Willamette Valley Banking Co COBVAIXI8 OREGON. Responsibility $100,000. A General Backing Business "Exchange issued payable at all finan cial centers in United States, Canada tSnd Europe. Principal Correspondents ..Portland, Seattle. San Francisco and New York Canadian Bank of Carcmerce Chicago First National BaDk Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce - Union Bank of Canada. Corvaliis Times. 3Y B. F. IRVINE. oiHclal Paper Benton Comity, OORVAIXIS, OKEOON SEPT. 10, 1902. THE PRICES New Steam Laundry Will Waiting Now for Machinery. The work of getting the new steam laundry ready for operation is being pushed with all possible dispatch. Much of the machinery is already in position, but a ship ment of machines to come from Rochester, New York, is yet to ar rive. After the latter is received, but a few days will be required to beerin business, as everything else is now in readiness. ' It is supposed that everybody in Corvaliis is getting ready to be come patrons of the local enter prise. The way to build up a town is to patronize those in it. Cal and Alva Thompson, promoters of the laundry have come from the East, bringing new capital that they have invested and new consumers for the products and merchandise of other local people, and they deserve the laundry work that Corvaliis has to bestow; much of which now goes abroad. The prices will be the same as those universally in vogue at steam laundries'fhrouehout the state. Some of them are as follows: Shirts, plain, i o cents; collars, 2: cuffs, 5 cents; socks, 5: handkerchiefs, 1; neckties, 5; shirt waists. 15 and up; stockings, 5; aprons, 5 and up; table cloths, 5 to 25; napkins, 2; towels, 2 and up; sheets, 2 and up; pillow slips, 2 and up; counterpanes 10 to 25; blankets, 20 to 50: cur tains, 25 and up. MOX-MOX SCALP NEXT WEEK People From Abroad Coming to Corval iis Columbia Conference. Next week occurs the annual meeting of the Columbia conference of the M E church, South. The sessions will begin Thursday : and will be held in the local church of that denomination. . Bishop W W Duncan, of South Carolina, will be among the distinguished preach ers in attendence. Beginning Wed nesday of next week the Woman's Home Missionary society of the same conference will be in session The conference comprises all the territory between Oregon City and Medford, westward to the Coast, and the attendants will be people irom all parts 01 tne section, as "-well as representative churchmen of the denomination from else- -where. - Strayed or Stolen . Eeight head of cattle: One large -wide horn -whitest years old, milk cow with bell on ; one white 3 year old white milk cow; one black 3-ycar milk cow with bell; one black steer calf; one roan steer calf: one white and red specklek heifer calf: one roan bull: one red 2-year old heifer. All branded "V" on right hip. Crop and tinder bit in right ear. A suit able reward for the recovery of same. Mrs N. H. Vineyard. Estray Notice. Notice is hereby given that about the 1st day of August last, a three year old gelding, 16 hands high weighing about 12SO, beine a mouse colored brown with a star in the forehead left the Vineyard pasture about four miles N W from Cor valiis. Reasanable reward will be paid for the return of said colt or information as to its whereabouts. Spencer Bickkux, Owner, Corvaliis, 0re. To Let. Fifty good Ewes. Ii N Edwards, Dusty Ore, Colbert & Gregory Manfy. Co. Sash, doors, moldings, furniture and eneral finished lumber. South Main St. Corvaliis Ore. . To Rent. To College students 5 furnished reoms. Enquire at Hemphill's har ness shop. They Brought it to Corvaliis Tale of Indian Wars Captain Munson's Men. It was away back in 1855-56 that there was a general uprising of Indians in Southern and Eastern Oregon. It took the settlers, not only of the affected regions, but of the Willamette valley, several months to quell the disturbances, and to reduce the Indians to con ditions of peace. It is for the dan gers encountered and hardships suffered, that the few living' par ticipants in those campaigns have been recently granted pensions by the federal government. It is said that of the well known company of Captain Munson, . which went to Eastern Oregon from the vicinity of Corvaliis, and which originally numbered 65, only four are still living in Benton county. These