The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 13, 1902, Image 1

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    Vol. XV.-No 30.
Homeopathic Physician, .
Surgeon and oculist ' '
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg.
Residence on 3rd et between
Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or.
Resident Phone 311
OJSce hours 10 to 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to7:30 p m
4 Osteopathic Physicians
Office on South Main St. Consul
tation and examinations free.
Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Office cor 3rd and Monroe eta. Besi-
dence cor " 3rd- and Harrison sts,
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A. M,
Phone residence 315.
H. S. Pernot
Physician, and Surgeon.
Office over Post Office. " Residence, Cor.
Sth & Jefferson Sts.- Hoars io to 12 a. m
to 4 p.m. Orders may be left at Gra
am & W ortham's Drug Store.
Physician Surgeon.
. Office: Room 14, Bank Building.
Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m.
I 2 to 4 p. m.
Residence In front of court house facing Srd
St. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8;
Physician and Surgeon
J. P. Huffman
Office in Zierolf
from 8 to 5.
Building. Hoars
Corvallis Orego n
Abstract of Title -Conveyancing
3osepb E. ttJilson
Practice in all the courts. Notary Public
Office in Burnett Brick.
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done.
Office ia JBurnett brickCorvallis, Oreg
Notary Public.
Office in Zlerlolf's building.
E. R. Bryson,
j . .
wife' A3ain
-TSHfoik The Paris EspoaHton
' ss2 . Gold medal wefe
, VahSr ' alio- awarded wt
. , ftKr riewOrleaiw X&Z'S
. aiMl'WjrWi Fair I
' . Chicago 1293. '
Harriman's Plan for Shortening
Time Between Chicago" and
San Francisco--Horrible
Oath Taken by Corrupt
Voters Swore to
Lie and Steal.
Chicago, Sept. 5. Mrs. Blanche
Mintier observed a man minus the
thumb on his right band walking
ahead of her today, and called a po
liceman and had the man arrested
for burglary. - .
"I was awakened about, two o'
clock in the morning- by a man
standing at my bedside," she said
in court. 'Not a word, lady I' he
said; 'I won't shoot you.' He then
went over to the bureau and took a
$215 watch and a pocket book con
taining $18, and then . came back
and asked where my husband kept
his money. I told him that my
husband was a racetrack man and
never had any money.
'"Is that so, lady? Give me your
hand; I'm up against the racing
game myself,' and be shook hands
with me.
"I then noticed that his thumb
was missing. My husband was a-
sleep all the time the man was in
the room." .
Four other victims identified the
man by his missing thumb, and he
was held for trial.
San Francisco, SeDt. 12. The
Southern Pacific surveyors that
have been engaged since last spring
to find a tunnel route for the Cen
tral Pacific road through the S'erra.
Nevada Mountains are putting the
results of their work into sbape for
submission,' to " President 'E. ' H.
Harriman. It is known, says the
Examiner, that the route laid out
by the surveyors provides for a tun
nel 34,800 feet long, or nearly 7
miles. The estimated cost is $14,-
oco,ooo. it will cut down the sum
mit grade i5oo feet and enable the
company to get rid of all but three
miles of the 42 miles of enow sheds.
The proposed tunnel will pierce the
mountains at an elevation of about
5300 feet.
The tunnel is part of Harriman's
plan to reduce time between San
Francisco and Chicago 12 hours, or
from three days, as at present, to
two days and a half.
St. Louis, Sept. 9. The search
for the nine indicted members of
the alleged house of delegates bood
le combine who have thus far elud
ed the police and deputy sheriffs
became the principal business cf
both classes of officers today. Their
homes and accustomed haunts were
watched by policemen all night,
and those watchers were relieved
this morning by others. The other
two are known to be out of the
state. Chief Kiel y has offered to
place the entire police force, if need
ed, at the disposal of the circuit at
torney in aid of the deputy sheriffs.
All places of egress from the city
have been guarded.
