The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 16, 1902, Image 1

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    Vol. XV. No 26:
corvallis, oregon; august u, 1902.
Editor and Pno
Homeopathic physician,
Surgeon and oculist
Office Rooms 1 2 Bank Bldg.
Residence on 3rd Et between
Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or.
Resident Phone 311
Oiflje li:urs 10 ti 12 a ru. 2 to 1 and 7 to7:30 p m
Osteopathic Physicians '
Office on South Main St. Consul
tition and examinations free
Umce nours: 0:00 to ll:4o a. m
1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235.
Li. G.'AETJMAN, m. d
Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi
dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts.
Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7
to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M,
Phone residence 315. .
H. S. Pernot
Physician and Surgeon -
Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor.
5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours 10 to 12 a. m
to 4 p. m. Orders may be Jett at Gra
am & W ortham's Drug Store.
Physician Surgeon.
Office: Room 14, Bank Building.
Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m.
2 to 4 p. m.
Residence In front of court house facing 3rd
et. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 ,
Physician and Surgeon
J. P. Huffman
Office in Zierolf Building. Hours
from 8 to 5. Corvallis Orego n
Abstract of Title Conveyancing
3o$Pb E Kittson
Practice in all the courts. Notary Public
Office in Burnett Brick.
E. E. Bryson,
E. Holgate
Stenography and typewriting done. -Office
ia Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg
Notary Public
Office in Zierlolf's building.
Toe Parrs EspesStion
made tire Gold
Medal AwanJ to
ftew Orleans ' -vV.y
Chic-:o lflSO.
He "Was In a Nervous Frenzy All
Night in His Cell Effort Made
to Make Him Confess The Mur
dered Woman's Son Was in Jop
lin, Mo.
Chicago, Au?. i4. Inspector
Hunt, of the Hyde Park police sta
tion, today began systematically to
weave the net of evidence in the
mysterious murders of Mr?. Anne
Barthomiu and Miss Minnie Mitch
ell about Oscar Thompson, who for
over 20 years was a roomer of Mrs.
Bartholin in the Calumet avenue
death house.
The identity of the mysterious
woman in black, who last night
told the inspector she had seen
William Bartholin, Oscar Thomp
son and "Old Dad" Claffey wrang
gling over Thompson's laundry
wagon on the morning of the Mitch-'.
ell girl's supposed murder, was
cleared up. She is Mrs. Tallerday.
Today she pesitively identified i
Thompson's wagon and horse as
those she had seen with the .men.
An attempt to wring a confession
from Thompson by putting him in
the "sweat box" will, it is expect
ed, result in a statement that this
horse and wagon were used to con
vey the body of Minnie Mitchell to
the lonely field at Seventy-fourth
and State streets.
For several hours this morning
Inspector Hunt took every possible
device to induce the prisoner to
throw some light on the mystery.
All night a "stool pigeon" had been
in Thompson's cell, but nothing
was learned. The prisoner paced
his cell in a nervous frenzy. In.
answer to the inspector s quene3
today he said that he had no recol
lection of what he did the supposed
night of the Mitchell murder. He
remembered having eaten his sup
per and of feeding the dog the next
morning. The interval, however,
was a blank. Thompson said that
Edward?, one of Mrs. Bartholin s
roomers, was a doctor, and might
have "doped" him. Thompson will
be put through the "sweating" pro
cess agaiu.
Joplin, Mo., Aug. 13. William
J. Bartholin, wanted in connection
with the Bartholin-Mitehell mur
ders, is believed to have been in
Joplin on Monday last, in company
with a man who answers tne de
scription of Harry Church, former
border at the Bartholin home in
Chicago. The man believed to have
been Bartholin etopped at the For
ney house Monday Dight. Thesee
pnd man did not stop at the hotel,
but joined his companion at the
Forney before ' daylight Tuesday,
when the two left hastily, bince
then no trace has been found of
them, eo far as is known.
According to J. M. BrookB, owner
of the Hotel Royal, at Guthrie, O.
T., and the statements of the day
and night clerks at the hotel, Bar7
thohn stopped all day, disapnear
ing Suddenly Sunday evening. It
would have been easy for him to
have made the journey to Joplin,
which is about 200 miles distant,
by Monday.
Chicago, Aug. 13. The mystery
surrounding the Bartholin murder
case baffles the Chicago police. To
day tne leeliDg grew stronger that
the body of the young woman found
last Thursday in the field at Sev
enty-fourth and State streets and
buried as Minnie Mitchell was not
that of the woman. Coroner Trae
ger today was asked to exhume the
body, but inasmuch as the family
of the girl did not join in the re
quest he "declined, He said the body
was so decomposed that such action
would be of little avail. The coro
ner's physician and other well-
known medical men, however, state
in positive terms that eight days'
exposure could not have effected
such a change in the body.