are Wesley rlmton 01 Monroe, Dick Richardson of the same vicin ity. Henr3' Clemens of the poor farm, and Thomas Philips of. Alsea All the rest as far as can be ascer tained, have gone elsewhere to re side, or have joined the ranks of the great majority. Many a story is told of the . ex periences of Munson's men beyond the Cascades. It was the Cayuses, Klickitats and other tribes that were on the war path, They be gan their depredations in the early spring of 1855, and it was in the summer of the same year that Mun son and his men with other Wil lamette Valley volunteers crossed the Cascades to give them battle. The settlers found it impossible to draw the redskins into a decis ive fight. The latter invariably re sorted to Indian tactics, fighting on horseback, and dashing away as soon as the settlers came within gunshot. On one occasion a little band of settlers were surrounded by several hundred mounted In dians. The latter for hours rode swiftly around the handful of white men, discharging their weapons, and yelling like the painted de mons that they were. A feature was that they constantly kept the circle in which they rede; out of the range of the white men's bul lets. Had the settlers been armed with 30-30 calibre, long range rifles of the present make, the circle would have been speedily enlarged or many a Siwash would have gone to the happy hunting grounds. Marsh Simpson of Elk Citv, was among those who participated in this fight. The chief of the hostiles in the Eastern Oregon country was P P Mox-Mox, aud for a long time af ter peace was declared, his scalp was exhibited in Corvaliis. I N Smith, quartermaster, kept the grewsome trophy for a long time, and many a Corvallisite remembers to have looked at it. The scalp was from the top of Mox-Mox head, and was as large as the bottom of an ordinary tin cup. Attached to it was a long, flowing lock of jet black hair, coarse and heavy, and perhaps eighteen inches in length. Mox Mox was killed by a blow over his head with a rifle, dealt by Samuel Warfield, father of Sam Warfield, of Alsea, now deceased, but then a a volunteer from Linn county. Mox Mox was killed near Walla Walla, where Munson's men and many other of the Valley companies op erated most of the time. The names of the men who went out of Benton in Munson's com pany are: L, B Munson, captain: Smith Snard, 1st lieut; Chas Hand, 2nd lieut; Sidi H Bernard, 1st sar geant; Elt Summers, 2nd sergeant; W O Kendall, 3rd sergeant; W J Kelly, 4th sergeant; Albert G L,6yd, 1st corporal; W H Tencher, 2nd corporalt Jos L Evans, 3rd corporal; Newton J Ward, 4th coporal. Privates, J E Pottenham, S Wishard, H H Howard, A R Browns' WmBohannon, WmBronse Andrew Emerick, Albert Igo, Em erson Rednons; L, T Garrison, Chas Garrison, Geo Elliott, Jas Cherry, J P Philips. S S Hagman, U Turnage, Henry Clemens, Henry Wilmer, Wm Nickson, John Smith, Geo Landering, Alexander Brown, Aaron Hamlin, Reason Hamlin, Jno A Venbii er, Wm P Cio w, J W Mclntire, David Wnite, Geo Hunt er. T W Hinton, A Lavander, T B Richardson. A Johnson, W H Rob ert, John Clark, Henry Baterman, Jas Howell, Wm C Mawl, Henry Brown, Lonard B V ichards, w m S Buckley, Roet F Raines, W Mc Donald, Wellis Northcott, A J Williamson, Henry Williams Jno King, J E Barclay, Wesley Hinton Wm Montgomery, R C Richardson John Brick, Wm Gilliam, Geo Stout, Moses Noble, Mitchell Ing- raham, Wm McKellnm,. R P Wil lis, Geo Wells, Marion Philips, T L, Percel, R B Wilmont, Bennet Kennedy, Wm Andrews, Jno King Jas Beard, J 1, Lilly, Edward Piper W m James, and Linton Starr. BURNED TO DEATH In His Own House Dreadful Accident in Western Benton. L. M. Mattoon, storekeeper and former agent of the Corvaliis & Eastern, was burned to death in his own house at Summit, Benton rountv. vesterdav morning. The house was destroyed by fire but Mattoon's body wasrescued in time to save it from total cremation. The fire occurred at four o'clock in the morning, and it is supposed to have been accidental. It occurred while Mattoon was alone in the house, his wife and son being for the night at the house on the Mat toon ranch near town. There are several theories respect ing the origin of the fire. Mr. Mattoon was subject to asthma, and when suffering with it was ac customed to inhale the smo.ke from various kinds of leaves. One the ory is that he was