The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 19, 1902, Image 4

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    1 An Interrupted I
I Bevenge $ $
he first time she Lad Iai'd eyes
i since the night she hat! jilted
Copyrillt, KOI, by Authors Syndicate.)
ff,TlTHO IS the distinguished look
YY ing man who came in then
with Mr. Campbell?"
The person to whom the question
was addressed planced across the re
cepfion hall and replied:
"Eobert Gordon. He is the fellow
about whom the newspapers are saying-
so much the lobbyist from New
York who has succeeded in getting-the
Consolidated Telephone ordinances
through the council. Handsome, isn't
"Bemarkably so. . Still, on a closer
view his expression is not entirely
pleasant, and I should Fay that he
bears marks of dissipation not gross
ly, but there is something that sug
gests wine, women and song at unholy
hours or air, I mistaken? Is that
pallor natural'.'"
A woman standing near bent a keen
glance at the man as his came was
mentioned, and the slightest sugges
tion of a flush appeared or; her cheeks.
It was
on mm since tne nig
iiim for Frederick Ma i khani. That was
19 years ago. 'I hey were both young
about IS and had been sweethearts
from childhood. lie was still " in col
lege, a briiliant boy and a career pre
dicted for him. Hat the career was a
long ways oil' and Gordon had little
nether than expectations.
Frederick. Markharn was rich and
well-connected and ten years her
senior, .ile one red her all the tmegs
so;dear to the girl just budding into so
ciety, and shf had accepted him and
thrown Gordon over. She had not an
ticipated suei? a scene, however, as fol
lowed when she told him that she was
to marry jVijirfctam. He. accused her
bitterly of hearliessness and of delib
erately leading him on for ihe sake of
amusement. He swore that she had
ruined his lif? and for the wreck that
"wr-ald follow she was responsible by
ewiry law of God and of man. He told
feer that he would never again believe
j. the sincerity of a human creature.
He would live, he declared, solely to
gratify his senses, and he wished her
much joy in the sale she had made of
herseSf. It was the speech of a hot
nea3cd, high-spirited, disappointed
boy. It all came up before her this
nigftit many years later with startling
viwaSness as she looked at him across
toe reception hall.
Ax-d it had eventuated much as he
bad predicted. He had finished his col
lege course and studied law, while
pranking into extreme dissipations.
SEs reat natural abilities had carried
Mm through and he had settled in New
York, where, instead of devoting him
selJ to Lis profession, he had used hia ;ualKies to forward all sorts
jf questionable schemes. Ke had be
come a very successful lobbyist.
He never visited the home city
ssSnce his interview with the woman
until this time, when he had come to
Jorce through the city council the most
audacious and notorious measure that
Jiad ever been attempted in the city.
And he had succeeded and it was whis
pered tlia.' lie had secured a small for
tune for his work.
She was surprised at the great
ihange in Ihe man, and still more sur
prised at the unchanged resemblance
to the irrenvious, enthusiastic youth
ehe had known. He looked scareely
older, excepting for the prematurely
gray hair.' a'ihough' the, face had lost
its ryautf"?gs and the cheeks were
White v.-Mj pallor.
While all this flashed through her
mind Robert Or.rdon and Mr. Campbell
were surrounded by a merry party of
n trentlemen, to whom the
- - ; being presented. When
"(' lm glanced toward the
i,- -.ii was being presented to
.a t-.t'l, handsome, viva
'!!. The mother noted the
: tied recognition in his eyes
: ! 5 a pcrlc-ct prototype of her
h -aine age), and noted
. i flush in his pale cheek.
" it ':vi'.-rence had vanished
tv.- .-c? ar.ri he entered at. cinc-e
in : ri'Kiatfd conversation with
i-'. v ex;.-ression of anxiety.
l he face of Mrs. Markharn
1 ri w of a great apprehen
hcr heart. Then she
J herself haughtily and
herself: . v
. ' . a . I must be going into
. tntire evening Gordon
Miss Markham'n atten-
rhe close hands 3 her to
-nil to the considerable
" li; r mother,
r. lI ; .1 not return at once
. 5w had announced pre
. ks faded into mcr.ths
:.cvijiit d the handsnr s st
'. ;' ;ya! scd hung ever the
- .f the young heiress of.
