The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, August 09, 1902, Image 3

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Elde a Eambler.
Mrs P O Wilson went to Newport
Senator Daly
went to Portland
Next Monday the Salem Military
band goes to Newport for the summer.
Mrs Ed Andrews has been visiting
Eugene iriends since Saturday.
Theo Welleher and family left
Thursday for Newport on a camping
Miss Emma Thompson went to
Newport Wednesday for a brief out
ing. Mrs J H Carrie and family left
yesterday for .Kings Valley for a
week's visit at the home of Mrs Alex
ander. Will Blake of Wells left last Sat
urday on his return trip to Chicago
to resume his studies in the de ntal
One ol the attractions at the State
Fair this year will be the Missouri
Giantess, standing 8 feet 4 inches in
her stocking feet.
The- Benton Mills closed down
Thursday morning, pending the arri
vel of new wheat to mix with the old
for grinding purpoes.
The supply of mill feed as is of
ten the case, is very short in the local
market, and dairyman and others oc
casionally need more for feeding pur
poses than they can get.
Mrs Laws who left Corvalli3 two
or three months ago to live in Port
land with her son, Guy Laws, has
gone to London to reside. She left
Poitland Thursday,
Miss MeGillivray arrived from
Marion County Wednesday, and ser
ves as clerk at Milluer & Wellcher'e
grocery store during the absence of
Mr Wellsher at the seaside.
M E Church : Rev D L Fields
will occupy the pulpit both morning
and evening, Sunday school at 10 a m.
Intermediate League at 6 p m and
Ep worth at 7 p m. A cordial welcome
to all.
Thomas Jones left yesterday on
an outing trip to Riddle and Southern
Oregon towns. He is to be absent a
month. Prof Skelton is to act as dep
uty surveyor during the absence of
Mr Jones.
Horace Locke, who has been for sev
eral week's at Lobanon where Mrs
Locke 'conducts a millinery store, re
turned Tuesday to harvest bis crop
He returnes to Lebanon after harvest.
The Locke store is the only millinery
establishment in Lebanon.
. - United Evangelical Church. . The
jtaemifor the morning will be "Salva
tion and Rewards." The evening ser
vice will be evangelistic. The pastor
will preach at the Witham School
House at 3,00 p m H A Deck pastor.
A Salem woman has sued her
husband for divorce because he spit
tobacco juice In her face. She Is right;
and In futher retaiation, she should
have hit him in the nose with her
chewing gum,
A Dayton, Or., liveryman , as a
Joke, put a bell under the wagon of a
newly married couple, just starting on
their bridal trip, and now he has been
sued tor 85,000 damages as a result
of the runaway that followed.
Mrs Garrow, Miss Edna Garrow
and Theodore arrived Monday from
McCloud, California, where they have
been eloce college closed. They are
to occupy the Wells house as soon as
President Gatch and family vacate it
by removal into their new home on
College Hill. .
The Dalles, Falls City & Pacific
Coast Railway Company filed articles
of incorporation in the State Depart
ment Saturday, says the Salem States
man. The company purposes to con
struct and operate a railroad, telegra
ph and telephone line f ron Dallas to
Falls City and on to Newport. The
company has a capital of $500,000,
The first load of this years wheat
crop reached town Wednesday. There
was between fifty and sixty bushels of
it. and it was delivered at the Benton
Mills. It was of fine quality, and was
grown on the farm of W J Hulbert,
across the river in Linn.
Married last Tuesday at the Pres
byterian Church in Albany, Miss Tere
sa Grace Wilson of Alsea and Mr
Roderick McLemmonof Portland, Rev
White officiating. Following the cere
mony a dainty lunch was served to
immediate relatives after which, Mr
and Mrs McLemmon left for Victoria
B O. . Oa their return they will make
their home in Portland.
Miss Dorthea Nash is in Germa
ny. She is visiting at the home of a
German baron, and to a friend in Cor
vallis, writes an interesting account
of the customs in vogue there. In a
few weeks she is to enter the High
Government School of Music at Ber
lin, one of the most . famous musical
institutions in Europe. Miss Nash
has broken off the engagement to an
English gentleman, notice of which
was printed in the newspapers a few
months ago. She has recently retur
ned from a trip to Paris.
Three young men were in town
Wednesday to make arrangements to
attend the agricultural college the
coming year. They rented a house in
the western part of town, and will oc
cupy it when the college opens the
latter part of September. Hassler and
Peery are the names of two of the
young men. The name of the third
was not learned.
Bom Monday to Mr and Mrs J
W Foster a daughter,
Mrs Ivy Bray of Minnie, Lane
county is visitiDg her sister Mrs Victor
Hurt. -
There will be no preaching at the
Christian Church for the next two
Mr3 F A Alexander arrired Wed
nesday from Salem and has gone to
the J W Foster home
Julius Wuesterfelt and family re
turned Thursday from a two week's
camping trip at the seaside.
