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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1902)
Vol. XV; No 25. Professional. W. T. ROWLEY M. D. Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon and oculist Office Rooms 1 -2 Bank Bldg. Residence on 3rd et between Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or. Kesident l'Uoue 311 Offi2e hzm3 10 tr 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 tj7;30 p m DR W. H. HOLT DR MAUD Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consul tation and examinations free. Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m 1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235. Ii. G "ALTMAN, M. D Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Eeai dence cor 3rd and Harrison 6ts. Hours 10 to 12 A. Ml 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Phone lesidence 315. s H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor. 5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours io to 12 a. m to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra am & W ortham's Drug Store. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician S urgeon. Office: Room 14, Bank Building. Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. : G. R. FARRA, f HTSICIAN, SURGEON & OBSXETICIAN Residence In front of court house facing 3rd St. OfUce hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, 30BVALLIS OREGON C. H. NEWTH, Physician and Surgeon PHILOMATH OREGON J. P. Huffman Architect Office in Zlerolf Building. Hours team 8 to 5. Corvallia Orego n Abstract of Titled-Conveyancing 3osepl)R. Wilson Attorney-At-Law Practice in all the courts. Notary Public OfHce in Burnett Brick.' E. It. Br y son, Attorney-At-Law. -POSTOFFICE. BUILDING- E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg Notary Public. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office in Zieriolf 's building. idST laurels Gold medals w also s-a;-t?.i ji Chicago lVii. HARRY TRACY, OUTLAW WOUNDED, KILLS HIMSELF TO AVOID CAPTURE BY THE -POSSE. Outlaw- Shot Himself Only After Being Twice and Fatally Wound ed by.His Pursuers Final Stand and Suicide of"" Tracy. Harry Tracy is dead. He com mitted 9uicide last evening after being shot twice by his pursuers. His body wa3 found at an early hour this morning, cold and dead, lying face upward and the hands still caressing the famous 30-30 rifle and 45-calibre Colt's revolver. The resting place was in a .wheat field, near the Eddy home, where Tracy had been the past few days, and whither he had been traoked by his pursuers. They approached the place in safety, and when within some few hundred yards came acrocs Farmer Eddy mowing in a field. The par ty went to him and while engaging him in conversation they sawaman issue' from the barn, which could be seen plainly from where the par ty stood en a rise of ground. "Is that Tracy?" asked one of the party. "It surely is," laconically replied Eddy. With this information in hand andlhe man bo close to the hun ters, there was naturally a great deal of excitement. The party sep arated and Lanter and Smith went in the direction of the barn, while the other two men swung around to cut off any break for libetty in another direction. Nearing the barn the two man hunters stepped behind the barn on a slight eminence from which they could watch everything' that - went on, and the farmer continued up to the door. When he arrived there Tracy came from the barn again and began helping his nost unhitch the horses. He carried no rifle, al though he had his revolvers in place. The fugitive saw the man carry ing the rifles, and turning sharply on Farmer Eddy, said: "Who ara those men?" "I don't see any men," replied the hott. Whereby Tracy pointed out the two men on the bill, waiting to be sure of their man be fore they began shooting. Eddy in formed his companion who the men were, and at that time the officers, stepping a little closer, command ed: "Hold up your hands!" At this juncture the outlaw jumped behind Eddy and placed both man and his horse between himself and the huntere. In this position he commanded the farmer to lead his horse to the barn, and remaining under this cover he mov ed toward the shelter. When near ly to the stable he broke and dash ed inside. He did not linger long, but ia the twinkling of an eye re appeared, rifle in hand, bad started on a dead run toward Ihe valley. Turning on the two men looking for him, the desperado fired two shots, but . without his usual- precision. Neither bullet took tffect, and with out waiting for further fighting, Tracy took to his heels and made all possible haste down the valley leading south from the barn. The manhunters were off in pnrsuit, fir ing as rapidly as possible at the fleeing figure of their quarry. Pur sued and pursuers engaged in a mad race of life and death toward the brush, and for a time it seemed as though the outlaw was going to add one more gtt-away to his long list. The fates had not go decreed how ever. Coming to an immense rock, the outlaw saw a chance to get rid of his pursuers, and accordingly dodged behind it and resting the gun on the rock began a fu:i!ade which he fondly imagined would end the struggle. Eight shots in all were fired by the outlaw, and these eight will take some