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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1902)
rv , - ' ' "WEB Vol. XV. No 32. CORVAIiMS, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 24,1902. B. F. IRVINK Editor and Pw ELT; 1 KIND Van Cramps Concentrated Soup Chicken, Bouillon, Tomato, Oxtail, Vegetable, Mock - Turtle : " Just what you want "when, not feeling good. G olden Gate olden Gate olden Gate Mocha and Java The only kind with a reputation JIti Ideal Rcailb food Junket Tablets Junket Tablets Is a pure milk food, Delicious, Nutritious . 7 Digestible. For sale by at Rodes' Grocery l Organa Now Ready For Sale f ' Ranging from $45 to $125. Will be sold on easy pay ments. All organs guaranteed 10 years. . Call on or ad dress R. M. CRAMER at organ and carriage factory Cor val lis, Oregon. " . : , , I have a nice lot of buggies completed ready for sale. The finest of the season and in about 2 weeks I will have mountain hacks ready for sale. Any one wishing either will save money by buying goods stand the hardships of the Oregon Co. Cheap goods , are dear at any price, Our method is to put out good goods at a reasonable price. Call on or address R. M. Cramer Corvallis, Oregon. Tlie Benton County Lumber Co : Manufacturers and Dealers in ' Rough and Dressed Cumber Sbiiiflies, Eaib and Posts A Square Deal for Everybody Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregon 4 ofiee of fee offee that are .guaranteed and will TERRIBLE GHURGH PANIC HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN LITES CRUSHED OUT IN A BIRMING HAM NEGRO CHURCH. v The "Cry of "Quiet" Is Mistaken for That of Fire Floors of Church -Looked Like a Battlefield Bodies Piled Ten Feet High Other News. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 19. In an awful crush of humanity, caused by a stamp3de by the Shiloh Ne gro BaptiBt church, at Avenue G and Eeghteenth street, tonight, 78 persorB were killed and as many more seriously injured. The ca tastrophe occurred at 9 o'clock, just as Booker T. Washiugton had con cluded his address to the national convention of Baptists, and for three hours the scenes around the church were indescribable. Dead bod ies were strewn in every direction, and the ambulance service of the city was utterly unable to remove them until after 1 o'clock. ' Dozens of dead bodies were arranged in rows on the ground outside of the hou&e of worship awaiting removal to the various under taking establishments, while more than a score were laid out on the benches inside. The church is the largest for ne groes in Birmingham, and the pas tor says there were at least two thousand persons in the edifice when the stampede began. Instruc tions had been issued to allow no more to enter, but the negroes forc ed their way inside . the building and were standing in every aisle. Even the entrance to 'the church was literally packed. Just as Booker T. Washington concluded his address, Judge Billou, a negro leader from Baltimore, en gaged in an altercation with the choir leader concerning a.n unoccu pied seat, and, i is said, a blow was struck. Some one in the choir cried:" "They're fighting." Mis taking the word " "fighting" for "fire," the congregation rose in mass and started for the door. - One of the ministers quickly mounted the rostrum and admonished the people to keep quiet. He repeated the word "quiet" eeveral times, and mo tioned to his hearers to be seated. Again the excited congregation mis took the word "quiet" ' for "Are," and renewed the struggle to reach the door. Men and women crawled over benches and fought their way into aisles,, and those who had fall en were trampled upon like cattle. The ministers tried again and again to stop the stampede, but no power on earth could stay the struggling, fighting mass, of humanity. The screams of women and children added to the horror of 'the ecene, and through mere fright many per sons fainted and as they fell to the floor were crushed to death. The level of the floor is about 15 feet from the ground, andlong steps lead to the i idewalk from the lobby just outside the main auditorium. Brick walls extend on each side of these steps for six or seven feet, and these proved a veritable death trap. Negroes who bad reached the top of the steps were pushed violently for ward, and many fell. - Before they could move others fell upon them, and in 15 minutes persons were piled upon each other to a height of 10 feet. This wall of struggling hu manity blocked the entrance, and the weight of 1500 persons was pushed against. More than 20 per sons lying on the steps underneath the heap of the bodies rdied from suffocation, v Two white men who were in the rear of the church when the rush began, escaped, and, realizing the seriousness of the situation, rushed to a corner near by and turned in a fire alarm. The department came quickly, and the arrival of the wag ons served to scatter the crowd which had gathered -around the front of the church. A squad of police was also hastened to the church, and, with the firemen, fin ally succeeded ia releasing the ne groes from their positions in the en trance. The dead bodies were quick ly removed, and the crowd inside, finding an outlet, came pouring out. Scdres of them lost- their footing and rolled down the long steps to the pavemen t, sustaining broken limbs arid internal injuries. In an hour the church bad been practically cleared, and the eight which greeted the eyes of those who had come to aid the iDjured was sickening. -Down the aisles and a- long the outside of the pews the dead bodies of men and women were strewn, and the cries of the maimed and crippled were heart rending. In a few minutes the work of removing the bodies was begun. As many of the negroes as could be moved by the ambulances were taken to the hospitals, and the rest were laid out on the