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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1902)
LOCAL LORE. Wool 15 Ride a Rambler. Born Saturday to Mrs M O Hart a son. Miss May Mangas left Thursda y for Detroit for an outing. Miss Gladys Moore left Tuesday for a visit with friends at Eugene. Mrs B W Johnson is on a two weeks vi&it to relatives in Roseburg and Eugene. She left Sunday. Mrs John Sloans and daughter of Eugene arrived Wednesday ana are the guests of relatives In Corvallis. Mrs Andrew Carrlek, Mrs Dan Frlchard and children left Wednesday for a months outing at Newport. Mrs Roscoe S Bryson of Pendle ton arrived Thursday for a visit with relatives, Miss Grace Gatch gave a tea Thursday afternoon in honor of her friend Miss Pelton. Th n.nnna.1 meetiosr of the OAO board of regents occurs at the college next Wednesday. Mrn V Tj Miller returned Thurs day from a five weeks visit with Portland friends. The Covell family left Thursday to occupy the Nye Creek cottage dur ing the summer. After a visit in Corvallis. Miss Detta Sargent left Wednesday to take a position In a candy store in San FrancUco. Mr and Mrs Cordley and child itff. Thiimrtu for NewDort for the season. They are to occupy the Woodward cottage. Monroe Cameron moved Thurs- - day with his family into his newly purchased home at t he northwest corner of Jefferson and Eighth. PnntnJn Vfrlalln will arrive on Saturday July 12th not Wednesday ma first, nnrmiiriced. and bold his wel come meeting in Salvation Army Hall, John Whitaker is lame, he step npd hfiiivilv from a hav rake 10 days ago, and sprained his knee. The condi tion of the umb is not improved. Seattle newspapers proleea to be- linvn now f.hat Tracv is insane, but r HlRnrfiatlv silent respecting the officers whom the convict continues to outwit. Aftp.r a visit with her sister Mrs TSncfina Simpson Mrs Watson, accom panied by hei children, left Tuesday for her home in San Francisco. As delegates of the grand lodge of A O U W and D of H. Nell New- hmiRaand Mrs Tavlor Porter (to to Portland Monday. Mrs Gussie Dolph and children and Miss Thorp left Thursday for Newport .for the summer. They are to occupy a cottage. Richard Graham and familv are camDincr for a month at Newport, They left the first of the week. They were joined Thursday by Miss Lura Ffett. " Mrs Per not, mother of Dr Pernot, and Mxs E F Pernot left Thursday to spend the summer at Newport, They are to occupy the Pernot cot tage. - Mr and Mrs D C Rose returned WedneBdav from McMinnvlile. where Mr Rose, who Is a trustee, went to at tend a meeting of tne uregon jt ire K9 lief Association. The Corvallis Flouring Mills has been awarded the contract for supply ing flour to the State Insane Asvlum and penitentiary for the ensuing year.' The aanuut required is i,zwu oarreis. Kratz Cronise returned Wednes dav from Salem wnere he has been visiting relatives for the past three weeks. He was accompanied by his cousin, Ralph Cronise, F L Miller has abandoned former Dlans for remodelling bis house, and is to build a new residence complete. The buildiog, when completed, will be one of the best in town. Unhappy Seattle, with such char acter and reputation that the Tracys Merrills and other crooks, fleeing from the law select it as their surest and safest asylum. G S O Humbert will occupy the pulpit at the Christian Church next Lords day. At 11 a m he will give an exposition of the "Fiist Psalm. At 8 b m the theme will be : "The Purpose of the Ages." Sunday School at 10 a m, Christian Endeavor at 7 p m, Somebody got mired in the road near Mack Porter's place Tuesday. A passer-by told of the incident at the Times office. The wagon was laden with wool, and as the traveler passed . some of the wagon wheels were in mud up to the hub. The name of the victim is not known. ; A third race between the Tortora horse and the Cook mare was run on the Kiger track Tuesday evening. Like the two former races, it resulted in a victory for the mare. Some horse men seem to think the horse was not able to do his best in the last race on account of the fall sustained in the second. L R Grimes, of De Moines, Iowa, accom nanied bv a friend, arrived Tu esday. He has heen absent from home six weeks, and is making a trip over the coast, ascertaining the price of land and looking over the eountry. After a dav in Corvallis. he left for Portland Wednesday. Mr Grimes is an old friend of A O White of this.clty Wheat 53. W E Yates went to Portland Thursday. Lice are reported thick on the hop vines in Lane county. Dr and Mrs Harper now occupy the Callahan