The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 10, 1902, Image 3

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Bide a Bambler.
New wheat 53.
Allan Bates was a passenger for
Portland Sunday,
Bert Yates returned Saturday
from attendence at the Carnival.
Victor Spencer left Sunday for
Portland. He expects to be absent
two weeks.
left yes
In -Port-
Mrs E R L ike and son
terday for a to. day's visit
Mr and Mrs Harris, Miss Abble
Groshong and Dell Alexander, spent
Sunday in Kings Valley,
Charles Meyer of Albany, has
been the guest at the Phile Lome for
the past few days.
Miss Gail Hare arrived Monday
from Albany, and is the guest
Miss Melvioa Elgin joined the
lilnville-Elain-Winks hoppicbing party
near Independence, Monday,
Prof Covell and family arrived
Saturday from a summer's sojourn in
the Nye Creek cottage.
. Crook County Journal: Mias
Una Stewart expects to leave in
short time for Corvallis, where she
will resume her studies at OAC,
Mr and Mrs E Woodward and
daughter left Friday for an outing at
Newport. They are to be absent two
Mrs James Schultz of Portland
arrived Saturday, and is the guest for
a week of her sister, Miss Ellen
Harold Strong has gone to Stan
ford for a course in law. Accompan
led by his wife, he left Polk county for
Palo Alto August 3rd.
H E. Cauthorn has purchased
small farm in Marion county, three
miles east of Independence, and is
moving there with his family to re
Miss Adelaide Greffjz. after
week's visit with Corvallis friends, re
turned to her home in Portland, Sun
day, 8he was accompanied by Mrs
E P Greffoz, who will spend a few
days at the Carnival.
A S Tavener left Monday for
Southern Oregon, on a trip of investi
gation and for an indefinite absence.
He may return in a month and may
not be back for a year. His farm
near town is in charge of a renter.
Five hundred head of stock shpep
changed hands the other dav at $2.75
per head, not counting lambs. The
latter went at $1.50 per head. . The
sale was made by Dock Jackson and
Henry Cauthorn to Baker & Hood
who have rented the stock farm of
S W Jackson. Mr Baker is a son of
Thomas Baker of Soap Creek, and Mr
Hood is from the vicinity of Tangent
Robert Campbell, who came to
Corvallis two years ago from North
Dakota, says he is without words to
express bis thankfulness for the fact
that he came to Oregon, He likes the
country, the climate and the people,
and is doing much to induce friends
In the East to come to Webfoot to lo
cate. A big boom, however, has
struck North Dakota, and his 400 acre
farm, sold before he came west at,
$22.5o per acre, is now worth 340 per
Percy dark expects to leave to
day for Portland,, where he will spend
the winter.
Miss Lulu Young has been the
guest of friends at Beuna Vista for
the past week.
'Mrs Thomas Burnett of Albany,
arrived Saturday, and isthe guest of
friends and relatives.
Charles and William Johnson of
OAC, arrived Saturday from a visit
with relatives in Eatern Washing,
, a meeting of the Firemen Satur
day evening resulted in the seleoMon
or tne following officers for the en
suing year; Chief Engineer. F P
Sheasgreen; assistant engineer, Chas
Porter: president, Dr J A Harper;
. secretary, jk ltose; executive com
mittee, H L Hall, E R Lake and C E
Woodson; captain hose team number
ooe, Carl Hodes; captain hose team
number two, C H Woodcock; captain
hook and ladder, Mack Hemphill:
captain engine, Ed Smith; and treas
urer. M P Morgan.
A party of former Ohioians but
now old residents of Webfoot left
Monday for a visit to their old homes
In the East. They were Caspar Zler-
oir, who left Ohio for Oregon 31 years
ago, ana bas not been East for a visit
since his departure from there ; and
Mrs james Martin wno - bas been a
resident of Benton for even a longer
period. Mrs Martin is accompanied
by her son, John Martin. Mr.Zlerolf is
to be absent two months, and the
Martins a month or six weeks.
The first edition of Oregon Lit
erature;' a book - pirbHsted a'ecuple
or years ago by Prof John B Horner,
has been exhausted, and a second ed
ition is to appear. Prof Horner is
now collecting the material, and it Is
expected that the copy will go to the
printer in about two weeks. The suc
cess of the first edition is to lead to an
enlargement of the work, and it is ex
pected that the new book will contain
about 300 pages. The book has al
ready been added by the State Board
to the list for public school libraries,
a recognition that ought to be a source
of gratification to the author.- s
-A prairie fire raged for some time
in tne heart of Corvallis Saturday,
. and while it burned .gave strenuous
exercise and much concern to a numb
er of people who sought to subdue it.
