The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, September 06, 1902, Image 2

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    Willamette Valley Banking Co
Responsibility $100,000.
A General Banking Business
"Exchange issued payable at all finan
cial centers In United States, Canada
and Europe.
Principal Correspondents
Tortland, Seattle. San Francisco and
New York
Canadian B'anis ol Cammerce
Chicago First National Bank
Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce
Union Bank of Canada.
corvallis Times.
Official Paper Benton Comity,
Properties Conveydd List of
Deeds Filed for Record.
Martha A. King to Lazarus V
Xing, 1 80 acres near Blodgett, $400.
L V King to Martha A King,
two lots in Dixon's addition to Cor
vallis $300.
Fred C Blumhart and wife to C
A .Gerhard, house and lot on water
street, Corvallis, $47 5.
W J Henderson and wife to
Tames Buchanan, 45 acres near
Philomath, $90.
Joseph A Park and wife to John
Cum, fractional lots in Philomath,
Ivan Daniel to W E Yates, three
lots in County addition to Corvallis
; William Wyatt and wife to J E
and Franklin Wyatt, 230 acres west
of Philomath, $500.
James Ray to O J Blackledge
80 acres nearMonroe, $325.
Frank Skinner and wife" to H S
Pitman, 160 acres near Blodgett,
$250. 1
F M Reade to Frank Skinner,
160 acres neir Blodgett, $100.
J J EHenkle and wife ' to R A
Kitson small tract near Philomath,
' $500. . ; , , '; . " " - .
A Kitson to Henry Ambler,
same property, $250. ;
Ida M Gleason and husband to
Robert W Jones, house and lot in
Dixon's addition to Corvallis $300.
Boyd Canady to Keesel Chapel
' small tract in Philomath, $75.
Sadie E Horning and husband
to Onas A Brown, five lots in Avery's
addition to Corvallis, $10-
The Houck Land and Livestock
Company to Onas A Brown, one
lot in Avery's addition to Corvallis,
$50 (
. New
Bridges Ordered The County
Ferry and Other Matters.
I he commissioner s court was
in session Wednesday and Thurs
day. Contract was awarded for the
construction of a new bridge over
Kisor Creek near the Benton Coun
ty mill. The award was to R M
Gilbert whose bid was" $221. The
other bidder was S H Peterson.
$375- ' ' '
J H Gibson was employed to ex
pert the books and ' accounts of the
county superintendent from 1896 to
th present date. His pay for his
services is to be $3 per day.
The county surveyor was order
ed to prepare plans and specifica
tions for a new bridge near Frank
Hughson's and to invite bids to be
opened October ist.
The court decided tihat the night
rates for crossing the county ferry
at Corvallis were lusufficient, and
were advanced to the following:
From October ist to April ist,
from 7 p m to 9:30 p m, footman,
five cents; one-horse vehicle, I5,
two horse vehicle, 25; from 9:30 to
6 am, footman, 15; one horse ve
hicle, 25: two horse 35. From
April 1 st to October ist the rates
are the sam.e but the hours are
different, the evening hours at low
er rates, extending from eight p m
to lo p m instead of from seven, to
9:30 pm.
Vetch seed for sale at Zierolf.s,
Go to ZierolPs for vetch seed.
; Notice of Final Settlement. .
, Notice Is hereby given tbnt the umlersigned
executors of the estate of Thomas Eglin, deceas
ed have filed their final account In said estate
with, the County Clerk of Benton county, Oie
gon, and the counly Court of Benton county
. Oregton, has npnoiuted and hxed Saturday, the
11th day of October, 1902, at one o'clock p mat
the Court room of said court at Corvailis, Ore
gonjdor hearing objections If any there he to
said final account and settlement of sard es
tate. VM. CEEES,
- " GEO. F. EGLIN.
Executors of the estut 31 'i nomas Eglin, de
ceased. Dated SeptembotrdS-liWJ, ,
They Discussed Road Plans and Meth
ods Their Meeting Thursday.
County road supervisors and the
commisioners and judge held a
pow-wow Thursday afternoon in
the court room. The meeting was
called a month ago, and it had for
its purpose the perfecting of an
understanding between court and
supervisors and a more thorough
organization of the road working
system of the county. Of the 16
supervisors, all were present but
five, the absent ones , being detained
in nearly every case by threshing
operations. Letters were received
from several, explaining their ab
sence and regretting their inability
to attend.