ground, and there the physicians attended them. At least 15 died before they could be moved from the ground. ' Captain Frank H. O'Brien. ex sheriff of Jefferson county, and one of the most prominent citizens of Birmingham, was a witness of the catastrophe. He. lives witnin half a block of the church, and, 1 heating the commotion, went to as certain the trouble. As he reached the front of the church the crowd had begun blocking the entrance, and in describing it he said: "I have witnessed many appall ing sights, but the wild scene at the head of those steps is beyond description. Wildly excited ne groes reached the top of the steps and began falling headlong down the incline. Others were pushed upon them, and notwithstanding the warnings from the outside the crowd continued to push. In a few minutes men and women were piled upon each other to a height of lo feet. Presently a negro woman with j a baby in . her arms mounted the mass, and, climbing. over ' the bodies, leaped to the ground without injury to herself or the infant. As quickly, as possible a rescue party was organized, and as soon as the entrance was cleared the removal of the bodies was begun'. Birmingham, "Ala., Sept. 20. to noon today 93 dead bodies of victims of last night's panic at bhi loh Baptist church (colored) hai been identified. As nearly as can be figured at -this hour, the number of dead is 116, while no accurate estimate can be placed on the num ber of injured. The majority of those wha were killed weje women. After midnight last night several bodies of persons who were crushed in the panic were found lying ia the weeds in the vacant lot adjoin ing the church. They had scram bled out of ' the maes of strug gling humanity with broken limbs or crushed breasts, and had crawled away in this manner to die. One negro threw himself over the heads of the crowd and had his brains dashed out against the wall. New York, Sept. 20. With only enough coal left to finish out the month, the Brooklyn Bchools are threatened with an enforced recess. Only 1000 tons of coal remains on hand for' supplying 145 buildings. By the most rigid economy this a mount can be made to last one week. ' As it has been found impossible to gel a 8"upply of coal in this coun try for the winter months for the 16 public schools of Yonkers, the board of education has decided .Jo import coal from Wales rather than cIobo the schools. Bids were asked for a bid of about two thousand tons of anthracite, the dealers being al lowed all the latitude possible in price. ": Not a bid was received. New York, Sept. 20. The first consignment of anthracite coal which large dealers and consumers have found it necessary to import on ac count of the coal miners' strike in the anthracite region of Pennsyl vania, reached this port on board the British ".'steamer - Devonshire, which left Swansea, Wales, on Sept. 5. A second consignment is ex pected to arrive here in a few days on the British steamer Glencoe, which left Swansea four days after the Devonshire sailed. These two shipments consist of about 8,000. tons. ' ' - ' ." It is rumored that orders have been placed in Wales for thousands of tons of anthracite, and contracts have been made for the immediate shipment to this city of from 20,000 to 30,000 tons.. Notice of the IFirst Meeting of Cred- . itors. In the District Courtol the United States ' lor the state ot Oregon, In the matter of Eldrldge Hartlessin bank ruptcy. v To the creditors of Eldridge Hartless ot Phi lomath, in the County ol Benton- and District aforesaid, a bankrupt ; Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of September, 1902, the said Eldrldge Hartless was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at Corval lis, Oregon, in my office on the 7th day of Oct ober, 1902, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, and prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting, E. HOLttATE, Referee iu Bankruptcy Dated Sepf 21th, 190. IN CORVALLIS REGISTRATION AT THE COLLEGE SHOWS BIG INCREASE IN ATTENDANCE. Death of Mrs. Barker What En gineer Smith's Lawyers Say A Wedding Complaint About Gravel Hauling Football Men at. Work. There are students galore out on college hill.- Monday was the first day of registration, and at evening time 302 .students hadbeen enrolled as against 221 on the same day last year. At noon yesterday, the fig ures had risen to 351 as against 290 on the evening of the second day a year ago. The aggregate was 61 ahead with tne registration of the afternoon to hear from. At Cauthorn Hall 86 persons ate lunch at noon yesterday, and of them 80 were students. The larg est number at the Hall at any time time past, was last year when the total was 72. At Alpha Hall a few rooms remained unengaged yester day morning. Of old students, many are now returning, though those daily on the ground say the strange faces seem to- predominate as yet. . The indications are very promising. Chapel exercises were held for the first time yesterday morning, and during the day clas ses met and lessons were assigned. Mordaunt Goodnough has been placed in temporary charge of the musical department. After an illness of about six months, Mrs. Christina Henkie Bar ker, mother of Mrs. Emory Allen, died at the Allen home in this city Monday night, of heart failure, The funeral is to take place from the late residence' at 10 o'clock this- morn ing, and the interment will be in the Henkie cemetery. The services will be conducted by Rev,. Garnck of the Presbyterian 'church. The deceased was a pioneer of 1853. With her husband, she cross ed the plains by ox team to Oregon in company with her brother, Icha bod Henkie, who still survives at the advanced age of 92 years, and also with her brother Jacob Henkie of Marion county, and A. J. . Hen kie, of Idaho, and her sister, Mrs. Mary King, of the vicinity of Cor vallis. - The Barkers settled N on a farm two miles west of Philomath, where they resided until about 20 years ago,, when they removed - to Wash ington, where the husband died three or four years later. After his death, Mrs. Barker .returned to Ben ton county, and thereafter lived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen, in Corvallis. At the time of her, death, she was aged 86 years, two months and 19 days. The surviv ing children are, Mrs. F. Allen, of Corvallis. Mrs. Bessie Witte, Waitsbiirg, Wash., and William Barker, Salem. