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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1902)
Vol. XV." No 22. CORVALLIS, OREGON, JULY 16, 1902. B. F. IRVINE Editor amo Pro W. T. ROWLEY M. I). . Homeopathic Physician, Surgeon and oculist Office Rooms 1 2 Bank B13g. Residence on 3rd et between Jackson & Monroe, Corvallis, Or. Resident Plione 311 Office Hours 10 to 12 a m. 2 to i aai 7 to7:3D p m DR W. H. HOLT DB MAUD B. HOLT. Osteopathic Physicians Office on South Main St. Consul tation and examinations free. . Office hours: 8:3o to 11:45 a. m 1 to 5:45 p. rn. Phone 235. L. G ALTMAN M. B ""-. Homeopathist Office cor 3rd and Monroe ets. Resi dence cor 3rd and Harrison sts. Hours 10 to 12 A. M. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays 9 to 10 A, . M, Phone residence 315. H. S. Pernot Physician and Surgeon Office over Post Office. Residence, Cor. -gth & Jefferson Sts. Hours io to 12 a. xd to 4 p. m. Orders may be left at Gra am & W ortham's Drug Store. B. A. OATHEY, M. D. Physician 8? Surgeon. Office: Room 14, Bank Building. Office Hours ft 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. G. R. FARRA, PHYSICIAN, SCBGEOX & OfiSTETICIAN Residence In front ol court house facing 3rd et. Office hours 8 to 9 a. in. 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 COBVALlIS OREGON C. H. NEWTH, Physician and Surgeon PHJX03IATH OKEGON J. P. Huffman Architect Office in Zierolf Building. Hours Jsom 8 to 5. Corvallis Orego n Abstract of Title Conveyancing 3osepb if Wilson Attorney-At-Law ... Practice in all the courts.' Notary Public Office in ISurnett Brick. E. B. Bryson, " Attorney-At-tAiv. -POSTOFFTCE BUILDING S. Holgate ATTORNEY AT LAW JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Stenography and typewriting done. Office in Burnett brick Corvallis, Oreg Notary Public E. E. WILSON, ATTOBNET-AT-LAW, Offlce ia Zieriolf's building. Willamette. River Route, oo GonaHis and Portland oo Btr. Pomona Leaves Corvallis Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 6 a. m. Leaves Portland Tuesdoy, Thursday and Saturdays at 6:45 a- m- - ' Oregon City Transportation Co, Office & dock foot Taylor St, ( Portland, Oregon. PLANS FOR HANNA IP THEY CAN WILL-MAKE HIM NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT NEXT TIME. . ; Many Leaders Tacitly for Roosevelt But Secretly Against Him A House Burglarized by a Woman and Steals Fine Jewelry. Other News. Washington, July 5. It is ad mitted by his friends that from this time out Senator Hanna may be considered a candidate for the re publican nomination for president in 1904. He Will deny he is a can didate, but the fact remains that the men who are so close to him think. him a candidate. Lines are already shaping foracontes between, himself and Mr. Roosevelt. There i3 no doubt Senator' Quay, of Pensylvania, will throw his entire influence to Presiden Roosevelt. There is bitter personal en mity between Hanna and Quay. It was Hanna who kept Quay out of the senate after his appointment by Governor Stong; it was Quay, aid ed by Senator Piatt, of New York, who unloaded Roosevelt on the re publican national convention ia 1900, against Hanna's protest. Hanna's plan has been to corral delegates I for the next republican convention and hold them "in trust" for Presideut Roosevelt. Quay represents a school of politics that takes nothing on trust. He thinks the delegates ' who . are for Roosevelt should be controlled by Roosevelt, not by Hanna. To the casual observer it is made to appear Hanna wants Roosevelt renominated as much as anybody. He is playing to get in a position where he can eay he has been in the band wagon" all the time, if the sentiment for Roosevelt, at conven tion is to strong to be overcome," cr where he can take the delegates himself if enough disaffection ex ists to make that possible. Hanna has two points of strength. The first is that almost the entire republicen membership of congress is against Roosevelt, and the second one hat the big financial and business men of the country the great railroad operators, the Wall street magnates, the men who con trol the vast combinations of capi tal do not deem Roosevelt "safe" and do tbink Hanna eminently so. The fact that congress is against the president is not so weighty as the fact that the financial interests are against him. Wall street and its allies do much toward dictating the nomination for president in the republican party. The point that will be urged against Roosevelt and in Hanna's favor is the president's lack of sound political judg-rent and steadiness of character. It will ba said he is shifty, variable, im pulsive andikely to acs without mature reflection. This will be done by the republican members in congress and by the Hanna machine politicians. A republican senator who is ac quainted with the method that will be pursued by ahti Roosevelt mem bers of congress and politicians eay: . The endeavor from this time on will be to create an impression that Roosevelt is not a proper man with whom to trust the fortunes, of the partty. The public utterances of these,.members of congress will be in praise of Roosevelt, but in' con fidence to Ihose who influence local sentiment a different view will be given. From mouth to mouth it will be whispered that Roosevelt is a fine fellow, honest, courageous, frank, impulsive perhas to. much so at times; self-reliant