The session lasted for two or
three-hours. The supervisors ask
ed questions, made suggestions and
compared notes -with judge and
commissioners. Some of the su
pervisors were new men, and had
no understanding of their duties.
Full instructions were given them,
and the policy of the court for a
permanent and thorough road im
provement was made clear. In
structions were given all . the su
pervisors, wherever possible in the
repair work, to substitute fills for
culverts, using tile if possible, for
drainage, so that eventually cul
verts that soon decay or gat out of
repair might be eliminated entirely.
The question of uniform pay for
road work in all the districts was
discussed at length, but no con
clusion was reached.
Each supervisor was instructed
to make an inventory of each
bridge in his district, to describe
its location, its dimensions, andthe
date wherever possible of its con
struction, together with a state
ment of its condition. From this
data, a record of all the bridges of
the county is to be kept at the
court house, where by reference the
court mayknow at any time what
bridges to look out Jfor. Of all
thesupervisors present, only one was
able to to tell the number and lo
cation of the bridges in this dis
trict. During the proceedings, it was
made clear to each supervisor that
he would be held responsible for
any bridge accidents that might
occur in his Tlistrict. If a bridge
was discovered to be faulty, a. re
port shculd be made to the court
and thereafter responsibility would
rest with the latter, but until such
a report was made the supervisor
must assume the risk. Under this
hrule a careful surveillance of all the
bridges may be expected.
In the past the court has been
without information in the matter
of paying the claims of the super
visors. To put the matter on a
business basis, supervisors are in
structed to present bills quarterly.
The bills thus presented are to be
published so that the residents of a
district may see it. The bill is then
to lie over a month, and if no. ob
jection is made to it, the bill will
be paid as presented. The ar
rangement met with the approval
of all supervisors present.
Each supervisor was instructed
to make a list of . all implements
and material on hand and to file
the same with- the courts In ans
wer to inquiries, it was the unan
imous sentiment of the supervisors
that in-future road levies, the poll
tax be levied in cash instead of in
work as formerly, and it is probable
that the latter rule will be : followed
The meeting was . interesting to
all concerned and was undoubtedly
very profitable. It will have the
effect to establish a perfect .-.'organ?
ization and a uniform system? of
road operations. It is understood
that a similar meeting of supervis
ors will be called before road work
is renewed next spring.
The supervisors present were,
G L Stoneback, T J Cooper. Louis
Wentz, E A Blake, J S Miller, A
Cadwalader, W L Reed, J R Feh-
ler, Monroe Childers, E N Starr,
and J R Crow: those absent were,
Frank McGee, W M Clark, G C
Peek, Albert Zierolf, Doke Gray
and C E Banton.
Activity Now in the Lilly Yard Pick
ers Talk Fifty Cents in Kings
Everything is bustle and rush
now in the Lilly hopyard. Pick
ing began there Thursday morning
and isnow progressing under favor
able conditions. Eorty cents per box
is the price, and there are plenty
of pickers to keep the dry houses
busy. Of the latter there are five.
and of pickers 160. The quality of
the hops is excellent, and the yard
is practically free from lice. It is
expected that the yield in the yard
will be very heavy. About two
weeks will be required to complete
the picking. The yard . comprises
forty acres.
The pickers in the Lilly yard are
largely from Corvallis. In some
instances, whole families are there
to gather in the emoluments incid
ent, to the picking. Some of them
go because they believe the em
ployment helpful to health as well
as a fruitful source of revenue,
Half a dozen or a dozen tents stand
in the vicinity; the occupants of
which have taken up a temporary
abode at the scene of their labors.
Concerning hop King:
Valley, a correspondent says: Hop
picking begins in all the yards
next Monday. The crop is good
and the quality excellent. The
hop growers think forty cents will
be the general price paid for pick
ing. Pickers think that 50 cents
should be paid. The growers will
only agree to pay current rates
and if pickers begin work with that
understanding - it is probable
that forty cents per box .will pre
More Property on This Year's Tax
Roll Higher Assessment of Rail
Road Lands.
