Corvallis Times. BY B. F. IRVINE. facial Paper o Benton County, CORVALLIS, OKEGON AUG. 16, 1908. PASS 11 . Councilmen ought to have no -hesitancy in passing the ordinance find it hard to pay assessments ier lateral sewers: No valid objee tion can be urged against the mea sure, and many truths can be said faa .favor of it. The "plan proposes that if the property-owner give promissory note, at six per cent, secured by first mortgage, two years maybeal . 'pwed for paying the assessments. " Whenever such mortgage is given, the settlement of the matter is com plete, and the city can, if it is so desired, transfer the mortgage to a banking institution or money-lender and be relieved of further care. That is business for the city. A second mortgage could not be accepted as security because it would not be negotiable. Neither would it ordinarily be necessary. If the property is already mortgaged the mortgage holder's security is bettered by sewer construction be cause the property is thereby ad vanced in value. In almost any instance, he would be willing to increase his morgtage to thea mount of -this assessments by supplying money for the latter, because he would remove the city's lien which is a preferred lien over his morgtage lien on the property. Thus, from whatever standpoint it is viewed, the plan of the pend ing ordinance is advantageous to all parties at interest, and the meas ure ought to pass. EVERYTHING SOLD And Orders Pouring in Hurrying Things at the Carriage Factory. Finished stock, on account of heavy sales of late, is low at the Carriage & Organ factory. Man ager Cramer said yesterday that there is not a finished rig in the es tablishment today, and but a single organ. In the face of this, the firm has a bis: pile of orders on hand. The factory is pushing work through the plant with all possible liste. Next week it -is expected that 10 buggies and a phaeton, now receiving the finishing touches, will be ready to go out. Twenty five hacks, in various stages of completion, are passing through the works, and the first of these will be ready shortly for delivery The hacks are said to be the best in workmanship, style and mater ial, that have ever been turned out at the factory. In the organ department a large amount of stock is on the road to completion. About loo organ cas es are in the works, and these will begin to be ready for delivery in lots of 30 - within a short time, An additional 40 just starting through the plant it is expected to have on the market some time next month. Manager Cramer says an increase of the force at the factory is to be made. The present season's run of business has been so favorable that the manager thinks an additional 15 or 20 men can be steadily em ployed at the plant hereafter. In the. establishment, everything is being made teady for a big run this winter. Late experience has shown that the products of the fact ory are readily salable, and it is the purpose to be better piepared to meet the demand next year. The saw mill at the plant is to be start ed shortly, in order to prepare ma terial for future use. Oregon's t Blue Ribbon State Fair Salem . Sept 15th to 2oth -. 1902. You are invited to, attend and see the greatest industrial exposi tion and livestock show ever held on the Pacific Coast. Good racing every afternoon. Camp ground free. Come and bring your famil ies, For any information, write '' M. D. Wisdom, Sec'y, Portland. Ore. BILLS ALLOWED Claims Ordered Paid at Last Week's Session of the County Court. The following bill were allowed by the county court at the regular August term i9o2, towit ; Warren Hinton bounty claim $ 2 oo D B Farley ropes, roads 8 oo D B Farley work gravel loader 12l 02 Bailpy & Dennis reps road tools 7 7o j k. wowex gravel loader J R Crow supr donation road wort -. 