Although two deputy sheriffs
have been searching for him contin
ually, Delegate Charles T. Kelly, of
the Twentieth Ward, former speak
er of the House, seems to have dis
appeared. That he is still in St.
Louis, however, and within a short
distance of friends is believed. He
telephoned to the four courts late
Monday afternoon and stated to the
sheriff that it would pot be neceesa
ry to bunt for him, that he intend
ed to appear and give bond today.
It developed today that an oath
was administered to each of the 19
members of the combine whose
identity was disclosed by the con
fession of J. K. Murrell yesterday.
A copy of the oath has been given
to Circuit Attorney Folk and the
grand jury. It is as follows:
"I do solemnly swear before the
Almighty God that in associating
myself and in becoming a member
of this combine I will vote and act
with the combine whenever, and
wherever, I may be 60 ordered to
"And I further solemnly swear
that I will not, at any place or time,
reveal the fact that there is a com
bine, and that I will not commun
icate to any person or persons any
thing that may take place at any
meeting of the combine.
"And I do solemnly agree that,
in case I should reveal the fact
that any person in this combine
has received money, I hereby per
mit and authorize other members
of this combine to take the forfeit of
my life ia such a manner as they
may deem proper, and that mv
throat may be cut, my tongue torn
out, and my body cast into the Mis
sissippi river.
"And ail of this I do solemnly
swear, so help me God."
Shortly after noon Edwin Bersch
was taken into custody. He was
lodged in jail in default of $15,ooo
bail, as were also John H. Schnett-
ler, J, J. Hannigan and Charles
Gutke, who spent last night'" and
this morning in the custody of 'toe
deputy sheriff. -
Former delegate W. M. Tamblyn
is under arrest, in Cleveland. Chief
Police Kiely was called to the long
distance telephone by Tamblyn to
day. The latter informed the po
lice that he had been arrested and
desired to return to St. Louis
once. He requested that an officer
be sent after him with as little de
lay as possible. ,
St. Louis, Sept. 30. All' but six
of the 19 members of the alleged
combii.e of the House of Delegates,
who are under indictment on vari
ous counts charging bribery and
perjury in connection with the pas
sage of measures granting valuable
franchises to public corporations,
are or have been under- arrest. It
was learned today that former Del
egate Jaon A. Sheradan was last
seen Monday. He left hurriedly
on that day, when the Murrell con
fession was made public.
The friends of Messrs. Hannigan,
Schnettler, Gutke, Helms and Schu
macher, who were remanded to jail
yesterday because of their inability
to furnish bail to the amount of
$45,ooo each, are making strenous
efforts to secure their release, and
habeas corpus proceedings may be
resorted to.
Delegate Faulkner's proffer to
turn Ktate s evidence ad make a-j
clean breast of all the operations of
the House combine came too late
and has been declined by Circuit
Attorney Folke.
Edward E. MurrelL speaker of
the House in the days of the light
ing and suburban bills, was re
leased from custody today, after his
bond for $15 000 had been signed
by Emila G. Woertiehek, a contrac
tor. Only one charge, that of brib
ery, it is now stated rests against
Mr. Murrell. . He has made a con
fession to Circuit Attorney Folk,
and will be a state's witness.
"I have made a full statement to
Mr. Folk," said the former speaker
as he left the Four Courts building,
"but 1 am not at Liberty to say
anything for publication."
Youngstown, 0., Sept. 9. Mrs.
James McGinn, aged 21, of New
castle,' Pa., was fonnd with her
throat out from ear to ear in a pas
ture field at Hubbard, five miles
from here this morning. She, with
her husband, had been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Coyne, an uncle
and aunt. A carousal occurred.
Mr. and Mrs. McGinn disappeared
about midnight. McGinn is sus
pected. . He has but one leg &nd
one eye.
Laramie, Wyo., Sept. 9. Re
ports from timber fire districts state
that sheepmen will be heavy loos-
ers. Many el tne bands have scat
tered and thousands of sheep are
now right in the burning timber.
