.Vol. XV No 23. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JULY 26, 1902. B. F. IRVINK Eoitor and Pro FioiBssionaL W. T. ROWLEY M. I). Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon and oculist Office Rooms 12 Bank Bldg. Residence on 3rd et between Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or. Resident Phone 311 OfHie hiurs 10 to 12 a m. 2 to 4 and 7 to 7:30 p m DR W. H. HOLT DR MAUD B. -S. Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consul tation and examinations free. Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m 1 to 5:45 p. m. Phone 235. L. G. .'ALTAIAN, M. D Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe 8ts. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison ste. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, M, Phone residence 315. H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor. 5th & Jefferson Sts. Hours io to 12 a. in to 4 p.m. Orders may be left at Gra am & W ortham's Drug Store. B. A. CATHEY, M. D. Physician Surgeon. Office: Room 14, Bank Building. Office Hours f 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. G. R. FARRA, ?HrSICIAN SURGEON & OBSTETICIAM Residence In front of court house facing 3rd st. Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 , C0BVALLI3 OREGON C H. NEWTH, Physician and Surgeon PHILOMATH OREGON J. P. Huffman Architect Office in Zierolf Building. Hours from 8 to 5. Corvallis Orego n Abstract of Title Conveyancing A ttorney-A t-La v Practice ia all tlie courts. Notary Public Office in Burnett Brick. E. H. Bryson, Attorney-At-Law. -P03TOFFICE BUILDING- E. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office ia Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg Notary Public. E. E. WILSON, ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, Office ia Zlerlolf 'a building. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby (riven to all persons concern ed that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administrator with the will annexed of theeslateof Elda J,, Elliott, deceased, by the county court of Benton county state of Ore gon. All persons having claims against said es Btateof Elda J. Elliott deceased, are hereby reqnired to present the same with the proper vouchers duly verifted a by law required with in six moutlts Iron the date hsreif, to the un dersigned at his residence in Lebanon, Linn county, Oregon, or at the office ofE E Wilson, in Corvallis, Benton County Oregon; Dated: this June 21st, 1902. Ernest Elliott Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Elda Elliott deceased. - c? 3 jc a n ac a . Jears tts '13 Kind You Have Always "ouga TRACY ON WAY EAST AFTER SEEING HIS MOTHER, HE IS READY TO GIVE UP. Visiting Friends Near Roslyn Outlaw Is Also Raported to Ba Near Salem Again, and Guards at Penitentiary Is Increased. Seattle, July 23. A special to the Post-Intelligencer from Roslyn, Wash., states that a man reported to be Harry Tracy spent Sunday and Monday at Camp Creek, twen ty miles from Roslyn, in Kittitas county. It i3 stated that Tracy went over the mountains on a freight train Saturday evening. The sto ry of Tracy's arrival at Camp Creek, was taken to Roslyn by a miner named Eisner. It is corroborated by another miner. Tracy, Eisner states, was met by friend?, and they went to Cle Elum Lake, where they camped for the night. Then they went to Camp Creek, and there Tracy was given food and his wound dressed. Eisner savs his woun'd is rather deep. Tracy, however, went fishing Monday, and caught io trout. . The miners at the creek, accord ing to Eisner, are in sympathy with the outlaw. Sheriff Brown, of Kit titas, and the marshal of Roslyn, Refuse to believe the story. The sheriff reached Roslyn, however, after Eisner had left for Camp Creek. The report states that Tracy and his friends are heavily armed, and the outlaw is still carrying a white sack filled with ammunition. Eis ner declared that the murderer said his wife was at Palmer Junction, but that he was on his way East to see his mother. After he had seen her he said he would be ready to give himself up. Tacoma, July 23. Tracy, the outlaw, appeared at Miller's logging canr p, four .miles from Kankskat, yesterday, and ate dinner. When asked why he did not take advan tage of the lull and esceape from Green River Valley, Tracy said: "I have some business to settle with'Merrill'a brother. I under stand that the brother want3 to see me." Tracy is not wounded and and looks fresh and rested. He is wearing a derby hat. He had a sloach hat in his pocket. He still has his Winchester and two revolv ers, and has a good supply of am munition. This report comes from a reliable source to Sheriff Hartman from a breakman who'formerly worked on the Northern Pacific, and was in Millers camy, and knew Tracy years ago as a Tacoma brakeman. "I am using a box of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and find them the best thing- for my stomach I ever u ed," gays T. W. Robinson, Justice of the Peace, Loomis, Mich. These Tablet3 not only correct disorders of the stom ach but regulate the Liver and bow ls. They are easy to take a n peleasant in effect. Price 25 cents per bos. 1? or sale bv Graham & Wells. Settle, July 23. Since Tracy's disappearence, last Thursday, not one