09 5 si jo i i. v myeiiL supplies at-auty Frank Foster sal ferryman W G Lane sal janitor Cor E L&PCo lights c ii Corvallis Gazette printing Corvallis Times printing PST&T Co telephones City Transfer Co drayage S Chipman commander, relief ind soldier G H Harris lumber roads Graham & Wells stationery etc J Mrs D Huggins care co poor Walter E Turrell gravel 07 Stein " G Hodes powder roads C A Gerhard stationary Albert Zieiolf supr sal J D Wells Wm Spencer " A R Locke " R M Gilbert supt bridge H T Maxfield bicycle work U S Gleason lumber C W Davis reg voters H Underhill M M Waltz II M Waltz road work T S Miller build bridge Moses Bros nails A Wilhelm & Sons road tools etc J S Miller work canyon road do nation. J S Miller Summit-Hoskins road donation J S Miller Plunkett-Vincent road donation N Tartar work tax roll Wm Groves rent hall election Huston & Bogue hardware A Kyle drayage J D Wells road work H M Finley road work Marcus Hodges road work V P Moses assgd road vouchers PMZierolf ' " " Geo Dodele road work First Nat Bank assgd vouchers A Cadwalader road work First Nat Bank assgd road vouch ers E D Wood road work T W B Smith First Nat Bank assgd vouchers R Zahn road work W H Hammersley road work First Nat Bank assgd road vouch ers Arthur Ptrrin assgd road vouch First Nat Bank assgd road vouch ers V P' Moses assgd road vouchers P M Zierolf " " J H Edwards road work First Nat Bank assgd vouchers 164 2o 2 25 37 25 4 55 20 12 5o 9 82 9 30 117 3o 4 5o 2 20 17 05 1 85 12 00 18 00 12 OO 87 OO 62 50 . 2 OO 5 76 9 4o 3 10 8 60 9 5o 30 00 1 50 71 25 100 50 122 00 95 00 80 00 8 bo 47 2 75 1 5o 3 00 3 00 6 OD 6 00 5 25 lo 50 3 00 3 00 1 5o 40 00 H7 5o 1 5o 4 5 4 50 7 25 45 00 37 50 9 7o 12 00 2 25 Io 00 3 00 17 50 Geo Gates road work L M Henderson id work Wm Gates rd work R M Wade & Co assgd vouchers First Nat Bank " " Fred Hinton road work Geo W Smith roartmaster sal O W Beckwith work ferry J S Ireland gravel and rock P M .Zierolf gro co poor J R Fehler road work Mrs C E Dnetler gravel Benton Co L Co lumber Wheeler & Brandeberry lumber R S Irwin eal com W A Jolly " H M Stone Hoskins bridge E W Strong lumber REL Brown rebate tax W H Millhollen Marys river bridge W H Millhollen extra work on Mary's river bridge ATTEST 1 50 3 00 600 3 75 I5 00 1 00 3 30 6 00 13 50 3 66 25 45 1 47 14 60 16 3o 399 00 29 20 108 34 1344 00 25 00 VICTOR P. MOSES, County Clerk, GRAND THROUGH EXCURSION On the Corvallis & Eastern Tomorrow On Sunday, July 17th. the Corvallis & Eastern R R Co wil run another through excursion Irom Detroit and all points west to Newport leaving Dotroit at 4-10 a m, Albany at 7-30 a m, Corvallis 7-30 s.m, arriving at JNewport ai i.1-30 a m, An excursion train from flie Lebanon' Springfield branch of the S P will con Beet at Albany. The Salem military band of fifteen pieces will meet the excursionists and play during the day, Special trick bicycle riding, surf bath ing and weather permitting a' grand suit drill by the U S Life Saving crew will take place. Excursion will leave Newport at 5-30 p m. Fare from Detroit to Mill City inclusive, I2.50; west of .Mill City to Kingston, inclusive 2,00; west of Kings ton to Maxwell inclusive, 1.75; Albany Corvallis and Philomath, $1 5o: west of Philomathto Chitwood inclusive, 1.00, All points west of Chitwood, $.75. This will be the 'banner excursion of the year, and tne time spent will repay ten'fold the cost of the trip. There is a contract ready to be let at Cramer's Organ & Carriage factory for 2 million logs to be loaded on cars, 1 mil lion feet of hemlock to be loaded at Grider's switch, logs to be hauled three miles from Hains place, 2 miles this side of Mills City. One milliou feet to be put on cars at Cramer's switch this side of Summit, one mile from skid road. For further information write of call on R , M. Cramer, Organ & Carriage Factory. Lost Sunday, on the streets of Corvallis a pair of gold rimmed glasses. - Finder will please- leave at the Toiss office or at tt store of SL Kline. THE TRACY BLIGH1 It Lives After Him and has Many Victims Local People Touched by it." An evil genius seems to settle on whatever wasassociated with Tracy In the East, an old mother's life is embittered by the awful career of her son. In almost . every state I nTinnn mr.rn hoMUCA nt TUP Cfif. row he sent to their homes. The baleful influence of the out law even extends to division of re-' Wards. There is trouble over the Merrill reward, because Tracy kil led his pal. There is bickering ov er the Tracy reward, and there is no telling yet who will get it. There seems no limit to the in fluence of the dead outlaw's evil spirit. It has entered Corvallis that never saw -Tracy, and that has always been a God-fearing and well behaved town. L,ike a hoary frost on a June potato vine, the outlaw's blight has struck the pool box of local sports