The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 19, 1902, Image 3

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Mrs 'Whitehom arrived Thursday
from a visit at Pendleton.
Miss Maud Gleason left yesterday
for a visit with Albany friends.
Miss Martha Fischer leaves to
day for a month's outiDg at Cascadia.
A. marriage license was issued
Thursday to Milo P Totten and Leah
Jane Vernon of Alsea.
Joe Hehkle left Thursday for
Portland and Pendleton. He is to
be absent air summer.
Samuel Klmmela. subject of
the emperor af Germany filed Thurs
day an intention of becoming a citizen
of the United States.
Otto Herse has leased the dwel
ling house wesc across the street
from the saw mill, and is to move
into it with his family next week.
The figures after your name in
the address on y&ur Times shows to
what date your subscription is paid.
It looks bad for it to be very far
Clayton Herron returned Thurs
day from Portland where he has been
employed in an undertaking estab
lishment during the past nine mon
ths. A new real estate transfer has been
filed tor record. It is, W S Hufford
and wife to Clarence C Cbipman'
house and lot north of the Oaburn
Fred Houston and Roy Matley
left yesterday j for North Yakmai,
Washington, where they are to have
: employment during the summer. They
are maKing the trip by wheel.
Contractor Smith expects to com
plete the Pernot-Heckart lateral bythe
middle of next week. The sewer
through the Huston Morgan block
will probably be the next; to be con
Mrs Ella M Humbert will preacn
a ay at 11 a m ana a p m. uiDie scnooi
at 10 and Christian Endeavor at 7 p
m. Strangers are cordially invited to
attend these services.
There was a reception at the
home of Mrs Lee Henkle Wednesday
afternoon, in honor of Mrs Snyder, of
Brookland Iowa, who hasbeen in town
two months on a visit to her son. Mrs
Snyder left Thursday, About forty
were present.
E F Thayer has a position as
bookkeeper in a salmon cannery at
Astoria, and will remain there at
least for the summer. He may return to
Corvallis as agent of the Oregon Rail
way and Navigation Company in the
autumn. Mrs Thayer is to remain in
: Corvallis for the present.
W P Keady now holds a confiden
tial position with the Morris & White
head firm of brokers and bankers in
Portland. A disnatch in Tuesdavs
Oregonian announces that the firm
has just negotiated a five million dol
lar loan in the East. Mr Eeady is at
present engaged as a light of way
man in the various railroads that are
being promoted in northwestern Ore
gon. ' It is understood that his salary
is $3,000 or more per annum,
As Joseph Bryant went to drive
out of'town the other evening, the
back end of his hay rack caught
against a telephone pole, and the
coupling pole broke, The team pulled
tbe front gear away from the rest of
the wagon, and jerking Mr Bryant to
the ground dragged him some dist
ance. A considerable gash, was cut
above one eye, his face was bruised
and one leg more or less iujured. The
team was caught before serious dam
age was done to the rig.
The Brigade Signal corps, O N G,
Major Frank E Edwards, commanding
lert lor Albany Thursday morning to
take part in the week of encampment
of the Oregon National Guard, Those
who went were, Major F E Edwards,
signal ofSeer sargennts, A B Bower; H
E Davis; corporals, G A Cathey; F S
Ward; privates, P A Clark; B F Elgin;
D Gallatly; Ernest Miller; W E Mill
uer; M L Morgan ; L W Oren; EW
Philips; V C Spencer : J E Wells: B W
. Wilson; E W Yates, J D Zurcher; and
B Burnett.
The marriage of Miss M Leona
Burnett and John T Wiley was solem
nized at the home of the brides par
ents, Mr and Mrs Thomas Burnett in
Albany last Wednesday afternoon.
Tha bnrk mna I -1 K. T TT I .
of Corvallis. After the ceremony Mr
and Mrs Wiley left for Portland, their
future borne. The groom was a mem
ber of tbe graduating class at OAC in
1901 and the bride in 1899. Present
at the nuptials from Corvallis were
Miss Ethel Bermln, Mrs E P Greffoz
and Mr and Mrs G S O Humbert. Mr
Wiley holds a position as bookkeeper
in Portland.
The wind stoim la3fc Tuesday
turns out to have been general as
well as damaging in its character. It
swept over nearly all of the north
western states, injuring growing crops
and blowing down weak buildings in
many parts. No damage is reported
in Benton, though a few branches
were blown from shade tree3 about
town, while in some orchards, fruit
was shaken off by the violence of the
wind, in some instances. In Umatilla
county much damage to growing
grain is reported. A Corvallis man re
turning from Newport, says that the
bay was so rough Tuesday evening
that only the passengers were taken
down on the boat, their baggage all
beipg left at Yaquina until the next
morning, A Newport resident said that
the storm was the most violent he
had seen there in summer tima in 30
Tho Christian Church is receiving
a new coat of paint.