word has been, received as to his whereabout?. Sheriff Cudihee has left Seattle without, saying a ward as to his defctination, and it is presumed that he is on a still hunt. Cudihee went alone last Monday night. Salem, July 23. A report reach ed here this evening that a man an swering Tracy's description was seen near Wood burn this evening. Sheriff B. B. Colbath has gone to investigate the rumor. Frank Pickens a young man liv ing in the outskirts of Wood burn, met a man on a bicycle at ,7 o'clock whom he took to be Tracy, the out law. The bicycle path is within a mile of Woodburn. Pickens was on the path when the man believed to be Tracy rode up on his wheel and asked the direction and dis tance to Salem. Ha resembled pic tures of Tracy, wore a brown derby hat, carried two Winchester rifles strapped to his bicycle, and two re volvers in a belt. After securing the information desired the 6tranger rode on in the direction of Salem. Eighty rods behind the first man came another wheelman, also heav- iiy armed and apparently following the first. Pickens at once hastened to town and notified the authorities. At Hubbard the same men were seen half an hour earlier. Here there were three, all heavily armed, the leader snswering the description given at Woodburn. The three were on bicycles and riding toward Sa lem. Here a number of reliable people saw the strangers, and all a greed that the leader resembled the notorious Tracy's published pictures closely. Tne prison authorities were at once notified, and Superintendent J. D. Lee immediately took precau tions to prevent any entrance into the prison by the outlaws by plac ing extra guards on the wall and sending out a full force to surround the priecn yard. i Salem, Or., July 23. The Ore gon penitentiary is surrounded to night by armed guards, watching for the appearance of Desperado Tracy. While it is not believed that the men seen at Woodburn are Tracy and confederates, the prison officials ure proceeding upon the theory that the report received may be correct. There is practically a dead line extending around the prison at the dietai.ce of a rifle shot and prison guards tonight telephene the sheriff cot to approach the pen itentiary unless called for, as he might be shot by the sentinels. Any man who goes near the pen itentiary at night does so at his peril. Prison officials do not be lieve the man was Tracy and his pals. St. Louis, July 16. A jest be tween Captain Richmond Pierson Hobson and Miss May Cerf, of St. Louis, came near costing the girl her life this afternoon at the Piazza Chautauqua, near East St. Louis. Banteringly the girl asked him from the deck of a river yacht if he would recue her if she should fall overboard. Laughingly the naval hero, who wasswimming in the river, replied that he would take pleasure in do ing so. Immediately there was a splash. The girl had jumped into the water. She could not swim and was sink ing. Hobson started to swim to her, with long powerful strokes. He was accompanied by his swimming companion, Albro Giberson, of El- sa, 111. The river was swollen by recent heavy i sins and the two powerful swimmers were buffeted about by big waves. Captain Hobson slightly in ad vance of his companion, turned with the tide and, floated, scanning the yellow waters for a glimpse of the white hat and skirts. Suddenly he dived. The specta tors who had been screaming and shouting, now held their breath. In a moment he reappeared, and as the crowd saw that he grasped the girl recurely around the shoulders, a mighty cheer went up. It was five minutes before the half-Etrangled, almost unconscious girl, and the two men, t-xhausted and pale, were drawn to the deck of the yacht. Powerful swimmer that he is Capt. Hobson probably would have gone to the bottom of the Mississip pi with the girl but for the aid of his companion. As it was the two were unable to do more than keep the girl's head above water. It was impossible to swim with her against the tide with her heavy garments dragging her down. After administering the restora tives Miss Cerf revived. To one of her girl friends ehe said : "I know I was very foolish, but I knew I would be rescued." Captain Hobson, who was pant ing at the deck rail, smiled grimly, congratulated her and went into the cabin to dress. Captain Hobson had delivered a lecture at the Piasa Chautauqua in the afternoon, and at its conclusion was invited, with a party of young ladies to go on the yacht Camida. Here some one told Miss Cerf she could not induce the captain to kiss her. "I guess not," 6he replied, "but I can make him rescue me," and it was this remark that led to her risking her own and Hobson's life. For Sale A fine Durhrm milk cow, fresh. L L Brooks Bears tie The Kind You Have Always BougW signature of FATHER OF TWENTY CELEBRATED THE ARRIVAL OF NUMBER TWENTY-ONE WITH FIREWORKS. Whistling Instead of Choir Music In a New York Church Whis tler Is a Pretty Young Wo man and She Delights Everybody. New York City: When it was time for the oifertorv in t he Lexine- I ton Avenue Baptist Church, 111th and Lexington avenue, during yes terday morning's services, instead of the choir, a pretty young girl, dressed all in white, faced the con gregation. T.GSn, for the first time in the history