Working on this theory the po
lice have sent out tracers to find
William J. Bartholin and his fian
cee together alive. Efforts are also
being made to identify the suppos
ed Mitchell body as. some one of the
numerous other women who have
been mysteriously missing. The
Mitchell family has taken no steps
to clear up the mystery thereabout,
apparently being satisfied that the
clothing scattered about the field
where it was found was sufficient
identification. Oscar Thompson,
one of Mrs. Bartholin's roomers, who
is still retained by the police, today
once more Was put through the
"sweating" process to induce him
to tell the police something definite
that will lead to a solution of the
two murders. He maintained he
new nothing.
The police have received word
from Denver that M. L.R.Edwards
another of the roomers of the Calu
met death-house, would return if
sent for. Chief of Police O'Neil
sent tranenortation at once.
Salem, Aug. 14 The first Labor
day proclamation ever issued in the
I state of Oregon was sent out by
Governor Geer yesterday afternoon
in tne following language:
"Whereas, the legislature of: Ore
gon has set apart the first Monday
in September of each year as fa le
gal holiday to be known as Labor
"Therefore, I, T. T. Geer, gover
nor of said state, do hereby recom
mend that all places of business of
whatsoever kind, as far as possible,
De closed on luonaay, September 1.
I902, and that the day be devoted
to an observance of such exercises
a3 may contribute to a better un
derstanding between labor and cap
ital, the great moviog forces behind
modern industrial development;
and it is especially urged that em
ployers co-operate with their em
ployes in a mutual observance of
the day in such a manner as will
fittingly recognize the reliance
which each must place upon the
other before the best results from
both may be expected or attained.
"In testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the Grest Seal of the state of Ore
gon to be affixed hereto. Done at
the capitol, in the City of Salem,
this 13th day . of August, A. D..
1902.-' T. T. GEER,
. Governor of Oregon
Guthrie, O. T., Aug'. 13. James
Foverly. a saloon man of Glencoe,
O. T., was shot and instantly kill
ed by James S. McMtfrtry on the
passenger train near Glencoe this
evening. McMurtry is prominent
in Oklahoma politics. - The trouble
arose over an attempt mads by the
anti-saloon league to prevent a liq
uor license being issued to Feveily
& Henderson. Feverly attacked
McMurtry in the smoking car and
the killing resulted. To prevent a
lynching, McMurtry was removed
to Pawnee county for safety.
Quincy, Cal., Aug. 13. T. B.
Walker, the millionaire lumberman
of Minneapolis, has just closed a
deal by which he secures a tract of
timber land in Plumas county ag
gregating 65,ooo acres. It is under
stood that the price paid was $18
an acre. ' Four corps of engineers
are at work in this section, and it
is rumored that Mr. Walker and J.
J. Hill are working together, to the
end that a railroad, which will e
ventually develop into a transcon
tinental line, will tap the timber
lands purchased by Walker. A sur
vey for a transcontinental road
through tbi3 section wa9 made in
At Panama, Columbia, by Chainbar
lain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrboea
. Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent
physician, of Panama, Colombia
in a recent letter states: "Last
March I had as a patient a young
lady 16 years of age, who had a
very bad attack of dysentery. Ev
erything I prescribed for her prov
ed ineffectual and she wa3 growing
worse every hour. Her parents
were sure she would die. She had
become so weak that 6he could not
turn over in bed. What to do
at this critical moment was a study
for me, But I thought of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and as a last resort prescrib
ed it. The most wonderful result
was effected: Within eight hours
she was feeling much better: inside
of thiee days she was upon her feet
and at the end of one week was en
tirely well. For sale bv Graham &
Wells. -
The best Physic Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy
to take. Pleasant in effect. For
sale by Graham & Wells.
Americans May Move Against Bac
olod, a Moro Stronghold La
drones Kill Wm. Schermer
horn of Seattle Other
Manila, Aug. 13. A small party
of Moros surprised an outpost of the
Twenty-seventh Infantry, at Camp
Vickers, yesterday. Sergeant Fo
ley and Private Carey weie killed,
and Private Vandorn was severely
wounded. The Moros, who num
bered only a dozen, were armed
with spears and swords. The morn
ing was dark and foggy. The at
tacking party crawled to within a
few feet of the sentinels and then
sprang upon them suddenlv. The
entire-outpost rushed to the relief
of the sentinels, but they were too
late, and the Moros escaped, al
though possibly a few of them were
The America ssentinels were ter
ribly cut by then words and spears.
The attacking Moros were all from
Bacolod, and the occurrence proba
bly will result in a move against
the town, which has a strong fort
and other defenses.