There is a new deputy sheriff.
Regulation weight. Happened Thurs
day. J M Nolan and family left Thurs
day for a two weeks outing at Casca
dia. Mrs Carl Hodes went to Albany
Wednesday to visit during the en
Mrs Lewis Hartley and family
left Thursday for the Bohemia mines,
where they will spend the summer.
The new bridge in course of con
struction near Hoekins is about com
pleted. The contractor is Henry Stone.
Contrary to report, no partner
ship exists .between Mr Hunt and
Robert Bowman in the painting busi
ness. W A Mc Gee has been eleeted to
the principalsbip in the Weston
schools. He expects to leave next
week with his family for his new field
of labor.
A new school house is to be built
near John Porters house, where the
road from Willamette Grange ball
Intersects the State road.
J H Harris is to leave today for
a trip of a month or more in Califor
nia. He is to join his brother at Sin
Francisco and then go into the moun
tains near Oroville.
After the meeting of the board
Wednesday afternoon, most of the
regents returned home by special
train over the Corvallis & Eastern
provided by President Weatherford
R F Holm, formerly superinten
dent of schools of Benton county is
editor and publisher of a three weeks
old newspaper at Trledo, called the
Toledo Reporter. It is a very credit
able publication.
United Evangelical Church : The
pastor will occupy tbe pulpit both
morning and evening. Service at Mt
View at 2.30 p m. Charles Harding
will conduct the K L C E meeting at
7 pm. H L Deck pastor.
Teachers and pupils of theEpisco
pal Sunday school had a picnic across
the Willamette from Corvallis Wed
nesday afternoon. To" the number of
25 or more, they went over' in the
afternoon, remaining until the shades
of evening set in. With lunch and
amusement the afternoon was pleas
an'tly spent.
At Monroe the question of bond
ing the district for the erection of t
new school house is. being considered
Notices are being posted for an elec
tion with that end in view. It is said
the bonds are likely to be voted. The
proposed cost of the new building is
81,500. .
B J Evere and family now occupy
their new home, The removal occur
ed Tharsday. The house is newly
completed, and is modern in all its
appointments. The inside finishing is
of tbe best, both in workmanship and
material. There are three rooms and
bath below and four on the second
With his chaise, Jake Blumberg
arrived Thursday evening from
three weeks jaunt through Eastern
Oregon. He went from Corvallis via
the Santiam route to Prineville, thence
to The Dalles, and home via Portland
He was after hides and pelts, bnt oth
er buyers had made the trip before
him. and Jake says the trip was un
Regent Church of La Grande was
unable to attend Wednesday's board
meeting on account of illness. He has
been in a Portland hospital for sever
al weeks, and was able to be on the
street for the first time one day this
week. Governor Geer, another regent
was absent on account of a trip he
and Mrs Geer are making with others
to Mount Adams.
It was in the far South. "How's
times?" asked "the tourist. "Pretty tot
erable, stranger," responded tha old
man, who was sittiug on a stump. "I
had some trees to cut down, but the
cyclone leveled them and saved me
the trouble." "That was good. "Yes;
and then the lightning set fire to the
brush pile and saved me tbe trouble
of burnine it." "Remarkable! but
what are you doing now?" "Waitine
for an earthquake to come along: and
shake the potatoes out of the ground."
They had a bear hunt out on the
Luckiamute the other day. Marion
Frantz in town Thursday relates the
facts. Two bears were slain on Satur-
day. and Sunday morning the chase
was renewed. The dogs soon started
one and a chase began that contin
ued over the hills and through the
woods until two o'clock in the after
noon. At that hour Bruin was brought
to bay and dispatched, the hunters
were the Price boys, cousins of W L
Vrice. There is an abundance of bear
in the neighborhood according to all
accounts, at this season f the year.
Second hand type writer.
Thomas Bilyeu, Corvallis.
addr ess
For Sale
head of Angora goats,
males. Address , "B"
Thirty three
Also a span of
Goodbye prices'on all summer goods
Noian & Callahan -
Horses for Sale-
I will be in Corvallis from Wednesday
the 23rd to Saturday 26th. The horses
weigh from 1100 to 1600 pounds .
P, A, Hackleman,
Staff of the Harriman Railroads Ex
plaine'd Plans to Corvallisites.