V.rlune. Mrs. Jfarkham
, , . wed. butcher expostula-'
" . i'ihei-dilig ears. The girl
attraction toward the
of the world ever felt
:r'w:ird the men who
: r...uccessful suitors for
r ds; and as f or Mark
i' ii-; d by the dominant
" w Yorker.
. a . prehensions were
. however, and one day to the situation
. r. most serious talk
,i rents. It was fully
look -(the
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into 5
42ie r
and t?
si on '
sir a:
- imntt .-
y n,
-mon :
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the ?.
by d
tave .
not u.
the f.
and 1
love .
: it vvi
rl was madly in
::iant lobbyist, and
'was talked over
saw at once that
.,-iiuer match for the
ii there wag a serious
interview with the girl, who was told
plainly the character of the man.
She resented it passionately, and the
result was that a feV days later
Robert Gordon formally proposed to
Markharn for the hand of his daugh
ter. In reply to the indignant re
fusal of the father Gordon coolly in
formed him that he already had the
consent of the girl and proposed to
marry her in any event with the
parental consent if possible, without
it if necessary. Clare when consult
ed cast her lot with Gordon. 'iCll
revelations concerning Gordon's ca
reer and record were without avail.
Then the mother in desperation
went to Gordon's apartments at the
Royal and made a pathetic appeal to
"There can be no happiness in such
a match," she said. "When she awak
ens to the realities she will be heart
broken as you well know. There 5a
no happiness in such a marriage
cither for her or for you. I do not
know what you are after. I will noif
insult you by intimating that you
seek her money. If you do it shall be
yours without a marriage. In any
event I conjure you by a mother s
love; by the memory'of the old times
when we were friends more than
friends, do not destroy my daugh
ters life.
Rising from his chair where he had
sat nonchalant and unconcerned dur
ing the interview, Gordon advanced
directjy in front of the excited wom
an who stood with clasped hands
and flushed face pouring out her
heart, and said in a voice hoarse
with emotion:
"It has been my dream for 10
years to see you in front of me
pleading for something dear to your
heart; I never dared to hope the
dream would come true certainly
not in the manner it has. Let me tell
you, I will give you your heart's de
sire just as you gave me mine" 19
years ago. You chose deliberate
ly to ruin my life. You were merci
less even scornful. What I am, I am
as a result of your heartlessness.
What I am not is the result of your
faithlessness. All th reasons that
make me in your estimation an unfit
husband for your daughter are the
result of your ambition and your ad
vice. I was not a man of had in
stincts in the old days, I was not
void of ambition. All this you delib
erately killed. You sapped all the
good out of my nature and threw
me aside, a mere husk. Now you ap
peal to the moral nature you ' de
stroyed. I never dreamed of so per
fect a revenge until I saw the girl
your very second self, and then I saw
the way to make you suffer even as I
have suffered. And you must suffer
to the end. I will not spare you. Go
and tell the girl what I have said
and that I am your old lover, if j'ou
please. She will not believe it and I
will deny it. It is your turn to walk
the floor now. I have done it for
19 years. Oh, I will lead your
proud and sensitive ,girl a pretty
dance, I promise you," '
He caught her as she; fainted, aridl
after applying restoratives showed
her to her carriage.
The wedding was a swell affair and
the newly-wedded pair went abroad
for a honeymoon tour.
. """
It was ten months later at Venice,
when . the crisis .came. They had
lingered there for five weeks enjoying
the soft languor of the Italian skies.