effulgence off the reputa tion of the Oregon convict as a dead shot. Not one landed on the ad vancing posse, and eeeing he was not succeeding in his endeavors, he left his position behind the rock and made a dash for a wheat f field not far distant. Just as he was En tering the field he stumbled and fall ing on his face crawled on into the field on his hands and knees, i This - led the hunters to believe, that they had at least wounded their CORVALLIS, OREGON, AUGUST 9, 1902. man, and notwithstanding the f-.ct that he had disappeared they felt quite confident that they had him where they wanted him', and waited quietly. , By the time Tracy had disap peared in the wheat field it was get ting dusk, and the pursuers did not dare to proceed, as they did not know where the man was, nor how ready he was t3 take a "pot shot." Therefore, after holding a consulta tion, thej decided to surround the place and wait for daylight. In the meantime, Sheriff Gard ner, with Policeman Stauf and Gemmrig, of Spokane; Jack O'Fer rell, of Davenport, and other rein forcements, hid arrived on the scene and went into camp around the wheat field. Shortly after Tra cy's disappearance into the field of wheat the watchers heard a phot which sounded as though it came from about the spot to which he bad crawled. No investigation was made, however until this morning, but that shot is supposed to have been the fatal one and to have been responsible for sendiug the notori ous desparado ioto the Great Be yond. - As soon as the first rays of morn ing light reddened the eastern eky and it was possible for the hunters to see everything going on around them, an advance was made.. Some of the party soon came a cross,the lifeless body of Harry Tracy, the man who had sent so many human being9 to their last resting place, and who, after being badly wounded, committed suicide as the last of a long list of crimes'. The body was lying face upward. The left hand, thrown over the head, held a45-caliber Colt's revolv er, wmcb had evidently, inflict ed the mortal wound. The thumb of the hand was on the trigger of the pistol. The right hand, thrown a cross the lower part of the body, firmly grasped the barrel of the now famous 30-30 Winchester, as though the inanimate thing was mare dear to him than all else.- - ;, Upon close" examination of the body, it was found that the wourd which resulted in the outlaw's death was inflicted by the 45-ealibre re volver held close to the forehead. The top of his head was, badly mangled, and blood bad oozed from the wound, making , the eight an uncanny odc Two bullet wounds on the left leg showed the cause of the man s despair and subsequent suicide. One of these shots had broken bis leg between the ankle and the knee: the other one cut the tibial artery, which of itself was sufficient to cause death. It is believed that both of the shots were received after the con vict left the shelter of the rock and made a break for the wheat field. In keeping with his usual ingenious methods, the convict had taken a strap which he had with him and buckled it tightly around his leg in an attempt to stop bleeding. His efforts did not succeed, however, and despite the tightly fastened strap the blood continued to flow until he, realizing his hopeless con dition, ended the struggle. A YOUNG LADY'S LIFE SAVED. At Panama, Columbia, by Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Dirrhoea Remedy. Dr. Chas. H. Utter, a prominent physician, of Panama, Colombia in a recent letter states r "Last March I had a3 a patient a young lady 16 years of age, who had a verv bad attack of dysentery. Ev erything I prescribed for herjjrov ed ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would die. She had become so weak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical moment was a study for me, but I thought of Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a last resort prescrib ed it. The most wonderful result was effected. Within eight hours she was feeling much better; inside of thiee days she was upon her feet and at the end of one week was en tirely well. For sale bv Graham & Wells. 1 Henry L. Shattuck, of Shellsburg, Iowa, was cured of a stomach troub le with which he had been afflicted for years, by four boxes of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of hysiciana without relief. For sale by Graham & Wells. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei Awarded Oold MedaJ Midwinter Fair. Son Francisco. . THE FATAL VISIT THAT LED TRACY TO HIS IIOR . RIBLE DOOM. Doings of Tracy at the Eddy Farm, and How He Made a Fatal Er ror Made Himself at Home and Worked with the Men. Spokane, Aug. 8. Tracy's last great stunt was one that will per haps be as famous in the dime nov el world as any of his other wond erful deeds. For two daye and as many nights this elusive but nervy outlaw held the family of Farmer L. B. Eddy under subjection. Here, again, he showed the qualities of nerve and cool-headednes3," but these very qualities brought about his downfall. Had he not allowed Cold finch to leave the ranch when he did the storv of todav, might be of a different color, but the outlaw had too much faith ' in estimating the terror his words of warning would give to an 18 year-old lad. famous bandit at