f LOCAL LORE. Elde a Kambler. E B Bryson spent Sunday -Newport. Mrs Moses Kline and child "Portland are guests at the home -Miss Pauline Kline. at or of - Miss Lottie Rose, after a two -weeks visit at home, returned to Port land Sunday. Miss Leona Smith returned Sat urday from a two weeks visit in Portland. Douglas McLagan. who left Bsn . ton 10 years ago is employed in a mine at Confidence, California. Alta Additon is engineer at the same mine, Wanted a crowd of Corvallis hunters that can go deer hunting, and . i i i i . i ii gee eomeimag.. Auuress iue mrue crowds tnat nave gone out ana come home skunked. Mrs Crees left for Portland yester day to 'visit her daughter Gussie la a newly purchased home in Holladay addition. Dr Taylor and Police Judge Gref foz ieturned late Saturday night trom a Waal's h'latla trip in the Five Kivers country. They came empty banded. Charles LUlard has about comple ted a new dwelling house, near the homo of Poter Bilyeuin Job's alditioo. It will be ready for occupancy in a few days. ' A watch has been lost, and the loser offers a reward, Kead about it elsewhere in this issue. Bead the other ads. They are all interesting, as well as entertaining. The Yaquina train carries three coaches regularly now for tbe accom modation of summer travel. Two of the tiree were well filled Mood ay with Biy-bound passengers, and the third was partly occupied. Major Frank Edwards began Monday the erection of a new cottage. It is to be a six room building, and la to be completed ia a coupio of months. It is located near the home of Mrs Belknap on lots out of the Frank Elgin tract. A Massachusetts girl had her own way and wonc up iu a ballon against ine wishes or her people. She came down with two arms, two legs, her collar-bone and jaw bone . bro-keo, Taat's all. -r-Salem Journal V7 W Brlstow and family still re side at McMinnville. Miss Addie Bti3 tow is a teacher in the public schools there. Mr Biistow is district manager of the Mutual Life Insurance Compi any, and travels much in the prosecn- .Jlpn eg his business. ' ' , Miss Maud Morri.-, who has been a faithful and efficient saleslady sit ' Frank Dunn's, has resigned her posi tion, to take effect on the 1st of August. Mr Dunn has secured the services of Mr Ed Crawford of Salem, to fill the vacancy. Mr Crawford will assume his duties on September 1st. Eugene Register. . Pa Has that young man who has been calling on you rather fre quently of late any steady occupation? Daughter On, yes pa. He's a trav eling man. la Indeed! Well, please tell him when he calls again I'd like to have him attend strictly to busi ness when the clock strikes 10. "Doctor," said he, "I'm a victim of insomnia, I can't sleep if there's the least noise, such as a eat on the garden wall for instance." "This powder will be effective," replied the physician after compounding a pre scription. "When do I take is tioetoi?" 'You don't take ic. Give it to the cat in a little milk." From all sides come reports ofthe good behavior and of flae appear ance made by. the Coivallis signal corps at the late encampment at Albany. Expressions of warm piaise of the boys are heard everywhere,' both as to their good conduct and soldierly bearing. . Haw much belter It is thus, than to havo corns home followed by complaints and criticism. Those Instincts that proclaim the gsntleman or heathen, always manifest themselves. Two hundred and fifty went to Newport Sunday on cursion over the Corvallis & persons the ex Eastern. Sixty three boarded Albany and 53 at tne train at Corvallis. The others were from points west. Among those who went from Corvallis were, Mr and Mrs James Smith, August I ischer, Misses Anna Thompson and Mae Gerhard, Tom Nolan. Allan Bates Judd Smith, William Broders and Mack Hemphill. That hops are going to be valua ble property this year, says the Salem Statesman, no one doubts for a mo ment, as the recent contracts made, for 20 cent hops, have convinced all who are interested that this one of Oregon's crops will be figuratively speaking, "worth its weight in gold." But none hope for a further increase ia the price immediately, or before picking time. This, however, is hap pening, for several prominent Inde pendence growers were, on Thursday I'P a nr . - i 1 1 " r hi i ' . i i ' u i r u d rmunn nn sin n . and their refusal i3 expected to briDg a better offer in a few days. The Presbyterian church has been closed until the first of Septem ber. Pastor Carriek occupied the pulpit both morning and evening Sun day, and Monday left for Newport to join a party o which Mrs CarricK ia a member. Members of the church who remain in town, were urged by the pastor Sunday morning in announ cing that the church would be closed, to attend other churches during the vacation, Mrs Mary Bryson returned Fri day from a trip to Newport. , ? Professor Kent arrived yesterday from a brief sojourn at Newport. Mrs Thomas Jones leaves Friday for Ksaslde, for an extended visit with relatives. Thomas Jones and Donald Gra ham left yesterday for a few