who bought tickets on Tracy's capture. There was fun and benign contentment among the ticket holders until Tracy killed himself in Farmer Eddy's wheat field. That happened about eight o'clock the night of August 5th. One local sport held a ticket good for the entire contents of the pool box if Tracy's capture or killing occurred from August 1st to 5th inclusive. But Tracy's body was not found until the morning of thej6th, and the pool ticket of another man is good for that date. The finding is the climax of capture, and some of the ticket holders claim, would be the only judicial act to constitute claim to the contents of the pool box. Over this question the ticket holders differ, and the potato blight, or brown rot, or swine plague, or whatever it is, of the fateful outlaw's evil genius is upon their associations. They argue and debate. They conjure up questions of jurisprudence, inter national law, justification by faith, government by injunction and the sanctity of marriage. The settle: ment is as difficult as a dispute ov er a church creed. They cannot go to the courts, because the pot isn't big enough to satisfy the lawyers. They dare not resort to arbitration, for fear the arbitrators will get struck with the Tracy blight and confiscate the pool box Though thev don't know it their troubles are complicated by the fact that they are victims of the out laws spell, and when they find it out they are nearly certain to give the pool box to an orphan asylum or a missionary in heathen lands as a sort of sacrificial offering , to Iracy s ghost. Market Report. PORTLAND. Wheat, valley, 61 Flour, $ 3.05 to $ 3.60" perTbbl. Potatoes', $ io to 85 per cental Eggs, Oregon, 19 to 2o per doz. Butter,'17to 18c per lb. Creamery, 2o to 22 per lb. CORVALLIS. Wheat, 52c to 53per bushel, Flour, 80c and 85 per sack. Batter, to 25 c per 'pound' Creamery, 50c per roll. Eggs, 18c per dozen. Lard 15 c per lb. For Sale Three milch cows, one fresh. One heavy horse, and one driving team. Cramer Organ & Carriage Factory. Buyyour harvesting outfits at Nola Callahan's Complete line. For Sale. Some choice Scotch Collie pups. Address, Spencer Bicknell, ' Corvallis. For Sale. English rye grass seed,; large cheat seed, and vetch seed, A few cords of oak wood, I am booking orders for vetch seed, speak in time. L. L,. Brooks. -VA- mittmBBtauaMitiitautmk Don't tie the top of your jelly and preserve jars in the old fashioned way. Seal them by the new, quick, aDsoiuteiy sure way Dy a tnin coaling 01 pure. refined Paraffine Wax. Has no ta6te or odof. Is air tight and acid proor. Easily applied. Useful in a dozen other WaVS flhnilt. tha hntiD. Full direfttioTin with each pound cake. Bold everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO- , , ,- j,a Wt war I . mmm IS NEARLY FOUR THOUSAND Delinquent Taxes of the Coast, Livestock Company. Land & Sheriff Burnett has already be gan proceedings for the enforce ment of the collection of the de linquent taxes tn the lands in Ben ton county. of the Coast, Land & L,ivestock Company. He was busy yesterday and Thursday in mak ing list3 of the lands as they ap pear on the tax rolls for the j-ears in which the said taxes are de linquent. The warrant for the col lection has been delivered to him by the county clerk, and when the lists of the lands are completed a proper certificate of delinquency will be filed, and the wheels of law begin to turn. It turns out that the total delinquency on the company's lands in Benton county is $3.894-3S By years thejamount of the delin quency is as follows: 1895, $812, 12; 1897. $768.74; 1898, $858.81; 1899, $814.11; 1900, $730.60; total $3,894.38, la 1901, the present company acquired the lands from the Coe estate by purchase, and since that date the taxes on the property have been promptly paid A part of the time before that the lands were in the hands of the re ceiver, and it was on this account that collection was not enforced each year, as the taxes became due. it being usual in lavy not to attempt to sell property that is in the hands of a receiver without the proper authority from the court interested. In 1895," when' the lands were not in the hands of a receiver, the sheriff advertised and sold the Hogg place near Corvallis, for the taxes on the lands, and the place was bid in by J H Wilson, who