The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 10, 1902, Image 4

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    Sewer Notice -
Notice is hereby given that the under
'igaed have heen appointed viewers by
the common council of the City of Corval
iis, to estimate the proportionate share of
the cost of the sevrer to be constructed by
the City of Corvallis under and by virtue
af Ordinance No. 108, beginning at the
manhole of the present sewer on Jeffer
son street, which manhole is immediate
ly south of the middle of the south side
of block i!), county addition to Corvallis,
Oregon, thence in a straight line norther
ly across Jefferson street, and through
the middle of the alley of said block 19,
tfaeaee across Madison street, thence
through the middle of the alley of block
t&, eaunty addition to a point 530 feet
north of the 6aid manhole in Jefferson
street, and in the middle of the said alley
ot block 18, terminating at said point.
To be aesessed to the several OTners of
toe property benefitted thereby, said prop
erty and tne owners thereof, being as fol
Block r.9, county addition, lot i, owner,
Adam and M. Radir.
Block lg, county addition, lot 2, owner,
Adas aod M. Radir.
Block 19, county addition, lot 3, own-
sr, K.icnara liranam, trustee.
fjioat ia, county addition, lot 4, own
er, i nomas A. Jones.
Block 19, county addition lots, owner,
1 nomas A. j ones.
io'jk ia, county addition, lot 6, own
er, Thomas A. Jones.
ijiocK xy, county addition, lot 7, own
er, Thomas A. Tones.
Slock 19, county addition, lot 8, owner,
Thomas A. Tones.
Block 19, county addition, lot 9, owner,
2i. urahaDi. -
Block i9, county addition, lot iO, own
cr. R. Graham.
Block 19, county addition, lot 11, own
er, Amna -arra.
Block 19, county addition, lot 12, own
er, Anna Farra.
Block 18, county addition, lot 1, own
er, school district No. 9.
BJock 13, county addition, lot 2. owner
mchaol district No. 9.
Block 18, county addition, lot ir, own
. r, school district No. 9, Benton county,
Block 18, county addition, lot I2, own
r, school district No. 9, Benton county,
Also to estimate the proportionate cost
of tfee sewer to be constructed by the said
City rntder Ordinance No. 121, through
Mock e0, county addition, beginning at
the manhole of the present sewer on Jef
ferson street, immediately north of block
34, Old town of Corvallis," thence 38O feet
acress Jefferson street, northerly, and
thretsgh the middle of the alley of bloek
xO, -eeunty addition to Corvallts to a point
ao9Kt ea leet aorta ot tne middle of said
block iO, to be assessed to the property
benefitted, to-wit:
Black 10, county addition, lot 1, owner
Mrs. i 11. Miller,
Block iO, county addition, S. lot 2,
. owner, Mrs. M. M. Miller. 1
.Block 10, county addition, N. lot 2,
owner, S. W. Jackson. '
Block iO, county addition, S. 1-2 lot 3,
owner, S. W. Jackson.
Block 10, county addition, N. 1-2 lot 3,
w.'( William H. Fitzpatrick.
Block 10, county addition, lot 4, own
er, William H. Fitzpatrick.
Block 10 county addition, lot 5, owner
Christian church.
Block iO, county addition, lot 6, owner
Christian church.
Black iO, county addition, lot 7, owner
-Aeina Farra.
Mock 10, county addition, lot 8, owner
Amna Farra.
Block iO, county Lddi': ion, lot 9, owner
-Amraa Farra. '
Bloek iO, county addition, lot 10, own
er, joseon Yates.-
Slack iO, county addition, lot Ii, own-
er. soseph Yates.
Block 10; county addition lot 12, own
er, sosepti Yates.
And to estimate the proportfonate cost
cr a sewer to be constructed by said city
aniw Ordinance No. I22 through blocks
tS 7, beginning at the manhole of the
jjwt-aetift sewer on Van Buren street, im
sass&iately eouth of block 5, county addi
tion, tbence southerly 750 feet across
"Van Buren street through the middle of
the alley otjjlock 6, across Jackson street
"through the middle of the alley of block
7, county addition to Corvallis, to a point
about 17.2 feet south of the middle of the
' .-eouth line of block,7, at manhole. To be
assessed to the property benefitted, to
wit: Block 6, county addition, lot 1, owner,
J. H. Simpson.
'Block 6, county addition, lot 2, owner,
J. H. "Simpson.
Block 6, county addition, lot 3, owner,
Ida B. Callahan.