of any church, prob ably came the soft sweet note of a whistling solo. The whistler was Mis3 Louisa Truax. Schumann's classic "Trau merei" ("Dreaming"), regarded by musicians as among the most beau tiful melodies ever written, was her selection. The notes rose loud and clear and then died away in the softest pianissimo. Thare was just a gen tle accompaniment on the organ by Miss Magdalene Worden, which added to the beautiful effect. The congregation sat enraptured, and if it had not been a house of worship there would have been an enthusias tic applause. Church over, the congregation swarmed about the pretty girl and made her whistle again. She re sponded with the "Mocking Bird," all trills and runs. Then she had to attend again at the evening services, when slie whistled the '-Flower Song, by Mendelsshon. Evesybody was del'ghted, from the, Rev. Dr. John M. Campbell, to the newest member. In all probabili ty, Miss Truax's solos will be a reg ular part of" the church's musical service in the future. Miss Truax is 19 vears old. She is exceptionally pretty and grace ful. Her dress yesterday was of stylish but simple cut a fluffy mass of muslin, lace and ribbons. Six years ago, when living in De troit, she discovered her gift. She began at once to cultivate it and practiced several hours daily until ehe attained a register of three oc taves far more than any human voice can attain. Two years ago as a girl of sev enteen she made her first public appearance, after a thorough coach ing by Mi33 Emma Thursby and Mme. Cappiani, and William Chap man, of the Rubinstein Club. "The whistling of most persons," said Miss Truax yesterday, is marred hy a puffing sound. This may be completely stopped by al lowing the tongue to tremble. Let it relax and lie perfectly limp. The muscles of the lips must be culti vated and kept strong and firm. The very high notes are produced by drawing in the lips, and making the opening as small as possible. The lower notes are made by purs ing the lips and making a wonder ful effect on my lungs. My expan sion has increased greatly." During the whistling one little girl sitting beside her mother in the church leaned over and said loud enough for thoss nearby to hear her: "Mamma, it sounds as if it came from Heaven.". To have given up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorchester, Mass. tor years she had endured untold misery from a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Often," she writes, "I could scarcely breathe and some times could not speak. All doctors and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was completely cured." Sufferers from Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disap points. Cure is guaranteed by Gra ham & Wortham. Price 50 and $1. Trial bottles free. Warren, Conn., July 17. The Misses White, sixteen and twelve years old, daughters of ' William White, of Warren, were seriously injured today by a bolt of light ning. As they stood dehind closed blinds a ball of fire knocked them unconscious to the floor. A bolt entered Farmer Soucer's barn in East Litchfield and tore the horse's shoes from its feet without injuring the animal. From a tree a bolt glanced into the residence of Charles Jenkins, io Collinsville, and circled, ripping off the border of the wall paper. Mrs. Anderson, of Bristol, was rendered unconscious. The light ning blistered one foot. Washington, July 17. Rear Ad miral Yates Sterling today was or dered to command the Puget Sound naval station. Captain Burrell, the present commandant, is assigned to command the Oregon, which will leave shortly for the Asiatic station. Rochester, July 17. Francis Fitz simmons, aged i2, and Judson Armstrong, 11 years old, sons of well-to-do parents, are under atrest on a charge of attempting to wreck a train. The east-bound passenger train of the New York Central which left Seneca Falls at 6:09 p. m. yesterday slowed up as usual rounding the curve at the bridge crossing Seneca River, two miles east of the village. When within about thirty feet of the west end of the bridge the engine struck ob structions. Engineer Hoolihan stopped the train, went back and found that several guard-rail braces had been placed on the rails in an evident at tempt to wreck the train. Had the engine been derailed at this point it, with the train, must have gone into the,river forty feet below. Clayton, Miss., July 17. Wil liam Ody, a negro, who last night attempted to assault Miss Virginia Tucker, of this place, was burned at the stake at midnight. The young woman was driving in the country when she was at tacked by the negro, and so violent ly dragged from her buggy that both her legs were broken. I She was found a few moments later by a doctor who was driving nearby. She is said to be at the point of death. After Ody's capture he was taken before Mies Tucker, who identified him. He was next led to a spot near the scene of the assault." ' He begged piteously for mercy, but was bound to a tree, oil was poured over hisclothing and a big fire built around him. San Francisco, July 22. Fitz simmons was out on the road early this morning. He walked to the park, a distance of two mile3, and running back, worked his shoulders at every step. This afternoon he did light exercising in