention of the au thorities, and the house quarantin ed by Dr. Lee yesterday morning. The other child was treated by Dr. Lee with the anti toxine remedy, and its recovery was rapid. Subse quently the house was fumigated, but in spite of all precautions the other little one is a victim. Sever al students had engaged board and lodging at the house, but it is un derstood that they have removed to other quarters. It is of the utmost importance that the authorities lake the matter fof prooer quarantine firmly in hand, to Xhe end that the disease may be effectually stamped out. . The health committee is the mayor, the chairman of the health committee and the chief of police. Debtors' Attention Having disposetPof our meat market in Corvallis, we hereby request all per sons indebited to us to call and settle before October 1st, Prompt attention to this matter is earnestly desired. Taylor & Ileisch. We Hie ill The arrival for the past two weeks has placed in our store one oi the largest and best selected stock of merchandise we have ever had, comprising alb the late novelties in dress goods, silks, trimmings ribbons, etc. In shoes you have the largest and best selected stcck in the city to choose from. Our aim is to carry everything to be found in an up-to-date dry goods store. Prices to please...... ...... 1 1 iu ilk Iff ill Hi O. A C. UNIFORMS. New Fall Merchandise Silks, Velvets and Satins Elegant Dress goods Cloaks and Jackets Tailor Made Suits Dress and Walking Skirts Outing Flannels . Royal Worchester Corsets Silk, Velvet and Wool shirt waists Iadie's and Misses Footwear House Furnishing dry goods Iadies Rain Garments ' Fnrs and Rnffs new uooas tueeKiy We are showing this season an immense line of Ladies Misses and Childrens, Cloaks, Jackets and Capes all this sea son New York styles. . : Ladies bear in mind our Fine "Broadhead" Dress Good are thoroughly shrunk and sponged. NEW GOODS! I have recently ree'd a line of stearling silver goods as has never before been equalled in the city. . I have an al most unlimited varity of sterling silver teaspoons, singly or in sets, also a choice line of sugar shells, butter Knives, exc. I have now in my store the largest and " most complete line of watches and rings ever displayed in the city ol Cor vallis. . Clocks, hollow ond flat ware of the very best manu facture. Optical work a specialty,; eyes tested free and sat isfaction .guaranteed. Fine watch repairing promptly done aod fully guaranteed,' Call and see this extensive line at PRATT the Jeweler & Optician, $UCCe$$0r; 0 UP Jl Sanders . Corvallis Oregon. Strictly Up to Dale! j, D. Mann & Co are receiving Car Load Lots ol Furniture For fall trade, and are now able to -show a fine line ot Furniture, Carpets and Stoves ' Largest assortment and best bar- -gains ever offered. PiBDared ! it ill Iff ill Hi to lit HARM! Fine Clothing, Mens Fine Clothing, Boys Single Pants and Vests Overcoats and Ragline Sweaters and Hunting Coat Oil and Rubber Clothing W Iy Douglas $3 and $3 50 shoes Walk-over Shoes $3 50 and $4 . "Hawes" $3 00 hats Boys "Security" Shoes Fancy Socks and Gloves New Golf Shirts