Block 6, county addition, lot 4, owner,
3da B. Callahan.
Block 6; county addition, lot 5. owner,
Ida B. Callahan.
Block 6, county addition, lot 6, owner,
Ida B. Callahan.
Block 6, count3r addition, lot 7, owner,
William Groves.
Slock 6, county addition, lot 8, owner,
"William Groves.
Block 6, county addition, lot 9, owner,
Ids B. Callahan.
Block 6, county addition, lot iO, own--er,
Ida B. Callahan.
Elock 6. county addition, lot 11, own
er, J. IT. Simpson.
Block 6, county addition, lot 12, own
er, J. H. Simpson.
Block 7, county addition, lot 1, owner,
Martha Burnett.
Block 7, county addition, lot 2, owner,
Martha Burnett.
Block 7, county addition, lot 3, owner,
JVI. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county addition, lot 4, owner,
M. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county addition, lot 5, owner,
M. S. Woodcock!
Block 7. county addition, lot 6, owner,
M. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county addition, lot 7, ownerL
IM- &. Woodcock. .
Block 7. county addition, lot 8, owner,
IM. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county additi an, lot 9, owner,
.M. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county addition, lot io, own
er, M. S. Woodcock.
Block 7, county addition, lot ir, own
er, Martha Burnett.
Block 7. county addition, lot 12, own
er. Martha Burnett.
Wells: -
Block 23, county addition, lot 2, owner, M. J .
Block 23, count? addition, lot 3, owner, Walter
T. Wiles.
Block 23, county addition, lot 4, owner, Walter
T. Wiles. -
Block 23, county addition, lot 5, owner, M. J.
Block 23, county addition, lot 6. owner, M, J.
Block 23, county addition, lot 7, owner, M. J.
Block 23, county addition, lot 8, owner, M. J.
Block 23, county addition, lot 9, owner, Walter
X. Wiles.
Block 23, county addition, lot 10, owner, Wal
ter T. Wiles.
Blocck 23, county addition, lot 11, owner, Mar
garet C, Snell.
Block 23, county addition, lot 12, owner, Mar
garet C. Snell.
Also to estimate the proportionate cost of the
sewer under ordinance No. 111. through block
31, Corvallis. Oregon, beginning at the manhole
of the present sewer on Jefferson street, north
of the middle of block 34, original town of Ma-
rysvuie, now uorvaius, tnence soumenyin a
straight line through the middle of the alley of
Dlock 34, aforesaid, terminating at a point which
is ten feet south of the middle of said alley of
said block 34, at manhole. '- To be assessed to
the property benefitted, to-wit:
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 1, owner, Eliza
beth C BeU .
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 2, owner, George
E Lilly.
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 3, owner, George
E Lilly.
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 4, owner, Mary
E Avery.
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 5, owner, siary. A
Block 31, Averys addition, lot 6, owner, Mary A
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 7, owner, Prot
estant Episcopal church.
' Block 34, Averys addition, lot 8, owner, Prot
estant Episcopal church.
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 9, owner, Prot
estant Episcopal chuich.
Block 34, Averys addition, lotO, owner, Prot
estant Episcopal church.
Block 34, Averys addition, lot 11, owner, John
W Hayes. "
Block 3i, Arerys addition, lot 12, owner, John
W Hayes. '
And that said viewers will meet at the office oi
the police Judae of theoity of corvallis ou tee
2ot day of September, 1902, at the hour oi 7 o'
clock P. M., and if the said work of the assess
sment of the respective share of the cost of
said sewers is not completed on that day, the
meeting will be adjourned fiom d.-,y t day, till
the sume is flmshed, aHd all persons interested
may appear before said vieweisto be heard in
the matter of making said estimate or estimates.
Corvallis, Oregon, Sept 6, 1902.