Manila, Aug. 13. Constabulary
Inspector William Schermerhorn,
whose heme was in Seattle, was
mortally wounded in a recent fight
with Ladrones at Iligan, Mindanao.
Bloomington, 111., Aug. 4 At
the session here today of the police
chiefs' and sheriffs' association of
Illinois, a test of a bullet proof vest
was made. Phil Holland, editor of
the Chicago Detective, wore one of
the vests and allowed a revolver to
be fired at him. The bullet did not
penetrate the garment. . ' ' '
Alban3', Or., Aug. 14. Harry
Boyles, an employe in the Lebanon
Paper Mills, committed suicide at
Lebanon today by taking morphine
and carbolic acid. The suicide was
due to a love -affair. Boyles is 30
years old, has lived in Lebanon
several years, and is well known.
Pierre, S. D., Aug. 14. The
Farmers' National Co-operation Ex
change Company has filed articles
of incorporation with a capital of
$50,000,000. The purpose of the
corporation is to buy, sell and deal
in grain, provisions, livestock and
all kinds of produce on commission
and otherwise, and for the purpose
of building and equipping grain el
evators, warehouses, cold storage
plants,- stockyards and whatever
may be necessary to carry on the
business of the corporation.
One-fourth of the capital stock
will be used for building the eleva
tors, yards, branch offices, etc., and
another fourth will be made a cash
fund for the purpose of dealing in
cash grain, and provisions on the
Board of Trade. The remaining
half of the capital stock will be left
virtualy with the farmers in various
banks where the money has been
raised to enable them to carry their
crops for a more favorable market.
Thi9 will give the -farmers $25,-
000,000 back of their interests to
help them in securing better prices
for their produce. The stockbook
will be open to banks throughout
20 states.
Chicago, Aug. 13. The police
obtained their hrst clew or value in
the Bartholin tragedy to night, and
developments that wili go far to
ward solving the mystery are ex
pected within 24 hours. Inspector
Hunt late tonight found a woman
who declared that the morning fol
lowing the night Miss Mitchell dis
appeared in company with Bartho
lin, she saw Oscar Thompson, dri
ver for a laundry company, and
who is now held in custody of the
police; John Claffy, the barn boss
for the same concern, and a man
wearing a panama hat in front of
the laundry at day break." They
were standing beneath a bright arc
light and Bhe saw them plainly. She
resided in the neighborhood and
knew both men well.
The woman tonight was confront
ed with Thompson, and while he
was forced to admit that he knew
her and that she knew him, he de
nied the story. The woman denied
that a light eolored cap, which
Thompson had attempted to throw
away, was the one that he wore at
the time she saw him under the e-
lectnc light.' When asked why he
threw the cap away to wear the ODe
he had on when he was arrested,
he hesitated and then said: "Give
me until tomorrow, I will talk with
you then." The plea was taken as
an indication that Thompson's wall
of stolidity was broken down at last
by the strong evidence he had beeh
confronted with, and the police
think he will tell all he knows to
morrow. They expect he will con
fess to a share in the murders.
; Claffy, after Thompson, was con
fronted with the womau in black.
He at first said he did not know
her, but immediately admitted that
he did when she called him by
name. Claffy is a man about 45
years old. The woman repeated
the story in exactly the same way
she told it at first. Claffy being
with Thompson and Bartholin at
the time, and was immediately lock
ed up again.
Chicago, Aug. 13. Walter I.
Stebbings, who on Saturday stab
bed Walter A. Scott, president of
the Illinois Wire Company, in the
latter'e office in the Monadnock
building, was held to the grand ju
ry by the coroner's jury today.
No charge of crime was made a-
gainst stebbings, but the jury re
commended that the grand jury in
vestigate the killing. , Stebbings
testified in his own behalf at the
inquest, and stated that at no time
during the time Scott was Btriking
and kicking him did he knowingly
stab him. The thought of such a
thing he said, never came to him.
He said that just before he called
upon Scott he had received a letter.
This was being opened with a pa
per knife when he went into Scotts'
o,ffice. Stebbings said he was in a
dazed condition from the attack of
Scott, who kicked" him and pushed
him from his office. He struck at
Scottr but did not know he had us
ed the knife.
.-: .Miss-; Myrtle . Shumate, Scott's
stenographer, testified practically to
the same story, save that she said
she heard Stebbings call Scott a li
ar. The verdict is safe to be the
mildest in the history of the coro
ner's office.
Stebbings was released from the
county jail tonight on bondsof$20,
000. The action was in accordance
with the recommendations of the
coroner's jury, which held Steb
bings responsible for the death of
Scott. In view of the fact that the
grand jury would not convene be
fore September 15, the verdict at
the inquest, while holdipg the pris
oner to answer to the criminal
court, recommended that he be re
leased on bond.