perhaps not as willing as he should be to take the the advice of party leaders and to consider the welfare of the party; loyal to his friends perhaps not wise in their selection; patriotic perhaps too much carried away by the spectacular and too vainglori ous to consider properly the com mon workaday welfare of the coun try; a very good republican per haps not always discieet incosnider ing the interests of the party a fine fellow if be were only Bound and could be trusted to do the right thing in the right way." The paesident's object in making the great swing around the cirele this fall is to show the people that these reports of his instability are not based on proper regard for his real character. Curiously enough his-opponents are glad he is going to make the trip, for they say he is bound to do something somewhere that wili strongthen the impression they infet nd to breath. There is no doubt that the president's pwing is for pure political reasons . He does not want to see the coantrj ; he has seen it all. He wants to talk face to face wih the people who have to elect dele gates to the next republican con vention. He intends to make a great play for Cuban reciprocity, and he intends also to justify the course of the administration in the Philippines. Aside from that there is a personal reason. The president likes the applause of the multitude as well as as any man who has ever been in public life. ;, . Hanna intends to stay at home in Cleveland most of the time. He does not have to go about the coun try. He has an organization in ev ery state. His chief lieutenant, Henry C. Payne, is now in Roose velts cabinet, but that does not seem to worry Hanna any. Payne and Hanna have been closely asso eiated for many years and perhaps Payne is in the cabinet for purpos es of Hanna. The only two expert politicians who are sincerely for Roosevelt are Senators Quay and Piatt, of New York. These men see in him an opportunity to further their own ends. They are not so hide bound in their loyalty that they would not change ii necessity re quired. .It is understood General James S." Glarkson, recently appointed sur veyor of the Port of New York, will soon go into the South in Roose velt's intere'L '. Clarksoh is an old national committee campaigner who has been rather discredited of late, but who was taken care of by Sen ator Piatt and who will do Piatt's bidding. On the other band, every national committeeman in tfce South is a Hanna man. There are not more than five members of the re publican national committee who "will say honestly that Roosevelt should be renominated. A the matter now stands the peo ple seem to be with Roosevelt and the politicians against him. It is two years before the nominating convention will be held and politi cians can do a great deal in two years. Dsspite Hanna's candidacy it looks now, to the unprejudiced observer, that Roosevelt would se cure the nomination. Providence, R. I.,' July 9. Little footprints that strongly resemble those made by a woman's shoes, and the print of hands, alio like a woman's, lead detectives, to believe that a woman burglar, robbed the house of Jahn J. Battam, at No. 113 Courtland street, last night. Mr. Battam was away from home last evening with his wife, but left the lights burning in three rooms of his house. They were surprised upon their return at a late hour to find that they could not enter the front door from the outside. Upon going to the rear door it was at once apparent that there had been a bur glary. The kitchen windows were up and the lights were out. It was found by the police that the house had been entered by breaking a light of glass, slipping back the catch and opening a wind ow. Two bedrooms on the second floor were in great confusion. Ar ticles of every description covered tne noor. me list or stolen prop erty, worth over $1,200, includes thee articles: Woman's gold watch valued at $S0; two rings with five diamonds in each valued at $120 each; ring with three small emeralds, $65; large marquise ring, diamonds, $175; large cluster diamond lings, $loo each; large marquise ring with ruby centre, $12o; pin with three diamonds, $75, and $441 in cash. Don't Fail to Try This. Whenever an honest trial is giv en to Electric Bitters for any troub les it is recommended for, a perma nent cure will surely be af fected. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invig orate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver troubles, Stomach Disorders, Nerv ousness, Sleeplessness, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Sat isfaction guaranteed by Graham & Wortham. Only 50 cents. THE FUGITIVE TRACT X)NCE MORE OUTWITS HIS PURSUERS. He Boards a Freight Train and Pro ceeds to Palmer Consumes One ofIrs. Pautot's Pies and Talk3 Variously. Seattle, June 14. Tracy was in close quarters with deputies yester day afternoon,' near Palmer. Had they known that he was within fifty $st of them, as he knew tb?y were, a battle would certainly have resulted. - The incident happened at the house of Farmer Pautot, a few miles from Palmer. Tracy appear ed there early in the day. He ask ed the old man if he could buy food. The farmer said he could, and together they , entered the house. There, Tracy revealed his identity. Mrs. Pautot supplied him with a pie and milk. Tiacy busied himself with asking questions about the roads, the