thus engaged during the night, and that by the overturning of a lamp the fire was started. This view is strengthened by the fact that a broken lamp was under the victim's neck when dis covered. Another theory is that the fire was from other accidental cause. Mr. Mattoou was formerly subject to epilepsy, and it is thought possi ble that the overturning of the lamp may have occurred from this cause. The deceased was aged about 40, and formerly resided in Corvaliis, where he learned telegraphy. Sev eral years ago while station agent in Washington, he was severely burned about the face while the depot buildiog was on fire. He was an Odd Fellow, and the fraternity will have charge of the funeral, which will probably take place in Albany today. An inquest was held by Justice Underbill, and a verdict returned in accordance with the above facts. The King of the Opium Ring. The big Blayney attraction. "The King of the Opium Ring," that comes to us for one night, Saturday, September 13th, is said to be Blayney' s best spectacular melodrama. It is full of startling climaxes, romantic adventures and thrilling situations and shows the operations of a great band of opium smugglers, who at the time of the play, hold full sway in San Fran cisco. To give the play the pro tier setting, Manager Haswell has had numerous special scenes paint ea, mechanical eltects constructed and costumes pucrhased so that the whole production is finished throughout from first to last aet, Despite the fact that the manage ,ment is under considerable expense for a production of this kind there will be no advance in prices. Seats are now on sale at the usual place NOW IN ASHES Vetch seed for sale at Zierolf.s, Go to Zierolf's for vetch seed. Auction Sale. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will at 10 o'clock a m on Saturday September 20th, 1902 at the residence ot A R Locke, miles north of Corvaliis, offer for sale at public auction for cash, the following property formerly be longing to Horace Locke, to wit: 13 inch Bain wagon." 1 top bu gy, 2 14 inch Oliver steel plow, 7 cut fiano binder, two years old, 2 sets work harness, 2 saddles, also other farming implements. 5 head horses, 5 cows, 2 yearlings, 35 head sheep, 25 head Angora goats, 1 poland China boar registered. W. M. Locke. Sheep to Let On shares, also on sale in lots to suit purchaser. Will sell on one vears time with good security. Call or address. AWilhelm. Monroe Ore. . Sept. the 15 16, & 17 Dr wwe the opti- tian will be in Corvaliis at the Occidental Hotel. If vou value your eyes see him. Fresh vetch seed at Zierolf's. Help Wanted At the Commercial restaurant, at once. Apply Fresh Hodes. Saratoga chij-S in bulk at A Just received, fresh Try them at Hodes. Saratoga chips For more than a dozen years Dr C W Lowe the well known oculo optician has been coming to Corvallis: He is to be with us again soon. Dog Tax Notice I ara requested by the City council to notify owners of dogs that a tax of jSl.Oo on dogs and $3.00 on sluts was due Sept. 1st and jhat it is their duty to report at once to city treasurer and pay this tax ; taking his receipt therefor. I am ordered by the council to impou nd all dogs whose tax is not paid. Respty. A B Alexander Chief of Police Sept. 3rd 1902. Ben Woldt's Saloon and the Adjoining Blacksmith Shop But Little Saved, The saloon of Ben Woldt's at the corner of Jefferson and Water streets, together with the adjoining building, formerly , occupied as a blacksmith- shop, was burned to the ground in the early hours of vesterdav morning. Almost all of the cori tents of the saloon were des troyed. The estimated loss is, building. 1,200; liquors, $2,000: total, $3,200. Insurance, building in Underwriters of New York, M Jacobs, local agent, $75; of which $600 was on the saloon building, and $iso on the blacksmith shop; contents, in the Continental, E R Brvson. agent, $750. . The fire was first discovered about two o'clock in the morning, In Mr Woldt's residence, located but a few yards south of the saloon the flames, while but a small blaze were first discovered rising in the southwest corner of the blacksmith shop. This is the statement of Mr Woldt and others, Still others who were early on the scene allege that the main fire was in the western portion of the saloon The buildines were entirely of wood, and the