L W Deyoe formerly' tho hotel
man at Elk City is bujing wool. He
recently purchased, the papera say,
100,000 pounds in Curry County.
At this week's session, the conn -ty
court ordered the establishment of
a road petitioned for by Paul Dodele.
providing that Mr Dodele pay the
expense incident thereto.
At Thursday's session of thecoun-
ty court, J H Gibson was appointed
expert to examine the books of ex
county clerk Watters, Sheriff Burnett,
Treasurer Buchanan and other county
officials. He Is to receive $150 for hie
Cobb Henkle left Thursday for
the Bay and was accompanied by his
niece, Miss Bertha Henkle they will
visit relatives at Chitwood's and Elk
City, and tben sniff the ozone from
the salt chuck for a few days before
returning home.
Mr and Mrs G W Denman arri
ved Thursday from a camping trip in
Alsea. Mr and Mrs Baker and Mr and
Mrs Gibson, the other members of the
party are to arrive Monday. Up to
the Deomau departure the party hsd
killed two buekd.
Wild strawberries are now ripe
and abundant on Mary's Peak. The
ground there is literally red in some
places according to Arthur Henkle,
of tbe dray firm of Henkle & Robin
son, who has arrived from a hunting
trip on the mountain. Mr Henkle
brought home venison.
The appointment of a man to
conduct the county ferry at Corvallis
was one of the items of business dis
posed of at Thursday's session of tbe
court. The appointee is J E Michael
The salary was placed at $45 per
month. Mr Michael is a resident of
Corvallis and a good mab for the pla
ce. He,' enters upon his duties this
Saturday morning.. There were several
applicants for the place.
As a result of this week's meet
ing of the county court, the county
judge is to secure from the land offi
ces at Oregon City and Roseburg, a
complete list of the homesteads and
timber land claims on which final
proof has been made, for purposes of
assessment on this year's roll. . The
move will bring several thousand
acres of land that have hitherto yeild-
ed no
revenue into the taxpayers
Theo Barnhart arrived Thursday
from the navy yard at Bremerton
vvasmngton wnere ne uas bad em
ployment for several months. He has
given up his position, and has return
ed to Corvallis to reside. He liked
nls work and the pay, but did not
like Bremerton as a place of residence
rornls ramlly.Mr Birnhart says Frank
Groves has an excellent position," and
that he is successful and satisfactory
in the discharge of his duties.
Petitioners were present at Wed
nesday's session of the county court
asking for a bridge over the slough
that seperates Inhram Island from
the mainland of Benton county. They
nad a subscription paper in which cit
izens of the . neighborhood donated
labor to the amount of $484 for ;he
construction ot tbe bridge. The mat
ter was continued until the September
term on account of the fact that no
arrangement had been made - by the
petitioners for a road in connection
with the proposed structure.
There was trouble at the ferry
Wednesday, A stiff wind blew from
the north, and the ferry boat Insisted
on drifting up stream so far that it
was continually soutti of the cable.
The ferryman did not like the hang of
things, and would not taKe people
across. He said It was dangerous,
By and by, there were six or eight
teams in waiting to cross, on either
side of the river. There was also on
either side the distant scent of pro
faulty. One man finally phoned - the
county judge details, and that official
soon appeared. There followed an
investigation of the trouble, and fin
ally Mr Watters said the boat must
cross. In a short time it was pulled
down to tbe landing, a cargo was
taken on board, and thereafter trips
to and fro were made with prompt
ness and regularity. ..
Albany Democrat: A dispatch
states there' is considerable talk in
Dallas about a railroad Into Falls
City and into the timber west of Dal
las. Incorporation papers were filed
Saturday under the managment of J
C Talbot, backed by Eastern men,
who were at the filing of the papers,
but have returned east. They have
gone to purchase iron for the immedi
ate construction of the road. The
name of the corporation is the Dallas
& Yaquina Railroad Company, organ
ized to build and operate a railroad
from Dallas to Yaquina Bay, through
the Slletz basin. An effort is being
made to send teams to Fail. City at
once for the purpose of commencing
grade work. Those. Interested are
men of capital, and declare their pur
pose to break the record of modern
railroad companies in the respect that
they will neither sell stock, issue bon
ds nor ask any bonuses.
The Coanty Court Would not Accept,
but Subsequently Bought the
Hoskins Bridge.
The county court at Wednesday's
session, refused to accept the bridge
built by Contractor Stone across
the Luckiamute river at . Hoskins.
The next day the contractor offered
the structure to the county at $50
less than the contract price, and the
county accepted the proposition.