adjacent coun try and neighboring towns as he ate At this juncture the dialogue was interrupted by the sound ot a vehi cle coming along the road. In an instant, the outlaw, who was con stantly alert, listened to the racket of the rumbling conveyance,' and then took action when convinced that the noise he heard was not im aginary. Seizing his rifle, he quick ly andnnoiselessly leaped from the chair by the table and sidestepped into the bedroom adjoining the kitchen, which is also the living room. Crouching low, gun in hand Tracy pulled the white curtain a side an inch and awaited" the com ing of the travelers'. m Through this peek hole he could see everything for 100 yards on either side of the house, up and down the road. A moment later the vehicle hove into view,; fi'tled with armed, men who wsre members of the posse. In the buggy were Deputy Sheriff McGee, Fred Burner and four others, who were then driving to points along the county road near Green river to station themselves. The men in the rig did not pause a moment at Pautot's to make inquiries, as is generally the custom, and thus missed a battle with the enemy whom they were so eagerly search ing. The moment the desperado saw the possemen, he doubtless be lieved they had heard of his where abouts and that at last he had been breught to bay. The spirit of the man at once asserted itself, however, as well as his cool-head-edness and caution. Instead of op ening fire upon the occupants of the conveyance and mowing known the pursuers, Tracy stepped from the window to one side agaicst the wall where he stood perfectly mo tionless, with the stock of bis rifle resting on the floor. All his nerve was needed at this crucial moment, and he expected the deputies to halt the buggy, walk Up to the house and abk for information. Un conscious of the great opportunity that was theirs, the officers rattled along over the gravel. The'desperado strained his ears to learn what the officers were do ing. There was no bait, the wheels joggled over the Etones up to the gate and passed it. On rolled the rig toward the Green River bridge, and Tracy took a long breath of relief. Seattle, July 14. While the dep uties were confident yesterday that Tracy must be near the end of his rope, the information received this morning is not encouraging. Tracy was twice reported near the Indian reservation, close to Enum claw last evening. This morning the posse accompanying- the dogs rushed from Kanasket to Buckley on a false clew, only to find a mes sage that Tracy had exchanged shots with the deputies near Palmer last night. The men and dogs at once started back to Palmer by way of Enumclaw. They arrived at noon, but the. trail was then cold' and the dogs could do nothing. The follow ing message was received at n a. m. Enumclaw. July 14 After a wild ride to Buckley to Enumclaw the posse caught the freight 'train to Palmer. Ward had been receiv ed here that Tracy fought a battle with two deputies at the Palmer school house last night. No par ticulars or names are known. Al- may ; be expected Tracy worked a neat game on the officers in order to get to Palmer. He was within a mile of that place yesterday morning, when he learn ed that the officers were there. He then worked back toward Enum claw and showed himself on the road to Buckley. He was in the woods and whiie the officers were stationing guards he ran a mile and boarded a freight trai.i on a grade and proceeded to Palmer, where he is, no doubt, making for the stam pede pass, Seattle, July I4. Tracy lay with in 30 feet of the posse and blood hounds at Enumclaw", and heard them discuss plans for hia capture. He learned the direction the pos se wa3 going in and struck out in the opposite one. - , Enumclaw, Wash., Jnly 13. Af ter two dava of inactivitv the man- hunters are once again hot on the trail of Harry Tracy, the out-law convict. At 9:30 o'dock tonight the bloodhounds were placed on his track, and, After following it for three-quarters of a mil?, lost, it in a dense swamp that 'borders the road leading from here tD Buckley The wires have been kept humming for two hours with message to sur rounding towes, and it 13 believed that Tracy will be either killed or captured by noon tomorrow. Tra cy was seen at 5 o'clock this after neon one and one-half inile3 east of Enumclaw by Clarence Barke, a 10-year-old boy. . He was sitting near the edge of a gravel pit as the lad passed byon a bicycie. Hail ing the lad, Tracy enquired the road to Buckley. The lad imparted the information desired, and then hast ening into towu, imparted the news of what he bad seen. The inform ation was telephoned ex-Sheriff Woolery, in charge of the posse at I Enumclaw, by Sheriff Hartmaa of rierce county, who Happened to oe here, and also Deputy McKillen, at Buckley. , , Woofery "and- flvo guare-B-proourr ed a team a3 soon as poseioie and came here with the bloodhounds. They were placed on the trail and followed it for three-quarters of a mile. -It was very dark when the hounds were thrown off the scent at the swamp, and, after a consulta tion, the posse decided to cover all possible avenues of escape and wait until daylight before Jtrying to fol low the trail ifarther. The instant the bloodhounds struck the scent they strained at the leash and bayed in a manner of being on the trail of the convict. The description given by young Burke, without