days fishing at Alsea. Miss Edith Gibson left yesterday for Boston to resume her musical studies. , , ' Dr Harper and wife and Miss Shields returned Friday from a week's eojourn at Newport. Letters of administration have been issued to Mary Allen in the es tate of William Allen. John V Skelton formerly ot Cor vallis, is now chemist for the Roane Iron Company at Brockwood Tennes see. A marriage license was issued Saturday by the county clerk to R J Coffee and Addie Davis both 'of Hos klns. " ' ' M E Church. The pulpit will be filled next Sunday by the pastor Rev. Frank L Moore. A cordial welcome to all. Mrs Anna S Bryant has been ap pointed guardian of the persons and estete ot Elsie May Fisher and Lsland W Fisher. . After a visit of several weeks with her sister, Mrs Harper, Miss Shields left yesterday for her home in Indiana. , William J Henderson made final proof before the county clerk Monday on his homestead In Wren preciocr. His witnesses were Homer Lilly and Henry Witham. Egg3 are 20 cents in the local market. Quotations abroad make them weak at that figure, but local dealers do not anticipates decline. Rev C A Hyatt formerly pastor of the'M E Church, Corvallis, but now of Oakland Oregon, and Walter Winni ford of Kings Valley were guests over Sunday of Corvallis friends. Neal Newbouse returned Friday from Crawfordsville, where he weut onm unsuccessful tiip for thepurchase dr sawmill property and land, " C L Weiser, who formerly held a position in Clark's hardware store in this city, is now city salesman for a big hardware establishment in St Paul. He left Corvallis nine or 10 years ago. The Cooper thresher, according to reports, is to begin operations next Wednesday- or Thursday. A large portion of fall sown wheat Is already in shock.' - Many threshers will' be a-fisld a week from Monday.- An ice cream social will be held at McFarland Chapel near Bruce. Monday evening August 4th, from 8 to 11 o'clock. A short program will be rendered, All are cordially invited. New deeds filed for record are, Hattie A Hovendou and husband to John Rickard, Hanna property in Corvallis comprising house and six lots, S1.100; O&CKEto Joe Hirsch berg, 400 acres ia Alsea; Mary C Allen to Georgre N Neiken. 80 acres near Philomath $900. El Sfcranare ip wiring the new residence of Mrs Hsmphill for tho electric light. Tbe frame of the building is up, but the roof is not yet on. The buildicg is on Jefferson near the College camou3,and when finished will be a very complete hom9. Frank Foster and Mr Anderson are- doing the work. W W Calkin3 and family left yes terday for Eugene, to reside. They arrived several months ago from Minnesota, and during their . stay - Id Corvallis have made many friends who regret their-departure for anoth er home. A new residence of which W O Heckart is builder, is in course of construction at Eugene, and the family will occupy it a3 soon as com pleted. A valuable horse owned by James Hays had to be shot Sunday. It was running with a mate in the pasture. Sunday morniDg, he wa3 found with a hind lea broken, just below the hock. The theory Is that the unfortu nate nag was kicked by his mate while the latter played. The dead horse weiahed 1,600, and was a file work animal. One hunting party that . did not get skuqked was Ed Allen, Dr Loggan and P.ienard Fehler, all of Philomath They weut to Mary's Peak Friday and came back Sunday, bringing noma two fane bucks. The deer were taken on what is known to hunters as "The Knob,'' Game is reported as plenti ful in the vicinity. The grass on the top of the peak is unusually fine, and abundant enough one of the hunters says, to feed all the cattle in Benton county for the next two months. The Henkle and Eobin3on job wagon needs repairs, its owners fig ure that a new set ot wheels may be necessary Arthur Henkle had it at the Southern Pacific depot yesterday morning. While he was getting . out freight from the warehouse, the team hastily left. The course was down A street to Main, thence down Main to the Henkle home and thence in a westerly direction past the Taylor creamery and into a fence ia the vicin ity. Fortunately neither of the horses was injured, and the damage Is chief ly confined to the vehicle. During the run, the outfit had compjete right of way, especially on Main street, where eveiything and everybody was deeply interested In getting to cover. THEY EXPECT TROUBLE And are Prepared for it Corvallis Men - to Travel Under Difficulties. Sheriff Burnett, Robert Johnson, Dr Bo wen Lester and Thomas Whitehorn left yesterday morning for Belknap Springs, for a hunting and fishing trip. They are heavily armed, and that is what got three hunters, who traveled by bicycle through the valley recently in to trouble. One of them was thought to have looked like Tracy, just as Johnson does. As they approach ed Salem an extra guard was put around the walls to keep them from capturing the Oregon penitentiary They passed through Albany and officers there hastily notified con stables and sheriffs at Harrisburg Eugene and