The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, July 12, 1902, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times,
Official Paper of Benton County,
OORVAIXIS, OEEGON jriT 18, 1908.
It is to the interest of heavy tax
payers to encourage in every way
. the improvement of public roads
under the dollar-per-dollar plan.
If half the expense is borne by vol
unteer labor,' the cost of roadbuild
ing to the county will be but half what
it would be underany other plan.
The psople are almost if not entire
ly unanimous in a demand for per-
v manent betterment of the roads,
and every dollar of such improve-
Mail Carriers Must Deliver Mail in
. Boxes Along the Route.
The mail carrier on star routes
now is a traveling postoffice. He
must deliver mail in boxes, or hang
it in satchels, on cranes or posts es
tablished by residents along the
route. The government has issued
strict rules on the subject. Every
star route contract let in Oregon,
taking effect this month, comes un
der the regulation. The depart
ment rules on the subject, are as
"Any person living on or near the
route and not within the corporate
limits of any town or within 80
rods of any postoffice, who desires
his mail deposited at a given point
on the line of the route by the
carrier may provide and erect a
suitable box or crane on the road
side, located in such a manner as
to be reached as conveniently as
carrier without
the vehicle or
horse, and such person shall me
ment as is to be made that does not
come from volunteer sources must practicable by the
be raised by taxation. In cases of dismounting trom
taxation it is the bigtaxpayers who the postmaster at the post
are hardest hit, and the latter, as a Ooe to which his mail is addressed
means of self protection can best fwhich shall be one of the two post
ti-oir nwn i-ntPTPt Wlptidinfr offices on the route on either side
every encouragement to any plan
that, induces volunteer assistance.
And the smaller taxpayers are
equally interested. It is often
easier for them to take their own
teams and do a week's work on the
roads than it is to raise $25 or $50
in cash to pay road taxes. The
conclusion follows, that every tax
payer can serve himself in a finan
cial way, and promote the common
of and next to the box or crane
a request in writing for the deliv
ery of his mail to the carrier for
deposit at the designated point, at
the risk of the addressee. The
small bag or satchel above describ
ed, as well as the box or crane,
must be provided by the person for
whose use it is intendsd without
expense to the department
It shall be the duty of the post-
toaster at every such postomce,
upon a written order from -any per-
evn 1 J TTin rr rtn nr tipar tl rrilltf. trfc
welfare in a public way, by lending deliver tQ the mail carrier for that
every possible encouragement to route any mail matter placing in
the plan now presented.
A final consideration of import
ance is, that the more improve
ments that are made under the vol
unteer plan, the less there will be
to make on a plan of pure taxa
tion. I he more roads that are
built co-operatively, the less there
-will be to build from county funds
straight. With
tunity for much
yet to be accomplished this season,
are not these suggestions not well
worth more than passing attention
from taxpayers, bigr and little? Do
the respective satchels, where such
are used, the mail for the persons
to whom . such satchels belong
with instructions as to the proper
mail box or crane at which said
mail matter shall be deposited; but
registered mail shall not be so de
livered unless expressly requested
by the addressee in his written or
der. No mail matter so delivered
to the carrier shall be carried past
probable oppor- another postoffice on the route be-
road betterment fore being deposited into a mail box
or hung on a crane or post.
The carrier on the route will be
required to receive from any post
master on the route any mail mat
ter or private mail satchel that may
we want good roads? De we want
our land values to increase? Do
we want to take our products to
market in the winter time when
prices are best? Do we
lives to be easier and
That is Where the Trout Were Placed
A Great Landslide Formed it.
be entrusted to him outside the
usual mail bag, and shall carry
such mail matter or private mail
satchel to and deposit it into the
proper mail box or hansr it on the
want our proper mail crane on the line of the
homes route for this purpose: such service
by the carrier to be without charge
to the addressees.
The mail carriers must be of good
character and of sufficient intelli
gence to properly handle and de
posit the mail along the route.