The months had been a revelation to
Gordon. Never had he supposed earth
held such joy as he had found in the
golden weeks that had slipped by
since his marriage. As he penetrated
further and further into the nature
of the woman- who had married him
despite Warning "and evil report, he
sounded, depths of tenderness that
he never expected had existed.-' Far
from carrying out his threat and in
tention to 'break her heart, he be
came, inspired day by day with the
deepest reverence for hert This soft
evening in Venice the climax came.
He... crossed over to where his wife
sat and said:
"Clare, I have a confession to
make. I cannot go on in this way
with a lie in my heart. I did not
marry you with a clean soul and fromi
a pure love. All they have said about
me is true. Your mother knew me
better-than any living person, and
she told, you the truth. Since I have
known you as wife I have come to
learn somewhat of your real worth,
and' "a great loathing of myself has
taken possession of me until life
seems only tolerable on the condition
that I cease to act a lie and that you
know me as I am. Forgive me? I
was cruelly hurt by a woman once
and I charged it to all womankind. I
will make any amends you say. I
will leave . you if you will it any
thing, anything, no matter how hard
so I stand at least honest in your
With a broken sob he sank on one
knee and buried his face in hia hands.
In an instant she was beside him
with both arms about hia neck.
"I knew you better than you knew,
yourself," she whispered. ' '
Cudihee and Sis Picked Men Sur
rounded Their Position, but
Escaped Pursuors, a9
Usual Other
Seattle, June 17. Tracy lias escaped
again. The hounds and posse are follow
ing him.
Seattle, July 17. Tracy has been lo
cate! in' a shack near Sawyer Lake, on
the Palmer Cutoff. He is said to be badly
wounded, and is unable to defend him
self, but is guarded by two pals. Sheriff
Cudihee and six picked men are sur
rounding the shack, and Tracy's death
may be reported at any minute.
Black Diamond, Wash., July i7. Tra
cy is surrounded witli two companions in
a shack near Sawyer Lake. News of a
battle is expected here .at any minute.
Sheriff Cudihee has been on a still hunt,
and has at last deSnitely located his
man. Tracy has been lying in the brush.
since the day after he left Pautot's ranch,
nursing the wounds in his back, which
were made by Deputy Bunce in the fight
in the railroad cut near Covington last
Thursday. His hiding place was not
four miles from Covington. With him
were two confederates, one of whom is
supposed to be a murderer with a price
upon his head. Tracy's wounds were
lanced Saturday or Sunday, a razor being
employed by his companion in an at
tempt to prevent the outlaw's death by
blood poisoning.
Happy Time in Old Town. '.
"We felt very happy," writes R.
N. BeviU, Old Town, Va "when
Bucklen's : Arnica Salve wholly
cured our daughter ofa bad case of
geald head." It delights all who
upe it far Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruis
es, Boils, Ulcere, Eruptions-. ; In
fallible for piles. Only 25c at Gra
ham & Worth am 's drug store.
for Sale
A fine Durhitn milk cow, fresh.
L L Brocks
North Yakima, July 17. Seven heavily
armed men left here in wagons early this
morning to join in the hunt for Convict
Tracy. The posse was organized by
Sheriff Tucker, who, accompanied it on
request of Sheriffs Hartman. of Pierce
and Brown, of Kittitas, for his co-operation.
While the utmost secrecy is main
tained, the report is that the three sher
iffs expect Tracy will cross the mountains
and are arranging to guard all the passes
through which the fugitive couid possibly
come. The posse divided a few miles up
the valley, some of the men ascending
the Wenas and some to Nachez. It is
composed of the nervst and most trust
worthy men obtainable here fcr the pur
pose. Some are mountaineers, thorough
ly acquainted with the country.