subsequent ly failed to complete the purchase.' The following year the same' place together with the William M Hoag place in Corvallis, was advertised and sold, and was bid in by M M Davis, who paid the taxes and cost of sale, aggregating in all, $822.14. Mr Davis subsequently completed his title to the Hoag place, but the Hogg place passed into the hands of the Coast, Land & Livestock Company. . In the petition for a compromise of the taxes, the Coast, Land & Livestock Company says, "the un paid taxes, assessed to George Coe trustee, and Arthur H Masten, re ceiver, are not a valid lien , against said lands: but in order to make a settlement of the whole matter, and to avoid litigation this com pany is willing to pay the sum of $450 in full settlement thereof." "We have no expectation." the pe tition continues, "of collecting from Coe or Masten, but if this proposi tion is accepted the above sum will be paid at once. HOP PICKER SAYS SO That Forty Cents per box for Picki ng This Year is not Satisfactory. Statements in the newspapers that hoppickers will be satisfied with 40 cents for picking is not true, according to the statement of one of them in the Times office yesterday. The price of hops, this picker said, will justify the pay ment of a better figure. When the hops were low, those who picked accepted lower rates, and this pick er argued that, since hops are high growers ought to return the favor by paying better figures. "I shall not pick," he said, "beceuse I can do better at other work, and I am of the opinion that there will be many others like me, if growers insist on holding the price down to 40 cents. Guardians Sale of Real Estate. In the matter ol tha guardianship of the es tate of Luther S Woodruff. IraB Woodrufl, minors. Notice Is hereby eiven that rmrsant to an order of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton countv, made and entered on the 7th day of July. 1902. 1 will on Thursday, the 11th day of September, 1902, at 10 o'clock a m, at tne iront aoor 01 mo court house in uorvains, Benton county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash the following described property of said estate and the right title and interest the said Luther S Wondruff and Ira B Woodruff have herein towit; The undivided 9-28 of the East. 12 and 2 7 of the West 1-2 of the South- west 1-4 of Section t T 13 S B. 6 West ot Will Mer, In Benton county, Oregon. uamerine -. wooaruu, Guardian of the person an1 estate of Luther S Woodruff and Ira B Woodruff, minors, Notic to Cereditors. Notice is hereby eriven to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth El liott, deceased' by the county court of .Benton county, state of Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate of Elizabeth El liott, deceased, are hereby requeste d to present the same with the proper vvoucherK duly veri fied as by law required within six months Irom t.m date hereof to the undersigned at his resid ence in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, or at the office of E E W Uson in Corvallis, Bentn county Oregon. Dated this August 9th, rS02, EbseiT Elliott, Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth El liott, deceased. Blue Print Maps. Blue print maps of any.' township in Rosebure Oregon and District, showing all vacant lands for 50 cents each. If you want any information from the U S Land Office address --' Titlb Guarantee it Loan Co Boaeburg, Ore. Summer Goods Coast aniloiiain! Big Discount Ladies Duck Skirts 50c Ladies Storm Eubbers...!,. 40c Ladies Box Calf Shoes 1 6o Ladies Heavy Kid Shoes 1 60 Ladies Light Kid Shoes 90e All goods sold at a reductiorrduring July rbe Benton County Lumber Co Manufacturers and Dealers in - RougS) and Dressed Cumber Sblitefes, Eat!) and Posts A Square Deal for Everybody Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregon Van Cramps Concentrated Soup Chicken, Bouillon, Tomato, Oxtail, Vegetable, Mock Turtle. Just what you -want vrhen not feeling good. zfV olden Gate yofiee I TT olden Gate r m olden Gate vsoffee Mocha and Java The only kind with a reputation Jin Tdeal Eeallb Tood Junket Tablets For Junket Tablets Is a pure milk food, Delicious, Nutritious . Digestible, For sale by I at Rocies grocery Job Prtattog neatly doee . Corvallis Times Office. i T 1 HI w Hi i ft of fee ma fa r