The department does not pre
design 01 box
1 i-
T . 1i: Au-t- .i,.t.,, seriue any particular
A.U. IClUllg auuui iu,uuu ua.uj 1 , - , j r . i
. . 1 1 1 3 t1 I J1 3ctllUCL l(J UC U3CU 1UI UU3 atlV
trout Having uccu piaccu icicuuj
or satchel to be used
ice, but tne person providing enner
should see that it is of such char
acter as to afford ample protection
to his mail. If there is a lock at
tached, a key is not to be held
by the carrier, as he is expect
ed to deposit the mail .without the
necessity of ' unlocking the box.
The box or crane should be so lo
cated on the roadside that the car
rier can deposit tne man witnout
leaving his vehicle or horse, and
yet not where it will obstruct the
public travel.
The carrier is not required to
collect mail from the boxes, but
of the lake being fed by the waters 1 UUJ" ? .""6
of Rock Creek, it is the I,ittle Ya- 3U VL TiT t, T I
.r j 1.1 law provides that every carrier of
ine suae xnai iormcu uic mite - ., , . - .. . .
, , -c tQQ . the mail shall receive any mail mat
uuiuicu lu. rcuiuai v, iuo, uliu- , -, , . r
in a Lincoln county lake, the Times
describe it as the lake on the Wallis
Nash farm.- Charles Hamar of
Nashville, corrects the statement.
He writes the Times as follows:
"I see there is quite a mistake
going the rounds of the county pa
pers of both Benton and Lincoln,
concerning the lake ' where the'
10,000 baby trout were recently
turned loose. .
The lake happens to be on my
farm instead of Mr Nash's. Mr
Nash's farm on Rock Creek, being
anyway a mile beyond the lake, and
quite a mountain between. Instead
burying the house till only a
portion was ever taken out. The
lake covers the part where my
garden was located. There was no
one on the place when the slide oc
curred. There was somethiug near
a hundred acres m the slide. It is
now covered with a dense growth
of young alder trees so it would be
hard to realize that such a con
vulsion of nature had ever occurred."
office at which he arrives, but no
fees shall be allowed him therefor."
They Experimented What They De
termined Bulletins Issued From
. Station. .!
Three bulletins have justj been
issued by the experiment staff. One
tells of an experiment with a cow
to determine whether dangerous
germs drcnk in water from stag
nant pools could be transmitted t to
human being through the medium
of milk. Among -others, typhoid
fever germs were given in large
quantities to the cow, and the milk
was diligently watched. The. re
sults showed that the milk escaped
contamination, and that during the
10 days the germs were given the
cow, the milk product was . pure
and wholesome.
Another experiment with the
same cow was to determine wheth
er typhoid germs could be impart
ed to the milk inside the udder by
applying them on the outside and
on the teats. The germs were then
cultivated, and then put in water,
and the water applied to udder and
teats. After so remaining for
some time, the outside of the udder
and teats was thoroughly cleansed,
The milk, as in the other experi
ments, escaped pollution. The ex
periment was conducted and the
bulletin issued by Professor Pernot.
During the various processes, none
of the thousands of germs given the
cow were found in the excreta,
urine or milk showing that the di
gestive process of the animal des
troyed them. In case of an un
healthy cow, whose digestive ap
paratus might not be perfect, the
experimenter concludes that the
effects might be different.
Another of the bulletins is by
Dr Withycombe and Professor
Knisely and explains the experi
ments with steanvensilage, accounts
of which have hitherto appeared
in the Times. Stress is laid on the
excellent character of the silage by
steaming process, but the results
achieved are declared to be not yet
decisive, owing to the fact that only
small silos and a single kind of en
silage were used in the trials last
vear. This year larger silos and
corn, vetch, and clover, cut and un
cut are used. Of particular inter
est is the bulletins are pictures and
explanations of the silos used
the steaming experiment.
A third bulletin is by Prof Kent
and the subject is, "Testing Milk
and Cream." It contains much
interesting matter. All the bulle
tins are well worth reading, not
onlv by farmers, but all others
They can be had free, on applica
tion at the station.