( i '-. -Crati
Tnnrn TTv Tnl-o- T7 Trihn AndBr-
v 1, w, ., j j - J
eon, a farmer who was in jail heie charg
ed with the murder of his wife on the
night of July 8, was taken from prison by
a masked mob of about 40 men and hang
ed to a beam over the city scales, on one
of the principal streets of Owensboro, at
about 2:30 o'clock this morning. ' "lhe
lynchers who are supposed to have come
from the scene of Anderson's alleged
crime, about three miles west of Owens
boro. made their entrance into the city
quietly, and, going to the jail, demanded
admittance, which was refused. They
then battered down the prison door, and,
while some went to the prisoner's cell to
lead him out, others of the mob surround
ed the jailer and his family to prevent
them from giving the alarm.
Anderson was soon secured, and xn a
few moments was led across the street
from the prison, where a rope Was placed
bout his neck and he was hanged to a
beam over a pair of scales. The mob
then dispersed quietly. No arrests have
been'made. . "
Anderson was the first white man ever
lynched in Dayies county. At the time
of the murder with which he was charg
ed was, . committed, Anderson and his
wife had.been separated for about seven
weeks, and Ivlrs. Anderson was living at
her , father's, house, whither Anderson
went for the alleged purpose of affecting
a reconciliation. The woman's father,
it is said, entered some objections, and
the irate husband then dragged his wife
into the yard and shot her to death. He
was arrested shortly after the crime, and
was in the Owensboro jail when he was
Denver, July 17. A telegram received
at the general office of the Bio Grande
fiailroad, at Denver, from its Representa
tive at Pitkin, says that the bandits who
held up the train on Marshall Pass, Mon
day, have been' surrounded in a box can
yon. The message says that the posse
was apprehensive of good results unless
reinforcements were "sent at once. As
sistance has been sent from all the offi
cers in the vicinity.
Prineville, June 17. The finding of the
dead, body of an infant that had, from all
appearance, been murdered, has caused
considerable here. The body was un
earthed by a dog yesterday morning in
the rear of the house of Mrs. Barnard.
The remains which are quite badly de
compose J, are those of a boy, and from
appearauce the child had lived but a few
hours. A modical examination revealed
evidences of strangulation, and there was
also a bruise on the head, presumably,
by some Wunt instrument.
The ceroner impaneled a jury and is
mating an investigation. Suspicion has
pointed to Miss J-!liza Bernard, a young
woman back of whose home the body
was found. It is understood the woman
has made a confession, in which a young
man of the tow a is implicated. The au
thorities decline to give out any inform
ation until the jury completes its deliber
The girl is 20 years old. Her father
and mother separated sometime ago, the
father going to the mines. Last winter
the town was thrown into excitement by
by a report that Mrs. Barnard had elop
ed with a tramp. The woman returned
sometime after and denied the story.
It is thoughr the-body ofthe child bad-
been buried abouf ten days. It wa9 cov
ered with less than 2O inches of earth.'
The infant is fully developed.
A second tragedy was reported to tiie
coroner during the day. B. F. Hudson,
a teamster, falling fiom his wagou and
breaking his neck. He died before med
ical assistsnce arrived. Hudson stood in
the wagon loading some freight, when in
some way he lost his balan-je and fell be
hind the horses. The wheels passed over
his leg and nis neck was broken. Hudson
was unmarried and has lived here five or
six years.
To have given up would have
meant death for Mrs: Lois Cragg, of
Dorchester. Mass. For years she
had endured unfold misery from a
severe lung trouble and obstinate
cough. "Often," she writes, "I
could scarcely breath9 and some
times could not speak. All doctors
and remedies failed till I used Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consump
tion and was completely cured."
Sufferers from Coughs, Colds,
Throat and Lung Trouble need this
grand remedy, for it never disap
points. Cure is guaranteed by Gra
ham & Wortham. Price 50 and $1.
Trial bottles free.
for infarcts and Children.
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, and lias been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good " are but Experiments', and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought
.Bears the Signature of
In Uss For Over 30 Years.
The Best Liniment for Strains.
Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant
at Deer Park, Long Island, N. Y.,
say?: "I always recommend Cham
berlain's Pain Balm as the best lin
iment for strains. I used it last
winter for a severe lameness in the
side, resuhicg from a strain, and
was greatly pleased with the quisk
relief and cure it affected." For
sale b' Graham & Wells.