The flames appeared shortly after
noon in the tall grass of the street
just south of Dr Pernot's residence,
and burned with a roar and crackling
that soon attracted attention. Passers-by
and neighbors hurriedly at
tacked Is, and by the time It had trav
ersed half a block of the street the fire
was under control. The origin Is sup.
posed to have been from the stump of
a lighted cigar, and this is a remind
er that smokers, in these dry days
ought to be careful. i
Mrs Lura Campbell, one of the
teachers, arrived Monday to be rea
dy for the opening of the Curvallis
public schools next Monday.
.Mrs B A Cathey of Corvallis, ar
rived this afternoon to be the guest of
Mrs Dunbar until Monday, when she
returns home. 'Eugene Guard.
R. J. Nichols and family are to
become residents of Corvallis next
Friday. They are to occupy the
Blackledge house, south of the col
lege campus.
In answer to a telephone message
Mrs Alex Campbell left Tuesday for
Albany to be at the bedside of her
daughter Mrs Will.
A change of date is to be noted
in the sewer notices published in
other columns of this issue. The date
for viewers meeting is now the 25th
instead of the 21st a3 originally
The study of curl leaf in Italian
prunes is the subject of a trip on
which Prof Cordley has just started
through Southern Oregon. He is to
go as far south as Ashland. Much
work on the disease has been done
in the station laboratories, and it is
hoped that ultimately the cause of
the trouble may be discovered and a
remedy applied.
The proof reader in the Times
office has encountered some funny
things lately, One Item as set by the
prmter, related that someone had
horse 16 M feet high. That wasn't
quite so bad as another that solemn
ly stated that Sol King had exhibited
Yellow Dent corn that measured 110
feet and 10 inches in length.
Ed Clark leaves today for Baker
City, where he will spend his vacation
He is accompanied by his mother
Mrs Ruth Clark, and in Portland they
will be joined by Mrs Glen Winslow
of Newberg. ' Tfoey go to attend the
wedding of Elmer Clark and Miss
Privett which is to take place in Ba
ker City on the' 17th Inst. Mi3s Pciv
ett is a daughter of the late W R
Privett formerly of Corvallis. and a
graduate of the Agricultural college
sne was a visitor in Corvallis duxmg
The title to the well known J M
Currier farm south of Corvallis is
again vested in its old time owner.
A few years ago, the place passed to
the Arnold heirs, under a stipulation
that Mr Currier might redeem it,
Thursday, a deed was filed in the re
corder's office, which, for a considera
tion of $18,200 conveys the property
back to J M Currier. The place com
prises-1,549 acres and Is one of the
best in Benton. Its return to the fam
ily is a source of satisfaction to many
The experiment station is to make
a test of hop drying in one of the
yards of Marlon county. It is gen
erally believed that a large amount
of the lupulin. which is the active
principle and marketable asset of hops
is lost In the process of drying. Profs
Knisely and Phillips of the college,
are to conduct the experiments with a
view of determining how much of the
lupulin is lost, and bow the waste
may be prevented. The chemist will
conduct the- scientific investigation,
and Mr Phillips will manage the me
chanlcal devices. - - ' 1
Corvallis merchants did a thriv
ing trade last week. Hop pickers en
route to the fields were in town in
great numbers, buying supplies for
the two weeks or more that they will
be employed at the , picking, Bacon,
flour, sugar. overalls. gloves,
shoes and other articles to eat and,
wear were in great demand. A big
ger trade is expected later, when the
returning pickers with pockets jing
ling with the fruits of their labor
stop on the way home to buy supplies
for the winter. It is a floe trade, be
cause always., cash, and merchants
hail the hoppicklng period with pleas
ure. .
Late Thursday evening John Rick-
ard became the victim of an accident.
He was driving home, and when just
beyond the Oren House south of
Mary's river bridge, a wheelman sud
denly appeared in the road and
frightened his horse. The animal
wheeled suddenly and threw Mr Rick
ard violently out of the buggy. The
horse became separated from the bug
gy and bis appearance in town raised
the alarm. Mr Rickard was subse
quently found in the road, where be
fell, in an unconscious condition. He
was taken to the home of Mrs ' Horn
ing, where, after a time . he revived.
Yesterday morning he was taken home
and at last accounts was resting com-
rortaply. His physician was not able
to find broken bones, bat it is feared
that some internal Injury has been
For Sale
One good work horse, $60; I 6-year
old mare and colt, $i00; one youog cow,
$20. -
A. F. Hersbner-
Portland People Propose, to Bring
Mountain Water to Corvallis; . -
Wanted. '
A ton of vetch hay. ' Inquire at Times
Monday night's council meeting
was made important by the offer of
Sidney Smyth, engineer, to bring
mountain , water into Corvallis.