Nolan & Callahan's great mid-sum
mer sale begins Saturday, July 12.
Blue Print Maps.
Blue print maps of any townsmp in
Roseburg Oregon and District, showiDg
all vacant lands for 50 cents each. If
vou want anv information from the U S
Xand Office address ' . "
Titi,e Guarantee & Loan Co
Boseburg, Ore.
For Sale ; ' -
. Thirty three head of Angora goats.
Also a span of mules. Address "B"
. . TL. f:.4 U.. ll.unt.r Dnunfi1
Rara tlia St 1118 W11J ,uu naB w""'"' DUUS11
t- .
Practiced in Our Courts Committed
Suicide Tohn J. Daly.
The news is that J. J. Daly,
whilom politician and lawyer of
Polk county is dead. A dispatch
relates that he committed suicide
at Pueblo, Colorado, last Monday
night, by the use of morphine. A
note left behind requested the news
of his death to be sent to his son
Floyd Daly at Dallas, or to the
grand master workman of the
A O U W of Oregon.
Mr Daly disappeared from Dallas
several months ago under unfor
tunate circumstances, and until
his death, his whereabouts was un
known to the general public. As a
lawyer, he frequently conducted,
cases in the courts at Corvallis, and
was very well known in this local
ity. - -
At one time he stood high in the
state, having occupied the position
of grand master workman of the
AOU W order.' ;
Notable "Man in Corvallis Corvallis
Men Coming From Washington.
In land contests filed against the
timber claims of John Hyde, Spen
cer and others who recently proved
up, a decision has bnen rendered
in favor of the timber claimants.
Prof W A Henry director of
the Wisconsin Experiment station
and dean of .the university, spent
a few hours m Corvallis Thursday,
visiting the college; He was sur
prised at the extent and character
of the plant and buildings, and was
warm in his praise of the work. He
was accompanied from Portland by
Dr Withycombe and Benton Killin.
He went over to Albany late in the
afternoon on his way to Berkeley,
where he is to deliver a course of
lectures in the summer school at
the university.
Mr Harry B Cusick and Miss
Nina Cline prominent young peo
ple, of Albany were married Wed
nesdav and left for a two weeks
stay at Seaside.
Brady Burnett and Harry Hoi
gate are to leave Washington on
the 19th inst for a visit of a month
with Corvallis relatives. It is not
expected that Henry Allen will
come. Mrs Allen may join him
in Washington after the hot sea
son. .
M E Church South-; Preaching
at nam and 8pm Sunday School
at 10 am. Epworth league 7.30
p m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p
m. All are cordially invited to
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdei
Awarded uold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco,
j : : : . . ;. .
Music Lessons
Mordaunt Goodnough will teach piano
organ and harmony in Corvallis this
summer, Terms
One hour lesson, 65 cents
' One 45 minute lesson, 50 cents ,
One 30 minute lesson ,35 cents
Trunks Delivered 15 cents
limits. Trunk
Anywhere -within city
and grip 25 cents.
John Lenger
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bcughl
Sears the
Signature of
And Recommended Free Rural De
livery Route out of Corvallis
Carriers Examined.
The expectation is that the first
free rural delivery out of Corvallis
will be put in operation in the ter
ritory north of town the latter part
of next month. Special Inspector
Clement, accompanied by Postmast
er Johnson went over the territory
Wednesday, and as a result of the
trip, the establishment of the route
has been recommended.
The route goes north on the
Wells and Sulphur Springs road as
far as Blakes, thence back and
across to O Martin's, thence over
to the Independence road and up
the Albany road to Corvallis. The
distance is 24 miles, and the numb
er of patrons served; nearly 100.
It is regarded as fairly certain that
the department will accept the in
spector's recommendation, and ord
er the route in operation.
During the visit of Inspector
Clement in Corvallis, several per
sons applied for the position of car
ner. and took the required exam
ination. The names of the applic
ants were not learned.