.benton county citizens will pay
taxes on a property valuation of
$2,481,540 this year. The figures
are taken from the assessment roll
just completed by Assessor Bush and
Deputy Tartar, and placed in the
hands of the county court at Wed
nesday s session, lhe amount is
greater thafi the total valuation of
taxable . property rlast year by
$93,"242. The total last . year was
The new roll shows items of as
sessment as follows: , motley, $36,
55b; notes and accounts, $76,380
stocks and bonds, $25,000; house
hold goods. ;$.$7 300: town lots'
$2or, 1 95; improvement on lots
$207,895: ' tillable " lands, $745,
415; nontillalli lancb, $653,455; im
provements thereon, $188,840.
Other items are, 2,221 horses and
mules, valued at $61,346; 1 7,936
head of cattle, valued at $104,260;
33.955 sheep valued, $69,315;
2,212 hogs, value, $5,855..
A feature of the assessment is
that lands of the O & C R R Co
formerly assessed at $1.25 per acre
are this year sriven' a valuation of
$2 per acre. ' ' ' "'
Auction ale.
Notice is, hereby- given that ' the
undersignedjwill,at 10. o'clock a m
on Saturday" September 20th, 1902
at the residencot A R Locke, 5
miles north of Corvallis, offer for
sale at public auction for cash, the
r 11 . r 1 1.
ioiiowing property jprnujriy be
longing to Horace Locke, to wit:
1 32 inch Bain wagon, 1 top bug
gy, 214 men Uliver steel plow, 1
7lt cut Piano binder, two years
old, 2 sets work harness, 2 saddles,
also other , arming implements. 5
head horses, 5 cows, 2 yearlings, 35
head sheep, 25 head Angora goats,
1 poland China boar registered.
W. M. Locke.
' . f Sheep to Let
On share., also on sale in lota to ' suit
purchaser. "Will sell on one years, tinie'
with good security. Call pr ajjdress.
A Wilhelm..
t i Monroe Ore.
"Elk's Carnival at Portland. .
For the Elk's Carnival the Southern
Pacific Co will sell tickets from all sta
tions in Oregon to Portland and return
on August 3l6t September 1st, and 5th
tolith inclusive, at greatly reduced
rates. Account Elk's Day, tickets will
sold on September 3rd and 4th at one
fare for the round trip, with a maximum
off 9.oo. '
Special attractions have been provided
which will make this Carnival the finest
ever held on the Coast.
Grandest parades' every day, in which
the beautiful queen of the Carnival will
appear. , . . . --
Don't fail to visit the Midway Plaisance
the Geiiaan -Village, and jabor's Or
iental Extravaganza. If you stay a
home youw ill fpend the rest of your'
life regretting it., . .
1 i
Sept. the 15 16, & 17 Dr wwe the opti-
tian will be in Qorvallis. at the Occidental
liotei. 11 vou vaiue your eyes see mm. .
. Fresh vetch seed at ZierolPs.'
Help Wanted
At the Commercial
at once. ' .
restaurant. Apply
Saratoga chii.s in bulk at A
- ... IT".
Saratoga chips.
' Fresh
Just received, fresh
Try them at Hodes. .
For more than a dozen years Dr s C W
Lowe he.well, known ocujo optician hasj
oeen coming 10 iorvains: jrie is to be
with us again soon.
M . 1 .
- . For Sale. " u . -
English rye grass f seed,, large cheat
seed", and vetch'seed, A few cords of
oak wof)d? I am oooking orders for
vetch seed, speak in time.
Alert nnrf Hr1 -CTio rd nor! itinne ratf1o
rolana unina hogs, and Shropshire,
bucks from recorded stock. '- 'I
' ... . l !
., L. It. Brooks. A
The Machine That Crawls Over Books
County Clerk Moses now Owns it.
. " The record type writing machine
continues to crawl backward md
forward over the heavy record
books in the clerks office and . to
leave as it passes an indelable but
beautifully printed record of the
doings of the various courts of Ben
ton County. Its operations are a
marvel to all who see them, and its
work an object of universal admir
ation. It prints so plainly that an
Arkansas democrat who isn't sup
posed to read at all, can easily spell
out the words. As it moves back
ward and forward over the books
it looks, more like a thing that is
alive and breatheslihan a mere ma
chine built by the hand of man.
Many farmers and others have cal
led at the office to see .the machine
work, where the geniral county
clerk and his amiable deputy never
hesitate to display its wonders.