Also to estimate the proportionate cost
of the sewer under ordinance No 120,
through block 5, County Addition, and
block 19, Dixon's Second addition, and
a part of block 18, Dixon's Second ad
dition, beginning at the manhole in Van
Buren street sewer situated 107 ieet west
erly and 26.8feet Southerly fromthe South
east corner of block 5, County addition to
Corvallis, Oregon, and running thence
Northerly through the center of block 5,
County addition, Corvallis, through the
center of the alley of block 19, Dixon's
Second addition to Corvallis, crossing
Harrison street to a point on the North
side of block 19, which is 719 feet dis
tant from said manhole, thence in a
Northwesterly direction isa feet across
Taylor street, Corvallis. to the Northeast
corner of the (Jreamery building, situated
on lot 7, block 18, Dixon's second addi
tion to Corvallis,. To be assessed to the
property benefited thereby. -Block
5, county addition, lot I, owner,
Jane and Clara Hutchins.
Block 5, county addition, lot 2, owners
Jane and Clara Hutchins.
Block 5, county addition, lot 3, owner,
C C Hartless. -Block
5, county addition, S 16 feet lot
4, owner, C C Hartleys,
Block 5, county addition, 16 feet front
by 100 feet through the middle of lot 4,
owner Cora M Davisson.
Block 5, county addition, Ni6 feet
lot 4, owner, E J Moore.
Bock 5' county addition, 2o feet ot 5
owner, E J Moore.
Block 5, county addition, N1673 feetlots,
ownpr, Isabelle Gellatly.
Block 5 county addition, lot 6, owner,
Isabelle Gellatly.
Block 5, county additiou, lot 7, owner
Isabelle Gellatly.
Block 5, county addition, N 16 lot 8,
owner isabelle Gellatly.'
Sewer Notice.
3f otlce Is hereby given that the undersigned
tuffive been appointed viewers by the common
seencll of the city of Corvallis, to estimate the
gtroportilonate share of the cost of the aewor to
.be constructed by the city of Corvallis, under
iand toy virtue of Ordinance No. 110 through
block 23, county addition, beginning at the
' manhole of the present sewer on VanBuren
street, located on the south side oX block 24,
county addition to Corvallis, Oregon, thence
southerly In a straight line across VanBuren
street through the middle of the alley of block
23. terminating at a point ten feet south ot the
middle of tne alley of block 23, at manhole. To
ge assessed to the property benefitted, to-wit:
.Block 23, county addition, lot 1, owner, M. J,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed having been appointed viewers
by the Common Council of the city of
Corvallis to estimate the proportionate
share of the cost or the sewer to be con
structed by the city of Corvallis under
and by virtue 01 Ordinance No 109, be
ginning at the manhole on Jefferson
street immediately south ot the middle
of the alley ot block 2o, county addition
to Corvallis, thence northerly in a straigh
line across Tefferson street through the
middle of the alley of said block 20
across Madison street, through the mid
dle 01 the alley 01 block 21, county addL
tion to Corvallis, across Monroe street
through the middle of the alley of block
22 county addition to Corvallis, termin
ating at a point 10 feet north of the north
line ot said diock 22, at manhole
1 o be assessed to the several owners
of the property benefitted thereby, said
property and the owners thereof being
as tollows-
Block 20, county addition, lot 1, owner,
J M Cameron.
Ulock 20, county addition, lot 2, owner
T M Cameron.
Block 2of county addition, lot 3, owner,
J M Cameron.
Block 20, county addition, lot "4, owner
Laura A Whitney.
Block 20, county addition, lot 5, owner
Laura A Whitney.
Block 20, county addition, lot 6, owner
Laura A Whitney.
Block 20, county addition, lot 7, owner
Laura A Whitney,
Block 20, county addition, lot 8, owner
Laura A Whitney.
Block 20, county addition, lot 9, owner
William Bogue.
Block 20, county addition, lot 10, owner
William Bogue.
Block 20, county addition, lot 11, owner
J M Cameron.
Block 2o, county addition, lot 12, owner
J M Cameron.
Llock 21, county addition, lot 1, owner
Florence Porter. .