Supervisor J..S. Atherly has start
ed for the burning district with 50
men and every kind of appliance
of use in forest fire fighting. Work
in the Rambler mine has ben sus
pended, and all bands sent to com
bat the fire.
Later, 2:30 P. M. The fire is
now within ly& miles of town and
has completely surrounded the res
ervoirs which harbor the city's wa
ter supply and on whose resources
the fire-fighters' entire hopes de
pended. The town i3 thus totally
at the mercy of the flames, the sub
sidence of the wind or a providen
tial deluge being about the only
things that can possibly stop the
progress of the flames. Donaldson's
big sawmill has already burned
causing a heavy loss. : The banks
of the town have.closed and the of
ficers, with many - others of the
town's business men, are preparing
to remove their valuables to a place
of safety, if one can be found.
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bougtt
SEPTEMBER 13, 1902;
M .i
JNeW York, Sept. 11 Bitten bv
a fly.-two weeks ago, George Lynd-
hurst, of Brooklyn, is dead. The
physicians pronounce it an extra
ordinary case. Lyndhurst was bit
t9n on the thumb cf his hand.
Three days later swelling began and
spread rapidly. The doctors de
clare' tne fly bite had caused blood
peiedning, which they could not
check, and the victim died in great
agony, Xjyndnurst was 00 years
01 age and in fairly good health be
fore he was bitten.
Charleston, W. V., Sept. 6. The
coal miners' strike in the Kanawha
and New River fields, in vol vine
15,000 miners, which has been in
existence since June 7, is practical
ly at an end. acn local union is
instructed to go back to work on
tt.IV kdnf t-n-mn I V. 1 O f f
j the largest operators in the New
RiveJield have made terms with
day. iJNo concessions have' been
granted. Evictions will stop and
old men will be given employment
: WUkesbarre, Pa., Sept. 6. The
mining village of Hudson, where
a house occupied by a non-union
workrjjfen. named Lawrence Fara
naski &as wrecked last night by a
mob, was very quiet today. Sher
iff Jacobs sent a large number of
deputies to the place, and upon
their arrival the crowd that had
gathered upon the streets dispers
ed. . 'i
Salem, Sept. . 6. Secretary of
State Dunbar this afternoon allow
ed the claim of Maurice Smith et
al., of Creston, Wash., for $i5oo re
ward-offered for the "capture and
return" of Harry Tracy, who escap
ed from the Oregon penitentiary on
June 9, being the amount offered
by J. D. Lee, superintendent. A
warranties been drawn for; the a-
mount of the reward.
The Washington posse consisted
of Maurice Smith, Charles A.
Straub, Joseph Morrison, Frank
Lillengreen and C. E. Lanter. They
hied tbeir claim for the reward on
September 2. Sheriff Gardner, of
Lincoln county, Washington, who
notified, Governor Geer at the time
Tracy's body was returned not .to
pay the reward to the members of
the Washington posse delivering
the same, pending the filing of oth
er claims, has not filed any claim
against the state with Secretary
Dunbar. In the affidavit that was
attached to -the claim of the Wash
ington posee for the reward money,
the members of the posse set forth
the facts concerning the finding of
the body, which have been rehears
ed many times in the press.
The claims of the members of the
posse for their expenses in bringing
the body of Tracy to this city, and
aggregating $24o, were disallowed,
for the reason "that the repayment
of the expenses claimed is covered
by the claim of Maurice Smith et
al. for the reward offered for the
capture and return of theescaped
prisoner, Harry Tracy, allowed and
paid September 6, 1902." This
warrant will be paid from the ap
propriation for the maintenance
aid general contingent expenses of
the Oregon state penitentiary. '
. There are no other claims pend
ing in Secretary Dunbar's office a
gainst the state that were contract
ed in the pursuit and capture of
Tracy and Merrill.