cottage on 5th street. "She hasent much of a' figure has she?" "No but her father has," Chailes Wiley and Miss Vida Hart were united in marriage Thursday, MUs Ora Reed left Wednesday, after a week's visit with Mias Mildred Llnvllle. John Wiles has been confined at the home of his son Walter with illness for a few days. R S Bryson has succeeded Lot Livermore as librarian for the Pendle ton Commercial- Association. Miss Anna Denman' left yester-. day to cornplt ts h' r ichool ar Nortoas, of which five weeks j et leaialn. '. A force of men are at work on the dam the Corvallis Mills is construct ing across Marys River, southwest of town. Cobble: Has Blddle had any trouble with his wife? Stone: I in fer so. He calls his home Mount Pelee. E E Wilson has heen appointed administrator of the estate of James Marvin Applewhite, and hl3 bond has been fixed at $2,uuu. . James L Sklpton, deputy sheriff of Benton county uuder Sheriff Os- burn has been appointed deputy sheriff of Marlon county. Hearing upon the petition of L N Edwards guardian for authority to sell real property of the Edwards minor heirs has been continued in the probate court to August 4th. Mrs Rowley mother of Dr Rowley stepped on a wet back porch last Saturday and in the fall that resulted an ankle was badlv sprained. She is la confined to her bed with the in iurv. 'rne iimo nas Deen ior several j - . days in a plaster of Paris mould. Eugene Register:-Wallace Cham- hfirlin. a rugged mountaineer of this vlcinikv. has gone to the scene of Tracv's exDloits. If Chamberlain gets a chance at the desperado, "some thing will be doin," for he is a man total v rinvoid of onvslcal rear ana a dead shot. Assessor Bush and Deputy Tar tar are busy on the assessment roll at the court house. The assessment navn in a few scattering instances is completed; and the work of classify ing and correcting the- blanks and copying them on the roll Is In pro gress. The roll is now about half done and perhaps a month will be re quired to complete it. It is expected that Judge Hamil ton will be a passenger on the Cor vallis &. Eastern today, en route to Lincoln county to hold court, which convenes Monday. Prisoner Tergen who has been in the Benton county jail since February will be taken over today, and with him will e& a young girl from the Orphans home in Port land who will be a witness against him. -From the I7th to the 2 4th of the current month there is to be a street carnival In Albany. The advertised attractions are a balloon ascension and parachute jump, grand elide for life on wire from the highest available point, high wire bicycling, a troupe or Turkish actors, The South Before the War, introducing life and merriment of slavery days, Edison's Electric Shows. German village and other feat ures. The carnival occurs during the encampment of the Oregon National Guard at Albany. A horse that was lying down rose up in a pasture along the road side as George Cooper and family drove to Plymouth church last Sun day, The team shied and ran the carriage against a big boulder. A seat in the carriage and its occupants were thrown out. The latter were Misses Rubena and Etta Smith and Mr and Mrs Cooper.s little daughter. All were bruised by the fall and the child was cut more or less in the upper portion of the ear. The latter wound was dressed bv a physician, and the little ene is recovering. New real estate transfers filed for record are, L M Mattoon and wife to School District 36. one and a half acres at Summit, $1; Lee Henkle and wife to William McBee, two lots In Philomath, $200; W H McBee and wife to Adella M Neff two lots in Phllo. math,$475; R W Johnson to Martha Stephens, 12 acres near Albany, $250; F Berchtold and ' wife to S B Bane lot 4 in block 19 house and lot in Cor vallis, $700; W S Huffard and wife to W C f Shriber Idiots in Wilkins addi tion. $300; State of Oregon to Anna Augusta Meakin, 40 acres nine miles west of Monroe, $50. W W West, who was assistant auditor under C C Hogue of the eld O P in the latter part of the eighties and begenning of the nineties has been in town for several- days. He was also in the employ of the company for a time at the Yaquina end of the line, and subsequently was a real es tate partner of R F Baker, Mr West is now located at Denver, Colorado, and has there a five acre fruit farm in the suburbs of the city; It is comple tely surrounded by a big irrigating ditch from which at any time any part of the farmor balldlngs can beinudated with water. Mr West Is out on a visit to old friends, and has gone to Newport for a fewjlays. - LOCAL