Block 21, county addition, lot 2, owner
Florence Porter.
Block 2l, county addition, lot 3, owner
Pauline Kline.
Block 21, county addition, lot 4, owner
Pauline Kline.
Block 2I, county addition, lot 5, owner
J N McFadden.
Block 21, county addition, lot, 6, owner
J N McFadden.
Block 21, county addition, lot 7, owner
J N McFadden. , ' !
Block 21, county addition, lot 8, owner
J N McFadden.
Block 2i, county addition,' lot 9, owner
Pauline Kline.
Block 2I. county addition, lot lo, owner
Pauline Kline.
Block 21, county addition, lot 11, owner
Louisa 1 Gardner.
Block 21, county addition, lot 12, owner
State Agricultural College.
Block 22, county addition, lot 1, owner
M T Wells.
Block 22, county addition, lot 2, owner
M J Wells.
Block 22, county addition, lot 3, owner
M J Wells.
Block 22, county addition, lot 4,
Karl Lachele.
Block 22. county addition, lot 5,
Karl Lachele.
Block 22, county addition, lot 6,
Karl Lachele.
Block 22, county addition, E yi
owner, J B Horner,
Blbck 22, county addition, B
owner, J B Horner.
Block 22, county addition, 11 1-2 lots,
owner J B Horner.
Block 22, county addition, W y2 lot 7,
owner, Marion F Wood.
Block 22, county addition, W yz lot 8,
owner Marion F Wood.
Block 22, county addition, W lot 9,
owner, Marion F Wood,
Block 22, county addition, lot 10, owner
Heirs of Carrie Howe,
Block 22, county addition, lot li, owner
heirs Carrie Howe.
Block 22, county addition, lot i2, owner
Heirs of Carrie Howe.
And that said viewers will meet at the
office of the Police Judge of said city of
Corvallis, on the 25th day Of September,
i9oi, at the hour ot 7 o .clock p m, and
if the said work of the assessment of the
respective share of the cast of the said
sewers is not completed on that day, the
meeting will be adjourned from day to
day, till the same is finished, and all
persons interested may appear before
said viewers to be heard in the matter
of making said estimate or estimates,
S. L. Henderson.
S. L. Shedd, "
Ii, E, Gibson.
Corvallis, Oregon, September 6, 1902,
lot 7,
lot 8,
feet, lot S,
feet lot 9,
Block ", county addition, S ;
owner, E J Moore.
Block 5, county addition, N
owner. E J Moure.
Block 5, county addition, 16-feet front by 100
feet through the miciaie 01 lot a, owner, Cora. AL
Bloek 5, county addition south 16Z feet, lot 9,
owner, C C Hartiess.
Block 5, eounty addition, lot 10, owner C C
Block 5, county addition, lot 11, "owner, E E
Block 6, county addition, lot 12, owner, E E
Block 19, Bixons second addition, lot 1, owner,
J H Albright.
I!lock 19, Dlxons second addition, 'Sfii lot 2,
ovner, J H Alb'igbt.
Block 19, Dlxons second addition, N lot 2,
owner, Jacob Wnltaker.
Block 19, Djxons second addition, lot 3, owner,
Jacob Whitaker.
Blotk 19, Dlxons second addition, lot 4, owner,
J VV Simpson.
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 5, owner,
J W Simpson. 1
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 6, owner,
J W Sim pson
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 7, owner,
Jacob Whitaker.
Block 19, Dlxons second addition, S lot S,
owner, Jacob Whitaker
Block 19. Dixons secend addition, N K lot 8,
owner, Martha Simpson.
Block 19, Dlxons second addition, lot 9, owner,
Martha Simpson.
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 10, own
er, Julia Cllne.
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot II, owner,
Julia Cline
Block 19, Dixons second addition, lot 12, own
er, Julia Cline.
Block 18, Dixons second addition, lot 7, George
Aud that said viewer. -will meet at the office
of Police Judge of the City of Corvallis, on the
25 :h day or September, at the hour of 7 o'clock
P M, and if said work of the assessment of the
respective share ot the cost of said sewer is not
completed ou that day, the meeting will be ad
journed from day to aay until the same Is fin
ished and all persons interested, may appear
before said viewers to be heard in the matter of
making said estimate or estimates.