the li,ddy ranch are given by the 18-year-old boy who was hia servant for over, a day. It was Sunday afternoon that G. E. Goldfinch was riding a horse a cross the prairie not far rom the Eddy farm. He noticed a strange man camped not far from where he passed. To all (appearances the stranger was just having his sup per, but young Goldfinch paid no attention, nothing unusual in bis actions. Just as the boy was going by the camper called -out, asking him to have some supper. With the reply that be bad finished his supper, Goldfinch did not even slacken the pace of his horse, and passed the stracger. It was then ttist tfn imperative command froni the stranger brought Goldfinch to a sudden stop. He was ordered to comeback. This order the lad saw it would be to hia best advantage to obey, and complied. With the usual Tracy ceremony the outlaw, for it was he, soon made himself known. He inquired the way to the nearest farm, and was directed to the Eddy rauch. Tracy at this time still had two horses. One he rode; the other, the boy says, was loaded with groceries, meat, sugar, coffee .and bedding. One of the horses was minus a shoe. "You go ahead and tell them I'm coming," commanded the outlaw. Goldfinch readily complied, and started ahead to announce the com ing guest. Tracy, however, kept cloce on the heels of the lad, evi dently not intending to give him a chance to give warning. On the way to tbe house Tracy noticed - a rope trailing from his pack animal. "That's leaving a bad mark," re marked the outlaw, and stopped to gather in the trailing coils. He then proceeded on his way to the Eddy ranch. Goldfinch wa3 much excited while telling the 6tory, but claims he took notice of the visitor sufficient to describe him. Arriving at the Eddy ranch Gold finch performed the service allotted to him, and soon informed the fam ily who the illustrious visitor was. This created no great stir at the ranch. Farmer Eddy and his son were taking their Sunday rest. Tbe night passed without any special happenings, sofaras the lad rslates. In the morning, Tracy first made his toilet. A bath and a shave were included in the morning make-up, ihe farmer and his serv ants providing soap, towels and wa ter. When the men started for their work, Tracy discovered' that they wre constructing overhead track in the barn for the fall crop. The outlaw decided to make himself useful, and divesting himself of his Winchester and one of his revolvers labored with the other men during most of the morning. He kept one revolver, however, in the holster by his side ready for instant action. During the day the outlaw want ed his other 'weapons . which had been left with his bedding and trav eling outfit. He sent Goldfinch af ter the weapons, and proudly pass ed them around to the awe-stricken workmen.. They were allowed to handle the weapons and inspect them, but it is said they took dare not to have the muzzles of the guns pointing toward the outlaw. Tracy all this time had a revolver himself j and left no opening for the farmers to get the drop. That the outlaw stood in no fear of hi3 friends to take advantage of the opening was vouched for by himself, he having remarked to the farmer, "I am not afraid of you." juuring tne aay tne outlaw re marked that he needed a new hols- ster, one of his revolvers being un supplied. Young Goldfinch was in structed to find the leather, after which the outlaw soon made a hol ster that eventually proved to be of little use to him. Monday evening the outlaw once again demonstrated that he was a man of nerve. Goldfinch was told he might go. He was, however, cautioned, on paia of death, not to I tell what had happened until Wed nesday. It was thia very display of nerve that had hithertofore made tbe outlaw apparently bullet proof, tbat this time caused his ruin. Goldfinch, instead of being . suffi ciently terrorized to keep peace, soon spread the news and aroused a posse. Goldfinch was much ex cited and told a disconcerted story, but tne details seem to be allvcor rect. During his stay at the Eddy ranch the outlaw told of his stop with Sanders near Wenatehee. From his conversation it was gathered that his intention was to travel south bad he not been interrupted by the posse. Dubuque, la., Aug. 0. Two masked men held up the Chicago & Quincy, two milee north of Sa vannah, III., at 11 o'clock last night They cut off the Adams Express car, forced tbe engineer to run up the track and then blew up the car. The robbers had torpedoed the track, and when the torpedoes ex ploded the engineer quickly brought the train to a stop. One man board ed the engine and ordered the en gineer to run ahead, after the other man had uncoupled the express car. Trainmen hurried to Savannah and gave the alarm, and a posse of offi cers and titizeii armed with shot guns and revolvers have hastened to the scene. The limited is said to have carried heavy and valuable express, it is reported tbat tne robbers Eecured about qzU,UUU. A later report says- One of the highwaymen was kill ed, probably by mistake by ooe of his comrades. Six sacks of money were eecured, but the amount is not known. The passengers were not molested. Four explosions were required to complete the destruction of the safe and the car was badly wrecked. . The robbers