Coberg, to be on the lookout. The Coburar constable gathered around a number of arm ed men, and after the hunters pas- sed, he phoned the Eugene omcersQh that he had not attempted a cap'Tentered the barber shop, seems like ture, having but two or tnree de puties to aid him. The residents of Coburg were badly frightened and .stayed entirely within doors until the imaginary outlaws pas sed on out of sight. The whole re. gion through which the hunters passed was kept in a spasm of ferment until the party disappear ed. . All this was fresh in the minds of the Corvallis party when they went out oi town yesterday morn ing. They have Winchesters. They have other arms and ammu uition and are to travel through, a strange country. And they have Johnson, They expect to be held up, and set out with misgivings. If things get too warm for them, it is the talk that they will cache their hunting apparatus ' in the bottom ofthe wag6n, and stow Johnson away under the bedding, only let ting him out wher the coast seems clear, and then only for brief spells. Also, they will have handy a suit of female attire and a supply of back hair. If it comes to the very worst, after removing his mustache they will array Robert in these, mount him on a white mule, and set him- to traveling homeward as Miss Ellen Stone of Boston. The boys have confidence that in this role he would . be a howling suc cess, and that the device ' will de liver them from any em harassment and trouble that they have reason to expect. BOUGHT A FARM Clarence Kooa Hakes, an Extensive Investment How Billionaires Gambled. Clarence Koon, who arrived in Corvallis several months ago, from Minnesota, and has since resided on the Hogg place, has purchased a farm. The place is situated two miles east of Junction, and is about 12 miles distant from Eugene. It comprises 301 acres, and it is un derstood tnat trie purcnase price is something less than 9,000. Mr Koon is to occupy the property this fall. He is well pleased with Oregon, especially with the Middle Willamette Valley, in which he has determined to make his permanent home. Sometime ago, Mr Koon made an offer of $4000 cash for the Hogg place, on which he now re-, sides. The place comprises 19 acres. In the great gambling hall, there was breathless silence'. A poker game between two billionaires was in progress. About the table were packed and jammed hundreds of curious, , excited people, watching the play and the enormous wagers with astonishment. "I'll bet you a porterhouse steak, says one. Murmurs of awe arose from the watchers. - Clear and stern came the answer. "I'll see that porter house steak and raise you two rib roasts, a pig' s knuckle and a can of ox tail soup." The onlookers gasp ed. The first billionaire turned pale. The raise was too big, and he laid down his hand. Lost Saturday between Main street Corvallis and the first bridge over Oak Creek on the Card well Hill road, an open - faced silver watch. Finder leave at Times office and receive reward or deliver to undersigned, and receive reward. - HC Witham. Notice Patrons and the public are advised that my Photograph Gallery will be closed from Aug. 1st until about Sept, 15th. After which I will be at their service. 1 . E W Philips. For Sale. A good Piano binder70. Mrs SI. St Germain, Corvallis, Buyyour harvesting outfits at Nolan & Callahan-'s Complete line. Wanted. A girl for general housework. Call or address Mrs Florence Mulkey, 'one block west of court bouse. NOW IN JAIL At Eugene.TJie Alleged Murderer of Ben Tracy How he was Taken Sheriff Withers has arrived at Eugene with the alleged murderer of the late Ben Tracy. Mr Tracy it will.be remembered was buried in Newton cemetery near Corvallis on the 22nd of last Slay. Sheriff Wi thers after a long and exciting chase, captured Heaton, alias Ray at Wells Nevada. The Eugene Guard tells of the capture thus. He had located Heaton' s wife and kept the residence under surveill ance in the hopes that the suspect would show himself. One day Mr Withers was on the street when along came his quarry and entered a barber shop. Feeling reasonably sure that it was his man, yet wish ing to make no mistake, Mr With ers accosted a restaurant keeper J A ext door to the shop, with the uery, "who is the fellow that just I ousrht to know nun. Ine res- tauranter soon dispelled all doubts in Mr Withers mind as to the identi ty of the individual. He entered the barber shop and found Heaton re clining in a chair getting shaved. Striding forward he thrust a revol ver in Heaton' s face and at the same time jerking the barbers robe from over him and with the command of "throw uo yonr hands'" "rasped the murderer's weapon. The bar- ber neany had. collapse trom nerv ous fright. He jumped back and yelled, "For God's sake man don't do, that." Mr Withers said that he was compelled to laugh at the barber's antics though the situation other wise was dramatic. His prisoner submitted quietly, seeing that the sheriff had the drop on him. He loudly protested his innocence how