To the Seaside and Mountain Resorts.
Tickets are now on sale at all Southern
Pacific and Corvallis and Eastern R R
offices, through to Newport and Yaquina
at reduced rates. Southern Pacific trains
connect with the C & E at Albany and
Corvallis All tickets good for return
until Oct Io, 1902,
' n June 23, the C & E trains from
Deroit began leaving there at 6:30 a in.
meeting the Bay train at Albany, at
Passengers for Detroit. Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts can leave
Albany the same afternoon, reaching
Detroit in the evening. Tickets are on
sale from Albany to Detroit at 3 and
nnrtro11ia q t Si o c (jf mil for return
iiuui v"' "... -j - vj- e
until ' ctober io, with privilege to get on
anv train returning at any point east of
Mills City.
The Southern Pacific Company have
now on sale round trip tickets from all
points on their lines in Oregon to either
Monrnnrt or Vanuina with trivileee to
return via either east or west divisions
in connection with the V ix. a. - inree
day Sunday excursion tickets good going
Snhmlav snil returning Mondav are also
on sale at very low rates from all S P
ana C & E points.
. . . i j a i
Full information can oe ouuuacu as iu
rates, time tables, etc bv application to
any S P or C & E agent.
gorcallis $ Eastern R K
tm 0ard Hd 20.
2 For Yaquina:
Train leaves Albany . 12:45 p. m
" Corvallis i:5P- m
. " arrives Yaquina 5:35 p- m
1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina. .. .7:00 a. m
Leaves Corvallis 1 1 :30 a. m
Arrives Albany 12:15 P. m
It a Man Lie to You,
And say some other salve, oint
ment, lotion, oil or alleged healer is
aa good as Backlen'e Arnica Salve,
tell him thirty years of marvelous
cures of Piles, Bums, Boils, Corns,
Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruis
es and Skin Eruptions proves it's
the best and cheapest. 25c at Gra
ham & Wortham's drug store.
V7 Z. eretr
3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany
Arrives Detroit : . . .
4 from Detroit;
Leaves Detroit...
Arrives Albany...
i:00 p. m
5:45 p. m
,. 6:30 a. m
,.11:05 a. m
Trains I and 4 arrive in Albany in time
to connect with S P south bound train,
as well as giving two or three hours in
Albany before departure of S P north
bound train.
Train 2 connects with the S P west side
train at Corvalus and Albany giving dir
ect service -to Newport and adjacent
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and
other mountain resorts leaves Albany at
l-o0 p. m. after arrival of S. P. south
bound train from Portland, reaching De
troit at p, m. . '
For further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
J. Turner, Agent Albany
H. H. Cronise,. Agent Corvallis. ,
to as high a standawasonr desire ould proniot
O) lis. hnti spa t.h$?t vnn ma It a nr misfaVp in
. j """""
the hcuse that keeps the hig
est standard of Grocer
ies that is the
) place to
Frcsb Fruits, Frsl) Iktables,
fresh everything to be had in the market. We
) run our delivery wagon and our aim is
to keep whav, you want and to
please. Call and see
B Boming
ii .
i el
If you are looking for some real good bar
gains in stock, grain, fruit and poultry ranches,
write for my special list or come and see me .
shall take pleasure in giving you all the reliable
information you wish, also showing you over the
Eeal Estate loan and Insurance
Philomath, Oregon.
Picnic Gcods
The time of the year hag arrived
when picnics and excursions are in
order. And we've prepared to sup
ply all wants for a dainty cold Iun
lheon. We have j ast the things you
need for such occasions. Our . stock
ncludea choice brands of canned
meats, -chicken, lobster etc., jellies
jams, delicacies, conditions, faocy cra
ckers fruits, Finest goods. Lowest
prices. Speeial inducements to: par
ties. P. M. Zierolt.
3b Printing .
gti" Correct il
- times Office.