The local water company also made
a proposition of lower rates and
filtered Willamette river water, an
account of which can be seen on an
other page. The offer of Engineer
Smyth is on the basis of Portland
rates, water to be brought from
some of the mountain streams to
the westward, and a franchise for a
period of 50 years to be given by
the city to the company. It is also
provided that the city may at the
end of 15 years, if desirable, pur
chase the plant; or it may do so at
the end of 20 years, or. at the end of
any 5 years thereafter. In case of
such purchase, the city chooses
one arbitrator, and the company
the other. If the latter cannot
agree as to price, a third is called
in by them and the decision of any
two determines the price. , ,
The offer' of Engineer Smyth is
embodied in an ordinance granting
the franchise and stipulating terms
and conditions. This ordinance
has been read the first and second
time in the council, and is now
ready for amendment, third read
ing and final vote. It has been re
ferred to a committee consisting of
Councilmen Henkle, Allen and
Heckert and City Attorney Yates
and Engineer Skelton. Mr Skelton
declined to serve, but his declina
tion was not accepted. The same
is true of Councilmen Allen and
The committee is to consider the
legal and other phases of the offer,
and when a determination is reach
ed, is to call a special meeting of
the council for final consideration
of the ordinance. The, offer of the
local water company was also re
ferred to the same committee.
Very little discussion met the in
troduction of the ordinance. The
fact that it was on his table was
mentioned by the police judge.
Somebody made a motion that it
be considered and the motion was
adopted.' The ordinance was read
and then Councilman Allen said
the matter was of tremenduous
importance not only to the present
but succeeding: generations. He
proposed that the bill go over to the
next regular meeting. Council
man Avery suggested that the de
lay would be too great, and propos
ed a special meeting a week or two
hence. Councilman Crees thought
a week time enough. The mayor
said he didn't know whether the
council had power to grant a
franchise or not. He said also
that the council had power to reg
ulate rates, and wondered if a
franchise would not destroy this
power and interfere . with rate reg
ulation, making the granting of a
franchise undesirable. Finally
Couucilman Henkle moved the ref
erence of the ordinance to a com
mittee for consideration and report
at special meeting, and it prevail
ed. The committee is to meet to
consider the ordinance next Mon
day night. The ordinance in full
is as follows:
Section 1 That Sidney Smyth,
his associates and assigns, hereinaf
ter called the grantees, be and here
by granted the privilege of - laying
pipes and mains underground in
and through the streets, alleys, and
public property of the City of Corval
lis, for the purpose of conveying
into, through and throughout said
city water for supplying the said
city and the inhabitants thereof
with the same, under the condi
tions and restrictions herein set
Section 2 The said grantees
shall never charge greater rates for
water than. are now charged for
similar service by the City of Port
land, and shall at all times supply
water on equal terms and without
discrimination to any applicant in
said city who lays or provides a
service pipe to any water main that
is maintained by the said grantees
in front of the premises of such ap
plicant in any street or alley, upon
such regulations as to the terms and
conditions of making such connec
tions and the use of water as may
be established by said grantees alike
for all inhabitants of said city.
Section 3 The said grantees
shall begin work upon the con
struction of their water works
within eighteen months after the
date of approval of this ordinance,
and shall complete the same suffi
cientlyto begin supplying water to
the inhabitants of said city within
six months thereafter. Provided
that a failure to comply with the
requirements of this section shall
operate as a forfeiture of . all the
rights and privileges granted by
this ordinance and every part of it.
Section 4 Such a water works
shall be of sufficient capacity to
supply a good working pressure
for fire extinguishing purposes to
such, and to as many fire hydrants
as the common council may desig
nate and require, and the said Are
hydrants shall be supplied and es
tablished by said grantees at their
own expense; and in consideration
thereof the City of Corvallis shall
pay to the said grantees therefor
the sum of five dollars per month
for each fire hydrant supplied: pro
vided that the payment by the said
city for such fire hydrant service
shall entitle the said city to the use
of water at the city hall and all
city offices used exclusively for city
purposes, without waste, free of
charge; and provided further, that
water from fire hydrants shall not
be used for other than fire extin
guishing purposes without the con
sent of the grantees.
Section 5 All mains or pipes for
conducting water shall be laid not
less than one foot below the grades
of the streets as now or hereafter
to be established, and whenever ex
cavations or trenches are opaned
for laying mains or' pipes in or
through any street of said city,
such excavations and trenches shall
be refilled at the expense of the
grantees without any un necessary
delay, and such street restored to
as good condition as the same was
in before such opening was made.