ever. Although a cold-blooded murder er, Heaton does not look the part. He is rather under-size and posses ses good look's above the average. OFFERED FIVE CENTS Per Pound for Dried Prunes of Coming Crop- Offer Refused, the W W Bristow was in town Mon day, returning from a visit to the Green Peak fruit orchard. The prune crop there, is a good one third and may be a one half crop. The yield is fully as much as the present drying capacity can handle. The number of acres of- prunes in the orchard is 110. The dryer is a double 10-tunnel Kertz, with a ca pacity of perhaps 300 bushels per day. The dried product of the or chard last year was 100.000. Bartr lett pears in the orchard promise a very fair crop, but the apples are i mildewed. In the .; Excelsior orchard, the crop of prunes is reported better than last year. The . latter, how ever was a light crop. The or chard is owned by Wilhelm & Sons who have already refused an offer of five cents per pound for their best dried prunes this fall. The reported shortage of prunes all over the world seems to be ma terializing. Late indications are that the world's crop will be so so far short of the usual that bigger prices will be obtained for the coming crop than have been - seen in this country in 1 years. Un fortunately for the growers in the vicinity of Corvallis, most of their crops are likely to be considerably below the average. Blue Prist Haps. Blu'e print maps of any township in Rossburg Oregon and District, showiDg all vacant lands for 50 cents each. If I you want any information from the U S Laud Office address Tmn Guarantee & Loan Co Eosebur, Ore. VV anted. A good blacksmith, factory work. Apply Carriage Factory. accustomed to at the Corvallis , Goodbye prices oh all summer goods Nolan & Callahan - Sewing Machines Repaired Ey Cair Austin, the Vhite sewing machine agent by notifying Stewart & Sox, Abauy, Oregon. Charges reason b e si d -n c:k gUTsntt ed, Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there is money on hand at the countv treasurers office to pay all orders endorsed and marked not paid for want of funds up to and including those of March oth I902. Interest vcj.ll be stopped on same from this date. Dated Corvallis, July 16th, loo2. W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton County, Oregon. Trunks Delivered 15 cents Anywhere within city and grip 25 cents. limits. Trunk John Lenger wanted type wiiter. Second hand address Thomas Bilyeu, Corvallis 32nfl Anniversary Sale As the 32p.d year of my busineas career has closed. I will celebrate the event with my customers by giving each and every one a genuine bargain. We will inaugurate &n anniversary sale that will bring the people of Corvallis anil vicinity to our store. We append a few articles to show what we are doing v Mens Clothing $ 7 00 mens suits at $ 5 9! 8 00 mens pints at.. 6 8 lo on mens suits at 8 5 12 on mens puits at -. lo '2 15 00 tuens suits at 12.75 These f uits are of tbe Hart Scb feffuer & Marx make Domestic Dept 2ovds brown muslin $1 00 2o " of good calico 1 00 2o " of outing flannel 1 00 lo " of good bleached muslin 1 00 All other goods greatly reduced . Special on Groceries 1 can sardines 5c 1 1 box 3 B Blacking 4c doz clothes pina lc 1 21b can pork & beans lSc'fs lb3 Arbnckles 1 1 can- deviled ham ...5c 1 bottle Carters Ink ...:....4e 5pc Shirt waists at 25c, a lot of odd size waists woath 75q and lsQO'for 50c each. This sale closes on July 30th. Bo sure and get your share of the - me Kgpaior or low mm JrCi. H -fli. Hzi Te "Wlb-Ite ZE-ZIo-ULse at One-Half Price. We have them in colors at white waists from 50c to $2. Remnants in all color and materials. We are making a Clear ance Sale of Remnants of Calicos., Percales, Lawns, Swisses, Challies4 Dimities, Shirtings, Muslins, etc. 20 per cent reduction on all Dimities, Challies and I,awns. We carry a full line of W. B. Corsets Girdles, Summer weights and Straight Fronts, 50c to Si. 50 Ladies' 2-clasp Suide Lisle Cloves in black, greys and white, 50a F. Ia. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or. , Phone 191. lbssi you see it in cur ad, it's scv Oar mid-summer sale is now running in full blast t Big bargains in allsummer gbods, liberal reductions allroand ....except Douglas and Walkover shoes, bull breeches, Mon arch white shirts and overalls. Big cut in men's, boys, and youth's summer shirts Straw hats at less than cost. Big stock of harvesting outfits just received. ' Our new fall stock will be in transit Aug 1st "it will be a hummer." Boys Clothing $1 5o boys suits at $1 3 2 00 boys suits at 1 7c z 5o boys suits at A 15 3 00 boys suits at... 2 5o - 3 5o boys suits at 2 So These suits are of the Banner Brand make of Chicago Boys & Mens Sweaters $ 5oc sweaters at $ 4& 65 15 1 1 2 2 00 sweaters at 5o sweaters at 00 sweaters at , 5o sweaters at In plain and fancy colors Special on Groceries 1 can corned beef .15 1 lb waspe -cowder. 4c U3i6ncoffee:7 $1 00 12 lb box crackers 7oo 6 bars Savon soap 25e bargains. II 25, is, 50, 75C 2nd $1 CO Up tO g2.CQ