Tillamook, Sept. 11. Forest fire3
are raging on three sides of this city,
and only two miles away, and the
destruction of the entire town is
threatened. , The greatest danger is
from a fire just east of here, as the
wind is blowing from there directly
toward the town. Nearly the entire
male population has turned out to
fight the flames, and those who re
main behind are in a state of panic.
The Five Mile house, on the road
toward North Yamhill, was destroy
ed last night, and four farm houses
also were burned.
Unless the wind changes it seems
certain that the fire will reach the
town this afternoon.
Winsted, Conn., Sept. 4. To
save the life of their brother Rob
ert, who had. been shocked, and
burned, Clyde and Louis Parrish.
of Great Bar rington, Mass.. had 139
pieces of skin taken from their arms
and grafted on the body of the un
fortunate young man. The skin is
healing, and physicians are hope
ful of the victim's ultimate recov
ery, . . -v
The Bridge Now Safe It Was
Dangerous Linn County Su
pervisor Complains of Cor
vallis Gravel Haulers
Other Local News. -It
is expected that today repairs
on Bower's bridge, six or seven
miles down the Albany road from
vein., wxxx 1
include renewal of both approaches
i . -i -i -1 f ...
Corvallis, will be completed. They
ana tne addition oi supports to the j
mam span. It is now certain that
the bridge is entirely safe for all
purposes. The repairs have been
m progress lor several days, and
have been under directiou of R M
There is a general congratulation
among those familar with the facts,
that the bridge has not been the
scene of an accident. It was built
14 years ago, The discovery three
weeks ago that the blocking under
some of the bents had washed out,
led to a general examination and
the south approach in particular,
was found to be badly decayed. All
the members of the county court,
during the recent session visited
the structure. As the work of
tearing out the approaches pro
ceeded,, it has been discovered that
there was scarcely a sound piece of
timber in either. Some of the caps
were so rotten that they could be
torn to pieces by a man's hahcl.
The bridge was posted as danger
ous on the order of County r Judge
Watters two or three weeks ago
Exercises for the Coming Week's
, -Meeting of M-R-Churci
All are invited to attend the
meeting next week of the Women's
Home Missionery Society of Col
umbia Conference, to be held in the
M E church South in this city
1 be programme 01 exercises is as
. Wednesday, Sept 17 First ses
sion, 4 p m; devotional service con
ducted by president; enrollment of
officers and delegates; address;
report of conference treasurer and
secretary; "How to Interest and
Hold the Attention of our' Home
Mission During the Summer
Months," Mrs A J Zumalt, Irving
Ore; Discussion; appointment of
committees; hymn; benediction.
Wednesday, 7:30 p m Praise
service conducted by Mrs P A Mos
es; address of welcome, Mrs W B
Smith; response, Mrs H C Allen,- of
Coquille; historical sketch of the
Women's Home Mission in Oregon"
by Mrs H S Shangle of Halsey;
Our Home Mission Literature, Mrs
Henry Spress, Lebanon; address
by Bishop W W Duncan of Spart-
andberg, S C; song service; bene
Thursday. 3 p m Devotional
exercises conducted by Miss Edna
report of district secretaries and
auxiliary delegates! "The Neces
sity of Personal Preparation for De
votional and Business Meetings by
Mrs J W Craig,' Lewisville; Yith
ing, by Mrs Ella Reynolds, Dallas;
discussion; "What Relation Should
we as the Home Mission Workers
to the Preachers in Charge," . by
Mrs Rhinehart, Ashland; hymn:
Friday, 3 p m Prayer service
conducted by Mrs Belle Spress;
roll call; "What is our Duty
as a Society ' to the Sick,
Stranger and Sinful in our own
Town or Community," Mrs S L
Cauthorn: address, by Rev WR
Lamthruth, Nashville, Tenn.; el
ection of officers; report of com
mittees; short talk by the bishop.
close wtth consecration service.
They Rage in Various Parts of West
ern Oregon Summit out of Danger.