A special train brought to Cor
vallis yesterday, a number of men
interested in bringing people from
theEast into Oregon, and for three
hours thev were in conference with
leading: citizens. The visitors were 1
taken in carriages out over the col
lege farm and among the buildings,
then they were taken to the city
hall where a public meeting . was ;
held, and after that they were ban
queted at the Occidental. The vis
itors are immigration and tiaffic
officials of the Harriman railroad
lines, and are as follows: W E
Coman, traveling passenger . agent
of Southern Pacific: J Jones. T. P.
A., and H E Lounsbury, T. F. A.
of Southern Pacific: G M McKin
ney, immigration agent; C Mac
Kenzie, assistant immigration
agent; W H Burke, Indianapolis,
Ind; H A Townsend, Des Moines,
Iowa, and I N Conklin of Milwau
kee, Wis. The Oregon Railroad
& Navigation Company was re
presented by J O'Neil, T P A. and
R M Hall, publicity promoter.
At the public meeting Mr Mc
Kinney explained the plans and
purposes of the Harriman lines with
reference of inducing immigration
into Oregon. 'Immigration head
quarters are being established at
Des Moines, Iowa, Indianapolis,
Indiana' Chicago, Pittsburg, and
Louisville, Kentucky. Agents
from these headquarters visit var
ious towns in their territory and
secure lists of persons suspected of!
cherishing a desire for a change of
residence. These lists are sent to
headquarters, and advertising mat
ter provided by the company, and
by communities interested in se
curing immigration are sent through
the mails. If Corvallis and Benton
county wants advertising literature
sent to these people, and will pre
pare it, and turn it over to the rail
road agent of the company at Cor
vallis, Mr Kinne5' said, the Harri
man people will send it postage free
to people in the territory.
Mr McKinney further said, "You
have a far better country as regards
climate and resources than that in
which we propose to work. The . Wil
lamette Valley is indeed, the gard
en spot of the world, Having such
a country, if you will only prove it
to the pe. pie of the west and the
middle west. 100,000 people will
settle among you within the next
five years. The thing for you to
do is to prepare a statement of the
facts, and place it in our hands for
Mr McKinney has been for ten
years an immigration agent'working
in the east in the Interest of Wash
ington, Idaho and Montana. He
has been a part of the force that has
made Washington so far outstrip
Oregon in growth of population, j
Mr Coman also made a brief, ad
dress in further explanation of the
plans, and he was followed by May
or Woodcock.
Then the meeting adjourned, and
a lunch was served the guests
at the Occidental. After lunch the
party returned to the City Hall
where Dr Withycombe, S L Kline
and others made bnei talks. A
motion declaring it to be the sense
of those present that Corvallis and
Benton county should prepare at
least 50.000 copies of a suitable
pamphlet for distribution was un
animously adopted, and the meet
ing adjourned.
Yergen, After Months in the Benton
County Jail is set Free.
Judge Hamilton and District At
torney Brown came out from To
ledo Thursday morning, and pass
ed on over the Corvallis '&. East
ern on the trip to their homes in
Circuit court was m session at
Toledo, from Monday morning to
Wednesday evening. Most of the
time was occupied in a long wait
for the report of the grand jury.
Among other , cases considered by
the grand jury was that of D VJ
Yergen, confined from February
24th to July nth in the Benton
county jail for the Lincoln county
authorities. No indictment was
returned against him.
The accounts are that numerous
other persons, some of them in high
lite were equally amenable with the
old man before the law. The con
sideration by the grand jury of
these charges was the chief thing
that was done at the court session.
Trunks Delivered 15 cents
Anywhere within city
limits. Trunk
and grip 25 cents."
John Lenger
Blue Print Maps.
Blue print maps of any township in
Roseburg Oregon and District, showiDg
all vacant lands for 50 cents each. If
you want any information from the TJ S
Land Office address
TiTtE Guarantee & Loan Co
Roseburg, Ore. .
A Telephone There Logging by Mod
ern Methods on the Luckiamute.
A logging camp connected by
telephone with the outside world
is a new thing in the history of en
terprise. An arrangement of this
sort is newly established in the
camp of the. Spaulding Logging
Company on the headwaters of the
Luckiamute, Benton county. With
the familiar ting-a-ling of the tele
phone, the manager of the company
in his comfortable office at New
berg rings up the camp, boss, in
quires about the progress made
during the day, hears of require
ments or need of supplies at the
camp, and gives information as to
plans of operation to be inaugur
ated. All that is needed to make
the camp right up to date along
with the latest in civilization is a
comic opera or a minstrel perform
ance for the loggers to attend each
evening, and a daily newspaper to
tell them of the ' 'now you see him,
now you don't see him" exploits of
Outlaw Tracy.