MINING MEN A Company with Capital of More Than a Million Articles Filed. At the clerk's office, The Grea Eastern Mining Company has filed articles of incorporation. The in- .,i -ro TTrvrao T.i11v. T Hf.hpnpfit on the life of her late hus- l III IIUI dLUl J CIXV. i J p Wpllslier. Ausrust W Fischer, W W Calkins, George Lilly, A K Milner and Lewis Hartley. The capital stock is $1,250,000, divided into 1,250,000 shares of $1 each. Nine hundred thousand shares are to be issued to the incorporation, to be paid for in full by deed to said corporation of certain mines owned by the incorporators in pro portion to the value agreed upon by the said incorporators. The re maining 350,000 shares are to be held as treasury stock and are to be sold under the direction of the board of directors, and the pro ceeds thereof is to be used in the prosecution of the business of the corporation. The principal office is to be at CorvalKs, Oregon Ihe duration of the corporation is to be 1 The enterprise, business and oc cupation in which the corporation is to engage, is the purchasing, owning, leasing, worKing, opera 1 ing, buying and selling for profit, mines and mineral claims in Ore gon A1n Hie construction, pur- ooeration of water ditches and quartz mills, and doing any other thing necessary or convenient to she successful pro secution of the work of mining. The company owns mines in the Bohemia district. EASTERNERS COMING An Excursion to Reach Corvallis Mon- day The Number is Fifty. An excursion of Eastern people is to visit Coivallis. Monday. The number will be about 50. They will come bv the Westside and. will arrive about noon. Their prime purpose is to visit the c.llege Qtiri thev are to De served wiin lunch at Cauthorn Hall. After ward they will cross via the Cor vallis & Eastern to Albany, and re turn bv the eastside to Portland. The visitors are food and dairy commissioners, and others from the East. They represent 17 of the states of the Union . Some of them are Agricultural college peopie, notably those whose work is along chemical lines. Thev have been holdine a convention in Portland, and while here are beine shown various parts of the state. They snent two davs at Astoria. The entertainment in Corvallis is largely provided for. Arrange ments have been perfected for ice cream and strawberries . to be sent from Portland. It is arranged for by Food Commissioner Bailey who suoolied the means for its purchase The rest of the luncheon is being TM-rwided for bv colleee people and friends. Dr Withvcbmbe is anx ious that a number of citizens and their wives meet the visitors during the hitter's brief stayf and endeavor to make the visit pleftsant. A CURIOUS FIND Bv a Sewer Gane Ran Across! two Indian Graves andjQueer Relics. w 1 A Benton countv irnan now there writes the Times of finds made by workmen digging a sewer at Fort Columbia, Washington,- Mxten' sive e-overnment improvements; are in nrofirress there. In the course of excavations, the sewer digger enr countered two Indian graves. 1 On the remains in" one of the graves was found a souvenir medal in bronze, bearing the picture of Gen eral W H Harrison and the date, 1 84.1. On the other side, in plain; letters were the words, "The People's Choice for President." Various other relics were found in the graves, among them a $2. 50 gold piece. Also a ring of solid gold. The latter, instead of being round, was octagonal in shape. In both graves, Indian beads of all descriptions were obtained. The Benton county man who writes ofhe find, is Iee Kennedy, formerly of Summit. Call for Warrants. Notice is here by given that there is money in the treasury to pay all city warrenta drawn on the general fund and indorsed prior to July i3 19OO, In terest will stop on same on this date. Dated, Corvallid Oregon. July 8 1902 . William McLagan. : City Treasurer For Sale A fine Durhrm milk cow, fresh. Z L Brooks Posts Shingles and all kinds of dimension lumber on hand at the Benton County lumberyard.' Bears the y?tlB Kini1 You HaYB Always .congp mguauuv of GOT A THOUSAND Of Fraternal Order Benefit Preparing for Deer Hunts Ho! for the Seaside. Mrs V. E. Elliott received a draft Thursday for$i,ooo insurance band, who died a few weeks ago. The draft was from the Degree of Honor order of which he was a member. . The Corvallis & Eastern station platform Thursday was a sight to see. It was piled high, wide ana deep with camping outfits, cottage beloneiners and other appliances for seaside life. The movine of the paraphernalia and the meand erings of the crowd at train time made