Newspapers are full of reports
of forest fires. Brush fires at Seal
Rocks on South Beach have de
stroyed some of the summer cottag
es. A day or two ago Newport was
surrounded on two. sides with fires
that approached the town, and the
population turned out en masse to
resist the flames. The cottages at
Nye Creek were threatened. Train
men - on yesterday's Corvallis &
Editor amd Pro.
Eastern say, however, that the dan-
ger is passed there, and that when
they left yesterday morning the fires
were witbiq half a -mile of Yaquina
and still coming. Fires of the same
character, they say have been burn
ing all around Summit, but, tb
worst seemed over yesterday morn
ing as the train passed when the
fires were gradually passing further
away. The smoke at Summit and
elsewhere westward is described as
so thick that obiects cannot be dis
tinguished at much distance.
The Hauling of Gravel From a Linn.
County Road Into Benton Must Ead,
i 1 1 -1
Complaint has been made with.
respect to persons in Corvallis and
elsewhere on this side of the Wil-V
lamette who have been hauling'
gravel from a point half a mile be
yond - the Corvallis ferry along a
Linn county road. G A Hoflake,
supervisor of the district was in
town Thursday, and interviewed
the Benton county court on the
subject. He says that the gravel
is taken from along the county
road that leads into Corvallis, and
that the removal is very injurious
to the highway. One effect is that
it increases the wash along the
road in the winter time.
The supervisor said that several
hundred loads had been hauled
away for use in the construction of
Agricultural Hall. He says furth
er that the residents along the road
are making much complaint, and
the tendency is to so impair the
road that it will materially injure
Corvallis trade in that section.
Supervisor Hoflake desired Coun
ty Judge Watters to do something:
if possible to stop the business but
was assured by that official that Jhe
Benton county court was without
authority in the premises. It i& un
derstood that the supervisor him
self ; has ample. po.wer,,to., compel, .
abandonment of the practice, and
that he will do so.
Notice toTexpaje
Notice is hereby given that the countr
board of equalization will attend the
office of the county clerk of Benton
county, state of Oregon in the said court
house of said county, on Monday the
22 Oj September. 1902, and continue in
session one week at which time they
will publicly examine the assessment
roll of said Benton county, state of Ore
gon, and correct all errors in valuations,
descriptions or correct qualities of lands,
lots or other property. All persons in
terested are required to appear at the
place ana time appointed.
H. L. Bush,
Assessor of Benton" countv. stat of
Attend the State Fair
To be held at Salem September 15-40.
Take a few days after harvest and har
vesting and go away for a change of
scene and air. Tco few farmers and farm
ers wives take a vacation during the
year. There is nothing like a change of
living and few days' rest to brace one up
physically and mentally. Most of the
large business houses give their employes
two weeks vacation during the year, and
they find it pays well in the better health,
and greater interest taken by their men
in their duties. ' A week's rest attend
ing the State Fair is educationl and re
creatiue. Good racing every afternoon between
the fleetest footed racers on the ' Coast.
Good music and high class entertain
ment in the evening.
Reduced rates will be made by the
Southern Paciffc for the occasion. Ask
your ageut for full information.
Dog Tax Notice
I am requested by the City council to
notify owners of dogs that a tax of fl.Oo
on dogs and $3.00 on sluts was due Sept.
1st and that it is their duty to report at
once to city treasurer and pay this ta
taking his receipt therefor.
I am ordered by the council to impou-.
nd all dogs whose tax is not paid.
A BAlexander
Chief of Police
Sept 3rd 1902.
Young men of fine character, willing
to work and anxious to please, wants
to do chores tor board while he at--tends
college. Inquire at Times office.
Executpr's Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
have been appointed by the last will of John
Wiles, deceased, as executors of said will and
estate, and also by the County Judge ot Benton
County in the State of Oregon. All personshavinf.
claims against said estate, 'with proper vouch
ers duly verified, will present them to the un
dersigned executors at the office of said Walter -T
Wiles at Corvallis In said county.
WaLTkb T. TOM,
Edward I Wh.ks. '
Executors of the last will and estate of John,
W ilea, deceased. . .