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, and was ever a consistent Christian, and de voted mother. - - For more than halj her life, Mrs. Barker suffered with blindness. En route across the plains, her eyes be came affected with alkali dust, and the trouble continued after the ar rival in Oregon, until in about two years thereafter, the sight was en tirely lost. After a life of gentle goodness, she has gone to a place where all who enter, see. The account is that Engineer Smith will probably make obiection to the fiat rate of $800 per year for fire protection in Corvallis under the plan provided for by ordinance now pending in the city council. The original ordinance, it will be remembered as prepared by Mr. Smith's attorneys, proposed a rate f $5 Per fife hydrant. The com mittee from the council to which the ordinance was referred made an amendment providing fdr a rate of $800 per year for fire protection, sewer cleansing, street sprinkling and other city porposes. After agreeing to the amendment, the committee instructed City At torney Yates to send a" copy toJ2n gineer Smith. . Mr. Yates took the amended oreinance to Mr. Smith's attorneys in Portland,- and was told by them that the amendment in question was not likely to be satis factory. As to all the other amend ments made by the committee, the attorneys believed they would bo accepted. Mr. Smith, who has beer at Huntington, Eastern Oregon, for several days, is expected to meet with the committee in Corvalliis, in a day or two. One of the prettiest and most u nique weddings of . the season oc curred at the home of . the bride'a parents Sunday evening, Septem ber 21,1 902. The contracting par ties were Ernest B. Carey of Falls City, and Zelma R., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henkie, of Philomath. Promptly at eight o' clock the happy couple were joined in. holy wedlock by Rev. F. H. Neff, ,of Philomath, in the presence of near relatives and a few friends. The bride was becomingly attired ia cream albatross and carried white carnations. Light refreshments were served. The rooms were beau tifully and artistically decorated, and many beautiful presents were received. - - Mr. and Mrs. Carey will make Falls City their future home. They have a host of friends who wish them a loug and happy life. From all accounts a whirlwind of enthusiasm is raging among stu dents at the college over the com- ling football season. The dull thug of the pigskin as it is kicked and cuffed about, is already wafted townwards by breezes from the west. As early as Monday after noon, which was registration day, the work was on. No game was played, but a number of the initiat ed were out'for a spell of kicking. Yesterday afternoon again the op eration was repeated and the first practice game was played. Coach, . Herbold arrived Friday, and has already assumed direction of the work. There is no doubt, from all that can be heard and seen on the grounds, that the boys are going this year to make the effort of their lives for a record. . . ". , A new feature has been inaugu rated this season with respect to ticket sales. Instead of - the old custom selling single tickets for each individual game, a season tick-, et, admitting the holder to all games is to be issued. It is to cost $100. It will admit the holder to all games of the eeason, for which, six are already scheduled. The sale of the tickets is-to be entrusted to ; small boys about town. Each is to receive five per cent of the. aggre gate sales . Each is also to receive one season ticket for each 10 that be sells. Finally, the boy that sell3 the greatest number of tickets is to receive a cash prize of $5. The ar rangement places the cost of a game at less than 17 cents, and offers small boys a fine field of en- terprise. Of course single tickets will , be , available to those who want them at 25 to 50 cents, according to the importance of the game. The hauling of gravel from the Linn county to the Benton county side of the Willamette is complain ed of from another source. Recent ly the Times told how the super visor of the road district on the . other side of the river had lodged a complaint, and that he purposed, if possible to stop the practice. Now comes David B. Ogdeu, as-' sistant United States engineer, in charge of the government improve- " ment across the Willamette from Corvallis, and says that those who haul the gravel away are subject to , a fine of from $500 to $2,500. He was on the ground, and says he saw a load of gravel hauled away yes terday morning. The gravel was brought to Corvallis for use on a building in course of erection. Mr. Ogden says-that every load of grav el hauled from the spot is one more influence tending .to change the navigable channel of the Willa mette through the farms to the eastward. There is a heavy wash now, he says, at the j very place from which the gravel is taken, and the removal of the gravel only tends to widen and deepen the course that in future may wash and wash until it is deepened so as to become the main channel of the river. Mr. Ogden left yesterday for Al bany, where h will call the atten tion of the Linn county court to the practice. - 13 AJSTOXIX A. Bean the Tlis Kind You Haw Always Pauga Signature 'of Help Wanted At the Commercial restaurant. Apply at once. SA