Corvallis, Oregon, Sept 0, 1902.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix of the estaf or liuam 14 Bo
hanon, deceased has flled her final account In
said estate, with the County Clerk of Benton
County, Oregon, aud the County Court of Benton
County, Oregon, has appointed and fixed Friday
the 9th dav of October 1902, at one o'clock p m,
at the Court room of said Court at Corvallis,
Oresron. for hearing objections, Jif any there be
to said final account and.theo settlementof the
said estate,
Executrix of the estate of William E. Bohanon
dsceased, -
Dted Sept 2nd. 1902.
New York World: The Dutch
government consented , to the divi
sion of the Povie estate in The Hague
valued at $14,ooo,ooo, among nine
hejri who live in America. Five
of the heirs live in Brooklyn, two
in the borough of Queens and the
other two inlthe West; The heirs
are gatnering in New York, and
they expect that the property will
be nanded over to them in a fev
weeks. ' .
The settlement of the estate is
the outcome of a contest inaugurat
ed by the American heirs about
twenty years ago. The Dutch gov
eonment was at first adverse to
handing the money over to the A
merican heirs, but they proved
their case.
Two of the heirs are Mrs. Cath
erine Downs and Mrs. Sarah Vel
sor, of Chester Park, in the borough
of Queens. Mrs. Downs is the wife
of tne caretaker of the Methodist
church, at Ozone Park,L. I., and
Mrs. Velsor is the wife of a pr:n, er.
The Brooklyn heirs are Mrs. Ida
JohnsoD, of No. 171 Huron street;
Mrs. Emma Moffatt, No. 80 Moffat
street; Mrs. August Griffiths, No.
171 Bergen 6treei; John A. Wilkin
son, JNo. iSlb (jreenpomt avenue,
and William Wilkayson, of Brad
ford Ftreet and butter avenue, in
East New York. The Western b'eiis
are Cooks Buelle, of Chicago and
Mrs. Louis Tryon, of Quincy, III.
The property is to be divided
share and share alike and with ac
crued interest each expects about
$1,5 jo, 000.
.Nicholas 9du John l"ovie were
the forebears of the lucky Amer
icans who will shortly receive the
money from Holland. The family
originally came from Alsace-Lorraine
and went to settle in Holland
in the early part of the last centu
ry. They located in the lowlands
outside of The Hague and estab
lished farmc".
The Povies took example from
their neighbors and reclaimed most
of the property which was under
water by building dykes and filling
in the imd.
A Communication.
Me.i Editor -Allow me to speak
a few words in favor of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. I suffered
for three years with the bronchitis
and could not sleep at nights. I
tried several doctors and various
patent medicines, but could get
nothing to give me any relief until
my wife got a bottle of this valua
ble medicine, which has completely
relieved me. W. S. Bkockman,
Bagnell, Mo. This remedy is for
sale bv Graham & Wortham.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby elven to all persons concern
ed that the undersignedhasbeen duly appointed
administratrix of the estate of William Allen.
deceased, by the county court of Benton state
of Oregon. All persons having claims against
said esstate of WilllamAllen deceased, arehereby
required to present the same with the proper
vouchers duly verified as by law required with
in six months lrom the date hereof, to the nil-
deisigned at haj residence about 5 miles south 1 ... UhilAmalh rtraivnn rti at t li i fl". .... ... '
E E WUson, In Oorvallis', Benton County
Dated: this August 9tn, lwi.
MaryO Allen
Administratrix of theestate ot William Allen
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
executors of the estate of Thomas Eglfn, deceas-
ea nave mea tneir nnai account in -saia estate
with the CountyClerk of Benton county, Ore
gon, and the county Court of Benton county
Oregon, has appointed and fixed Saturday, the
11th day ot October, 1902, at one oclock p m at
the Court room of said court at Corvailis, Ore
gon, for hearing objections It any there be to
said final account and settlement of said es
tate. Wit. CReES,
Executors of the estate 3f Thomas Eglin, de
ceased. Dated September 3rd, 1902,
Guardians Sale of Real Estate.