The cost of the bridge under' the
new arrangement is $399. the con
tract price of it was $449.
The court's action is understood
to have been taken because of the
failure of the contractor to comply
with the plans and specifications in
all particulars. The drive way
under the plans was to have been
sixteen feet wide, but as built -is
only 15. Several other variations
are mentioned as having been made
by the contractor. The bridge was
inspected last week by Commission
ioner Jolly and Acting Bridge Su
perintendent R M Gilbert.
In rejecting the bridge, the coun
ty judge acted as spokesman, and
said, in part: "The county court
submitted its own plans and speci
fications for the building of this
bridge, and asked for bids thereon.
You agreed to build the same
in accordance with those plans and
specifications for a certain sum of
monej-. The court awarded you
the contract over several other bid
ders, and has been and still is
ready to carry out its part of the
"Examination of the completed
structure which we are'asked to ac
cept, discloses that in a number 01
matters you have not followed the
plans and specifications. You have
varied therefrom for your own ben
efit and the county's injur'. We
expect to apply business principles
in the handling of finances of the
county and to administer the same
with, the same care that we would
apply to our own individual inter
ests. . When we say that a certain
piece of work is to be done in ac-
cordance'with certain plans and
specifications, we expect it. to be so
done. If not we shall not receive
t, and we desire to be . so under-.
stood. Therefore, the Luckiamute
bridge at Hoskins is rejected."
Contractor Stone says the bridge
he built is better than was provided
for in the plans and specifications.
If he is right, the county comes out
considerably ahead, for it gets the
bridge for $50 less than the con
tract price. - -
And Citizens Complain About it Want
the Nuisance Abated.
Citizens residing in the western
part of town are finding fault with
the Southern Pacific for the way in
which long trains are allowed to
block Sixth street. It is not the
regular, but special freight trains
that" commit the nuisance. Gen
erally they are very long and the
train has to be cut in tw6 in order
to do switching. Half the cars
are left , on the main track
while the other half are transferred
to the siding or to the Corvallis &
Eastern track. The process re
quires some time, and during the
period, the crossings are both for
vehicles and pedestrians are ob
structed for a distance of two or
three blocks.
Trainman could easily avoid the
conditiori by dividing the ,train in
the outskirts of town ' where there
are no street crossings, and many
people are not backward in saying
so. A fact that aggravates the mat
ter is that the hold-up generally oc
curs about the time business men
are enroute to and from their meals 1
ia the evening,
What His Home Paper. Said.
Wednesday's Times contained
an account of the sale of the Sand
er's jewelry establishment to E W
Pratt, recently arrived -with his
family from Missouri. The Mound
City News of recent date contains
the following with reference to Mr
Sander's successor: "
"E. W. Pratt and family started
Monday for Corvallis, Oregon,
where they have determined to lo
cate. Mr Pratt, as a jeweler and
optician is skilled, and we believe
that no better workman ever came
to our city. He is honest, and up
right, a", good . law-abiding citizen,
a credit to any commnnity. His'
wife is a most estimable , lady and
theit.sons and daughters an honor
totheir parents. ,Mr Pratt and
family have many friends here who
wish them success and happiness in
their new home.
Auction Sale
Notice is hereby given that the
county court of Benton County will
sell at public auction Wednesday Aug.
13 at 2 p m to the highest bidder, a
large quantity of the old lumber of
Marys River bridge.
B uyyour harvesting outfits at Nola
& Callahan 's Complete line. -''
Mary's River Bridge at Corvallis Pro-
bable Acceptance Today.
The bridge across Marys river at
Corvallis is practically .. completed.
The finishing touches were added
yesterday afternoon, and it is pro
boble that the structure will be ac
cepted or rejected this afternoon
Power to do so was conferred on
the county judge by the commis
sioners at this week's session of
the county court, During the ses
sion, all the members of the court
with Bridge Superintendent Gil
bert, visiied the structure for pUr
poseslof investigation. The under
standing is that all the requirements
of the plans and specifications have
been strictly complied with, and
that the county gets in all particul
ars what it contracted for.
Teams crossed the new bridge
for the first time at four o'clock
Thursday afternoon. For about
three or four "hours there was a de
lay to traffic, "on account of the
transfer of the new decking on the
temporary bridge to the new struct
ure. The transfer began shortly
after noon, and was completed at
four o'clock. Only a few teams
were inconvenienced by the pro
cess. The temporary bridge is being
dismantled. Of the timber and
lumber in it and the old structure
a portion is to be used in the con
struction of two small bridges, one
on the Fischer Mill road near the
Morgan residence and , the other
on the cemetery road, and the
balance is to be sold at auction to
the highest bidder. The sale is to
take place at the bridge at two
o'clock next Wednesday afternoon.