Berkeley, Cal., Aug. 13.-Eustace
L. Furlong, student assistant in
the geological department of the
University of California, has dis
covered imbedded in the floor of one
of the famous limestone caves of
Shasta county almost the entire re
mains of an arctolherium simum,
the gigantic primeval bear that was
the first'of his kind to roam the two
American continents. Because on
ly fragments of the skeleton, until
now incomplete, have hitherto been
discovered by geologists, the work
of Furlong ranks as one of the most
notable achievements of the Uni
versity of California explorers in re
cent years.
Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsburg,
Iowa, wa9 cured of a stomach troub
le with which he had been afflicted
for years, by four boxes of Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
let?. He bad previously tried many
other remedies and a number of
hysiciaas without relief. For sale
by Graham & Wells .
A Cure for Cholera Infantum.
"Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Ba
ker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an in
fant 'child of our neighbor's was suf
fering from cholera infantum. The
doctor had given up all hopes of re
covery. I took a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy to the house, telling
them I felt sure it would do good if
used according to directions. In
two days time the child had fully
recovered, and is now (nearly a year
since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I
have recommended this Remedy
frequently and. have never known
it to fail in any single instance.'
For sale by Graham & Wells.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
Awarded ilold Medal Midwinter Fair. San FranciKOb .
Over 200 Men Battered Down Doorsji
of Lexington Jail Ingram De
nies Reports About Being
Accidentally Shot by Mer
rill, Says It Was Done
by design.
Lexington, Mo, Aug. 12. Chas.
Salyer3 (white) and Harry Gates,
(colored) were taken from the conn-,
ty jail here by a masked mob, at
1:30 this morning, and lynched.
They were charged with killing 6eo
W. Johnson, a wealthy farmer, who
surprised them at his henhouse near
town a few nights ago. Salyers and
Gates were arrested on the day fol
lowing the shooting, after an ex
citing chase. ..
Johnson was one of the wealthiest
and most respected men intheom-t
munity, and the feeling against the.
two men was intense. Last night
shortly after midnight, armed men
fcame to town bv two3 and threes, .
most of them masked. They mass
ed finally near the courthouse yard
in which the county jail is situated.
A demand upon the jailer for the
prisoners meeting with refusal, sev-
eral members of the mob, who had
come well prepared, broke in the
outer door and made quickly
for the cells of the murderers. It
took them 30 minutes to cut
through the eteel doors. Salyera
was taken out first, then Gates. w.
Without encountering any serious
objection, the mob started with
their victims for a point half a mile
south of town. There Salyers was"
granted permission'to make a state
ment. He said that Gates had shot
Johnson after firing three timeB
and that when the last shot was
fired Gates had hb!dof 'Johnsoto; -:
Before being killed Johnson had
exchanged shots with the men, and
Gates was found to have been shot
in the right hip.
Salyers' statement finished, . the
men were quickly strung op to . a
tree. There they were left banging
and the mob dispersed quietly at 2
o'clock, after an hour's work. Only,
one shot was fired, and that was to
put out an incandescent light in
front of a livery stable as the mob
passed by on the way to the scene
of the lynching.
Salvers, alias backs, had lived
here for a number of years, and left .
a family. He had a bad reputation.
Gates, who was 30 years old, had
served a term in the penitentiary
for burglary committed in Lexing
ton. Tonapas, Nev. Aug. 13. Last
night at 10 o'clock, Wells, Fargo &
Company's mail stage was robbed
by a lone highwayman one-quarter
of a mile from town. Dan Robbins
was the driver, and there were no
passengers aboard. The robber had
stretched a rope across the road and
also covered the driver with a shot
gun. He broke open the treasure
box with a sledge mammer, but it
is not known how. much he got.
The sheriff and constable tracked
the highwayman into town and
they reg rd capture as certain.
Ottumwa, la., Aug. i3. J. H.
Sims, a wealthy farmer, was shot
and killed by his son today. Sims,
Sr., while intoxicated made a vi
cious attack upon his wife with a
butcher knife, and the eon interfer
ed just in time to save her life.
New York, Aug. 13. Lockhart
Honore, of Chicago, a brother of
Mrs. Potter Palmer, and Mrs. Net
tie Crosby Richardson, a wealthy
widow and society woman of that
city, have been married at the Pines,
the summer. home of the bride's
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
uel M. Nickerson, says an East
Brewster, Mass.," special to the
Only about a dozen guests were
present, the affair having been kept
profoundly quiet.
Just Look At Her.
Whence came that sprightly step,
faultless skin, rich, rosy complex
ion, smiling face. She looks good,
feels good. Here's her eecret. She
uses Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Result, ; all organs active, diges
tion good, no headache, no chance
for "blues." Try them yourself.
Only 25c at Graham & Wor.ham,