were eight in number, all masked. Evidently they were railroad men, one being a good engineer. William Byl, the messenger, fired five shots at tbe robbers, but without effect, and an attempt was made to blow him up in his car. The bandits had arranged to ditch the entire train, had not the signal to stop been heeded. Several pas sengers in the buffet car, including the porter, were held prisoners dur ing the struggle to crack 'the safe. The body of the dead robber was put on the tender and carried by the others a short distance and then thrown into the weeds. The dead robber was a stranger in this vicin ity. There was no way -to telegraph in news of the hold-up, and tbe fire man walked back and gave the a larm. Tbe work was evidently that of experts, as they went at it coolly and methodically. The train at tacked is one of the finest in the world and usually , carried considerable money, which must have been known by the high waymen. ' Chicago, Aug. 6. In the official account of the robbery issued by the management of the C. B. '& Q. rail way, it is stated that so far as known only $2000 in silver was se cured. . A Cure for Cholera Infantum. "Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Ba ker, of Bookwalter, Ohio, "an in fant child of our neighbor's was suf fering from cholera infantum. The doctor had given up all hope3 of re covery. I took a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy to the house, telling them I felt sure it would do good if used according to directions. In two days time the child had fully recovered, and is now (nearly a year since) a vigorous, healthy girl. I have recommended this Remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single" inetance.' For sale by .Graham & Wells. B. F. IRVINB Editor and Po FIRED ON TRACY OFFICERS BATTLE WITH THB" OUTLAW. Desperado Leaves Note at Water ing Place Warning Cudihee to Quit Hunting Him Sur rounded in a Swamp Tracy Warns Cudihee Spokane, Wash., Aug. 6 Harry Tracy, the outlaw, is surrounded ia a swamp near the Eddy farm, 1L miles southeast of Creston, Wash. For four hours before the special messenger left for reinforcements, a long-range rifle duel between Tracy and the posse of eight men headed by Sheriff Gardner had been in progress. This news was brought to Crea ton by Jack McGinnis, a liveryman of Harrington, who is a member of Sheriff Gardner's posse. He was met near Creston at 11 o'clock last night by a newspaper corrospond ent, who, with another man, had left at 1 a. m. for the Eddy ranch. McGinnis proceeded at once to Davenport for reinforcements. Tra cy lingered near the Eddy ranch housb, which he had occupied for two days and nights. A young man who saw him there gave the news to Gardner, and the sheriff at once raced with his posse to the scene. A telephone message from Daven port at 12:40 a. m. states that Mc Ginnis reached there shortly before midnight. Twenty-five armed men have already left in wagons for the scene of the battle. Sheriff Doust. of Spokane county, is also enroute to tjje fugitive's hiding-place. Ia his party are eight or 10 armed meD Another wagon load of man-, hunters left at two o'clock this morning, and more will go as soon as daylight breaks. Sheriff Cudihea, of King county, .. is guarding the Sprague road, while Sherff De Bolt is on the road lead ing to Ed wall. ' Spokane, Aug. 5. "To whom it may concern: "Tell Mr. Cudihee to take a tum ble and let me alone, or I will fix him plenty. I will be on my way to Wyoming. If your horses were any good would swap with yon. Thanks for a cool drink. "HARRY TRACY." Such was tbe note found thi morning by C. V. Drazon, a prom inent farmer living about a mile north of Odessa. The note was pinned to the well where he waters . his horses. His farm is not far from that of Mrs. Craven, who saw a mysterious man with two horses, passing by her house Sunday night The scene of the great chase is shifting toward the East. Appar ently the outlaw is in no hurry, haying taken five days to cover a distance which a well mounted man might have traveled in 24 hours. Spokane, Wash., Aug. 5. The sheriff's office at Davenport receiv ed a messenger from Creston this aftenoon, stating that Tracy spent all day Monday at the home of L. B. B. Eddy, a rancher on Lake Creek, about three and one-half miles south of Fellows. The outlaw made his appearance Sunday even ing and took possession of the place. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complex ion, smiling face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result, all organs active, diges tion good, no'headachejv no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 25c at Graham & Wortham. All Were Saved. "For years I suffered such untold misery from Bronchitis," writes J H JohnstoD, of Broughton, Ga.r "That often I was unable to work. Then, when everything else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthmay-till it cured her, and all our experience goes to show it ia the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's un rivaled for Throat and Lung dis eases. Guaranteed bottles 50o and , $1. ; Trial bottles free at Graham & Wortham. - '. ' The best Physic Chamberlain's -Stomach and Liver Tablets. Easy ' to take. Pleasant in effect. . For ' sale by Graham '& Wells.