A -test of what the machine
would do was made by Clerk Moses
the other day. The test was with
the delinquent tax sale of Coast
Land & Livestock lands ' now run
ning in the Times, a copy ofwhich
had to be placed on record. The
copy was made with "the machine
and at the same time a portion was
copied on paper in ordinary hand
writing and a comparison made. It
turned out that five times as much
could be put on the page with the
machine as could be placed there
with pen and ink. This means that
with the machine in use, only one
fifth as many record books will have
to be purchased by the county as
would be necessary if the records
were kept in handwriting. A further
advantage is the indelible charac
ter of the machine record. At Eu
gene, some time agothe county clerk
there made on paper a copy with
the machine and one with pen iand
ink. . Both .were hung on the south
side of the court house where they
were exposed to wind and sunshine.
In eight or nine months, of the
handwriting, only a few lettershere
and there could be- distinguished,
while the machine record was as
plain as the day it was written.
County Clerk Moses has purch
ased at his own expense the machi
ne now m the clerks office, and
will 'continue to use it on all the
records in bis care . Its cost was
175. It will result in a. consider.
able- saving to the county, both in
time and expense for record books.
Jh most counties in which, they are
in use the machines are. purchased
by the county, 1 but Clerk-Moses
did. not ask Benton taxpayers to
buy it for him;
For Court House Park Discussed", by
tie Court Also, by Water Company.
V-Q&-- the immediate present no
windmill will flop its arms in Court
House, park. A month ago . the
county judge was authorized by the
court to investigate the cost of a
suitable windmill for supplying
water at the c6urt house. There is
wrell "with an abundant ' flow of
watep on the groiinds,' and the pur
pose was to qut off. the expense Vof
$113 Per year that it has for vears
cost tor water.
County Tifdge Watters had on
h aadf sin ample Teporf setting forth
the cost of the mill. The Corvallis
Water Company however was "on
hand with an offer of better rates
that resulted in continuation until
the next term, Of the windmill plan.
The -company offered hereafter to
suply. water for all purposes at the
courthouse for $75 per year. It also
offered to put in a meter and to give
the'bene"fit' of ordinary meter rates.
Either' offer, especially that of the
mete-afrangemenr is a much better
prbposition than former terms. The
matter will be finally considered at
the October term.
To Rent.
To College students 5 furaisaed
reotns. Enquire at Hemphill s har
ness shop.
Not 'Doomed For Life; , - .
"I wag treated for three years by
good doctors," writes W. A. Greer,
McCounellsville, O., "for Piles, aDd
Fistula, but, when all failed, Buck-
en Arnica Salve cured me in two
weeks." Cares .Burns,' Bruises,
Cuts, Corns, Sores, "Eruptions, Salt
Rheum, riles or no pav. 200 at
Graham & Wortham's drug store.
Dog Tax Notice ,'..
I am requested by the City council to
notify owners of dogs that atax of $l,0o
on dogs and. $3.00 on sluts was due Sept.
1st and that it is their duty to report at
once to city treasurer and pay this tax ;
takiug his receipt therefor. ,1 .
I am ordered by the council to impou
nd all jdogs whose tax is not jaid, i
r Respty. - . -
j. A BiAleiaqier
Chief of Police .
Sept, 3rd 1902.
we Hie
Pieoaieil !
The arrival for the past two wrnkn a&
placed in our store one of the largest and
best selected stock of merchandise vo
have ever had, comprising all the late
novelties in dress goods, silks, trimmings
ribbons, etc. In shoes you have the
largest and best selected stcck in the city
to choose from. Our aim is to carry
everything to be found in an up-to-date
dry goods store. Prices to please
senton Counly Lumber Co
Manufacturers and Dealers in
Rougb ana Dressed Cumber
Singles, Eatb and Posts
A Square Deal for Everybody
Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregon'
Van Cramps Concentrated Soup
Chicken, Bouillon, Tomato,
Oxtail, Vegetable, Mock
. Just what jou wanfr:when. .not feeling good.
of fee
of fee
olden Gate
olden Gate
olden Gate
. , Mocha and Java
The only kind with- a reputation
h Ideal frealli) food
Junket Tablets
Junket Tablets
Is a pure milk food. Delicious, Nutritious
For sale by . '
irocery t
. - Job Printlinigv 'neatly done
arCbrvallls Tim""rOff ice,