In the matter of the guardianship of the es
tate of Luther S Woodruff, Ira B Woodrufi
Notice is hereby given that vursant to an
order ot the county court of the state of Oregon,
for Benton eounty, made and eniered on the 7th
day of July, 1902, 1 will on Thursday, the Uth
aay 01 septemDer, lauz, at iu o ciock a m, at
the front door of the court house In Corvallis,
Benton county, Oregon, sell at public auction
for cash the following described property of
said estate and the right title and interest the
said Luther s Wondruff and Ira B Woodruff
have herein towit. The undivided 9-28 of the
Easi. 12 and 2 7 of the West 1-2 of the South
west 1-4 of Section 4 T 13 S R 6 West ot Will
Mer, In Benton county, Oregon.
Catherine P. Woodruff,
Guardian of the person anrt estate of Luther
S Woodruff and Ira B Woodruff, minors.
Notic to Ceredttors.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth El
liott, deceased' by the county court of Benton
county, state of Oregon. All' persons having
claims against said estate of Elizabeth El
liott, deceased, are hereby requested to present
the same with the- prcter vouchers duly verl
l.ed as bv law required within six months from
(Lie date hereof to the undersigned at his resid
ence in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, or at the
office of E E Wilson in CorvaUls, Benton county
Dated this August 9th, r902,
Ernest Eixiott,
Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Ei
llott, deceased. . . .,. t,
State fair
S3t 15th to 2oth
, 1902.
You are invited to , attend and
see the greatest ; industrial exposi
tion and livestock show ever held
on the Pacific Coast. Good racin'
every afternoon. Camp grout
free. Come and bring your fam .
ies, For any information, write
M. D. Wisdom, Sec'y,
Portland. Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has beea duly appointed : by the
county court of Benton county, Oregon,
as the administratrix of the estate of Jer
emiah H. Mason, deceased. All person g
having claims Against the said estate fcre
howhv wwinfrprl to uresent the
required within six months from
the date of this notice, the same to
be presented to the undersigned or to W.
S. McFadden at Corvallis, Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of Jeremiah
H.Mason, deceased.
Dated Sept. 2, 19O2. '
Corvallis $ eastern R R
Cime Card llo 20
2 ForYaquina:
Train leaves Albany ....... 12 :4s p. m
' ' Corvallis 1:50 p. m
" arrives Yaquina 5:35 p. m
1 Returning:
. ' Leaves Yaquina. 7:00 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 11:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany. . .- i:00 p. m
Arrives Detroit 5:45 p. ni
4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit.. 6:30 a. m
Arrives Albany 11:05 a. m
Trains 1 and 4 arrive in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
Train 2 connects with the S P west side
tTain at Corvallis and Albany givipg dir
ect service to Newport and adjacent
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
l;o0 p. m. after arrival of S. P. south
bound train from Portland, reaching De
troit at J:4jJ p, m.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stonb,
J. Turner, Agent Albany
H. H. Cronise, Agent Corvallis.
for infants and Children.
ThovKiTul Ton Have Always Bouglit Has borne the signa
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
' Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The ;Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
0 no
to as high a standawasour desire ould promot
us. but see that you make no mistake in
the hcuse that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the .
) place to
A n9i? ri uii9
Fresft Vegetables,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
run our delivery wagon and our aim is .
9 to keep whas you want and to
nlQCa ( all a-nz-l oaa
If you are looking for some real good bar
gains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches,
write for my special list or come and ses me.
shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable
information you wish, also showing you over the
Ileal Estate loan and Insurance
Philomath, Oregon.
Picnic Goods
The time of the year hag arrived
when picnics and excursions are la
order. And we've prepared to sup
ply all wants for a - dainty cold lun-
lheon. We have just the things you ;
ncludes' choice brands of canned
meats, chicken, lobster etc., jellies
jama, delicacies, conditions, fancy cra
ckers fruits Finest goods. Lowest
priees. Speeial inducements to par
ties, P. M. Zierolf. ;
gp 3ob Printina
Correct Quickly
; Cimes Office. 3