flames spread with great rapidity, soon involving both. An attempt was made to get cut the stock, but the spread of flames was so rapid that only a few dozen of bottled liquors and a quantity of cigars were removed. In response to the alarm, the fire department appeared quickly on the scene, but was too late to save the buildings Flames at the moment of arrival were leaping in a solid column a hundred feet into the air, lighting up the southern and western portions of town so effectively that on most second floors it was light enough to read a newspaper. A fortunate feature was that there was no wind. Up to nine or 10 o'clock the preceding! evening a stiff wind had been blowing from the north. Had it continued, it is probable that the whole block would have been laid in ashes. As it was the Woldt dwelling was only saved by the strenuous efforts and effect ive work of the firemen. No certain origin can be assigned- The general supposition is that it was incendiary. The blacksmith shop in which the flames first ap peared, had not been occupied for about a year. The doors to the building were securely locked, and entrance could only have been el fected with difficulty! THE TRACY POOL Awarded at Last Selected by the In itiative and Referendum. At last there has been a settle ment of the question of who is to have the pot, in the pools sold in Corvaliis on the capture of Tracy, when the outlaw was at large. It so happened, it may be remembered that one man held tickets for the killing or capture to occur on the first five days in August, while the tickets of another were a mortgage on all time thereafter. It also hap pened that Tracy shot himself on the 5th, and that his body was found on the 6th. Some of the 20, persons in the pool held that the finding of the body was the act necessary to constitute title to the pot, while others that the killing settled the business. The question was exhaustively considered and ably argued - from. both standpoints. The immortality of the soul was never discussed with greater scrutiny and finesse than were the fine points involved in in this question about the pool pot. The debate was on for about a month, and like a Baptist and a Presbyterian arguing over baptism, or a man and his wife debating the question of which could best gov ern the children, the more they argued, the wider apart they got. The usual upshot of the churchmen over creed, and family heads over j children, is that the .argument ends in silence, witn arguers oacic to back, and set faces looking in op posite directions, and as the days flew by it became evident that a similar' crisis was in store for the ticket holders. It was then that the referee had a happy thought. He conjured up the initiative and referendum as a means of settling the question. Fri day night, after a popular vote by the ticket holders, a count of ; the ballot gave the pot, by a vote of nine to six to the man . who held tickets for the capture to take place on the first five days in August . We te Prepared ! The arrival for the past two weeks has placed in "our store one of the largest and best selected stock of merchandise we have ever had, comprising all the late novelties in dress goods, silks, trimmings ribbons, etc. In shoes you have the largest and best selected stcck in the city to choose from. Our aim is to carry everything to be found in an up-to-date dry goods store. Prices to please r:. O. A C. UNIFORMS. Tlic Benton County Lumber Co Manufacturers and Dealers in Rougb and Dressed Cumber Singles, Lath and Posts A Square Deal for Everybody Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvaliis, Oregon KIND Van Cramps Concentrated Soup Chicken, Bouillon, Tomato, m Oxtail, Vegetable, Mock g Turtle. Jus what you want when not feeling good. olden Gate olden Gate olden Gate ofiee offee offee - For Sale. , ' English rye grass seed,: large cheat seed, and vetch seed, A few cords of oak wood, I am booking orders for vetch seed, speak in time. , Also pure bred Aberdeed Angus cattle Poland China hogs, and , Shropshire I bucks from recorded stock. I L. Li. Brooks. Mocha and Java The only kind with a reputation Jin Ideal ffeallfe f od Junket Tablets For Junket Tablets : Is a pure milk food. Delicious, Nutritious Digestible. For sale by at Hodes' grocery Job Printing neatly dome Corvaliis Times Office. '