the Olympic gymnasium. Jeffries was also out on the road this morning. He sprinted time and time again covered with per spiration. This afternoon he boxed eight rounds before the Merchant's Club of Oakland, with his brother Jack and Kennedy. He showed up in splendid condition, and is faster and stronger th.m when he fought Fitz before. He now weighs 214 pounds. Both men seem to have full confidence. . The betting is 2 to 1 with Jeff on the long end. There is plenty of Fitz money in sight, as the Eastern sports are beginning to arrive in numbers. The sale of tick ets has already reached the $20,000 mark and the indications are that there will be a $50,000 house. Seattle, July 22. The hunt for convict Tracy seems to have been abandoned entirely and the outlaw is now free to roam the woods at ease -at least, until he again makes his appearance at some farm house for food. It has been proven beyond a doubt that Tracy did not have two ex-convicts with him in the cabin at Sawyer Lake, and also that the story that he was badly wounded by buckshot from J. A. Bunce's gun was absolutely unfounded. The story of the seriousness of the wounds was given out by an ex convict, who imposed upon Sheriff Cudihee. Tracy must have escaped across the mountains from Covington and some of the officers fear he may now never be captured. Thev be lieve that he will disguise himself and make his way to some Eastern city. ' Chicago, July 23. After support ing her husband for five years by working in a department store, Mrs. Lucia Cole Donnan has secur ed a divorce from Donald D, Don nan, recently deposed from the reetorship of St John's Episcopal parish becauseof a scandal. About a month ago his wife had the bus band arrested for abandonment. During the five years she supported him he was studying for the ministry. HALF AN HOUR DEAD FROM DROWNING AND THEN THE? BUI WAS KLSLSCT1AIJSU AND IS ALIVE. , ; Street Car Motorman and Coddao, tor Had Free Fight While Car Ran Wild and Passengers Went Into Panic Washington, July 17. Supt. Jvimball, ot the lite-saving service has received a report from Capt. Ludlum, of the Hereford Inlet Life saving statiou an Anglesea, N. J., of the remarkable resuscitation of Stanley S. Holmes, five years old. Capt. Ludlum reported that July 5 during a squall in the harbor William B. Holmes and his child were overturned in the water and that the boy sank. He had remain ed under water not less than twenty-five minutes before the life-saving crew of the Hereford station were able to secure his apparently lifeless body. Within four houra after the boy had been removed from the water he regained consciousness. S,upt. Kimball received affidavits iruui tue cuuu a lamer,- lrum miss Margaret Mace, a medical student, and from Mary J. Hock, a trained nurse, substantiating to the fullest degree the statements of Capt. Lud lum. Most of these persons think tha child had been under water fully thirty minutes. -All are certain that the time was not less than twenty five minutes. Meriden, Conn., July 17. As tha result of a quarrel, as to who should have- the first chance at an evening newspaper, Clarence Marvin, a mo torman, and, William Lajole, a con ductor, on the East Main street line of the Meriden Electric Railway ... Company, came to blows and the car ran wild for nearly a mile be fore Marvin came to his senses, re turned to his post and regained control. The car was filled with passen-, gers, many of whom were women and children. Several of them were preparing to jump off when Marvin stopped the bar. If the car had run wild a minute longer there would have been a collision with' an ap nrnarhinEr car. Several of the wol men were hieterical and insisted on walking the remainder of their jour ney. Both men have been discharged by the company, and Marvin, who was injured about the bead, had Lujole arrested. Newburg, July 17. At Marbor ough, Ulster county, John Budna has just become the father of his twenty. first child. All are living. In honor of the event Budna, who is a prosperous farmer, had a celebration. There were fireworks and general felicitations on the part of neighbors. Budna has named the boy Theodore Roosevelt, H weighed sixteen pounds at birth. Altoona, Pa., July 23. John. Bateman, a colored man, who baa terrorized Altoona for several days, escaped from his cell at tha county hospital in a nude condition and ran four miles to Lake Mont Park. He evaded the officers in pursuit, climbed over the railing of the sum mer theater just as the orchestra was tearing off a "ragtime" melody in the presence of 10,000 people. He went through a hoe-down in the "altogether," much to the surprise of the audience. He was captured af ter a desperate struggle and landed back in his cell. Need More Help. Often the over-taxed organs of digestion cry out for help by Dys pepsia's pains, Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for Drompt use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure. 25c at Graham & Wortham'a drug store. If a Man Lie to You, And say some other salve, oint ment, lotion, oil or alleged healer ia as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcers, Cut3, Scalds, Bruis es and Skin Eruptions proves it's the best and cheapest. 25c at Gra- ham & Wortham'a drug store.