Extensions to the system of mains
and pipes may be made from time
to time as the growth of the city
may require. All water furnished
or supplied through any such mains
or pipes shall be good and whole
some mountain water obtained from
other .sources than the Willamette
Section 6 The City of Corvallis,
having at this time great need of
pure water- under adequate pres
sure for fire and other purposes,
and being unable at this time to
construct and maintain its own
water system, and as an induce
ment to the grantees to accept and
act upon the provisions of this or
dinance, does hereby limit the du
ration of the rights and privileges
hereby granted to a period of fifty
years from and after the said grant
ees begin supplying water through
their said pipes and mains to the
inhabitants of said city, and dur
ing said period the said grantees
shall have and enjoy the sole and
exclusive right and privilege of
laying mains and pipes, in, un
der, and tnrougn tne streets or
alleys of said city; provided, how
ever, and notwitnstandmg any
thing in this ordinance to the con
trary, the said City of Corvallis
does reserve to itself, the right, at
the end of fifteen years after the
commencing of said period herein
before named, to purchase the said
water works, including all mains,
pipes, resrrv'oirs, dams, head works,
lands, rights of way, and other
property, personal and real, then
owned and used by said grantees
in connection with its business of
supplying water to said city and to
the inhabitants thereof, the price
to be ascertained 'and fixed by ap
praisement by two disinterested ar
bitrators, one of whom shall be
chosen by the common council of
the City of Corvallis by resolution,
and one by the said grantees, their
successors or assigns; and in the
case the arbitrators so chosen are
unable to agree upo n the valuation
of any part of said property, they
shall select a third disinterested
arbitrator, and the decision of any
two of them as to the valuation of
any such part thereof, shall fix the
price and valuation thereof, and on
such appraisal the said city shall
be privileged to purchase, at the
price of valuation to be fixed and
established, the whole of said pro
perties, but not less than the whole
without the consent of the grantees;
and the acceptance by the grantees
of the rights and privileges granted
by this ordinance shall obligate
and bind the grantees, their Suc
cessors and assigns, to sell and de
liver said properties to said City of
Corvallis at the price and valuation
established in accordance with this
section; provided further, that in
estimating the value of suchpro
perties, the value of the rights,
privileges, or franchise granted by
this ordinance shall not be included
or considered; and provided furth
er, that if the sid city does not ex
ercise its right to purchase said
properties at the end of said period
of fifteen years it shall have the
right, at the expiration of any per
iod of five years thereafter, to ex
ercise a similur right to purchase,
the price and valuation to be fixed
and established in the manner here
inbefore set forth; and provided
further, that the right to purchase
shall in no case be exercised by
the said city unless it shall, at least
two years before the time for pur
chase, have notified the said grant
ees'of its intention to purchase un
der the terms and conditions here
of. Section 7 TJhe parties named in
section one of this ordinance shall
file their acceptance of its condi
tions within thirty days after the
approval hereof; otherwise this or
dinance shall be null and void.
At: $1.50, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50,
$5.00. Made from fine
black mercerized goods
and of proper style and fit.
To be had only at
UTiie TXTliite House
eplator ol Low
Tne B
irt waists
at One-Half Price,
We have them in colors at 25, 35, 50, 75c and $1 .00 up to $2J
white waists from 50c to $2.
Remnants in all color and materials. We are making Clel
ance Sale of Remnants of Calicos, Percales, Iyawns, Swisses, Challis
Dimities, Shirtings, Muslins, etc.
20 per cent reduction on all Dimities, Challies and I,awns.
We carry a full line of W. B. Corsets Girdles, Summer weigls
and Straight Fronts, 50c to $1.50
Ladies' 2-clasp Suide Lisle Gloves in black, greys and white, 50c
F. L. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or.
Phone 191.
OJSK11 you see it in cur ad, it's so.
We have made special preparations for the Boys this
season and are determined to give them the best school suitg
possible for a very modest sum, say
$S..: . , ;.
These suits are all wool, have double seats and knees
sewed with silk, we have other suits at $2, 2 50, 3 and tip
to 6 00.
. School Shoes.. ..We are agents for the celebrated Hazn
iltou Brown 'Security School Shoes, Richardsons Seamlesf '
Shoes and Barker & Browns Good for Bad Boys Shoes, al
warranted to give satisfaciory service.
- Black Giant hose for boys and girls.
- To Sell or Let.
Onshares 300 gcOd clean sheep.
J. H. Edwards.
Strictly Up to Dai
J. D. Mann & Co are receiving
lar Load Lots ol Furnitori
For fall trade, and are now able to
show a fine line" ot
Furniture, Carpets
and Stoves
assortment and best
gains ever offered,