The telephone line is newly com
pleted. It connects with the Ore
gon telephone system at Hoskins.
The private line of the logging
company is 11 miles long. A
proper switch board for long dist
ance communication is about to be
installed at Hoskins.
Twenty to fifty men are employ
ed in the logging camp. Some
times there are more. They have
three donkey engines for logging
operations. Two are used for haul-
ing new cut logs into the Luckia-
mute river. The other is applied
in pulling drifts, boulders and other
obstructions- from the river so that
the logs may be floated down.
The timber supply in the locality
is very great. It is estimated at
300,000,000 feet. About 8, 000,
000 or 10,000,000 feet in the ex
tensive logging of the past few years
has been taken away. The timber
is yellow pine of fine quality, and
hemlock. The company sells pine
logs to various mills along the riv
er and manufactures much of it into
lumber at its own extensive mills at
Newberg. The hemlock goes
mainly to the pulp mills at Oregon
Buy your harvesting outfits at Kolan
& Callahan's Complete line.
A girl for general housework. Call or
address Mrs Florence Mulkey, one block
west of court house.
32nd JHInfwersary Sale
As the 32nd year of my business career has closed, I will cele
brate the event with my customers by giving each and every rone a
genuine bargain. "We will inaugurate an anniversary sale that will
bring the people ot Coryallis and vinihity to our store."!
We append
Dress Goods
25 Drees goods at $ ; 21
5o dress goods at 39
75. dress goods at 62
00 dress goods at 78
5o dreEB goods at..
1 2o
Shirt. Waists
$ 5oo ehirt waists at... $ 38
75c shirt waists at , 62
1 00 shirt waists at 78
1 5o ehirt waists at 1 2o
We have some odd ends that go
at 5oc each
Table Linen
$ 26c table linen at...,. ......$ 21
5oc ta"ble liDen at.... 41
75c table linen at 62
1 00 table linen at. 79
Our linen napkins are also included
livery article in the store reduced- This sale
will close on Saturday July 20, 1202. Besure " and
get yo ur share of the bargains.
The Hegulat
at OeeHa!f Price.
We have them in colors at 25,
white waists from 50c to $2.
Remnants in all color and materials,
ance Sale of Remnants of Calicos, Percales,
Dimities, Shirtings,"Muslins, etc.
20 per cent reduction on all Dimities, Challies and Lawns.
We carry a full line of W. B. Corsets Girdles, Summer weights
and Straight Fronts, oc to $1.50
Ladies' 2-clasp Snide Lisle Gloves in black, greys and white, 50$
F. L. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or.
' Phone 191.
Of ben you sc it in our ad, it's so.
The Benton County Lumber Co
Manufacturers and Dealers in
. Roudb and Dressed Cumber
Shingles, Cafb atid Posts
A Square Deal for Everybody
Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregon
a few articles tojshow what
we are doing
' Domestic Dept
2o y ds brown muslin.... $1
2o " of gocd C8licc 1
2o " of cuting flannel 1
lo " of eccd bleacbfd mifUn 1
All other goods greatly reduced
Boys Clothing
$1 5o boye Fiiits at ......$1 So
2 00 boye suit? .at 1 7o
2 5o boye fuits at 2 15
3 eo boys fuits at 2 5o
3 5o boys suits at....... 2 9o
Tbtee 6uits are of tha Banner
Biand make of Chicago
Special on Groceries
1 tan f ardineF. J 5c
1 bcx 3 B Blacking. 4c
1 dcz cJothes pine... lc
1 21b can pork & beans 15c
1 can deviled ham 5c
1 bcitlt Carters Ink 4c
or of Lo
w Prices
35, 50, 75C and $1 .00 up to $2.oot
We are making a Clear'
Lawns, Swisses, Challies,
. . - .
Mens Clothing
00 mens suits at $ 5 91
00 mens suits at 6 81
00 mens suits at 8 5i
00 mens suits at lo 2
00 mens suits at: 12 75
These suits are of the Hart
affner & Marx inake
Boys & Mens Sweaters
$ 5oc sweaters at ...$ 45
1 00 sweaters at 85
1 00 sweaters at.. 1 2o
2 00 sweaters at 1 65
2 5o sweaters at 2 15
In plain and fancy colors
Special on Groceries
1 can corned beef 15c
1 lb washing powder ......4e
8 lbs Lion coffee .. $1 00
8 lbs Arbuckles 1 o
12 lb box crackers 7oc
6 bars Savon soup 25c