The carrier is paid a salary of
$600 per vear. furnishing his own
The carrier on a rural -delivery
is a traveling postoffice. - He de
livers and receives registered letters
and packages. He attends to money
orders, and is, in fact, the com
plete embodiment of all that is
han!y in the way of mail in the
rural districts. He is among other
things allowed to deliver small
packages of merchandise, for which
he has authority from the depart
ment to collect a small fee for his
own benefit from the parties served.
There are 72,000 or 73,000 post
offices in the United States. It is
expected that the free rural deliv
ery may ultimately eliminate near
ly half of them. The tendency is
to turn the mail business to the
iarger offices and abolish the small-
ones. The new Corvallis route,
if established will eliminate Grang
er. . It is the fourth class offices
that bother the government, and
that cost money. Ultimately, it
is expected that abolition of the
fourth class offices and the saving
thus effect ed will almost pay for
the cost of free rural deliveries.
What elimination of fourth class
offices won't save, increased letter
business is expected to. They say
that within a few weeks after a ru
ral delivery is established, the in
creased use of mails for letters and
papers by patrons is noticed. The
facility makes the increase. Day
by day the letter list grows and the
use of stamps increases, until the
business is doubled, trebled, quad
Panic Among the Latter-Injury at
Football Cost Eugene Man His Leg.
George O Goodall, the popular
U of O student, who was taken to
the train in a stretcher from Eu
gene several months ago to a Port
land hospital to be operated on tor
injury to his knee sustained nearly
a year ago wnen playing iooioaii
with the U of O team, has lost his
leg, the operation being performed
last Saturday.
They say Tracy has designs bri
people named Johnson. Up m
Washington it was lyewis jonnson
that he forced to haul him about
the country, and on Madison Island
it was at John Johnsons house thathe
spent the day, carrying off the hired
man and the white boat wnen ne
left. It was Kent . Johnson that he
made go to Tacoma and buy him a
- . ft A I.J
gun, under tnreat 01 Killing ine lat
ter' s family. In Corvailis, the John
sons are in a state of panic. Bob
ohrison is planning a trip to the
mountains, Burt Johnson has sent
his wife away preparatory to flight
at a moment's notice, and Prof
Charles Johnson keeps his person
cleared for action and handy to a
cyclone cellar.
There are Others
Eugene Guard: A married lady
who resides in the eastern part 01
the city, for a . few days past has
been busy engaged in pamtg her
house while her husband was seat
ed in the shade and moved the lad
der for her occasionally.
Colbert & Gregory Manfy. Co.
. Sash, doors, foldings, furniture and
eneral f Dished lumber. ' .
South Main St. Corvallis Ore.
Sewing Machines Repaired
P.v Cair Austin, the White sewing
machine agent, by notifying Stewart &
Sox, Abany, Urtgcn. uargts mati-ii
b e atd -wcik gv.itttta, ,
S. L. Kline
Agent for Osborne binders and hay
rakes. Full line of groceries iriignest"
price paid for wool .
For Sale
Three good rm
covra see
' A F Hershner
Reduction $ale
Until Jgnqiisf 1st 111
. in
Shirt waists, Summer dress goods
Crash and Duck Skirts will be offered
at Cost
Domestic and staple goods
at big discount.
Lot of Misses Shoes sizes 12 to 3
at One Half Price
mid$unimer Sale!
Our Mid-Summer reduction sale -will begin Saturday
July 12th.
Order of Sale
All Summer goods at cost.
Liberal reductions on all other lines except Douglas
and Walkover shoes, Monarch white shirts, Bull breeches
and Overalls.
All goods sold at reduced prices for cash only..
Big bargains in mens, boys and youths summer suits, "f
Our new fall stock will airive early. "We must make
room for it.
.Weir Stone Fruit Jar.
will not crack when hot fruit A
is put in.
can be sealed or un-sealed by
a child.
never breaks when being se
aled or un-sealed.
excludes the light as well as
the air. 1
enables the user to know if
contents are keeping by a
simple test.. . ;
Pints, Quarts, Half Gallon
at Bodes'-' -0
at Corvallis Times Office.'