When the Parrot TalKed, an Irishman
Mistook it for Old Nick.
A parrot escaped thro ugh an open
window and perched in a tree out
side. . After many vain efforts to
catch it, the owner stood under the
tree swearing like a sea captain
when an Irishman came along.
"What's the matter?" demanded
"I can't catch that darned bird,"
said the man, "and here is a dollar for
the man who can."
"I'm the man," cried Pat, and
he started up the tree.
As he climbed from , branch to
branch the parrot did the same.
Finally they, neared the top, and
the branches began to wabble dan
gerously. The parrot was moved
to speech.
"What in the . devil do you
want," it demanded.
"Oi big yer parden," cried Pat,
badly rattled, and already half way
down the tree. "Oi thought, be
gorra, ye wur a burrid."
Timber Locaters in Southern Oregon
Corvallis Men Have Been There.
.N.eil Newhouse and G W Smith
arrived Wednesday from Roseburg,
where they went to look after land.
So far their efforts have ended in
nothing tangible. All the available
timber in the locality, Mr New
house says, has been taken. Some
of the lands have been filed on by
people residing in distant . eastern
states. Many people are hanging
about, waiting to file on lands if
syndicates or others can be found
who will agree to purchase the
lands as soon as title is perfected.
Timber locaters have worked
many claimants into filing on the
land with the delusive hope that
buyers would be ready to take the
claims off their hands at a profit as
soon as final proof was made. In
scores of instances, the buyers
have failed to appear at the critical
moment, and are still missing, The
locaters, according to this account,
are the men who have profited out
of the business.
To the Public,
I have disposed of my jewelry business
in this city to Mr E W Piatt, who comes
to Corvallis highly recommended as a
watchmaker and jeweler. WhiJe thank
ing the people of this community for the
liberal patronage tey have always ac
corded me, I wish to solicit a continuance
of the same generous treatment for Mr
Pratt Very Truly,
W. A. Sanders: .
Men for work in saw mill and lumbei
yard. Steady work. Inquire of
Booth Keliy Lumber Co., Coburg.
Trunks Delivered 15 cents
"Anywhere within city
and grip 25 cents. -
John Lenger
- For Sale
Three milch cows, one fresh, One
heavy horse, and one driving team.
Cramer Organ & Carriage Factory.
S. L Kline ,
, Agent for Osborne farm machinery,
sample mowers andjiinders at factory
prices for 15 days.
" . EJaP1
Wtfi Late Start -
Mm Waists and
For the next ten days we are going to offer our entire
line of Ladies waists and crash skirts at 50 Cts on the dol
lar. That means that yon can get a
50c waist at.... 25
75c waist at ; 38
1. 00 waist at 50
1.25 waist at 68
1.50 waist at 75
We are compelled to close out these lines in order to
make room for our large and well assorced stock of fall and
winter goods.
$3 H
at One-Half Price.
We have them in colors at
white waists from 50c to $2.
Remnants in all color and materials,
ance Sale of Remnants of Calicos, Percales,
Dimities, Shirtings, Muslinsetc.
20 per cent reduction on all Dimities, Challies and Lawns.
We carry a full line of W. B. "Corsets Girdles, Summer weights
and Straight Fronts, 50c to $1.50
Ladies' 2-clasp Suide Lisle Gloves irr black, greys and white, 50c
. F. L. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or.
Phone 191.
iUben you see it in our ad, it's so
and Ends Sale
A quantity of remnants have accumulated during our
mid-summer sale, They are remnants of Silks, Satins, Rib
bons, Lacts, Embroderies, White Goods, Ginghams, Prints,
Muslins, Towelmgs, Table Linens, Tickings, Wash dress
goods, Outing Flannels, Scrims, Curtain nets, Wool Dress
Goods, etc.
All at Less Than Cost of Manufacture
Big Bargains this month in oddlots of Ladies' Misses
and Children's Shoes, shirt waists, straw hats, and wrappers
Men's and boys' odd pants. Men's linen dusters and crash
Lot of Ladies' Belts 15c. some worth 50c.
Lot ot Men's Shoes $2,50, some worth $5.00
Lot of Men's Shirts at 50c, some worth $1.00
Lot of Men's and Boys' Odd Suits at $3.90,
some worth ten. All our Ladies' Cor
sets at cost
to close in order to make room for our celebrated Royal
Worcester line for which we are
Our Ladies Fine Shoes Have Arrived.
Crash Skirts
1. 00 crash skirt at.
1.2 k crash skirt at.
1.50 crasn skirt at 75
2.00 crash skirt at 1 oo
2.50 crash skirt at 1 25
of Lo
25, 35, 50, 75c and $1 .00 up to $2.00
We are making a Clear
Lawns, Swisses, Challies,.
and Odds
w Prices