a cheery bustle. The train pulled out of Corvallis with two coaches well filled with passengers, and the baggage and express cars filled to the doors. Various Corvallis sportsmen take to the woods next Monday to be fifSt Qn hand for deer shooting when the nnpti season is ushered in at dawn Tuesday morning. Two or three parties have already been planned. Samuel Bane left yes terday to take a hunt in Douglas county, where he believes deer to be larerer and perhaps more abund- ant. During the week a numDer of new rifles and old ones also have been taken out for trial. HIS PACKAGE And What it Contained It Wasn't Laundry The Heathen Grinned- , This is one on Ruthyn Turney. He loves a violin, aud is a great performer on that king of instru ments. He went to the laundry the other day. He believed the package he carried was soiled linen to be laundried. When he opened it in the presence of the washee man, the celestial grinned. So did Ruthyn. What thev both saw as the pack age unrolled, was not soiled linen, but Ruthyn' s fiddle box. "Ketcn um wlong washee," said the heath en. "Yes, ketchum wlong washee," replied Ruthvn. as they grinned arain at each other over the riddle box, on which the well known mu sician carefullv adiusted the paper, and then returned for his real laundry. ' It will pay you to investigate goods and Diices at T H Harris You can save money.. 2ti4 Jlliniiiiitoersary As the 32nd year ot my business career has closed, I will cere hratethe event with my customers by giving each and every one a genuinebarain. We bring the pecjple ot We append Dress Goods $ 25 Drees goods at......... 21 39 62 i 5u driiiin guoclD at 75 dress poods at 1 00 dress goods at.. 78 1 5o drees goods at 1 2o Shirt Waists $ 5oc ehirt waiets at $ 38 75c ehirt waiets at 62 1 00 ehirt waists at 78 1 5o ehirt waiets at 1 2o We have some odd ends that go at 5oc each Table Linen $ 25c table linen at 21 5oc table linen at .41 75c table linen at. 62 1 00 table linen at............ 79 Our linen napkins are also in cluded - Eve ry article in the store reduced- This sale will close on Saturday July 20, 1802. Eesure arid get your share of the bargains. THE TONES' $3 00 Sboe-the correct shape" Shoe for men is filled betweea outsole Hnd indole with a mixture of ground cork and rubber, whicl acts as a for the wearer's foot, keeps out mouture and pre sents Miaakiiip. Always $3.oo, never less. Better than -soon Shoes at $3' 00. . TOPROUND .$3.5f Sheep, made from White's Crown Calf, wears better, keeps i polish betUr, in fact, the beBt Shoe made in the world for the pile A fow reasons only why you should wear Topround $3.5o Shoes. ( FIRST Only very best upper leather Used. SECOND Only heaviest sole leather used. '1 HIltD Oi ly solid leather lifts for heels. FOTR.TH Only fast-color hooks and eyelets. Never wear braBay. FIFTH Only best of lining and trimmings. SIXTH Only best of sole-leather counters. SEVENTH Only skilled labor employed. Every pair is fitted with silk, and all have wide leather bace stays, which prevent breaking over the counter. Sold only by F. L. MILLER'S Corvallis, Or. Phone 19l! ttJben you see it in our ad, if s so The Benton County Lumber Ci Manufacturers and Dealers in Rouab ana Dressed Cumber Shingles Eatb and Posts A Square Deal for Everybody. Yards near Southern Pacific Depot, Corvallis, Oregosa. will inaugurate an anniversary sale that will Coryallis and vininity to a few articles to we are doing Domestic Dept 2o yds. brown muslin ....$1 00 2o " of good calico 1 00 2o " of outing flannel 1 00 lo " of good bleached muslin 1 00 All other goods greatly reduced Boys Clothing $1 5o boys eniiB at $1 3o 2 co boys suits at 1 7o 2 5o boys tuits at..,., . 2 15 3 co boys euits at 2 5o 3 5o boys euits at 2 9o These "suits are of the Banner Brand make of Chicago Special on Groceries 1 can sardines 5c 1 box 3 B Blacking 4c 1 dnz clothes pin... lc 1 21b can pork & beans 15c 1 can deviled bam 5c .1 bottle Carters Ink 4c The Regulator of Low Prices KLIN Tlie "W"la.ite Hovise $3le our store. show what Mens Clothing $ 7 00 mens suits at $ 5 94 8 00 mens suits at 6 84 lo 00 mens euits at... 8 5e 12 00 mens suits at lo 1c 15 00 mens suits at 12 75 These suits are of the Hart Sch- affner & Marx make Boys & Mens Sweaters $ 5oc sweaters at ....$ 45 1 00 sweaters at- 85 T 5o sweaters at 1 2o 2 00 sweaters at. 1 65 2 5o sweaters at 2 15 In plain and fancy colors Special on Groceries 1 can corned beef.. 15os 1 lb waehing powder 4& 8 lbs Lion coffee ..-.$1 oo 8 lbs Arbuckles...... .... 1 oo 12 lb box crackers 7oo 6 bars Savon soap... ..25a