the behavior of the hounds, shows plainly that Tracy has once again been located. It is believed that Tracy is heading di rectly for Buckley. When he was at Frank Portaut's house along Green river Fiiday night he asked the farmer to take a rig and drive him to Bubkley. He was told the horse was too old to'stand such a trip, and replied that he would have to stait for there without a team. His appearance on the Buckley road, east of here, and withip three and a quarter miles of his destination, 6bows that his questions were not intended to throw bis pursuers of the trail. Not only ia the Cordon abaut the outlow tonight regarded as very strong, but the men are determined to capture or to kill him. Orders have been sent out to search all trains at points where Tracy might aleempt to board them. The officers unite in saying that for the first time Eince the convict was believed to be in a death trap at the Green river bridge, they a gain have him where the cutiook for hi3 capture is excellent. At daylight the hounds will be again placed on the trail unless word is received that Tracy has shown up at some point where time can be gained by adopting diffetent tactics. The region through which the con vict must pas3 unless he should back-track and pass through the cordon or take a direct eastern course over thehills is of such a na ture it is believed' the hounds will have bo trouble in keeping the scent. The point where Tracy was seen by youug Burke is close to a gravel pit about a mile and a half east of town on a road which leads! to the White River Mills. Fort de France, Island of Mar tinique, July 11. There was a fresh eruption of Mount Pelee this morning. most anything now. HE CANNOT TELL, HIS OWN NAME WHERE HE BE-. LONGS OR AUGHT OF HIS PAST LIFE. A Man's Strange Predicament Peace Is Short Lived in Trans-' vaal Other News. A man of about 35 years of age, six feet in height and weighing 175 pounds, walked into the office of a . Brunswick, Maine physician and asked his aid in establishing hia identity. A careful examination showed no trace of mental trouble. The man is remarkably intelli gent and bright, but i3 utterly un able to place himself. He does not know his age or occupation or resi dence, whether he is married or single, or has any living relatives. He is anxious to establish his iden tity, and has eent descriptions of himself to the police of ssveral cit ies, asking their aid in locating his home. He is dressed in light trousers, drab coat and vest, brown overcoat and light soft hat. He is smooth shaven and has brown hair. Ha says that about two weeks ago he l felt a peculiar pressure about his head and felt dizzy. Soon after ward this left himj but he was un able to remember anything of his past life. Ha was at the time ia Rockland. He thought the sensation would soon pass away and went to Bath, where he has been since. The only clew he has to his iden tity is the laundry mark C. B. E. in his collar and a card in his pock et which reads: "C. E. Brown." Ha cannot real! if that his name. Colorado Spring3, Colo., July 14. H. C de Roo, an adjutant in the Boer army, under Delarey, is in the city on a visit. He says in his o pinion peace wili not last two years in the Transvaal. The arms turned lat'o'the" British 'are'wdrthless', and the good ones have been buried in secret places. He says England is trying to make Englishmen of the Boers, and when they pat on the screws too hard the latter will re bel. Lawrence, Kari., July 13. Nine ty feet of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe track at Lake View was washed away today, the water rush ing into the old river-bed from the Kansas river. The previous break in the track across the eastern arm. of the lake just formed had not been remedied, and a work train was caught between the two breaks without coal or water. The water continued to rise at the lake all day and flowed over the Santa Fe tracks. The country east of the lake is badly flooded, and many families are moving away. The river here is three inches high- er than it was yesterday. It broke through its north bank a mile north of here today, and isnowgiv ing the Union Pacific cause for a larm. South Band, Wash., July 11. The suspect who has been detained in the county jail because of his re semblence to Merrill was released tonight. Warden Janes arrived this evening from the Salem penitentia-. ry, and said the man was not Mer rill, although he bears a striking resemblance to the escaped con vict. , St. Thomas, July 11. Advices received here from the Island of St. Vincent eay that three earthquake shocks were experienced there Tues day within four hours. Wednesday there were three loud detonations from the Souffriere vol cano, between 8 arid 10 o'clock last night. Advices from Barbados say that loud detonations were heard there Wednesday night from a westerly direction. Butte, Mont., July 6 An at- tempt was made early this morning to chloroform a -family of seven per sons by a man who was frightened away. His object, it is presumed, was to abduct Eva McCaffrey, a quarter-breed Indian girl. The perpetrator is believed to have been Peter Dempsey, a condemned mur derer, who escaped from jail a year ago. He was enamored of the girl prior to his arrest. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdel Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. &m Frncisc